Change  the darkness of the words

in the Playlist view the words are not very big or black enough to read.  I have chosen the large fonts in the iTunes preferences.  Is there a way to change this so it is readable for me.
Thanks Dan

Hi Lorna,
You can't change the colors of those links....or of
any iWeb directly. In order to do this,
you will have to delve into the world of manually
editing the CSS files that iWeb puts out. Or at
least edit the graphics files that represent those
links. And then this means you have to make these
editing changes everytime iWeb publishes because it
will overwrite your changes each time.
Here is a tutorial article on changing the look of
the links by our own Michael Wong...
This would be one of those "extras" that are not
included in the basic iWeb that you talked about in
another post.
OK. Michael Wong's site is now Bookmarked in Safari. Since I was up all night figuring out how to change TEXT I will save the esoterica for later when I am better equipped.
Again, thank you for your reply. I shall not waste any more time fiddling with it and yielding no results!
— Lorna in Southern California

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    Do a forum search David
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    Message was edited by: jessicanutrition

    jessicanutrition wrote:
    Is there a settings page within iWeb that manages this?
    Jessica ~ Welcome to the discussions. Most built-in templates have a large header caption at the top of the page and there's the Page tab in iWeb's Inspector — see the section "1) iWeb Page Titles" in this article:
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    Also see this article by Google:
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    ...Found by doing THIS.
    In other site builders, such as the free Weebly, SEO is integrated:
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    I have amended your topic title to something more useful.
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    ] X2  à&”MF.∂éÁBfiü´zç;u⁄´ùw ≠˝ ß ,UvSÚr3¿ú§@πßΩrflÊ£ò]U “G—öVqêj˙"
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    - Reset the iPod. Nothing will be lost
    Reset iPod touch: Hold down the On/Off button and the Home button at the same time for at
    least ten seconds, until the Apple logo appears.
    - Reset all settings
    Go to Settings > General > Reset and tap Reset All Settings.
    All your preferences and settings are reset. Information (such as contacts and calendars) and media (such as songs and videos) aren’t affected.
    - Restore from backup
    - Restore to factory settings/new iPod.
    - Make an appointment at the Genius Bar of an Apple store.
    Apple Retail Store - Genius Bar
    or maybe this:
    - iOS: Not responding or does not turn on
    - Also try DFU mode after try recovery mode
    How to put iPod touch / iPhone into DFU mode « Karthik's scribblings
    - If not successful and you can't fully turn the iPod fully off, let the battery fully drain. After charging for an least an hour try the above again.
    - If still not successful that indicates a hardware problem and an appointment at the Genius Bar of an Apple store is in order.

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    I wouldn't make much of an issue for this but to be honest I'm kind of ****** because it's exactly the call I got that app for and it's greyed out stating iOS has privately control of this function, I must probably let you know I am familiar with iOS7 and above but being in the IT communities for almost 27 yrs I can tell no dev would make a UI layout with permanent greyed out functions , right? That must have been active at some earlier point.
    I tried to contact Apple and since it's not an urgent matter I chose the communities support first. I'd like this sorted out because the dev should have either withdrawn the app or update its description, and I'm not familiar with Apple's screening procedure regarding AppStore..
    Any input will be much appreciated.

    I wouldn't make much of an issue for this but to be honest I'm kind of ****** because it's exactly the call I got that app for and it's greyed out stating iOS has privately control of this function, I must probably let you know I am familiar with iOS7 and above but being in the IT communities for almost 27 yrs I can tell no dev would make a UI layout with permanent greyed out functions , right? That must have been active at some earlier point.
    I tried to contact Apple and since it's not an urgent matter I chose the communities support first. I'd like this sorted out because the dev should have either withdrawn the app or update its description, and I'm not familiar with Apple's screening procedure regarding AppStore..
    Any input will be much appreciated.

  • How can I change the word count not to include the words in foot notes?

    Can anyone tell me how to do this?

    I don't think that is possible, it does what it does.

  • How to change the color for HTML words in JEditorPane?

    Hi Sir,
    In the JTextPane , we could change the word's color by using:
    Style style = doc.addStyle("test",null);
    we can change the text into red color,which range is from 10 to 30.
    But how to change the color for HTML words in JEditorPane?

    you can use an AttributeSet to apply the foreground color. Let's say, doc is a HTMLDocument, then SimpleAttributeSet set = new SimpleAttributeSet();
    doc.getStyleSheet().addCSSAttribute(set, CSS.Attribute.COLOR, "#0D0D0D"); would apply a color to a given AttributeSet. The AttributeSet with your color then can be applied to a selected range of text in a JEditorPane by   /**
       * set the attributes for a given editor. If a range of
       * text is selected, the attributes are applied to the selection.
       * If nothing is selected, the input attributes of the given
       * editor are set thus applying the given attributes to future
       * inputs.
       * @param editor  the editor pane to apply the attributes to
       * @param a  the set of attributes to apply
      public void applyAttributes(JEditorPane editor, AttributeSet a) {
        ((HTMLDocument) editor.getDocument()).getStyleSheet().addCSSAttribute(set, CSS.Attribute.COLOR, "#0D0D0D");
        int start = editor.getSelectionStart();
        int end = editor.getSelectionEnd();
        if(end != start) {
          doc.setCharacterAttributes(start, end - start, a, false);
        else {
          MutableAttributeSet inputAttributes =
            ((SHTMLEditorKit) editor.getEditorKit()).getInputAttributes();
      } Ulrich

  • [CS 4] Is it possible to change the font preview word? (eg: default is 'sample')

    Hello Adobe Community,
    I know that with past versions, changing the word that was used to preview fonts ('sample') was not possible (in 2006 anyway). But, because I believe CS4 came out in 08, I was wondering if this was a feature that had been implemented since then for CS4.
    If it wasn't done for CS4, is it currently availible for CC? It would be a great feature to have! I know you can change the preview size (which helps a lot) but changing the word would be awesome if you're doing a 'try out' for how a specific phrase looks and want to glance at the preview list instead of going through each font with the arrow keys to change it.
    Thanks all!

    One trick that has worked for me is to open a new file. Then using the Type Tool, I would type out a phrase or paragraph.
    Do not commit the type, instead use Ctrl or Cmd a to select the entire typed phrase.  Then Ctrl/Cmd h to hide the highlight
    without deselecting.
    From there, you can try different fonts, font color, styles and sizes and see a live preview of what it looks like and make notes so as to narrow down your choices.
    You can also use this trick on an actual project, such as a poster or flyer.
    I hope that answers it for you and if it works as expected,no need to upgrade unless there are other reasons.

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