Chapter markers will not export

I am unable to export my chapter markers when exporting an FCE sequence to Quicktime Movie. They are sequence chapter markers with <chapter> tags. Tried with All Markers setting as well as Chapter Marker and DVD Studio Pro settings. Chapters do not show up when movie is opened in Quicktime Player, much less iDVD. I tried trashing FCE prefs. Made sure there were no conflicting markers (i.e. markers within 1 sec of each other). Very frustrating. Anyone with an insight?

Yes, I've read this set of instructions about twelve times now. As I indicated in my post, they are green timeline-sequence markers. Not little pink clip markers.

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    No background at all? not just bleed not showing?
    If it's restricted to this file, try Remove minor corruption by exporting
    If it's all files, Replace Your Preferences

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    Draw Engineering

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    It sounds like you tune is an .m4p file - p=protected and has DRM.
    Previously you could get the + version which was a .m4a file with no protection/DRM.
    The + option has been replaced with iTunes Match - $24.99 a year.
    A better option if you have a .m4p file would be to repurchase the .m4a version from the iTS unless you want to update your entire library with iTunes match.

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    Usual fix: reinstall the app:
    To re-install iPhoto
    1. Put the in the trash (Drag it from your Applications Folder to the trash)
    2. Download it from the App Store to reinstall It's on your Purchases List* there.
    *Sometimes iPhoto is not visible on the Purchases List. it may be hidden. See this article for details on how to unhide it.
    One question often asked: Will I lose my Photos if I reinstall?
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    Does anyone have a workable answer to this issue.

    The other work around that I've found is to tell it "send to iDVD" but then quit iDVD when it pops that up. You'll end up with just the quicktime file it created.
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    I don't use audio, so I don't know how that would work in this cheat, but since your voiceover (I'm guessing based on trying to put music to my slides) is one entire track, you can add that in FCE before that export and line it up there.
    If anyone else has suggestions to get a 29.97 export correct with the "export to quicktime", I'd love to hear it. This cheat takes too long for my work.

  • Slideshow will not export how do i fix this?

    in iphotoslideshow will not export how do i fix this?

    Back in your own account try this:
    Apply the two fixes below in order as needed:
    Fix #1
    Launch iPhoto with the Command+Option keys held down and rebuild the library.
    Select the options identified in the screenshot. 
    Fix #2
    Using iPhoto Library Manager  to Rebuild Your iPhoto Library
    Download IPhoto Library Manager 4 for OS XC 10.6.8 and iPhoto  8.1.2 and later  or iPhoto Library Manager 3 (for OS X 10.5.8 and iPhoto 7.1.5 and earlier) and launch.
    Click on the Add Library button, navigate to your Home/Pictures folder and select your iPhoto Library folder.
    Now that the library is listed in the left hand pane of iPLM, click on your library and go to the File ➙ Rebuild Library menu (iPLM 3) or Library ➙ Rebuild Library menu (iPLM 4) option.
    In the next  window name the new library and select the location you want it to be placed.
    Click on the Create button.
    Note 1: This creates a new library based on the LIbraryData.xml file in the library and will recover Events, Albums, keywords, titles and comments but not books, calendars or slideshows. The original library will be left untouched for further attempts at fixing the problem or in case the rebuilt library is not satisfactory.
    NOTE 2: In Lion and Mountain Lion the Home/Library folder is now invisible. To make it permanently visible enter the following in the Terminal application window: chflags nohidden ~/Library and press the Return key - 10.7: Un-hide the User Library folder.

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    Same here. Have exported a handful of movies before..faced this issue for the first time a few days ago. What footage are you trying to edit and export? (E.g. Shot with camera app, other social media apps like Snapchat, Vine, Instagram?)
    I did some troubleshooting..
    I was putting together all saved videos from Snapchat.. no luck. Export screen comes up, but progress bar doesn't move.
    Mixed some footage in there shot with actual iPhone camera app.. no luck.
    Removed all Snapchat footage.. it worked straight away.
    BUT ... it would make sense if I didn't just compile a bunch of Snapchat vids a few weeks ago and export them just fine?
    So it's something to do with the actual footage I assume?

  • Will not export one of 3 audio layers

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    Thanks, the file in question …as it turns out was only one of the tracks (not “layer”…sorry), albeit the main track.
    I found it as a low res sample off the net. I then slowed it down to 17% - and it sounded great on the timeline. I’ve used it in 2 projects. The first one had no problem.
    However in the project in question, no matter what I tired –converting it to WAV in Premiere or whatever, It would play fine on the timeline, but not play when exported (to any format). I took the same file and re rendered it in Soundbooth as a stereo file –both mp3 and the much larger wav, and tied it again. Both files then would export…but the sound mysteriously changed pitch (without using any effects). I then threw up my hands and used Windows sound recorder. This worked. I converted the Windows media file to a wav and mp3 files…and they both work. Very odd!
    BTW I prefer mp3 since it saves space, and I’ve had no inherent problem with them and cannot tell the difference with the audio with high quality Mp3s.

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    will not export photo. pop up says Some export operations were not performed. This file could not be opened(1). Also when I try to add a key word to photo
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    <moved from Downloading, Installing, Setting Up to Photoshop Lightroom>

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