Character for subbullets

Just wondering if there is a standard to use for sub-bullets in professionally designed documents (such as brochures).
Hollow bullets are standard for non-pro documents, such as reports, but I have never seen them used in pro pieces designed for public.
Usually I try to rework the text to avoid sub-bullets altogether, or do not put anything in front of them, but have a case now where it looks unavoidable.
Anyone have any insight into this?

> I don't like mixing numbered items and with bulleted items.
My rule is that you use numbers when things have to happen in that order, and bullets when it doesn't matter. So steps in changing a transmission would be numbered, but a list of parts in one of the steps could be bulleted.
I prefer the en bullet, although many professional designers prefer smaller, as small as a centered period. (Never, ever use an em bullet, which makes it look like someone attacked your page with a .45 magnum).

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    Your first suggestion is the only way to capture the last page of a book that's comprised of independent document files. The last page number text variable works only within a single document.
    Anyone who wants a last page in book text variable badly enough can post a feature request at Wishform.
    Peter Gold
    KnowHow ProServices    
    Arïel wrote:
    Stop press!
    You can also, much more simply, create a new text variable. There is
    specifically one for "last page number". That's much simpler.
    Type>Text Variables>Define>New, and in the Type dropdown just select
    "last page number".

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                object objLock = new object();
                //VirtualStream objInputStream = null;
                //VirtualStream objOutStream = null;
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     FROM '<file name>' WITH  
      , KEEPNULLS  
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    To load that file with BULK INSERT, use this format file:
    1 SQLCHAR 0 0 "\""      0 ""    ""
    2 SQLCHAR 0 0 "\",\""   1 col1  Latin1_General_CI_AS
    3 SQLCHAR 0 0 "\",\""   2 col2  Latin1_General_CI_AS
    4 SQLCHAR 0 0 "\"\r\n"  3 col3  Latin1_General_CI_AS
    Note that the format file defines four fields while the fileonly seems to have three. The format file defines an empty field before the first quote.
    Or, since you already have a .NET program, use a stored procedure with table-valued parameter instead. I have an example of how to do this here:
    Erland Sommarskog, SQL Server MVP, [email protected]

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    Thanks a lot for you inputs.
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    A small tweak may solve your problem:
    Instead of :
    CONCATENATE wa_condstr ' bukrs = ' pa_bukrs INTO wa_condstr SEPARATED BY space.
    CONCATENATE wa_condstr ' bukrs = ' 'PA_BUKRS' INTO wa_condstr SEPARATED BY space.
    Then use this in SELECT.
    Anyways for your answer the escape character for apostrophe is an apostrophe )
    Try this you will understand:

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    Oh, I do apologise. I saw the character on wiki and assumed it was a character, rather than a graphic.
    Usually, to create interesting unicode characters, you can combine diacritics. For instance, xbar is X followed by ¯;

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    You might be able to find a hack in this document
    And in the meantime, you can kudo this suggestion
    - Cheers, Ed

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    Akshay Adivarekar
    Akshay Adivarekar

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    this is the error which i am getting in ssis.
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    Akshay Adivarekar

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    Hi Irvin,
    If you see a crazy corrupt password, I'd delete that item, ythen login yo AIM or Yahoo again to create a new one, unless you don't remember your PW, then try Keychain First Aid under the Window Menu item, then either check the Password under that item, change it, or delete it and start over.
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    Please provide more detail of what it is you need to know and why?

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    No you dont need to define 0GLACCEXT as a compounding of 0CHRT_ACCTS .

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    You are right, it does seem a little silly :) But at that point the compiler is only reading the source file, it doesn't know whether the bytes are in a part of the program that ends up being parsed to a comment or not. With the lexical translation of unicode escapes to real characters it's more complicated than just keeping track of line breaks, stars, and slashes. For instance this commented "line" prints hello because \u000a is just as good as a hard line break:// Say hello: \u000a System.out.println("hello");> I'm still not sure why it compiles successfully sometimes; there must
    be something in my environment related to the default encoding that
    differs from my cron's environment.
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    Carriage Return, Line Feed, Form Feed
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    but what are characters for line feed and form feed

    uncle_alice wrote:
    jverd wrote:
    remus.dragos wrote:
    I forgot that it does not exist in Java. A good thing
    from my point of view.Running the following makes my computer beep.
    public class Bell {
    public static void main(String... args) {
    Sure, sending a BEL character to the console rings the bell, but that has nothing to do with Java. Anyway, I think he meant Java doesn't support the \a escape sequence in string and char literals.
    >I forgot that it does not exist in Java. A good thing
    from my point of view.
    Running the following makes my computer beep.
    public class Bell {
    public static void main(String... args) {
    } Sure, sending a BEL character to the console rings the bell, but that has nothing to do with Java. Anyway, I think he meant Java doesn't support the \a escape sequence in string and char literals.
    Ah, I thought he was saying Java doesn't support ringing the bell.

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    Thanks & Regards!
    Go to Solution.

    That would be for the write. The poster is asking about the read. For the read you will need to write your own read routine. You will basically need to use a loop and inside the loop use the VISA Bytes at Serial Port to see if there's any bytes available. Read that many bytes, and append them to a string that you build up in a shift register. After concatenation check to see if you've got the termination characters. If so, the read is done. Fairly simple. Be sure to turn off the termination character enable in the VISA Configure.

  • Problem with chinese character for dot matrix epson LQ-1600K III

    Hi All,
    I really runs out of idea about my problem now. The problem is about Print Chinese character to dot matrix printer (Epson LQ-1600K III). I tried to so many device type to solve this issue, looks like the only device type can be use are CNSAPWIN and CNEPSON with CNSONG font type. The others if I print to the printer, the chinese character became # (although in the print preview it`s okay and display correctly).
    Here is the bottleneck if I use CNEPSON:
    - if I have 2 window at the left and right position, if the left window has chinese character, the right window automatically shift right about 1.5 CM, which is damn weird!!! Can somebody help me
    - I tried so many ways to adjust the line size for my detail window (to cater positioning at pre-printed boxes), but looks the font size always become 10pt and line size cannot be adjustable (based on smartstyle).BUT if I used device type epescp2, it can be done!
    Here is the bottleneck if I use CNSAPWIN:
    - I need to create format type in windows and SAP (SPAD). and every PC that use this printer, must define the Paper size ( China Special paper size 12inch)
    - I also think this is not a good idea because as I far as I know this is not the correct way..
    Therefore, if somebody has experience about printer chinese character to dot matrix for Smartform and sapscript..please kindly help me give some advice.
    Do I use the wrong device type?
    Thanks in advance!

    Hi friends , we are using the same model ....
    Are you using the chinese version operation system ? because we can print the chinese charaters without problem in LQ 1600KIII .....
    We are using CNSAPWIN device type + Frondend printing access method ....
    Carlos Zhang

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