Characters exists in dimension

Hi all,
How many characters can we assign to a dimension i mean max no fo characters and key figures to info cube

I heard some where, 16 is the MAx limit for key fields in a table.And we can maintain 13 dimensions in any cube(other 3 dimensions are default dimensions: Time, package, unit).So (13 * 16) number of characterstics, we can maintain in a Cube.
Key figures:
There is a limit on number columns in table:i.e 254.So 254-16 number of key figures we can include in a cube.
With rgds,
Anil Kumar Sharma .P
Message was edited by: Anil Kumar Sharma

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    Maybe other else can provide better solutions. IF so, please let me know.
    Good luck!

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    Any help or guidance would be appreciated.

    Hmm, no one using MOLAP?
    Message was edited by:

  • M:N relationships within a dimension: Standard process vs. BI Data model

    I just completed a review of the u201CMulti-Dimensional Modeling with BIu201D from this link: and I have a quick question here:
    On page 36 of this link, the author noted that
    u201CAccording to the standard process, color should be in the master data table for material, like material type. But this is not possible because the material is the unique key of the master data table. We cannot have one material with multiple colors in the master data table.u201D
    i.e. my understanding is that, based on Standard Process it is NOT possible to place two characteristics in M:N relationships in the SAME dimension but with BI Data Model, this, the author points out  is possible
    u201Cdue to the usage of surrogate keys (DIM-IDs) in the dimension tables allowing the same material several times in the dimension tableu201D  i.e. although material is the unique key of the dimension.
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    u201CIf you can avoid compounding - do it!
    Compound attributes always mean there is an overhead with respect to:
    Reporting - you will always have to qualify the compound attributes within a query
    Compounding always implies a heritage of source systems and just because it makes sense within the
    source systems does not necessarily mean that it will also make sense in data warehousing.u201D

    Hi Amanda.......
    In a dimension table, any number of semantically related dimension attributes are stored in a hierarchy (parent-child relationship as a 1:N relationship). If an M:N relationship exists between dimension attributes, they are normally stored in different dimension tables.
    I checked the document.........
    On page 36 of this link, the author noted that
    u201CAccording to the standard process, color should be in the master data table for material, like material type. But this is not possible because the material is the unique key of the master data table. We cannot have one material with multiple colors in the master data table.u201D
    What is being referred here as u201CStandard Processu201D since document is on u201C u2026 modeling with BIu201D?
    Here the first thing that I want to tell u is that............the diagram shown here is Classic Start Schema............since Extended Star Schema will never store Master data in Dimension stores Masterdata in seperate Master data tables..........and nowadays..............Classic Star schema is obsolet.......Dimension table will only store Dimension id and SID......
    Now the Standard process is that..........anything which is Describing a master data..........can be added as an Attribute of that master data.......
    Suppose........Employee is the Masterdata.then Ph no can be one of the Attribute of this master data......
    So this the Standard Process.........but this cannot be followed every time.........why........already explained.....
    It goes on to discuss u201CDesigning M:N relationships using a compound attributeu201C as a solution to the M:N relationship in a dimension.
    What is the need to address this problem with compound attributes if characteristics in M:N relationships within a dimension, such as material and color, are not a problem in BI Data Model?
    Bcoz ..........we use compounding Characteris tic to define the Master data uniquely.........and we load compounding Characteristic seoerately...which is independent of the Master Characteristic there is a seperate master data ..........problem resolved......
    Can you help explain the underlined cautions of the following guidelines for compound attributes (with examples if possible please):
    u201CIf you can avoid compounding - do it!
    Compound attributes always mean there is an overhead with respect to:
    Reporting - you will always have to qualify the compound attributes within a query
    Compounding always implies a heritage of source systems and just because it makes sense within the
    source systems does not necessarily mean that it will also make sense in data warehousing.u201D
    For Compounding Characteristic............u hav to laod the Coumpoundede master data seperately..which is a overhead...........moreover while query execution......two tables will be accessd..which may result a performance issue.......Performance can be affected when compounded characteristics are used extensively, particularly when a large number of characteristics are included in a compounding. In most cases, the need to compound is discovered during data modeling.

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    Its urgent. Please help.

    The simple and easy way to check
    non-unicode character sets are not supported on unicode system any longer. Am I right?
    Transaction code i18N
    trouble shooting --> printing  test --> smartforms --> multiple scripts, select your output device and see print preview. it will display all supported characters.
    I guess, above information will be useful for closing the thread.

  • Error while processing dimension!!

    Hello Experts,
    We are using BPC 7.5 M sp04, I am trying to add a "Parenth6" column to the "Org" dimension (Org dimension already has Parenth1 to Parenth5 columns), After adding the "Parenth6" column I tried processing the dimension and it is showing below error:
    "-OLEDB error: OLE DB or ODBC error: Cannot create a row of size 9052 which is greater than the allow maximum row size of 8060.; 42000.Errors in the OLAP storage engine: An error occurred while the dimension, with the ID of 'CDNPLAN', Name of 'Org' was being processed.
    Server: The current operation was cancelled because another operation in the transaction failed."
    Please Advice.
    Thanks & Regards,

    Hi Rohit
    This will help you understand the error .
    Client is receiving following error message when processing a dimension:
    DetailMsg - OLE DB error- OLE DB or ODBC error- Cannot create a row of size 8124 which is greater than the allowable maximum of 8060.
    As a workaround to this error, client attempted to reduce the number of characters in the dimension's mbr table in the PARENTHx columns from 50 to 20 to mach the size of the memberid field.  However validating and processing the dimension returned the mbr table size back to the 50 character length.
    An Enhancement Request has been logged under IM 3535477 2010. The Enhancement Request (ER) will be considered in terms of future product development when considering possible new features in the next major release. Please note that the ER may or may not be included depending on various factors.
    As a workaround, client removed several properties to get the number of row size record bytes below 8060 so the dimension was able to process.
    Please view this note
    1098757 - CubeProcess : OLE DB error: OLE DB or ODBC error: Cannot cre
    Hope this helps.
    Juan Pablo

  • Not able to un-merge a dimension in webi report

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    I have 6 data providers in my webi report all of those 6 have sales order number in common. The report refreshes fine but a new requirement came in where I had to add another query (data provider) which also has the sales order number.
    Now in the report I need to merge the new query's sales order number with the existing merged sales order number. When I un-merge the existing sales order number; webi just does not respond.
    Any ideas? thanks in advance.

    The way I resolved this is:
    1- Removed Sales Order Object from all the existing queries. (the variables that were using the sales orders broke)
    2- Added a new data provider query in webi; then added sales order objects in all the data providers.
    3- Merged the Sales Order objects in the webi report.
    4- fixed all the variables with calculations requiring sales order object.
    5- Dragged the Sales Order object to the report body.
    I hope to see an option in future where we don't have to do all this just to add a new data provider query to an existing report that uses merged dimensions. Because its just a waste of time re-doing things.
    There should be an option to merge new dimensions to the existing merged dimensions in the webi report.

  • Check special characters in a string

    Hi all
    I am using oracle 10g.......
    Need to know what should be the query to check whether a special character exists or not in a column value....used the following query like.....
    select count(*) into emp_no_count_special_char
    from dual
    where REGEXP_LIKE(insert_data_rec.emp_no , '[#!$^&*%./\|]$' )
    or REGEXP_LIKE(insert_data_rec.emp_no , '^[#!$^&*%./\|]' );
    This works fine in case a string starts or ends with a special character ,what if a string of special characters lies in between numeric digits.
    e.g: '100#$%7'
    Please help find a query that checks for the existence of sp. characters irrespective of their position in the column!!!
    Edited by: Dave on Jun 6, 2012 5:17 AM
    Edited by: Dave on Jun 6, 2012 5:18 AM

    Hi Dave,
    example below:
    -- Check that at least one special character exists in the string
      INTO emp_no_count_special_char
    WHERE REGEXP_LIKE (insert_data_rec.emp_no, '[#!$^&*%./\|]');
    -- Check that no special characters exist in the string
      INTO emp_no_count_special_char
    WHERE NOT REGEXP_LIKE (insert_data_rec.emp_no, '[#!$^&*%./\|]');

  • Date Dimension not updating correctly

    My current date dimension underlying data was due to expire soon so I set about trying to create a new one.
    I got hold of the script that it was based and went about re-creating the data like for like.
    I pointed the date dimension at this new data structure and it all processed fine.
    When I was doing some testing I noticed althought the total figures were fine, some of the year figures were a little off compared to the underlying data.
    I found that dates such as 31/12/2012 were being classified as year 2013. The month was also being classified as January but the date was still showing as 31 December 2012
    I switched the date dimension back to the old structure and all year numbers were fine.
    I decided to recreate the Date Dimension in the cube using the same structure as the current date dimension and when it processed with the new data structure all the numbers are correct.
    I tried clearing cache but I am baffled as to why the new data structure won't work with the existing Date Dimension but will work with a newly created date dimension in the same cube?

    I seemed to have solved it (although I am still testing), there was a data diffrence in the week key and that it was over lapping with the end of the year so I changed it to match what I already had.
    It still doesn't explain that before making the change when I created a new dimension it seemed to work ok.
    I had a look at the XML and the only difference that I could see was that the original date dimension had a Time Binding that was generated on the server or the data source.

  • TIME dimension processing fails saying "..attribute key cannot be found.." in EPM 10

    After upgrading from version 7.5 to EPM 10, when we ran a ‘Full Process’ on the TIME dimension, it ran into an error saying “Errors in the OLAP storage engine: The attribute key cannot be found when processing: Table: 'dbo_tblFactCapEx', Column: 'TIMEID', Value: '20090013'. The attribute is 'Time_TIMEID'.  (1/13/2015 2:41:02 PM)”.
    Full error message is attached herewith – ‘Time Dimension Error.txt’
    After researching, we did discover that MONTHNUM needed to be converted to BASE_PERIOD. Re-processed which produced the same error.
    Prior to migration to version 7.5, we ran a full process on TIME dimension there. It completed successfully, confirming the issue is only with version 10.
    Confirmed we could see the TIMEID value of 20090013 in the following places:
    Time Dimension in the appropriate TIMEID attribute column.
    Confirmed mbrTIME table had base member ID with TIMEID attribute filled out correctly.
    Data in tblFactFINANCE could be pulled using that TIMEID
    We truncated all the records in all the fact tables associated to this TIME dimension.
    Eventually, when none of the tables had any records, the TIME dimension then processed successfully.
    We this began to suspect the issue may not really be related to bad records.
    We conducted one more test to confirm this.
    Using an input form in EPM 10, we manually entered data in one of the models (at this point none of the fact tables have any records)
    Ran Full Optimize on that model with Compress Database and Index Defragmentation checked – This step failed with the error attached in ‘MatrixRateFullOptimize.txt’
    Ran Full process on Time Dimension – Failed indicating issue with TimeID 2012001 (that’s my manual entry). Attached error report ‘TimeDim Error MatrixRate.txt’
    At this point, the table only contains the manually entered records (no suspected bad records)
    We then suspected there could have been an issue with the upgrade process.
    So we reprocessed all the dimension and optimized all the models in version 7.5, made a new backup and restored it to version 10.
    The issue still persisted!
    At this point, we have tried all the possibilities we could think of. Each time the fact table is populated with records, the TIME dimension process fails indicating ‘the attribute key’ cannot be found.
    There is probably something in the OLAP partition that is not able to link the dimension attributes to the cubes.
    Additional Information:
    Please find attached the existing Time Dimension – TimeDimensionMembers.xlxs
    Version of Excel used: Excel 2007, SP3 MSO (12.0.6683.5000)
    System Specs: Please see screenshot below.

    Thank you all for responding! This issue is resolved.
    Here’s what the issue was:
    The time structure is TOTAL >> Years >> Quarters >> Months (e.g. T.ALL >> 2012.TOTAL >> 2012.Q1 >> 2012.P01)
    As shown in the screenshot below, the LEVEL for ‘T.ALL’ member was set to YEAR, which is incorrect (we can’t have Year rolling up to a Year)
    We changed the LEVEL to ‘TOTAL’ and this fixed the issue!!
    If only it gave a better error message than the “..attribute key not found” message

  • ODI Planning Attribute Dimension

    I have an existing Product dimension that was created via ODI to Planning -- the Product Dim loads fine. Then I attached an attribute dimension called "Product Line" to it using custom attributes. I added four attributes to attach to products. Then re-reversed the Planning application in ODI Planning Model. I can see "Product Line" attribute load dimension (to load new attributes) in the Dimension hierarchy in ODI. However I cannot see a new Column for "Product Line" under the "Product" dimension in ODI. Am I missing something??

    So adding the manual dimension seemed like it would work. However it gave me an error as it didn't recognize it when I executed the integration. In any event, deleted the planning model, recreated it and reversed it and the field showed up. Fun stuff! Thanks again.

  • Left outer join on Fact and dimension table.

    Hi all, I have a fact F with account number and few measures as columns.
    I also have a dimension D with account number, account name columns.
    Few account numbers from Fact doesnt exist in Dimension D , but they need to show up in the report though.
    How do I left join Fact and Dimension D in RPD?
    I have this report where I need to show Account Number, Account name, measures.
    If D doesnt have certain account numbers, I need to convert that account number from F as string and show it in the report in account name column.
    Can you pls help.

    Ok. I tried this:
    Driving table : Fact, Left outer join -- didnt work.
    Driving table: Dimension D left outer join -- didnt work either
    In either the case, I see physical query as D left outer Join on Fact F. and omitting the rows.
    And then I tried this -
    Driving table: Fact, RIght outer join.
    Now, this is giving me error:
    Sybase][ODBC Driver]Internal Error. [nQSError: 16001] ODBC error state: 00000 code: 30128 message: [Sybase][ODBC Driver]Data overflow. Increase specified column size or buffer size. [nQSError: 16011] ODBC error occurred while executing SQLExtendedFetch to retrieve the results of a SQL statement. (HY000)
    I checked all columns, everything matched with database table type and size.
    I am pulling Fact.account number, Dimension.account name, Fact.Measures. I am seeing this error each time I pull Fact.Account number.

  • Select name without special characters

    I have a table with names, some of which contain special characters('/','\','#','&'). I need to select the names columns with certain conditions.
    1. The name with these special characters should not be picked, esp. when another same name (without the special characters exists
    e.g: if I have 2 entries ABC& and ABC, I should select ABC
    2. If no entries are clear of this special characters, pick the last name.
    e.g: if I have 2 entries ABC& and ABC#, I should select ABC#.
    Please help me device the code for this.

    Try something like this ...
    select version from v$instance ;
    1 row selected.
    create table test_values ( id number, val varchar2(10) );
    insert into test_values values ( 1, 'abc' );
    insert into test_values values ( 2, 'abc' );
    insert into test_values values ( 3, 'abc/' );
    insert into test_values values ( 4, 'abc\' );
    insert into test_values values ( 5, 'abc#' );
    insert into test_values values ( 6, 'def' );
    insert into test_values values ( 7, 'def' );
    insert into test_values values ( 8, '#ghi#' );
    insert into test_values values ( 9, '/ghi/' );
    insert into test_values values ( 10, null );
    select id, val from test_values ;
            ID VAL
             1 abc
             2 abc
             3 abc/
             4 abc\
             5 abc#
             6 def
             7 def
             8 #ghi#
             9 /ghi/
    10 rows selected.
      max(id) keep
        ( dense_rank last
          order by instr(standardized_val,'#') desc, id
        ) as target_id,
      max(val) keep
        ( dense_rank last
          order by instr(standardized_val,'#') desc, id
        ) as target_val
      ( select id, val,
          translate( val, '/\#&', '####' ) standardized_val,
          translate( val, 'x/\#&', 'x' ) clean_val
        from test_values
      ) tv
    group by
             2 abc
             7 def
             9 /ghi/
    4 rows selected.Message was edited by: jfuda - added tags for formatting source

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