Check box: FRM-40105

I am trying to create a 5 check boxes which are non-database fields, based on that selection I will run a repot. When I run the form, I am getting error FRM-40105 error: unable to resolve reference to item 1
I had set the initial value to 0 and when cehcked it is 1, for unchecked it is 0. Please help. Thanks

FRM-40105 error: unable to resolve reference to item 1
check whether item1 exist in your form or not..
go to the property palette of check box
there will be a name under general category at the top i.e CHECK_BOX change this to item1
do the same for the corresponding check boxes
and it will worl

Similar Messages

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    I am getting a FRM-40501 error when attempting to update/change a check box value. There are a few factors in my form setup that could be the problem, I will list them below:
    My initial problem was that my INSERT statement would not trigger to fire (based on an IF statement) when my check box value was not initially set to the value of 'Y', even though the initial value was set to 'Y' in the property palette (value when checked was set to 'Y' and value when unchecked was set to 'N'). So, to remedy this I placed a specific literal select of 'Y' and aliased it back to the name of my check box name in the data block query, like: SELECT 'Y' CB_SELECT_SCHOOL FROM user_schools. Then I changed the check box to a database item (value to Yes when it was No before my "SQL select cheat" in the data block query). This made the initial value 'Y' and satisfied my IF statement before my INSERT statement in my trigger. However, now I can not update the check box item.
    Does anyone know a better way to satisfy the initial value of my check box to 'Y', even though in the initial value parameter for my checkbox is set to 'Y' and forms is not really setting the initial value (when the check box is not set to a database item)?
    Thanks in advance.

    I have fixed my issue.
    I have reverted the check box to not be a database item, removed the "SQL cheat" of selecting 'Y' aliasing my checkbox name in the datablock SQL, and changed the initial value of 'N' in the check box property palette. This will force a change by the user making the check box value of 'Y', satifying my insert when-button-pressed trigger to fire and update the selected row.

  • Check Box functionally lost when visiblity is turned off then back on

    Please pardon my attempt to ask a coherent question for I am new to Oracle Forms!
    I have created a canvas using the layout wizard against an Oracle table. I needed to provide the means to select mulitple records for DELETION; so, I created a check box item beside the database items to allow the ability to select records to delete. I also allow the user to query this table in query mode against a couple of columns to help isolate records to be deleted. So far, I have gotten the expected functionality from the check box on the initial query of this form.
    Now, heres my problem!
    When I try to reduce the query result while in "ENTER_QUERY" (F7) mode, I intentionally make my check box item invisible. The thought being "I should not allow users opportunity select records for deletion while in the process of querying the table to fetch the records you will be deleting from!" Once I press F8 to execute the my query, I issue the following statements in my KEY-EXEQRY trigger:
    My results are displayed along with the check box to select records for deletion!
    At thsi point, the functionally of the check box no longer works!
    I get a forms error "(FRM-40200) Field is protected against update."
    I look in the Property Palette under the Physical section and the Visible attribute is set to "Yes"!
    Can someone tell me why turning the visible attribute "OFF*" and then back "*ON*" caused the lost functionity?*
    What must I do to get this functionally back without abandoning this design premise?+
    Is there some other attribute settings I must reset in addition to the two set_item_property issued above?+
    Thanks in advance!

    Add to your code following statement
    and hopefully that should take care of your problem.

  • How to check/uncheck all check boxes in an insert-not-allowed block

    Hi All,
    I have a column of check box which is placed in a multirow block. This block's INSERT_ALLOWED property is set to false. The column of check box is not a database item and its insert_allowed property is to true. Now I use the following code which is in when-button-pressed trigger to control checking/unchecking all the check boxes:
    :cb_payflag:= 'N'; -- uncheck the check box
    exit when (:system.last_record = 'true');
    end loop;
    It gives me 'FRM-41051 Cannot create records here' error, and it goes into an infinite loop. It looks like it never reaches the last record where the block actually contains two records.
    Please help!
    Thanks in advance.

    It sounds like your block does not have a field where the cursor focus can go when looping through the records. Create a dummy non-db field in the block which is enabled and has insert/update allowed. see if it then works. If it does then you can shrink the field down to 1x1 pixels with no border so the user cannot ever click on it and it's invisible.

  • How to disable/read-only check box in Receiavbles receipt application forms

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    2- Due to 1 point I tried using disable that check box but it is show some error 'frm-41017 cannot set update allowed attribute of non-enabled item'.
    Please advice how can I achieve this.
    Requirement is if a receipt is related to some order then user should not allow to un apply this line from applications if it is manually applied to some invoice or credit memo then user can un apply this line from receivable application lines.
    Thanks & Regards

    Looks like your question is about the E-Business Suite version of Receivables.  As this forum is dedicated to the Fusion line of applications, please repost your question in the EBS forums to increase your chances of getting a helpful reply.
    Fusion Apps Developer Relations

  • Validating forms using check boxs

    hi i am trying to validate a form using check boxs where all of the elements have the same name. Using the code below it enables validation when only one check box is available, however with muliple check-boxs it goes into and eternal loop and never executes the code! Any help on this matter would be most appreciated.
    <SCRIPT language="javaScript">
    function validate()
    if (!document.myform.pkey.checked)
    alert("Please Select a Questionnaire to delete!!");
         return false;

    When you have multiple checkboxes with same name, it will form an array of check boxes. So you have to validate them as below.
    //checkbox selected,can give any action
    // checkbox not selected,give alert

  • Check box problum

    Hi master
    I use master detail form
    I have colum is name active and datatype is number
    I set property of check box
    Name                active
    Datatype          number
    Max len          1
    Check               yes
    Database item           yes
    Colum name          active
    But when I run form then give me that error
    FRM-30174: Checked and Unchecked check box values must be distinct.
    Check Box ACTIVE
    Item: ACTIVE
    Block: cahrtofacc
    FRM-30085: Unable to adjust form for output.
    Please give me idea or sample
    Thanking you

    Set the properties
    Value when Checked
    Value when Unchecked
    to different values and consider setting
    Check Box Mapping of Other Values

  • How to print Check Box in smartform

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    u can print a check box in different ways.. by inserting symbols and making window as check box..
    once go through the thread u will get to k now differnt ways
    putting checkboxes in smartform?
    Please Close this thread.. when u r problem is solved. Reward all Helpful answers
    Naresh Reddy K

  • How to select One Check Box at a time

    Dear All
    I have 10 records in details blok and also I have 10 check boxes .
    I want user can only check one check box at a time .
    For example If first record I have checked and i am trying to check the last record then the first record UNCHECKED and the last record will checked .
    Like how redio buttons work ..
    How can i do that ..?
    I have done like this :-
    1st I have declare a global variable in PRE_FORM :GLOBAL.CNT := 'N';
        IF :GLOBAL.CNT != N THEN
            :EMP.CHK := Null
       HERE what to write ???
            :GLOBAL.CNT := Y;
        END IF;
        :GLOBAL.CNT := N;
    END IF;Edited by: LuKKa on Aug 29, 2012 1:12 PM
    Edited by: LuKKa on Aug 29, 2012 1:13 PM

    An easier method would be to use a Calculated Field to summarize the value of your CHECKBOX Item. For example, add a non-table item (call it SUM_CHECKED) to your detail block and do not assign it to canvas - so it will not be displayed. Then set the following properties of the SIM_CHECKED item:
    Database Item = No
    Calculation Mode = Summary
    Summary Function = Sum
    Summarized Block = <YOUR DETAIL BLOCK>
    Summarized Item = <YOUR CHECKBOX ITEM>
    Next, you will need to change your Detail Block property Query All Records to YES (this is required for the Calulated Item).
    Now, make sure your checkbox is data type NUMBER and has the following minimum properties set:
    Data Type = Number
    Maximum Length = 1
    Initial Value = 0
    Value when Checked = 1
    Value when Unchecked = 0
    Check Box Mapping of Other Values = Not Allowed or Unchecked
    Now, in your Checkbox Item's When-Checkbox-Changed trigger add code similar to this:
       --Reset the checkbox
       MESSAGE('You can only check one item.');
       Message(' ');
       RAISE Form_Trigger_Failure;
       END IF;
    END IF;I have confirmed this method works and it is more efficient than looping through your records to see if other checkboxes are checked.
    Hope this helps,
    Craig B-)
    If someone's response is helpful or correct, please mark it accordingly.

  • Preventing disabling of check box - item okay in MIGO

    Dear all,
    In the MIGO transaction - during goods receipt for subcontractor material, when the item (incoming) is checked as item okay - automatically the child material (Material sent to subcontractor) is also activated thereby to enable 543 movement.
    Unfortunately some of the users are disabling the check box (for the material sent to the subcontractor). This prevents depletion of stock from the subcontractor but inflates the stock of the incoming material.
    Is there any way - either by authorisation check to prevent users disabling the check box or other methods?
    Experts suggestion is required in this regard.
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Magesh,
    it is possible. use Badi enhancement
    MB_MIGO_BADI goto
    tell your abaper to put the logic like
    parent ID and subcomponent ID need to select
    if either of two is not selected
    then error message will prompt not to save the GR doc since subcomponent is unselected.
    reference field EKPO check PSTYP
    hope this help you.
    Edited by: Maia on Apr 18, 2008 3:07 PM

  • Free Goods check box in PO, for Services

    Is there any way to activate the Free goods checkbox for Services (item category 'D') in Purchase Order.
    This field seems not to be available in the screen layout.
    Your support is highly appreciated.

    Per SAP Note 0000634395, activation of Free Goods Check box for services in not possible.
    Though there is an option to make the services unaccountable, by marking the service as contingency item in the service details from the services tab.
    The subitem total is the aggregate of the subitem net values. This subitem total excludes subitems marked as contingency or alternate lines.
    Please refer to the link provided;

  • Return Item and Free goods check box in purchase order

    Hi Guru:
    I just got the question regarding the return item and free goods check box,my question is that if I check the free good check box,then the price of the matieral will be charged to zero,however,if I want to issue the return purchase order to the vendor,does I need to check the return box first and then issue the return order to the vendor? Then go to MIGO transaction to select the movement type 122 to return the goods,what's the whole precedure for returning the goods to the vendor,can anybody tell me,very appriated!

    Retun to vendor through have two types....
    One is you have Po created, vendor send the item in that few items have rejected so you need to return the item to vendor......
    here in MIGo chose returrn to vendor selce the PO numbere.... system automaticaly take the movent type 122....
    sencond type is Retun PO..... In Po while creting the PO tick the return indication..
    If you do the GR system will pick 161mopvent type.. ( GR returns)...

  • Unable to see other writer's checked check boxes in comments of shared review

    I'm using Acrobat 3D Version 8 in a Windows XP environment.  We are using SharePoint for shared reviews.
    We are able to see developer's comments, and we can respond back to the comments with a reply.  However, when we use the checkbox to indicate that a comment has been addressed, each writer can only see the checkmarks that she makes.  We cannot see checkmarks made by other writers.
    We have tried selecting the check box, and we have also used the check box icon to select the check box.  We then publish and the the action is accepted as a comment and is published.  But we are unable to see each other's check boxes.

    Solved on my own.
    Simply close BEx Analyzer and restart it again. If still it doesn't work then restart your computer and then run BEx Analyzer again, it will definitely work.

  • How to add unique id to check box in a table

    Hi Experts,
    I have a static table in which more than 500 records appears in the table, so vertical scroll is displaying in the table. In each row, check boxes and text boxes displays with the data. When the check box is selected, I will do the calculation based on the selected check box and displays the calculated value to text control of respected row. To achieve this, I am triggering the event iterating the loop over the context to find which check box is selected. When the page gets refreshed, cursor moves to first record.
    Since all the check boxes having the same id, I am not able to get from which check box this event has got triggered.
    Is there a way to assign unique id to each check box so that I can assign parameter to the control and get from which check box event got triggered. I have tried to generate the table dynamically, even there I couldn't assign id to each check box.
    Please through light on this request

    It is not specific to any platform but common in all whether is CE or 7.0 follow the given procedure
    1. Create a common onLeadSelect of table say it      selectedRow
    2. Assign the same event in onToggle     selectedRow  of checkbox.
    3. Now loop it in such a way that
         if (wdContext.nodeAppinvoiceData().getLeadSelection() >= 0)
                   if (wdContext.currentAppinvoiceDataElement().getIsSelected())
                        for (int i = 0; i < wdContext.nodeAppinvoiceData().size(); i++)
                             boolean flag = wdContext.nodeAppinvoiceData().getAppinvoiceDataElementAt(i).getIsSelected();
                             if (flag)
    Satish Kumar

  • Clearing Check box

    I have to create the credit memo based on user selected records. My program is doing it, but I am having two problems,
    1)After creating the credit memo it is not clearing those records, if I choose next set it is adding 2nd time selected records to the first time selected records and adding to previous credit memo number.
    2)If the credit memo number is already there to a record, it should not allow the same record to create another CM.
    Please help me to solve these.
    TABLES: zppprice, kna1.
    TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_zprice,
              mandt  TYPE mandt,
              vkorg  TYPE vkorg,
              vtweg  TYPE vtweg,
              spart  TYPE spart,
              kunnr  TYPE kunnr,
              matnr  TYPE matnr,
              crdate TYPE zcrdate,
              efdate TYPE zefdate,
              sprice TYPE zprice3,
              eprice TYPE zprice4,
              eohqty TYPE zquantity1,
              aohqty TYPE zquantity2,
              auart  TYPE auart,
              bstkd  TYPE bstkd,
              werks  TYPE werks_d,
              augru  TYPE augru,
              xblnr  TYPE xblnr,
              crmemo TYPE vbeln,
              index  TYPE sy-index,
         END OF ty_zprice.
    DATA: it_ztable TYPE TABLE OF zppprice WITH HEADER LINE,
          gt_zprice TYPE TABLE OF zppprice  WITH HEADER LINE,
          gt1_zprice TYPE TABLE OF zppprice,
          gt2_zprice TYPE TABLE OF ty_zprice,
          gt3_zprice TYPE TABLE OF ty_zprice,
          gt4_zprice TYPE TABLE OF ty_zprice,
          gs_zprice TYPE zppprice,
          gs_zprice1 TYPE ty_zprice,
          ls_zprice TYPE ty_zprice,
          wa LIKE zppprice.
    DATA: salesdocument      TYPE bapivbeln-vbeln.
    DATA: header             LIKE bapisdhd1.
    DATA: headerx            LIKE bapisdhd1x.
    DATA: item               LIKE bapisditm  OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE.
    DATA: itemx              LIKE bapisditmx OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE.
    DATA: partner            LIKE bapiparnr  OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE.
    DATA: return1            LIKE bapiret2    OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE.
    DATA: lt_schedules_in    TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF bapischdl
                                  WITH HEADER LINE.
    DATA: lt_schedules_inx   TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF bapischdlx
                                  WITH HEADER LINE.
    DATA: conditions1        LIKE bapicond OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE.
    DATA: order_text         LIKE bapisdtext OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE.
    DATA: lv_index TYPE sy-index,
          v_tabix TYPE sytabix,
          chbox(1)  TYPE c VALUE ' ',
          repid     TYPE sy-repid,
          lv_itemno TYPE i VALUE 10,
          lv_pprice TYPE zprice3,
          lv_lines  TYPE i,
          lv_flg     TYPE c,
          lv_cnt TYPE i.
    repid = sy-repid.
    PERFORM displaydata.
      CASE sy-ucomm.
        WHEN 'CMEMO'.
          DESCRIBE TABLE gt_zprice LINES lv_cnt.
    *      lv_index = 1.
          DO lv_cnt TIMES.
            lv_index = sy-index + 1.
            READ LINE lv_index FIELD VALUE chbox.
            IF chbox = 'X'.
              READ TABLE gt_zprice INTO gs_zprice1 INDEX sy-index.
              IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
                gs_zprice1-index = sy-index.
                APPEND gs_zprice1 TO gt2_zprice.
                CLEAR gs_zprice1.
    *          ELSE.
    *          WRITE: /01(253) 'Please Select At least One Record'.
            clear chbox.
          gt4_zprice[] = gt2_zprice[].
          SORT gt2_zprice BY vkorg vtweg spart kunnr.
                          COMPARING vkorg vtweg spart kunnr.
          DESCRIBE TABLE gt2_zprice LINES lv_lines.
          IF lv_lines = 1.
            LOOP AT gt4_zprice INTO gs_zprice1.
              AT NEW kunnr.
                MOVE 'Y' TO lv_flg.
              IF lv_flg EQ 'Y'.
                PERFORM headerdata.
                PERFORM texts.
                CLEAR lv_flg.
              PERFORM itemdata.
              APPEND gs_zprice1 TO gt3_zprice.
            PERFORM call_function.
            PERFORM update_pricetable.
            PERFORM errorcheckandcommit.
            PERFORM displaydata.
    *   WRITE: /01(253) 'Please Select Again To Create Another Credit Memo'.
            REFRESH gt2_zprice.
            CLEAR chbox.
            CLEAR lv_lines.
    *          WRITE: /01(253) 'Please Select Same Customer'.
            REFRESH gt2_zprice.
            CLEAR chbox.
    *&      Form  headerdata
    *       text
    *  -->  p1        text
    *  <--  p2        text
    FORM headerdata.
    * header data
    * Sales document type
      header-doc_type = gs_zprice1-auart.
      headerx-doc_type = 'X'.
    * Sales organization
      header-sales_org = gs_zprice1-vkorg.
      headerx-sales_org = 'X'.
    * Distribution channel
      header-distr_chan  = gs_zprice1-vtweg.
      headerx-distr_chan = 'X'.
    * Division
      header-division = gs_zprice1-spart.
      headerx-division = 'X'.
    * Customer PO Number
      header-purch_no_c = gs_zprice1-bstkd.
      headerx-purch_no_c = 'X'.
    * Order Reason
      header-ord_reason = gs_zprice1-augru.
      headerx-ord_reason = 'X'.
    * Ref Doc Number
      header-ref_doc_l = gs_zprice1-xblnr.
      headerx-ref_doc_l = 'X'.
      headerx-updateflag = 'I'.
    ENDFORM.                    " headerdata
    *&      Form  Texts
    *       text
    *  -->  p1        text
    *  <--  p2        text
    FORM texts.
      order_text-itm_number  = '000000'.
      order_text-text_id = '0001'.
      order_text-langu = sy-langu.
      order_text-text_line = gs_zprice1-xblnr.
      APPEND order_text.
    ENDFORM.                    " Texts
    *&      Form  itemdata
    *       text
    *  -->  p1        text
    *  <--  p2        text
    FORM itemdata.
    * Partner data
    * Sold to
      partner-partn_role = 'AG'.
      partner-partn_numb = gs_zprice1-kunnr.
      APPEND partner.
      itemx-updateflag = 'I'.
    * Line item number.
      item-itm_number = lv_itemno.
      itemx-itm_number = 'X'.
    * Material
      item-material = gs_zprice1-matnr.
      itemx-material = 'X'.
    * Plant
      item-plant    = gs_zprice1-werks.
      itemx-plant   = 'X'.
    * Quantity
      item-target_qty = gs_zprice1-eohqty.
      itemx-target_qty = 'X'.
      APPEND item.
      APPEND itemx.
    *Fill schedule lines
      lt_schedules_in-itm_number = lv_itemno.
      lt_schedules_in-sched_line = '0001'.
      lt_schedules_in-req_qty    = gs_zprice1-eohqty.
      APPEND lt_schedules_in.
    *Fill schedule line flags
      lt_schedules_inx-itm_number  = lv_itemno.
      lt_schedules_inx-sched_line  = '0001'.
      lt_schedules_inx-updateflag  = 'I'.
      lt_schedules_inx-req_qty     = 'X'.
      APPEND lt_schedules_inx.
      lv_pprice = gs_zprice1-sprice - gs_zprice1-eprice.
      conditions1-itm_number  = lv_itemno.
      conditions1-cond_type   = 'ZCPP'.
      conditions1-cond_value  = lv_pprice.
      conditions1-currency    = 'USD'.
      conditions1-cond_unit   = 'EA'.
      conditions1-cond_p_unt = 1.
      APPEND conditions1.
      lv_itemno = lv_itemno + 10.
    ENDFORM.                    " itemdata
    *&      Form  call_function
    *       text
    *  -->  p1        text
    *  <--  p2        text
    FORM call_function.
                sales_header_in     = header
                sales_header_inx    = headerx
                salesdocument_ex    = salesdocument
                return              = return1
                sales_items_in      = item
                sales_items_inx     = itemx
                sales_partners      = partner
                sales_schedules_in  = lt_schedules_in
                sales_schedules_inx = lt_schedules_inx
                sales_conditions_in = conditions1
                sales_text          = order_text.
    ENDFORM.                    " call_function
    *&      Form  errorcheck
    *       text
    *  -->  p1        text
    *  <--  p2        text
    FORM errorcheckandcommit.
    * Check the return table.
      LOOP AT return1 WHERE type = 'E' OR type = 'A'.
      break singireddyn.
      IF sy-subrc = 0.
        WRITE: / 'Error in creating document'.
    *Commit the work.
                  wait = 'X'.
    ENDFORM.                    " errorcheckandcommit
    *&      Form  update_pricetable
    *       text
    *  -->  p1        text
    *  <--  p2        text
    FORM update_pricetable.
      LOOP AT gt3_zprice INTO ls_zprice.
        READ TABLE gt_zprice INTO gs_zprice INDEX ls_zprice-index.
        IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
          v_tabix = sy-tabix.
          gs_zprice-crmemo = salesdocument.
          MODIFY gt_zprice
          FROM gs_zprice INDEX v_tabix TRANSPORTING crmemo.
    *  REFRESH:gt3_zprice.
      LOOP AT gt_zprice.
        wa-vkorg = gt_zprice-vkorg.
        wa-vtweg = gt_zprice-vtweg.
        wa-spart = gt_zprice-spart.
        wa-kunnr = gt_zprice-kunnr.
        wa-matnr = gt_zprice-matnr.
        wa-crdate = gt_zprice-crdate.
        wa-efdate = gt_zprice-efdate.
        wa-sprice = gt_zprice-sprice.
        wa-eprice = gt_zprice-eprice.
        wa-eohqty = gt_zprice-eohqty.
        wa-aohqty = gt_zprice-aohqty.
        wa-auart = gt_zprice-auart.
        wa-bstkd = gt_zprice-bstkd.
        wa-werks = gt_zprice-werks.
        wa-augru = gt_zprice-augru.
        wa-xblnr = gt_zprice-xblnr.
        wa-crmemo = gt_zprice-crmemo.
        MODIFY zppprice FROM wa.
        CLEAR: wa, zppprice.
    *&      Form  Displaydata
    *       text
    *  -->  p1        text
    *  <--  p2        text
    FORM displaydata.
      SELECT * FROM zppprice
               INTO TABLE gt_zprice.
      WRITE: /01(253) sy-uline.
      LOOP AT gt_zprice INTO gs_zprice.
        SELECT SINGLE name1 FROM kna1 INTO kna1-name1
                       WHERE kunnr = gs_zprice-kunnr.
        WRITE: /01 sy-vline,
                02 chbox AS CHECKBOX,
                04 sy-vline,
                05 gs_zprice-vkorg,
                10 sy-vline,
                11 gs_zprice-vtweg,
                14 sy-vline,
                15 gs_zprice-spart,
                18 sy-vline,
                19 gs_zprice-kunnr,
                30 sy-vline,
                31 kna1-name1,
                67 sy-vline,
                68 gs_zprice-matnr,
                87 sy-vline,
                88 gs_zprice-crdate,
                98 sy-vline,
                99 gs_zprice-efdate,
                110 sy-vline,
                111 gs_zprice-sprice,
                127 sy-vline,
                128 gs_zprice-eprice,
                145 sy-vline,
                146 gs_zprice-eohqty,
                157 sy-vline,
                158 gs_zprice-aohqty,
                169 sy-vline,
                170 gs_zprice-auart,
                175 sy-vline,
                176 gs_zprice-bstkd,
                212 sy-vline,
                213 gs_zprice-werks,
                218 sy-vline,
                219 gs_zprice-augru,
                223 sy-vline,
                224 gs_zprice-xblnr,
                241 sy-vline,
                242 gs_zprice-crmemo,
                253 sy-vline.
    *    CLEAR zppprice.
      WRITE: /01(253) sy-uline.
    *  CLEAR zppprice.
    *  CLEAR chbox.
    ENDFORM.                    " Displaydata

    Hello Neelu,
    once user select check box and it will create credit memo,so selected records it contains one value would be 'X'.,
    After BAPI FM use delete command where field = 'X'. so it will delete those records. so now you have remaining records.
    do not use exit or someother command,here you are just deleting the internal table data  and so no worries.
    <b>it any of the selected records have CM number can I come out of the loop and exit.</b>
    look at real time requirement ,some time user will select one check box and create credit memo ,again he will select other check boxes too. so use simple delete command.

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