Choose OU from dropdown list in MDT 2012 without using Lite Touch Wizard??

Is there a way to adding a dropdown to an hta and javascript file to allow a dropdown selection of the OU's in your AD container. Right now I have set that up with HTML and javascript but it will not succeed in passing the value over. Or is there a way of
adding a task to the deployment wizard where a dropdown with the xml values of your OU's would show up and prompt? 
Any other ways of making this work would be accepted. We just don't want to use the Lit Touch Wizard on top of our HTA and java.
This is my Java code at the moment.
var oTimer;
// This is the javascript backend for the The BitLocker FrontEnd HTA - CM12 ver 3.0, Jan, 2013.
// report bugs, suggestions, corrections, fixes etc to [email protected] or visit
// Below are the functions used in the HTA
function searchcomputer(searchstring ) {
var WShell = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell");
var oEnvironment = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.SMS.TSEnvironment");
var oExec = WShell.Run ("cscript //NoLogo " + GetScriptRoot() + "\\wnb\\searchcomputerbyname.wsf", 0, true);
return oEnvironment("search_Computer");
function performeComputerSearch() {
var searchString = '';
var searchTextBox = document.getElementById('searchstring_association');
var searchReturnedResult = false;
Clear the drop down from previous searches and add the first default element to the drop down.
var el = document.getElementById("destinationComputerList");
/* Clear drop down list. */
while(el.options.length > 0)
/* Create first element, showing that the user has to select an element from the drop down list. */
var opt1 = document.createElement("option");
opt1.text = 'Select destination';
opt1.value = '';
Drop down blanked and first default value is added.
if( searchTextBox != null ) {
searchString = searchTextBox.value;
if( searchString != '' ) {
searchcomputer(searchString );
var oEnvironment = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.SMS.TSEnvironment");
var currentComputerResourceId = oEnvironment("GetResourceId");
/* When web service returns process the result. */
var html = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM");
/* Here extract the result from the oEnviroment , remeber to create the oEnviorment object if it's not created before. */
var result = oEnvironment("search_Computer");
// alert(result);
/* Retrive all the computers in the search result. */
var anodes = html.selectNodes("//Resource");
/* Create drop down elements base on the */
for (var i=0; i < anodes.length; i++){
var obsolete = anodes(i).selectSingleNode("Obsolete").text;
var resourceid = anodes(i).selectSingleNode("ResourceID").text;
if( obsolete == 'false' && currentComputerResourceId != resourceid ) {
/* Computer is not Obsolete, added it to the drop down. */
var name = anodes(i).selectSingleNode("Name").text;
// alert (name);
var SMSUniqueIdentifier= anodes(i).selectSingleNode("ResourceID").text;
var opt = document.createElement("option");
// Add an Option object to Drop Down/List Box
// Assign text and value to Option object
opt.text = 'ResourceID: ' + SMSUniqueIdentifier + ', Name: ' + name;
opt.value = resourceid;
searchReturnedResult = true;
if( searchReturnedResult == false ) {
alert( "Query for '" + searchString + "' didn't return any computer to make association with, please redefine your search string." );
function makeAssociation () {
/* Make sure that the user has selected a destination computer. */
var el = document.getElementById("destinationComputerList");
var selectedresourceId = el.value;
if( selectedresourceId == '' ) {
/* User havn't selected a computer to make association with. */
alert('No destination computer selected' );
} else {
/* Call the other web service to make the association. */
alert( 'The selected ResourceId is: ' + selectedresourceId);
var answer = makeAssosiationWebServiceCall(selectedresourceId);
if(answer == "True" ){
alert("Successfully Associated Computers");
} else {
alert(answer + 'UnSuccessfully Associated Computers');
function IdentifySCCMDrive()
var fso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
var oEnvironment = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.SMS.TSEnvironment");
var drives = new Enumerator(fso.Drives);
var drive = drives.item();
if(drive.IsReady && fso.fileexists(drive.path + "\\SMS\\data\\TsmBootstrap.ini"))
var fileContents = fso.OpenTextFile(drive.Path + "\\SMS\\data\\TsmBootstrap.ini").ReadAll();
if("MediaType=FullMedia") > -1)
oEnvironment("SCCMDRIVE") = drive.Path;
return drive.Path;
function makeAssosiationWebServiceCall(dest){
var WShell = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell");
var oEnvironment = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.SMS.TSEnvironment");
oEnvironment("ReferenceComputerResourceId") = oEnvironment("GetResourceId");
oEnvironment("DestinationComputerResourceId") = dest;
var oExec = WShell.Run ("cscript //NoLogo " + GetScriptRoot() + "\\wnb\\AddComputerAssociationbyID.wsf", 0, true);
return oEnvironment("AddComputerAssociationByIDResult");
function OnLoad()
var WShell = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell");
var oEnvironment = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.SMS.TSEnvironment");
document.getElementById('txtComputerNew').value = oEnvironment("OSDCOMPUTERNAME");
var oTSProgressUI = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.SMS.TSProgressUI");
if(oEnvironment("TPM_Available") == "True")
document.getElementsByName("RefreshckBoxEnableBitLocker").item(0).disabled = false;
document.getElementsByName("NewComputerckBoxEnableBitLocker").item(0).disabled = false;
document.title = "The CM12 BitLocker FrontEnd HTA";
function inpBoxUser_OnKeyUp(strCaller)
if(oTimer != undefined)
document.getElementById('txtUserRefresh').value = document.getElementById(strCaller).value;
document.getElementById('txtUserNew').value = document.getElementById(strCaller).value;
oTimer = window.setTimeout("doADCheck('" + strCaller + "')", 2000);
function inpBoxComputer_OnKeyUp(strCaller)
if(oTimer != undefined)
// document.getElementById('txtComputerRefresh').value = document.getElementById(strCaller).value;
document.getElementById('txtComputerNew').value = document.getElementById(strCaller).value;
oTimer = window.setTimeout("doADCheck('" + strCaller + "')", 2000);
function doADCheck(strCaller)
strFullName = GetRealName(document.getElementById(strCaller).value);
if (strFullName == "NOACCOUNT") {
document.getElementById('txtUserNew').style.background = "#EC736A";
document.getElementById('txtUserRefresh').style.background = "#EC736A";
document.getElementById('txtUserInfoNew').innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById('txtUserInfoRefresh').innerHTML = "";
else if(strFullName == "SERVFAIL") {
document.getElementById('txtUserNew').style.background = "#FFA61C";
document.getElementById('txtUserRefresh').style.background = "#FFA61C";
document.getElementById('txtUserInfoNew').innerHTML = "SERVER FAILURE";
document.getElementById('txtUserInfoRefresh').innerHTML = "SERVER FAILURE";
document.getElementById('txtUserNew').style.background = "#6EC6F0";
document.getElementById('txtUserRefresh').style.background = "#6EC6F0";
document.getElementById('txtUserInfoNew').innerHTML = strFullName;
document.getElementById('txtUserInfoRefresh').innerHTML = strFullName;
if (document.getElementById(strCaller).value.length == 0) {
document.getElementById('txtUserNew').style.background = "#FFFFFF";
document.getElementById('txtUserRefresh').style.background = "#FFFFFF";
document.getElementById('txtUserInfoNew').innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById('txtUserInfoRefresh').innerHTML = "";
function GetRealName (strUserName)
var WShell = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell");
var oEnvironment = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.SMS.TSEnvironment");
var oExec = WShell.Run ("cscript //NoLogo " + GetScriptRoot() + "\\wnb\\UserNameHelper.wsf /USERNAME:" + strUserName, 0, true);
return oEnvironment("UserFullName");
function GetScriptRoot ()
var oEnvironment = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.SMS.TSEnvironment");
return oEnvironment("SCRIPTROOT");
function Shutdown()
var WShell = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell");
if(window.confirm("Ok to shutdown?"))
WShell.Run ("wpeutil shutdown",0, true);
function Reboot()
var WShell = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell");
if(window.confirm("Ok to reboot?"))
WShell.Run ("wpeutil reboot",0, true);
function closeHTA()
var WShell = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell");
if(window.confirm("Ok to Exit?"))
WShell.Run ("wpeutil shutdown",0, true);
function commandPrompt()
var WShell = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell");
// if(window.confirm("Open Command Prompt?"))
WShell.Run ("cmd.exe /k",1, true);
function cmtrace()
var WShell = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell");
// if(window.confirm("Open Command Prompt?"))
WShell.Run ("cmd.exe /k viewlog.cmd",1, true);
function showreport()
var oEnvironment = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.SMS.TSEnvironment");
function GetSCCMAssignedSite()
var WShell = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell");
var oEnvironment = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.SMS.TSEnvironment");
var oExec = WShell.Run ("cscript //NoLogo " + GetScriptRoot() + "\\wnb\\sitecode.wsf", 0, true);
return oEnvironment("SiteCode");
function IsComputerKnown()
var WShell = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell");
var oEnvironment = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.SMS.TSEnvironment");
var oExec = WShell.Run ("cscript //NoLogo " + GetScriptRoot() + "\\wnb\\IsComputerKnown.wsf", 0, true);
return oEnvironment("IsComputerKnown");
function myFunction()
var myVal = document.getElementById("ADOU").value;
var outPut = "";
switch (myVal) {
case "1":
outPut = "OU=Administrative,OU=Workstations,DC=imo-online,DC=com";
case "2":
outPut = "OU=Development,OU=Workstations,DC=imo-online,DC=com";
case "3":
outPut = "OU=External,OU=Workstations,DC=imo-online,DC=com";
case "4":
outPut = "OU=IT,OU=Workstations,DC=imo-online,DC=com";
case "5":
outPut = "OU=Restricted,OU=Workstations,DC=imo-online,DC=com";
case "6":
outPut = "OU=Sales,OU=Workstations,DC=imo-online,DC=com";
case "7":
outPut = "OU=Service Computers,OU=Workstations,DC=imo-online,DC=com";
function GetComputerName()
var WShell = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell");
var oEnvironment = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.SMS.TSEnvironment");
var oExec = WShell.Run ("cscript //NoLogo " + GetScriptRoot() + "\\wnb\\GetComputerName.wsf", 0, true);
return oEnvironment("GetComputerName");
function GetResourceID()
var WShell = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell");
var oEnvironment = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.SMS.TSEnvironment");
var oExec = WShell.Run ("cscript //NoLogo " + GetScriptRoot() + "\\wnb\\GetResourceID.wsf", 0, true);
return oEnvironment("GetResourceID");
function getUserFriendlyBoolValue( value ) {
if ( value )
return "Yes";
return "No";
function GetTSVersion()
var oEnvironment = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.SMS.TSEnvironment");
sversioninfo = oEnvironment("_SMSTSPackageName");
sHTML = "Task&nbsp;Sequence&nbsp;&nbsp;=&nbsp;&nbsp;" + sversioninfo ;
document.getElementsByName('DivTSVersion').item(0).innerHTML = sHTML;
function GetUSMTVersion()
var fso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
var oEnvironment = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.SMS.TSEnvironment");
var drives = new Enumerator(fso.Drives);
var fileContents = "Unidentified Version"
var drive = drives.item();
if(drive.IsReady && fso.fileexists(drive.path + "\\_smstasksequence\\wdpackage\\usmt\\usmt_rulesets_version.txt"))
fileContents = fso.OpenTextFile(drive.Path + "\\_smstasksequence\\wdpackage\\usmt\\usmt_rulesets_version.txt").Read(25);
sHTML = "USMT&nbsp;RuleSet&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;=&nbsp;&nbsp;" + fileContents ;
document.getElementsByName('DivUSMTVersion').item(0).innerHTML = sHTML;
function ShowUSMTVersion()
var fso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
var oEnvironment = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.SMS.TSEnvironment");
var drives = new Enumerator(fso.Drives);
var fileContents = ""
var drive = drives.item();
if(drive.IsReady && fso.fileexists(drive.path + "\\_smstasksequence\\wdpackage\\usmt\\usmt_rulesets_version.txt"))
fileContents = fso.OpenTextFile(drive.Path + "\\_smstasksequence\\wdpackage\\usmt\\usmt_rulesets_version.txt").Read(25);
sHTML = "USMT RuleSet&nbsp;&nbsp;=&nbsp;&nbsp;" + fileContents ;
document.getElementsByName('DivUSMTVersion').item(0).innerHTML = sHTML;
function ShowVersion()
var oEnvironment = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.SMS.TSEnvironment");
alert('Task Sequence version=' +oEnvironment("_SMSTSPackageName"));
function populateUSMTDropList()
var WShell = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell");
var fso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
var oEnvironment = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.SMS.TSEnvironment");
sHTML = "<option value='NULL'>No Restore</option>\n";
sHTML = sHTML + "<option value='SMP'>SMP (Requires Computer Association)</option>\n";
// sUsmtStorePath = "c:\\USMTStores";
sUsmtStorePath = "\\\\sccm\\USMTStores";
var SubFolders = new Enumerator(fso.GetFolder(sUsmtStorePath).SubFolders);
var folder = SubFolders.item();
sLabel = ;
sValue =;
if ( != "X86" && != "X64")
sHTML = sHTML + "<option value='" + sValue + "'>" + sLabel + "</option>\n" ;
sHTML = "<select id='shareDropDown' name='shareDropDown'>\n" + sHTML + "</select>";
// You need to have a <div> in your HTML with the ID and NAME of divCboList
document.getElementsByName('divUSMTDropDown').item(0).innerHTML = sHTML;
function buildConfirmationMessage( deploymentType, targetUser, targetComputer, dochkdsk, doBackup, doBackupNetwork, doOffline, regionValue, languageValue, BitLockervalue, ADOU, PreProvBitLockervalue, usmtvalue, AUTOComputerName, SCEPvalueRefresh, SCEPvalueNew, EnableBitLockerRefresh, ADOU, EnableBitLockerNew) {
var arr = new Array();
arr[arr.length] = "\r\n";
arr[arr.length] = "Deployment type variable: ";
switch(deploymentType) {
case 0:
arr[arr.length] = "BACKUPOLD";
arr[arr.length] = "\r\n";
arr[arr.length] = "Do CHKDSK: " + getUserFriendlyBoolValue( dochkdsk);
arr[arr.length] = "\r\n";
arr[arr.length] = "Do backup: " + getUserFriendlyBoolValue( doBackup);
arr[arr.length] = "\r\n";
arr[arr.length] = "Do backupNetwork: " + getUserFriendlyBoolValue( doBackupNetwork);
arr[arr.length] = "\r\n";
arr[arr.length] = "Do Offline: " + getUserFriendlyBoolValue( doOffline);
arr[arr.length] = "\r\n";
case 1:
arr[arr.length] = "REFRESH";
arr[arr.length] = "\r\n";
arr[arr.length] = "Do CHKDSK: " + getUserFriendlyBoolValue( dochkdsk);
arr[arr.length] = "\r\n";
arr[arr.length] = "Do backup: " + getUserFriendlyBoolValue( doBackup);
arr[arr.length] = "\r\n";
arr[arr.length] = "Do backupNetwork: " + getUserFriendlyBoolValue( doBackupNetwork);
arr[arr.length] = "\r\n";
arr[arr.length] = "Target user: " + targetUser;
arr[arr.length] = "\r\n";
arr[arr.length] = "AUTO-ComputerName: " + getUserFriendlyBoolValue( AUTOComputerName);
arr[arr.length] = "\r\n";
arr[arr.length] = "Enable SCEP: " + getUserFriendlyBoolValue( SCEPvalueRefresh);
arr[arr.length] = "\r\n";
arr[arr.length] = "EnableBitLockerRefresh: " + getUserFriendlyBoolValue( EnableBitLockerRefresh);
arr[arr.length] = "\r\n";
arr[arr.length] = "ADOU: " + getUserFriendlyBoolValue( ADOU);
arr[arr.length] = "\r\n";
case 2:
arr[arr.length] = "NEWCOMPUTER";
arr[arr.length] = "\r\n";
arr[arr.length] = "RegionValue: " + regionValue;
arr[arr.length] = "\r\n";
arr[arr.length] = "LanguageValue: " + languageValue;
arr[arr.length] = "\r\n";
arr[arr.length] = "Target user: " + targetUser;
arr[arr.length] = "\r\n";
arr[arr.length] = "Target computer: " + targetComputer;
arr[arr.length] = "\r\n";
arr[arr.length] = "AUTO-ComputerName: " + getUserFriendlyBoolValue( AUTOComputerName);
arr[arr.length] = "\r\n";
arr[arr.length] = "Enable SCEP: " + getUserFriendlyBoolValue( SCEPvalueNew);
arr[arr.length] = "\r\n";
arr[arr.length] = "EnableBitLockerNew: " + getUserFriendlyBoolValue( EnableBitLockerNew);
arr[arr.length] = "\r\n";
arr[arr.length] = "BitLockerdropdown: " + BitLockervalue;
arr[arr.length] = "\r\n";
arr[arr.length] = "\r\n";
arr[arr.length] = "Pre-Provision BitLocker: " + PreProvBitLockervalue;
arr[arr.length] = "\r\n";
arr[arr.length] = "USMTdropdown: " + usmtvalue;
arr[arr.length] = "\r\n";
return "Please make sure your selections are ok before proceeding.\nYour Choices:-\n" + arr.join('');
function Proceed(actionToPerform) {
var deploymentType = '';
var targetUser = '';
var targetComputer = '';
var dochkdsk = '';
var doBackup = '';
var doBackupNetwork = '';
var AUTOComputerName = '';
var EnableBitLockerRefresh = '';
var ADOU1 = '';
var EnableBitLockerNew = '';
var doOffline = '';
var regionValue = '';
var languageValue = '';
var BitLockerValue = '';
var PreProvBitLockerValue = '';
var SCEPvalueRefresh = '';
var SCEPvalueNew = '';
var SCEPvalue = '';
var usmtvalue = '';
var oEnvironment = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.SMS.TSEnvironment");
// Extract the values.
switch (actionToPerform) {
case 'Backup':
// alert( 'You have chosen Backup.');
deploymentType = 0;
dochkdsk= document.getElementById('ckchkdsk').checked;
doBackup= document.getElementById('ckBoxFullBackup').checked;
doBackupNetwork= document.getElementById('ckBoxFullBackupNetwork').checked;
doOffline= document.getElementById('ckBoxDoOffline').checked;
case 'Reinstall':
// alert( 'You have chosen Reinstall.');
deploymentType = 1;
dochkdsk= document.getElementById('Refreshckchkdsk').checked;
doBackup= document.getElementById('RefreshckBoxFullBackup').checked;
doBackupNetwork= document.getElementById('RefreshckBoxFullBackupNetwork').checked;
doOffline= true;
targetUser = document.getElementById('txtUserRefresh').value;
targetUser = "EMPTY";
// targetUser = document.getElementById('txtUserRefresh').value;
AUTOComputerName= document.getElementById('RefreshckBoxAUTO-ComputerName').checked;
SCEPvalue= document.getElementById('SCEPckBoxRefresh').checked;
EnableBitLockerRefresh= document.getElementById('RefreshckBoxEnableBitLocker').checked;
ADOU= document.getElementById('ADOU').checked;
case 'Newcomputer':
// alert( 'You have chosen New computer.');
deploymentType = 2;
var regionDrop = document.getElementById('regionDropDown');
var languageDrop = document.getElementById('languageDropDown');
var BitLockerDrop = document.getElementById('BitLockerDropDown');
var usmtdrop = document.getElementById('shareDropDown');
// added code to give targetUser a value if none entered
targetUser = document.getElementById('txtUserNew').value;
targetUser = " ";
// added code to give targetComputer a value if none entered
targetComputer = document.getElementById('txtComputerNew').value;
targetComputer = oEnvironment("OSDCOMPUTERNAME");
//AUTOComputerName = document.getElementById('ComputerNewckBoxAUTO-ComputerName').checked;
SCEPvalue= document.getElementById('SCEPckBoxNew').checked;
EnableBitLockerNew = document.getElementById('NewComputerckBoxEnableBitlocker').checked;
BitLockerValue = BitLockerDrop.options[BitLockerDrop.selectedIndex].value;
ADOU1 = ADOU.options[ADOU.selectedIndex].value;
PreProvBitLockerValue = document.getElementById('ckBoxPreProvBitLocker').checked;
usmtvalue = usmtdrop.options[usmtdrop.selectedIndex].value;
// keep the values case sensitive !! If no type, Backup, Reinstall or New computer image is selected, the click on the Proceed
// image will excute this section (between default: and break;. Keep it clear but DON'T remove the break.
// alert("'" + actionToPerform + "' isn't a valid selection.");
// Ask user if the values are ok to proceed with.
if(window.confirm( buildConfirmationMessage(deploymentType, targetUser, targetComputer, dochkdsk, doBackup, doBackupNetwork, doOffline, regionValue, languageValue, BitLockerValue,PreProvBitLockerValue, usmtvalue, AUTOComputerName, SCEPvalue, SCEPvalue, ADOU, EnableBitLockerRefresh, EnableBitLockerNew) ) ) {
var oEnvironment = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.SMS.TSEnvironment");
var WShell = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell");
switch(deploymentType) {
case 0 :
oEnvironment("DOCHKDSK") = dochkdsk;
oEnvironment("DOBACKUP") = doBackup;
oEnvironment("DOBACKUPNETWORK") = doBackupNetwork;
oEnvironment("DOOFFLINE") = doOffline;
case 1:
oEnvironment("DOCHKDSK") = dochkdsk;
oEnvironment("DOBACKUP") = doBackup;
oEnvironment("DOBACKUPNETWORK") = doBackupNetwork;
oEnvironment("TARGETUSER") = targetUser;
oEnvironment("DOOFFLINE") = doOffline;
oEnvironment("AUTOComputerName") = AUTOComputerName;
oEnvironment("SCEPvalue") = SCEPvalue;
oEnvironment("EnableBitLockerRefresh") = EnableBitLockerRefresh;
oEnvironment("ADOU1") = ADOU;
case 2 :
oEnvironment("RegionValue") = regionValue;
oEnvironment("LanguageValue") = languageValue;
oEnvironment("TARGETUSER") = targetUser;
oEnvironment("OSDCOMPUTERNAME") = targetComputer;
oEnvironment("AUTOComputerName") = AUTOComputerName;
oEnvironment("SCEPvalue") = SCEPvalue;
oEnvironment("EnableBitLockerNew") = EnableBitLockerNew;
oEnvironment("BitLockerValue") = BitLockerValue;
oEnvironment("PreProvBitLockerValue") = PreProvBitLockerValue;
oEnvironment("uddir") = usmtvalue;
if(oEnvironment("_SMSTSMEDIATYPE") && oEnvironment("_SMSTSMEDIATYPE") == "FullMedia") {
oEnvironment("OSDStateStorePath") = oEnvironment("SCCMDRIVE") + "\\DiskBackups";
window.setTimeout('window.close()', 2000);

My issue is it wont complete the task and have to shut down the deployment. 
I am not sure what I am doing wrong in my java function that is not outputting these OU containers.
The movetocomputerOU is specified in the customsettings.ini file below
function MyFunction()
var myVal = document.getElementById("ADOU").value;
var outPut = "";
switch (myVal) {
case "1":
outPut = "OU=Administrative,OU=Workstations,DC=imo-online,DC=com";
case "2":
outPut = "OU=Development,OU=Workstations,DC=imo-online,DC=com";
case "3":
outPut = "OU=External,OU=Workstations,DC=imo-online,DC=com";
case "4":
outPut = "OU=IT,OU=Workstations,DC=imo-online,DC=com";
case "5":
outPut = "OU=Restricted,OU=Workstations,DC=imo-online,DC=com";
case "6":
outPut = "OU=Sales,OU=Workstations,DC=imo-online,DC=com";
case "7":
outPut = "OU=Service Computers,OU=Workstations,DC=imo-online,DC=com";

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    gulfammullingar wrote:
    I Want my iphone 5s unlock code
    This is threadjacking. Where someone posts something in a thread that has nothing to do with the thread. If you want to ask a question, then start your own thread. You won't get an answer here.  But to keep you from having to start a thread, there is no iPhone unlock code.

  • I just downloaded Autocad to my downloads file, how do I take it from there to my Parallels Desktop without using "Windows Explorer"?

    I just downloaded Autocad to my downloads file, how do I take it from there to my Parallels Desktop without using "Windows Explorer"?

    Did you download it from Adobe or a pop up? If it was a pop up do not open it. Make sure you only get it directly from Adobe here:
    There is some malware that poses as Flash, in pop ups.
    Then do as macbig explained double click on the file,
    After you open and install the .dmg reboot your computer to complete the installation

  • Printing from iphone 4s, can you print without using airprint enabled printers

    printing from iphone 4s, can you print without using airprint enabled printers?

    There are other apps that allow printing to various apps.
    I use ePrint; works great for my work and home printers.

  • Can I download photos from my pc to my ipad2 without using iTunes?

    Can I download photos from my pc to my ipad2 without using iTunes?

    You can with an app like this ....
    WiFi Photo Transfer
    Search the app store for more apps like this one.

  • How do I copy pictures from IPad Air to my laptop without using the Cloud?

    How do I copy pictures from IPad Air to my laptop without using the Cloud?

    See this link:  Import photos and videos from your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch to your Mac or Windows PC - Apple Support
    Import media to a Windows PC
    Before importing your media:
    Unlock your iOS device using your passcode, particularly if you've never synced your device with the computer before. Learn more about iOS passcodes.
    Makes sure your iOS device trusts the computer you want to import your media onto. Learn more about "Trust this Computer."
    Windows 8: Learn how to import photos and videos from a camera, phone, or DVD (Windows Help)
    Windows 7 and Windows Vista: Learn how to get pictures from your camera to your computer(Windows Help)
    If your computer doesn't recognize an attached iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch as a camera, and prevents you from importing photos to your computer, learn how to resolve the issue.

  • Choosing the language from dropdown list

    I have a Language dropdownlist which does have 2 languages :-
    1) English
    2) French
    When I select English it should display the text in english , else in french. I have done this using
    <message resources> tag in struts-config.xml using multiple .properties file. Is there any another way to go it without using <message resources> because i what to make it generic irrespective of the view technology that is been used. Please do clarify. Thanks in advance.

    Hi Jansen,
    Let the attribute bound to DDKey be Val in Context.
    You will be putting key-value to DDKey by
    IWDAttributeInfo boutiqueInfo=wdContext.getNodeInfo()..getAttribute(IPrivate<View>.IContextElement.VAL);
    ISimpleTypeModifiable stf1=boutiqueInfo.getModifiableSimpleType();
    IModifiableSimpleValueSet svs=stf1.getSVServices().getModifiableSimpleValueSet();
    To get the text of the dropDown, first get the key of the dropDown selected by
    String key=wdContext.currentContextElement.getVal();
    Now u can get the value of this key from the SVS variable of DDby Key
    String ddValue=svs.getText(key);
    The key is case sensitive, so ensure the case also.
    U can check the existence of the key by
    and value by
    Fahad Hamsa

  • Calculating dynamic values from dropdown lists

    Hi all, here's the noob question of the day
    I'm creating an invoice form in LiveCycle Designer and I'm totally stuck at tax calculations:
    for each product you're able to choose between two tax percentages from a dropdown list and, at the end of the form, I want to show a total amount of each tax.
    unit price
    net price
    red shoes pack
    black shoes pack
    white umbrella
    total net price
    + TAX 4%
    + TAX 7%
    How can I set the + TAX 4% and + TAX 7% fields to grab their respective product rows?
    Sorry for my bad english.. I hope you get the question!

    You woudl have to look at each row inside of a for loop and then determine if that row had 4% or 7% tax. Then you coudl keep a running total of the tax for you calcultions such that when the for loop ended you would have the 4 and 7% totals calculated.
    Make sense?

  • Remove default value from dropdown list

    I am currently working with Acrobat XI Pro version. I want to know whether it is possible to remove the default value from a dropdown list.
    When the list has less than 4 items, it is possible to deselect the default value by pressing the whitespace below. However, when there are more items, this is not possible anymore.
    I have read that you should include a whitespace as item in the item list, however, then you will see an empty list item when people are working with the pdf which is not preferable.
    So, does anyone know how to remove the default value from a dropdown list?

    Ok, I found a perfect workaround for my problem using FormsCentral for Acrobat. Here is what you should do:
    Step 1:
    -   Open FormsCentral
    -   Create New Form (Choose Blank Form)
    -   Click on the dropdown icon to create a new dropdown
    -   Fill in the list items by clicking on the edit (you also can add a label if you want)
    -   Click: File > Save as PDF Form...
    Step 2:
    -   Open the saved PDF (you now see a blank pdf with a dropdown menu)
    -   Click: Tools > Forms > Edit Form (when a popup shows that you should save a copy of the document in order to make changes, press "Save as a copy" and open the pdf copy file with Acrobat)
    -   Select the dropdown, copy the dropdown and paste it in the desired document
    Now you have a dropdown menu without a default choice. Keep in mind that you cannot edit the items in the dropdown, because a default choice will be chosen and you have to use the pdf copy file again. As long as you don't click on a list item, it doesn't choose a default choice.
    It is not a perfect solution, but it works for me.
    Good luck and thanks!

  • Adobe Form Section is Not Showing When Value is Selected from Dropdown List

    Hello Experts
    We have this issue where an ADOBE FORM is embedded in a WEBDYNPRO APPLICATION. 
    When selecting a value from the dropdown field in the ADOBE FORM, some particular section in the ADOBE FORM is not shown.
    Here's the ADS and NW versions that we were using.  We are running on EHP5 landscape.
    - ADS - 7.3 SPS 3
    - NW 7.3 SPS 3
    PS. The same program is working in EHP4 correctly.
    Any idea on how to resolve this issue?

    This is a custom built form, the thing is we just upgraded our system to EHP5 and we are in the test phase. The same form works in system in EHP4.
    Based on the dropdown list selection, there are some sections in the form which are hidden previously will be shown now. when you change the country in the dropdown the new sections appear. The sections will not be visible before you select the couuntry from dropdown.
    Should I upgrade my Adobe live cycle designer version to a higher one?

Maybe you are looking for

  • "this accessory may not be supported" iOs 7.0.3

    Since updating to iOS 7.0.3 I've getting a prompt "this accessory may not be supported" after a few minutes charging. Charging then stops and I've unplug the cable and reconnect, then hopefully get another 5 minutes before the message appears again.

  • Cant sign into iCloud with new update

    As of the new update i can't sign into iCloud. I've tried deleting the iCloud account file in library and my gestures are broken in Safari

  • Firefox stops working (it's not hanging) on restore, have to use Force Quit to end and restart.

    Macbook Pro running Mac OS X 10.6.8 Firefox 8.0 up to date. I installed the 8.0 update. When I re-open the laptop and everything works except Firefox. It doesn't respond at all. I have to Force Quit Firefox then re-open and get the "embarrassing" win

  • I cant find the direction text tool in adobe CC 2014

    I cant find the direction text tool in adobe CC 2014- Adobe Illustrator CC 2014- Adobe Photoshop

  • Form background

    Hey guys, I created a form in DW and added a background image via the page properties window. I can view it just fine in the design window, however, in preview, the background is missing. Is there an extra step to putting a background behind a form,