Class not found during deserialization of descriptor UserSession

I am using JDeveloper (build 767) to deploy an EJB to Oracle 8.1.6 and I get the following error message....
Generating EJBHome and EJBObject on the server...
Class not found during deserialization of descriptor UserSession
*** Errors occurred while deploying the EJB to JServer ***
*** Deployment completed ***
I've tried
a) to deploy all the classes in the project,
b) create a new project step by step,
c) use 'deployejb' and I still get the same error...
Can anyone help? Thanks.

Yep, JDeveloper auto generates the <>.ejb and it is a binary file.
Seems a pretty specific error message....any help available from the JDev team??

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    The problem is I am trying to use JavaMail in an EJB and it gives me the error if I create a javax.mail.Session. If I comment out the Session, deployment is fine. I am thinking that maybe the problem is I am using 8i version 8.1.5 and it only supports java 1.1.8.

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    When I am trying to execute the below code i am getting the following error. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
    Set oFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    If Not oFSO.FolderExists(SavePath) Then
    Set f = oFSO.CreateFolder(SavePath)
    End If
    53 4/11/2014 12:27:22 PM Error:
    Error in <NoName(4).VBS> (Line: 9, Column: 1):
    File name or class name not found during Automation operation: 'CreateObject'
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    any help is greatly appreciated.

    The following script class will write a log file entry. See if it will run for you.
    The script is using a class object that you might not have seen before. A little intro:  The top section is just for testing the class. Normally I just comment this out after the class is working well.  It should run right way. I would save the vbs file in the editor, That way when you are using autoactpath or currentscriptpath variables they will be able resolve the paths.
    LoggingCode_V2.VBS ‏5 KB

  • Class Not Found Error during provisioning

    I am running on jboss-4.0.3-SP1, OIM 9.0.3 latest patch. I am new to this implementation and just rebuilt the dev environment. I am checking the provisioning of the resources and ran into a class not found error.
    The error says:
    2011-10-19 10:23:17,111 DEBUG [XELLERATE.ADAPTERS] Class/Method: tcADPClassLoader/findClass entered.
    2011-10-19 10:23:17,111 DEBUG [XELLERATE.ADAPTERS] Class/Method: tcADPClassLoader:findClass - Data: loading class - Value: com.jscape.inet.ssh.SshException
    2011-10-19 10:23:17,112 ERROR [XELLERATE.SERVER] Error encountered in save of Data Object com.thortech.xl.dataobj.tcScheduleItem
    2011-10-19 10:23:17,112 ERROR [XELLERATE.SERVER] Class/Method: tcDataObj/save encounter some problems: com/jscape/inet/ssh/SshException
    java.lang.*NoClassDefFoundError*: com/jscape/inet/ssh/SshException
    at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
    at java.lang.Class.forName(
    at com.thortech.xl.adapterGlue.ScheduleItemEvents.adpFAPROVISIONING.implementation(**)
    at Source)
    at com.thortech.xl.dataobj.tcDataObj.runEvent(Unknown Source)
    at com.thortech.xl.dataobj.tcScheduleItem.runMilestoneEvent(Unknown Source)
    When I looked at the process task named "FA Provisioning", line 92, I see this reference:
    91: //Initialize persistant object "INIT"
    92: clsINIT = Class.forName("*com.cpsg_inc.oim.unix.SSHCommandExecutor*");
    93: maoConstructorArgs = new Object[]{};
    94: masConParamTypes = new Class[]{};
    95: moCons = clsINIT.getConstructor(masConParamTypes);
    96: INITconsObj = moCons.newInstance(maoConstructorArgs);
    When I open the adapter task named iNIT Connection (this is the first task in the FA Provisioning process task Adapter), API Source: JavaTaskJar:cpsgUnix.jar
    Application API: com.cpsg_inc.oim.unix.SSHCommandExecutor
    Constructors: 0 public com.cpsg_inc.oim.unix.SSHCommandExecutor()
    Methods: 9 public void com.thortech.xl.integration.tenetssh.helper.SSHPrvosioning.SSHInit(...)
    Then I made sure the jar file named cpsgUnix.jar is present in the OIM_HOME/JavaTasks directory.
    But still I have the error.
    What am I missing?

    Thanks everyone for your input.
    I added the sshfactory.jar file in the JavaTask folder and it worked.
    Thanks again.

  • Class not Found Exception while running an EJB

    I have created and published a EJB in Oracle 8i (in a particular
    schema) by running the deployejb tool supplied. The ejb was
    published successfully. On running the client program I get an
    error saying that the mybeans's HomeHelper class cannot be
    found. This error occurs when there is a lookup to the home
    interface of the bean. The exception thrown says Reasons are
    unknown. On checking the objects of type 'JAVA CLASS' I found
    that the homeHelper class object had been created automatically
    be the deploy process. What is the reason for the class not
    found exception and what can I do to correct it. ?
    The code for the beans is as given below :
    Home Interface
    package mituser ;
    import javax.ejb.*;
    import java.rmi.RemoteException;
    public interface MITUserHome extends EJBHome {
    public MITUser create()
    throws CreateException, RemoteException;
    Remote Interface
    package mituser ;
    import javax.ejb.EJBObject;
    import java.rmi.RemoteException;
    public interface MITUser extends EJBObject {
    public int validateUserName (String username)
    throws java.sql.SQLException, RemoteException;
    public int validatePassword (String username, String password)
    throws java.sql.SQLException, RemoteException;
    public String validateSearchAccess (String username, String
    throws java.sql.SQLException, RemoteException;
    package mituserServer ;
    import java.sql.*;
    import java.rmi.RemoteException;
    import javax.ejb.*;
    public class MITUserBean implements SessionBean {
    SessionContext ctx;
    public void ejbCreate() throws CreateException,
    RemoteException {
    public void ejbActivate() {
    public void ejbPassivate() {
    public void ejbRemove() {
    public void setSessionContext(SessionContext ctx) {
    this.ctx = ctx;
    public int validateUserName (String username) throws
    SQLException, RemoteException
    int count = 0 ;
    Connection conn =
    new oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver().defaultConnection ();
    PreparedStatement ps =
    conn.prepareStatement ("select count(username) from
    useraccountinfo where username = ?");
    try {
    ps.setString (1, username);
    ResultSet rset = ps.executeQuery ();
    if (! ())
    throw new RemoteException ("no registered user with User
    Name " + username);
    count = rset.getShort(1) ;
    return count ;
    } finally {
    public int validatePassword (String username, String password)
    throws SQLException, RemoteException
    int count = 0 ;
    Connection conn =
    new oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver().defaultConnection ();
    PreparedStatement ps =
    conn.prepareStatement ("select count(username) from
    useraccountinfo where username = ? and password = ?");
    try {
    ps.setString (1, username);
    ps.setString(2, password);
    ResultSet rset = ps.executeQuery ();
    if (! ())
    throw new RemoteException ("Invalid Password ");
    count = rset.getShort(1) ;
    return count ;
    } finally {
    public String validateSearchAccess (String username, String
    password) throws SQLException, RemoteException
    String searchaccess = "" ;
    Connection conn =
    new oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver().defaultConnection ();
    PreparedStatement ps =
    conn.prepareStatement ("select searchprofileaccess from
    useraccountinfo where username = ? and password = ?");
    try {
    ps.setString (1, username);
    ps.setString(2, password);
    ResultSet rset = ps.executeQuery ();
    if (! ())
    throw new RemoteException ("Access Denied for " +
    username );
    searchaccess = rset.getString(1) ;
    return searchaccess ;
    } finally {
    Client program
    import mituser.MITUser;
    import mituser.MITUserHome;
    import oracle.aurora.jndi.sess_iiop.ServiceCtx;
    import javax.naming.Context;
    import javax.naming.InitialContext;
    import java.util.Hashtable;
    public class Client {
    public static void main (String [] args) throws Exception {
    int count = 0 ;
    String access = "" ;
    if (args.length != 4) {
    System.out.println("usage: Client serviceURL objectName
    user password");
    String serviceURL = args [0];
    String objectName = args [1];
    String user = args [2];
    String password = args [3];
    Hashtable env = new Hashtable();
    env.put(Context.URL_PKG_PREFIXES, "oracle.aurora.jndi");
    env.put(Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL, user);
    env.put(Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS, password);
    Context ic = new InitialContext(env);
    MITUserHome home = (MITUserHome)ic.lookup (serviceURL +
    MITUser testBean = home.create ();
    count = testBean.validateUserName("MITA");
    if (count > 0 )
    System.out.println ("Valid User");
    System.out.println ("Invalid User");
    count = testBean.validatePassword("MITA", "MITA");
    if (count > 0 )
    System.out.println ("Valid Password");
    System.out.println ("Invalid Password");
    access = testBean.validateSearchAccess("MITA", "MITA");
    if ( access.equalsIgnoreCase("YES") )
    System.out.println ("Search Access Available");
    System.out.println ("Search Access Denied");
    The Descriptor file
    // MIT UserBean EJB deployment descriptor
    SessionBean mituserServer.MITUserBean {
    BeanHomeName = "test/mitUserJDBCBean";
    RemoteInterfaceClassName = mituser.MITUser;
    HomeInterfaceClassName = mituser.MITUserHome;
    AllowedIdentities = {MIT};
    SessionTimeout = 20;
    StateManagementType = STATEFUL_SESSION;
    TransactionAttribute = TX_REQUIRED;
    Batch File for deploying the ejb
    @echo off
    if (%ORACLE_HOME%)==() goto usage
    if (%ORACLE_SERVICE%)==() goto usage
    if (%JDK_CLASSPATH%)==() goto usage
    @echo on
    set CLASSPATH=.;%ORACLE_HOME%\lib\aurora_client.jar;%ORACLE_HOME%
    javac -g mituser\
    javac -g mituser\
    javac -g mituserServer\
    jar cf0 mituser.jar mituser\MITUser.class
    mituser\MITUserHome.class mituserServer\MITUserBean.class
    javac -g
    call deployejb -republish -temp temp -u mit -p mit -s %
    ORACLE_SERVICE% -descriptor mituser.ejb mituser.jar
    @echo off
    goto done
    @echo -------------------------------------------------------
    @echo Following are the requirements to run this script
    @echo set ORACLE_HOME to installed Oracle home
    @echo set ORACLE_SERVICE to the CORBA service name of
    your databae
    @echo for example sess_iiop://localhost:2481:ORCL
    @echo set JDK_CLASSPATH to the full path of your JDK
    @echo -------------------------------------------------------
    Batch file for running the cleint program
    @echo off
    if (%ORACLE_HOME%)==() goto usage
    if (%ORACLE_SERVICE%)==() goto usage
    if (%JDK_CLASSPATH%)==() goto usage
    @echo on
    set CLASSPATH=.;%ORACLE_HOME%\lib\aurora_client.jar;%ORACLE_HOME%
    java Client %ORACLE_SERVICE% /test/mitUserJDBCBean mit mit
    @echo off
    goto done
    @echo -------------------------------------------------------
    @echo Following are the requirements to run this script
    @echo set ORACLE_HOME to installed Oracle home
    @echo set ORACLE_SERVICE to the CORBA service name of
    your databae
    @echo for example sess_iiop://localhost:2481:ORCL
    @echo set JDK_CLASSPATH to the full path of your JDK
    @echo -------------------------------------------------------
    I know this is not strictly to do with JDBC but there appears to
    be no discussion forum for EJB
    Hoping for a response soon as it us very URGENT

    I have created and published a EJB in Oracle 8i (in a particular
    schema) by running the deployejb tool supplied. The ejb was
    published successfully. On running the client program I get an
    error saying that the mybeans's HomeHelper class cannot be
    found. This error occurs when there is a lookup to the home
    interface of the bean. The exception thrown says Reasons are
    unknown. On checking the objects of type 'JAVA CLASS' I found
    that the homeHelper class object had been created automatically
    be the deploy process. What is the reason for the class not
    found exception and what can I do to correct it. ?
    The code for the beans is as given below :
    Home Interface
    package mituser ;
    import javax.ejb.*;
    import java.rmi.RemoteException;
    public interface MITUserHome extends EJBHome {
    public MITUser create()
    throws CreateException, RemoteException;
    Remote Interface
    package mituser ;
    import javax.ejb.EJBObject;
    import java.rmi.RemoteException;
    public interface MITUser extends EJBObject {
    public int validateUserName (String username)
    throws java.sql.SQLException, RemoteException;
    public int validatePassword (String username, String password)
    throws java.sql.SQLException, RemoteException;
    public String validateSearchAccess (String username, String
    throws java.sql.SQLException, RemoteException;
    package mituserServer ;
    import java.sql.*;
    import java.rmi.RemoteException;
    import javax.ejb.*;
    public class MITUserBean implements SessionBean {
    SessionContext ctx;
    public void ejbCreate() throws CreateException,
    RemoteException {
    public void ejbActivate() {
    public void ejbPassivate() {
    public void ejbRemove() {
    public void setSessionContext(SessionContext ctx) {
    this.ctx = ctx;
    public int validateUserName (String username) throws
    SQLException, RemoteException
    int count = 0 ;
    Connection conn =
    new oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver().defaultConnection ();
    PreparedStatement ps =
    conn.prepareStatement ("select count(username) from
    useraccountinfo where username = ?");
    try {
    ps.setString (1, username);
    ResultSet rset = ps.executeQuery ();
    if (! ())
    throw new RemoteException ("no registered user with User
    Name " + username);
    count = rset.getShort(1) ;
    return count ;
    } finally {
    public int validatePassword (String username, String password)
    throws SQLException, RemoteException
    int count = 0 ;
    Connection conn =
    new oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver().defaultConnection ();
    PreparedStatement ps =
    conn.prepareStatement ("select count(username) from
    useraccountinfo where username = ? and password = ?");
    try {
    ps.setString (1, username);
    ps.setString(2, password);
    ResultSet rset = ps.executeQuery ();
    if (! ())
    throw new RemoteException ("Invalid Password ");
    count = rset.getShort(1) ;
    return count ;
    } finally {
    public String validateSearchAccess (String username, String
    password) throws SQLException, RemoteException
    String searchaccess = "" ;
    Connection conn =
    new oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver().defaultConnection ();
    PreparedStatement ps =
    conn.prepareStatement ("select searchprofileaccess from
    useraccountinfo where username = ? and password = ?");
    try {
    ps.setString (1, username);
    ps.setString(2, password);
    ResultSet rset = ps.executeQuery ();
    if (! ())
    throw new RemoteException ("Access Denied for " +
    username );
    searchaccess = rset.getString(1) ;
    return searchaccess ;
    } finally {
    Client program
    import mituser.MITUser;
    import mituser.MITUserHome;
    import oracle.aurora.jndi.sess_iiop.ServiceCtx;
    import javax.naming.Context;
    import javax.naming.InitialContext;
    import java.util.Hashtable;
    public class Client {
    public static void main (String [] args) throws Exception {
    int count = 0 ;
    String access = "" ;
    if (args.length != 4) {
    System.out.println("usage: Client serviceURL objectName
    user password");
    String serviceURL = args [0];
    String objectName = args [1];
    String user = args [2];
    String password = args [3];
    Hashtable env = new Hashtable();
    env.put(Context.URL_PKG_PREFIXES, "oracle.aurora.jndi");
    env.put(Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL, user);
    env.put(Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS, password);
    Context ic = new InitialContext(env);
    MITUserHome home = (MITUserHome)ic.lookup (serviceURL +
    MITUser testBean = home.create ();
    count = testBean.validateUserName("MITA");
    if (count > 0 )
    System.out.println ("Valid User");
    System.out.println ("Invalid User");
    count = testBean.validatePassword("MITA", "MITA");
    if (count > 0 )
    System.out.println ("Valid Password");
    System.out.println ("Invalid Password");
    access = testBean.validateSearchAccess("MITA", "MITA");
    if ( access.equalsIgnoreCase("YES") )
    System.out.println ("Search Access Available");
    System.out.println ("Search Access Denied");
    The Descriptor file
    // MIT UserBean EJB deployment descriptor
    SessionBean mituserServer.MITUserBean {
    BeanHomeName = "test/mitUserJDBCBean";
    RemoteInterfaceClassName = mituser.MITUser;
    HomeInterfaceClassName = mituser.MITUserHome;
    AllowedIdentities = {MIT};
    SessionTimeout = 20;
    StateManagementType = STATEFUL_SESSION;
    TransactionAttribute = TX_REQUIRED;
    Batch File for deploying the ejb
    @echo off
    if (%ORACLE_HOME%)==() goto usage
    if (%ORACLE_SERVICE%)==() goto usage
    if (%JDK_CLASSPATH%)==() goto usage
    @echo on
    set CLASSPATH=.;%ORACLE_HOME%\lib\aurora_client.jar;%ORACLE_HOME%
    javac -g mituser\
    javac -g mituser\
    javac -g mituserServer\
    jar cf0 mituser.jar mituser\MITUser.class
    mituser\MITUserHome.class mituserServer\MITUserBean.class
    javac -g
    call deployejb -republish -temp temp -u mit -p mit -s %
    ORACLE_SERVICE% -descriptor mituser.ejb mituser.jar
    @echo off
    goto done
    @echo -------------------------------------------------------
    @echo Following are the requirements to run this script
    @echo set ORACLE_HOME to installed Oracle home
    @echo set ORACLE_SERVICE to the CORBA service name of
    your databae
    @echo for example sess_iiop://localhost:2481:ORCL
    @echo set JDK_CLASSPATH to the full path of your JDK
    @echo -------------------------------------------------------
    Batch file for running the cleint program
    @echo off
    if (%ORACLE_HOME%)==() goto usage
    if (%ORACLE_SERVICE%)==() goto usage
    if (%JDK_CLASSPATH%)==() goto usage
    @echo on
    set CLASSPATH=.;%ORACLE_HOME%\lib\aurora_client.jar;%ORACLE_HOME%
    java Client %ORACLE_SERVICE% /test/mitUserJDBCBean mit mit
    @echo off
    goto done
    @echo -------------------------------------------------------
    @echo Following are the requirements to run this script
    @echo set ORACLE_HOME to installed Oracle home
    @echo set ORACLE_SERVICE to the CORBA service name of
    your databae
    @echo for example sess_iiop://localhost:2481:ORCL
    @echo set JDK_CLASSPATH to the full path of your JDK
    @echo -------------------------------------------------------
    I know this is not strictly to do with JDBC but there appears to
    be no discussion forum for EJB
    Hoping for a response soon as it us very URGENT

  • Servlet class not found error deploying a WAR on Web Logic Server 8.1

    I'm re-deploying an updated web application to a web logic server, but when I navigate to the login page of the web application to test it, I get a class not found error for my login servlet. I have both the web.xml and the weblogic.xml descriptors in my WEB-INF directory, and all of my compiled classes are in the WEB-INF/classes directory, is there something else I'm missing? Any help would be much appreciated.

    Thanks for the response. Here's the web.xml file:
    <?xml version="1.0" ?>
    <!DOCTYPE web-app PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.3//EN" "">
         <display-name>Web Forms</display-name>
    None of the classes are in a package (I know it's not the best idea, but I didn't write these, I'm just doing some updates). So the file structure is pretty much just WEB-INF/classes/
    At the moment I've got a fix by just putting the entire project (not in any sort of archive) on the server itself instead of deploying it as a WAR, any thoughts on why the WAR isn't working would be much appreciated though.

  • Class not found - was channel definition question

    I am much closer.  Tomcat is putting some key messages in the console and I overlooked them.  It looks like I am closer than I thought.  The request looks like its getting received, but my service blows up on response due to I think two class not found issues.  But, I can't tell what classes are missing.
    [Flex]Deserializing AMF/RTMP request
    Version: 3  null
      (Command method=null (0) trxId=2.0)
        (Externalizable Object #0 '')
          (Array #1)
            [0] = (Typed Object #2 '')
              identity = (Object #3)
                partId = 81959
              operation = 11
              correlationId = "419F99AA-B649-9490-650D-88F3CAADBCB7"
              headers = (Object #4)
              messageId = "8AF6C660-9DE3-F155-6A91-88F3CAC5A4F0"
              timestamp = 0
              destination = "DocumentPart"
              timeToLive = 0
              body = (Typed Object #5 'com.hpdocs.ds.document.DocumentPart')
                documentId = 81960
                partId = 81959
                content = "Hello World"
              clientId = "05E549ED-455F-A9AF-EEDE-88F3CA7E4BF9"
    (Object #6)
            DSEndpoint = "hp_rtmp"
            DSId = "F65B351A-A60C-6F91-2932-44630DAED2B9"
    (Byte Array #7, Length 16) ""
    [Flex]Received command: TCCommand [ Cmd: 0, MethodName: null, TrxID: 2.0]
    [Flex]Serializing AMF/RTMP response
    Version: 3
      (Command method=_error (0) trxId=2.0)
        (Typed Object #0 'flex.messaging.messages.ErrorMessage')
          headers = (Object #1)
          rootCause = (Typed Object #2 'java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError')
            message = "javax/transaction/SystemException"
            localizedMessage = "javax/transaction/SystemException"
            cause = (Typed Object #3 'java.lang.ClassNotFoundException')
              message = "javax.transaction.SystemException"
              localizedMessage = "javax.transaction.SystemException"
              cause = null
              exception = null
          body = null
          correlationId = "419F99AA-B649-9490-650D-88F3CAADBCB7"
          faultDetail = null
          faultString = "There was an unhandled failure on the server. javax/transaction/SystemException"
          clientId = "F65B3649-620E-C827-50C4-6A1C78BC3712"
          timeToLive = 0.0
          destination = "DocumentPart"
          timestamp = 1.273607998612E12
          extendedData = null
          faultCode = "Server.Processing"
          messageId = "F65B3675-5409-795E-747F-B2F459749415"

    it looks like your Tomcat is missing the JTA setting.
    To use LiveCycle Data Services with Tomcat when not using the integrated Tomcat configuration, install support for the Java Transaction API (JTA). You might also have to install several other libraries depending on the features that you plan to use. Follow these steps after deploying the LiveCycle Data Services WAR files. These steps are not necessary for the integrated Tomcat installation.
    Stop Tomcat.
    To install support for JTA, a recommended implementation is the Java Open Transaction Manager (JOTM), which is a fully functional open source stand-alone transaction manager.
    Download JOTM from
    Copy the JAR files from jotm-root/lib to [tomcat-root]/common/lib.
    Create a context file for your web application and register JOTM using the Transaction element. For example, for the samples WAR create a tomcat-root/conf/Catalina/localhost/lcds-samples.xml file and add the following lines:CONTEXT antijarlocking="false" antiresourcelocking="false"   docbase="${catalina.home}/webapps/lcds-samples" path="/lcds-samples"   privileged="true">  <TRANSACTION factory="org.objectweb.jotm.UserTransactionFactory"   jotm.timeout="60"></TRANSACTION></CONTEXT> 
    Note: If a context file exists for your web application, add the <TRANSACTION> element under the <CONTEXT> element.
    Increase the maximum memory to at least 512 MB by specifying the maximum heap size for the JVM in the JAVA_OPTS variable: -Xmx512m
    (Optional) To enable custom authentication, locate the Tomcat security resource libraries under install_root/resources/security/tomcat.
    Place the flex-tomcat-common.jar and flex-tomcat-server.jar files in the tomcat/lib folder.
    Add the following line to the context descriptor file for your web application:
    <VALVE classname=""></VALVE>
    You can now perform authentication against the current Tomcat realm. Usually, the default configuration for authentication stores user information in conf/tomcat-users.xml. See the Tomcat documentation for more information on realms. See the LiveCycle Data Services documentation for more information on custom authentication.
    You might also have to update the active <LOGIN-COMMAND> in /WEB-INF/flex/services-config.xml in each deployment of a LiveCycle Data Services WAR file. For Tomcat, ensure that the TomcatLoginCommand is active in the <SECURITY>section:<SECURITY><LOGIN-COMMAND server="Tomcat"></LOGIN-COMMAND>...</SECURITY>
    (Optional) To use the JMSAdapter with the Message Service, install and configure a JMS provider (such as ActiveMQ or openJMS) for use with Tomcat.
    Restart Tomcat.
    original doc is located here
    Hopefully this will help.

  • Installation problem on redhat 6.0, class not found

    I have followed the instructions for installing oracle 8i. When i run I get the following error message:
    class not found: oracle.sysman.oii.oiic.OiicInstaller
    Does anyone know what this means? and what do i have to do?

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by am():
    probably you don't use jre116_v5. Install it and alter all symlinks to the old jre/jdk.
    Note: Don't use any jdk at all or any jre which is newer than jre116_v5!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
    Thanks for the reply, but, yes, I've already done that.

  • For weeks I have been viewing a doggy day care via their web cam.  This weekend I upgraded to Lion and have been unable to view the center since.  I get an error message for java webcam class not found.  All of my software is up to date--suggestions?

    For weeks I have been viewing a doggy day care center via their web cam.  This weekend I upgraded to Lion and have been unable to view the center.  I get an error message for Java plug-in 1.6.0_29 class not found.  Any suggestions on how to fix this?

    Sorry, don't know what else to suggest unless there's a URL to the problem stream that someone here can try. Otherwise we can't test it to try and determine what might be wrong.
    BTW, make sure they're testing it with a Mac, not with a Windows system. If they test only with Windows, what they say is or is not working doesn't mean much.

  • Class Not Found in Server Application

    I have set up a basic server application. It contains three files namely (implements the Remote interface) (implements the server) and which is the client Application
    All of these are in the same package. I have compiled all of these files and I execute the rmic ArithImpl command from within the file via Runtime.getRuntime.exec(...);
    The stub and skeleton files are generated and still I get a class not found exception. I have checked the class path and these files are within the class path.
    If anyone could help me I'd greatly appreciate it. Thanks
    public class ArithImpl extends UnicastRemoteObject implements Arith{
    public static final String HOST_NAME = "localhost";
    public static final String ROOT = "C:/Work/Thesis~1/LearningRMI/";
    public static final String CLASSPATH = ROOT;
    public static final String POLICY_FILE = CLASSPATH+"policies/rmi.policy";
    public static final String RMI_LOCATION = "C:/Progra~1/java/jdk1.5.0_03/bin/";
    String objectName;
    public ArithImpl(String s) throws RemoteException{
         objectName = s;
    public int[] add(int[] a, int[] b) throws RemoteException {
         int c[] = new int[10];
         for (int i=0; i<10; i++)
              c[i] = a[i]+b;
         return c;
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    String rmic = RMI_LOCATION+"rmic -vcompat -classpath "+CLASSPATH+" "+ArithImpl.class.getName();
    String registry = RMI_LOCATION+"\\rmiregistry";
    Runtime rt = Runtime.getRuntime();
    catch (IOException e){
    RMISecurityManager sm = new RMISecurityManager();
    Naming.rebind("//"+HOST_NAME+"/ArithServer", obj);
    System.out.println("ArithServer bound in registry");
    catch (Exception e){

    java.rmi.ServerException: RemoteException occurred in server thread; nested exception is:
         java.rmi.UnmarshalException: error unmarshalling arguments; nested exception is:
         java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Arith
         at sun.rmi.server.UnicastServerRef.oldDispatch(
         at sun.rmi.server.UnicastServerRef.dispatch(
         at sun.rmi.transport.Transport$
         at Method)
         at sun.rmi.transport.Transport.serviceCall(
         at sun.rmi.transport.tcp.TCPTransport.handleMessages(
         at sun.rmi.transport.tcp.TCPTransport$
         at sun.rmi.transport.StreamRemoteCall.exceptionReceivedFromServer(
         at sun.rmi.transport.StreamRemoteCall.executeCall(
         at sun.rmi.server.UnicastRef.invoke(
         at sun.rmi.registry.RegistryImpl_Stub.rebind(Unknown Source)
         at java.rmi.Naming.rebind(
         at ArithImpl.main(
    Caused by: java.rmi.UnmarshalException: error unmarshalling arguments; nested exception is:
         java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Arith
         at sun.rmi.registry.RegistryImpl_Skel.dispatch(Unknown Source)
         at sun.rmi.server.UnicastServerRef.oldDispatch(
         at sun.rmi.server.UnicastServerRef.dispatch(
         at sun.rmi.transport.Transport$
         at Method)
         at sun.rmi.transport.Transport.serviceCall(
         at sun.rmi.transport.tcp.TCPTransport.handleMessages(
         at sun.rmi.transport.tcp.TCPTransport$
    Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Arith
         at Method)
         at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
         at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
         at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClassInternal(
         at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
         at java.lang.Class.forName(
         at sun.rmi.server.LoaderHandler.loadProxyInterfaces(
         at sun.rmi.server.LoaderHandler.loadProxyClass(
         at sun.rmi.server.LoaderHandler.loadProxyClass(
         at java.rmi.server.RMIClassLoader$2.loadProxyClass(
         at java.rmi.server.RMIClassLoader.loadProxyClass(
         at sun.rmi.server.MarshalInputStream.resolveProxyClass(
         ... 9 more

  • "Java Class not found in classpath" Error in DESIGNER

    Hello All,
    I'm trying to connect in Designer using a JDBC connection to MS SQL Server 2008.  As per the instructions, I updated my jdbc.sbo file with the path to the existing two JAR files.  However, I still get the following error when I try and connect in Designer:  "Java Class not found in classpath : C:\Program Files\Business Objects\BusinessObjects Enterprise 12.0\win32_x86\dataAccess\connectionServer\jdbc\Drivers\sqlsrv".  Of course, this error includes the drive path with the location to my JAR files.  Any help in resolving this nagging issue is very GREATLY appreciated.  Also, if anyone needs it I can post a copy of the jdbc.sbo file to this thread.
    Thank you,

    Your suggestion didn't help.  I tried to connect after restarting my machine and I still get the error.  And, I've also tried adding a connection to MS SQL Server 2005 using this JDBC driver, and that didn't help either.  Any other suggestions?  Would it help to see my "jdbc.sbo" file?  Thanks again for your and everyone else's help, and I look forward to your reply.

  • Lookout 6.0.1.: Class Not Found when trying to open project on another PC

    I am using the same version on both PC's, but when I move the file over and run it, I get "Class not found!". Then "Error running process file".When running the lookout source file I get the following:
    Lookout Process File Compiler Version 6.0.1 (build 1)
    Copyright National Instruments 1992-2004  All rights reserved.
    C:\Documents and Settings\testing\Desktop\Latest Lookout\lprocess2.lks
    C:\Documents and Settings\testing\Desktop\Latest Lookout\lprocess2.lks(324): error: Class not found: DirectLogic
    C:\Documents and Settings\testing\Desktop\Latest Lookout\lprocess2.lks(667): error: Class not found: Meter
    C:\Documents and Settings\testing\Desktop\Latest Lookout\lprocess2.lks(670): error: Class not found: Meter
    C:\Documents and Settings\testing\Desktop\Latest Lookout\lprocess2.lks(673): error: Class not found: Meter
    C:\Documents and Settings\testing\Desktop\Latest Lookout\lprocess2.lks(676): error: Class not found: Meter
    C:\Documents and Settings\testing\Desktop\Latest Lookout\lprocess2.lks(1977): error: Class not found: Meter
    C:\Documents and Settings\testing\Desktop\Latest Lookout\lprocess2.lks(57): error: Object is not defined: DL1
    C:\Documents and Settings\testing\Desktop\Latest Lookout\lprocess2.lks(667): error: Object is not defined: Meter1
    C:\Documents and Settings\testing\Desktop\Latest Lookout\lprocess2.lks(670): error: Object is not defined: Meter2
    C:\Documents and Settings\testing\Desktop\Latest Lookout\lprocess2.lks(673): error: Object is not defined: Meter3
    C:\Documents and Settings\testing\Desktop\Latest Lookout\lprocess2.lks(676): error: Object is not defined: Meter4
    I have also tried to open on 6.1 with similar results.
    I am familiar with lookout, however I have taken this project over so I am not sure what I need to do from here.

    There are two object (DirectLogic and Meter) that are not present on the amchine you are moving the process to.   If the same version of Lookout, you might be able to just copy the cbx files.
    Mike Crabtree - Lead Developer
    Destek of Nevada, Inc. / Digital Telemetry Systems, Inc.
    (866) 964-6948 / (760) 247-9512

  • Keep getting VncViewer.class not found error when trying to use Windows 7

    I have no issue accessing the OVM Manager 2.2 with OEL 5.4 x86_64 with the latest Java release from ULN. But when I use a Windows 7 client ( x86) with the Sun Java 6 Update 18 I get the following error when trying to access the Console of a VM Guest:
    Java Plug-in 1.6.0_18
    Using JRE version 1.6.0_18-b07 Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM
    User home directory = C:\Users\deverej
    c: clear console window
    f: finalize objects on finalization queue
    g: garbage collect
    h: display this help message
    l: dump classloader list
    m: print memory usage
    o: trigger logging
    q: hide console
    r: reload policy configuration
    s: dump system and deployment properties
    t: dump thread list
    v: dump thread stack
    x: clear classloader cache
    0-5: set trace level to <n>
    load: class VncViewer.class not found.
    java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: VncViewer.class
         at sun.plugin2.applet.Applet2ClassLoader.findClass(Unknown Source)
         at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
         at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
         at sun.plugin2.applet.Plugin2ClassLoader.loadCode(Unknown Source)
         at sun.plugin2.applet.Plugin2Manager.createApplet(Unknown Source)
         at sun.plugin2.applet.Plugin2Manager$ Source)
         at Source)
    Caused by: open HTTP connection failed:
         at sun.plugin2.applet.Applet2ClassLoader.getBytes(Unknown Source)
         at sun.plugin2.applet.Applet2ClassLoader.access$000(Unknown Source)
         at sun.plugin2.applet.Applet2ClassLoader$ Source)
         at Method)
         ... 7 more
    Exception: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: VncViewer.class
    I am curious fi I should use only a specifc Java Engine with IE 7 or the latest Firefox browers.

    Same issue to with Windows XP SP3 x86 with Java Runtime Enviornment 1.5.0_15
    J2SE Enviornment 5.0 Update 15
    Java 6 Update 17

  • Class not found in applet using 2 jar files

    I have an applet which has been working for years as a stand alone or connecting directly to a derby database on my home server. I have just changed it to connect to MySQL on my ISP server via AJAX and PHP.
    I am now getting a class not found error in my browser, probably because I'm stuffing up the class path.
    The HTML I am using to call the applet is:
    <applet code="AMJApp.class"
    MAYSCRIPT style="border-width:0;"
    name="jsap" id="jsap"></applet>The AMJ014.jar contains the applet and supporting class files.
    The error message is strange to me because it refers to a class I noticed on another web page but which has nothing to do with my applet. Anyway, the message in full is:
    load: class NervousText.class not found.
    java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: NervousText.class
         at sun.plugin2.applet.Applet2ClassLoader.findClass(Unknown Source)
         at sun.plugin2.applet.Plugin2ClassLoader.loadClass0(Unknown Source)
         at sun.plugin2.applet.Plugin2ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
         at sun.plugin2.applet.Plugin2ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
         at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
         at sun.plugin2.applet.Plugin2ClassLoader.loadCode(Unknown Source)
         at sun.plugin2.applet.Plugin2Manager.createApplet(Unknown Source)
         at sun.plugin2.applet.Plugin2Manager$ Source)
         at Source)
    Exception: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: NervousText.class
    java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: AMJApp : Unsupported major.minor version 51.0
         at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1(Native Method)
         at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClassCond(Unknown Source)
         at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(Unknown Source)
         at Source)
         at Source)
         at Source)
         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
         at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
         at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)
         at sun.plugin2.applet.Plugin2ClassLoader.defineClassHelper(Unknown Source)
         at sun.plugin2.applet.Plugin2ClassLoader.access$100(Unknown Source)
         at sun.plugin2.applet.Plugin2ClassLoader$ Source)
         at Method)
         at sun.plugin2.applet.Plugin2ClassLoader.findClassHelper(Unknown Source)
         at sun.plugin2.applet.Applet2ClassLoader.findClass(Unknown Source)
         at sun.plugin2.applet.Plugin2ClassLoader.loadClass0(Unknown Source)
         at sun.plugin2.applet.Plugin2ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
         at sun.plugin2.applet.Plugin2ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
         at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
         at sun.plugin2.applet.Plugin2ClassLoader.loadCode(Unknown Source)
         at sun.plugin2.applet.Plugin2Manager.createApplet(Unknown Source)
         at sun.plugin2.applet.Plugin2Manager$ Source)
         at Source)
    Exception: java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: AMJApp : Unsupported major.minor version 51.0

    Thanks again.
    The page code is:
      <title>Applet to JavaScript to PHP</title>
    <script type="text/javascript">
    function updateWebPage(myArg)
    if (myArg=="")
    if (window.XMLHttpRequest)
      {// code for IE7+, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari
      xmlhttp=new XMLHttpRequest();
      {// code for IE6, IE5
      xmlhttp=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
      if (xmlhttp.readyState==4 && xmlhttp.status==200)
    <table border=1 align='center' cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 >
    <tr><td style='text-align:center; background-color:#C0C0C0'>Compiled Java Applet</td></tr>
    <tr><td><applet code="AMJApp.class" codebase="" archive="AMJ014.jar" width="500"height="500" MAYSCRIPT style="border-width:0;" name="jsap" id="jsap"></applet> </td></tr>
    <tr><td style='text-align:center; background-color:#C0C0C0'>HTML Textbox filled by JavaScript</td></tr>
    <tr><td><textarea style='width:500px; height:50px' name='txt1' id='txt1'>Query goes here</textarea></td></tr>
    <tr><td style='text-align:center; background-color:#C0C0C0'>HTML diagnostic messages rendered by PHP script</td></tr>
    <tr><td><div id="cbxItem">PHP info will populate this space</div></td></tr>
    </html>The URL of the problem page is:
    The code in the page is based on the following test page, which works:
    And the Applet, before I made any changes can be seen at this address:
    Thanks again for you interest.
    Edited by: 886473 on 21-Sep-2011 00:47

  • Class not found error while accessing a Web Service

    Hi All,
    Im getting a Class not found error while doing method calls of a third party API.
    The required jars(axis.jar) are set in the weblogic 8.1 classpath and I tried putting those jars(axis.jar) in my application lib folder also, but dint help. Please help me with a solution.
    I'll paste the exception logs here by
    java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/axis/AxisFault
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(Ljava/lang/String;[BIILjava/security/ProtectionDomain;)Ljava/lang/Class;(Unknown Source)
            at jrockit.vm.AccessController.do_privileged_exc(Ljava/security/PrivilegedExceptionAction;Ljava/security/AccessControlContext;I)Ljava/lang/Object;(Unknown Source)
            at jrockit.vm.AccessController.doPrivileged(Ljava/security/PrivilegedExceptionAction;Ljava/security/AccessControlContext;)Ljava/lang/Object;(Unknown Source)

    Verify the 3rd party class files names are correctly written in your program. Sometimes wrong case might be the reason.
    bye for now

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