Clear Ruby and Kenten Font Size[JS CS4]

In my IDML exports I am seeing spurious Ruby & Kenten Font sizes set (on English text). These cause a problem for us as they are breaking up runs of text pre-translation. I need to write a script which can clear these attributes, but I cannot find them in the Object Model.
Can someone help?

You could try creating a style without attribute and use Replace.

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    Hello Glittergirl68,
    Thank you for using Apple Support Communities.
    It sounds like the function to reseize the Font in an iBook is not functioning properly.
    I recommend a few things here. First close all the apps that are running in the background:
    Double-click the Home button.
    Swipe left or right until you have located the app you wish to close.
    Swipe the app up to close it.
    From: iOS: Force an app to close
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    If the issue persists, I would follow these steps from the article:
    iOS: Troubleshooting apps purchased from the App Store
    2. Check for app updates
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    3. Install another app from the App Store
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    4. Restart the app
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    5. Restart your device
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    6. Reinstall the affected app
    Remove the app from your device and reinstall it:
    Tap and hold any app icon on the Home Screen until the icons start to wiggle and show a small "x" in the top-right corner of the app.
    Tap the "x" in the corner of the app you want to delete.
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    Search for the app and then download it again.
    All the very best,

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    In Pivot table Rows section on column->Sigma icon->Format Labels... or Format Values
    are not helping you?
    The same for Table view too, this would be simplest one.
    Edited by: Srini VEERAVALLI on May 9, 2013 4:11 PM
    If you update your older posts that helps you to fetch answers for new posts
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    augustob wrote:Is there a solution for this?
    Yes, but you won't like it. Crack open your UserChrome.css file (in ~/.mozilla/firefox/<garbage>.default/chrome/) and do something like this:
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    Jeff Bohrer wrote:
    1: VI Properties Window Size- Check maintain proportions of window for different monitor resolutions.  (Your users will thank you)
    Why do you think that is a good idea?  When I opened your VI on my screen, the buttons were cut off at the bottom, and there was a slight cutoff on the right side.  Without scrollbars or the ability to resize the panel, (which I generally wouldn't want on a dialog box anyway) there is no way to be able to see the whole dialog.
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    3ButtonDialog.PNG ‏6 KB

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    Hi RichterB,
    You can change this in the Content Settings of Firefox. Go to "3 bar" menu and click on Options. Click on content and uncheck "Let websites choose their own styles" and select a bold font type.
    Also try [ Sytlish].

  • FAQ: How do I clear out my font cache to fix font style and duplicate font style issues?

    We have a Script availabe for CS6 beta users who are experiencing particular font related issues.
    This script will help by clearing the font cache and will test for corrupted fonts.
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    This script is to help to find corrupted fonts. The script itself doesn’t solve the problem.
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    There is a pdf file explaining how to use the script and what it will do.
    See attached files.

    Monica, I know the Normal Character Style in Illustrator must be defined. But my question is about the Normal Paragraph Style, not the Normal Character Style. As Larry just said, in most of my documents, and in my New Document Profiles, these fields in the Normal Paragraph Style are blank (undefined), so I know this is possible. In a few older documents I'm converting, the Normal Paragraph Style has a defunct font, and even though my Normal Character Style is correctly defined with the current font, it's creating some weird behavior.
    Larry, it doesn't appear to be the document itself, it just appears to be not knowing what the right keystroke combo is to clear it. Just make a new file from a Document Profile where the Normal Paragraph Style does not define one of those font fields, define a font and/or font size, save, then reopen the paragraph style settings and try to clear any field that has been set. I can't clear it, I can only change the font.

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    Hi, Diane. I don't know what sort of display you're using, but it sounds like you have a flat LCD display. At any resolution lower than its maximum, a flat-screen LCD display is always blurry, and the lower the resolution, the blurrier it is. This is because unlike a CRT display, an LCD has a fixed number of physical pixels in it that can't be changed. If you instruct it to "pretend" it has a smaller number of larger pixels by setting it for a lower resolution, each of the "pretend" pixels has to be made up of several real pixels instead of just one, and no pixel can be (for example) half white and half blue: a pixel is an indivisible unit that is always all one color. So the only way the hardware can use several pixels to represent one larger one is to gradate the colors of those pixels as best it can to approximate the intended image, and that inevitably spreads the gradation out — which is exactly what blurring is. This is just an inbuilt property of LCD displays, not a defect that needs to be (or can be) fixed. The solution is to buy a display that works well for you at its highest resolution — which will probably mean a lower-resolution display than you have now.

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    Two things you can do to easily aid with readability in Mail are as follows:
    1) Increase the size of folders in the sidebar:
    a) select "system preferences" from the Apple menu
    b) select "general settings"
    c) select small, medium or large under "sidebar icon size"
    2) Increase the text in the main body of the email (both sent and received):
    a) select "preferences" from the Mail menu
    b) select "fonts and colors"
    c) adjust font size for "message list font" and "message font".  I have noticed this works properly while in classic mode, but in regular mode the message list font doesn't appear to change size.
    Select classic mode by accessing Mail preferences and selecting the "viewing" tab.
    Another shortcut is to right click on the toolbar, then select "customize toolbar", and then drag the "smaller / bigger" buttons onto the toolbar.  Now you can decrease and increase font size as desired on the fly.

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    you can use something like this for formatted text.
                var oTextField = new sap.ui.commons.TextField({
                      valueState : sap.ui.core.ValueState.Error
                var sHtml = "The rating specifies the trustworthiness of the account. You can choose between the following values:<br>";
                sHtml += "<ul>";
                sHtml += '<li><strong>A:</strong> <font color="blue", size ="2px" family="Helvetica">Highly trustworthy</font></li>';
                sHtml += "<li><strong>B:</strong> In generel trustworthy but some weak moments</li>";
                var oRttTextField = new sap.ui.commons.RichTooltip({
                      text : sHtml
          <body class="sapUiBody" role="application">
                <div id="content"></div>
    Refer this link.
    RichTooltip - SAPUI5 Demo Kit
    Best Regards

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    Do not know about VB Script or Apple Script. But, in JavaScript, we have methods to know the stroke weight of some objects. The problem, at true, is: there are contents (like Envelopes, Blends, Symbols) we are not able to acess the internal objects, so we could not evaluate the stroke weight of these.
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    There is also the Adjust Scaling Percentage option in General preferences which you can turn off if you don't want the parentheses. You can read about it here: S58b67d046ae8e03c3546c0100491f5e6c-7ff3a

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