Cloning detachable PC objects in Kodo 3.0

If a detachable PC object is also Cloneable, will Kodo JDO enhance the
clone() method to copy the detached-objectid-field and detached-state-field,
if those fields are not declared explicitly?
Or should Cloneable objects always explicitly declare their own
detached-objectid-field and detached-state-field, and copy their values
explicitly? The detached-state-field is an Object, but is it Cloneable, or
should it be copied by serializing and then deserializing?

If a detachable PC object is also Cloneable, will Kodo JDO enhance the
clone() method to copy the detached-objectid-field and
detached-state-field, if those fields are not declared explicitly?Kodo will not change the clone method. If you are concerned about these
fields, you should explicitly declare the fields and your own clone
method to copy them.
The detached-state-field is an Object, but is it Cloneable,
or should it be copied by serializing and then deserializing?I believe it is safe to assume the detached state field Object will not
be changed. Therefore, simply assigning the clone's reference to the
same Object should be sufficient.
Note that these fields are only used when a previously-managed object is
detached and then reattached. So you only have to worry about cloning
these fields if you plan on detaching a managed object, cloning it, and
then reattaching the clone.

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    Anyway to assign rs2 = rs1
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    Write a dynamic proxy to the ResultSet where theclose() method does >nothing.
    What if the OP discovers that the app does a rs=null
    as well?How can that affect your code? Presumably the ResultSet is passed as an argument to a legacy method so the legacy method might set it's local reference to null it will not affect the reference held by the caller of the method.
    The op then runs thru hoops to get permission to
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    If you are too distressed by the posts here, you are
    under no obligation to reply to every one. Anyway , i
    found the postI replied because I had a viable solution to a problem you were having. Nothing you have said so far stops it being viable. Look at my posting history - I do not try to reply to everyone.
    A Resultset is mainly a Java front end for adatabase
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    the ResultSet is closed, the cursor will be closed
    too so, even if you could copy everything in the
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    Which is why you use a Proxy so that you can control exactly what happens.
    To truely "deep copy" a resultset the depth would
    have to extend accros the database connection to
    cloning the cursor.I still don't see why you need to clone the ResultSet rather than use a proxy!
    very much useful than the self pity expressed by
    you.No self pity! I just expressed annoyance at the lack of feedback from you and many others.
    No offence, none taken and none dealt.I still find it offensive when people don't bother with a simple acknowledgement. I don't ask many questions myself but when I do I make sure I track the responses and acknowledge those who try to help.
    I still think you should re-think your solution but you are free to totally ignore my very simple solution. I expect you will ignore it so the best of luck.

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    The size will refer to individual DataCache size.
    KodoPersistenceManager.getDataStoreCache() or getDataStoreCache("myCache") will return the default or named datacaches respectively.
    You can evict the L2 cache content on the returned DataCache instance from the previous methods.

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    int age = 0 ;
    Object a = null
    Object b = null ;
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    go through this example
    Cloning an Object
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    public CloneClass()
    public Object clone()
    Cloneable theClone = new CloneClass();
    return theClone;
    public String toString()
    return "Hello";
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    for(int i:intsClone)

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    TIA, -Subhash.

    "perl hash" <[email protected]> writes:
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    TIA, -Subhash.Currently, Kodo JDO only performs caching as required by the
    specification. A beta version of more sophisticated caching is now
    available (see post on the beta newsgroup), and will be available in a
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    Patrick Linskey [email protected]
    SolarMetric Inc.

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    Additional Information on the first post:
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    1. We set up LocalInterfaces on our EJB's
    2. The EJB Getters are using acquireNonSynchronizedUnitOfWork() to get a NON-JTS transaction to perform a readQuery. This results in a Cloned Bis object being generated. We then release the UOW and return the object.
    3. The Returned Biz object Getters are using Indirection (probably using the released non-synchronized UOW).
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    2. Transaction Boundry is the EJB Container
    3. We understand that there is a performance overhead with CLoned Biz Objects but this more mirrors the ValueObject Pattern then anything else we've tried.
    BIG Question:
    1. Is this a supported TopLink Pattern?
    2. If its not supported, can it be?
    3. Do you have any other suggested patterns?

  • Adding object to collection outside of unit of work?

    Tried to find the answer in this forum but difficult to know what keywords to use...anyway
    What I am trying to do is so simple I can only believe I am missing the point somewhat ;-)
    I have an object Licence that has a Set of LicenceHolders. I have a licence already saved in the db and the application now has cause to add a licenceHolder. I create the licenceHolder as a new object then get the licence out of the db, add the licenceHolder to the Set, then I make a call to my data persistance business class to make the save to the database. I.e. I have a separate layer to do the persistance from my business logic. The latter being the specific method to say 'add a licence holder to the licence', the former being 'save the licenceHolder, and update the link table between the licence and licenceHolder' (m - m relationship).
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    code snippet for business method....
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    PremisesLicence licence = (PremisesLicence) lm.getLicence(premisesLicenceId);
    // licenceePerson - new object not yet persisted
    //lhm is another persistance method to save licenceePerson and update licence_licenceHolder link table
    lhm.addLicenceHolder(licenceePerson, licence);
    code for lhm...
    public void addLicenceHolder(ILicenceHolder licenceHolder, Licence licence) throws DataAccessException {
    UnitOfWork uow = aSession.acquireUnitOfWork();
    try {
         Licence licenceClone = (Licence) uow.readObject(licence);
    } catch (Exception e) {
         throw new DataAccessException(e);
    I don't believe I should have to do the bold line as it is business logic in the persistance logic. I have already (in business method) said 'this licence has this licenceHolder' why should I have to repeat it in the persistance layer too. This can only lead to bugs in my software - I need all the help I can not to introduce any more ;-)
    Comments please?

    We've been working with TopLink for a while now, and had some issues with what you are doing. The following way is how we interact with TopLink to enable modifications outside the UoW:
    - When returning objects from you DAO layer always return a copy of the retrieved objects (try Session.copyObject()), not the object returned by TopLink.
    - Do modifications to the copied objects
    - Pass the modified object graph to the DAO layer and use uow.mergeCloneWithReferences() to merge in differences
    - Save to database with TopLink
    From our experience, the reason you have to copy things is because what TopLink returns is the cached objects. So because you then will modify the cached objects, TopLink will not discover changes (comparing an object to itself will not give any differences). At least that was the only explanation we could find to our strange behaviour.
    This is not a very efficient way to do things, and I think that if you are able to have a UoW open during this whole process it would be much more efficient. For an easy way to do this with web applications check out the TopLink integration with Springframework.
    Please let me know if anyone has any feedback to this way of doing it. I know it's not ideal, but it is the best solution we found for detaching the objects.

  • Vector clone references the same objects??

    Hi all
    I'm developing a simple chess program.
    Obviously, each move the user tries must be checked against the following sets of chess rules:
    1.) Whether it is that colour player's turn to move
    2.) Whether this move is valid for this specific piece (eg. 3 forward for a King --> invalid of course)
    3.) Whether this move will jeopardize the player's king (put it in check)
    If from any of the above the move is found to be invalid, the move is not executed.
    My program structure is briefly this:
    A. abstract super class 'ChessPiece' - subclassed by the various specific Chess Piece classes.
    Each of the specific ChessPiece subclasses must implement an abstract method to check if a
    proposed move is valid, and also a method to actually do the move...
    B. 'PieceManager' class - has a Vector of ChessPieces:
    This class checks whether the given move is valid:
    For the piece: by calling the checking method (see A above)
    For the general game: by making sure the given move doesn't put the player's king in check.
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    the move, your king will be in check [possible to be captured by any enemy piece]
    This last check I want to do in the following way:
    1) copy/clone the entire PieceManager object
    2) in this copied object, actually do the move
    3) still in the copied/cloned object, see if the moving player's king is now in check
    4) based on this evaluation, execute the move in the original PieceManger object or don't...
    The Problem:
    When I clone this PieceManager object, its 'pieces' Vector is obviously also cloned.
    BUT it seems that the cloned 'pieces' Vector references the same ChessPiece objects
    as those referenced by the original 'pieces' Vector; ie the 2 Vectors are sharing the same Objects.
    Thus, when I actually execute the move in the test/cloned PieceManager object,
    the original PieceManager's corresponding piece is moved too (well, it seems it is the same piece...).
    I am pretty stuck with this.
    I've tried the Vector clone method; it doesn't seem to copy the objects, but create another reference
    to the same objects, as I've said.
    I've tried cloning the entire object ; also not helping......
    I'd love any comments, helpful pointers, suggestions.
    Also any comments on my program structure... is a Vector the best tool for this job?
    Thanks very much -

    Hi all, OP here.
    Ok thanks guys for all your posts...
    two points:
    1) I have tried the "copy constructor", and it seems to be doing the same thing. (ie 'shallow clone')
    What's really frustrating me is that nothing I do seems to actually physically copy the Vector's objects
    to new, separate copies of those objects...
    I had my PieceManager class implement Cloneable (just in case - not too sure on that one; in fact I
    commented that out later), and I overrode the clone method like this:
    public Object clone ()
            PieceManager pm = new PieceManager ();
            Vector pcs = new Vector ();
            // Enumeration e = pieces.elements ();
            //while (e.hasMoreElements ())
            //    ChessPiece p = (ChessPiece) e.nextElement ();
            //pcs.add ();
            //}  // still references the same objects!!
            pieces.trimToSize ();
            int size = pieces.size ();
            Object[] arr = new Object [size];
            Object[] initial = pieces.toArray ();
            System.arraycopy (initial, 0, arr, 0, size);
            for (int i = 0 ; i < size ; i++)
                ChessPiece p = (ChessPiece) arr ;
    pcs.add (p);
    pm.pieces = pcs;
    return pm;
    This all still does the same 'shallow cloning'...
    2) m.winter, my ChessPiece objects are not immutable - they have a co-ordinate field that
    changes as they are moved. This is for getting as called by another object, and for checking in
    the ChessPiece's own internal method for checking whether the passed-in square co-ordinate
    is a valid destination.
    Anyway, I don't think that's the main issue here. How can I properly clone/copy a Vector, resulting
    in :
    a) the original Vector
    b) a new, totally unrelated Vector.
    Thanks again all for your input.

  • Deep Cloning of Arrays

    Hello, I am stuck with this problem...
    I am trying to clone an Array object of type MajorCat. Each MajorCat contains another Array of type MinorCat.
    MajorCat[] contains n MajorCat
    MajorCat[0] contains MinorCat[], of length m
    I wanna clone MajorCat[], which will in turn clone MinorCat[] embedded within it.
    Tried the method given in Section "CloneDemo5" within:
    The result is strange, and I need a solution...
    1) MajorCat[] after cloning gives another copy
    2) MinorCat[] after cloning gives another copy
    3) the orginal MajorCat[] remains the same Object
    4) BUT THE ORIGINAL MinorCat[] points to the Object at 2) !!!!!!!
    Please see this System.out:
    Original MAJORCAT starting off is [LMajorCat;@59ac7b [LMinorCat;@e2ae8   <--- 1)
    Minor Cat before cloning: [LMinorCat;@e2ae8
    Minor Cat after cloning:  [LMinorCat;@489bb6
    New MAJORCAT afterward is  [LMajorCat;@487a3a [LMinorCat;@489bb6
    Original MAJORCAT is   [LMajorCat;@59ac7b [LMinorCat;@489bb6
    Here is the code:
    MajorCat[] tempcat = (MajorCat[])(majorcat.clone());
    for ( int i=0; i<majorcat.length; i++ ) {
    if ( majorcat.minorcat != null ) {
    tempcat.minorcat = (MinorCat[])(majorcat.minorcat.clone());
    What have I done wrong? A million thanks in advance!!!!

    Hello, I put the overloading clone() method back into MajorCat and MinorCat. Again, they are never called...
    Here is the code:
    public class CatelogueSingleton extends ConnectionBase {
        protected MajorCat[] majorcat = null;
        public MajorCat[] getCatelogue() {
            if ( majorcat == null ) {
                System.out.println("majorcat erased!");
            MajorCat[] tempcat = (MajorCat[])(majorcat.clone());
            System.out.println("original object is   " + majorcat + " " + majorcat[0].minorcat + " " + majorcat[0].minorcat[0].itemgroup + " " + majorcat[0].minorcat[0].itemgroup[0].item);
    // clone each Object in majorcat[]
            for ( int i=0; i<majorcat.length; i++ ) {
                if ( majorcat.minorcat != null ) {
    tempcat[i].minorcat = (MinorCat[])(majorcat[i].minorcat.clone());
    for ( int j=0; j<majorcat[i].minorcat.length; j++ ) {
    if ( majorcat[i].minorcat[j].itemgroup != null ) {
    tempcat[i].minorcat[j].itemgroup = (ItemGroup[])(majorcat[i].minorcat[j].itemgroup.clone());
    for ( int k=0; k<majorcat[i].minorcat[j].itemgroup.length; k++ ) {
    if ( majorcat[i].minorcat[j].itemgroup[k].item != null ) {
    tempcat[i].minorcat[j].itemgroup[k].item = (Item[])(majorcat[i].minorcat[j].itemgroup[k].item.clone());
    System.out.println("cloned object is " + tempcat + " " + tempcat[0].minorcat);
    System.out.println("after cloning the original object is " + majorcat + " " + majorcat[0].minorcat);
    return tempcat;
    Here is the code for MajorCat...
    public class MajorCat extends ConnectionBase implements, Cloneable {
        public MinorCat[] minorcat = null;
        public Object clone() {
            try {
                System.out.println("Cloning majorcat");
                MajorCat aobj = (MajorCat)super.clone();
                aobj.minorcat = (MinorCat[])(this.minorcat.clone());
                return aobj;
            catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
                throw new InternalError(e.toString());
        public MajorCat() {
    }here is the code for MinorCat...
    public class MinorCat extends ConnectionBase  implements, Cloneable {
        public ItemGroup[] itemgroup = null;
        public Object clone() {
            try {
                MinorCat aobj = (MinorCat)super.clone();
                aobj.itemgroup = (ItemGroup[])(this.itemgroup.clone());
                return aobj;
            catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
                throw new InternalError(e.toString());
        public MinorCat() {
    }The result is:
    original object is [LMajorCat;@572085 [LMinorCat;@180b94
    cloned object is     [LMajorCat;@148656 [LMinorCat;@180b94
    after cloning the original object is  [LMajorCat;@572085 [LMinorCat;@180b94
    The original MinorCat within MajorCat now points to the new clone, and the clone() within MajorCat and MinorCat aren't called.... as there is no System.out statements.
    What have I done wrong in clone() within MajorCat and MinorCat?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

  • Qualifing to be an immutible object

    Question: Is it possible to design an immutable object having final object references to mutable objects and still be 'viewed' as immutable.
    From the book JAVA Concurrency in Practice by Brian Goetz the following statements are made (that have confused me a bit):
    "Immutable objects ... can be safely accessed even when synchronization is not used to publish the object reference." (p.51)
    "... if [an object's] final fields refer to mutable objects, synchronization is still required to access the state of the objects they refer to."(p.52) To me this states that this type of object is not considered immutable.
    However, notice the final array object references to BigInteger[] from an example on page 49:
    class OneValueCache {
        private final BigInteger lastNumber;
        private final BigInteger[] lastFactors;
        public OneValueCache( BigInteger i, BigInteger[] factors ) {
            lastNumber = i;
            lastFactors = Array.copyOf( factors, factors.length );
        public BigInteger[] getFactors( BigInteger i ) {
            if ( lastNumber == null || !lastNumber.equals( i ))
                return null;
                return Arrays.copyOf( lastFactors, lastFactors.length );
    } Can all of the bigInteger[] lastFactors be considered final since the array object reference is final? Or is the immutability allowed since lastFactors is isolated with Arrays.copyOf() in both the constructor and getFactors() function? Does isolation of mutable objects references using techniques such as object cloning allow the object design to be immutable?
    Edited by: rbroersma on May 18, 2010 10:37 PM

    ejp wrote:
    So if the Object doesn't exist until the constructor returns what is the constructor is working on? Bringing the object into existence.He means, what is the constructor operating on or +manipulating, i.e. what is "this" referring to at that point?  Because you can pass "this" to other methods as if it existed.  And they can operate on it as if it existed...  So if you can do all those things to an object that doesn't exist, what good is your definition of existence?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

  • Kodo.util.UnsupportedException: null

    Now I'm getting further. I was able to persist my objects!
    However, I have an error regarding NamedQuery.
    Here is the error:
    Exception in thread "main" <3|true|4.0.0EA3>
    kodo.util.UnsupportedException: null
         at kodo.query.QueryImpl.update(
         at kodo.query.QueryImpl.execute(
         at kodo.query.QueryImpl.updateAll(
         at kodo.query.DelegatingQuery.updateAll(
         at kodo.persistence.QueryImpl.executeUpdate(
         at com.dalitest.ClientsDAO.updateClient(
    The error is cryptic as well.
    It happens for this code:
    public int updateClient(EntityManager em, Client c)
    Query q = em.createNamedQuery("UpdateClient");
    //q.setParameter("newName", c.getName());
    q.setParameter("cId", c.getId());
    return q.executeUpdate();
    And for my Client class I have (snipped):
    @NamedQueries( {
    @NamedQuery(name = "UpdateClient", queryString = "UPDATE Client c SET WHERE"),
    @NamedQuery(name = "DeleteClient", queryString = "DELETE from Client c
    WHERE") })
    @Entity(access = AccessType.PROPERTY)
    @Table(name = "DALI_CLIENTS")
    public class Client {...}
    In case I do uncomment q.setParameter("newName", c.getName());
    The following exception is thrown:
    Exception in thread "main" <4|false|4.0.0EA3>
    kodo.persistence.ArgumentException: More parameters were passed to
    execute() than were declared: {1} parameters were specific for query
    execution, but only {0} parameters were declared in the query.
         at kodo.query.QueryImpl.assertParameters(
         at kodo.query.QueryImpl.execute(
         at kodo.query.QueryImpl.updateAll(
         at kodo.query.DelegatingQuery.updateAll(
         at kodo.persistence.QueryImpl.executeUpdate(
         at com.dalitest.ClientsDAO.updateClient(
    Can anyone point me what is wrong with my update query?

    Abe White wrote:
    Thanks Abe for the information.
    How do I have to proceed then with my updates at the moment? Do you have
    any suggestions (besides waiting for the next release)?
    Update the objects individually, or use SQL. Kodo allows you to access
    the JDBC connection:>
    Thanks for the suggestions. SQL is not an option, since it will defeat the
    purpose of the EJB3-persistence.
    But can you elaborate more on the "Update the objects individually"
    Let's say I have persistent Java bean Client and I changed some of its
    properties (e.g. myClient.setName("New Name");)
    How do I persiste it "individually"?
    This approach does not work:
    EntityTransaction t = em.getTransaction();
    List<Client> pClients = new ClientsDAO().getAllClients(em);
    for (Client pClient : pClients)
    pClient.setName("New Name");
    It throws error on t.commit();
    <2|false|4.0.0EA3> kodo.util.OptimisticException: An optimistic lock violation
    was detected when flushing object instance
    "" to the data
    store. This indicates that the object was concurrently modified in another
         at kodo.jdbc.kernel.UpdateManagerImpl.flush(
         at kodo.jdbc.kernel.UpdateManagerImpl.flush(
         at kodo.jdbc.kernel.JDBCStoreManager.flush(
         at kodo.kernel.BrokerImpl.flush(
         at kodo.kernel.BrokerImpl.flushSafe(
         at kodo.kernel.BrokerImpl.beforeCompletion(
         at kodo.kernel.LocalManagedRuntime.commit(
         at kodo.kernel.BrokerImpl.commit(
         at kodo.kernel.DelegatingBroker.commit(
         at kodo.persistence.EntityManagerImpl.commit(
         at com.dalitest.Test.main(

  • Collection of non-persistent objects

    Is it possible to persist a Collection of non-persistent objects through the
    kodo externalization feature? The non-persistent objects themselves are
    externalizable, but I don't know how I would go about persisting a
    Collection of them.

    If you store them in some sort of externalized form in a single column it is
    easy - just use externalization framework to ext and de-ext them to anf from
    string. Couple of caveats you need to be aware of If your collection objects
    are mutable:
    1. You need to durty your collection field so it get prsisted on commit
    2. on rollback Kodo will restore you collection content but not collection
    member content. If they are mutable you will have to make their class
    persistent with mapping "none" so they participate in transaction
    "Drew Lethbridge" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:BD0B44BF.544%[email protected]..
    Is it possible to persist a Collection of non-persistent objects throughthe
    kodo externalization feature? The non-persistent objects themselves are
    externalizable, but I don't know how I would go about persisting a
    Collection of them.

  • SDO and Kodo

    While using SDO's (Service Data Objects) with kodo I get the following stack trace
    2013 TRACE [main] kodo.jdbc.SQL - <t 20971840, conn 247336638> SHUTDOWN
    Exception in thread "main" <3|true|4.0.0EA4> kodo.util.UnsupportedException: Una
    ble to create second class object proxy for type: "interface
    at kodo.util.ProxyManagerImpl.findProxy(
    at kodo.util.ProxyManagerImpl.newCollectionProxy (
    at kodo.kernel.StateManagerImpl.newFieldProxy(
    at kodo.kernel.StateManagerImpl.newProxy(
    at kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.StoreCollectionFieldStrategy.load (StoreCollecti
    at kodo.jdbc.meta.FieldMapping.load(
    at kodo.jdbc.kernel.JDBCStoreManager.load(
    at kodo.kernel.DelegatingStoreManager.load (
    at kodo.kernel.ROPStoreManager.load(
    at kodo.kernel.StateManagerImpl.loadFields(
    at kodo.kernel.StateManagerImpl.loadField (
    at kodo.kernel.StateManagerImpl.accessingField(
    at (EmpMedImpl
    So basically in EJB3 environment how do I make kodo aware of the new Type Elist.Reading the document it appears that
    u define valueHandlers for new types.But how do u write a value handler for a List. Any examples?

    You need to use have a custom proxy manager so that Kodo can understand
    what changes are occuring in third party collections:
    Ritika Maheshwari wrote:
    While using SDO's (Service Data Objects) with kodo I get the following stack trace
    2013 TRACE [main] kodo.jdbc.SQL - <t 20971840, conn 247336638> SHUTDOWN
    Exception in thread "main" <3|true|4.0.0EA4> kodo.util.UnsupportedException: Una
    ble to create second class object proxy for type: "interface
    at kodo.util.ProxyManagerImpl.findProxy(
    at kodo.util.ProxyManagerImpl.newCollectionProxy (
    at kodo.kernel.StateManagerImpl.newFieldProxy(
    at kodo.kernel.StateManagerImpl.newProxy(
    at kodo.jdbc.meta.strats.StoreCollectionFieldStrategy.load (StoreCollecti
    at kodo.jdbc.meta.FieldMapping.load(
    at kodo.jdbc.kernel.JDBCStoreManager.load(
    at kodo.kernel.DelegatingStoreManager.load (
    at kodo.kernel.ROPStoreManager.load(
    at kodo.kernel.StateManagerImpl.loadFields(
    at kodo.kernel.StateManagerImpl.loadField (
    at kodo.kernel.StateManagerImpl.accessingField(
    at (EmpMedImpl
    So basically in EJB3 environment how do I make kodo aware of the new Type Elist.Reading the document it appears that
    u define valueHandlers for new types.But how do u write a value handler for a List. Any examples?

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