Code Review Template

I am trying to fulfill one my new responsibilities as a code reviewer. Well, I got lot of stuff to address on the first piece of code I got, but I am just wondering how to present my opinion about the code in a document.
Just in case, if any of you has produced a code review doucment template in the past, can you kindly push it to me?
I appreciate ur help, in advance,

I don't see how.
The idea of tracking reviews is to track the defects, comment, etc that are noted and where they occur.
The Sun guidelines serve as a starting point for creating a "Coding guidelines"/"Coding review process". But that is not same as a document used to track the results of a review.
And unless your company is very heavily into process control then you are not going to get anyone to go through every bit of code looking for each point in a coding guidelines.

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    Reviews (all reviews) are generally part of a process methodology.
    The review itself has a procedural form. One can also make specific requirements for the type of review material. For instance one might insist that Software Requirements be testable and that code classes be documented. Those would be guidelines for the review material and would be used to direct how someone creates the material in the first place. The guidelines would be part of the review process. Once a review is done then one can document the result with a review result sheet.
    So are you looking for a code review process document?
    Or coding guidelines document?
    Or a coding review results document?
    Or something else?
    You might also note that one will get far more bang for the buck (orders of magnitude with formal studies to back it up) by providing process for things like requirements and project planning. Code reviews are trivial in the overall project cost.
    Just to check I googled on "code review template" and I didn't see anything that suggested it fit into the above or even fit into anything that I had forgotten (or never knew.)

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    I am not quite sure what either of you are after, but if you hit the "Documentation" link on OTN you will find the documentation, such as the above list, for almost all of Oracle products. Most are available online in HTML format or PDF and some have a part number so that they can be ordered.
    The 10g Developer Suite Documentation is here:

  • Code Review in Technical Specifications

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    Code review is done by the other member of the team member or by the onsite guy from the clien side or by team SQA.
    Each company is having their own way of coding standards and naming conventions. the client always send one template for the same when the project starts.
    The developer can not review his object and the third person like SQA of the team will review it and it will done in document which will be kept  for reference.
    if any changes or comments made by the SQA, then the developer  will change the same again.
    hope this will help you.

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    You can search in SCN for related articles and blogs.
    ST05 and SE30 are tools which you can use for performance improvement. Use the tips and tricks in SE30.
    Code Inspector and Extended Program Check will help you in efficient programing.
    There are several other things which you need to follow as follows:-
    1.  Proper Naming Convention of variables for better code understanding.
    2.  Avoid nested selects.
    3.  Avoid nested loops whenever possible.
    4.  Use of SORT and BINARY SEARCH in READ statements wherever possible.
    5.  SY-SUBRC checks wherever needed.
    6.  Avoid ZERO DIVIDE errors.
    7.  Use of FOR ALL ENTRIES as needed.
    8.  Better handling of messages and exception.
    9.  Avoiding endless looping.
    These are some points. You can add more as per your knowlegde.
    Create a code review checklist document and ask your developers to follow the same.
    I can share a template if you need.
    Ankur Parab
    Edited by: Ankur Parab on Sep 17, 2009 3:20 PM
    Edited by: Ankur Parab on Sep 17, 2009 3:34 PM

  • What are the major issues to consider in code review? Or performance analys

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    I would not recommend you to try to optimize performance by checking the coding.
    There is the code inspector which can do all which makes sense automatically.
    The above mentioned points are not the real issues.
    Instead of code review you should execute test cases and measure the exection time.
    1. With STAD if you want to get good time measurement
    2. With SE30 and ST05, if you want to have data for further anaylsis.
    Check total time (SE30), check whether DB part is large, then go to SQL trace. Do the check mentioned here
    to find the SQL bottlenecks.
    The major point about SQL problems is index support, if there is no proper index support then the performance will be poor. Be aware, that problems are only visible, if you tables are filled.
    In a test system where you have very little data, you will never encounter performance problems.
    Check also the Top10 of the SQ30 hit list.
    Be aware that a proper performance analysis is not a 5 minutes job.

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    Amalaraja Fernando,
    SharePoint Architect
    Please Mark As Answer if my post solves your problem or Vote As Helpful if a post has been helpful for you. This post is provided "AS IS" with no warrenties and confers no rights.

    Hi Amalaraja Fernando,
    I'm not sure that there is one more tool that combines all these features. But you may take a look at these solutions:
    SharePoint diagnostic manager
    SharePoint enterprise manager
    What is SPCop SharePoint Code Analysis?
    Lightning Tools Check
    out our SharePoint tools and web parts |
    Lightning Tools Blog | Мой Блог

  • Post Commit code Review Linking in the TFS Warehouse

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    Is this possible from the TFS Warehouse? 
    Thanks for looking.

    Hi SimonAzurec,  
    Thanks for your post.
    Currently, we can only double click on the changeset to check which code review(s) linked to this changeset in Team Explorer. Please refer to the screenshot in this post: 
     After you checked in, please open the linked Code Review Request work item in VS, you will find there’s no changeset shows under
    LINKS table.    
    For this scenario, please submit it to User Voice site at: Microsoft engineers will evaluate them seriously.
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

  • Code Review Tool - Ignore Whitespace

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    public TestMethod( string testString )
    public class test
    public TestMethod(string testString)
    This is very frustrating because the very nice visual difference bar to the right of the code comparison becomes useless in these situations. 

    Hi Zpittman,
    What is you said ‘Code Review Tool’?
    I assume that you meant the Code Review feature in TFS. I tried it in Visual Studio 2013 with update 4 and TFS 2013 with Update 4, the whitespace was detected and the code review see it as a difference.
    If you don’t get the same result with me using VS and TFS, please upgrade your VS and TFS to the latest update.
    If the issue still exists, please
    reset your VS settings through Tools->Import and Export settings->Reset all
    settings->…. and repair your VS.
    If code review tool is a third-party tool or a third-party VS/TFS add-in, the official support of this tool can be a better place to resolve your issue.
    If I misunderstood anything, please feel free to come back.
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

  • Looking for Code Review Resources

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    Would like to have someone review our code but we have not been able to find expierienced developers in our (physical) area.
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    Thank you in advance for your suggestions.

    Just post it here. Some of our fine reviewers will be happy to serve you.
    P.S. Be sure to say that it's homework.

  • ABAP Code Review

    Hello Experts--
    I have query where I will require your expert comments. I would like to check the quality of ABAP code with reference to
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    (b) Performance issues
    (c) Table joint
    (d) Buffer being used
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    Is there any tool in SAP or any third party tool which can help to check the quality of code.
    Thanks in advance for your reply.

    Dear Anshuman,
    Look at the transaction code SCI- Code Inspector and SLIN- Extended program Check - These both together will definitely help you in to a large exten check in your code review and which can help to check you ABAP Code Quality.
    There also can be some obsolete statements which need to be take care of and also some SQL queries which are not longer supported in OOPs context.
    So hope this will help you to a lot extent in determining the Quality Code.
    There are additional Transactions like SE30, ST05 which may help you to know about the performance or time consumption of your programs as such.
    Hope this too helps you.
    Encourage others to answer you queries by suitably rewarding them

  • [svn:osmf:] 14261: Updated DRM unit tests to work with code review feedback .

    Revision: 14261
    Revision: 14261
    Author:   [email protected]
    Date:     2010-02-18 14:15:23 -0800 (Thu, 18 Feb 2010)
    Log Message:
    Updated DRM unit tests to work with code review feedback.
    Modified Paths:

    Hello Alex,
    I don't have an answer for you.
    But, can you try to use with locally hosted OSMF player? This content doens't require user/pass info.
    I'm wondering that Google TV's flash player doesn't support prompt dialog. requires flash player 11. That's why it won't be loaded with flash player 10.x.
    -- Hiroshi

  • Code Review

    Hi folks,
    need your assistance here; an example, I gave you a sql statement of almost 20 lines, with so many joins/hint and a lot of other activities too.
    And you've been asked to review that code and provide your input/thoughts/suggestion/advises about this code.
    What'll be your approach, how you'll go about it?
    Statistics are already gathered for all the objects, now what'll be your steps and how you'll take care of this task, please try to explain in a step by step way.
    Thanks in advance.

    Let's take a step back... What is the goal of your code review?
    Are you reviewing the code to see if it returns the expected results? If so, you'd need to understand the requirements, your data model, etc.
    Are you reviewing the code to see if it reuses other code effectively? If so, are there existing views that join several of these tables with the same conditions that could be used so that if the conditions change in the future you only have to update one view rather than hundreds of queries? Are there functions that compute data that you are computing in the query? Are there negative performance implications to using those existing views or functions because, for example, they also join in additional tables that you don't need (note that in very recent versions, Oracle may be able to eliminate those joins)? If so, you'll need to examine whether the benefits of code reuse outweigh the cost of slighly slower performance.
    Are you reviewing the code to see if it follows your organization's standards? Does your organization have standards about SQL 99 join syntax versus older join syntaxes, for example? Does it have standards about how to alias tables in the query or how to indent the code or anything else that an organization might standardize on?
    Are you reviewing the code to examine the performance? If so, what criteria are you using? A code review implies that this is something you're doing before code goes to production. Normally, the developers would have verified performance in the lower environments by doing load tests on representative volumes of data to compare performance against whatever the
    requirements laid out as acceptable. Perhaps it makes sense to compare the query plan generated in production against the query plan that was verified as performing adequately in the lower environments in order to ensure that the performance isn't going to radically degrade when the query runs in production. Perhaps it makes sense to pull an AWR from the test environment from the period during the load test and to review the top SQL statements on that report if they are new. It generally doesn't make sense to try to review the query plan of every query before it goes to production if the developers haven't done the basic level of performance testing in advance-- no one is going to, in general, be able to look at a query plan and give you a "thumbs up" or a "thumbs down" with no context, no requirements, and no background. At most, you could look for yellow flags-- query plans that involve hitting every partition in a table rather than doing partition pruning, queries that return a single row that do table scans rather than using an expected index, queries that return millions of rows that use an index rather than an expected table scan-- in order to figure out what queries are worth focusing on.

  • Code Reviewing stored procedures

    Hi team,
    Is there any shortcut way to code review stored procedures in sql.
    Note: Condn. need to check are below
    Checking whether all temp tables dropped, if its not dropped then to identify that table
    checking update and delete statement on physical table which should include PRIMARY KEY column in where condition
    checking Every JOIN stmt shouldn't combine more than five physical tables
    Checking any temp table created like select * into #table from some physical table
    Checking any physical table creation during run time of Sp
    Thanks in advance
    Regards, Muthukumar Balu

    Hi all,
    Following function gives the create tmp table and drop temp table stmt in row wise.Hence we can count the create tmp tables and drop tables.   Count will identify the missing drop tables ,Like this am asking shortcuts for code reviewing.
    Create FUNCTION [dbo].[uftReadfileAsTable]
    @Path VARCHAR(255),
    @Filename VARCHAR(100)
    @File TABLE
    [LineNo] int identity(1,1), 
    line varchar(8000)) 
    DECLARE  @objFileSystem int
            ,@objTextStream int,
    @objErrorObject int,
    @strErrorMessage Varchar(1000),
       @Command varchar(1000),
       @hr int,
    @String VARCHAR(8000),
    @YesOrNo INT
    select @strErrorMessage='opening the File System Object'
    EXECUTE @hr = sp_OACreate  'Scripting.FileSystemObject' , @objFileSystem OUT
    if @HR=0 Select @objErrorObject=@objFileSystem, @strErrorMessage='Opening file "'+@path+'\'+@filename+'"',@command=@path+'\'+@filename
    if @HR=0 execute @hr = sp_OAMethod   @objFileSystem  , 'OpenTextFile'
    , @objTextStream OUT, @command,1,false,0--for reading, FormatASCII
    WHILE @hr=0
    if @HR=0 Select @objErrorObject=@objTextStream, 
    @strErrorMessage='finding out if there is more to read in "'+@filename+'"'
    if @HR=0 execute @hr = sp_OAGetProperty @objTextStream, 'AtEndOfStream', @YesOrNo OUTPUT
    IF @YesOrNo<>0  break
    if @HR=0 Select @objErrorObject=@objTextStream, 
    @strErrorMessage='reading from the output file "'+@filename+'"'
    if @HR=0 execute @hr = sp_OAMethod  @objTextStream, 'Readline', @String OUTPUT
    INSERT INTO @file(line) SELECT @String
    if @HR=0 Select @objErrorObject=@objTextStream, 
    @strErrorMessage='closing the output file "'+@filename+'"'
    if @HR=0 execute @hr = sp_OAMethod  @objTextStream, 'Close'
    if @hr<>0
    @Source varchar(255),
    @Description Varchar(255),
    @Helpfile Varchar(255),
    @HelpID int
    EXECUTE sp_OAGetErrorInfo  @objErrorObject, 
    @source output,@Description output,@Helpfile output,@HelpID output
    Select @strErrorMessage='Error whilst '
    +coalesce(@strErrorMessage,'doing something')
    +', '+coalesce(@Description,'')
    insert into @File(line) select @strErrorMessage
    EXECUTE  sp_OADestroy @objTextStream
    -- Fill the table variable with the rows for your result set
    steps to check:
    1. Execute the function n ur DB
    2. Store your sql file in some location.
    3. Execute following query in ur DB and path should be replaced with where u have stored ur SQl file
    Select line from
    where line  like '%create%table%#%'
    Select line from
    where line  like '%drop%table%#%'
    Regards, Muthukumar Balu

  • Oracle Apps secure code review

    Is any documentation available (either Oracle or third party based) to guide secure code reviews for Oracle Apps (or more specifically, Oracle Application Framework)?
    I'm aware of the usual sql injection bad practices (as related to JDBC and PLSQL). I'm curious about API abuse, as related to:
    - cross-site scripting concerns
    - client-side trust issues (e.g., hidden field values)
    - improper or inconsistent input validation
    - improper error handling
    - improper session management
    - inappropriate access control

    Thanks... I looked at that and didn't think it was all in there, but I looked again after I got your reply and it appears to be what we are looking for (at least a starting point).

Maybe you are looking for