Collection classes for Forte

Has anyone out there used a good set of collection classes for Forté?
I know about the Brahma Fortify product (very good, very expensive!) and I
have heard of a product from Born, but I can't get hold of it yet.
I'd love to hear from anyone who has
a) used the Born collection classes
b) knows of other sets of collection classes
many thanks,
Tim Kimber
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We had a similar requirement some time back and were
evaluating what is available in the market. We then used Born's
classes and found it quite useful. However, since our requirements
were very specific, we developed our own set of collection classes.
I feel Born's colleciton classes are a good place to start. Even if you
want to buy an out-of-the-shelf suite, it will give you an idea of what
you can expect and what you cannot.
Born's classes are FREE and provide an interface-based library of useful
collection classes, including sorted arrays, linked lists, binary trees,
iterators and filters.
You can get the collection classes by sending an email message to
[email protected] with a subject line of "Born Collections"
and the message "Send Born Collections" in the body of the message. The
software and documentation will be sent back to you.
Hope this helps!
Ajith Kallambella M.
Forte Systems Engineer,
Internationational Business Corporation.
From: General[SMTP:[email protected]]
Reply To: General
Sent: Monday, June 08, 1998 12:21 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Collection classes for Forte
Has anyone out there used a good set of collection classes for Fort&eacute;?
I know about the Brahma Fortify product (very good, very expensive!)
and I
have heard of a product from Born, but I can't get hold of it yet.
I'd love to hear from anyone who has
a) used the Born collection classes
b) knows of other sets of collection classes
many thanks,
Tim Kimber
To unsubscribe, email '[email protected]' with
'unsubscribe forte-users' as the body of the message.
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To unsubscribe, email '[email protected]' with
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Similar Messages

  • Find best collection class for the scenarios given

    Hi Everyone,
    Can u help me in answering this questions:
    Indicate the most efficient / appropriate standard Java (JDK 1.4 or lower) collections class for each requirement. Do not use any classes that are not in the standard JDK (e.g. Apache commons-collections classes).
    2.1. An un-ordered, unique collection
    2.2. An insertion-ordered, non-unique collection
    2.3. A sorted, unique collection
    2.4. An insertion-ordered, unique collection
    2.5. Random access to elements within a list
    2.6. Insertion into random points within a list
    2.7. A last-in-first-out queue
    Please let me know what u think ?
    IF possible please tell me the reason why u selected one over the other
    Thanks in advance....

    2.1. An un-ordered, unique collection
    HashSet thereadOkay, why?
    2.2. An insertion-ordered, non-unique collection
    LinkedList thereadOkay, why?
    2.3. A sorted, unique collection
    TreeSet theread
    TreeMap kv pair thereadOkay, but is collection with a small "c" or Collection with a captial "C"? Maps don't implement the Collection interface. In a general sense, you could consider them collections, but in Java land, usually that implies single-valued groupings--i.e., those that implement Collection.
    2.4. An insertion-ordered, unique collection
    LinkedHashSet theread
    LinkedHashMap thereadSame comments as above.
    2.5. Random access to elements within a list
    LinkedList (In fact any class that implements List
    Interface)No. Hint: Do you know what "random access" means, and why LinkedList is not a good choice?
    2.6. Insertion into random points within a list
    LinkedHashMapNo. It doesn't say anything about uniqueness or k/v pairs.
    2.7. A last-in-first-out queue
    2.8. List any of these classes which are not
    thread-safe, if any. How
    would you make these Collections thread-safe?
    HashSet, LinkedList, TreeSet, TreeMap, LinkedHashSet,
    LinkedHashMapI'm not going to match 'em all up one by one, but it seems about right.
    This is typically accomplished by synchronizing on
    some object that naturally encapsulates the collection
    class. If no such object exists, the map should be
    "wrapped" using the Collections.synchronizedMap
    method. This is best done at creation time, to prevent
    accidental unsynchronized access to the map:
    Map m = Collections.synchronizedMap(new TreeMap(...));Sounds about right. Also sounds like it was copied and pasted. If so, do you understand it?

  • Collection class for pairs of objects.

    I need to use a control to save pairs of objects, but there
    can be n ocurrences of the same object in any position
    of the pair, so the classes that implements Map will not
    work, any sugestions?

    So what you want is a two way one to many map, am I correct?
    You could probably add one or two methods to my ManyMap class to acheive this. You are free to have this code and to modify it, but please do not change the package or take credit for it, except where you have made changes :-)
    BTW, this class is COMPLETELY UNTESTED, so I offer no guarentees, and you may not want to use it. But if you do, you're welcome to have it.
    * Created on Jul 28, 2005 by @author Tom Jacobs
    package tjacobs;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.Collection;
    import java.util.HashMap;
    import java.util.Iterator;
    import java.util.LinkedList;
    import java.util.Map;
    import java.util.Set;
    import java.util.TreeSet;
    public class ManyMap<T, T2> implements Map<T, T2> {
         private HashMap<T, ArrayList<T2>> mInnerMap;
         public ManyMap() {
              mInnerMap = new HashMap<T, ArrayList<T2>>();
          * @deprecated
         public T2 get(Object obj) {
              ArrayList<T2> ar = _get(obj);
              if (ar == null || ar.size() == 0) {
                   return null;
              return ar.get(0);
         public Iterator<T2> getAll(Object obj) {
              ArrayList<T2> ar = _get(obj);
              if (ar == null || ar.size() == 0) {
                   return null;
              return ar.iterator();          
         public T2 put(T obj1, T2 obj2) {
              ArrayList<T2> ar = _getNotNull(obj1);
              return obj2;
         public Set<Map.Entry<T, T2>> entrySet() {
              TreeSet<Map.Entry<T, T2>> entries = new TreeSet<Map.Entry<T, T2>>();
              Iterator<T> _i = mInnerMap.keySet().iterator();
              while (_i.hasNext()) {
                   T key =;
                   Iterator<T2> vals = mInnerMap.get(key).iterator();
                   while (vals.hasNext()) {
                        Entry<T, T2> entry = new Entry<T, T2>(key,;
              return entries;
              //return mInnerMap.entrySet();
         public int size() {
              return mInnerMap.size();
         public int valuesSize() {
              int vals = 0;
              Iterator<T> _i = mInnerMap.keySet().iterator();
              while (_i.hasNext()) {
                   T key =;
                   ArrayList<T2> ar = mInnerMap.get(key);
                   vals += ar.size();
              return vals;
         public void clear() {
         public void putAll(Map<? extends T, ? extends T2> map) {
              Iterator _i = map.entrySet().iterator();
              while(_i.hasNext()) {
                   Map.Entry<? extends T, ? extends T2> entry = (Map.Entry<? extends T, ? extends T2>);
                   put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
         public Collection <T2> values() {
              LinkedList ll = new LinkedList();
              Iterator<ArrayList<T2>> _i = mInnerMap.values().iterator();
              while (_i.hasNext()) {
              return ll;
         public boolean containsValue(Object val) {
              Iterator<ArrayList<T2>> values = mInnerMap.values().iterator();
              while (values.hasNext()) {
                   if ( return true;
              return false;
         public boolean containsKey(Object key) {
              return mInnerMap.containsKey(key);
         public T2 remove(Object obj) {
              Iterator<ArrayList<T2>> values = mInnerMap.values().iterator();
              boolean found = false;
              while (values.hasNext()) {
                   if ( {
                        found = true;
              return found ? (T2)obj : null;
         public boolean isEmpty() {
              return valuesSize() == 0;
         private class Entry<T, T2> implements Map.Entry<T, T2> {
              T key;
              T2 val;
              public Entry (T obj1, T2 obj2) {
                   key = obj1;
                   val = obj2;
              public T2 getValue() {
                   return val;
              public T getKey() {
                   return key;
              public T2 setValue(T2 obj) {
                   return val = obj;
         public Set<T> keySet() {
              return mInnerMap.keySet();
         public ArrayList<T2> _get (Object obj) {
              return mInnerMap.get(obj);
         public ArrayList<T2> _getNotNull (T obj) {
              ArrayList<T2> list = _get(obj);
              if (list == null) {
                   list = new ArrayList<T2>(1);
                   mInnerMap.put(obj, list);
              return list;

  • Free Born Collection Classes

    The Born Collection Classes were given away at the recent Forte' Central
    Users Group meeting. Born's Forte' National Practice would like to
    extend their availability to anyone who might benefit from them. They
    are published under the GNU software license so they can be used by all
    but can not be sold for profit. Please read the included licensing
    agreement for complete details.
    The software includes the collection, container, iterator, and filter
    classes as well as a user manual and technical design documentation.
    The collection classes provide standard collection behavior such as
    sorting and filtering and are based on a very flexible interface driven
    design. Born has used the collection classes in conjunction with the
    development of a new Forte' Release 3 based framework. The Born
    Collection Classes do require Forte' Release 3.0.
    To receive the software, simply send an email to
    '[email protected]' with a subject of 'Born Collections' and a
    message body containing 'Send Born Collections'.
    It is free software so we are not offering technical support. However,
    any feedback or questions you might have can be emailed to
    '[email protected]'.

    Have a look at []. Does anybody know a free library that contains the wilcoxon and mann-whitney test.

  • RE: Java-based Client for Forte/IIOP

    We have deployed an application using JDK 1.1.6,
    Swing 1.0.3, Visibroker 3.2, and Forte 3.0.G.2.
    We are also using Forte's Java Interoperability
    We have a closely-held client base (i.e. not a
    million random yahoos off the internet), so we can
    secure a Java port between client and server and
    download a fairly significant client. The Java
    client is deployed with Sun's JRE (to control the
    environment) with the following configuration:
    2.6 MB JRE
    765 KB
    2.0 MB swingall.jar
    1.6 MB vbjtools.jar, vbjorb.jar
    100 KB application classes
    1) The Swing controls don't interoperate well
    with the AWT and Symantec widgets, especially in
    an internal frame. They paint slowly on top of
    each other, move jerkily, and paint before moving
    to the programmed coordinates so it looks silly.
    100% Swing controls play well with other Swing
    controls and are reasonably fast.
    2) We used Symantec Cafe 2.5a to paint the
    screens, and had some problems with the
    setLayout(null) on things like the Swing tab
    folder and split panel. Commenting out the line
    fixed it, but I'm hoping Cafe 3.0 will fix it (I
    have a person installing it but haven't gotten a
    3) The initial search time to turn an IOR file
    into a reference is an annoying 10 seconds, and
    the first method call takes about 7 seconds, but
    after that is less than a tenth of a second.
    Haven't done any digging to find out why yet.
    4) If we were deploying this as an applet, we
    would probably use the IDL IIOP export--when using
    the Java Interoperability service, any method call
    seems to load the whole 765K across the
    line...class by class. Ugly. IDL just gets what
    it needs and is smaller.
    5) Also, if deploying as an applet, we wouldn't
    have to download the JRE or visibroker jar files,
    and would only download the swing and Forte IDL
    generated classes as needed, so it would be a much
    smaller footprint than the 7MB above. (Note:
    However, we would be at the mercy of the browser
    being used by client.) Different strokes for
    different folks...
    From: [email protected]
    Date: Tue, 01 Dec 1998 15:15:18 -0800
    Subject: RE: Java-based Client for Forte/IIOP
    My worry is that Swing, while eloquently designed,
    represents an attempt to
    write a totally new display system which, at least
    in the case of my
    project, will run on top of Windows. I really like
    the Java (or a Java-like
    i.e. J++) language, but I feel safer using the
    native MS widgets. It does
    not seem that anyone on this forum has used Swing
    extensively and can
    testify to its stability and performance.
    To unsubscribe, email '[email protected]' with
    'unsubscribe forte-users' as the body of the message.
    Searchable thread archive <URL:>

    We have deployed an application using JDK 1.1.6,
    Swing 1.0.3, Visibroker 3.2, and Forte 3.0.G.2.
    We are also using Forte's Java Interoperability
    We have a closely-held client base (i.e. not a
    million random yahoos off the internet), so we can
    secure a Java port between client and server and
    download a fairly significant client. The Java
    client is deployed with Sun's JRE (to control the
    environment) with the following configuration:
    2.6 MB JRE
    765 KB
    2.0 MB swingall.jar
    1.6 MB vbjtools.jar, vbjorb.jar
    100 KB application classes
    1) The Swing controls don't interoperate well
    with the AWT and Symantec widgets, especially in
    an internal frame. They paint slowly on top of
    each other, move jerkily, and paint before moving
    to the programmed coordinates so it looks silly.
    100% Swing controls play well with other Swing
    controls and are reasonably fast.
    2) We used Symantec Cafe 2.5a to paint the
    screens, and had some problems with the
    setLayout(null) on things like the Swing tab
    folder and split panel. Commenting out the line
    fixed it, but I'm hoping Cafe 3.0 will fix it (I
    have a person installing it but haven't gotten a
    3) The initial search time to turn an IOR file
    into a reference is an annoying 10 seconds, and
    the first method call takes about 7 seconds, but
    after that is less than a tenth of a second.
    Haven't done any digging to find out why yet.
    4) If we were deploying this as an applet, we
    would probably use the IDL IIOP export--when using
    the Java Interoperability service, any method call
    seems to load the whole 765K across the
    line...class by class. Ugly. IDL just gets what
    it needs and is smaller.
    5) Also, if deploying as an applet, we wouldn't
    have to download the JRE or visibroker jar files,
    and would only download the swing and Forte IDL
    generated classes as needed, so it would be a much
    smaller footprint than the 7MB above. (Note:
    However, we would be at the mercy of the browser
    being used by client.) Different strokes for
    different folks...
    From: [email protected]
    Date: Tue, 01 Dec 1998 15:15:18 -0800
    Subject: RE: Java-based Client for Forte/IIOP
    My worry is that Swing, while eloquently designed,
    represents an attempt to
    write a totally new display system which, at least
    in the case of my
    project, will run on top of Windows. I really like
    the Java (or a Java-like
    i.e. J++) language, but I feel safer using the
    native MS widgets. It does
    not seem that anyone on this forum has used Swing
    extensively and can
    testify to its stability and performance.
    To unsubscribe, email '[email protected]' with
    'unsubscribe forte-users' as the body of the message.
    Searchable thread archive <URL:>

  • Changing the development class for 0CALMONTH

    Hi we upgraded from BW3.5 to 7.0 and we are getting the same error from the thread :  Unable to change development class because field is greyed out
    Does anyone know how this problem was resolved.
    I am changing the development class for 0CALMONTH and for some reason I am not able to change the $TMP to ZBW because it is greyed out. I also noticed the Orginal system field is SAP and not our BWD name and the Orginal language is DE and not EN.
    How would I change the development class for this IO? I am perplexed how this got to this status. When I collected the 0CALMONTH afterwards and listed the IOs belong to 0CALMONTH, I was able to change the development class. Why is this being greyed out?

    Changing while signed on in DE did not work.   - I also tried changing the person reponsible and get the following 
    Local private objects cannot be repaired
    Message no. TR229
    Every user of the SAP System can access and change local private
    objects using the ABAP/4 Development Workbench.
    System Response
    Setting the repair flag is rejected.

  • Using a class for validation

    I have a form that collects some info (let's say username and email address). I wrote a Java class for it that has the set and get methods. I am wondering how I can redirect to the page from the class itself in case something fails (like an '@' not in an email address etc.). Also, if that's possible, how can I tell the original page that the validation failed so I can print a nice red error message?

    Just submit the form through a servlet and let it handle all the business logic. Let the validator throw an exception or so and then let the servlet or bean handle it and let the JSP display a message based on that condition.
    You may find this article useful to get some ideas of how to layer things properly and get it all to work together: [].

  • Collection class comparation

    Dear all,
    Could you tell me the performance benmark comparation between the collection class (List, Map, Set, Queue, and also class in java.util.concurrent package...)
    Could you give me when to use one class?
    Thank a lot for support.
    Best regards,

    VKnight wrote:
    Dear all,
    Could you tell me the performance benmark comparation between the collection class (List, Map, Set, Queue, and also class in java.util.concurrent package...)There is no "fastest collection." Different collections have different big-O performance metrics in different situations. You'll learn what these are when you learn about the collections.
    Could you give me when to use one class? When you study the collections and learn what each one does, you'll understand which one is appropriate to use in which case.
    There's plenty of information already available for these very broad questions, in books and on the web. There's no point in somebody repeating it here. After you've done your research, if you have a more specific question, feel free to ask.

  • Is there a class for this?

    I'm trying to store a collection of data in which certain elements are removed after they've been present for a certain period of time. Some items live longer than others. What I want is to retrieve these items in roughly the same order every time.
    Let's say that I start with 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10. Then 4 times out, and 11 comes in. I want retrieve them as 1 2 3 11 5 6 7 8 9 10.
    I could write my own class for this, but I'd rather not have to if something like this exists. Any help would be greatly apreciated.

    Let's examine your problem carefully
    You want to have some data structure that behaves like a list, but insertion order is not at a fixed position, but preferrably at "erased" positions (like a disk using the FAT file system).
    java.util.ArrayList will not do the job nicely , nor java.util.LinkedList - you will need to maintain a lot of pointers.
    Probably you will have to write a class that borrows the idea from the FAT file system - you have an (almost) fixed-size array representing the data. If you want to remove an item, simply set its reference to "null" in the array.
    If you want to insert a new item, you need to find the first (or last - depends on your needs and if it is better to move less or more items on screen) empty slot.
    If your data requires more elements than your array size, you must copy the array into a bigger array, and release the older array.

  • CM Tool for Forte

    Hello all,
    We are in the process of evaluating software Configuration
    Management tool, named Perforce. We are exploring the possibility of using
    it for Forte based projects too. Is anyone out there have currently using
    this tool with Forte, or have any experience with the possibility of using
    any CM tool with Forte development.
    Any input in this regard will be greatly appreciated.

    Text based configuration management
    Scripts to export/import
    Repository creation tools from frozen source set (taken out of CM)
    And policies to force users to checkout a full plan (for locking reasons)
    when having to change a single class.
    There's still the issue where stuff is checked out in CM and as well
    in the workshop => inconsistency risk
    -----Message d'origine-----
    De: Krish and Forte []
    Date: mardi 2 mai 2000 17:31
    Objet: Re: (forte-users) CM Tool for Forte
    Just Curious to know how everybody are maintaining different
    versions of the
    Forte project.
    Forte itself provides us with the Team development and cross platform
    development features. All we need is Version Controlling.
    I presume we wont be maintaining different versions of each
    "Forte Project"
    in the Version Control.( A Project in Forte will definitely contain more
    than 1 Forte Project). If we do this, we need to maintain a chart
    of which
    version of Forte Project works with another Forte Project and it is messy.
    The other way is to baseline the Development Repository itself in the
    Version Control. This works fine. But once the repository starts
    growing, I
    am not sure of the version control software handling GB sized files.
    Any IDEAS?
    Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at
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  • Collection-Based For Loop Troubles!

    I am trying to compile this code from the book "Beginning Java 2: JDK 5 Edition" by Ivor Horton, using XCode on a Mac with SDK 1.4 (I know that the book is for JDK 5, but I figure that the first 5 chapters or so are going to be basic enough that it won't matter?):
    public class StringTokenizing {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    String text = "To be or not to be, that is the question.";
    String delimiters = "[, .]";
    int[] limits = {0, -1};
    for(int limit : limits) {
    System.out.println("\nAnalysis with limit = " + limit);
    String[] tokens = text.split(delimiters, limit);
    System.out.println("Number of tokens: " + tokens.length);
    for(String token : tokens) {
    But, just as with EVERY code involving collection-based for loops -- In this case, the "for(int limit : limits)" statement, etc -- the compiler won't do it. The error points to that line and just says "; expected" as if it has no idea what to do with for loops that are not in the for (x ; x ; x) format...
    ...Grrrr. This is really starting to make it impossible to follow the examples in the book. Can someone help me?

    Kay, have you asked a written permission prior to posting that reply
    while I was posting my reply hm? I guess you didn't.
    kind regards,
    Jos (it's all anarchy and chaos overhere ;-)
    +----- slow old sod                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

  • Collection Class

    I have import two classes class1, class2 in a Class3 program. Class1 contains get and set methods. Class2 and Class3 coding is as follows. In Class2, I have passed the Class1 object. Now my problem is when I try to get the values in Class3 through get method of class1 using Collection class, I get only null values. Kindly tell me how to correct my problem.
    class c2
             public Collection selecting(Class1 c1) throws Exception
                        ResultSet rs = null;
                        PreparedStatement ps = null;
                        Connection con = null;
                        Collection result = new ArrayList();
                        con = getConnection();
                        id =  c1.getId();
                        String sql = "select * from table1 where id=?";
                        ps = con.prepareStatement(sql);
                        rs = ps.executeQuery();
    }     class c3
             public static void main(String[] arg)
                     Collection sel = c2.selecting(c1);
                     Iterator i = sel.iterator();
                             out.println("<b> "+s+","+f+"<br>");

    Don't Mistake me. I have send only a part of program. I have used return statement in my program. I need solution for ,how to get the values from Collection class object when a class object is passed as argument.
    Collection sel = c2.selecting(c1);Here c1 is object of class1 which contains methods like

  • Differentiating the asset class for group assets

    I want to create group assets in AS21. For creating group assets I want to create a seperate asset class. I could not find any option of differentiating the asset class for group assets in transaction OAOA (i.e., Define Asset Class)
    How we can identify that an asset class can be used only for group assets and not for individual assets.

    <<Plagiarised from>>
    A group asset is represented in the system by a separate master record. The structure of this master record corresponds to the structure of the normal asset master record. You can determine the structure of this master record using screen layout control, just as you do for normal master records. Just the same as a normal asset, a group asset can have any number of sub-numbers. In this way it is possible, for example, to collect all the acquisitions for one year in a single sub-number master record at the level of the group asset.
    There is a separate master data transaction for creating group assets (Asset ® Create ® Group asset). This transaction corresponds to the transaction for creating normal assets. However, there are certain special considerations to keep in mind for master data maintenance of group assets:
    Group assets can only be deleted when all the assets belonging to them have been marked for deletion.
    Group assets can only manage depreciation areas that have been specially marked. You mark them using an indicator in the company code specific specifications for the depreciation area (FI-AA Customizing: Specify depreciation areas for group assets).
    Group assets have to be assigned to an asset class, just as normal assets do. You use an indicator in the asset class to specify that the class can be used only for group assets.
    Assignment of an Asset to a Group Asset
    You can assign an asset to a group asset by specific depreciation areas. For this purpose, there is a special field in the asset master record (in the detail display of each depreciation area). You enter the number of the group asset in this field. Once this entry is made, the system calculates and posts the depreciation for this depreciation area only at the level of the group asset. In this way, you can also assign one asset to different group assets in different depreciation areas.
    Amit SHinde
    Acknowledge If satisfied
    Edited by: Matt on Feb 17, 2012 9:34 AM

  • Help needed with collection classes

    Howdie all,
    I'm new to Java, and for the most part, I can do it.
    I'm stuck on how to do the following:
    I have to write a program that simulates a deck of cards, including shuffling (involving cards are re-collected), dealing cards. I have to create 52 objects of the card class. The only things that I can use involve some of the collection classes (arrays, dynamic lists, vectors, dictionaries), queues/stacks
    I dont know:
    ** what to use. should i use a dyn list or a vector
    **how the heck would i shuffle the cards?
    ** for dealing the cards, i figued i would just use a loop to draw a set of cards (face and suit)
    i am not asking for code on how to do it (though pseudo-code/alogorithm may help). i just dont know where to start..i am totally stuck.
    thanks a bunch!

    I would suggest you to use the LinkedList class for the deck representation.
    To create the cards you could use
    for i = 0 to 51
    new Card(i);
    In Card constructor do something like
    int colour = i/13+1; // (1-4, one for each colour)
    int value = i%13+1; // (1-13, ace-king)
    To shuffle you could
    for i = 0 to 100
    j = radom(52)
    k = random(52)
    swap(card#j, card#k)
    This will swap 2 random cards 100 times.
    To draw cards
    Card c = cards.remove(0)
    Card c = cards.remove(radom(cards.size()))
    In the later, the shuffle part is not really needed.
    thought about this some more and now i have another
    when using a dyn linked library, i am not even sure
    how to create the 52 objects. previously when doing
    project like this, i just used a random function to
    generate the cards, and used switch statements for the
    non-numbered cards and for the suite. how would i do
    accomplish this when using a collection class?
    Howdie all,
    I'm new to Java, and for the most part, I can do it.
    I'm stuck on how to do the following:
    I have to write a program that simulates a deck of
    cards, including shuffling (involving cards are
    re-collected), dealing cards. I have to create 52
    objects of the card class. The only things that Ican
    use involve some of the collection classes (arrays,
    dynamic lists, vectors, dictionaries),queues/stacks
    I dont know:
    ** what to use. should i use a dyn list or avector
    **how the heck would i shuffle the cards?
    ** for dealing the cards, i figued i would just usea
    loop to draw a set of cards (face and suit)
    i am not asking for code on how to do it (though
    pseudo-code/alogorithm may help). i just dont know
    where to start..i am totally stuck.
    thanks a bunch!

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