Collections New Edit TIFF should be placed along side Parent in Collection

At present if you are working on images in a collection and you decide to edit one of the images in PS the new tiff is automatically assigned tot he collection and given the same rating, metadata this is all good.
Only problem is that the new tiff is now located at the end of the collection instead of next to the parent raw image. So you have go through a laborious process to move the tiff to along side the parent raw.

Thanks John,
Yes that would work except my collections often include photos from different cameras and so a sort by name doesn't really work with my naming structure.
Oh well, maybe something in the next version.

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    I would like to second this.
    This subtle yet life-changing removal is a total loss for advanced users that (used to) take full advantage of "logical and hierarchical" playlists. It tremendously impairs the "smartness" of the feature, effectively removing the possibility of mixing "and" & "if" parameters—which was the real beauty of the whole concept of "smart playlists" à la iTunes.
    Here's a simple example. I would like to create a playlist combining two genres (rock and electronic) with only songs that have a rating higher than 3. I cannot do that anymore. I need to create two playlists:
    a first playlist (A) that displays [Rock] OR [Electronic] (note that this playlist will never be played, it's an intermediary step required for B)
    then a second playlist (B) that displays [songs from playlist "A"] AND [with a rating higher than 3].
    It's a pain. And it clutters up browsing lists on my iPad/iPhone a lot.
    Smart playlists should get the ellipse button back!
    Moreover, the possibility of creating / editing smart playlists on iOS via a nice menu would be just… awesome. I would have thought Apple was going in that "smart" direction with iTunes. In hoping it's just a delay… until iOS 5 maybe?

  • Alternate HTML content should be placed here. This content requires the Adobe Flash Player. Get Flash

    hi all and adobe forum team
    im download felx bulder 3 and make a new flex project ....
    its ok
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    I had the same problem.
    After I've installed new flash player version
    I've got the same error.
    I'm using Korean windows. Maybe that's the problem. I don't
    know yet.
    I will test on English machine tomorrow.
    Problem is caused by version detaction javascript.
    In AC_OETags.js file, there is ControlVersion() function.
    Inside of that function,
    axo = new ActiveXObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash.7");
    this line throw error with catching but do nothing.
    So, overall javascript recognize flash player as version 2.0
    and something.
    I testd this on firefox and IE 7.0.5730.11.
    There are all Korean version and failed.
    But Safri beta version for Window works fine.
    This does not have any Korean version yet. That's why I
    assume maybe
    that's causing the problem.
    So, I guess Adobe people will do something for this, but if
    you want to
    run it right now without this error message.
    Easiest way is just turn off that Flash player version
    detection in
    project properties > Flex Complier > HTML wrapper.
    Uncheck Require Flash player version.
    Or edit your Javascript by yourself in
    like below;
    axo = new ActiveXObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash");
    I hope this will be solved quickly.
    Dongwook, Kwon.
    awwad ¾´ ±Û:
    > hi all and adobe forum team
    > im download felx bulder 3 and make a new flex project
    .... its ok
    > but when i want to run my project i take empty page with
    the error code "
    > Alternate HTML content should be placed here. This
    content requires the Adobe
    > Flash Player. Get Flash "
    > that error mean i havent flash player on my pc
    > but i have because it will installed by default with
    adobe flex builder, and
    > flash cs3 on my pc, and im installed it from adobe web
    site, and im installed
    > it from cd
    > but without any result, i have same the error when i
    want to run my flext
    > project
    > i take "Alternate HTML content should be placed here.
    This content requires
    > the Adobe Flash Player. Get Flash "
    > plz help me why

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    requires the Adobe Flash Player
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    I had the same problem.
    After I've installed new flash player version
    I've got the same error.
    I'm using Korean windows. Maybe that's the problem. I don't
    know yet.
    I will test on English machine tomorrow.
    Problem is caused by version detaction javascript.
    In AC_OETags.js file, there is ControlVersion() function.
    Inside of that function,
    axo = new ActiveXObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash.7");
    this line throw error with catching but do nothing.
    So, overall javascript recognize flash player as version 2.0
    and something.
    I testd this on firefox and IE 7.0.5730.11.
    There are all Korean version and failed.
    But Safri beta version for Window works fine.
    This does not have any Korean version yet. That's why I
    assume maybe
    that's causing the problem.
    So, I guess Adobe people will do something for this, but if
    you want to
    run it right now without this error message.
    Easiest way is just turn off that Flash player version
    detection in
    project properties > Flex Complier > HTML wrapper.
    Uncheck Require Flash player version.
    Or edit your Javascript by yourself in
    like below;
    axo = new ActiveXObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash");
    I hope this will be solved quickly.
    Dongwook, Kwon.
    awwad ¾´ ±Û:
    > hi all and adobe forum team
    > im download felx bulder 3 and make a new flex project
    .... its ok
    > but when i want to run my project i take empty page with
    the error code "
    > Alternate HTML content should be placed here. This
    content requires the Adobe
    > Flash Player. Get Flash "
    > that error mean i havent flash player on my pc
    > but i have because it will installed by default with
    adobe flex builder, and
    > flash cs3 on my pc, and im installed it from adobe web
    site, and im installed
    > it from cd
    > but without any result, i have same the error when i
    want to run my flext
    > project
    > i take "Alternate HTML content should be placed here.
    This content requires
    > the Adobe Flash Player. Get Flash "
    > plz help me why

  • XML Edit Form should open in Same window (Not a popup).

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    I have requirement to open the Edit form in Same window (Not a popup).
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    Its possible? How to achieve this? Helpful replies will be appreciated.
    Thanks and Regards
    Thillai J

    Not solved

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    I presume the developer edition you have installed is a standard install, not a multi-server?  You don't specify.
    One can have a standard install and multi-server install cohabitate on the same box no worries.  Just install CF9 as multi-server as per a normal multi-server install, and configure it to run on a new site set up in IIS.
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    There's a big problem I'm having.
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    Not to mention that with some images, Aperture is recorded the wrong file size (as seen in my second screenshot).
    I need help desperately!

    Thanks for all the words of help.
    What is strange about this is this:
    I'm working with NEF raw files from a D2X.
    Before my hard drive issue, I did some editing of the raw files in Aperture. Then, I had Aperture send the tweaked file to Photoshop for more editing. Aperture sent over a 16bit tiff file. The file was about 70 megs in size (a 12.4 megapixel file @16 bits). Fine.
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    Back in Aperture, the edited TIFF was (automatically) stacked with the raw NEF file. Fine.
    Then... HARD DRIVE ISSUE (actually, a raid failure, but that's another story).
    After many hours or rebuilding and restoring from a saved vault, I get this issue where Aperture cannot find the stacked, edited tiffs. Ok, fine, so....
    I go to the "manage referenced files" command and navigate to the tiff files stored on my hard drive and bingo....
    No go...
    But the strange thing is (and you can see it in my second screenshot above) that aperture is looking for a 70meg image where the edited image is actually much larger. If you look at this screenshot ( ) you can see that Aperture is looking for a 70.1mb file at 2852x4296 pixels. This is what Aperture originally sent over to Photoshop for me to edit. The actual edited file was saved (and cataloged by Aperture before my HARD DRIVE ISSUE) as a 236.8mb file at 3419x5150 pixels (this was the edited version.
    After my hard drive issue and restore from vault, Aperture "forgot" that I had edited the image and enlarged it. It is looking for the 16bit TIFF that it originally sent to Photoshop when I first started to edit the image.
    This is the big problem and, I think, bug in Aperture.
    I have since reimported the TIFF files and will re-stack them with the original NEFs. But this is a lot of work.
    I'm wondering if someone from the Aperture team can help figure this out.
    I hope that I've made the problem clearer. This is hard to do with words.
    Thanks for everyone's input.

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    Thank you.

    Hello Jerry,
    to insert something right into the middle of a mix I like to use the Arrangement Track:
         Track -> Show Arrangement Track (or Shift-⌘-A)
    By clicking the "+" you can mark sections of your arrangement and adjust the size of the sections by dragging the ends. In this example I marked two sections "Part 1" and "Part 2", and a third section "insert" to be inserted right in the middle between my first sections. You then can drag the "insert" section in the arrangement track between the other two parts, and all tracks with all Automations will move along.
    This is very convenient, if you have several tracks with automations added. If you only have one track without any automations it might suffice to simply select the regions behind the insertion point and to shift them to the right to be able to insert the missing region.
    Good Luck

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    Mac Pro RAID Card and multiple SATA hard drives: 4 x 2TB 7200-rpm Serial ATA 3Gb/s hard drive
    PCI Express graphics cards: ATI Radeon HD 5870 1GB
    RME Fireface 800
    Apple Fibre Channel card
    2 x Apple Xserve 7 TB RAID                                             
    1 x Blackmagic Design Multibridge Extreme I/O
    2 x Wacom intuos 4 tablet (medium)
    4 x 27" Apple Cinema monitors
    Apple Xsan v2.2 - 1 Node STORAGE OR  Final cut server???
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    Any help to demystify this would be very much appreciated.

    I also encountered davevallance's issue #1.  Directional and enter keys already work, as do volume keys.  If any other button is mapped to those working keys (using ir-keytable) then they also work, for example I can successfully map the useless "teletext" to "enter" and it produces a linefeed when pressed but I cannot get it to do the same with "space".  Interestingly it does produce a space keypress in a virtual terminal (Ctrl+Alt+F3), also "ir-keytable -t" shows the correct key event which proves the underlying OS is recognising the mapping.  The issue is somewhere in the X system instead.
    I refer now to HID Remotes which covers the situation well.  It explains that X does not process keycodes above 255 and at first that would seem to fit here.  All the keys which work (arrows, enter, volume) have keycodes less than 255.  So why don't other 'safe' keycodes work too?
    Xorg has it's own keycode map with "xmodmap" but I don't think that is responsible in this case.  From the Arch wiki it suggests exploring with:
    xev | grep -A2 --line-buffered '^KeyRelease' | sed -n '/keycode /s/^.*keycode \([0-9]*\).* (.*, \(.*\)).*$/\1 \2/p'
    Unmapped keys should produce a "NoSymbol" message but for my non-working keys there is no response at all in X.  Is there another layer between kernal and GUI?

  • Does the iPhoto app export edited TIFFs in their original format and resolution?

    I'm interested to know whether the iPhoto app allows editing of TIFF files and then an option to export that edited TIFF file at its original resolution.  If not, what app allows this kind of photo processing?

    So far as dragging the file "out of" the Lightroom content area I think you'll find that it works the same way as Bridge (i.e. the sidecar does not travel with the original file). In the Bridge you need to use the Move To or Copy feature if you want the XMP sidecar to travel.
    So... In Lightroom, how is it properly done then?
    I shoot RAW only, and I have found occasion where I would like to collect a copy of the RAW files to give to someone else for editing. While I might be able to use the Windows Explorer, what am I supposed to do if the images reside in different directories? I can't export them because Lightroom doesn't let me export a RAW copy (in other words, I can't export a CR2 file and end up with a CR2 file outside of Lightroom), and I can't drag and drop them because 1: this doesn't work on Windows, and 2: the sidecars don't copy with the RAW files.
    Thanks for the tips and info.

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    I don’t know what options I have but would like to return this macbook for the current system.

    What absolute rubbish.
    They we're just updated 4 months ago.
    Where & when did this "Announcement" by Apple take place?

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    the computer is a macbook pro, mac os x 10.6.08 and the ipod touch is ios 6.0.
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    Does the rest of the extensions list look accurate, and are the enabled/disabled groups correct? I wonder whether your extensions database has become corrupted. In the past, I have seen instructions to rename or delete certain files in your Firefox profile (settings) folder, but rather than copy and paste here, I think it's better to wait for someone more familiar with this area.

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    Model Name: iMac
      Model Identifier: iMac12,1
      Processor Name: Intel Core i5
    I reset my apple ID password here on the website, but my computer isn't recognizing my new password. what should I do? I just need to update my adobe flash player but it keeps asking me for my password but won't take my new password I just updated.

    "If you've forgotten the Apple ID password how did you log in to make the last post?"
    Exactly! The password I used to log on here and write my post I figured was the same Apple ID password I would use to reset my computer login password. But my computer isn't recognizing it as the correct password so it wont let me update my login password. I have 2 user accounts on my computer.
    As far as the link you provided, I already looked to that for help earlier. It states:
    Choose Apple menu > System Preferences, click Users & Groups, click the lock to unlock it, then provide an administrator name and password. Select a user, then click Reset Password.
    I did these steps, but I don't remember my admin password. The question is: How do I reset my admin password so I can reset my log in password.
    Is my admin password the same password I use to log onto this website to post questions? If so, like I said previously, I already reset that password and my computer isnt recognizing it.

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    Hi Bussada,
    No, you dont have to uninstall Creative cloud from the other machine. You can use your Adobe ID to download and install the software on the other machine. Please ensure that you don't use both machine at the same time.
    Download creative cloud desktop app from this link.

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