Collegamenti da animazione edge animate a pagina web in dreamweaver

Ho creato un'animazione con edge animate  ed ho inserito, in due oggetti dell'animazione stessa,  i links verso due pagine web. Ho inserito l'animazione in una pagina web ( index) creata con dreamweaver. Ho successivamente esportato il tutto sul web e, quando si clicca sugli oggetti suddetti non si apre una pagina web "nuova" ma il contenuto della pagina appare all'interno dello spazio delimitato dall'oggetto An, sempre all'interno della pagina index.
questo é il link per vedere cosa succede:
Sbaglio nello scrivere l'url quando assegno un'azione all'oggetto dell'animazione?
E' possibile inserire un link alla pagina intera e non ad una porzione di essa?

>> I didnt understand this. <<
i'm not surprised.  i'm so far down the learning curve i don't know what question to ask.
i am willing to invest time and energy to learn Animate or DW.  i have never used either and it sounds like Animate might be simpler for my simple task.  what i meant by that question relates to what is the output of Animate or DW?  i know how to upload "images" to a web site (jpg, TIF, GIF).  is the output of animate an "image" or is it some code snippet i have to learn how to integrate into the webite i want to publish to?
did that make sense?

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    Just downloaded Edge Animate and trying to include animation.html in current website.html page using Adobe Edge Code preview but am not sure how to go about it not being a hard core programmer.... am i being too ambitious?

    Thanks here is the code :
    Animation code : in subdiretory off Root directory : AdobeEdge/Bannerad.html
    <!DOCTYPE html>
              <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
              <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=Edge,chrome=IE8"/>
    <!--Adobe Edge Runtime-->
        <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
        <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8" src="Bannerad_edgePreload.js"></script>
            .edgeLoad-EDGE-160548878 { visibility:hidden; }
    <!--Adobe Edge Runtime End-->
    <body style="margin:0;padding:0;">
              <div id="Stage" class="EDGE-160548878">
    And segement of Accomodation.html page in root directory :
    <html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
      <head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
        <meta name="Generator" content="iWeb 2.0.4" />
        <meta name="iWeb-Build" content="local-build-20130308" />
        <meta name="viewport" content="width=700" />
        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
              <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=Edge,chrome=IE8"/>
        <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen,print" href="Accomodation_files/Accomodation.css" />
        <!--[if IE]><link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' media='screen,print' href='Accomodation_files/AccomodationIE.css'/><![endif]--><style type="text/css">
              @import "Scripts/Widgets/HTMLRegion/Paste.css";
        <!--Adobe Edge Runtime-->
        <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
        <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8" src="AdobeEdge/Bannerad_edgePreload.js"></script>
            .edgeLoad-EDGE-160548878 { visibility:hidden; }
    <!--Adobe Edge Runtime End--> 
        <script type="text/javascript" src="Scripts/iWebSite.js"></script>
        <script type="text/javascript" src="Scripts/Widgets/SharedResources/WidgetCommon.js"></script>
        <script type="text/javascript" src="Scripts/Widgets/Navbar/navbar.js"></script>
        <script type="text/javascript" src="Scripts/iWebImage.js"></script>
        <script type="text/javascript" src="Scripts/Widgets/HTMLRegion/Paste.js"></script>
        <script type="text/javascript" src="Accomodation_files/Accomodation.js"></script>
      <body style="background: #000000; margin: 0pt; " onload="onPageLoad();" onunload="onPageUnload();">
        <div style="text-align: center; ">
          <div style="margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; margin-top: 0px; overflow: hidden; position: relative; word-wrap: break-word;  background: #fffde8; text-align: left; width: 700px; " id="body_content">
            <div style="margin-left: 0px; position: relative; width: 700px; z-index: 0; " id="nav_layer">
              <div style="height: 0px; line-height: 0px; " class="bumper"> </div>
              <div id="id1" style="height: 258px; left: 17px; position: absolute; top: 13px; width: 665px; z-index: 1; " class="style_SkipStroke">
                <div class="text-content graphic_shape_layout_style_default_External_665_258" style="padding: 0px; ">
                  <div class="graphic_shape_layout_style_default"></div>
                </div> <p style="margin:0;padding:0;">
                         <div id="Stage" class="EDGE-160548878">
    ....................  etc.

  • Edge Animate Content not working in DreamWeaver

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    When I go to DW Live View It automatically logs me into the site and I don't get to see the index page that I am trying to put this on. This is what I see in design view...
    When I publish it the An file doesn't show. When I refresh the page the "Log In" div is in the correct place for a fraction of a second and then snap up to the top (where the An should be).

  • Lesson for Adobe Edge Animate

    Hello Everyone.
    OK. Have been doing Edge Lesson's for quite nearly a year now, and wanted to share them with the community.
    If you have any request or questions, please feel free to post them to the video links below, or in here, and I will
    Try my best to assist you any way that I can.
    Edge Animate has really come a long ways, and with the new CC, it has taken on a life of its own.
    Look forward to what the future may bring with this awesome Adobe program release.
    Wayne Barron
    Dark Effects Production
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  • Unable to Insert Adobe Edge Animate files into Dreamweaver CS6!

    I have just tried the new Insert Edge Media feature in the new Cloud version of Dreamweaver CS6, but I can't get it to work!!
    I have the option, but all the files in the Edge folder are unhighlighted (grey'd out) and I am unable to select anything Edge has published. I have noticed that the file extension has recently changed from .edge to .an with the launch of Animate.. Is this the problem?
    Its a shame as its really quite tricky to put edge stuff into a web page at present..
    Any ideas?

    Do you have an HTML5 web document open?   
    Below are instructions from the DW CS6 Reference document
    Import Edge Animate compositions | Creative Cloud
    This feature is available for Creative Cloud members and point product subscribers only.
    You can import Adobe Edge Animate compositions (OAM files) into Dreamweaver. The composition is placed at the location of the cursor. Dreamweaver extracts the contents of the imported OAM file to a folder named edgeanimate assets. You can change the default location in the Site Setup dialog.
    1. Ensure that your cursor is at the location where you want to insert the Edge Animate composition.
    2. Select Insert > Media > Edge Animate Composition.
    3. Navigate to the location in your computer containing the OAM file, and open it. The animation is placed at the specified location.
    By default, the contents of the OAM file are extracted to the edgeanimate_assets folder. A sub folder with the name of the file is created. The contents of the OAM file are placed in the Assets folder under this location.
    You can place Edge Animate Compositions into individual pages not part of any site. The files are extracted to the location of the page.
    Location of extracted files
         A. The edgeanimate_assets folder
         B. The folder created using the file name of the OAM file
         C. The Assets folder containing the extracted files
    4. Preview the inserted Edge Animate composition in a browser or in the Live View.
    Change default location for extracted files
    1. Open the Site Setup dialog for your site.
    2. Under Advanced Settings, select Edge Animate Assets.
    3. In Asset Folder, modify the location for extracted files
    Nancy O.

  • Edge Animate and Fancybox Conflict

    I've created a nice little splash animation for my company's website, which is working nicely on it's own.  Further down the page, we have a section that I'm trying to manually call fancybox galleries on.  It works if I delete the Edge Preloader Script tag in the head, but as soon as I paste it back in, fancybox does not work again.  I have other jquery scripts running on the page while the Edge script is active, so I don't think it's from multiple jquery calls.  I'm at a loss here as it seems that getting rid of one or the other is the only solution and I hope that isn't the case.
    You can see the code at:
    The manual fancybox call is on the 'Clients Section' on the gallery button for Peter Sculthorpe.

    Thank you very much for your answer.
    When I give exported as HTML at the end of the process opened me is the page of the Google search engine, but when I go to the folder where I keep the project in HTML and give click to INDEX up the page but only see the color background page and do not see the animations I did in EDGE ANIMATE . It seems to me that it is wrong EDGE ANIMATE , because when I look for the assets folder, there are two animations I did in Edge Animate , and when I enter one of them and I click the HTML document animation , raises with defects in the animation , it lacks a number of images to the project. However, these missing pictures ARE ON THE IMAGES FOLDER . Then I went to Edge Animate to see how Edge Animate published as Web (not as oam file) and when I clicked the HTML document created by Edge Animate gives the same error as in Muse . I really do not understand what's happening because the preview of Edge Animate and the Muse preview look perfect . And I do not miss any ' error code or something.
    I do not know what else to do , my knowledge of the programs is limited , perhaps , to be able to locate an solution .
    I will be very grateful to all who can help me on this case.
    Thank you

  • Getting Edge animate website online

    Hi all,
    I had a flash site, then decided to re-vamp it in html5. So I made a bare bone site on Edge animate, published to web, and it made a bunch of nice organized files to upload. I went into Dreamweaver CS6, deleted old files, and uploaded the new files. However, I kept getting the following message. After a bit of googling, I realize that I need an index.html. But I am not sure how to generate it since it doesn't seemed to be generated by Edge Animate.
    Any guidance is greatly appreciated.
    You don't have permission to access / on this server.
    Apache/2.2 Server at Port 80

    You can rename your landing page to index.html in the web root directory. Make sure that if you have any other links to the original page, then those are also updated.
    Another option would be to put a redirecting index.html page in your web root, which redirects to the correct page automatically. Use this option only if you cannot use the first one.

  • Can Edge Animate creations work on facebook?

    Hi there,
    I am looking into working with Edge Animate tool to create more interactive designs but I was wondering if the creations ( file formats) from Edge Animate work on web platforms like facebook?
    Please advise,

    Facebook doesn't allow custom scripts and HTML code, so this is no use.

  • Is it possible to design an animated navigation bar in Edge Animate CC for use in a Dreamweaver CC site to act as the site's internal navigation? I have my own example for review.

    Hi all,
    I'm hoping one of you good people can help me with this. I usually try and work out things by myself and is my first time posting as this one really has me stumped. A solution would be fantastic but if I could be given a definitive answer if it can be done or not then at least I can stop wasting my time.
    I'm loving Edge Animate as a cross browser alternative to Flash and the complete control I can now have building HTML5 and CSS animations from scratch. I build websites using Dreamweaver CC and wanted to create a bespoke drop down navigation for one of my sites in Edge animate CC to take into Dreamweaver. This I have done and is where I am having problems. The link to the test homepage in question is below with the nag bar made in Edge CC top right.
    The problem is when setting the link attribute in Edge animate. You have the options of 'link in same window' or 'link in new window'. As it's for an internal navigation system neither seem to be appropriate. If I set it to open in a new window and set the live website address as follows it opens up the new page in a new window where as I want to replace the page. This is an example of the code I used to test if clicking 'sports advertising' would take you beck to the homepage:
    // Navigate to a new URL in a new window
    // (replace "_blank" with appropriate target attribute)"", "_blank");
    I ideally want to get into the code and just wrap each nav element with a <a href=""><a> tag. Can this be done and can it be done directly in Edge Animate CC?
    Cheers, Matt

    According to your description, my understanding is that use CMAK to configure split tunneling on VPN clients, traffic to specified devices can be routed via their own default gateway.
    If the manually added route entries all have default metric and interface, clients will select one by the default routing rule, can’t select one of them according to clients’ own conditions. So, I am afraid that CMAK can’t implement the function which you need.
    A blog described about How to configure split tunneling on VPN clients using CMAK, for your reference:
    Best Regards,
    Eve Wang 
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact [email protected]

  • How do I include 'Edge Web Fonts' into Edge Animate?

    How do I include 'Edge Web Fonts' (not Google Web Fonts) into Edge Animate?

    Have you tried to use google fonts? I have used them and they work for me.
    When you add your font for example:
    Copy paste:
    <link href='' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>
    and then for font family.
    'Finger Paint', cursive;
    then select addfont on the addfont screen

  • Hi I'm trying to make a radio button web form using edge animate.
    Basically I'm working on this app, the only thing I need is, I want every option that the user click will be recorded and summarize, and will emailed to my email. Much like a web form, can I do that in edge animate? Please help...
    Basically I'm working on this app, the only thing I need is, I want every option that the user click will be recorded and summarize, and will emailed to my email. Much like a web form, can I do that in edge animate? Please help... 

  • Typekit font not displaying in iPad DPS app (created by Indesign) in Web Content (Edge Animate)

    I think I have tried every permutation to make this work, but I am probably missing something. 
    I am creating a single DPS iPad app with InDesign, and I am using a Typekit font throughout.  So far so good. 
    I have created an Edge Animate project using the same Typekit font.  In preview mode, it is fine as well. 
    However, when I place the Edge Animate project into a frame in InDesign and use the Web Content Folio Overlay (regardless of whether I use the .oam file or link directly .html output published by Animate), the Typekit font will not show up in the Edge Animate portion of the DPS app and will instead use a fallback font. 
    Can anyone suggest a way to make Typekit fonts in Edge Animate work when embedded in a DPS app?  (For what it's worth, I have the same problem when embedding html output from Tumult Hype, so it seems unlikely that this is an issue with Edge Animate at all and probably has more to do with something in the way the DPS app is dealing with embedded html content.)
    Thanks in advance for any assistance. 

    Believe me, I understand the pain. Unfortunately there's only so much we can do at Adobe as the EULAs provided by the foundries for their respective fonts are very explicit in where you can and can not use them.
    For example, packaging an InDeisgn file and sending it off for pre-press with the fonts included in the package is in direct violation of most font EULAs. In a studio environment, you're only allowed to have a font installed on n number of computers and need to have multiple licenses to accomidate >n number of seats. When creating a PDF, fonts explicitly have to be subsetted before embedding into the PDF.
    That's just to paint a picture of the fragile state of using fonts in print, usage in digital mediums is just another bee in your bonnet when it comes to considering when you can and cannot use a font.
    Services like Typekit Desktop are trying to make this easier by removing a lot of those pain and condierations for you, by blanketing all these fonts under a single license you're free to use for print and the web. There's still some gotchyas, but we're aiming to greatly reduce how much you have to think about it where we can.
    So yes there's a bit of education when it comes to mixing embedded HTML content/fonts with DPS, but at least there's options

  • Design the Web with Edge Animate | ADC Presents | Adobe TV

    Sarah Hunt, product manager, shows you powerful new features in Adobe Edge Animate, including CSS filters, gradients, and a visual UI for web fonts.

    I know English relatively well but it isn't my native language. Sarah Hunt is nice girl, and her knowledge is great I hope but when she speaks I can only understand a few words. Another your speaker Paul Trani speaks so fast as well but every word one can understand.

  • Interview with Edge Animate Product Manager Sarah Hunt | Web & Mobile Design with Creative Cloud | Adobe TV

    Adobe Evangelist Paul Trani sits down with Product Manager of Edge Animate, Sarah Hunt. Learn about her plans for Edge Animate as she talks about new features and the future of the web.

    This was not useful. why should we know who is she.

  • Web fonts from Edge Animate and DPS

    I've read all of the existing threads on this matter and I'm still a bit confused.
    I get that typekit web fonts won't render offline. But if that is the case, how can you ever use a custom web font from Edge Animate in a DPS publication? Considering you can only use web fonts in Animate...
    We have a desktop license for this font as well. So is there a way to get my animate project to call the desktop font rather than the web font?
    Any help or clarification would be greatly appreciated.
    - Dylan

    I haven’t tried it so this may be a shot in the dark but you might be able to hack into the CSS and use @font-face to call a local font.
    Check the license of the font to be sure it allows this.

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