Color names in Java code format.  Looking for the 216 safe colors.

Color names and associated values are available in HTML format; I am looking for such a list in Java code.
thanks for any help.

// Since I could not find it, I pasted it up myself.
// Since I think it is useful and cool, I am sharing it.
import java.awt.Color;
Java class of the standard non-standard "safe" browser colors.
View and choose colors grouped by color at
or others.
Colors in this alpha ordered list are presumed to correspond.
public class Colors {
public static final Color AliceBlue = rgb("F0F8FF");
public static final Color AntiqueWhite = rgb("FAEBD7");
public static final Color Aqua = rgb("00FFFF");
public static final Color Aquamarine = rgb("7FFFD4");
public static final Color Azure = rgb("F0FFFF");
public static final Color Beige = rgb("F5F5DC");
public static final Color Bisque = rgb("FFE4C4");
public static final Color Black = rgb("000000");
public static final Color BlanchedAlmond = rgb("FFEBCD");
public static final Color Blue = rgb("0000FF");
public static final Color BlueViolet = rgb("8A2BE2");
public static final Color Brown = rgb("A52A2A");
public static final Color BurlyWood = rgb("DEB887");
public static final Color CadetBlue = rgb("5F9EA0");
public static final Color Chartreuse = rgb("7FFF00");
public static final Color Chocolate = rgb("D2691E");
public static final Color Coral = rgb("FF7F50");
public static final Color CornflowerBlue = rgb("6495ED");
public static final Color Cornsilk = rgb("FFF8DC");
public static final Color Crimson = rgb("DC143C");
public static final Color Cyan = rgb("00FFFF");
public static final Color DarkBlue = rgb("00008B");
public static final Color DarkCyan = rgb("008B8B");
public static final Color DarkGoldenRod = rgb("B8860B");
public static final Color DarkGray = rgb("A9A9A9");
public static final Color DarkGreen = rgb("006400");
public static final Color DarkKhaki = rgb("BDB76B");
public static final Color DarkMagenta = rgb("8B008B");
public static final Color DarkOliveGreen = rgb("556B2F");
public static final Color Darkorange = rgb("FF8C00");
public static final Color DarkOrchid = rgb("9932CC");
public static final Color DarkRed = rgb("8B0000");
public static final Color DarkSalmon = rgb("E9967A");
public static final Color DarkSeaGreen = rgb("8FBC8F");
public static final Color DarkSlateBlue = rgb("483D8B");
public static final Color DarkSlateGray = rgb("2F4F4F");
public static final Color DarkTurquoise = rgb("00CED1");
public static final Color DarkViolet = rgb("9400D3");
public static final Color DeepPink = rgb("FF1493");
public static final Color DeepSkyBlue = rgb("00BFFF");
public static final Color DimGray = rgb("696969");
public static final Color DodgerBlue = rgb("1E90FF");
public static final Color Feldspar = rgb("D19275");
public static final Color FireBrick = rgb("B22222");
public static final Color FloralWhite = rgb("FFFAF0");
public static final Color ForestGreen = rgb("228B22");
public static final Color Fuchsia = rgb("FF00FF");
public static final Color Gainsboro = rgb("DCDCDC");
public static final Color GhostWhite = rgb("F8F8FF");
public static final Color Gold = rgb("FFD700");
public static final Color GoldenRod = rgb("DAA520");
public static final Color Gray = rgb("808080");
public static final Color Green = rgb("008000");
public static final Color GreenYellow = rgb("ADFF2F");
public static final Color HoneyDew = rgb("F0FFF0");
public static final Color HotPink = rgb("FF69B4");
public static final Color IndianRed = rgb("CD5C5C");
public static final Color Indigo = rgb("4B0082");
public static final Color Ivory = rgb("FFFFF0");
public static final Color Khaki = rgb("F0E68C");
public static final Color Lavender = rgb("E6E6FA");
public static final Color LavenderBlush = rgb("FFF0F5");
public static final Color LawnGreen = rgb("7CFC00");
public static final Color LemonChiffon = rgb("FFFACD");
public static final Color LightBlue = rgb("ADD8E6");
public static final Color LightCoral = rgb("F08080");
public static final Color LightCyan = rgb("E0FFFF");
public static final Color LightGoldenRodYellow = rgb("FAFAD2");
public static final Color LightGrey = rgb("D3D3D3");
public static final Color LightGreen = rgb("90EE90");
public static final Color LightPink = rgb("FFB6C1");
public static final Color LightSalmon = rgb("FFA07A");
public static final Color LightSeaGreen = rgb("20B2AA");
public static final Color LightSkyBlue = rgb("87CEFA");
public static final Color LightSlateBlue = rgb("8470FF");
public static final Color LightSlateGray = rgb("778899");
public static final Color LightSteelBlue = rgb("B0C4DE");
public static final Color LightYellow = rgb("FFFFE0");
public static final Color Lime = rgb("00FF00");
public static final Color LimeGreen = rgb("32CD32");
public static final Color Linen = rgb("FAF0E6");
public static final Color Magenta = rgb("FF00FF");
public static final Color Maroon = rgb("800000");
public static final Color MediumAquaMarine = rgb("66CDAA");
public static final Color MediumBlue = rgb("0000CD");
public static final Color MediumOrchid = rgb("BA55D3");
public static final Color MediumPurple = rgb("9370D8");
public static final Color MediumSeaGree = rgb("3CB371");
public static final Color MediumSlateBlue = rgb("7B68EE");
public static final Color MediumSpringGreen = rgb("00FA9A");
public static final Color MediumTurquoise = rgb("48D1CC");
public static final Color MediumVioletRed = rgb("C71585");
public static final Color MidnightBlue = rgb("191970");
public static final Color MintCream = rgb("F5FFFA");
public static final Color MistyRose = rgb("FFE4E1");
public static final Color Moccasin = rgb("FFE4B5");
public static final Color NavajoWhite = rgb("FFDEAD");
public static final Color Navy = rgb("000080");
public static final Color OldLace = rgb("FDF5E6");
public static final Color Olive = rgb("808000");
public static final Color OliveDrab = rgb("6B8E23");
public static final Color Orange = rgb("FFA500");
public static final Color OrangeRed = rgb("FF4500");
public static final Color Orchid = rgb("DA70D6");
public static final Color PaleGoldenRod = rgb("EEE8AA");
public static final Color PaleGreen = rgb("98FB98");
public static final Color PaleTurquoise = rgb("AFEEEE");
public static final Color PaleVioletRed = rgb("D87093");
public static final Color PapayaWhip = rgb("FFEFD5");
public static final Color PeachPuff = rgb("FFDAB9");
public static final Color Peru = rgb("CD853F");
public static final Color Pink = rgb("FFC0CB");
public static final Color Plum = rgb("DDA0DD");
public static final Color PowderBlue = rgb("B0E0E6");
public static final Color Purple = rgb("800080");
public static final Color Red = rgb("FF0000");
public static final Color RosyBrown = rgb("BC8F8F");
public static final Color RoyalBlue = rgb("4169E1");
public static final Color SaddleBrown = rgb("8B4513");
public static final Color Salmon = rgb("FA8072");
public static final Color SandyBrown = rgb("F4A460");
public static final Color SeaGreen = rgb("2E8B57");
public static final Color SeaShell = rgb("FFF5EE");
public static final Color Sienna = rgb("A0522D");
public static final Color Silver = rgb("C0C0C0");
public static final Color SkyBlue = rgb("87CEEB");
public static final Color SlateBlue = rgb("6A5ACD");
public static final Color SlateGray = rgb("708090");
public static final Color Snow = rgb("FFFAFA");
public static final Color SpringGreen = rgb("00FF7F");
public static final Color SteelBlue = rgb("4682B4");
public static final Color Tan = rgb("D2B48C");
public static final Color Teal = rgb("008080");
public static final Color Thistle = rgb("D8BFD8");
public static final Color Tomato = rgb("FF6347");
public static final Color Turquoise = rgb("40E0D0");
public static final Color Violet = rgb("EE82EE");
public static final Color VioletRed = rgb("D02090");
public static final Color Wheat = rgb("F5DEB3");
public static final Color White = rgb("FFFFFF");
public static final Color WhiteSmoke = rgb("F5F5F5");
public static final Color Yellow = rgb("FFFF00");
public static final Color YellowGreen = rgb("9ACD32");
public Colors() {  }
private static Color rgb(String hexValue){
return(new Color(
Integer.parseInt(hexValue.substring(0, 2), 16),
Integer.parseInt(hexValue.substring(2, 4), 16),
Integer.parseInt(hexValue.substring(4), 16)));

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    Thanks so much for helping with this, Nubz!
    Joerg's instructions are excellent. I refer to them often and I've had them bookmarked since I found Apple Discussions last year. The new Code section is great!! Very clear!
    Now we just need to find a way to get users to that page. Our problem has never been with users who are interested enough in Apple Discussions to visit the Tips Library. The unformatted code is coming from first-time users--not necessarily novice coders, but programmers of all skill levels who aren't coming here to learn about the forums or relate to the community. These folks are focused on their current project, may have found no answers anywhere else, and arrive here with tunnel vision. Often there's a language problem as well.
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    Of course that's a good sign! We've been giving good service down there and the number of newcomers seems to be reflecting that. A big percentage have turned into regulars, so I think we have a very healthy forum. It's just the formatting cycle gets old, and the time and bytes add up too.
    My suggestion is this:
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    The user doesn't even need to open the message. Only developers will see this. No change to the page header is needed. If the user does open the message, a link will be provided to Joerg's tips.
    - Ray

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    If your iPhone continues to prompt for your old account and password then check out the following article.
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    Hello eLZhi,
    Thanks for the question, and welcome to Apple Support Communities.
    The following article provides the most relevant information to your question:
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    Matt M.

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    You can't change it.
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    Saw this solution on another post about an iPad in a school environment. Might work on your iPad so you won't lose everything.
    ‘iPad is disabled’ fix without resetting using iTunes
    Today I met my match with an iPad that had a passcode entered too many times, resulting in it displaying the message ‘iPad is disabled – Connect to iTunes’. This was a student iPad and since they use Notability for most of their work there was a chance that her files were not all backed up to the cloud. I really wanted to just re-activate the iPad instead of totally resetting it back to our default image.
    I reached out to my PLN on Twitter and had some help from a few people through retweets and a couple of clarification tweets. I love that so many are willing to help out so quickly. Through this I also learned that I look like Lt. Riker from Star Trek (thanks @FillineMachine).
    Through some trial and error (and a little sheer luck), I was able to reactivate the iPad without loosing any data. Note, this will only work on the computer it last synced with. Here’s how:
    1. Configurator is useless in reactivating a locked iPad. You will only be able to completely reformat the iPad using Configurator. If that’s ok with you, go for it – otherwise don’t waste your time trying to figure it out.
    2. Open iTunes with the iPad disconnected.
    3. Connect the iPad to the computer and wait for it to show up in the devices section in iTunes.
    4. Click on the iPad name when it appears and you will be given the option to restore a backup or setup as a new iPad (since it is locked).
    5. Click ‘Setup as new iPad’ and then click restore.
    6. The iPad will start backing up before it does the full restore and sync. CANCEL THE BACKUP IMMEDIATELY. You do this by clicking the small x in the status window in iTunes.
    7. When the backup cancels, it immediately starts syncing – cancel this as well using the same small x in the iTunes status window.
    8. The first stage in the restore process unlocks the iPad, you are basically just cancelling out the restore process as soon as it reactivates the iPad.
    If done correctly, you will experience no data loss and the result will be a reactivated iPad. I have now tried this with about 5 iPads that were locked identically by students and each time it worked like a charm.
    Try it and good luck. You have nothing more to lose if it doesn't work for you.
     Cheers, Tom

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    (Ofcourse, I checked this topic
    as well, but couldn't figure out much; I have
    little knowledge in this area; I've a job to figure out an equivalent code for
    this and use it in JSP.)
    byte[] bytesToEncrypt = ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(stringToEncrypt);
    //RijndaelManaged uses AES and defaults to CBC mode
    RijndaelManaged rij = new RijndaelManaged();
    rij.KeySize = 128;
    ICryptoTransform encryptor = rij.CreateEncryptor(
                     Convert.FromBase64String("7inEMafSQqaSANhMe92Gdw=="), initializationVectorBytes );
    byte[] encryptedBytes = encryptor.TransformFinalBlock(bytesToEncrypt, 0, bytesToEncrypt.Length);

    I've come up with this source, based on the examples given out there
    but, the ultimate output is will be an URL that'll be submitted as request.
    Looks like the data length is very high (as I get some error from the
    server, when I send the request url).
    Just wondering how do I make this code to do the same thing as given
    in the C# code above.
    Any help appreciated.
    private static String getEncryptedLogonData() throws Exception {
              String userDataToEncrypt = "Text";          
              return encrypt(userDataToEncrypt, getIV());;
         public static String encrypt(String text, byte[] iv) throws Exception {
              //Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding");
              Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES/CBC/NoPadding");
              //setup key
              byte[] keyBytes = new byte[16];
              int len = iv.length;
              if (len > keyBytes.length)
                   len = keyBytes.length;
              System.arraycopy(iv, 0, keyBytes, 0, len);
              SecretKeySpec keySpec = new SecretKeySpec(keyBytes, "AES");
              //the below may make this less secure, hard code byte array the IV in
              // both java and .net clients
              IvParameterSpec ivSpec = new IvParameterSpec(keyBytes);
              cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, keySpec, ivSpec);
              byte[] results = cipher.doFinal(text.getBytes("UTF-8"));
              BASE64Encoder encoder = new BASE64Encoder();
              return encoder.encode(results);
         private static byte[] getIV() {
              byte[] iv = new byte[16];
              Random r = new Random();
              return iv;

  • I'm trying to make a time sheet and include a grid, but I'm having a hard time figuring out how to print a full grid on my spreadsheet.  There are options for shaded grids but I want a defined grid, and I have spent the last 2 hours looking for the answer

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    Hi Cynthia,
    Are you planning to have this table do any of the calculation, or is is to be used as the electronic equivalent of a sheet of paper with a grid printed on it—a place to record the data.
    For your seven column table:
    Are you using one or more rows at the top of the table to label the data below? If so, you might want this row (or these rows) to be set as Header Rows.
    Are you using the leftmost column to label the rows? If so, you may want this column to be a Header column.
    The default table supplied on the "Blank" templates contains one header row and one header column. If you need more (or fewer) Header rows or columns, select the table, then go Table (menu) > Header Rows > (choose the number you need). Repeat to set the number of Header Columns.
    To make a seven column table from the table supplied by default, click on any cell in column H (The eighth column), and drag right to add more cells to the selection, until you get to the last column of the table. With these cells selected, Go Table > Delete Columns.
    To make the remaining seven columns fit across a single page:
    Go View > Show Print View to show the table as it would appear when printed to paper.
    Select the table by clicking its icon in the Sheets List to the left (easy method), OR by carefully clicking on the outside boundary of the table itself (fiddley method).
    With the table selected, you will see square white handles at each corner and at the middle of each side (including the top and bottom).
    With the mouse, grab the handle in the middle of the right side of the table and drag right (or left) until the table just fits onto the width of the defined page.
    With the table still selected, set the thickness and colour of the cell boundaries using the Gaphics Inspector (as described by Jerry), or using the Stroke, Thickness and Color Well controls in the Format bar above the working portion of the Window.

  • Problem with my program looking for the settings file in the wrong folder

    I have been writing a simple FTP file uploader, what I want to do is be able to select the files I want to upload in windows explorer and then right click and click the menu item and it launches the program and passes the files paths that I have selected to it.
    So I use this in the windows registry "C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.6.0_03\bin\java.exe -jar D:\BenFTP\BenFTP.jar %1"
    It launches fine and has no problem finding the files I want to upload. The problem is that it tries to look for the settings file in the same folder that the file I am try to upload is in. Which it's not suppose to do since the settings file is in the same folder that the .jar is in.
    Edited by: ColNewman on Feb 5, 2008 6:55 PM

    So, you're looking for your settings file in your current working directory. There's no way to set the CWD in your registry entry (is there?) so that isn't a practical thing to do. Presumably you're using a File object or a FileReader or something? Can't do that.
    One alternative is to look for the settings file in the classpath. You can get a URL to a file in the classpath like this:URL settings = this.getClass().getResource("/settings.xml");Or you can get an InputStream to read the file by using the getResourceAsStream method. You would have to make sure that your executable jar file contained a Class-Path entry that specified the right directory, because the directory the jar is contained in isn't automatically in an executable jar's classpath.
    Another alternative is to ask the user where the settings file is supposed to be, and put an entry in the Preferences (java.util.prefs) to remember that location.

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    This user tip should be useful
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