Combine two queries to Update a table in single query.

I need to update a table in a stored procedure in following manner:
IF p_status = 'FAILED' THEN
UPDATE pms_table
SET status = p_status
WHERE quote_id = p_quote_id
IF p_status = 'COMPLETED' THEN
UPDATE pms_table
SET status = p_status
WHERE quote_id = p_quote_id
How to combine above two queried in single query having same fuctionality.

UPDATE pms_table
SET status = p_status
WHERE quote_id = p_quote_id
and p_status in ('FAILED','COMPLETED');                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

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    Hi there. I would like, if possible, to somehow combine the queries 1) and 2) into a single query.
    1) select distinct user_id from system_user_sessions;
    This query returns all unique users from the indicated table.
    2) select count(session_id) from system_user_sessions where user_id = "each user_id returned from 1)";
    This query will return, for each distinct user_id, the number of sessions involving that user. In other words I would like to return the user_id of each user together with the number of session_ids involving that user.
    any ideas? Joe

    I assume you are looking for something like this:
    select count(session_id)
      from system_user_sessions
    where user_id in ( select distinct user_id
                          from system_user_sessions

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    The second query calculates the years, months, days between two dates that are used in the first query. I'm stumped on how to combine the queries so that they place nice with each other and return results.
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    RTRIM(RTRIM(vpi.LastName) + ', ' + RTRIM(ISNULL(vpi.FirstName,''))) Employee,
    convert(varchar,vpi.FromEffectiveDate,101) PositionStart,      
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    [Age] = convert(varchar, [Years]) + ' Years ' +
              convert(varchar, [Months]) + ' Months ' +
              convert(varchar, [Days]) + ' Days',     *
              [Years] = case     when BirthDayThisYear <= Today
                        then datediff(year, BirthYearStart, CurrYearStart)
                        else datediff(year, BirthYearStart, CurrYearStart) - 1
              [Months]= case     when BirthDayThisYear <= Today
                        then datediff(month, BirthDayThisYear, Today)
                        else datediff(month, BirthDayThisYear, Today) + 12
              [Days]= case     when BirthDayThisMonth <= Today
                        then datediff(day, BirthDayThisMonth, Today)
                        else datediff(day, dateadd(month, -1, BirthDayThisMonth), Today)
              Birth = convert(varchar(10) ,Birth, 121),
              Today = convert(varchar(10), Today, 121)
              select     BirthDayThisYear =
                   case     when     day(dateadd(year, datediff(year, BirthYearStart, CurrYearStart), Birth)) <> day(Birth)
                        then     dateadd(day, 1, dateadd(year, datediff(year, BirthYearStart, CurrYearStart), Birth))
                        else     dateadd(year, datediff(year, BirthYearStart, CurrYearStart), Birth)
                   BirthDayThisMonth =
                   case      when      day(dateadd(month, datediff(month, BirthMonthStart, CurrMonthStart), Birth)) <> day(Birth)
                        then     dateadd(day, 1, dateadd(month, datediff(month, BirthMonthStart, CurrMonthStart), Birth))
                        else     dateadd(month, datediff(month, BirthMonthStart, CurrMonthStart), Birth)
                   select     BirthYearStart = dateadd(year, datediff(year, 0, Birth), 0),
                        CurrYearStart = dateadd(year, datediff(year, 0, Today), 0),
                        BirthMonthStart = dateadd(month, datediff(month, 0, Birth), 0),
                        CurrMonthStart = dateadd(month, datediff(month, 0, Today), 0),
                        select birth = convert(datetime, fromeffectivedate) ,
                        Today = case when convert(datetime, toeffectivedate) = '3000-01-01'
                                       THEN convert(datetime, convert(int,getdate()))
    else vpi.toeffectivedate
         from vHRL_PositionInfo vpi inner join position_codes vpc
                        on vpi.PositionCode = vpc.PositionCode
                   ) aaaa
              ) aaa
         ) aa
    Here's the sample data ...
    vpi table ...
    LastName FirstName FromEffectDate ToEffectDate PosStartDate PosReason PosCode
    Doe John 2001-10-15 3000-01-01 10-15-2001 Transfer OperPack
    Smith Tom 1994-11-28 2001-10-14 1994-11-28 New Hire OperDC
    vpc table ...
    PosCode PosDescription
    OperPack Pack Line Operator
    OperDC Descaler Operator
    This is what the results should look like ...
    John, Doe 2001-10-15 3000-01-01 10-15-2001 Transfer OperPack Pack Line Operator 6 Years 11 Months 16 Days
    John, Doe 1994-11-28 2001-10-14 1994-11-28 New Hire OperDC Descaler Operator 6 Years 6 Months 19 Days
    I know the date calculation piece adds 5 additional fields to the end, but they are not needed for the final report. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thank you! Jena

    Your query suggests you're not using Oracle. Please post in your relevant database forum.

  • Combining two queries in a join

    SQL> desc messages;
    Name Null? Type
    I'm trying to combine both queries outlined below. The first query
    selects the very first message created in the messages table. It does
    this by checking whether thread=0. If it is that means it started a message.
    The second query checks the number of replies to the thread above.
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    will have a thread value the same as the above messageid.
    That is how a reply is identified.
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    of the person who created the new thread(author), date_created, etc....below that
    then is the
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    I'm using oracle 8i so i cant use the join key word...
    any ideas would be appreciated.
    ----selects message that started thread---------------------------------
    select b.title,b.boardid,m.messageid,m.title,,
    from messages m, boards b where b.boardid=m.board and m.thread=0 and b.boardid='198'
    and m.messageid='241';
    Thread title Author Starting message Last post
    Austrailia noel Austrailia 04/01/2005 21:22:35
    -----selects replies to the above message-----------
    select author,date_created,body
    from messages
    where board=198 and thread=241;
    noel           05-JAN-05 Oz is played on clay
    noel 05-JAN-05 Oz played on grass
    noel 05-JAN-05     Oz played on grass

    This is a duplicate post of the following thread:
    URGENT: combining two sql statements

  • Check two columns and update other table

    HI ,
    I have a table called trackCenterline .Below is the table.
    What i want to do is If the segmentSequenceID is 1 it should pick the corresponding SegmentID i.e 10001 and Check for the same segment id in other table called TrackSegment which is below.  and pick the BeginMilepost of that segmentID and Update That
    Milepost in a new table .At end SegmentSequenceID number it should pick ENDMilepost and update
    TrackCenterline table.
    TrackSegment table
    In the below table for 10001 SegmentID it should pick BeginMilepost. For end Number of SegmentSequenceID in above table ID ends at 121 for that end sequenceID It should refer TrackSegment table below and pick EndMilepost and should be updated in another
    table Milepost column.
    after that a new segment starts with new sequence .and so on ...

    Hi Deepa_Deepu,
    According to your description, since the issue regards T-SQL. I will help you move the question in the T-SQL forums at It is appropriate and more experts will assist you.
    When you want to check two columns from two tables then return some results and update the third table. I recommend you use join function and combine two tables, then use update select from statement for modifying the Mailpost table. You can refer to the
    following T-SQL Statement.
    -----using join to connect to two tables
    select TrackCenterline.FeatureId,TrackCenterline.SegmentId,
    from dbo.TrackCenterline join dbo.TrackSegment
    on TrackCenterline.SegmentId=TrackSegment.SegmentId
    order by TrackCenterline.SegmentId, TrackCenterline.SegmentSequenceId
    ---the result shows as following.
    FeatureId SegmentId SegmentSequenceId BeginMilepost EndMilepost
    AMK100011 10001 1 61.0000 61.3740
    AMK100012 10001 2 61.0000 61.3740
    AMK100013 10001 3 61.0000 61.3740
    AMK1000121 10001 121 61.0000 61.3740
    AMK100021 10002 1 61.1260 61.7240
    AMK100023 10002 3 61.1260 61.7240
    AMK100033 10003 3 61.3740 62.9530
    -----Then you can use update select from statement to modify the Mailpost table, Or you can post the table structure of Mailpost
    And for more information, you can review the following article about update statement.
    Sofiya Li
    Sofiya Li
    TechNet Community Support

  • Combining two queries to one

    I have two queries and I would like to output the results as
    one and sort by Name ASC
    Any help would be great thanks

    Either use union in your SQL query or use Coldfusion to
    combine exisitng queries and create a new query resultset.
    Something like this:
    <CFQUERY NAME="getDetailsQuery1"
    SELECT * FROM getDetailsA
    <CFQUERY NAME="getDetailsQuery2"
    SELECT * FROM getDetailsB
    <CFQUERY NAME="getDetails" DBTYPE="query">
    SELECT * FROM getDetailsQuery1
    SELECT * FROM getDetailsQuery2
    Hope this helps!
    Cheers / Manu.

  • Combining two Queries

    Query 1 show me a list of users, each user should tell me how many orders, how many row, and total amount they placed <b>for a certain date</b>.
    Query 2 show me again a list of user, each user should me how many orders and how many row they placed <b>excluding that date above that are still open</b>.
    I would like these two queries to show on one report.  Is it possible?
    Query 1:
    SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT T0.UserSign) AS 'Today_order',
    COUNT(T1.PickStatus) AS 'Today_row', SUM(T1.Price *
    T1.OpenQty) AS 'Today_amount' FROM  [dbo].[RDR1] T1
    INNER JOIN [dbo].[ORDR] T0 ON T1.DocEntry = T0.DocEntry
    WHERE <b>T0.DocDate = CONVERT(DATETIME, '20051109', 112)</b>
    AND  T1.OpenQty > 0
    Query 2:
    SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT T0.UserSign) AS 'Other_order',
    COUNT(T1.PickStatus) AS 'Other_row' FROM  [dbo].[RDR1]
    T1 INNER JOIN [dbo].[ORDR] T0 ON T1.DocEntry =
    T0.DocEntry WHERE T1.OpenQty > 0  AND  <b>T0.DocDate <>
    CONVERT(DATETIME, '20051109', 112)</b>

    Hi Laura,
    It's probably easiest to use temporary tables or a cursor for this query.
    This code works for me (in SQL Query Analyzer and SBO):
    set nocount on
    create table #users (UserSign int, UserName nvarchar(30))
    create table #today (UserSign int, Today_row int, Today_amount numeric(15, 2))
    create table #other (UserSign int, Other_row int)
    insert  into #users
         select T0.USERID, T0.U_NAME from OUSR T0
    insert into #today
    SELECT DISTINCT T0.UserSign AS 'Today_order',
    COUNT(T1.PickStatus) AS 'Today_row', SUM(T1.Price *
    T1.OpenQty) AS 'Today_amount'
    FROM [dbo].[RDR1] T1
    INNER JOIN [dbo].[ORDR] T0 ON T1.DocEntry = T0.DocEntry
    WHERE T0.DocDate = CONVERT(DATETIME, '20051109', 112)
    AND T1.OpenQty > 0
    GROUP BY T0.UserSign
    insert into #other
    SELECT DISTINCT T0.UserSign AS 'Other_order',
    COUNT(T1.PickStatus) AS 'Other_row' FROM  [dbo].[RDR1]
    T1 INNER JOIN [dbo].[ORDR] T0 ON T1.DocEntry =
    T0.DocEntry WHERE T1.OpenQty > 0  AND  T0.DocDate <>
    CONVERT(DATETIME, '20051109', 112)
    GROUP BY T0.UserSign
    set nocount off
    select T0.UserSign, T0.UserName, isnull(T1.Today_row, 0) as Today_row,
         isnull(T1.Today_amount, 0) as Today_amount,
         isnull(T2.Other_row, 0) as Other_row
         #users T0 left outer join #today T1 on T0.UserSign = T1.UserSign
         left outer join #other T2 on T0.UserSign = T2.UserSign
    drop table #users
    drop table #today
    drop table #other
    I've added the user name from the OUSR table to make the query a bit easier to understand.
    Hope this helps,

  • How to Combine two queries into One

    Hi Gurus,
    SQL> select * from v$version;
    Oracle Database 10g Release - 64bit Production
    PL/SQL Release - Production
    CORE      Production
    TNS for Linux: Version - Production
    NLSRTL Version - Production
    I have following two queries. How I can convert these two queries into one with the same result ?
    SELECT id,vdate,vendorname,venddate,vid
    WHERE processid=32
    AND venddate is null
    AND vid in(select vid from view_vid where type='PDX')
    AND (id,vdate) not in (select id,vdate from vkfl_is where task_id=55)
    AND (id,vdate) in (select id,vidate from market_data where marketed_date is null)
    AND id not in (select id from location)
    SELECT id,vdate,vendorname,venddate,vid
    WHERE processid=20
    AND venddate is null
    AND vid in(select vid from view_vid where type='PBX')
    AND (id,vdate) not in (select id,vdate from vkfl_is where task_id=40)
    AND (id,vdate) in (select id,vidate from market_data where region_date is null)
    AND id not in (select id from location)
    I can UNION these two queries, but, is there any way I can write a single query with which gives me same result as above two queries?
    Any help would be highly appreciated
    Thanks in advance

    You can do something like this, which will be more efficient than a UNION:
    SELECT  id, vdate, vendorname, venddate, vid
    FROM  vendor
    WHERE  (   (    -- Conditions that apply only to q1
                               processid = 32
                AND  vid       IN (SELECT vid FROM view_vid WHERE type = 'PDX')
                AND (id,vdate) NOT IN ( SELECT id, vdate
                                        FROM   vkfl_is
                                        WHERE  task_id = 55
                AND (id,vdate) IN ( SELECT id, vidate
                                    FROM   market_data
                                    WHERE  marketed_date IS NULL
            OR  (  -- Conditions that apply only to q2
                     processid = 20
                AND  vid       IN (SELECT vid FROM view_vid WHERE type = 'PBX')
                AND (id,vdate) NOT IN ( SELECT id, vdate
                                        FROM   vkfl_is
                                        WHERE  task_id = 40
                AND (id,vdate) IN ( SELECT  id, vidate
                                    FROM  market_data
                                    WHERE  region_date IS NULL
                   -- The remaining conditions apply to both q1 and q2
    AND     venddate   IS NULL
    AND     id         NOT IN (SELECT id FROM location)
    I hope this answers your question.
    If not, post  a little sample data (CREATE TABLE and INSERT statements, relevant columns only) for all tables involved, and also post the results you want from that data.
    Explain, using specific examples, how you get those results from that data.
    See the forum FAQ:

  • Combining two queries in one..

    Can someone tell me how to combine follwoing two queries in one so that it will increase performance..
    SELECT single PLNNR from AFKO
           into T1
           WHERE AUFNR = '007200000100'.
    SELECT single STATU from PLKO
           into T2
           WHERE PLNNR = T1.

    using subqueries it is possible
    select single statu from plko into t2 where plnnr in (select single plnnr from afko where aufnr eq '007200000100').
    read about subqueries at this link...

  • How to combine two queries in one EXCEL

    hi i got one requirement
    i got one excel sheet  from user which contains two  report s(hoe we know whether it is worknook or not) of  2011 data and now user wants 2012 data .now i icluded jan 2012 to dec 2012 in two reports and sent to user.But user is asking these two reports want to see in one sheet.
    so how can i proceed: if i go for work  book  how can i include these two reports in workbook and here my doubt is if i create a workbook based on  these two querie which name i have to give user.Please help me out on the same.

    Hi Madhu
    Run one query. Click on a empty space in the excel
    From the BEx Design Toolbar -
    >Insert Analysis Grid -
    > Right click on the Design Item
    Edit the DataProvider.....You can ran same or different query with selection. 
    Save the result
    Check this link for detail....I am also searching for something with screenshot
    Edited by: Anindya Bose on Feb 14, 2012 3:04 AM

  • How can I combine two queries ? QoQ does not work

    I have one query where I just count the total qty coming in per month, something like:
    <cfquery name="qryIn" datasource="dbname">
    select count(orderNO) as totalIN,month
    where status = "IN"
    group by month
    I then have a second query to count the total qty going out per month
    <cfquery name="qryOut" datasource="dbname">
    select count(orderNO) as totalOut,month
    where status = "OUT"
    group by month
    I then use QoQ to combine both:
    <cfquery="qryTotal" dbtype="query">
    from qryIN,qryOUT
    where qryIN.month = qryOUT.month
    The problem I am running into is that QoQ does not allow LEFT JOIN, so that if the month is in one query but not the other, it will not pick up that record. And that is throwing off my counts.
    How can I combine  both queries, and bypass QoQ to get a qty IN and qty Out value, per month ? and, for example, if qty in exists for one month and qty Out does not exists for that month, then qty Out will be zero for that month.
    I need this data to plot a chart.
    Thanks for any help provided.

    Do it in a single query to your database.  Here is part of it.
    select month
    , sum(case when when status = "IN" then 1 else 0 end) total_in

  • Updating lookup table using merge query

    Hi Experts,
    My requirement is, we have total 4 tables called x,y,z and a_lookup table. join column between all these tables is deptno.
    I need to update a_lookup table based on below conditions
       condition1 :   Update a_lookup table with matched records of X and Y
       condition2:    If there is any record in X is not matching with Y, then we need to compare with Z and update the a_lookup table accordingly
    Here is the table scripts and my attempt as well.
    Only doubt is,  is my MERGE statement looks fine or is there any other better way to update the a_lookup table ?
    Please share your thoughts on this.
    create table x(empno number, deptno number);
      -- sample data
      insert into x
        select level, level * 10 from dual connect by level <= 10;
      create table y(empno number, deptno number);
      -- sample data
      insert into y
        select level, level * 10 from dual connect by level <= 5;
      create table z(empno number, deptno number);
      -- sample data
      insert into z
        select level, level * 10 from dual connect by level <= 10;
      create table a_lookup(empno number, deptno_lookup number);
      -- sample data
      insert into a_lookup
        select null, level * 10 from dual connect by level <= 10;
      -- Merging records into a_lookup based on X,Y,Z. Used right outer join on X and Y
    merge into a_lookup a
    using ( (select  x.deptno,x.empno   from x,y where x.deptno=y.deptno)
               union all
               (select z.deptno,z.empno from z, (select x.deptno from x,y where x.deptno=y.deptno and y.deptno is null)  res1
                  where z.deptno = res1.deptno)
               ) res
    on( a.deptno_lookup = res.deptno)
    when matched then
      update set a.empno = res.empno;
    Suri ;-)

    Assuming empno is unique in X, Y and Z:
      into a_lookup a
      using (
             select  nvl(y.empno,z.empno) empno,
               from  x,
               where y.deptno(+) = x.deptno
                 and z.deptno(+) = x.deptno
            ) b
      on (
              a.deptno_lookup = b.deptno
              b.empno is not null
      when matched
             set a.empno = b.empno
    10 rows merged.
    SCOTT@orcl > select * from a_lookup;
             1            10
             2            20
             3            30
             4            40
             5            50
             6            60
             7            70
             8            80
             9            90
            10           100
    10 rows selected.
    SCOTT@orcl >

  • Updating a table with a query that return multiple values

    I'm trying to update a table which contain these fields : ItemID, InventoryID, total amounts
    with a query that return these values itemId, inventoryid and total amounts for each items
    Mind you, not all the rows in the table need to be updated. only a few.
    This what i wrote but doesn't work since the query return multiple values so i can't assign it to journalAmounts.
    UPDATE [bmssa].[etshortagetemp]
    SET JournalAmounts = (SELECT sum(b.BomQty) FROM [bmssa].[Bom] b
    JOIN [bmssa].[SalesLine] sl ON sl.ItemBomId = b.BomId
    JOIN [bmssa].[SalesTable] st ON st.SalesId = sl.SalesId
    WHERE st.SalesType = 0 AND (st.SalesStatus IN (0,1,8,12,13)) AND st.DataAreaId = 'sdi'
    GROUP BY b.itemid, b.inventdimid)
    Any advise how to do this task?

    Remember that link to the documentation posted above that explains exactly how to do this. When you read it which part exactly were you having trouble with?

  • Want to combine  the data different coloumn of table into single coloumn.

    HI All ,
    Requirement : I want to create an application which will display  diffrent coloumn(data) of a table into single coloumn  in web-dynpro abap .
    For ex:
    Table : employee
    (return coloumn will contain the data of other coloumn )
    Thanks in advance .

    In your context, create a node 'Employee'. It should have the attributes person, payment, status, submission, return. Let return be of type string. I assume you have a ztable or some ddic structure employee, which does not have the return field.
    You code will be on these lines - change it to your requirements anyway. Place the code in a method depending on your requirement of when the data should be displayed.
    data: node_emp type ref to if_wd_context_node,
            itab_emp type table of employee,
            wa_emp  type employee,
            itab_node_emp type if_main=>elements_employee,
            wa_node_emp type if_main=>element_employee.
    node_emp = wd_context->get_child_node( name = 'EMPLOYEE' ).
    <i>* Get data from your API here into itab_emp *</i>
    loop at itab_emp into wa_emp.
      move-corresponding wa_emp to wa_node_emp.
      concatenate wa_emp-payment wa_emp-status wa_emp-submission separated by space into wa_node_emp-return.
      append wa_node_emp to itab_node_emp.
    node_emp->bind_elements( itab_node_emp ).
    Here, before the loop, you need to fetch the data into itab_emp using your APIs. Since you have said you want to display the data of multiple columns as is, I have just concatenated them.
    In your view layout, have a table and bind the data source to be the context node Employee.
    <b>The data types of itab_node_emp, wa_node_emp will differ based on your view name and node name. Use the code wizard to generate your code according to your design time.</b>
    Hope this helps.

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