Combining recursive tree traversal subroutine and calling method?

I wrote the following bit to take a TreeMap of string (words) and build into one long inorder traversed string (alphabetical order). Works fine-this isn't a do my homework problem =).
But I have two questions:
1. How, if any, is it possible to combine the recursive function and the one that calls it into one consolidated subroutine.
2. A little off topic, but can objects of different primitive types (like an int 2D array and a string) be stored with in each node? How can I specify which one is the "key" on traversal (the word), how can i access the other data (array)?
I'm bout to go over some documentation myself, I know I'll find something, but just wanted to know the general consensus on this type of execution. Thanks.
public String toString() {
        inOrderTreeResult = "Result of this tree is: ";
        inOrderTreeResult += (buildString(root));
        return inOrderTreeResult;       
    public String buildString(TreeNode node){
         if (node != null) {
              buildString( node.left );
              inOrderTreeResult += (node.item + "\n");
              buildString( node.right );
          return inOrderTreeResult;

I'm not so sure I understand. Lemme show some code and explain. I have a simple treemap implementation to create an alphabetical index of words that appear in a text file. Currently the one data in each node is the String word. I want to be able to include the line number and number of iterations on each line that it appears. I could do it sloppily by putting all that information into one string and parsing it out later, or I thought maybe I could somehow add a 2D array (actually a vector for expandability) that I can access later when i print out the index.
Here's the constructor class of the Tree:
static class TreeNode {
          String item;     
          TreeNode left;   
          TreeNode right;  
          TreeNode(String str) {
                 item = str;
      }  On insertion, it traverses for the proper position on the tree and should add the string, if it exists, I should be able to access the vector and increment counters, add more line numbers, whatever.

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    Smart money says your design sucks and needs to be rethought entirely. Can we get specifics?

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    u want to hide or delete?
    instead of using check box, u can use a button to display there.
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    If you need to have fast results you can try to use the ActiveX with COM bridge like Jawin or JACOb (both at sourceforge) or use Eclipse's SWT that has an activeX support too.
    An other alternative is to create a full JNI wrapper to your project.
    A1 : Replace the main by DllMain (create a new DLL with msvc++ wizard to see how to create a basic DLL).
    A2 : Call all functions exported by DLLs with a free tool like JNative.
    --Marc (                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

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    Check the sample Client code in your installation under following directory

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    prometheuzz wrote:
    tsith wrote:
    prometheuzz wrote:
    NickSchurch wrote:
    thanks prometheuzz. I'm returning a string cos there are some other parts to the subroutine.Ah, now I understand.
    Well, good to hear you found a solution to it.You know, you really should have seen that from post 1.
    No offense, but seriously - does he have to draw you a picture?!
    I probably wouldn't understand the picture either: I'm not much of an art critic. Unless the OP is [Bob Ross|], his paintings, I understand.
    "I'm returning a string 'cos there's a happy tree over there, and I think I'll put a happy rock right here"

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          public static String empName = null;
          public static int empNumber;
          public static String nextRec = null;
              TreeNode left;
          String Name;
          int Number;
          TreeNode right;
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             VWrite out = new VWrite();
             System.out.println("Enter Choice: ");
             System.out.println("A: Enter Employee Information.");
             System.out.println("B: Search For Employee.");
             System.out.println("C: Print Entire Tree.");
             System.out.println("D: Exit.");
             char command = in.readChar();
             switch (command)
                case 'A':
                case 'a':
                   inputInfo(in, out);           
                case 'B':
                case 'b':
                case 'C':
                case 'c':
                case 'D':
                case 'd':
          public static void inputInfo(VRead in, VWrite out)
             out.write("Enter Employee Name: ");
             empName = in.readString();
             out.write("Enter Employee Number: ");
             empNumber = in.readInt();
             System.out.println("Enter Choice: ");
             System.out.println("A: Enter Employee Information.");
             System.out.println("B: Search For Employee.");
             System.out.println("C: Print Entire Tree.");
             System.out.println("D: Exit.");
             char command = in.readChar();
             switch (command)
                case 'A':
                case 'a':
                   inputInfo(in, out);           
                case 'B':
                case 'b':
                case 'C':
                case 'c':
                case 'D':
                case 'd':
          public TreeNode(String empName, int empNumber)
             Name = empName;
             Number = empNumber;
             left = null;
             right = null;
          public class Tree
             TreeNode Root;
             public void Tree(String RootNode)   
        // Errors come from next line
                  Root = new TreeNode(RootNode, Name, Number);   
             public void Insert(String Name, int Number)
                InsertNode(Root, Name, Number);
             public void InsertNode(TreeNode t, String empName, int empNumber)
                if (t == null)
                   t = new TreeNode(empName, empNumber);
                   if (empName.compareTo(t.Name) < 0)
                      InsertNode(t.left, empName, empNumber);
                   else if (empName.compareTo(t.Name) > 0)
                      InsertNode(t.right, empName, empNumber);
                   else if (empName.compareTo(t.Name) == 0)
                      System.out.println("Entered node that was already in Tree");
       }im sure its something simple, i seem to always look over the small stuff. But i could really use some help on the print and search method too

    Just having a quick look over it, and it looks like you are trying to add an extra argument in the TreeNode() method (unless there is a bit of overloading and there is a second treenode method in there) As it is TreeNode only accepts two argumets you have 3
    As for printing the tree you would need to flatten it, that is an in order traversal of the tree.
    I just finished a project at uni that involved at frist writing a BST and then an AVL tree. the full point of these things seems to be to keep students awake at night*
    *Before anyone flames, it's a joke

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    PLease give me the answer to these questions.
    session method and call transaction methos which one is the sap recomonded why .
    2) if we want to maintain BDC program in all the systems.wt to d0

    Hi Revethi,
    Here is the difference between the Session and Call Transaction method.
    Session method supports both small amount of data aswell as large amount of data
    2) data processing is asynchronus and data updation is synchronus.
    3) it process multiple apllication while perfomaning validations.
    4) in session method data will be updated in data base only after processing session only.
    5) system provide by default logfile for handling error records.
    6) it supports both foreground aswell as background process
    in bdc we use FM ... bdc_open_group " for creating Session
    bdc_insert " adding transaction and bdcdata table for updating database
    bdc_close_group " for closing Session
          Call Transaction
    Call transaction exclusively for small amout of data
    2) it supports only one apllication while perfoming validations
    3) there is no default logfile, We can explicitly provide logic for creating logfile for handling error records.
    we can create logfile by using structure....BDCMSGCOLL
    4) it doesn't support background processing.
    5) data processing is synchronous and Data updation is Synchronous( default), in
    this method also supports daya updation in asynchronus process also.
    Call transaction <transaction-name> using BDCDATA
    mode <A/N/E> update <L/A/S>
    messages into BDCMSGCOLL.

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                                       thanks and regards.

    check your recording.check whether u saved your material no in recording or not.
    once again record the transacton mm01.
    these are the fields which u have to take in internal table.
    this is the record which i took in my flatfile.use filetype as asc and hasfieldseperator as 'X'.
    SUDHU-6     R     ROH     MATSUDHU     "     001     7890     AA
    i did the same.but i didn't get any error.

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    Hi Patil_sumeet,
    if your code for this is not protected secret of some federal agency, you may read [How to post code in SCN, and some things NOT to do...|How to post code in SCN, and some things NOT to do...; and then post relevant lines here.
    According to the facts presented until know it may have been better to ask Radio Eriwan

  • Call method http_client- response- get_header_fields for PDF and for TIFF

    I am using a Function Module..
    APAR_EBPP_GET_INVOICE_DETAIL to display the TIFF images on the Biller Direct side.
    The above function module is used to retrieve the PDF documents from the document repository.
    In Similar way I am trying to do the TIFF Images too.
    But in this method
    call method http_client->response->get_header_fields
        changing fields.
    For PDF the table fields is as follows
                NAME                                       VALUE                                  
        1     ~response_line----
    |HTTP/1.1 200 (OK)                         |
        2     ~server_protocol----
    |HTTP/1.1                                  |
        3     ~status_code----
    |200                                       |
        4     ~status_reason----
    |(OK)                                      |
        5     content-length----
    |7136                                      |
        6     content-type----
    |application/pdf                           |
        7     server                                |Microsoft-IIS/6.0                         |
        8     x-powered-by                    |ASP.NET                                   |
        9     date                                 |Tue, 24 Feb 2009 18:09:35 GMT             |
       10     connection                       |close                                     |
    For TIFF the table fields are as follows:
        1     ~response_line----
                   |HTTP/1.1 500 (internal server error)        |
        2     ~server_protocol----
                 |HTTP/1.1                                    |
        3     ~status_code----
                     |500                                         |
        4     ~status_reason----
                   |(internal server error)                     |
        5     content-length----
                   |105                                         |
        6     content-type----
                     |text/plain                                  |
        7     server----
                              |Microsoft-IIS/6.0                           |
        8     x-powered-by                 |ASP.NET                                     |
        9     date                         |Tue, 24 Feb 2009 18:26:39 GMT               |
       10     connection                   |close                                       |
    The error message is Internal Server error..
    This is in HTTP2_Get Function Module.
    What would be the reason for HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server error.
    Any suggestions are welcome..

    Hi Niranjan,
    can you please check if you have imported the whole chain of certificates. Certificates usually diplayed in 3 levels in the Explorer. like
    Verisign - L1
    >>> Versign--  L2
    >>>>>>>>>>>> -- L3
    Extract all the 3 certificates and Put in Strust and do exit soft and hard in SMICM and restart the service.
    Its better to create a RFC destination of Type H and Do the Connection test for HTTPS configuration. If the connection test comes OK then u can be sure of the configuration.

  • Working with class based exception and dynamic method calls

    Hi Gurus,
    we just changed out ERP from EHP6 to EHP7.
    Since we did so we are facing an issue with an Z-Report we are using quite often.
    This reports looks up Workitems and executes the according methods so that we can go into debugging if we were facing any problems or errors.
    since the EHP Upgrade this statement has problems:
      data:        lt_parmbind   type abap_parmbind_tab,         lt_excpbind   type abap_excpbind_tab,         lo_runtime    type ref to object.     call method lo_runtime->(iv_cls_method)       parameter-table       lt_parmbind       exception-table       lt_excpbind.this CALL METHOD Statement has Problem with the Exception Table. We are quite often getting DYN_CALL_METH_EXCP_NOT_FOUND short dumps with Exception "CX_SY_DYN_CALL_EXCP_NOT_FOUND".
    The system has problems handling the content of lt_excpbind. if i clear this table the CALL METHOD statement works fine.
    AS an example we are trying to call /IDXGC/CL_PD_PROCESS_STEPS-->CREATE_DATA. This method has 2 exceptions
    Process Layer Exception
    Temporary Business Exception
    The Content of LT_EXCPBIND is
    From my point of view the Problem ist, that they are marked as "class based". I think so because if you looked up the SAP Help for the EXCEPTION-TABLE Statement it is written that is statement only works for none-classbased exception.
    I think that restriction is quiet clear. But what i am wondering about is.. that restriction also exists for EHP6. And in EHP6 it work. Does anyone know why? Or how i can change me CALL METHOD Statement that i will work again?
    Best Regards

    Class-based exceptions must be caught using try/catch statement.
    Calling dynamically a method catchable exceptions are:
    Anyway catching cx_root (as shown by Matthias) will catch everything is catchable.

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    My main question though, is if it's ok to call other methods from the async method that are not declared @Asynchronous. I presume it is ok, as the @Asynchronous just enables the container to spawn a thread to execute that method in. But I can't dig up any limitations on the code within an async method.. whether or not it has restrictions on the container services, is there anything wrong with using HttpClient to make a request from the method.. and making calls to helper methods within the bean that are not async.

    851827 wrote:
    Hey all,.. from what I've read the main concern is that the container maintains threads and your own threads could mess up the container somehow. I can only guess that this might be possible if your threads use the container services in some way.. but if anyone could enlighten me on the details as to why this is bad, that would be great.
    Yes since the EE spec delegated thread management to conatiners, the container might assume that some info is available in the thread context that you may not have made available to your threads.
    Also threading is a technical implementation detail and the drive with the EE spec is that you should concentrate on business requirements and let the container do the plumbing part.
    If you were managing your own threads spawned from EJBs, you'd have to be managing your EJBs' lifecycle as well. This would just add to more plumbing code by the developer and typically requires writting platform specific routines which the containers already do anyway.
    None the less, EJB 3.1 adds the async capability and I am now looking to use this. From my servlet I use @EJB to access the session bean, and call an async method. My servlet returns right away as it should. From the async method I do some work and using an entity bean store results, so I don't need to return a Future object. In fact, my ejb then makes an HttpClient call to another servlet to notify it that the result is ready.
    My main question though, is if it's ok to call other methods from the async method that are not declared @Asynchronous. I presume it is ok, as the @Asynchronous just enables the container to spawn a thread to execute that method in. But I can't dig up any limitations on the code within an async method.. whether or not it has restrictions on the container services, is there anything wrong with using HttpClient to make a request from the method.. and making calls to helper methods within the bean that are not async.
    Thanks.If you want to be asynchronous without caring about a return value then just use MDBs.
    The async methods have no restrictions on container services and there is nothing wrong with calling other non async methods. Once the async method is reached those annotations don't matter anyway (unless if you call thhose methods from a new reference of the EJB that you look up) as they only make sense in a client context.
    Why do you need to make the call to the servlet from the EJB? Makes it difficult to know who is the client here. Better use the Future objects and let the initial caller delegate to the other client components as needed.

Maybe you are looking for