Comment Module breaking layout

I'm not sure if this is how the site is set up or if this is just an edge case but I just had a client who had a webapp layout broken because a customer had used a single '<' in their comment on the BC comment module.
It'd be nice if this didn't happen.

I've fixed the problem so it's a little bit hard to give an actual example ... but I'll try. The original problem was on this page
essentially the direct children of div#content should be #col01 #col02 #col03 and div.clear like this...
<div id="content>
     <div id="col01"></div>
     <div id ="col02"></div>
     <div id="col03"></div>
     <div class="clear"></div>
when I inspected the page this morning I was seeing ...
<div id="content>
     <div id="col01"></div>
     <div id ="col02">
          <div id="col03"></div>
     <div class="clear"></div>
I took a stab that this mean there was an unclosed tag in #col02 causing #col03 to sit inside #col02
I though the problem could have been in the webapp content, but it wasn't. Then when I viewed page source I saw that there was a comment where there was a < (looked like a typo) something along the lines of "My mum has allergies caused by <MSG, ..." The page source (FF13) highlighted this in red (open tag)
So I tracked down the comment and removed the < and 'Shazam' the page rendered properly.
I've actually just tried to replicate this and BC automatically converts the < to &lt; - This is what I thought happened, which is why I was so surprised to find that this is what was causing the problem. (I'm wracking my brain, and I think it actually came up as a < in the edit comment page and not &lt;
The comment was from 17 Sept 2010.
Is this just a total edge case?

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    Hey Liam,
    Thanks so much! The thing I neglected was changing the code on the Blog Details Module Template. So, from your links, I added new css code to my modulestylesheets.css file with the following:
    .submitBtn {
        font-family: Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif;
        font-size: 18px;
        color: #FFF;
        padding: 5px 40px 5px 40px;
        border: 1px solid #999;
        text-shadow: 0px 1px 1px #666;
        text-decoration: none;
        -moz-box-shadow: 0 1px 3px #111;
        -webkit-box-shadow: 0 1px 3px #111;
        box-shadow: 0 1px 3px #111;
        border-radius: 4px;
        -moz-border-radius: 4px;
        -webkit-border-radius: 4px;
        background: #333333;
        background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #333333 0%, #4F4F4F 50%, #333333 51%, #33333B 100%);
        background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, from(#333333), to(#33333B), color-stop(0.4, #4F4F4F), color-stop(0.5, #111111), color-stop(.9, #33333B), color-stop(0.9, #33333B));
        filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient( startColorstr='#333333', endColorstr='#33333B', GradientType=0 );
        cursor: pointer;
    .submitBtn:hover {
        border: 1px solid #FFF;
    Then under the Site Manager:Module Templates:Blog Post Details Layout I changed the following html code: 
    <input type="submit" value="Submit" /> 
    <button type="submit" class="submitBtn"><span>Submit</span></button>
    And it worked like  a charm!
    I wanted to post this here for future reference and help.
    Again, thanks for the great tips!

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    Warning: http://invalid.invalid/ is unreachable.
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    iMac OS 10.6.8. 8GB RAM.Processor Intel Core 2 Duo. NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GS.
    The steps as follows:
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    2) LR4 Beta> Print Module;
    3) From filmstrip choose image;
    4) Template Browser> Lightroom4Beta Templates>Maximum Size;
    5) Preview displays as expected;
    6) Layout Styles>Single Image/Contact Sheets
    7) Template Browser> Lightroom4Beta Templates>click through any other templates (Lightroom or User defined);
    8) Image layout in main window does not update;
    9) Previews update;
    10) Layout Style>Picture Package;
    11) Template Browser>Maximum size is then automatically shown, however the template in the main window is actually (1) 7x5, (2) 2.5x3.5;
    12) Any further attempts to change the layouts regardless of Style Layout choices are not successful.
    13) Close LR4Beta>re-open LR4Beta;
    14) Repeat test;
    15) Print Module layouts do not update on the fly as expected;
    16) Close LR4Beta and all applications;
    17) Reboot iMac.
    18) Open LR4Beta only;
    19) LR4Beta>Print Module>Template Browser >Lightroom Templates>Maximum Size;
    20) Image displays in main layout window with Template and Preview display as expected;
    21) Choose different image>Template Browser>Lightroom Templates>Maximum Size;
    22) Click through templates, layouts DO NOT update in main window although previews do automatically update.
    23) CONCLUSION - In Lightroom 4 Beta>Print Module>Template Browser, image layouts do not change after initial choice as expected.
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    You have to manage it in your PBO not PAI, change your code in this way:
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    IF NOT screen-name CS 'PERNR'.
    screen-input = '1'.
    FORM layout200.
    ENDFORM. " layout200

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    I have a simple 3 column layout inside a wrapper div where my
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    My feeling is that in the list of things that affect SEO,
    this one would be
    so far down, it's not worth the additional effort. Let me
    state it this
    way - if you have done all of the things that would fall
    above it, then I
    guess you will see zero impact of this on your page's rank.
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
    (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
    "Michael Fesser" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]..
    > .oO(jaymcdonald)
    >>Yes, the source order is for SEO.
    > And? Any evidence that it works?
    >>I know I could just re-arrange the source
    >>order, but that would defeat why I did it in the
    first place. It seems
    >>silly to
    >>have to break that just because Dreamweaver is
    confused by it. Why can't
    >>just show it properly?
    > To me it seems to be silly to use an illogical markup
    order just for
    > questionable SEO reasons, even though it's not that bad
    in this
    > particular case. Content first is a quite common
    structure, but not a
    > necessity.
    > On my own sites the navigation lists usually come first
    for technical
    > reasons - no problems with that. There's enough useful
    content further
    > down the pages and enough food for the SE spiders. A
    good SE ranking is
    > not a question of "markup order", but of patience,
    appropriate markup,
    > patience, usable content and patience.
    > Keep the markup in a logical order and try to avoid
    hacks like negative
    > margins (yes, it's just a hack in most cases). Make sure
    that it works
    > even with CSS disabled. Focus on usability and
    accessibility. Make your
    > site userfriendly! This will also almost automatically
    make the site SE-
    > friendly, because an SE bot is nothing else than a user.
    A blind user.
    > Micha

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    2. The comments settings allow for requiring people to log in before commenting. Where is the login form?
    3. Has {tag_flag} been discontinued?
    4. How to require name, email and message on comments form?
    Thanks in advance,
    Message was edited by: RabbitMountain

    For your 2nd question :
    2) As per above KB article, there are no merge modules for x64 platform and if there won't be in future, and if we decide not to use .msi, what could be the an option for us? Basically we want installation of Crystal Reports to happen behind the scenes. Please let us know.
    We have 64 bit runtimes available for Crystal products that comes with VS IDE. So, CR4VS2010 we have 64 bit runtimes. For other products like CR2008, you can run your application in 32 bit mode.
    You can use the Mergemodules to get the Crystal dlls and create your own deployment package. It will install the crystal dlls and then your application.
    Hope it helps.

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    Plataforma Java(TM)    1.7.0_45
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       COMMENT ON COLUMN "TABLE"."COLUMN1" IS 'comments on column 1';
       COMMENT ON COLUMN "TABLE"."COLUMN2" AS 'comments on column 2';
    First comment is correctly aplied but second comment has a syntax error (AS is wrong) but you no receive error output, layout it hangs.
    I tested with thick/OCI and using jdbc, and I always go to the same problem.

    Good Morning
    Did you ever get this working without restoring ?
    Kind Regards

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    I used the sample login module from the Oracle documentation almost verbatim, the method is included below.
    Does anyone know why getRemoteUser() returns "[JAZNUserAdaptor: user=theuser]" and not just the user name? And how to make it stop doing that?
    Thanks in advance... any input is is greatly appreciated, of course.
         public boolean login() throws LoginException {
                   throw new LoginException("Error: no CallbackHandler available "
                             + "to garner authentication information from the user");
              // Setup default callback handlers.
              Callback[] callbacks = new Callback[] { new NameCallback("Username: "),
                        new PasswordCallback("Password: ", false) };
              try {
              } catch (Exception e) {
                   _succeeded = false;
                   throw new LoginException(e.getMessage());
              String username = ((NameCallback) callbacks[0]).getName();
              String password = new String(((PasswordCallback) callbacks[1]).getPassword());
              if (isValidUser(username, password)) {
                   _succeeded = true;
                   _password = password.toCharArray();
                   _name = username;
         _authPrincipals = new CMPrincipal[2];
         authPrincipals[0] = new CMPrincipal(name);
         _authPrincipals[1] = new CMPrincipal("SecurityRole");
              ((PasswordCallback) callbacks[1]).clearPassword();
              callbacks[0] = null;
              callbacks[1] = null;
              if (!_succeeded) {
                   System.out.println("login did not succeed... throwing LoginException...");
                   throw new LoginException("Authentication failed: Password does not match");
              return true;

    I know getUserPrincipal().getName() works, but since the J2EE application is a COTS product, I can't change the source code. I'm trying to get the vendor to make that change and release a patch. I was looking for something I might be able to do on my end to get the code to work.
    Thanks for the help.

  • Assortment Module and Layout Module

    Hi Champs,
    I would like to know the process of listing the articles "assortment layout" through one common step. I tried thru "assortment module"  and was able to do it successfully.
    Please help me with process of layout functionality in SAP.
    Assigning the new article to the layout module in transaction WLWBN (Assortment layout workbench)
    I saw in some other SDN that,  Running transaction WSM4L (mass relisting by changing layout data) for the layout module
    But i could not do so it is giving me a error message...Start conversion report for layout listi
    conditions (note 659692)
    Would appreciate if i can get the steps for listing thru Layout module....
    thanks in advance.

    Run program RWLAYLIST_CONVERT to convert your assortments. Then you should be able to list via the layout workbench.

  • Q: Comments module, annots.api.

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    Why in some PDF documents I have only 2 comment tools (`note` and `select text`) and in another PDF documents more (like here
    Adobe Reader X 10.1.2.

    ...and sorry for google translate

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    This new field is outputted at the top of the form and and the line being shifted are below this.
    Below is the field details and the field as it is in the .dat file.
    Field:F_PO_NUMBER [1]                                
    Lines: 1  Characters: 20  Angle: 0
      In Subform
    : Main_Page
    : Global
    ^Command JFPAGE_START
    ^Undefine global:~^PAGE 1
    ^define global:SEQUENCE \pic"NUM999999",@D:NUMPAGESPRINTED../\pic"NUM99",@$PAGE../\pic"NUM99",@:JFPAGE_PAGE_OF..
    ^define global:JFPAGE \pic"NUM99",@$PAGE.. of \pic"NUM99",@:JFPAGE_PAGE_OF..
    ^COMMENT R_remit_customer
    Now the weird party is if I move the new field in the .dat as below it fixes things and the everything lines up like it should do.
    ^Command JFPAGE_START
    ^Undefine global:~^PAGE 1
    ^define global:SEQUENCE \pic"NUM999999",@D:NUMPAGESPRINTED../\pic"NUM99",@$PAGE../\pic"NUM99",@:JFPAGE_PAGE_OF..
    ^define global:JFPAGE \pic"NUM99",@$PAGE.. of \pic"NUM99",@:JFPAGE_PAGE_OF..
    ^COMMENT R_remit_customer
    I hoping someone might have an idea of why this is the case as I'm at a loss regarding why its happening.

    I may not hit on it exactly, but this sounds like Adobe's processing order.
    It wants to process the fields in the order they are in the DAT file.
    I have a similar problem with an overflow field, that isnt last in the DAT file,
    Read this here:
    Now that may not be exactly your issue, but I think its the same inherent problem,
    Adobes processing order for the fields/subforms.
    I am still trying to resolve my issue, but found the ^field command in the reference manual (Print Agent),
    and am wondering if I can use it.

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    type ssl-accel
    keepalive type none
    slot 5
    add ssl-proxy-list test
    Kind Regards,
    Gerrit Frans

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    Gerrit Frans

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