"Community Toolbar" Alert. How to get rid of it.

Each time I open up Safari an alert pops up titled "Community Toolbar." Underneath it says, "We're sorry but the Safari broser version you are currently using does not support the community toolbar." I've checked for updates and there were none, so now I am lost and it's really starting to bug me and I would like to get rid of it. Please help!

That's an add-on for Firefox. To disable it, launch Firefox and go to Tools - Add-ons. Click Extensions if it's not already highlighted, choose the Kodak extension, and click Disable or Uninstall if you want nothing more to do with it.

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    Hold the Command key and drag them off.
    These are broken aliases.

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    That toolbar/ct plugin causes problems for all who install it!
    Close Safari, then locate and delete the following files and it should be gone:
    /Library/Application Support/Conduit
    /Library/Receipts/<Toolbar name>.pkg
    /Library/Application Support/SIMBL/Plugins/CT2285220.bundle
    /Users/<User name>/Library/Application Support/Conduit
    where / is the root library on your Hard Disk.
    If you are running Snow Leopard you should also look here:
    Library/Application support/conduit plugins
    Note: Safari does not support any third-party toolbars except those supplied as an extension to Safari via the Extension Gallery.

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    You need to uninstall the Community / Conduit toolbar add-on.
    Locate the files in bold print and move them to the Trash. The first five are in your root   /Library
    /Library/Application Support/Conduit
    /Library/ScriptingAddtions (anything CTLoader realted)
    /Library/Receipts/<Toolbar name>.pkg
    /Library/Application Support/SIMBL/Plugins/CT2285220.bundle
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    To remove the "Conduit" spyware, take the steps below.
    Triple-click the line below on this page to select it:
    ~/Library/Application Support/Conduit
    Copy the selected text to the Clipboard by pressing the key combination command-C. From the Finder menu bar, select
              Go ▹ Go to Folder…
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    ~/Library/Internet Plug-Ins/ConduitNPAPIPlugin.plugin /Applications/Toolbars
    You may be prompted for your login password. Next, copy this line:
    Select Go to Folder… again and paste. Don't delete the Library folder. Delete only the following items inside it, if they exist.
              Application Support/Conduit
    Close the Finder windows you opened. Log out and log back in.
    From the Safari menu bar, select
              Safari ▹ Preferences... ▹ Extensions
    Remove any extensions with the word "Conduit" in the description, and any others you don't know you need. If in doubt, remove all of them.

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    Carolyn Samit has answered this question before.  I did it with this info.  Thank you Carolyn for your awesome help.

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    That toolbar/ct plugin seems to cause problems for all who install it!
    Close Safari, then locate and delete the following files and it should be gone:
    /Library/Application Support/Conduit
    /Library/Receipts/<Toolbar name>.pkg
    /Library/Application Support/SIMBL/Plugins/CT2285220.bundle
    /Users/<User name>/Library/Application Support/Conduit
    where / is the root library on your Hard Disk.
    If you are running Snow Leopard you should also look here:
    Library/Application support/conduit plugins
    Note: Safari does not support any third-party toolbars except those supplied as an extension to Safari via the Extension Gallery.

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    Welcome to the Apple Community.
    Settings > AirPlay > Conference Room Display > Off.

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    Hello brynn2,
    First of all thank you for understanding us and sorry for the delay, it has really been a busy week for all of us out here.
    The interface you see in Firefox 29 is a major re-design (first one since Firefox 4) of Firefox's user interface called "Australis."
    You can use Classic Theme Restorer to get the previous look back. https://addons.mozilla.org/hu/firefox/addon/classicthemerestorer/
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    You may find this helpful.
    http://support.mindspark.com/link/portal/30028/30031/Article/1543/Toolbar-Remova l-Instructions-for-Mac-OSx-Users

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    Hi  Cat_ca,
    Are you using SQL Server Reporting Services 2000? Currently, we do not have SSRS 2000 test environment, and SQL Server 2000 was out of support since April 2013.
    I have tested it on SSRS 2008 R2, everything works fine. It display nothing on the cell for the NULL value. Please refer to the screenshot below.
    In your scenario, to avoid this issue you can use NonEmpty function in your query to remove the NULL values.
    NonEmpty (MDX)
    If I have anything misunderstand, please point it out.
    Charlie Liao
    TechNet Community Support

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    I am sure it is something simple that I am overlooking ? I'd be grateful for any help.
    Thank You,
    Bill Hernandez
    Plano, Texas

    What browser are you using? Try downloading a PDF if one is available, or try printing from XCode's Deveoper Documentation window.

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    I tried:
    @namespace url("http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul"); #bookmarks-menu-button toolbarbutton { visibility:collapse !important; }
    by creating and putting it in a file "userChrome.css" in "chrome" folder in my profile, but it didn't work.
    Is there another way?

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    These are the selectors for both:
    <pre><nowiki>#nav-bar-customization-target #bookmarks-menu-button .toolbarbutton-menubutton-button
    #nav-bar-customization-target #bookmarks-menu-button .toolbarbutton-menubutton-dropmarker</nowiki></pre>

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    thank you in advance for you help!

    Are you talking about the Shadow effect on the page : http://trainingwebcom.worldsecuresystems.com/SachinFTP/2013-12-05_1415.png
    Or is it about the line on the homepage : http://trainingwebcom.worldsecuresystems.com/SachinFTP/2013-12-05_1416.png
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