Comparing Uppercase record with lowercase query

Hi, im working off of a database with all uppercase values currently and im attempting to do a like clause to pull out of the database something "like" the value I'm using to query. For example, if the lastname is SMITH, and I enter Smi%, I want to pull SMITH out of the database without having to enter a capital SMI%. Whats the best way for me to do this comparison?

As Justin said, using UPPER(column) will stop you from using indexes on that column in a query. Function based indexes are one way around that. The other way would be to create a trigger BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE of the table to normalize tha lastname column. something like:
     :new.lastname := UPPER(:new.lastname);
END;You could also use INITCAP instead of UPPER if you want the names in mixed case. That way, you will at least have a standard way of querying even if you can't make your users behave.

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    // create a new rowset
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    /*does record 1 have friend*/
    WITH t AS
    (SELECT 1 AS Id, 'a' AS NAME, 'type1' AS Col
      FROM Dual
      SELECT 2 AS Id, 'a' AS NAME, 'type1' AS Col
      FROM Dual
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    FROM t T1
    WHERE T1.Id = 1
          AND (T1.Name, T1.Col) IN (SELECT T2.Name, T2.Col FROM T t2 where t2.ID != T1.Id);
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      FROM Dual
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    Hello experts,
    I've been creating reports with SAP Query tools, but been faced with few problems. First of all, there are restricted possibilities in terms of joining tables, and thus I cannot include all the data required for the report.
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    So I was wondering, could anyone briefly tell me if SAP Business Warehouse reporting would solve these problems? And what other benefits would it provide compared with the SAP Query? I'd urgently need to know if it would be a beneficial investment for the company, since I haven't found solutions for the problems occurred in the creation of reports.
    Thank you in advance for you help!

    The answers are yes - and thousands of companies have gone down this route
    Puttingin BW is a strategic aim of the comapny and not to be thought about and discussed in a BI forum such as this
    The costs of implementation and hardware will no doubt make your eyes water.
    To be quite honest SAP BI is a "no brainer" as most of the new e-SOA and new R3 modules reply on BW for their reporting needs

  • Query WHERE statement to compare db record date pt 2

    I'm sorry, I hit the answered button on my last post. I didn't mean to. I have been working on this code and have gotten closer to the solution. I just need to tweek out the WHERE statement to get rid of the time from the output, and I believe my cfif needs a little work to allow it to be taken into the actually dates. I cfdumped my variables from my query and finally got an output and not an [empty string]. This is my code now, and I will leave in the cfdump and abort tags so you can see where I put them:
    <cfquery name="CaleventRec" datasource="#APPLICATION.dataSource#">
    SELECT events.eventDate, events.ID AS ID
    FROM events
    WHERE eventDate Between #NextMonthYear# and #NextMonth# AND eventDate >= #dateFormat(Days, 'dd')#
    this is my cfif stement
    <cfoutput query="CaleventRec">
    <cfdump var="#eventDate#">
    <cfif Days EQ '#eventDate#'>
    <a href = "detail.cfm?id=#ID#">#Days#</a>
    this is the whole code:
    <cfquery name="CaleventRec" datasource="#APPLICATION.dataSource#">
    SELECT events.eventDate, events.ID AS ID
    FROM events
    WHERE eventDate Between #NextMonthYear# and #NextMonth# AND eventDate >= #dateFormat(Days, 'dd')#
                            <!--- Set the ThisDay variable to 0. This value will remain 0 until the day of the week on which the first day of the month falls on is reached. --->
                            <cfset ThisDay = 0>
                            <!--- Loop through until the number of days in the month is reached. --->
                            <cfloop condition = "ThisDay LTE Days">
                                <!--- Loop though each day of the week. --->
                                <cfloop from = "1" to = "7" index = "LoopDay">
                                <!--- This turns each day into a hyperlink if it is a current or future date --->
                                  <cfoutput query="CaleventRec">
              <cfdump var="#eventDate#">
              <cfif Days EQ '#eventDate#'>
                                   <a href = "detail.cfm?id=#ID#">#Days#</a>
                                    If ThisDay is still 0, check to see if the current day of the week in the loop matches the day of the week for the first day of the month.
                                    If the values match, set ThisDay to 1.
                                    Otherwise, the value will remain 0 until the correct day of the week is found.
                                    <cfif ThisDay IS 0>
                                        <cfif DayOfWeek(ThisMonthYear) IS LoopDay>
                                            <cfset ThisDay = 1>
                                    If the ThisDay value is still 0, or is greater than the number of days in the month, display nothing in the column. Otherwise, dispplay
                                    the day of the mnth and increment the value.
                                        <cfif (ThisDay IS NOT 0) AND (ThisDay LTE Days)>
                                        <!--- I choose to highlight the current day of the year using an IF-ELSE. --->
                                            <cfif (#ThisDay# EQ #currentday#) AND (#month# EQ #startmonth#) AND (#year# EQ #startyear#)>
                                                <td align = "center" bgcolor="##FFFF99">
                                                    <cfset dayview = #dateformat(createdate(#year#, #month#, #thisday#), "mm/dd/yyyy")#>
                <font class = "calendartoday">#ThisDay#</font>
                                                <td align = "center">
                                                    <cfset dayview = #dateformat(createdate(#year#, #month#, #thisday#), "mm/dd/yyyy")#>
                <font class = "calendar">#ThisDay#</font>
                                        <cfset ThisDay = ThisDay + 1>
    the output from the cfdump is this: the first event date in the month of june.
    I need this to match the thisday part of the code in the cfloop function through the days of the week.
    Can anyone help me figure this part out?
    thank you, and really sorry about the 2nd post. I just woke up and hit the wrong button. again, really sorry all.

    This is a small calendar. it will move to the next month at the end of this one, it can also go to the next month with a next / prev button that will let you go as far as you want. It is like all we have seen before. What I need to do it get the eventDate in my DB, that is set as date and put in as mm/dd/yyyy now, basically what I believe the query needs to do it to not only tell what month the calendar is on, but it needs to match any db records with any of the days in that month. Say we are in June: I have 3 records in June, on the 5th, 20th, and 26th. In all the 31 days in the month of June, just those 3 will show a link with an ID to the record that matches in the DB.
    I had it narrowed down with that query, but lose the variable once I try and cfif it. So I knew either my query is wrong, or my cfif is, probably both.
    does that help? can I make this work? am I even close?
    thank you.
    By the way, here is the entire code with the next / prev nav for cycling through the months.
    <!--- Declaration of the variables --->
           <cfparam name = "month" default = "#DatePart('m', Now())#">
    <cfparam name = "year" default = "#DatePart('yyyy', Now())#">
    <cfparam name = "currentday" default = "#DatePart('d', Now())#">
    <cfparam name = "startmonth" default = "#DatePart('m', Now())#">
    <cfparam name = "startyear" default = "#DatePart('yyyy', Now())#">
    <!--- Set a requested (or current) month/year date and determine the number of days in the month. --->
    <cfset ThisMonthYear = CreateDate(year, month, '1')>
    <cfset Days = DaysInMonth(ThisMonthYear)>
    <!--- Set the values for the previous and next months for the back/next links.--->
    <cfset LastMonthYear = DateAdd('m', -1, ThisMonthYear)>
    <cfset LastMonth = DatePart('m', LastMonthYear)>
    <cfset LastYear = DatePart('yyyy', LastMonthYear)>
    <cfset NextMonthYear = DateAdd('m', 1, ThisMonthYear)>
    <cfset NextMonth = DatePart('m', NextMonthYear)>
    <cfset NextYear = DatePart('yyyy', NextMonthYear)>
    <cfset PreviousDay = DateAdd('d', -1, ThisMonthYear)>
    <cfset CurrentYear = DatePart('yyyy', Now())>
    <table border="0" width="100%" bgcolor ="#ffffff">
                    <td align = "center" valign="top">
                        <table border="0" width="100%" height="100%">
          <th align="center" colspan="7" bgcolor="#2b4e6e">
       <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
            <td width="15%" align="left" valign="middle">
      <cfif (LastYear lt CurrentYear) OR (LastYear lte CurrentYear AND LastMonth lt startmonth)>
      <a href ="index.cfm?month=#LastMonth#&year=#LastYear#" class="calNav">Prev</a></cfif></td>
            <td width="72%" align="center" valign="middle"><FONT SIZE="3" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" color="##ffffff">#MonthAsString(month)# #year#</FONT></td>
            <td width="13%" align="right" valign="middle">
      <cfif (NextYear lt CurrentYear) OR (NextYear lte CurrentYear AND NextMonth lt startmonth)>
    <a href = "index.cfm?month=#NextMonth#&year=#NextYear#" class="calNav">Next</a>  </cfif></td>
        <td><FONT SIZE="2" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" color="#333366">Sun</FONT></td>
        <td><FONT SIZE="2" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" color="#333366">Mon</FONT></td>
        <td><FONT SIZE="2" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" color="#333366">Tue</FONT></td>
        <td><FONT SIZE="2" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" color="#333366">Wed</FONT></td>
        <td><FONT SIZE="2" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" color="#333366">Thu</FONT></td>
        <td><FONT SIZE="2" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" color="#333366">Fri</FONT></td>
        <td><FONT SIZE="2" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" color="#333366">Sat</FONT></td>
    <cfquery name="CaleventRec" datasource="#APPLICATION.dataSource#">
    SELECT events.eventDate, events.ID AS ID
    FROM events
    WHERE eventDate Between #NextMonthYear# and #NextMonth# AND eventDate >= #dateFormat(Days, 'dd')#
                            <!--- Set the ThisDay variable to 0. This value will remain 0 until the day of the week on which the first day of the month falls on is reached. --->
                            <cfset ThisDay = 0>
                            <!--- Loop through until the number of days in the month is reached. --->
                            <cfloop condition = "ThisDay LTE Days">
                                <!--- Loop though each day of the week. --->
                                <cfloop from = "1" to = "7" index = "LoopDay">
                                <!--- This turns each day into a hyperlink if it is a current or future date --->
             <cfoutput query="CaleventRec">
              <!---  <cfdump var="#eventDate#">
              <cfif #dateFormat(eventDate, 'dd')# IS ('Days, LoopDay')>
              <cfdump var="#eventDate#">
                                   <a href = "detail.cfm?id=#ID#">#Days#</a>
                                    If ThisDay is still 0, check to see if the current day of the week in the loop matches the day of the week for the first day of the month.
                                    If the values match, set ThisDay to 1.
                                    Otherwise, the value will remain 0 until the correct day of the week is found.
                                    <cfif ThisDay IS 0>
                                        <cfif DayOfWeek(ThisMonthYear) IS LoopDay>
                                            <cfset ThisDay = 1>
                                    If the ThisDay value is still 0, or is greater than the number of days in the month, display nothing in the column. Otherwise, dispplay
                                    the day of the mnth and increment the value.
                                        <cfif (ThisDay IS NOT 0) AND (ThisDay LTE Days)>
                                        <!--- I choose to highlight the current day of the year using an IF-ELSE. --->
                                            <cfif (#ThisDay# EQ #currentday#) AND (#month# EQ #startmonth#) AND (#year# EQ #startyear#)>
                                                <td align = "center" bgcolor="##FFFF99">
                                                    <cfset dayview = #dateformat(createdate(#year#, #month#, #thisday#), "mm/dd/yyyy")#>
                <font class = "calendartoday">#ThisDay#</font>
                                                <td align = "center">
                                                    <cfset dayview = #dateformat(createdate(#year#, #month#, #thisday#), "mm/dd/yyyy")#>
                <font class = "calendar">#ThisDay#</font>
                                        <cfset ThisDay = ThisDay + 1>

  • Query to get the records with same last name

    I need to write a single sql query to get all records with duplicate last_name's. For example, if tab1 has 4 records:
    10     Amit     Kumar
    20     Kishore          Kumar
    30     Sachin     Gupta
    40     Peter     Gabriel
    then the query should return
    10     Amit     Kumar
    20     Kishore     Kumar
    id, name,L_name being the 3 columns in table
    Apprecite you help.
    Thank you

    SQL> create table mytable (id,name,l_name)
      2  as
      3  select 10, 'Amit', 'Kumar' from dual union all
      4  select 20, 'Kishore', 'Kumar' from dual union all
      5  select 30, 'Sachin', 'Gupta' from dual union all
      6  select 40, 'Peter', 'Gabriel' from dual
      7  /
    Table created.
    SQL> select id
      2       , name
      3       , l_name
      4    from ( select t.*
      5                , count(*) over (partition by l_name) cnt
      6             from mytable t
      7         )
      8   where cnt > 1
      9  /
                                        ID NAME    L_NAME
                                        10 Amit    Kumar
                                        20 Kishore Kumar
    2 rows selected.Regards,

  • Filtering records with deletion flag in Query report

    Dear Friends,
    We are using ECC6.00 (EHP4) for one of our QM requirement, i have created a query in SQ01 with the tables QMEL,AUFK,AFKO,QMFE etc., to get the details of production order and notification.
    The report will list out the production scheduler wise, order wise, defect wise quantity with the notification number also in the display.
    For notifications which are created wrongly, the users set deletion flag. The same i.e., notifications with deletion flag should not appear in the report and hence i have called the field and filtered the value in the output (i.e., field value not equal to X where X is for deletion flag set records).
    Everything works fine upto this, but when users (to carry out analysis) send the data to the spread sheet, the filter values are removed and all records are populated in the excel sheet (even records with deletion flag).
    To select and display only records without deletion flag, i want to introduce coding in the query. Kindly tell me whether this is possible, if so where and what code should be written to meet my requirement.
    The records with the deletion flag (notifications) should be eliminated from the selection and display.
    Experts help required.

    Dear Raymond Giuseppi,
    Thank you for your reply. The code syntax had been corrected based on your information. Unfortunately the code doesn't filter the records. On further investigation , it was observed that the field KZLOESCH doesn't get updated and hence a field had been created in the infoset wherein the following  coding is written
    clear : w_dlfl.
    data : w_inact type char1.
    select single inact into w_inact from jest
    where objnr = qmel-objnr
       and stat = 'I0076'
       and inact ne 'X'.
    if sy-subrc = 0 .
      w_dlfl = 'X'.
      w_dlfl = ''.
    The field name is W_dlfl.
    In the above condition how and where should i include the code given by you. Since the field KZLOESCH is not updated how should we get the data from the field w_dlfl be exempted from selection?
    Kindly provide solution.

  • Query to find records with more than 2 decimal places

    I have written the below query to find records with more than 2 decimal places, but it is returning records with decimal places 1 & 2.
    The datatype of the AMT column is NUMBER (without any precision).
    SELECT amt  FROM amount_table
    WHERE substr(amt, instr(amt, '.')) LIKE '.%'
           AND length(substr(amt, instr(amt, '.') + 1)) > 2Output:-

    Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bi
    create table amount_table
      LINE_NUMBER        NUMBER not null,
      FEE_AMT            NUMBER not null
    insert into amount_table (LINE_NUMBER, FEE_AMT)
    values (60208, 41591.1);
    insert into amount_table (LINE_NUMBER, FEE_AMT)
    values (60213, 275684.82);
    insert into amount_table (LINE_NUMBER, FEE_AMT)
    values (60238, 64491.59);
    insert into amount_table (LINE_NUMBER, FEE_AMT)
    values (63026, 3320.01);
    insert into amount_table (LINE_NUMBER, FEE_AMT)
    values (59906, 6273.68);
    insert into amount_table (LINE_NUMBER, FEE_AMT)
    values (83111, 27814.18);
    insert into amount_table (LINE_NUMBER, FEE_AMT)
    values (83114, 30326.79);
    insert into amount_table (LINE_NUMBER, FEE_AMT)
    values (2112395, 131.8413634682);
    insert into amount_table (LINE_NUMBER, FEE_AMT)
    values (2112399, 162.5352898104);
    insert into amount_table (LINE_NUMBER, FEE_AMT)
    values (2112402, 208.5203815738);
    insert into amount_table (LINE_NUMBER, FEE_AMT)
    values (2112403, 8863.3146321954);
    insert into amount_table (LINE_NUMBER, FEE_AMT)
    values (2112406, 22551.2785551322);
    insert into amount_table (LINE_NUMBER, FEE_AMT)
    values (2112407, 74.716992);
    insert into amount_table (LINE_NUMBER, FEE_AMT)
    values (2112410, 890.015844079);
    insert into amount_table (LINE_NUMBER, FEE_AMT)
    values (2112411, 2622.2996817048);
    insert into amount_table (LINE_NUMBER, FEE_AMT)
    values (2112414, 831.6683840698);
    insert into amount_table (LINE_NUMBER, FEE_AMT)
    values (2112415, 1743.14);
    insert into amount_table (LINE_NUMBER, FEE_AMT)
    values (2112418, 2328.1958771886);
    insert into amount_table (LINE_NUMBER, FEE_AMT)
    values (2112419, 3132.4534379886);
    insert into amount_table (LINE_NUMBER, FEE_AMT)
    values (2112422, 5159.8273341686);
    insert into amount_table (LINE_NUMBER, FEE_AMT)
    values (2112423, 3.2362347266);
    insert into amount_table (LINE_NUMBER, FEE_AMT)
    values (2112426, 37.784);
    insert into amount_table (LINE_NUMBER, FEE_AMT)
    values (2112427, 198.7423503696);
    insert into amount_table (LINE_NUMBER, FEE_AMT)
    values (2112430, 0.7220848332);
    insert into amount_table (LINE_NUMBER, FEE_AMT)
    values (2112433, 12.4149375254);

  • Query WHERE statement to compare db record date

    I can't get this where statement to work. I have it now so it is not throwing any errors, but it also isn't doing what it is supposed to.
    I am trying to match records date in my table with the actual calendar date, if there is a match, my cfif will take that match, and make it a link in the proper date. (it is a small calendar with the month, and the days of week with dates, each date will be normal, accept if there is a record for that date, it makes a link.
    This is my code, like I said, It doesn't throw an error, but it is not working either.
    My Query:
    <cfquery name="CaleventRec" datasource="#APPLICATION.dataSource#">
    SELECT events.eventDate, events.ID AS ID
    FROM events
    WHERE eventDate >= #CreateODBCDate("07/12/2005")# AND eventDate = #Days#
    This is the cfif statement:
    <cfoutput query="CaleventRec">
    <cfif Days EQ '#eventdate#'>
    <a href = "detail.cfm?id=#ID#">#Days#</a>
    this is all the code together:
    <cfquery name="CaleventRec" datasource="#APPLICATION.dataSource#">
    SELECT events.eventDate, events.ID AS ID
    FROM events
    WHERE eventDate >= #CreateODBCDate("07/12/2005")# AND eventDate = #Days#
                            <!--- Set the ThisDay variable to 0. This value will remain 0 until the day of the week on which the first day of the month falls on is reached. --->
                            <cfset ThisDay = 0>
                            <!--- Loop through until the number of days in the month is reached. --->
                            <cfloop condition = "ThisDay LTE Days">
                                <!--- Loop though each day of the week. --->
                                <cfloop from = "1" to = "7" index = "LoopDay">
                                <!--- This turns each day into a hyperlink if it is a current or future date --->
                                   <cfoutput query="CaleventRec">
              <cfif Days EQ '#eventdate#'>
                                   <a href = "detail.cfm?id=#ID#">#Days#</a>
                                    If ThisDay is still 0, check to see if the current day of the week in the loop matches the day of the week for the first day of the month.
                                    If the values match, set ThisDay to 1.
                                    Otherwise, the value will remain 0 until the correct day of the week is found.
                                    <cfif ThisDay IS 0>
                                        <cfif DayOfWeek(ThisMonthYear) IS LoopDay>
                                            <cfset ThisDay = 1>
                                    If the ThisDay value is still 0, or is greater than the number of days in the month, display nothing in the column. Otherwise, dispplay
                                    the day of the mnth and increment the value.
                                        <cfif (ThisDay IS NOT 0) AND (ThisDay LTE Days)>
                                        <!--- I choose to highlight the current day of the year using an IF-ELSE. --->
                                            <cfif (#ThisDay# EQ #currentday#) AND (#month# EQ #startmonth#) AND (#year# EQ #startyear#)>
                                                <td align = "center" bgcolor="##FFFF99">
                                                    <cfset dayview = #dateformat(createdate(#year#, #month#, #thisday#), "mm/dd/yyyy")#>
                                                    <font class = "calendartoday">#ThisDay#</font>
                                                <td align = "center">
                                                    <cfset dayview = #dateformat(createdate(#year#, #month#, #thisday#), "mm/dd/yyyy")#>
                                                    <font class = "calendar">#ThisDay#</font>
                                        <cfset ThisDay = ThisDay + 1>
    I know my where statement is incorrect, I am also not sure if my cfif statement is correct either. Can anyone help me figure this out?
    thank you!

    All the rest of the code works. The only part of this that doesn't work is the trying to make a link part.
    Let me  show you where I am, and what I did, then maybe you will see I am closer to the solution... I think. I made this calendar so you can cycle through the months. So if you are looking at June, you see Sun - Sat and the dates for each day of the week in the month of june. You can then choose to click the next button that will bring up the month of july, and you can keep on going as long as you want.
    That is one function and it working as of right now. This Calendar also shows what day of the week we are on. If it is June 16th then June 16 is yellow. This also works.NOw, what I need to do it to have my query, not only filter out the records for the month, (if we are in June, then the Query separates out the records for June, the date in my DB is set to mm/dd/yyyy) This query also needs to match it to a number, the days of the month. So, if there is a record on the 25th of June, then the 25th of June will be a link to another page using it's ID in the address line. If you go to July and there are lets say 3 records for that month, then all 3 dates will become a link to the same other page using it's ID in the url.
    This is what I have now. I tied the Query into the next / prev function so it filters the month, so far it seems to work, I can do a cfdump up to the point of my cfif statement and get the proper number from the date, my cfif is not firing so If I do a dump after it, it doesn't dump anyhting.
    I will post JUST the query code, then post the whole calander code so you can see it all together.
    The Query / link code:
    <!--- This is part of the next / prev nav to cycle through the months --->
    <cfset NextMonthYear = DateAdd('m', 1, ThisMonthYear)>
    <cfset NextMonth = DatePart('m', NextMonthYear)>
    <!--- My Query --->
    <cfquery name="CaleventRec" datasource="#APPLICATION.dataSource#">
    SELECT events.eventDate, events.ID AS ID
    FROM events
    WHERE eventDate Between #NextMonthYear# and #NextMonth#
    <!--- my output / cfif stement --->
    <cfoutput query="CaleventRec">
    <cfset comparison = DateCompare('#dateFormat(eventDate, 'dd')#', '#Days#', 'd')>
    <!--- When I do a cfdump here, I get the number of the first record with a day date in the DB for the month of june
    <cfdump var="#dateFormat(eventDate, 'dd')#">
    <cfif #Days# EQ ('#dateFormat(eventDate, 'dd')#')>
    <!--- When I do a dump here, I do not get anyhting, no numbers it doesn't fire
    <cfdump var="#eventDate#">
    <a href = "detail.cfm?id=#ID#">#Days#</a>
    ok, now that is the part to stream in the DB info into the calander.
    Here is all the code, like I said, it all works, just not making each day a link that has a record in the DB.
    <!--- Declaration of the variables --->
           <cfparam name = "month" default = "#DatePart('m', Now())#">
    <cfparam name = "year" default = "#DatePart('yyyy', Now())#">
    <cfparam name = "currentday" default = "#DatePart('d', Now())#">
    <cfparam name = "startmonth" default = "#DatePart('m', Now())#">
    <cfparam name = "startyear" default = "#DatePart('yyyy', Now())#">
    <!--- Set a requested (or current) month/year date and determine the number of days in the month. --->
    <cfset ThisMonthYear = CreateDate(year, month, '1')>
    <cfset Days = DaysInMonth(ThisMonthYear)>
    <!--- Set the values for the previous and next months for the back/next links.--->
    <cfset LastMonthYear = DateAdd('m', -1, ThisMonthYear)>
    <cfset LastMonth = DatePart('m', LastMonthYear)>
    <cfset LastYear = DatePart('yyyy', LastMonthYear)>
    <cfset NextMonthYear = DateAdd('m', 1, ThisMonthYear)>
    <cfset NextMonth = DatePart('m', NextMonthYear)>
    <cfset NextYear = DatePart('yyyy', NextMonthYear)>
    <cfset PreviousDay = DateAdd('d', -1, ThisMonthYear)>
    <cfset CurrentYear = DatePart('yyyy', Now())>
    <table border="0" width="100%" bgcolor ="#ffffff">
                    <td align = "center" valign="top">
                        <table border="0" width="100%" height="100%">
          <th align="center" colspan="7" bgcolor="#2b4e6e">
       <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
            <td width="15%" align="left" valign="middle">
      <cfif (LastYear lt CurrentYear) OR (LastYear lte CurrentYear AND LastMonth lt startmonth)>
      <a href ="index.cfm?month=#LastMonth#&year=#LastYear#" class="calNav">Prev</a></cfif></td>
            <td width="72%" align="center" valign="middle"><FONT SIZE="3" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" color="##ffffff">#MonthAsString(month)# #year#</FONT></td>
            <td width="13%" align="right" valign="middle">
      <cfif (NextYear lt CurrentYear) OR (NextYear lte CurrentYear AND NextMonth lt startmonth)>
    <a href = "index.cfm?month=#NextMonth#&year=#NextYear#" class="calNav">Next</a>  </cfif></td>
        <td><FONT SIZE="2" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" color="#333366">Sun</FONT></td>
        <td><FONT SIZE="2" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" color="#333366">Mon</FONT></td>
        <td><FONT SIZE="2" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" color="#333366">Tue</FONT></td>
        <td><FONT SIZE="2" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" color="#333366">Wed</FONT></td>
        <td><FONT SIZE="2" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" color="#333366">Thu</FONT></td>
        <td><FONT SIZE="2" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" color="#333366">Fri</FONT></td>
        <td><FONT SIZE="2" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" color="#333366">Sat</FONT></td>
    <cfquery name="CaleventRec" datasource="#APPLICATION.dataSource#">
    SELECT events.eventDate, events.ID AS ID
    FROM events
    WHERE eventDate Between #NextMonthYear# and #NextMonth#
                            <!--- Set the ThisDay variable to 0. This value will remain 0 until the day of the week on which the first day of the month falls on is reached. --->
                            <cfset ThisDay = 0>
                            <!--- Loop through until the number of days in the month is reached. --->
                            <cfloop condition = "ThisDay LTE Days">
                                <!--- Loop though each day of the week. --->
                                <cfloop from = "1" to = "7" index = "LoopDay">
                                <!--- This turns each day into a hyperlink if it is a current or future date --->
             <cfoutput query="CaleventRec">
             <cfset comparison = DateCompare('#dateFormat(eventDate, 'dd')#', '#Days#', 'd')>
              <cfdump var="#dateFormat(eventDate, 'dd')#">
              <cfif #Days# EQ ('#dateFormat(eventDate, 'dd')#')>
              <cfdump var="#eventDate#">
                                   <a href = "detail.cfm?id=#ID#">#Days#</a>
                                    If ThisDay is still 0, check to see if the current day of the week in the loop matches the day of the week for the first day of the month.
                                    If the values match, set ThisDay to 1.
                                    Otherwise, the value will remain 0 until the correct day of the week is found.
                                    <cfif ThisDay IS 0>
                                        <cfif DayOfWeek(ThisMonthYear) IS LoopDay>
                                            <cfset ThisDay = 1>
                                    If the ThisDay value is still 0, or is greater than the number of days in the month, display nothing in the column. Otherwise, dispplay
                                    the day of the mnth and increment the value.
                                        <cfif (ThisDay IS NOT 0) AND (ThisDay LTE Days)>
                                        <!--- I choose to highlight the current day of the year using an IF-ELSE. --->
                                            <cfif (#ThisDay# EQ #currentday#) AND (#month# EQ #startmonth#) AND (#year# EQ #startyear#)>
                                                <td align = "center" bgcolor="##FFFF99">
                                                    <cfset dayview = #dateformat(createdate(#year#, #month#, #thisday#), "mm/dd/yyyy")#>
                <font class = "calendartoday">#ThisDay#</font>
                                                <td align = "center">
                                                    <cfset dayview = #dateformat(createdate(#year#, #month#, #thisday#), "mm/dd/yyyy")#>
                <font class = "calendar">#ThisDay#</font>
                                        <cfset ThisDay = ThisDay + 1>
    It is kind of complicated and this is why I need help. Maybe I am wrong in the variables I am pulling, but like I say in my comments, so far I pulled the day part of the month I am in out of the records up until my cfif stement.Can this be done with what I have done so far? No need to rewrite the whole calander, just the part with the query if I miss what you are saying.

  • Compare several records in the same table

    Hello, i´m writing a BAT file so i can export some information that i query.
    I have a automatic integration that from time to time checks if there is any new client´s and generates a trigger.
    If an error ocurs i it will repeat the process until the client is in the database.
    I cannot create tables or modify structure.
    My problem is that i need to compare the most updated record with the field CLIENT_ID
    Let me give up an example:
    Table A
    0 01-01-2009 Sucess
    1 01-01-2009 Error
    2 01-01-2009 Sucess
    1 02-01-2009 Sucess
    3 02-01-2009 Sucess
    4 02-01-2009 Error
    I need to compare client "1" created on 01-01-2009 that gived Error with all new records to see if is Sucess and my
    query should only return the client_ID "4" and export with sqlplus
    Could you please help me out?

    with my_tab as (select 0 client_id, to_date('01/01/2009', 'dd/mm/yyyy') createdtime, 'Sucess' error_message from dual union all
                    select 1 client_id, to_date('01/01/2009', 'dd/mm/yyyy') createdtime, 'Error' error_message from dual union all
                    select 2 client_id, to_date('01/01/2009', 'dd/mm/yyyy') createdtime, 'Sucess' error_message from dual union all
                    select 1 client_id, to_date('02/01/2009', 'dd/mm/yyyy') createdtime, 'Sucess' error_message from dual union all
                    select 3 client_id, to_date('02/01/2009', 'dd/mm/yyyy') createdtime, 'Sucess' error_message from dual union all
                    select 4 client_id, to_date('02/01/2009', 'dd/mm/yyyy') createdtime, 'Error' error_message from dual)
    -- end of test data set up to mimic a table called "my_tab"
    select client_id
    from   my_tab
    group by client_id
    having max(decode(error_message, 'Error', 1, 2)) = 1;should do what you want.
    Edited by: Boneist on 05-Jan-2009 16:06
    Hmm, not quite.... thinking of an amendment if the answer to BluShadow's question is Yes
    with my_tab as (select 0 client_id, to_date('01/01/2009', 'dd/mm/yyyy') createdtime, 'Sucess' error_message from dual union all
                    select 1 client_id, to_date('01/01/2009', 'dd/mm/yyyy') createdtime, 'Error' error_message from dual union all
                    select 2 client_id, to_date('01/01/2009', 'dd/mm/yyyy') createdtime, 'Sucess' error_message from dual union all
                    select 1 client_id, to_date('02/01/2009', 'dd/mm/yyyy') createdtime, 'Sucess' error_message from dual union all
                    select 3 client_id, to_date('02/01/2009', 'dd/mm/yyyy') createdtime, 'Sucess' error_message from dual union all
                    select 4 client_id, to_date('02/01/2009', 'dd/mm/yyyy') createdtime, 'Error' error_message from dual union all
                    select 1 client_id, to_date('03/01/2009', 'dd/mm/yyyy') createdtime, 'Error' error_message from dual)
    -- end of test data set up to mimic a table called "my_tab"
    select client_id
    from   my_tab
    group by client_id
    having max(decode(error_message, 'Error', 1, 2)) keep (dense_rank last order by createdtime) = 1;(which happens to be a more generalised form of what Frank's posted below!)

  • New info record with same details as archive one.

    Hi Experts,
    Due to some issue we want to archieve some standard info record which are created on vendor / material group / plant  basis.My query is does system allows to create new info record with same vendor / material group / plant combination after archiving earlier record which is on same basis.
    Thnaks & Regards

    Hi Jurgen,
    Thanks for reply.
    Our issue is while creating work order(IW31) having external services upon entering info record number in some cases in same client rate is picked up from info record condition but some times from last purchase order based on info update.
    We have checked following points.
    1.In all the cases work order type  is same.
    2.Info record are of standard type with same record are for vendor & material group combination.
    3.Checked after changing rate in info record and in purchase order but similar issue exists
    4.Compare vendor master also.
    5.Their are no contract /sch.agreement for vendors.
    Our requirement is to have rate from info record in all the cases in work order.So have two options.
    1.Archiving info record-But will need setting in SPRO and also need to create same record again with same combination.Also as their are recent purchase order against those info record not sure whether system will allow or not.Can you please tell what are prerequiste for archiving info record.
    2.To remove only purchase order number updated in EINE table in those info record where this issue is occuring.We have checked in development system and after removing purchase order number in EINE table it picks up rate from info record.
    So thought of checking before removing order ref.from EINE table.

  • How can I make a report of all records with the date in the last two weeks?

    I have records with a date field, I want to create a report that only includes records with a date which is within the last two weeks of the system date, is this possible? Surely this is a basic database function, I would have thought, but I can find no help about it and there's very little in Mac Help about doing anything other than simple stuff with reports.
    I'm not a genius with databases, so help with any required formula or what have you would be great!

    Hi Jonathan,
    Here's a formula you can use with the Match function. 'Date' is the name of the date field, which must be a "Date" type field.
    Match will select (highlight) all records matching the query. You'll then need to use Organize > Hide Unselected to show only the matches.
    Unfortunately, I haven't found a way to make the NOW() function work in a Find request, and neither Match requests nor Hide Unselected can be included in a recorded search, either of which would reduce repeating the report to a one-button operation.

  • Business Partner records with large numbers of addresses -- Move-in issue

    Our recent CCS implementation (ECC6.0ehp3 & CRM2007) included the creation of some Business Partner records with large numbers of addresses.  Most of these are associated with housing authorities, large developers and large apartment complex owners.  Some of the Business Partners have over 1000 address records and one particular BP has over 6000 addresses that were migrated from our Legacy System.  We are experiencing very long run times to try to execute move in's and move out's due to the system reading the volume of addresses attached to the Business Partner.  In many cases, the system simply times out before it can execute the transaction.  SAP's suggestion is that we run a BAPI to cleanse the addresses and also to implement a BADI to prevent the creation of excess addresses. 
    Two questions surrounding the implementation of this code.  Will the BAPI to cleanse the addresses, wipe out all address records except for the standard address?  That presents an issue to ensure that the standard address on the BP record is the correct address that we will have identified as the proper mailing address.  Second question is around the BADI to prevent the creation of excess addresses.  It looks like this BADI is going to prevent the move in address from updating the standard address on the BP record which in the vast majority of cases is exactly what we would want. 
    Does anyone have any experience with this situation of excess BP addresses and how did you handle the manipulation and cleansing of the data and how do you maintain it going forward?
    Our solution is ECC6.0Ehp3 with CRM2007...latest patch level
    Specifically, SAP suggested we apply/review these notes:
    Note 1249787 - Performance problem during move-in with huge addresses
    **applied this ....did not help
    Note 861528 - Performance in move-in for partner w/ large no of addresses
    **older ISU4.7 note
    Directly from our SAP message:
    use the function module
    unnecessary business partner addresses.
    Use BAdI ISU_MOVEIN_CUSTOMIZE to avoid the creation of unnecessary
    business partner addresses (cf. note 706686) in the future for that
    business partner.
    Note 706686 - Move-in: Avoid unnecessary business partner addresses
    Does anyone have any suggestions and have you used above notes/FMs to resolve something like this?

    One thing to understand is that the badi and bapi are just the tools or mechanisms that will enable you to fix this situation.  You or your development team will need to define the rules under which these tools are used.  Lets take them one at a time.
    BAPI - the bapi for business partner address maintenance.  It would seem that you need to create a program which first read the partners and the addresses assigned to them and then compares these addresses to each other to find duplicate addresses.  These duplicates then can be removed provided they are not used elsewhere in the system (i.e. contract account).
    BADI - the badi for business partner address maintenance.  Here you would need to identify the particular scenarios where addresses should not be copied.  I would expect that most move-ins would meet the criteria of adding the address and changing the standard address.  But for some, i.e. landlords or housing complexes, you might not add an address because it already exists for the business partner, and you might not change the standard address because those accounts do not fall under that scenario.  This will take some thinking and design to ensure that the address add/change functions are executed under the right circumstances.

  • Query Issue in Creating a View....Please help me with this query..

    I would like to create a view on this table with four columns
    1. PN#_EXP_DATE
    2. PN#
    3. PN#_EFF_DATE
    4. PN#
    P_S_C     A_C     P     EXP_DT
    21698     13921     1     5/29/2009 3:15:41 PM     
    21698     13921     1     5/29/2009 3:54:57 PM     
    21698     1716656     4     5/29/2009 3:15:41 PM     
    21698     3217     3     5/29/2009 3:15:40 PM     
    21698     3217     3     5/29/2009 3:54:57 PM     
    21698     60559     2     5/29/2009 3:15:41 PM     
    21698     60559     2     5/29/2009 3:54:57 PM     
    I have a trigger on A, which inserts the DML records into B. (Table A and B structure is the almost the same,
                                       where table B will have one extra column exp_dt)
    NOw Table B can have records with same P_S_C and A_C columns and exp_dt will capture the history.
    for example: from the above sample data, let us take first two records..
    P_S_C     A_C     P     EXP_DT
    21698     13921     1     5/29/2009 3:15:41 PM     --- Record 1
    21698     13921     1     5/29/2009 3:54:57 PM     --- Record 2
    from this..
    Note: 1. Table A and Table C can be joined using A.P_S_C and C.R_C to get the start_date.
    2. PN# comes from table D. It contains numbers for the resp. weeks.
    3. PN#_EFF_DATE is the previous immediate previous date for that record in history table (Table B).
    I wanted the data like..
    ---- this is for the second record in the above..
    5/29/2009 3:54:57 PM     214 5/29/2009 3:15:41 PM     214
    ---- this is for the first record in the above..
    5/29/2009 3:54:41 PM     214 ( for this we should query the table C to get the
                        start_date, for this combinatation of P_S_C and A_C in table B
                             where B.P_S_C = C.A_C
                             and that value should be the EFF_DT for this record)
    Please help me with this....
    Thanks in advance..

    Hi All,
    select d.P# as "PN#_EXP_DATE", exp_date
    from daily_prd d, cbs1_assoc_hist b
    where to_char(d.day_date,'MM/DD/YYYY') = to_char(b.exp_date,'MM/DD/YYYY')
    and d.period_type = 'TIMEREPORT';
    This above query gives the output as follows:
    pn#_exp_date exp_date
    214     5/29/2009 3:15:40 PM
    214     5/29/2009 3:15:41 PM
    214          5/29/2009 3:15:41 PM
    214          5/29/2009 3:15:41 PM
    214          5/29/2009 3:54:57 PM
    214          5/29/2009 3:54:57 PM
    214          5/29/2009 3:54:57 PM
    This below is the data from history table (Table B).
    21698          3217          3     5/29/2009 3:15:40 PM     
    21698          13921          1     5/29/2009 3:15:41 PM     
    21698          1716656          4     5/29/2009 3:15:41 PM     
    21698          60559          2     5/29/2009 3:15:41 PM     
    21698          13921          1     5/29/2009 3:54:57 PM     
    21698          3217          3     5/29/2009 3:54:57 PM     
    21698          60559          2     5/29/2009 3:54:57 PM     
    I got the pn#_exp_date from the Table 'D', for the given exp_date from Table B.
    My question is again....
    CASE - 1
    from the given records above, I need to look for exp_date for the given same P_S_C and A_C.
    in this case we can take the example...
    21698          3217          3     5/29/2009 3:15:40 PM
    21698          3217          3     5/29/2009 3:54:57 PM
    In this case, the
    pn#_exp_date exp_date     pn#_eff_date eff_date
    214     5/29/2009 3:15:57 PM     < PN# corresponding to the     5/29/2009 3:15:40 PM
                        eff_date .>
                        <Basically the eff_date is
                        nothing but the exp_date only.
                        we should take the immediate before one.
    In this case, our eff_date is '5/29/2009 3:15:40 PM'.
    but how to get this.
    CASE - 2
    from the above sample data, consider this
    21698     1716656     4     5/29/2009 3:15:41 PM
    In this case, there is only one record for the P_S_C and A_C combination.
    The expected result :
    pn#_exp_date exp_date               pn#_eff_date eff_date
    214     5/29/2009 3:15:41 PM     < PN# corresponding to the     5/29/2009 3:15:40 PM
                        eff_date .>
                   <Basically the eff_date is
                   nothing but the exp_date only.
                        we should take the immediate before one.
    In this case to get the eff_date, we should query the Table 'C', to get the eff_date, which is START_DT column in this table.
    for this join B.P_S_C and C.R_C.
    Hope I am clear now..
    Thanks in advance.....

  • Counting records in a query

    Hello all,
    I have a question about the counting of records in a query.
    Below, there is the source data.
    material plant date stock quantity
    X 1 05.2006 10
    X 1 06.2006 0
    X 2 05.2006 15
    X 2 04.2006 20
    Y 1 05.2006 5
    And with "How to Count the occurrences ..." guide , i created the following query.
    material quantity number of plants with stock
    X 45 2
    Y 5 1
    My question is in the second step , is it possible in the same query to get the following result for a given date ?
    If this is not the case, how can I resolve this ?
    material quantity nb of plants with stck nb of plants with stck >= 15
    X 45 2 1 (10 for 1 and 35 for 2)
    Y 5 1 0

    Create a display item to hold the count value. Then open the data block properties and under advanced database set precompute summaries to "yes". Then in your display item properties set the summary function to count; the summarized block to the block_name; and summarized item to any block item you would like to count.
    Hope this is clear and what you are looking for.

Maybe you are looking for

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  • ERP-SD

    Hi, Invoice created in March and close the order.  But there is no record of the MIGO in the PO view. Can u pls help me . Rgds, Sree.S.

  • Clicking on a link box window minimizes instead of going to the link

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  • Task execution Log

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  • HT4623 iOS 6.0.2 issues

    I updated my iPhone 5 to iOS 6.0.2 about a week ago and have had issues ever since. Specifically, my wifi will not work on my home network, although it occasionally works on other networks, and my Weather app rarely works. I never had wifi issues bef