Complex Calculations

I need to create a calculated measure that is the sum of five fields. I know I can do this by creating three intermediate variables (due to the limitation of only being able to add two numbers together in the standard calculated measures), but is their a better way to do this? I would rather not have a bunch of intermediate measure clogging up what the users see in Discoverer.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

You have probably noted that the Calculation Wizard in Analytic Workspace Manager does not offer free from calculations such as Measure_A = Measure_B + Measure_C + Measure_D + Measure_E + Measure F. You have two other methods that you can define calculation: altering the formula of a measure using the OLAP DML and adding the measure through the AW/XML API.
The OLAP DML is the language of the multidimensional engine. The method of using this language to change the equation of a formula is as follows:
1. Create a calculated measure (any calculation) in the appropriate cube.
2. Change the equation using the CONSIDER and EQ commands. Let's say you created the TOTAL_SALES measure in cube UNITS and you want this to be the sum of several other measures. You would using the following command in OLAP Worksheet (which is accessed via AWM's Tools menu).
Note that the measures are all referenced by their formulas (rather than the variables) in the above example.
To view the altered formula, use the DESCRIBE command. E.g.,
This method is pretty easy. The downside is that the equation does not get carried with any templates you create of the measure, cube or AW. Also, if the physical implementation of the AW (that is, the low level objects that make up the phyiscal model) change, you might need to revisit the measure and make adjustements. Neither of this issues are a big deal - you just need to be aware of tthem.
The other approach is to create an AW/XML template and read it using AWMs Create Custom Measure from Template command (right mouse of Calculated Meaures under cube). A sample follows.
<Create Id="Action1">
<ActiveObject >
<DerivedMeasure Name="TOTAL_SALES" LongName="Total Sales" ShortName="Total Sales" PluralName="Total Sales" Id="UNITS_CUBE.TOTAL_SALES.MEASURE" DataType="decimal" isInternal="false" UseGlobalIndex="false" ForceCalc="false" ForceOrder="false" SparseType="STANDARD" AutoSolve="DEFAULT" ExpressionText="UNITS_CUBE.SALES_B.MEASURE + UNITS_CUBE.SALES_C.MEASURE + UNITS_CUBE.SALES_D.MEASURE + UNITS_CUBE.SALES_E.MEASURE + UNITS_CUBE.SALES_F.MEASURE"/>
Note that in the AW/XML XML document all objects are reference to by their logical names.
The advantage to this approach is that the AW/XML api is fully aware of the measure definition and (a) can carry it in AW, cube and measure templates and (b) it insulates you from the physical implementation.
If you try this approach, be aware that the syntax is exacting and that error messages from bad syntax is not easy to interpret.

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    I gave TRUNC to both of the dates. But still the same issue. I think the problem is in returning the BolbDomain.
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    } catch (XDOException xdoe) {
    System.out.println("Exception in XDO :");
    throw new OAException("Exception in XDO : "+xdoe.getMessage());
    catch (SQLException sqle) {
    System.out.println("Exception in SQL :");
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    System.out.println("Exception in OA :");
    throw new OAException("Unexpected Error :: " +e.getMessage());
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    have you checked the default trace? Do you get a timeout error from the backend? Maybe the calculation is too complex and the iView times out.

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    Curr Qtr

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      I think it should work .here are some links to help topics on using user exits.
    propably they might help you
    With regards

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    Douglas R. Eckert

    It would be better if you can provide us with more information for this issue....
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    Thanks for your reply, I was trying things suggested, I found that the actual physical SQL (which I can get from "Manage Session" link) run in like 4-5 seconds in Query analyzer but: when I studied SQL carefully it does not contain some fiters which we I have applied in report.
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    public double computePrice(int min, int max, int available, int saturation,
            int productionRate, IPopulationStructure pop, ECityState state) {
        if (available==0) return max;
        if (available>=saturation) return min;
        // The cosine is defined on [0,PI] therefore we must stretch it to
        // saturation and then retrieve the value at the available amount
        double val =  Math.cos(available*Math.PI/saturation);
        // This gives us a value between [-1,1]
        val += 1;
        val *= 0.5;
        // Now between [0,1]
        // Stretch it
        val *= (max-min);
        // place it
        val += min;
        return val;
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    public DoubleBinding createPriceBinding(final IntegerProperty min, final IntegerProperty max, final IntegerProperty available, final IntegerProperty saturation,
         final IntegerProperty productionRate, final IPopulationStructure pop, final ECityState state) {
         return Bindings.createDoubleBinding(
              new Callable<Double>() {
                   public Double call() {
                         return computePrice(min.get(), max.get(), available.get(), saturation.get(), productionRate.get(), pop, state);
              }, min, max, available, saturation, productionRate);

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    Hello -
    I am trying to design a model such that it would give me similar result as the query below
    select s.Prod_type, s.prod_code, ROUND(sum(cp.qty*(select cif.factor from index_factor cif
    where cif.factor_type = 'G'
                   and cif.category = s.prod_type
    and cif.type_code = s.prod_code
                   and cif.colour_code = s.prod_col))
    * 100 /sum(cp.qty) , 0 )
    from sale cp, product s where cp.product_id = s.product_id
    So, in the RPD, I created a sparse lookup table to obtain the factor (col F). Created a
    column A = Qty with aggregation as sum,
    column B = Col F * col A
    Column C = 100*Col B/Col A
    In the analysis, I pull the prod type, prodcode, col A, ColB, col C, col F. When I do the aggregation at prodcode, keeping the aggregation rule as default in all the columns, at the totals I would have expected to see in
    Col C= 100*sum(Col B)/sum(col A),
    instead what I get is, sum(Col A) * the factor of the min colour code * 100 / sum(col A).
    note: 1 prod type would have many prod code and one prod code would have many colours.
    Is there any way to achieve as expected.
    Thanks !!
    Edited by: 958402 on 29-Nov-2012 6:43 AM

    Hello !!
    Any help pls !

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    Gross-----------10-----166.7 (Gross/Net*100)
    Discount---------4-------66.7 (Discount/Net*100)
    Net (G-D)--------6-----100.0 (Net/Net*100) or (Gross% - Discount%)

    Hi Hazan,
    I have done a similar Gross Margin Report using XMLP 5.5.
    I have used the concept of variables to store temporary values in my report and carry out complex calculations.
    Please let me know what version of XMLP are you using?
    Some of my form fields containing variables look like this:
    <?xdoxslt:set_variable($_XDOCTX, ’Sum1’, CS_TCOST + CS_TCOST1)?>
    <?xdoxslt:get_variable($_XDOCTX, ’Sno’ )?> <?xdoxslt:set_variable($_XDOCTX, ’Sno’, xdoxslt:get_variable($_XDOCTX, ’Sno’) + 1)?>
    <?xdofx:if(CS_TSELL + CS_TSELL1) <= 0 then
    xdoxslt:set_variable($_XDOCTX, ’Sum1’, 1)
    end if?>
    I am not sure if you are looking at this or not. Do let me know if this solves the purpose and need be required some help :-o)

  • Mod function in Calculator

    Hi everyone,
    in DIAdem script,
    Call Formulacalc("R3 := 0.075671 mod 0.0000001") gives 0
    Call Formulacalc("R4 := 0.075672 mod 0.0000001") gives 1.164.....E-17
    what could be the reason, does it have anything to do with 16 digit precision of floating numbers?
    should i simply assume the values below E-16 as zero?
    thanks in advance

    This is a rounding problem, depending on the precision of the float-values.
    You can't assume every value below 1E-16 to be zero, because this kind of  floatingpoint problems occur typically 14-16 digits behind the first significant digit of your values. If you do calculations with larger numbers, the problem will show up above 1E-16.
    It is hard to tell exactly how large the rounding errors are going to be on complex calculations. There is always the danger of getting much larger errors if very large and very small values are involved in one calculation.
    1234567890.1-1234567890 gives 0.0999999046325684
    The roundig error is already dangerously close to the first significant digit of the result. If you do additional calculations with the result, the error can get large enough to produce completely wrong results. In most cases, this is not an issue, but as always, it is a good idea to take care of possible errors.

  • Logical Column(s) a.k.a. Pre-calculated Measures

    I am looking for best practices around logical columns either in Presentation Layer or Business Layer. Specifically I want to know..
    1) Is it advisable to have logical columns?
    2) How many are good to have? Should one create logical columns for all frequent calculations which are done on dashboards?
    3) Are there any performance implications?
    4) Can we use Time Series function with logical columns? Like AGO etc.
    In short I am looking for intelligent pros and cons of such implementations.
    PS: Logical columns are derived from physical columns. For e.g. Profit = Income - Expense.

    1) all complex logic should be in the BMM layer in the RPD. Yes, it's advisable to have them in the BMM. Although another good practice is to try to delegate all complex calculations to ETL if possible.
    2) As many as deemed necessary. Yes.
    3) No, not really. But if you use Answers' logical columns - you have to be creative in propagating them to other reports.
    4) Yes you can. But again, this is something that's better to have in the RPD.

Maybe you are looking for