Compliance Baseline Detail Reporting

I know out of the box we have reports like "Details of compliant rules of configuration items in a configuration baseline for an asset" and "Details of non-compliant rules of configuration items in a configuration baseline for an asset".
But nothing that shows the details of all rules, compliant, non-compliant, error, etc. for a system in one report.  I haven't had any luck trying to cobble one together from what exists, has anyone else done it?

If you cannot find a appropriate report, you could try to create a custom report according to the compliance settings views in Configuration Manager.
Best Regards,

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  • Compliance Baseline Reporting

    Does anyone have some good custom reports they've made for compliance baseline reporting? The canned ones leave a bit to be desired for me, and I can't make heads or tails out of them to create reports I'd like to see. 
    For example, none of the reports give a detail view of all compliance settings for a device.  There's separate reports for details of compliant rules, details of non-compliant rules, details of conflicting rules, etc.  But I would like to be able
    to get all of those in a single report for a device.  Is it even possible?

    I've not seen a report similar to that available online, but I do think that this post should get you started:
    My Blog:
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  • Summary to Detail report

    Main Report
    Agent                                  10/27/10     11/12/10     11/22/10     12/16/10     Sum:
    Agency ACH Correction                                                                             1          1
    Agency Address Change                                              1     1
    Agency Benefit                1                                         1
    Agency Compliance                1                                         1
    Agency New Contract                                    2               2
    Sum:                                     2                               2     1     1     6
    Detail Report
    WPS ID          Worklist          Account Number     Status     Team Code
    8a888a44          Agency Compliance     316650011                          Complete     DFTINF
    8a888a05          Agency Benefit     316649906                          Complete     CLMB
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    Will it be possible to achieve in xcelsius?For the Agent and Date in the "summary report"  above  it should display corrosponding number of Records in detail report in a spreadsheet component..
    Can you tell me the steps..

    What is your name?
    You could move the parameter/item to the detail page. Perhaps change it from a hidden item (if it is) to a visible item that users could select from. Then all you're doing when you come from the summary to the detail is setting that item's value.
    Note that if the item changes pages you'll want to change the name of the item and therefore any references to it. To make sure you don't miss anything you'll want to run the app though Patrick's APEX Essentials: (this will be integrated in APEX 4)

  • CC 5.2 Detailed reports too large for Excel

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    Thank you.

    If you run the reports in the background you can retreive the raw files by going to the server.  The default location is \usr\sap\SID\DVEBMGS<instance number>\j2ee\cluster\server0\virsa\bgJobSpool\ if you haven't specified a different location in the configuration tab.
    Files on the server can be identified by Job ID.
    The different types of reports are labelled as follows:
    [JobID].d.0 = Technical Detail Report
    [JobID].s.0 = Summary Report
    [JobID].m.0 = Management Summary Report
    [JobID].e.0 = Executive Summary Report
    [JobID].i = Information about the job
    Ways to get the files.
    Use an FTP program to connect to the share.
    Be sure to transfer files as "text" rather than binary.  However, if you are transferring a zipped file, transfer as "binary."
    Using SAP GUI (ABAP method)
    Log into the ABAP side of your NetWeaver installation.
    T-code: AL11  (maybe there are other t-codes that can access the filesystem also)
    Browse to the directory on the server: /usr/sap/<SID>/DVEBMGS<instance number>/j2ee/cluster/server0/virsa/bgJobSpool
    Use standard SAP GUI functionality to save the file locally, as unconverted text.

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    or otherwise develop Z report using J_1I* tables.

  • Master Detail Report for PDF Printing

    Dear All,
           While trying to create a master detail report using Oracle APEX 4.2 and BI Publisher. I tried creating report queries and report layout following the below mentioned steps.
      EMPNO NUMBER(4),
      ENAME VARCHAR2(10),
      JOB VARCHAR2(9),
      MGR NUMBER(4),
      SAL NUMBER(7,2),
      COMM NUMBER(7,2)
    CREATE TYPE emp_tab AS TABLE OF emp_row;
    CREATE TYPE dept_row AS OBJECT (
      DNAME VARCHAR2(14),
      LOC VARCHAR2(13),
      EMP_LIST emp_tab
      d.deptno, d.dname, d.loc,
      CAST(MULTISET(SELECT e.empno, e.ename, e.job, e.mgr, e.hiredate, e.sal, e.comm
      FROM emp e
      WHERE e.deptno = d.deptno) AS emp_tab)
      ) AS "XML_QUERY"
    FROM dept d
    WHERE d.deptno = 10;
    Though the above steps generates xml output while trying to generate in APEX it says unsupported datatype. Tried using DBMS_LOB as well no luck. Any inputs will be quite helpful. Should there be any other way to incorporate master detail report printing in APEX kindly advise.

    Hi Ahmed_Jed,
    Ahmed_Jed wrote:
    Thanks Kiran for your prompt response. I tried following the steps already using this link (How To Create a Master-Detail PDF Report) somehow the detail record was not getting processed perhaps was trying to generate xml data using the above query. Any other reference will be highly appreciated.
        Well the problem lies here:
      d.deptno, d.dname, d.loc,
      CAST(MULTISET(SELECT e.empno, e.ename, e.job, e.mgr, e.hiredate, e.sal, e.comm
      FROM emp e
      WHERE e.deptno = d.deptno) AS emp_tab)
      ) AS "XML_QUERY"
    FROM dept d
    WHERE d.deptno = 10;
        The Report Query itself generates XML data (in the required BI Publisher format). So, no need to generate it like this.
        As you are using table functions your query should be of the type:
                , ENAME
                , JOB
                , MGR
                , HIREDATE
                , SAL
                , COMM
        where EMP_PKG.GET_EMPLOYEES is packaged table function which returns the Object Table of type EMP_TAB mentioned above.
        When you test the above Report Query with sample DEPTNO, it will generate the sample XML, which you can use to generate Report Layout in RTF format using BI Publisher Desktop.
        Hope this helps!

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    please  help me in  'AR Details ' report shows total open invoices by customer and PO number over selected time range.
    any thing related to open invoices please send me as early as possible.

    Find the T.code VF05. You will get the list of open billing docs. Its SIS report. Please find whether the SIS is active or not in your system

  • Dynamically select detail report for a master report link item or button?

    I'm still new to APEX, so apologies if this sounds like a stupid question, but so far I can't find anything online about how to do the following.
    I have a simple report, and I want to be able to drill down from here to a detail report via a link item (or a button) in each row. The problem is that the specific detail report to use depends on a combination of values in the parent record.
    So if I have a parent record in the master report with values for columns 1/2/3 of A/B/C, I would drill down to a detail report against table X. If my parent record has values of D/E/F, I might drill down to a different detail report against table Y.
    I can build the individual reports easily enough, and I can set up a link item in the master report to drill down to a hard-coded detail report page. I can even generate the name (alias) of the relevant target report as an extra non-DB item in each row of the parent report. But I can't figure out how to allow each row in the parent report to actually link to a different detail report dynamically, depending on the contents of the parent row.
    Can anybody suggest an easy way to do this, or point me towards an online resource that would explain how to do this (preferably in basic terms that this APEX-newbie can understand)?
    Thanks for your help!

    When you say "Detail report" do you just mean a normal report of the child records for the selected master record or a tabular form style "Details report"?
    Using different reports on a page would, typically, depend on the value in a hidden page item - for example, P1_REPORT_TYPE. Your link could pass an appropriate value into this item and the second page would then use this as a Condition for each of the report regions - each region being conditionally displayed when the hidden item is a specific value.

  • Dynamically creating a master-detail report

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    Is there a way in a RTF template so that the user could click on a shipment and that would display all the rows for that shipment? I can get all the data in one go, thats not an issue.
    Ideally I want something like
    Order No [67453278]
    The user can then click on a shipment and sees the rows for that shipment.
    Any thoughts?

    Thanks, I have tried this but it doesn't solve the problem.
    I had tried this approach before I logged this request, and it has the following issues when used. The report is called from a portal page:
    1. The user gets a "flash" when the detail report is called.
    2. There is no easy way to get back to the "master" report, showing the shipments. Pressing the [back] button doesn't work. The user doesn't know they are in BIP at this point - I use the hyperlink which doesn't show headers.
    What is required is to see the detail report on the same page underneath the list f shipments.

  • Change Maintenance Work Order Detail Report in Print WO page

    I would like to ask you for your help. We would like to have different report in Print WO function than Maintenance Work Order Detail Report. I mean SSM responsibility > Search for WOs > click Print WO icon. We applied patch #9871500 (I found it there: Templates associated to datadefinitions other than 'EAMWRREP' are not shown in the Work Order Detail report in EAM [ID 1209703.1]). I did personalizations steps - I defined new data definition (for example TEST) and report with data definition TEST is shown in the option on Print WO page now... But how should I it define to have correct result? What should be defined in Executable, Concurrent Program, Data Definition and Data Template? I have RDF and RTF files for this report. We are using different SQL than it is used in the original report. How could be used our SQL defined in RDF?
    Thanks, Regards,

      1) You can choose to select and Print shop paper when you need.No enhancement is required.
    2) There is not an option in standard to say Print/Not print Long text . You will have to replace the standard form with a custom form and build the logic to print /Not Print long text based on your rules.

  • EAM Maintenance Work Order Detail Report

    Hello All,
    I have a requirement to add new fields to the Maintenance Work Order Detail Report which is run from the web page. This report's RTF template works based on the fields which are defined in the seeded data definition. This seeded data defintion has an seeded XSD file with the fields in it. By the RTF template I got the standarad concurrent program name as Maintenance Work Order Detail Report.
    I assumed the following process to happen when the Run button on the EAM work order page is clicked.
    1. Concurrent program Maintenance Work Order Detail Report is submitted
    Executable: PL/SQL Package EAM_WOREP_PUB.Work_Order_CP
    Seeded Data Definition: Work Order Details -- This DD has a seeded XSD file EAMWOREPORT.xsd
    2. So the RTF template based on the pl/sql package and the XSD file generates the report and displays.
    Please correct if my assumptions are wrong.
    I want to add new fields to this report. So I have customized the pl/sql package, modified the code with new fields and created a custom data defintion with a new XSD file with the new fields added in it. Also created a new template linked to new data defintion. After doing all this I am not able to see the new fields on the report generated they come as NULL.
    My question is Is it feasible to add new fields to this Maintenance Work Order Detail Report or we can use only the fields which the seeded one gives?
    Version: R12.1.2
    I tried and tried but couldn't find a solution to it. If anyone has faced the same issue please let me know.
    Thank You!!

    IW47 should give you the required information.

  • Open detail report in same window(same frame) in BI Publisher11.1.6.0

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    Detail Report - Interactive view template
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    Kindly reply.
    Edited by: 856219 on Mar 26, 2012 1:31 AM

    Hi Nitasha
    we need same exact requirement. Could you please let me know if you find any solution ?

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    Is there any possiblility to export the report as shown on screen to csv?

    Limit the range of data to be exported and check any row missing.
    Thanks & Regards,

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    Edited by: 924750 on Sep 16, 2012 3:42 AM

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