Compound Trigger and Exceptions

I'm using 11gR2. It seems to be impossible writing a compound trigger including an exception handler. But I need one.
Code is
create or replace trigger testtrg
for delete or insert or update on BTK.AVALTYP compound trigger
anyerr exception;
pragma exception_init(anyerr, -20005);
before each row is
  raise anyerr;
    when anyerr then
end before each row;
after statement is
     when others then
end after statement;
end;any suggestions?
regards Wilko

wilkohelms wrote:
I'm using 11gR2. It seems to be impossible writing a compound trigger including an exception handler. But I need one.I have no issues with it:
SQL> select * from v$version
  2  /
Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - Production
PL/SQL Release - Production
CORE      Production
TNS for 32-bit Windows: Version - Production
NLSRTL Version - Production
SQL> create or replace
  2    trigger emp_cbiud
  3    for delete
  4     or insert
  5     or update
  6    on emp
  7    compound trigger
  8      anyerr exception;
  9      pragma exception_init(anyerr, -20005);
11    before each row is
12      begin
13          null;
14          raise anyerr;
15        exception
16          when anyerr then
17            null;
18    end before each row;
20    after statement is
21      begin
22          null;
23        EXCEPTION
24          when others then
25            null;
26    end after statement;
28  end;
29  /
Trigger created.

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    Let me rephrase my question:
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    to as 'columnToIgnore'. I don't care about which columns are included or if the value has actually changed, only that there are other columns present.
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    I have inherited a Sql Server database + schema and corresponding application and I have been tasked with speeding up the batch update of users in the database. After running some profiling I discovered that the reason it was slow is because of an update
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    DECLARE @ColumnsUpdated VARBINARY(100)
    SET @ColumnsUpdated = COLUMNS_UPDATED()
    DECLARE @onlyIgnoreColumnChanged int
    SET @onlyIgnoreColumnChanged = 1
    SET @onlyIgnoreColumnChanged = 1
    WHERE TABLE_NAME = 'users'
    AND sys.fn_IsBitSetInBitmask(@ColumnsUpdated, COLUMNPROPERTY(OBJECT_ID('dbo.users'), COLUMN_NAME, 'ColumnID')) <> 0
    AND column_name !='columnToIgnore')) BEGIN
    SET @onlyIgnoreColumnChanged = 0
    Ideally I would change the code to disable the trigger and do the insert myself BUT the code is old Classic ASP ( ie. VBScript with ODBC database connections) so I am not going to change any of the calling code because that would cost too much time and probably
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    My proposed fix which I am unsure of how to code in SQL:
    It seems to me that there should be a way to get the proper id or position for the column and see if the column was used in the COLUMNS_UPDATED().
    If it was not used then we can set @onlynieuwchanged to 0 for the remaining code (not shown)
    If it was used then remove the bit from the COLUMNS_UPDATED() and see if it is empty
    If its empty then then we can set @onlynieuwchanged to 1 for the remaining code (not shown)
    If it’s not empty then then we can set @onlynieuwchanged to 0 for the remaining code (not shown)
    My problem is I am not sure how to go about coding this logic in SQL. I would think it would be possible with BIT operators? It would seem this could be more efficient than what I have now as it would get rid of the select statement which could slow down
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    works, I only want to speed up the existing trigger with minimal effort.
    Sql Server version 2012, database Schema is set to Sql server 2005 compatibility mode.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance!

    Thank you again everyone for your input. As I mentioned there is much out of my control. This is an active application worked on by many developers and has been pieced together over the past 10+ years. It is NOT well written, the database schema has MUCH
    to be desired, and the code is the classic definition of 'spaghetti' code and multiple platforms are used to access the data, and there are millions of lines of code. There is nothing I can do about all of this which is why I am ignoring much of the advice.
    Sure, if this was a new application or something that was well written and possible to do some modifications then I would BUT it's not. If I was given 1 year of dedicated time to fix everything... well, I would probably throw it all away and start from scratch.
    Here is what I finally came up with. It is probably not  much faster, if at all, but when I started this I thought there would be a simple solution that I did not see. I will probably leave my code the way it was but will include the following for reference.
    DECLARE @bit int, @field int, @char int, @comparisonField VARBINARY(100)
    -- the following segment recreates the value contained in COLUMNS_UPDATED() if only the field nieuw was altered and stores that value in field @comparisonField
    SET @field = (SELECT COLUMNPROPERTY(OBJECT_ID('dbo.users'), 'columnToIgnore', 'ColumnID')) -- geth the field id for column nieuw
    select @bit = (@field - 1 )% 8 + 1
    select @bit = power(2,@bit - 1)
    select @char = ((@field - 1) / 8) + 1
    -- select @field AS [Field number], @char AS [Char], @bit AS [Bit] -- debug code to check the bits that are tested.
    -- Recreate the binary value of just having the field present in the columns_updated
    SELECT @comparisonField = CONVERT(VARBINARY(100),'0x' + RIGHT('000000000000000000' + RIGHT(CONVERT(VARCHAR(30), CONVERT(varbinary(1), @bit), 1), 2), @char*2), 1)
    -- if the generated value in @comparisonField is the same as COLUMNS_UPDATED() then only nieuw was updated
    IF @comparisonField <> COLUMNS_UPDATED() BEGIN
    -- code to add to the tracking table

  • Some :New values are null in compound trigger

    Hello everybody,
    I use Oracle 11g R2.
    My problem is: Why certain :New.values are Null in the before statement only if I have an after statement (that do nothing) ?
    My test case:
    create table TEST
    ID Number,
    CODE char(10),
    SUBJECT varchar2(60)
    alter table TEST add constraint TEST_PK primary key (CODE);
    insert into TEST (CODE, SUBJECT, ID) values ('AAA ', 'Subject AAA', 1);
    insert into TEST (CODE, SUBJECT, ID) values ('BBB ', 'Subject BBB', 2);
    <h4>My problem:</h4>
    create or replace trigger Test_Trg
    for insert or update on Test
    compound trigger
    before each row is
    dbms_output.put_line( 'Before Each Row, New values= Id: '||:New.Id||', Code: '||:New.Code||', Subject: '||:New.Subject );
    dbms_output.put_line( 'Before Each Row, Old values= Id: '||:Old.Id||', Code: '||:Old.Code||', Subject: '||:Old.Subject );
    :New.Code := Nvl(:New.Code, 'CODE'||:New.Id);
    end before each row;
    after statement is
    dbms_output.put_line( 'After Statement' );
    end after statement;
    end Test_Trg;
    <h4>Now if I do that:</h4>
    update Test set Subject = 'The New Subject' where ID = 1;
    <h4>The dbms_output is :</h4>
    Before Each Row, New values= Id: 1, Code: , Subject:
    Before Each Row, Old values= Id: 1, Code: USER1 , Subject: The New Subject
    After Statement
    <h4> (You can see that in the before each row, :New.Code and :New.Subject are Null!)
    And the Data are:</h4>
    select * from Test where Id = 1;
    Id Code Subject
    1 CODE1 The New Subject
    <h4>Why the column Code is changed?
    Now if I change my trigger (just removing the after statement)</h4>
    create or replace trigger Test_Trg
    for insert or update on Test
    compound trigger
    before each row is
    dbms_output.put_line( 'Before Each Row, New values= Id: '||:New.Id||', Code: '||:New.Code||', Subject: '||:New.Subject );
    dbms_output.put_line( 'Before Each Row, Old values= Id: '||:Old.Id||', Code: '||:Old.Code||', Subject: '||:Old.Subject );
    :New.Code := Nvl(:New.Code, 'CODE'||:New.Id);
    end before each row;
    end Test_Trg;
    <h4>All work perfect!
    My question is: Why certain :New.values are Null in the before statement only if I have an after statement that do nothing ?
    Thanks in advance,

    I've got two environments - one where this is reproducible, one where it doesn't seem to be.
    I assume it must be a bug and one of these environments is patched.
    I had a quick look at metalink and couldn't see an obvious match.
    I might see if I can figure out differences between environments later.
    There are a number of bugs around compound triggers.
    I've been bitten before with a different compound trigger bug.
    Shame - nice way to neaten up multiple triggers but too many issues.

  • Compound trigger returns too many lines

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    create or replace trigger test.requisitions_trigger
      FOR INSERT OR UPDATE ON test.supply_items
    TYPE t_change_tab IS TABLE OF test.tab1_audit%ROWTYPE; g_change_tab t_change_tab := t_change_tab();
        g_change_tab(g_change_tab.last).action := 'INSERT';
        g_change_tab(g_change_tab.last).action := 'UPDATE';
      END IF;
      g_change_tab(g_change_tab.last).created_time := SYSTIMESTAMP;
    END requisitions_trigger;

    In your Re: Mutating Table error - Compound Trigger, the REQUISITIONS procedure was taking an argument that was taken from the row being inserted or updated. In this version, there is no argument. If the REQUISITIONS procedure takes no arguments (and just to harp on it, I'll reiterate that having a table and a procedure with the same name is more than a bit confusing), then you just need a statement level trigger. A statement level trigger is free to query the table being modified all it likes without raising any mutating table concerns (because the current statements changes are either guaranteed to have not been applied or to have been completely applied, there is no risk of seeing data in an inconsistent state).

  • Web service hangs without any errors and exceptions

    hi all,
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    This i can able to see form my log files.
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    otherwise does this is garbage collector issue.
    Thanks in advance,

    Without any code to see what's going on we'd be flying blind trying to answer this one.

  • FRM-40735: ON-ERROR trigger unhandled exception ORA-06508

    Today we changed few customization in CUSTOM.pll and regenerated it , but we received the following error message after login to application irrespective of any responsiblity/form
    FRM-40735: ON-ERROR trigger unhandled exception ORA-06508
    So we reverted CUSTOM.pll change and recompiled successfuly. However we are still getting same error.
    Kindly give us little light on it.

    Hi Raju,
    In addition to Hussein's post, Can you check the following notes, since you have changed & reverted the custom.pll
    - Cannot Log into Oracle Applictions after the Custom.pll has been Changed [ID 146038.1]
    Best Regards,

  • Compound trigger for mutating

    hi guys,
    Need you mastery about mutating table.
    how can I rewrite sample trigger below, in compound trigger to avoid mutating table?
    oracle version:
    Oracle Database 11g Release - 64bit Production
    PL/SQL Release - Production
    "CORE Production"
    TNS for Linux: Version - Production
    NLSRTL Version - Production
    Table1 has (col1,col2,col3,col4)
    Table2 has(col1,col2,col3,col4,col5)
    Table3 has(col1,col2,col3,col4,col5)
    Table4 has(col1,col2,col3,col4)
    Create or replace trigger tble1_after_insert
    after insert on tabl1
    referencing old as old new as new
    for each row
    Insert into table4
    ( select table1.col1,table1.col2,table2.col3,table3.col4
    where table1.col1 = table2.col1 (+)
    and table2.col3 = table3.col3(+)
    and table.col1 = :new.table1.col1)
    Mutating problem will occur on table1, that's why I need to convert the script on compound trigger.
    If there will be a better way rather than compound trigger kindly share your ideas.
    thank you in advance

    zacky wrote:
    Hi Guys,
    Thanks for the references.
    @ Paul thanks for the idea, follow up question I have another condition on where clause; below is the actual script
    (part of insert into Table select statement)
    SELECT O.order_id,
    COALESCE (dl.isbn, cl.isbn, ol.product_id) eisbn,
    DECODE(cl.concurrency_flag, 0, 0, 1, cb.concurrency_limit) access_limit
    FROM ebook_order O,
    ebook_isbn_data_load DL,
    ebook_order_line OL,
    ebook_collection_list CL,
    ebook_concurrency_band CB,
    consortium_organisation CO,
    ebook_order O
    WHERE o.order_id = ol.order_id
    AND ol.product_id = cl.collection_id(+)
    AND cl.isbn = dl.ean13_of_set(+)
    AND o.concurrency_band_code = cb.concurrency_band_code
    AND o.body_id = co.consortium_id
    AND o.order_status = '4'
    AND o.order_type IN ('P','G','S')
    AND o.order_id = 10020743
    since I created the trigger on ebook_order, then I need to remove that table in order to avoid mutating it is possible
    to do something like script below
    SELECT :new.order_id,
    COALESCE (dl.isbn, cl.isbn, ol.product_id) eisbn,
    DECODE(cl.concurrency_flag, 0, 0, 1, cb.concurrency_limit) access_limit
    ebook_isbn_data_load DL,
    ebook_order_line OL,
    ebook_collection_list CL,
    ebook_concurrency_band CB,
    consortium_organisation CO,
    ebook_order O
    WHERE :new.order_id = ol.order_id
    AND ol.product_id = cl.collection_id(+)
    AND cl.isbn = dl.ean13_of_set(+)
    AND :new:concurrency_band_code = cb.concurrency_band_code
    AND :new.body_id = co.consortium_id
    how about on this part? I'm not sure with this one
    AND o.order_status = '4'
    AND o.order_type IN ('P','G','S')
    AND o.order_id = 10020743
    unless I can put IF THEN statement if something like below code
    If :new.order_status = 4 and (:new.order_type ='P' or :new.:new.order_type ='G' or :new.order_type='S') then
    thanks in advanceHow about:
    and :new.order_status = 4
    and :new.order_type in ('P','G','S')
    and :new.order_id = 10020743Though it strikes me as unusual to have a trigger that only does something when a particular order id is inserted.
    BTW Please read {message:id=9360002} and follow the advice there. In particular
    the bit about formatting your code and putting it between tags.
    Also, try to get out of the habit of upper casing your SQL - it's very COBOL (i.e. old-fashioned and not much use).                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

  • 30EA3 Compound trigger debug wrong Watches

    When I debug a compound trigger variables declared in timing point section is always shown as NULL in SmartData and in Watches.
    Data window does not contain any variable from timing point section only does from trigger declare section.
    Database version is
    Best Regards

  • Problem with trigger and entity in JHeadsart, JBO-25019

    Hi to all,
    I am using JDeveloper 10.1.2 and developing an application using ADF Business Components and JheadStart
    I have a problem with trigger and entity in JHeadsart
    I have 3 entity and 3 views
    DsitTelephoneView based on DsitTelephone entity based on DSIT_TELEPHONE database table.
    TelUoView based on TelUo entity based on TEL_UO database table.
    NewAnnuaireView based on NewAnnuaire entity based on NEW_ANNUAIRE database view.
    I am using JHS to create :
    A JHS table-form based on DsitTelephoneView
    A JHS table based on TelUoView
    A JHS table based on NewAnnuaireView
    LIB_POSTE is a :
    TEL_UO column
    NEW_ANNUAIRE column
    NEW_ANNUAIRE database view is built from DSIT_TELEPHONE database table.
    Lib_poste is an updatable attribut in TelUo entity, DsitTelephone entity, NewAnnuaire entity.
    Lib_poste is upadated in JHS table based on TelUoView
    I added a trigger on my database shema « IAN » to upadate LIB_POSTE in DSIT_TELEPHONE database table :
    SET t.lib_poste = :new.lib_poste
    WHERE t.id_tel = :new.id_tel;
    When I change the lib_poste with the application :
    - the lib_poste in DSIT_TELEPHONE database table is correctly updated by trigger.
    - but in JHS table-form based on DsitTelephoneView the lib_poste is not updated. If I do a quicksearch it is updated.
    - in JHS table based on NewAnnuaireView the lib_poste is not updated. if I do a quicksearch, I have an error:
    oracle.jbo.RowAlreadyDeletedException: JBO-25019: The row of entity of the key oracle.jbo. Key [null 25588] is not found in NewAnnuaire.
    25588 is the primary key off row in NEW_ANNUAIRE whose lib_poste was updated by the trigger.
    It is as if it had lost the bond with the row in the entity.
    Could you help me please ?

    The following example should help.
    SQL> create sequence workorders_seq
      2  start with 1
      3  increment by 1
      4  nocycle
      5  nocache;
    Sequence created.
    SQL> create table workorders(workorder_id number,
      2  description varchar2(30),
      3   created_date date default sysdate);
    Table created.
      2  BEFORE INSERT ON workorders
      3  FOR EACH ROW
      4  BEGIN
      5  SELECT workorders_seq.nextval
      6    INTO :new.workorder_id
      7    FROM dual;
      8  END;
      9  /
    Trigger created.
    Session altered.
    SQL> insert into workorders(description) values('test1');
    1 row created.
    SQL> insert into workorders(description) values('test2');
    1 row created.
    SQL> select * from workorders;
               1 test1                          30-NOV-2004 15:30:34
               2 test2                          30-NOV-2004 15:30:42
    2 rows selected.

  • Hi, my MacBook Pro cannot open Safari. nexpectedly while using the librooksbas.dylib plug-in" the report details the exception code as 'EXC_BAD_ACCESS (SIGSEGV)' and exception codes as: 'KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS at 0x0000000920

    Hi, my MacBook Pro cannot open Safari. It crashes and gives the message, ' Safari quit unexpectedly while using the librooksbas.dylib plug-in" the report details the exception code as 'EXC_BAD_ACCESS (SIGSEGV)' and exception codes as: 'KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS at 0x0000000920

    Remove "Rapport" by following the instructions on this page.
    Back up all data before making any changes.

  • Trying to get a Trigger and Alert to work

    So im trying to get a trigger to work with an alert and the Alert seems to be right and the trigger complies which seems right to me, however the instruction that I have in my book does not produce the same output that I get from my Update.
    Here is the deal. I am to log into sql * with a default account as well as login as "SYSTEM"
    the trigger should invoke the Alert and output a message to re-order some more product and the status should = 0 since there is no wait time. However I don't get a "Message" from the Alert and the status = 1 which indicates timeout. So if you can take a look at my code and let me know what I did wrong or how to "Connect" the two that would be great.
    Trigger I created.
    CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER order_replace_trg
    AFtER UPDATE OF stock on bb_product
    WHEN (OLD.stock = 24 AND NEW.stock = -2)
    stock NUMBER(5,1);
    idproduct NUMBER(2);
    lv_msg_txt VARCHAR2(25);
    lv_status_num NUMBER(1);
    reorder NUMBER(3);
    IF stock <> 24 AND reorder = 25 THEN
    lv_msg_txt := 'Product 4 Reorder Time!';
    lv_status_num := 0;
    END IF;
    The Alert:
    lv_msg_txt VARCHAR2(25);
    lv_status_num NUMBER(1);
    DBMS_ALERT.WAITONE('reorder', lv_msg_txt, lv_status_num, 120);
    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Alert: ' ||lv_msg_txt);
    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Status: ' ||lv_status_num);
    Here is the block I need to run to test the trigger and alert.
    UPDATE bb_product
    SET stock = stock -2
    WHERE idproduct = 4;
    The message I should get is:
    Alert: Product 4 Reorder Time!
    Status: 0
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    This is what I get.
    SQL> /
    Status: 1
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    Thanks for your help!

    Right. Register says "I'm interested in getting alerted to some particular event", Waitone says "I'm waiting until some event happens". Signal is the key thing that indicates that a particular event happened.
    As for your trigger, a couple of issues
    - I don't know why you're calling DBMS_OUTPUT. I'm guessing that you probably want to send a message along with your alert that the receiver gets and displays, not that you want to print a message to the window from inside the trigger.
    - You're using the local variables stock and reorder in your IF statement but you never initialize them. I'm guessing that you would want to eliminate those local variables and just use :new.stock and :new.reorder (assuming that REORDER is a column in the table).
    - Your WHEN clause doesn't seem to make sense. It's telling the trigger to fire only if you update stock from 24 to -2, which doesn't make sense. I'm not sure you would even need a WHEN clause here.

  • How can I detect an external trigger and then generate an event or occurance

    I have a PXIe-1065 chassis with a PXIe8030 controller, PXI-6653 timing module, PXI-6542 Digital IO, and PXI-6259 DAQ board, running LabView 8.5. I need to detect a trigger (100 ns TTL pulse) from an external device then start a process on a GPIB device. Is there a way for me to detect this trigger and then generate an event, or an occurance ? Can I do this without polling a device? Can any of this hardware generate an interrupt that LabView can detect?

    My screenshot was only an example how you can approach the issue. I wasnt saying that you should try it with AI....
    Just take a closer look into the DAQmx Events and you will discover something like this:
    hope this helps,
    NorbertMessage Edited by Norbert B on 10-05-2007 02:35 AM
    CEO: What exactly is stopping us from doing this?
    Expert: Geometry
    Marketing Manager: Just ignore it.
    DAQmxEvent.PNG ‏11 KB

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    I think if you use the start-command, the execution is asynchronously and you won't get the correct process-id. Try to execute Acorbat directly without the cmd /c start in front of it.

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    pls provide one sample example to give the exceptions and validations in BPEL

    For example you can create a simple BPEL Process and you can throw an error during running process. If input data is not valid and format is not correct you can throw error using throw activity and using catch activity you can catch particular error. The catch-all will handle all the error occurred with the scope.
    you can also refer faulthandling section in the link for more information related to exception handling.

  • Max.No.of Session Relationship b/w Trigger and Application in UCCX

    Dear All - Can you please explain Maximum Number of session in Trigger and Aapplication and their relationship
    When creating Application, We can define  Maximum Number of session -  maximum amount of simultaneous sessions (instances) that the application can handle.
    Also When creating Trigger, We can define  Maximum Number of session - maximum number of simultaneous calls that this trigger can handle,
    call after this number is exceeded gets the busy tone.
    If we leave Default it will take seesion which is defined in Applciation.
    Suppose if i define 5 Session for Trigger and 10 for Application, As soon as 6th Call hit the Trigger will get Busy Tone since Max session set to 5 for Trigger.
    It means of seesion is always same for both Trigger and Application / Trigger should have higher session than Application session.
    Can you please explain the scenraio In which Scenrio we actually required them in place.
    SIVANESAN R       

    If your trigger has less maximum sessions than the application, you will hear a busy tone. If your trigger has more maximum sessions than your application, then you will "hit" the default script that your application has configure in it. If you have the same maximum sessions for your trigger and your application, then you will hear the busy tone.

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    Hello all, I have an issue and don't have any clues for it. I wait for your suggestions , please. Problem:   we must ensure that master data (represented by Info objects) is unique across R/3 source systems within BW Thank you.

  • What email program should I use?

    I have Safari 1.3.2 which I assume is the final upgrade for 10.3. I changed my browser to Firefox because of some of the problems with Safari. I was a long user of Netscape, including their email program. I want to keep Panther as my operating system

  • SQL DB Recovery

    Backup Plan: Every Sunday @ 10.30 PM---> FullBackup Everyday @ 8.30 PM --> Differential Backup Every 2 hrs Transnational log backup.  On Wednesday @ 2.30 PM my DB corrupted. Now i want recovery my database. But unfortunately i came to know that my Tu