Condition that takes only one row with the maximum cost of the maximum date

I have to the following query
SELECT distinct b.segment1 ||'.'|| b.segment2 as ITEM,
       so.vendor_site_id as SUPPLIER,
       replace(round(l.mto_costo_neto/l.can_unidades_empaque,2),',','.') as UNIT_COST,
       5 as lead_time,
       null as pickup_lead_time,
       l.can_unidades_empaque as supp_pack_size,
       1 as inner_pack_size,
       'C' as round_lvl,
       50 as ROUND_TO_INNER_PCT,
       50 as ROUND_TO_CASE_PCT,
       50 as ROUND_TO_LAYER_PCT,
       50 as ROUND_TO_PALLET_PCT,
       null as MIN_ORDER_QTY,
       null as MAX_ORDER_QTY,
       'N' as PRIMARY_SUPP_IND,
       case when b.primary_unit_of_measure like '%KG%' then 'KG'
            when b.primary_unit_of_measure like '%Kg%' then 'KG'
            when b.primary_unit_of_measure like '%UND%' then 'EA'
            when b.primary_unit_of_measure = 'Kilogramo' then 'KG'
            when b.primary_unit_of_measure = 'Litro' then 'L'
            when b.primary_unit_of_measure = 'Unidad' then 'EA'
            else null
       end as DEFAULT_UOP,
       1 as TI,
       1 as HI,
       null as SUPP_HIER_TYPE_1,
       null as SUPP_HIER_LVL_1,
       null as SUPP_HIER_TYPE_2,
       null as SUPP_HIER_LVL_2,
       null as SUPP_HIER_TYPE_3,
       null as SUPP_HIER_LVL_3,
       null as CREATE_DATETIME,
       null as LAST_UPDATE_DATETIME,
       null as LAST_UPDATE_ID,
       case when b.primary_unit_of_measure like '%KG%' then 'KG'
            when b.primary_unit_of_measure like '%Kg%' then 'KG'
            when b.primary_unit_of_measure like '%UND%' then 'EA'
            when b.primary_unit_of_measure = 'Kilogramo' then 'KG'
            when b.primary_unit_of_measure = 'Litro' then 'L'
            when b.primary_unit_of_measure = 'Unidad' then 'EA'
            else null
       end as COST_UOM,
       null as TOLERANCE_TYPE,
       null as MAX_TOLERANCE,
       null as MIN_TOLERANCE
FROM mrp.mrp_sr_assignments sr , MRP.MRP_SR_RECEIPT_ORG ro , MRP.MRP_SR_SOURCE_ORG so,
     inv.mtl_system_items_b b, lcm.cmp_lineas_cotizacion l
      and ro.SR_RECEIPT_ID = so.SR_RECEIPT_ID
      and sr.inventory_item_id in ((select inventory_item_id  from TMP.VIVERES_VEGETALES)
                                  UNION ALL
                                  (select inventory_item_id  from TMP.GENERICOS)
                                  UNION ALL
                                  (select inventory_item_id from TMP.HIJOS_GENERICOS))
      and sr.inventory_item_id = b.inventory_item_id
      and b.organization_id = 136
      and sr.inventory_item_id = l.cod_producto_idI need to agregate the following condition
For example, The following query
SELECT l2.fec_ini_vigencia_costo, l2.mto_costo_neto, l2.can_unidades_empaque, l2.cod_producto,
       REPLACE(ROUND(l2.mto_costo_neto/l2.can_unidades_empaque,2),',','.')  costo_unidad
from cmp_lineas_cotizacion l2
order by cod_producto, fec_ini_vigencia_costo desc, mto_costo_neto descgenerate
17/06/2010     382.56     12     1.1000008     31.88 -- THIS ONE
17/06/2010     382.56     12     1.1000008     31.88
17/06/2010     371.0832     12     1.1000008     30.92
17/06/2010     371.0832     12     1.1000008     30.92
18/05/2009     382.56     12     1.1000008     31.88
04/05/2009     245.82     12     1.1000008     20.49
13/04/2009     382.56     12     1.1000008     31.88
23/03/2009     373.2072     12     1.1000008     31.1
23/03/2009     373.2072     12     1.1000008     31.1I need to take only one row with the maximum FEC_INI_VIGENCIA with the maximum COSTO_UNIDAD of the table lcm.cmp_lineas_cotizacion l, which is calculated with the formula ROUND(l2.mto_costo_neto/l2.can_unidades_empaque,2)

A better example
I need only one row the maximum COSTO_UNIDAD for the maximum FEC_INI_VIGENCIA for every cod_producto_id in the table lcm.cmp_lineas_cotizacion
I need to take these values
17/06/2010     382.56     12     1.1000008     31.88 -- THIS!
17/06/2010     382.56     12     1.1000008     31.88
17/06/2010     371.0832     12     1.1000008     30.92
17/06/2010     371.0832     12     1.1000008     30.92
18/05/2009     382.56     12     1.1000008     31.88
04/05/2009     245.82     12     1.1000008     20.49
13/04/2009     382.56     12     1.1000008     31.88
17/06/2010     382.56     12     1.1000008     31.88
17/06/2010     382.56     12     1.1000008     31.88
17/06/2010     371.0832     12     1.1000008     30.92
17/06/2010     371.0832     12     1.1000008     30.92
18/05/2009     382.56     12     1.1000008     31.88
04/05/2009     245.82     12     1.1000008     20.49
13/04/2009     382.56     12     1.1000008     31.88
27/10/2010     1171.549344     12     1.1000009     97.63 -- THIS!
13/10/2010     1171.549344     12     1.1000009     97.63
06/09/2010     1171.549344     12     1.1000009     97.63
02/08/2010     1048.825056     12     1.1000009     87.4
28/07/2010     754.8     12     1.1000009     62.9
27/07/2010     614.04     12     1.1000009     51.17
21/06/2010     954.84     12     1.1000009     79.57
27/05/2010     614.04     12     1.1000009     51.17
07/07/2009     1143.17     12     1.1000010     95.26
28/03/2009     1143.17     12     1.1000010     95.26
27/10/2008     1744.644672     12     1.1000010     145.39
01/07/2008     1690.12224     12     1.1000010     140.84
07/07/2009     1143.17     12     1.1000010     95.26             --THIS!
28/03/2009     1143.17     12     1.1000010     95.26
27/10/2008     1744.644672     12     1.1000010     145.39
01/07/2008     1690.12224     12     1.1000010     140.84
07/07/2009     1143.17     12     1.1000010     95.26
28/03/2009     1143.17     12     1.1000010     95.26
27/10/2008     1744.644672     12     1.1000010     145.39
01/07/2008     1690.12224     12     1.1000010     140.84

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    Company State  City       Country
    CompA   WA     Seattle    null
    CompA   null   null       USA
    CompB   null   null       USA
    CompB   TX     null       null
    ...and so on.
    And I want out of this:
    CompA WA Seattle USA
    CompB TX null    USA
    Any tips?

    declare @temp table
    company char(6),
    state char(10),
    city char(20),
    country char(10))
    insert into @temp values ('CompA','WA','Seattle',null),('CompA',null,null,'USA')
    select max(company),MAX(state),MAX(city),MAX(country) from @temp
    group by company

  • Issue with Selection Listener when the table has only one row

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    I have developed a table in which I am using Selection Listener to perform some task when any row is selected.
    It is working fine when I have more than 1 row in the table, but when I have only one row in the table , the selection listener do not call the corresponding method in bean.
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    In the selection listener I have written code to make the selected row as current row , and perform the required task.
    Please suggest a way out for this situation.
    Thanks in advance.

    try removing this attr from table

  • Select event not triggered in table with only one row

    Hi all,
    I am building a BI VC application where query data is displayed in a table. When the user clicks on a table row another query is then triggered and output in a second table. The output from table 1 is linked to the input of query2/table2 with a select event.
    The problem that I am facing is that if there is only one row in table 1, the select event is never triggered. If, however there are two or more rows in the table the select event is triggered and query 2 is executed. I have searched the forums but all I could find on select event problems was how to avoid the initial select event.
    Has anyone else experienced this issue and what is the workaround or is this a bug in Visual Composer? We are on VC 7.0 SP19.
    Astein Meland

    Thanks Chittya,
    Yes we have considered this option as well. But as we have more than one table linked together we would like to avoid having to manually click several buttons.
    In the end I found Note 1364334 describing bugfixes released in VC 7.0 SP20:
    "Normally, when a Visual Composer table is populated from a data service, the first row is selected by default. However, we have found that if only one data row is returned from the data service, this row is not selected by default and cannot be manually selected by clicking on it either."
    So I think we will just have to upgrade our Portal to the latest support packs to solve this problem.

  • SQL Server 2012 Undetected Deadlock in a table with only one row

      We have migrated our SQL 2000 Enterprise Database to SQL 2012 Enterprise few days ago.
      This is our main database, so most of the applications access it.
      The day after the migration, when users started to run tasks, the database access started to experiment a total failure.
      That is, all processes in the SQL 2k12 database were in lock with each other. This is a commom case of deadlock, but the Database Engine was unable to detect it.
      After some research, we found that the applications were trying to access a very simple table with only one row. This table has a number that is restarted every day and is used to number all the transactions made against the system.   So, client
    applications start a new transaction, get the current number, increment it by one and commit the transaction.
      The only solution we found was to kill all user processes in SQL Server every time this situation occurs (no more than 5 minutes when all clients are accessing the database).
      No client application was changed in this migration and this process was working very well for the last 10 years.
      The problem is that SQL 2k12 is unable to handle this situation compared to SQL 2k.
      It seems to occurs with other tables too, but as this is an "entry table" the problem occurs with it first.
      I have searched internet and some suggest some workarounds like using table hints to completely lock the table at the begining of the transaction, but it can't be used to other tables.
      Does anyone have heard this to be a problem with SQL 2k12? Is there any fixes to make SQL 2k12 as good as SQL 2k?

    First off re: "Unfortunatelly, this can't be used in production environment as exclusive table lock would serialize the accesses to tables and there will be other tables that will suffer with this problem."
    This is incorrect. 
    Using a table to generate sequence numbers like this is a bad idea exactly because the access must be serialized.  Since you can't switch to a SEQUENCE object, which is the correct solution, the _entire goal_ of this exercise to find a way to properly
    serialize access to this table.  Using exclusive locking will not be necessary for all the tables; just for the single-row table used for generating sequence values with a cursor.
    I converted the sample program to VB.NET:
    Public Class Form1
    Private mbCancel As Boolean = False
    Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
    Dim soConn As ADODB.Connection
    Dim soRst As ADODB.Recordset
    Dim sdData As Date
    Dim slValue As Long
    Dim slDelay As Long
    'create database vbtest
    ' CREATE TABLE [dbo].[ControlNumTest](
    ' [UltData] [datetime] NOT NULL,
    ' [UltNum] [int] NOT NULL,
    ' [UltData] Asc
    ' ) ON [PRIMARY]
    mbCancel = False
    ' Configure the Connection object
    soConn = New ADODB.Connection
    With soConn
    .ConnectionString = "Provider=SQLNCLI11;Initial Catalog=vbtest;Data Source=localhost;trusted_connection=yes"
    .IsolationLevel = ADODB.IsolationLevelEnum.adXactCursorStability
    .Mode = ADODB.ConnectModeEnum.adModeReadWrite
    .CursorLocation = ADODB.CursorLocationEnum.adUseServer
    End With
    ' Start a new transaction
    Call soConn.BeginTrans()
    ' Configure the RecordSet object
    soRst = New ADODB.Recordset
    With soRst
    .ActiveConnection = soConn
    .CursorLocation = ADODB.CursorLocationEnum.adUseServer
    .CursorType = ADODB.CursorTypeEnum.adOpenForwardOnly
    .LockType = ADODB.LockTypeEnum.adLockPessimistic
    .Open("SELECT * FROM dbo.ControlNumTest")
    End With
    With soRst
    sdData = .Fields!UltData.Value ' Read the last Date (LOCK INFO 1: See comments bello
    slValue = .Fields!UltNum.Value ' Read the last Number
    If sdData <> Date.Now.Date Then ' Date has changed?
    sdData = Date.Now.Date
    slValue = 1 ' Restart number
    End If
    .Fields!UltData.Value = sdData ' Update data
    .Fields!UltNum.Value = slValue + 1 ' Next number
    End With
    Call soRst.Update()
    Call soRst.Close()
    ' Ends the transaction
    Call soConn.CommitTrans()
    Call soConn.Close()
    soRst = Nothing
    soConn = Nothing
    txtUltNum.Text = slValue + 1 ' Display the last number
    slDelay = Int(((Rnd * 250) + 100) / 100) * 100
    Loop While mbCancel = False
    If mbCancel = True Then
    Call MsgBox("The test was canceled")
    End If
    Exit Sub
    End Sub
    Private Sub Button2_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
    mbCancel = True
    End Sub
    End Class
    And created the table
    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[ControlNumTest](
    [UltData] [datetime] NOT NULL,
    [UltNum] [int] NOT NULL,
    [UltData] Asc
    ) ON [PRIMARY]
    go insert into ControlNumTest values (cast(getdate()as date),1)
    Then ran 3 copies of the program and generated the deadlock:
    <victimProcess id="processf27b1498" />
    <process id="processf27b1498" taskpriority="0" logused="0" waitresource="KEY: 35:72057594039042048 (a01df6b954ad)" waittime="1970" ownerId="3181" transactionname="implicit_transaction" lasttranstarted="2014-02-14T15:49:31.263" XDES="0xf04da3a8" lockMode="X" schedulerid="4" kpid="9700" status="suspended" spid="51" sbid="0" ecid="0" priority="0" trancount="2" lastbatchstarted="2014-02-14T15:49:31.267" lastbatchcompleted="2014-02-14T15:49:31.267" lastattention="1900-01-01T00:00:00.267" clientapp="vbt" hostname="DBROWNE2" hostpid="21152" loginname="NORTHAMERICA\dbrowne" isolationlevel="read committed (2)" xactid="3181" currentdb="35" lockTimeout="4294967295" clientoption1="671088672" clientoption2="128058">
    <frame procname="adhoc" line="1" stmtstart="80" sqlhandle="0x020000008376181f3ad0ea908fe9d8593f2e3ced9882f5c90000000000000000000000000000000000000000">
    UPDATE [dbo].[ControlNumTest] SET [UltData]=@Param000004,[UltNum]=@Param000005 </frame>
    <frame procname="unknown" line="1" sqlhandle="0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000">
    unknown </frame>
    (@Param000004 datetime,@Param000005 int)UPDATE [dbo].[ControlNumTest] SET [UltData]=@Param000004,[UltNum]=@Param000005 </inputbuf>
    <process id="processf6ac9498" taskpriority="0" logused="10000" waitresource="KEY: 35:72057594039042048 (a01df6b954ad)" waittime="1971" schedulerid="5" kpid="30516" status="suspended" spid="55" sbid="0" ecid="0" priority="0" trancount="1" lastbatchstarted="2014-02-14T15:49:31.267" lastbatchcompleted="2014-02-14T15:49:31.267" lastattention="1900-01-01T00:00:00.267" clientapp="vbt" hostname="DBROWNE2" hostpid="27852" loginname="NORTHAMERICA\dbrowne" isolationlevel="read committed (2)" xactid="3182" currentdb="35" lockTimeout="4294967295" clientoption1="671156256" clientoption2="128058">
    <frame procname="adhoc" line="1" sqlhandle="0x020000003c6309232ab0edbe0a7790a816a09c4c5ac6f43c0000000000000000000000000000000000000000">
    FETCH API_CURSOR0000000000000001 </frame>
    <frame procname="unknown" line="1" sqlhandle="0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000">
    unknown </frame>
    FETCH API_CURSOR0000000000000001 </inputbuf>
    <keylock hobtid="72057594039042048" dbid="35" objectname="vbtest.dbo.ControlNumTest" indexname="PK_CorreioNumTeste" id="lockff6e6c80" mode="U" associatedObjectId="72057594039042048">
    <owner id="processf6ac9498" mode="S" />
    <owner id="processf6ac9498" mode="U" requestType="wait" />
    <waiter id="processf27b1498" mode="X" requestType="convert" />
    <keylock hobtid="72057594039042048" dbid="35" objectname="vbtest.dbo.ControlNumTest" indexname="PK_CorreioNumTeste" id="lockff6e6c80" mode="U" associatedObjectId="72057594039042048">
    <owner id="processf27b1498" mode="U" />
    <owner id="processf27b1498" mode="U" />
    <owner id="processf27b1498" mode="X" requestType="convert" />
    <waiter id="processf6ac9498" mode="U" requestType="wait" />
    It's the S lock that comes from the cursor read that's the villian here.  U locks are compatible with S locks, so one session gets a U lock and another gets an S lock.  But then the session with an S needs a U, and the session with a U needs an
    X.  Deadlock. 
    I'm not sure what kind of locks were taken by this cursor code on SQL 2000, but on SQL 2012, this code is absolutely broken and should deadlock.
    The right way to fix this code is to add (UPDLOCK,SERIALIZABLE) to the cursor
    .Open("SELECT * FROM dbo.ControlNumTest with (updlock,serializable)")
    So each session reads the table with a restrictive lock, and you don't mix S, U and X locks in this transaction.  This resolves the deadlock, but requires a code change.
    I tried several things that didn't require a code, which did not resolve the deadlock;
    2) SERIALIZABLE isolation level
    3) Switching OleDB providers from SQLOLEDB to SQLNCLI11
    Then I replaced the table with a view containing a lock hint:
    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[ControlNumTest_t](
    [UltData] [datetime] NOT NULL,
    [UltNum] [int] NOT NULL,
    [UltData] Asc
    ) ON [PRIMARY]
    create view ControlNumTest as
    select * from ControlNumTest_t with (tablockx)
    Which, at least in my limited testing, resovlved the deadlock without any client code change.

  • Only one row show in table with tablepopin

    I've a table with a tablecolum with a tablepopintogglecell, and a tablepopin.
    I want that only one row show (when i press the togglelink if there is other row open, automatically close that row)

    you should implement the on toggle event,
    you will have the importing context_element, so you know which one is triggered,
    form your node, get_elements().
    loop over the table where ne to context_element, clear the popin attribute,

  • Had problem with DSL, now have only one tab with favicon matching that tab.

    After a storm I had a problem with my U-Verse DSL. I lost access and got a message that it may be due to a problem with the filters on my phones, fax or satellite box. I disconnected all the items that had filters. I was then able to click on a link that AT&T had sent on the message and I got a response, I previously could not get a response because I had no connection. I got pack to the pages on all my tabs by hitting the back arrow on each one. I now have only one tab with favicon matching this WEB site for that tab, the rest all have the AT&T globe. I tried refresh and also opening a new tab and then going to one of the sites.
    This problem is on a different PC that the one I am on now. It has version 21, and is Window 7 Home Premium. I have pasted the trouble shooting info from that PC.

    Many site issues can be caused by corrupt cookies or cache. In order to try to fix these problems, the first step is to clear both cookies and the cache.
    Note: ''This will temporarily log you out of all sites you're logged in to.''
    To clear cache and cookies do the following:
    #Go to Firefox > History > Clear recent history or (if no Firefox button is shown) go to Tools > Clear recent history.
    #Under "Time range to clear", select "Everything".
    #Now, click the arrow next to Details to toggle the Details list active.
    #From the details list, check ''Cache'' and ''Cookies'' and uncheck everything else.
    #Now click the ''Clear now'' button.
    Further information can be found in the [[Clear your cache, history and other personal information in Firefox]] article.
    Did this fix your problems? Please report back to us!
    Thank you.

  • Can't find last import from iPhone! Noticed as I imported I had that view where there was only one project symbol, not all my projects showing by date, but even so pictures were imported. It took the time to do them, so where

    Can't find last import from iPhone!
    Noticed as I imported I had that view where there was only one project symbol, not all my projects showing by date, but even so pictures were imported. It took the time to do them, so where aare they? I have closed and restarted to get back fll view of all dated projects, but nothing can be found from today...

    have i posted it right...??  no response from apple guys...

  • Display only one row for distinct columns and with multiple rows their valu

    I have a table having some similar rows for some columns and multiple different rows for some other columns
    o_mobile_no o_doc_date o_status d_mobile_no d_doc_date d_status
    9825000111 01-jan-06 'a' 980515464 01-feb-06 c
    9825000111 01-jan-06 'a' 991543154 02-feb-06 d
    9825000111 01-jan-06 'a' 154845545 10-mar-06 a
    What i want is to display only one row for above distinct row along with multiple non distinct colums
    o_mobile_no o_doc_date o_status d_mobile_no d_doc_date d_status
    9825000111 01-jan-06 'a' 980515464 01-feb-06 c
    991543154 02-feb-06 d
    154845545 10-mar-06 a

    Re: SQL Help

  • Selecting only one row at a time

    Hi experts,
    i have following doubt regarding selecting rows from a db:
    Is there any way of selecting only one row AT A TIME from a dabase just to collect the data in rows instead of in a unique document containing all the rows?
    I would like you to ellaborate on this as i need to send only one row to the IE, and then other row, and so on... without throwing any error!
    I have seen that there are SELECT SINGLE and SELECT UP TO 1 ROW, but these two methods are only useful when retrieving only one row, and that does not match my requirements. I need to process all the rows but one by one..
    I know that we can use the receiver jdbc adapter as if it was a sender by means of its specific datatype, but how to do it row by row??
    Hope i had explained well..
    Thanks in advance and best regards,

    Hi kiran,
    Yes, my table has 5 not null fields but i am selecting and updating fixes values so i think that I will definetely go for the next solution:
    SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE status='0' and ROWNUM<2;
    UPDATE t1 SET status='1' WHERE status='0' and ROWNUM<2;
    My only concern is if the update will take the same row that the select.... BTW, I think it will
    ..What do you guys think?
    I ve been trying to operate with your proposed queries but i received some errors. Your queries are very interesting but i think that with the above ones i meet my requirements as the status field will be 0 for not processed rows and 1 for precessed ones (and the update will look for the row that meets the same 'where' clause than the select, and then, and only then, it will set status='1').
    The only thing i have to care about is what i questioned before.
    Thanks a lot and best regards,

  • How to restrict only one row in Table ??.

    Hi all,
    i want to restrict no. of rows to one,
    that is not more that one row should be there in the table.
    Following trigger works well in all conditions
    insert into myTab select 'x' from emp;
    inserts 14 rows.
    Create or replace trigger one_row_myTab
    before insert on myTab
    for each row
    cnt number;
    select count(*) into cnt from mydual;
    if cnt=1 then
    raise_application_error(-20001,'MyDual Can have only one Row');
    end if;
    i think with trigger it w't be possible because,
    same transaction triggers c't query the table (Mutating Table),
    Autonomus trans ca't identify uncommited changes.
    pls add your suggestions.
    Thanks for Reading the Post.
    Rajashekhar Ganga,
    mail : [email protected]

    nice try Mulder ! it doesn't work everywhere...
    SQL> connect scott/tiger@lsc69
    Connected to:
    Oracle7 Server Release - Production
    With the distributed and parallel query options
    PL/SQL Release - Production
    SQL>  create table d as select * from dual;
    Table created.
    SQL> create index i on d(1);         
    create index i on d(1)
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-00904: invalid column name
    SQL> connect scott/tiger@lsc65
    Connected to:
    Oracle8i Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
    JServer Release - 64bit Production
    SQL> create table d as select * from dual;
    Table created.
    SQL> create index i on d(1);         
    Index created.
    SQL> connect scott/tiger@lsc68
    Connected to:
    Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
    With the Partitioning and Data Mining options
    SQL> create table d as select * from dual
    Table created.
    SQL> CREATE UNIQUE INDEX i on d(1);                  
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-03113: end-of-file on communication channel

  • How to generate a delayed retriggerable pulse using only one counter with PXI 6070E card

    I have a problem in generating a retriggerable delayed pulse with a single counter(triggered through a signal at gate) using PXI 6070E card. VI was developed in NI LabVIEW traditional DAQ Ver.7.1. I have used the "delayed pulse generator config" VI and a "Start counter" & "Stop counter" VIs for the purpose. But there is no output seen at the out terminal of counter. So I introduced a "wait" VI and set it to 1 sec. Now the pulse output appears but some pulses are missing mometarily after every 1 sec interval. (any solution for this)
    I have gone through a few similar requests in the forum but they suggest either to use two counters or to generate a finite pulse train which does'nt fit my application. Moreover PXI 6070E has only 2 counter timers. I am already using one counter to measure the frequency of a pulse train(signal 1). The application requires to generate a delayed retriggerable pulse for every pulse in signal 1. So I have only one counter left.
    Can I measure the frequency of signal 1 by analog means.? so that I can use two counters for pulse generation. (Signal 1 is a TTL signal).
    Request some help.
    Thanks in Advance

    A finite pulse train (N_Pulses >= 2) does require the use of 2 counters on most of our older hardware including your 6070E.  If you're just talking about generating a single retriggerable pulse, you would only need one counter.
    Here's an example in Traditional DAQ that shows you how to set a retriggerable pulse generation (it also allows you to adjust the characteristics of the pulse on-the-fly).
    If you're writing a new program, you might consider switching to DAQmx as it supports NI's latest hardware and recent OSes should you ever need to upgrade.  Traditional NI DAQ is no longer in active development.  Here's an example of how to implement a retriggerable pulse generation in DAQmx.  You should take note that you can't use the two drivers to simultaneously talk to the same piece of hardware, although you should be able to go back and forth by resetting the Traditional DAQ driver before switching to DAQmx.
    Best Regards,
    John Passiak

  • Oracle database link to MySQL select only one row

    I have created a connection from the Oracle batabase 11.2 to a MySQL database via database link. The following statement shows, that 35 rows are in the mySQL table:
    SQL>  select count(*) from "main_pages"@MOREWEB;
    But a normal select statement only return 1 row.
    SQL> select "subject" from "main_pages"@MOREWEB;
    Übersicht: Referenzen
    I am using the mysql-connector-odbc-3.51.30-winx64 driver. A newer version cann't be installed because on Windows Server 2008 R2 I get an error with an missing dll-file. The DataDirect-ODBC-driver is not possible, because we like to use the free MySQL-database an DataDirect only support the enterprise edition.
    I also have tried to limit the HS_OPEN_CURSORS or dont limit the HS_FDS_FETCH_ROWS, but there is no difference in the result. I always get only one row.
    HS Init.ora
    # This is a sample agent init file that contains the HS parameters that are
    # needed for the Database Gateway for ODBC
    # HS init parameters
    HS_FDS_CONNECT_INFO = moreweb
    # Environment variables required for the non-Oracle system
    #set <envvar>=<value>
    HS tracefile
    Oracle Corporation --- MITTWOCH   NOV 05 2014 13:56:22.066
    Heterogeneous Agent Release
    Oracle Corporation --- MITTWOCH   NOV 05 2014 13:56:22.066
    HOSGIP for "HS_FDS_TRACE_LEVEL" returned "ON"
    HOSGIP for "HS_OPEN_CURSORS" returned "50"
    HOSGIP for "HS_FDS_FETCH_ROWS" returned "1"
    HOSGIP for "HS_LONG_PIECE_TRANSFER_SIZE" returned "65536"
    HOSGIP for "HS_NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTER" returned ".,"
    HOSGIP for "HS_FDS_DELAYED_OPEN" returned "TRUE"
    HOSGIP for "HS_FDS_WORKAROUNDS" returned "0"
    HOSGIP for "HS_FDS_DATE_MAPPING" returned "DATE"
    HOSGIP for "HS_FDS_MAP_NCHAR" returned "TRUE"
    HOSGIP for "HS_FDS_PROC_IS_FUNC" returned "FALSE"
    using mpgw as default value for "HS_FDS_DEFAULT_OWNER"
    SQL text from hgopars, id=1, len=36 ...
         00: 53454C45 43542043 4F554E54 282A2920  [SELECT COUNT(*) ]
         10: 46524F4D 20606D61 696E5F70 61676573  [FROM `main_pages]
         20: 60204131                             [` A1]
    Deferred open until first fetch.
    Performing delayed open.
    SQL text from hgopars, id=1, len=40 ...
         00: 53454C45 43542041 312E6073 75626A65  [SELECT A1.`subje]
         10: 63746020 46524F4D 20606D61 696E5F70  [ct` FROM `main_p]
         20: 61676573 60204131                    [ages` A1]
    Deferred open until first fetch.
    Performing delayed open.
    Please can help me someone.

    mxallen wrote:
    If you log directly into MySQL and issue the same query (select "subject" from "main_pages";) what data is returned?
    I looks to me that you count is the number of rows in the entire table "main_pages"
    while you select is for the data in the "subject" column only.
    This seems to indicate that you have just one row in that subject column.
    What do you mean by "just one row in that subject column"?
    That makes no sense at all.  A row is a row.  A column is a part of a row.  All rows have all columns, though not all columns of all rows will necessarily have an assigned value.  Lacking a WHERE clause to filter rows, any SELECT should return all rows.

  • Merge only one row out of multiple rows

    I need to prepare a merge statement which merge only one row in to a table. Below is the table definition, sample data and merge statement i used.
          CREATE TABLE Mob_Attr (NAME VARCHAR2(20), ATTR_1 VARCHAR2(20), ATTR_2 VARCHAR2(20), ATTR_3 VARCHAR2(20));
          CREATE TABLE Mob_Desc (NAME VARCHAR2(50), ATTR_1 VARCHAR2(20), ID NUMBER(20));     
          CREATE TABLE Mob_Main (NAME VARCHAR2(20), ATTR VARCHAR2(20), ID VARCHAR2(10));     
          insert into Mob_Attr(name, attr_1, attr_2,attr_3) values ('n1','aa',null,null);
          insert into Mob_Attr(name, attr_1, attr_2,attr_3) values ('n2','bb',null,null);
          insert into Mob_Attr(name, attr_1, attr_2,attr_3) values ('n3','cc',null,null);
          insert into Mob_Attr(name, attr_1, attr_2,attr_3) values ('n4','dd',null,null);
          insert into Mob_Desc (NAME,ATTR_1,ID) values ('n1','aa',10);
          insert into Mob_Desc (NAME,ATTR_1,ID) values ('n1','aa',15);
          insert into Mob_Desc (NAME,ATTR_1,ID) values ('n1','aa',123);
          insert into Mob_Desc (NAME,ATTR_1,ID) values ('n1','aa',1455);
          insert into Mob_Desc (NAME,ATTR_1,ID) values ('n2','bb',455);
          insert into Mob_Desc (NAME,ATTR_1,ID) values ('n2','bb',135);
          insert into Mob_Desc (NAME,ATTR_1,ID) values ('n3','cc',15);
          insert into Mob_Desc (NAME,ATTR_1,ID) values ('n3','cc',52);
          insert into Mob_Desc (NAME,ATTR_1,ID) values ('n4','dd',1455);
          merge into Mob_Main ma using
          (select, d.attr_1, from Mob_Attr a, Mob_Desc d
          where = and a.attr_1 = d.attr_1
          ) q on ( and ma.attr=q.attr_1)
          when not matched then
          insert (NAME,ATTR,ID)
          values (,q.attr_1,q.ID);
          Above merge statement will actually merge entire data . But i want the first row will only get inserted to the base table (Mob_Main). If we take name 'n1' first row from table Mob_Desc with ID as '10' only should get inserted. I can go for a cursor to do this as i have huge data volume i prefer merge instead.

    MERGE INTO Mob_Main ma
         USING (SELECT, d.attr_1,
                  FROM Mob_Attr a, Mob_Desc d
                 WHERE = AND a.attr_1 = d.attr_1 AND id = 10
                SELECT, d.attr_1,
                  FROM Mob_Attr a, Mob_Desc d
                 WHERE = AND a.attr_1 = d.attr_1 AND id != 10
                       AND NOT EXISTS
                                  (SELECT 1
                                     FROM Mob_Desc d1
                                    WHERE =
                                          AND d.attr_1 = d1.attr_1
                                          AND = 10)) q
            ON ( = AND ma.attr = q.attr_1)
       INSERT     (NAME, ATTR, ID)
           VALUES (, q.attr_1, q.ID);
    select *
    from Mob_Main
    order by name, id;
    NAME                 ATTR                 ID       
    n1                   aa                   10       
    n2                   bb                   135      
    n2                   bb                   455      
    n3                   cc                   15       
    n3                   cc                   52       
    n4                   dd                   1455     
    6 rows selected.

  • Missing rows / output only one row in a Report after applying patchset 2

    We use Reports Builder for 10g R2. We had the problem with our AS 10g R2 on windows 2003, that some reports creates duplicate rows when it is a ASCII report (desformat = delimited), see Bug 3340546.
    Now we apply Patchset 2 on a local machine, to test the functionality. It fix the problem (look in metalink doc ID 398955.1 under "2.12 Oracle Reports Developer Bugs")-
    But now most csv reports creates only one row instead of multiple rows.
    We run reports on our local machine with OC4N and local started Form (via Forms Builder) to generate the reports (local started report server) from DevSuite).
    When we start the reports with desformat=delimited the txt-file has only the header row and one data row (instead of multiple ones).
    And when we generate the same report with desformat=delimiteddata it looks fine and generates all rows as expected.
    We found neither here in the forum or in metalink knowledge base nor on the internet.
    Have you any suggestions for us how to fix this problem?
    Using delimiteddata is now acceptable solution for us, because delimited is easier to use.
    Thanks for your help!

    Hey folks.
    We have solved the problem. :)
    We applied PatchSet2 for 10gR2. But we don´t know how the csv-report outputs only 1 data-row instead of several rows.
    Than we create a similar report (with the same sql-query) as a new one with the reports builder assistant.
    This one works pretty fine. So we looked for the attributes and see the "max. number datasets for each site" and it was in the new one set to 0 and in our old one set to 1.
    So we change this and ... the old one works pretty fine! :)
    So the problem is, that this attribute does not had any consequences in the old version. But since we update with PatchSet 2 it respect this attribute but we don´t "see" it.
    Hope this helps others.

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