Conditional Math in Print  Layout Designer

I have a need to do conditional math in PLD. For example if item # = A put the qty in column 1, If item # = B put the qty in column 2. This is easy to display the report this way using linked fields. but I need to total each of the columns. When I try to do a ColSum("col_1") I get the total for all rows not just those with a value in column 1
I am using B1 - 2005SP01
Sample code...
Repetitive Area
Field_1  is Item No  == "A"
Field_2 is Quantity       <This is linked to Field_1>
Field_3 is Item No  == "B"
Field_4 is Quantity        <This is linked to Field_3>
Repetitive Footer
Field_5 is ColSub("Field_2")
Field_6 is ColSub("Field_4")
Field_5 and Field_6 show the same value... The total for ALL lines
Any ideas on how to fix this?

I have something similar that works. It's not exactly the same, as I have values on all the rows, while you have gaps on column 1 when you have valued on column 2. In my case I had to show weight in grams and ounces, so I used the same weight times different conversion ratios on two columns. In the end they sum up correctly.
Let's say you have Field_8 equal to 1 and Field_9 also equal to 1 (in my case they are different). Also, define Field_10 as Quantity
Then you have:
Repetitive Area
Field_1 is Item No == "A"
Field_2 is (Field_10*Field_8) <This is linked to Field_1>
Field_3 is Item No == "B"
Field_4 is (Field_10*Field_9) <This is linked to Field_3>
Repetitive Footer
Field_5 is ColSub("Field_2")
Field_6 is ColSub("Field_4")
If that doesn't work... I have another idea (tested in a different format)
Define Field_11 as text A, Field_12 as text B and Field_13 as db Item No
Then Field_14 as formula Field_11 == Field_13 (will yield 1 if the same and 0 if different)
And Field_15 as formula Field_12 == Field_13 (will yield 1 if the same and 0 if different)
Field_2 is (Field_10*Field_14) <Linked to Field_14>
Field_4 is (Field_10*Field_15) <Linked to Field_15>
Repetitive Footer stays the same
Field_5 is ColSub("Field_2")
Field_6 is ColSub("Field_4")
If neither works, I give up

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    In addition to Tuvia's answer, here is the printing procedure of query PLD:
    Printing User-Defined Queries
    After you have linked a user-defined query to a user report template, you can print it according to its linked print layout.
    To print a user-defined query, use one of the following two procedures:
    Using the Query Print Layout window:
    1. Choose Tools u2192 Queries u2192 Query Print Layout.
    2. Choose the Reports tab page and select the query you would like to print.
    3. Choose File u2192 Print.
    The user-defined query is printed according to its linked print layout.
    Using the Queries Manager window:
    1. From the toolbar, choose with the quick info text Queries Manager.
    2. Select the query you would like to print.
    3. Choose File u2192 Print.
    The user-defined query is printed according to its linked print layout.
    You can also display a print preview for user-defined queries. To do so, choose File u2192 Print Preview.
    Printing User-Defined Queries with Variables
    When a user-defined query contains variables, its linked print layout will also display the variables data and print them.
    In the print layout linked to that query, you can see that an additional area containing the condition's parameters was added
    There is pdf file relate to Query PLD in  the SAP service marketplace website.

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    Re: Add PLD Layouts in 2005 through sdk
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    1. Add-on forms appear in the left pane/menu, whereas reports would have to run through Query Manager only, which is in fact a small toolbar button on the top right side. We can add the Query Manager link to user menu but it doesn’t solve the problem.
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    <<< If there is a solution then it has to be from SDK. We can only opt for third party components and frameworks only if any of the SAP representatives ensure us that the current version of SDK does not offer such support.>>>
    The answer to that is to lodge your query as an Issue to SAP directly as a support question or go through your local SAP representative. If the functionality is not offered by SAP you can do a Development Request ( DRQ) and SAP will develop it if they think it will become userful.
    <<<If this Forum is not meant to be answered by SAP representatives then kindly tell me any other Technical Support Portal from where i can get the answer directly. >>>
    This forum is accessed mostly by SAP Business One Developers on SDK. However we are fortunate that some SAP employees who are very knowledgeble take some time off to answer queries.
    Since it is a Forum, no one is obliged to answer. As indicated above , Try SAP directly if you need a definite answer.
    Since you mentioned Crystal: We as SAP Business One SDK developers, have come across similar issues and opted for a Inhouse developed Crystal Solution. It has been so popular we are selling it as a Generic add-on to B1.

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    I am not sure I understand what's the problem:
    Is it the layout that is different or the data?
    Regarding the data you can use SQL Profiler (maybe you did?) to find out what queries are fired, but please note that there are some stored procedures in the DB that are used for some specific functions - not sure whether the "MPR" uses any of these.
    Then you must include some non-default filter in SQL Profiler...
    ...but you can also use the logging functionality in B1 for that purpose:
    Just activate the logging (see the "log" folder in the B1 subdirectory) in the corresponding config file: choose the option to have the SQLs logged in conjunction with the logging being triggered in all cases (not just error).
    Thus you will get all the SQLs - just plain - from the B1 application, but note that it will obviously slow it down!

  • Help me . Query in " Query Print layout Design "

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    I Design Report by Query Print layout Design , So when I run Report , I see Message : " Table not found Administrator (OA DM)" .
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    ( Note :this  Query is run ok in Microsoft SQL  . )
    Select Cast(left([dbo].[Get_rate](T0.BatchNum,left(T0.Account,4),T1.U_VNS_JType),5)       as nvarchar(50))+ Cast(T0.BatchNum as nvarchar(50))As No_Number    ,  T0.TaxDate As Date       ,     case left(T0.Account,4)when '1112'then '0.00'     when '1122'then'0.00' else           [dbo].[Get_11](T0.BatchNum,left(T0.Account,4),T1.U_VNS_JType)end  as Amount1              , case left(T0.Account,4) when '1111'then '0.00' when '1121' then '0.00'           else [dbo].[Get_111](T0.BatchNum,left(T0.Account,4),T1.U_VNS_JType) end  As Amount2            , T1.U_VNS_MEMO  As U_VNS_MEMO, T1.U_VNS_VNUMBER as PV_No    , T1.U_VNS_JType as 'Voucher Type'         , T0.Account  As AC_Code    , T3.AcctName as Description  , T0.Debit As Debit ,T0.Credit As Credit        , T1.U_VNS_NAME,     T0.U_VNS_REMARKS   From BTF1 T0                Inner Join OBTF T1 On T0.BatchNum = T1.BatchNum               Inner Join OBTD T2 On T0.TransID = T2.BatchNum                Inner Join OACT T3 On T0.Account = T3.AcctCode                    Where  T0.BatchNum = '[%0]'  Group by   Cast(left([dbo].[Get_rate](T0.BatchNum,left(T0.Account,4),T1.U_VNS_JType),5)       as nvarchar(50))+ Cast(T0.BatchNum as nvarchar(50)) ,  T0.TaxDate   ,       case left(Account,4)when '1112' then '0.00'     when '1122'then'0.00' else           [dbo].[Get_11](T0.BatchNum,left(Account,4),T1.U_VNS_JType)end             , case left(Account,4) when '1111'then '0.00' when '1121' then '0.00'           else [dbo].[Get_111](T0.BatchNum,left(Account,4),T1.U_VNS_JType) end            , U_VNS_MEMO  , T1.U_VNS_VNUMBER    , T1.U_VNS_JType       , Account     , AcctName       , T1.U_VNS_NAME,     T0.U_VNS_REMARKS      order by  Amount1 desc
    Please help me .
    Thank you very much .
    Message was edited by:
            Tran Ba Hai

    Note: This Quey if I change = [%0] by = 1 ,  and I run Report in SAP is ok .

  • Print Layout Designer - inconsistent output

    We have received consistent compaint from our client that the output of Print Layout Designer are inconsistent.
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    We really appreciate some share of thoughts here.  Is switching to other report writer, eg: Crystal Report, the only option?
    Edited by: Shwu Hua Gan on Aug 10, 2008 2:57 AM

    Thanks for replying.
    This is what happen to our client.
    The font size of the customised PLD SAP Invoice is size 5.  In order to preview the layout, they have to preview in PDF, once they are happy with the details and then print.
    In some workstations, there are Adobe Reader version 8 or 9.  In a couple of workstations, there are Adobe Acrobat version 9.
    Let's say, there are 2 fields with the following properties:
    Field A, Left = 0, Width = 10.
    Field B, Left = 10, Width = 10.
    Adobe Acrobat version 9 display the border of the field properly.  However, those with Adobe Reader 8 / 9 will see gaps between fields.
    If we change them as follows the field the gap;
    Field A, Left = 0, Width = 10.
    Field B, Left = 9, Width = 11,
    Then those with Adobe Acrobat version 9 is missing the border for because Field A overlaps with Field B.  But Adobe Reader 8/9 will print fine.  It also works fine if user click 'Print Preview' as normal and then click 'Print'
    Does anyone knows whether this inconsistencies is caused by
    - printer drivers; or
    - Adobe; or
    - SAP Business One.

  • Print layout design : Very Queer

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    In SAP B1 , I see some report is very queer , for ex : in journal entry , click Print layout design , I see journal entry (system) , double click it to open design , Queer in here ,  in repetitve area , field : Debit , Credit , data source is free text , but when I view report , I see infor by Debit , Credit , Normaly , Field must has source type is database , formular, or system , it will has information .
    Please explain to me about queer .
    Thanks very much .

    check this link and search for demo's on
    Print Layout Designer
    I hope this helps you out

  • Print layout design

    hi friends,
    using print layout design i am getting reports for a purchased item with all types of taxes included.
    i want to display the total cost of same purchased items but more than one and each purchased items having different taxes included with it.
    cost price:Rs100
    total cost price:Rs104
    cost price:Rs100
    total cost price:Rs105
    i want to have final report as:
    total cost price:Rs209.
    in 2005 .B version
    so please help me out....

    If you want to create a base on tax rate, you can, First, goto to Sort and from the Sort properties, set/sort the Product to by ascending the do not check the summarize, then choose the Field where the tax is then check the Summarize then ok.
    In you report proper, make a formula for the rate with Content : Concat(Field_rate) then put from the Group values as '1' then uncheck visible, then create a your report since the rate is not visible it will group according to rate and sort according to product.

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    Is there a way to set a custom report as default in the Print Layout Designer for A/R Invoice in SAP B1 ?
    Thank you and Best wishes and Happiness in the New Year 2009.

    Hello All,
    Thank you for your answer but I would like to be more exact in my question  because I already know how to set a  Print Layout as default in a screen of SAP B1 like A/R Invoice by the way that Parlati has mentioned :
    1. Open a blank AR Invoice (e.g. service or item type)
    2. Click on Menu >> Tools >> Print Layout Designer... or pen icon on toolbar
    3. With The Document Type selected - choose template and click on Set as Default
    But I usually use the Query Manager Tool of SAP B1 to create new queries and reports and I use the Print Layout Designer to setup the layout of these reports. These reports are printed normally via the print preview Icon of the toolbar. But now I would like to know how can I set one of these Reports as default in A/R Invoice screen of SAP. Because it's a one of my customized Invoices.
    Is there a way to do this?
    Thank you.

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    1. Some fields like Price, Tax Amount are not picking up from Table, rather 'variable' is being used for them. So how to use these variables and on what basis variable number is defined????????
    2. If I have defined one new taxcode(for example Insurance with rate 0.75), then how can I display the tax amount on report??????/

    then you can use query assistant to create a customized query

  • Print Layout Designer...........Help

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    The workaround could be that creating UDF and FMS to get
    those information , and thus in PLD.
    Best Regards,
    Xiaodan AN

  • Print Layout Designer Preview

    Hi experts,
    We have a report using the Print Layout Designer, before printing it we view it first.  When we preview the report, amounts can't be seen fully however, when we pint it, it's complete.  Why is this so?  Hope you could give me response in soonest.

    Hi Kathy,
    If your print results do not match your printer preview, it always links issue with different printer driver.  It is OK as long as your printing results are good.  If I were you, I would only care about the actual printing results.  That is because, you may have different printers to use.  All of them may have slightly different results.

  • Print Layout Designer question

    In Trial Balance there is a checkbox that I can select to "Hide Titles", but this same checkbox is not available in the Trial Balance Budget Report. How can I hide the titles for Trial Balance Report in Print Layout Designer? (Hide Titles is variable 156)
    Any help is appreciated, thank you.

    The Titles get dynamically populated to the Account Name field on the PLD.  Without the Hide Titles check box there is no logic to intelligently hide just the Titles.  If you hide this field on the PLD all account names would be hidden.

  • Print Layout Designer for UDO

    Can we design report with print layout designer for UDO forms?
    If yes, how do we accomplish this?
    If not, is there any other alternative?
    I am using 2004B. Thanks.

    I use the iTextSharp project to create PDF's ( its free and it works (A little hard to use, but it works). A more simple PDF-project are SharpPDF ( This is also free and very easy to use, but not that many features.

  • Print layout designer using Crystal report

    Hi Dear;
    how can i create a print layout in crystal report instead of print layout designer
    is any conversion of should i created from scratch?
    from where can i download the crystal report templates?

    There is no conversion tool between these two reports.  You have to create them from scratch.
    Check these threads to find out more:
    Sample Crystal Reports
    Re: SAP Business One and Crystal Reports

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