Conky broken after global update

I just ran a pacman -Syu and conky was updated to the newest version. Since then I have restarted my computer. When I started KDE I noticed that Conky was not running. I opened up a terminal and tried to run it manually, and I got the following error:
[futonrevolutionary@napalm .conky]$ conky
Conky: can't load font 'arial'
Conky: got an endif without matching if
Here is my .conkyrc file:
# Create own window instead of using desktop (required in nautilus)
own_window yes
own_window_type normal
own_window_transparent yes
own_window_hints undecorated,below,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager
# Use double buffering (reduces flicker, may not work for everyone)
double_buffer yes
# fiddle with window
use_spacer right
use_xft no
# Update interval in seconds
update_interval 2.0
# Minimum size of text area
# minimum_size 250 5
# Draw shades?
draw_shades no
# Text stuff
draw_outline no # amplifies text if yes
draw_borders no
font arial
uppercase no # set to yes if you want all text to be in uppercase
# Stippled borders?
stippled_borders 3
# border margins
border_margin 9
# border width
border_width 10
# Default colors and also border colors, grey90 == #e5e5e5
#default_color black
#own_window_colour brown
own_window_transparent yes
# Text alignment, other possible values are commented
#alignment top_left
alignment top_right
#alignment bottom_left
#alignment bottom_right
# Gap between borders of screen and text
gap_x 10
gap_y 10
# stuff after 'TEXT' will be formatted on screen
${color orange}SYSTEM ${hr 2}$color
$nodename running Arch GNU/Linux $kernel
Uptime: $uptime
${color orange}CPU ${hr 2}$color
Processor clock speed: ${freq}MHz
${cpugraph 000000 ffffff}
${top name 1} ${top pid 1} ${top cpu 1} ${top mem 1}
${top name 2} ${top pid 2} ${top cpu 2} ${top mem 2}
${top name 3} ${top pid 3} ${top cpu 3} ${top mem 3}
${top name 4} ${top pid 4} ${top cpu 4} ${top mem 4}
${color orange}MEMORY${hr 2}$color
RAM: $memperc% ${membar 6}$color
Swap: $swapperc% ${swapbar 6}$color
${color orange}NETWORK (${addr eth0}) ${hr 2}$color
Down: $color${downspeedf eth0} k/s ${alignr}Up: ${upspeedf eth0} k/s
${downspeedgraph eth0 25,140 000000 ff0000} ${alignr}${upspeedgraph eth0
25,140 000000 00ff00}$color
Total: ${totaldown eth0} ${alignr}Total: ${totalup eth0}
Inbound: ${tcp_portmon 1 32767 count} Outbound: ${tcp_portmon 32768
61000 count}${alignr}Total: ${tcp_portmon 1 65535 count}
${color orange}FILESYSTEMS${hr 2}$color
${color}arch: ${fs_used_perc /}% ${fs_used /}/${fs_size /} ${fs_bar /}
${color}windows: ${fs_used_perc /media/windows/}% ${fs_used /media/windows/}/${fs_size /media/windows/} ${fs_bar /media/windows/}
${color}video: ${fs_used_perc /media/video/}% ${fs_used /media/video/}/${fs_size /media/video/} ${fs_bar /media/video/}
${color}music: ${fs_used_perc /media/music/}% ${fs_used /media/music/}/${fs_size /media/music/} ${fs_bar /media/music/}
${color orange}QUOTE${hr 2}$color
"Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus
two make four. If that is granted, all
else follows."---Winston Smith
${color}${alignc}Now Playing${color white}
${alignc}${execi 10 ~/.conky/amarok artist}
${alignc}${execi 10 ~/.conky/amarok title}
${execibar 1 ~/.conky/amarok progress}
${alignc}"${execi 10 ~/.conky/amarok album}"
${alignc}${execi 10 ~/.conky/amarok year} - ${color white}${alignc}${execi 10 ~/.conky/amarok genre}
${alignc}Collection Information
Artists: ${color white}${execi 10 ~/.conky/amarok totalArtists} $color${alignr}Compilations: ${color white}${execi 10 ~/.conky/amarok totalCompilations}$color
Albums: ${color white}${execi 10 ~/.conky/amarok totalAlbums} $color${alignr}Genres: ${color white}${execi 10 ~/.conky/amarok totalGenres}$color
Tracks: ${color white}${execi 10 ~/.conky/amarok totalTracks}
${alignc}Collection Statisctics
Most songs by ${color white}${execi 10 ~/.conky/amarok most_songs_by_artist} $alignr${color}(${color white}${execi 10 ~/.conky/amarok most_songs_by_artist_n}${color})
Most songs are ${color white}${execi 10 ~/.conky/amarok most_songs_are_genre} $alignr${color}(${color white}${execi 10 ~/.conky/amarok most_songs_are_genre_n}${color})
Most songs during ${color white}${execi 10 ~/.conky/amarok most_songs_during_year} $alignr${color}(${color white}${execi 10 ~/.conky/amarok most_songs_during_year_n}${color})
Most albums by ${color white}${execi 10 ~/.conky/amarok most_albums_by_artist} $alignr${color}(${color white}${execi 10 ~/.conky/amarok most_albums_by_artist_n}${color})
Most albums are ${color white}${execi 10 ~/.conky/amarok most_albums_are_genre} $alignr${color}(${color white}${execi 10 ~/.conky/amarok most_albums_are_genre_n}${color})
Most albums during ${color white}${execi 10 ~/.conky/amarok most_albums_during_year} $alignr${color}(${color white}${execi 10 ~/.conky/amarok most_albums_during_year_n}${color})$endif
and here is the .amarok file that generates all the statistics and whatnot:
# amaroK info display script by eirc <[email protected]>
# requirements: amaroK (!)
# for Collection stats to work amarok must be using
# mySQL to store it's collection
case "$1" in
# Now Playing Info
artist) dcop amarok player artist ;;
title) dcop amarok player title ;;
album) dcop amarok player album ;;
year) dcop amarok player year ;;
genre) dcop amarok player genre ;;
curr=`dcop amarok player trackCurrentTime`
tot=`dcop amarok player trackTotalTime`
if (( $tot )); then
expr $curr \* 100 / $tot
# Collection Info
totalArtists) dcop amarok collection totalArtists ;;
totalAlbums) dcop amarok collection totalAlbums ;;
totalTracks) dcop amarok collection totalTracks ;;
totalGenres) dcop amarok collection totalGenres ;;
totalCompilations) dcop amarok collection totalCompilations ;;
# Collection Stats
most_songs_by_artist) dcop amarok collection query 'SELECT FROM artist t1 INNER JOIN tags t2 ON = t2.artist GROUP BY t2.artist ORDER BY COUNT(t2.artist) DESC LIMIT 1;' ;;
most_songs_by_artist_n) dcop amarok collection query 'SELECT count(t2.artist) FROM artist t1 INNER JOIN tags t2 ON = t2.artist GROUP BY t2.artist ORDER BY COUNT(t2.artist) DESC LIMIT 1;' ;;
most_songs_are_genre) dcop amarok collection query 'SELECT FROM genre t1 INNER JOIN tags t2 ON = t2.genre GROUP BY t2.genre ORDER BY COUNT(t2.genre) DESC LIMIT 1;' ;;
most_songs_are_genre_n) dcop amarok collection query 'SELECT count(t2.genre) FROM genre t1 INNER JOIN tags t2 ON = t2.genre GROUP BY t2.genre ORDER BY COUNT(t2.genre) DESC LIMIT 1;' ;;
most_songs_during_year) dcop amarok collection query 'SELECT FROM year t1 INNER JOIN tags t2 ON = t2.year GROUP BY t2.year ORDER BY COUNT(t2.year) DESC LIMIT 1;' ;;
most_songs_during_year_n) dcop amarok collection query 'SELECT count(t2.year) FROM year t1 INNER JOIN tags t2 ON = t2.year GROUP BY t2.year ORDER BY COUNT(t2.year) DESC LIMIT 1;' ;;
most_albums_by_artist) dcop amarok collection query 'SELECT name FROM artist WHERE id=(SELECT t1.artist from (SELECT artist FROM tags GROUP BY album) AS t1 GROUP BY t1.artist ORDER BY count(artist) DESC LIMIT 1);' ;;
most_albums_by_artist_n) dcop amarok collection query 'SELECT count(artist) from (SELECT artist FROM tags GROUP BY album) AS t1 GROUP BY t1.artist ORDER BY count(artist) DESC LIMIT 1;' ;;
most_albums_are_genre) dcop amarok collection query 'SELECT name FROM genre WHERE id=(SELECT t1.genre from (SELECT genre FROM tags GROUP BY album) AS t1 GROUP BY t1.genre ORDER BY count(genre) DESC LIMIT 1);' ;;
most_albums_are_genre_n) dcop amarok collection query 'SELECT count(genre) from (SELECT genre FROM tags GROUP BY album) AS t1 GROUP BY t1.genre ORDER BY count(genre) DESC LIMIT 1;' ;;
most_albums_during_year) dcop amarok collection query 'SELECT name FROM year WHERE id=(SELECT t1.year from (SELECT year FROM tags GROUP BY album) AS t1 GROUP BY t1.year ORDER BY count(year) DESC LIMIT 1);' ;;
most_albums_during_year_n) dcop amarok collection query 'SELECT count(year) from (SELECT year FROM tags GROUP BY album) AS t1 GROUP BY t1.year ORDER BY count(year) DESC LIMIT 1;' ;;
I've tried googling and searching various forums, but it seems like a problem that was just created with the new version. I have no clue. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I have another odd issue that's come up.  In my network section, it shows all the up/down speeds, ip, and such.  Then at the bottom is shows "Network Unavailable", while at the same time obviously showing the network up and running.  I have a section that gives me a weather report, and it has something similar.  Could be related to the endif error being reported?  Some if statment not working right?
Pertinent .conkyrc section:
NETWORK ${hr 2}
${if_existing /proc/net/route wlan0}
${voffset -6}${font PizzaDude Bullets:size=14}O${font} Up: ${upspeed wlan0} kb/s ${alignr}${upspeedgraph wlan0 12,60 789E2D A7CC5C}
${voffset 4}${font PizzaDude Bullets:size=14}U${font} Down: ${downspeed wlan0} kb/s ${alignr}${downspeedgraph wlan0 12,60 789E2D A7CC5C}
${voffset 4}${font PizzaDude Bullets:size=14}N${font} Upload: ${alignr}${totalup wlan0}
${voffset 4}${font PizzaDude Bullets:size=14}T${font} Download: ${alignr}${totaldown wlan0}
${voffset 4}${font PizzaDude Bullets:size=14}Z${font} Signal: ${wireless_link_qual wlan0}% ${alignr}${wireless_link_bar 8,60 wlan0}
${voffset 4}${font PizzaDude Bullets:size=14}a${font} Local Ip: ${alignr}${addr wlan0}
${voffset 4}${font PizzaDude Bullets:size=14}b${font} Public Ip: ${alignr}${execi 1 ~/.scripts/}
${else}${if_existing /proc/net/route eth0}
${voffset -6}${font PizzaDude Bullets:size=14}O${font} Up: ${upspeed eth0} kb/s ${alignr}${upspeedgraph eth0 12,60 789E2D A7CC5C}
${voffset 4}${font PizzaDude Bullets:size=14}U${font} Down: ${downspeed eth0} kb/s ${alignr}${downspeedgraph eth0 12,60 789E2D A7CC5C}
${voffset 4}${font PizzaDude Bullets:size=14}N${font} Upload: ${alignr}${totalup eth0}
${voffset 4}${font PizzaDude Bullets:size=14}T${font} Download: ${alignr}${totaldown eth0}
${voffset 4}${font PizzaDude Bullets:size=14}a${font} Local Ip: ${alignr}${addr eth0}
${voffset 4}${font PizzaDude Bullets:size=14}b${font} Public Ip: ${alignr}${execi 1 ~/.scripts/}
${font PizzaDude Bullets:size=14}4${font} Network Unavailable
Seems like the if/else's are being mishandled somehow.
Last edited by beretta (2009-05-06 11:53:35)

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    Log Name:      Application
    Source:        ThinkVantage Registry Monitor Service
    Date:          12/1/2010 12:29:40 PM
    Event ID:      0
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    Level:         Information
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    Event Xml:
    <Event xmlns="​ent">
        <Provider Name="ThinkVantage Registry Monitor Service" />
        <EventID Qualifiers="0">0</EventID>
        <TimeCreated SystemTime="2010-12-01T17:29:40.000000000Z" />
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    Hi and welcome to the forum!
    Try uninstalling the PC-Doctor / Lenovo ThinkVantage Toolbox and System Update from Add/Remove programs, do a mandatory restart, thereafter download and run CCleaner, scan for registry issues with it and fix them. Subsequently, manually install both Toolbox and System Update.
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    -rw-r--r--   1 root       _calendar     4 18 Sep 13:46
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    alendarcommonextra: Aug 11 11:44:01 Clean install: False
    calendarcommonextra: Aug 11 11:44:01 Legacy indicator file does not exist
    calendarcommonextra: Aug 11 11:44:01 Old caldavd plist exists
    calendarcommonextra: Aug 11 11:44:01 Extracting keys from old caldavd.plist
    calendarcommonextra: Aug 11 11:44:02 Default certificate is: /etc/certificates/ 9.cert.pem
    calendarcommonextra: Aug 11 11:44:02 Default cert path: /etc/certificates/ 9.cert.pem
    calendarcommonextra: Aug 11 11:44:02 Reading plist /Library/Server/Calendar and Contacts/Config/caldavd-system.plist
    calendarcommonextra: Aug 11 11:44:02 EnableCalDAV=True
    calendarcommonextra: Aug 11 11:44:02 EnableCardDAV=True
    calendarcommonextra: Aug 11 11:44:02 Looking up DatabaseRoot
    calendarcommonextra: Aug 11 11:44:06 Output from calendarserver_config: DatabaseRoot=/Library/Server/Calendar and Contacts/Data/Database.xpg
    calendarcommonextra: Aug 11 11:44:06 Looking up Postgres.ClusterName
    calendarcommonextra: Aug 11 11:44:06 Output from calendarserver_config:
    calendarcommonextra: Aug 11 11:44:06 DatabaseRoot does not yet exist: /Library/Server/Calendar and Contacts/Data/Database.xpg
    calendarcommonextra: Aug 11 11:44:06 Forked calendar server cluster does exist: /Library/Server/postgres_service_clusters/calendar
    calendarcommonextra: Aug 11 11:44:06 Created DatabaseRoot
    calendarcommonextra: Aug 11 11:44:06 Relocating data to /Library/Server/Calendar and Contacts/Data/Database.xpg/
    calendarcommonextra: Aug 11 11:44:06 Output from /Applications/ ice_cluster:
    calendarcommonextra: Aug 11 11:44:06 Sending to serveradmin: calendar:command = exportPushCertificates
    calendarcommonextra: Aug 11 11:44:06 Output from push certificate export: calendar:Exported = "No"
    calendarcommonextra: Aug 11 11:44:06 Calling calendarserver_upgrade --postprocess
    calendarcommonextra: Aug 11 11:44:35 Output from calendarserver_upgrade: 2014-08-11 11:44:11+0100 Adding configuration from file: '/Library/Server/Calendar and Contacts/Config/caldavd-system.plist'
    2014-08-11 11:44:11+0100 Missing configuration file: '/Library/Server/Calendar and Contacts/Config/caldavd-user.plist'
    2014-08-11 11:44:11+0100 Root ACL: <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
    <acl xmlns='DAV:'>^M
    2014-08-11 11:44:11+0100 Nav ACL: <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
    <acl xmlns='DAV:'>^M
    And the error log contains following (filter by me) output:
    2014-10-09 13:51:35+0200 [-] [caldav-0]  [Uninitialized] [txdav.caldav.datastore.scheduling.imip.inbound#error] Failed to fetch mail (Failure with multiple causes.)
    2014-10-09 13:52:08+0200 [-] [caldav-3]  [-] [twistedcaldav.storebridge.CalendarCollectionResource#error] Invalid sharee detected: E144DCCF-68EC-4D13-AD59-E2205496AD96
    2014-10-09 13:52:22+0200 [-] [caldav-1]  [-] [twext.web2.server#error] Exception rendering request: <PROPFIND /calendars/__uids__/660389E8-F5A4-49AE-9995-E6C298FCC456/563b5cdb-3421-4ead-b99 d-eb7d60f73e77/ (1, 1)>
    2014-10-09 13:52:22+0200 [-] [caldav-1] Traceback (most recent call last):
    2014-10-09 13:52:22+0200 [-] [caldav-1]  File "/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/Extras/lib/python/twi sted/internet/", line 551, in _runCallbacks
    2014-10-09 13:52:22+0200 [-] [caldav-1]    current.result = callback(current.result, *args, **kw)
    2014-10-09 13:52:22+0200 [-] [caldav-1]  File "/Applications/ t/web2/", line 679, in _cbFinishRender
    2014-10-09 13:52:22+0200 [-] [caldav-1]    d.callback(response)
    2014-10-09 13:52:22+0200 [-] [caldav-1]  File "/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/Extras/lib/python/twi sted/internet/", line 368, in callback
    2014-10-09 13:52:22+0200 [-] [caldav-1]    self._startRunCallbacks(result)
    2014-10-09 13:52:22+0200 [-] [caldav-1]  File "/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/Extras/lib/python/twi sted/internet/", line 464, in _startRunCallbacks
    2014-10-09 13:52:22+0200 [-] [caldav-1]    self._runCallbacks()
    2014-10-09 13:52:22+0200 [-] [caldav-1] --- <exception caught here> ---
    2014-10-09 13:52:22+0200 [-] [caldav-1]  File "/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/Extras/lib/python/twi sted/internet/", line 551, in _runCallbacks
    2014-10-09 13:52:22+0200 [-] [caldav-1]    current.result = callback(current.result, *args, **kw)
    2014-10-09 13:52:22+0200 [-] [caldav-1]  File "/Applications/ t/web2/", line 535, in writeResponse
    2014-10-09 13:52:22+0200 [-] [caldav-1]    d = stream.StreamProducer(
    2014-10-09 13:52:22+0200 [-] [caldav-1]  File "/Applications/ t/web2/", line 756, in beginProducing
    2014-10-09 13:52:22+0200 [-] [caldav-1]    self.consumer.registerProducer(self, True)
    2014-10-09 13:52:22+0200 [-] [caldav-1]  File "/Applications/ t/web2/channel/", line 686, in registerProducer
    2014-10-09 13:52:22+0200 [-] [caldav-1]    self.transport.registerProducer(producer, streaming)
    2014-10-09 13:52:22+0200 [-] [caldav-1]  File "/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/Extras/lib/python/twi sted/internet/", line 230, in registerProducer
    2014-10-09 13:52:22+0200 [-] [caldav-1]    self.protocol.registerProducer(producer, streaming)
    2014-10-09 13:52:22+0200 [-] [caldav-1] exceptions.AttributeError: 'Server' object has no attribute 'protocol'
    2014-10-09 13:52:22+0200 [-] [caldav-1]
    2014-10-09 13:52:22+0200 [-] [caldav-1]  [-] [twext.web2.server#error] Exception rendering error page
    2014-10-09 13:52:22+0200 [-] [caldav-1] Traceback (most recent call last):
    2014-10-09 13:52:22+0200 [-] [caldav-1]  File "/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/Extras/lib/python/twi sted/internet/", line 551, in _runCallbacks
    2014-10-09 13:52:22+0200 [-] [caldav-1]    current.result = callback(current.result, *args, **kw)
    2014-10-09 13:52:22+0200 [-] [caldav-1]  File "/Applications/ t/web2/", line 679, in _cbFinishRender
    2014-10-09 13:52:22+0200 [-] [caldav-1]    d.callback(response)
    2014-10-09 13:52:22+0200 [-] [caldav-1]  File "/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/Extras/lib/python/twi sted/internet/", line 368, in callback
    2014-10-09 13:52:22+0200 [-] [caldav-1]    self._startRunCallbacks(result)
    2014-10-09 13:52:22+0200 [-] [caldav-1]  File "/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/Extras/lib/python/twi sted/internet/", line 464, in _startRunCallbacks
    2014-10-09 13:52:22+0200 [-] [caldav-1]    self._runCallbacks()
    2014-10-09 13:52:22+0200 [-] [caldav-1] --- <exception caught here> ---
    2014-10-09 13:52:22+0200 [-] [caldav-1]  File "/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/Extras/lib/python/twi sted/internet/", line 551, in _runCallbacks
    2014-10-09 13:52:22+0200 [-] [caldav-1]    current.result = callback(current.result, *args, **kw)
    2014-10-09 13:52:22+0200 [-] [caldav-1]  File "/Applications/ t/web2/", line 535, in writeResponse
    2014-10-09 13:52:22+0200 [-] [caldav-1]    d = stream.StreamProducer(
    2014-10-09 13:52:22+0200 [-] [caldav-1]  File "/Applications/ t/web2/", line 756, in beginProducing
    2014-10-09 13:52:22+0200 [-] [caldav-1]    self.consumer.registerProducer(self, True)
    2014-10-09 13:52:22+0200 [-] [caldav-1]  File "/Applications/ t/web2/channel/", line 679, in registerProducer
    2014-10-09 13:52:22+0200 [-] [caldav-1]    raise ValueError, "registering producer %s before previous one (%s) was unregistered" % (producer, self.producer)
    2014-10-09 13:52:22+0200 [-] [caldav-1] exceptions.ValueError: registering producer < object at 0x1130af250> before previous one (< object at 0x113164a90>) was unregistered
    2014-10-09 13:52:22+0200 [-] [caldav-1]
    2014-10-09 13:52:22+0200 [-] [caldav-1]  [-] [twext.web2.server#error] Original exception
    2014-10-09 13:52:22+0200 [-] [caldav-1] Traceback (most recent call last):
    2014-10-09 13:52:22+0200 [-] [caldav-1]  File "/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/Extras/lib/python/twi sted/internet/", line 551, in _runCallbacks
    2014-10-09 13:52:22+0200 [-] [caldav-1]    current.result = callback(current.result, *args, **kw)
    2014-10-09 13:52:22+0200 [-] [caldav-1]  File "/Applications/ t/web2/", line 679, in _cbFinishRender
    2014-10-09 13:52:22+0200 [-] [caldav-1]    d.callback(response)
    2014-10-09 13:52:22+0200 [-] [caldav-1]  File "/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/Extras/lib/python/twi sted/internet/", line 368, in callback
    2014-10-09 13:52:22+0200 [-] [caldav-1]    self._startRunCallbacks(result)
    2014-10-09 13:52:22+0200 [-] [caldav-1]  File "/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/Extras/lib/python/twi sted/internet/", line 464, in _startRunCallbacks
    2014-10-09 13:52:22+0200 [-] [caldav-1]    self._runCallbacks()
    2014-10-09 13:52:22+0200 [-] [caldav-1] --- <exception caught here> ---
    2014-10-09 13:52:22+0200 [-] [caldav-1]  File "/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/Extras/lib/python/twi sted/internet/", line 551, in _runCallbacks
    2014-10-09 13:52:22+0200 [-] [caldav-1]    current.result = callback(current.result, *args, **kw)
    2014-10-09 13:52:22+0200 [-] [caldav-1]  File "/Applications/ t/web2/", line 535, in writeResponse
    2014-10-09 13:52:22+0200 [-] [caldav-1]    d = stream.StreamProducer(
    2014-10-09 13:52:22+0200 [-] [caldav-1]  File "/Applications/ t/web2/", line 756, in beginProducing
    2014-10-09 13:52:22+0200 [-] [caldav-1]    self.consumer.registerProducer(self, True)
    2014-10-09 13:52:22+0200 [-] [caldav-1]  File "/Applications/ t/web2/channel/", line 686, in registerProducer
    2014-10-09 13:52:22+0200 [-] [caldav-1]    self.transport.registerProducer(producer, streaming)
    2014-10-09 13:52:22+0200 [-] [caldav-1]  File "/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/Extras/lib/python/twi sted/internet/", line 230, in registerProducer
    2014-10-09 13:52:22+0200 [-] [caldav-1]    self.protocol.registerProducer(producer, streaming)
    2014-10-09 13:52:22+0200 [-] [caldav-1] exceptions.AttributeError: 'Server' object has no attribute 'protocol'
    2014-10-09 13:52:22+0200 [-] [caldav-1]
    2014-10-09 13:52:22+0200 [-] [caldav-1]  [-] [twext.web2.server#error] An error occurred.  We tried to report that error.  Reporting that error caused an error.  In the process of reporting the error-reporting error to the client, there was *yet another* error.  Here it is.  I give up.
    2014-10-09 13:52:22+0200 [-] [caldav-1] Traceback (most recent call last):
    2014-10-09 13:52:22+0200 [-] [caldav-1]  File "/Applications/ t/web2/", line 628, in _processingFailed
    2014-10-09 13:52:22+0200 [-] [caldav-1]    d.addErrback(self._processingReallyFailed, reason)
    2014-10-09 13:52:22+0200 [-] [caldav-1]  File "/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/Extras/lib/python/twi sted/internet/", line 312, in addErrback
    2014-10-09 13:52:22+0200 [-] [caldav-1]    errbackKeywords=kw)
    2014-10-09 13:52:22+0200 [-] [caldav-1]  File "/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/Extras/lib/python/twi sted/internet/", line 290, in addCallbacks
    2014-10-09 13:52:22+0200 [-] [caldav-1]    self._runCallbacks()
    2014-10-09 13:52:22+0200 [-] [caldav-1]  File "/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/Extras/lib/python/twi sted/internet/", line 551, in _runCallbacks
    2014-10-09 13:52:22+0200 [-] [caldav-1]    current.result = callback(current.result, *args, **kw)
    2014-10-09 13:52:22+0200 [-] [caldav-1] --- <exception caught here> ---
    2014-10-09 13:52:22+0200 [-] [caldav-1]  File "/Applications/ t/web2/", line 653, in _processingReallyFailed
    2014-10-09 13:52:22+0200 [-] [caldav-1]    self.writeResponse(response)
    2014-10-09 13:52:22+0200 [-] [caldav-1]  File "/Applications/ t/web2/", line 535, in writeResponse
    2014-10-09 13:52:22+0200 [-] [caldav-1]    d = stream.StreamProducer(
    2014-10-09 13:52:22+0200 [-] [caldav-1]  File "/Applications/ t/web2/", line 756, in beginProducing
    2014-10-09 13:52:22+0200 [-] [caldav-1]    self.consumer.registerProducer(self, True)
    2014-10-09 13:52:22+0200 [-] [caldav-1]  File "/Applications/ t/web2/channel/", line 679, in registerProducer
    2014-10-09 13:52:22+0200 [-] [caldav-1]    raise ValueError, "registering producer %s before previous one (%s) was unregistered" % (producer, self.producer)
    2014-10-09 13:52:22+0200 [-] [caldav-1] exceptions.ValueError: registering producer < object at 0x1130af8d0> before previous one (< object at 0x113164a90>) was unregistered
    2014-10-09 13:52:22+0200 [-] [caldav-1]
    2014-10-09 13:52:27+0200 [-] [caldav-1]  [-] Unhandled Error
    2014-10-09 13:52:27+0200 [-] [caldav-1] Traceback (most recent call last):
    2014-10-09 13:52:27+0200 [-] [caldav-1]  File "/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/Extras/lib/python/twi sted/internet/", line 551, in _runCallbacks
    2014-10-09 13:52:27+0200 [-] [caldav-1]    current.result = callback(current.result, *args, **kw)
    2014-10-09 13:52:27+0200 [-] [caldav-1]  File "/Applications/ t/web2/", line 628, in _processingFailed
    2014-10-09 13:52:27+0200 [-] [caldav-1]    d.addErrback(self._processingReallyFailed, reason)
    2014-10-09 13:52:27+0200 [-] [caldav-1]  File "/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/Extras/lib/python/twi sted/internet/", line 312, in addErrback
    2014-10-09 13:52:27+0200 [-] [caldav-1]    errbackKeywords=kw)
    2014-10-09 13:52:27+0200 [-] [caldav-1]  File "/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/Extras/lib/python/twi sted/internet/", line 290, in addCallbacks
    2014-10-09 13:52:27+0200 [-] [caldav-1]    self._runCallbacks()
    2014-10-09 13:52:27+0200 [-] [caldav-1] --- <exception caught here> ---
    2014-10-09 13:52:27+0200 [-] [caldav-1]  File "/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/Extras/lib/python/twi sted/internet/", line 551, in _runCallbacks
    2014-10-09 13:52:27+0200 [-] [caldav-1]    current.result = callback(current.result, *args, **kw)
    2014-10-09 13:52:27+0200 [-] [caldav-1]  File "/Applications/ t/web2/", line 662, in _processingReallyFailed
    2014-10-09 13:52:27+0200 [-] [caldav-1]    self.chanRequest.abortConnection()
    2014-10-09 13:52:27+0200 [-] [caldav-1]  File "/Applications/ t/web2/channel/", line 605, in abortConnection
    2014-10-09 13:52:27+0200 [-] [caldav-1]    self.producer.stopProducing()
    2014-10-09 13:52:27+0200 [-] [caldav-1]  File "/Applications/ t/web2/", line 803, in stopProducing
    2014-10-09 13:52:27+0200 [-] [caldav-1]    self.consumer.unregisterProducer()
    2014-10-09 13:52:27+0200 [-] [caldav-1]  File "/Applications/ t/web2/channel/", line 691, in unregisterProducer
    2014-10-09 13:52:27+0200 [-] [caldav-1]    self.transport.unregisterProducer()
    2014-10-09 13:52:27+0200 [-] [caldav-1]  File "/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/Extras/lib/python/twi sted/internet/", line 242, in unregisterProducer
    2014-10-09 13:52:27+0200 [-] [caldav-1]    self.protocol.unregisterProducer()
    2014-10-09 13:52:27+0200 [-] [caldav-1] exceptions.AttributeError: 'Server' object has no attribute 'protocol'
    2014-10-09 13:52:27+0200 [-] [caldav-1]
    2014-10-09 13:52:41+0200 [-] [caldav-0]  [-] [twext.web2.server#error] Exception rendering request: <PUT /calendars/__uids__/660389E8-F5A4-49AE-9995-E6C298FCC456/3ef8a600-e7c5-4453-a71 9-6433fcd5ba81/040000008200E00074C5B7101A82E00800000000F0CE1C3711E2CF01000000000 000000010000000A536662EC77FB6498617C3D797D6E161.ics (1, 1)>
    2014-10-09 13:52:41+0200 [-] [caldav-0] Traceback (most recent call last):
    2014-10-09 13:52:41+0200 [-] [caldav-0]  File "/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/Extras/lib/python/twi sted/internet/", line 1187, in unwindGenerator
    2014-10-09 13:52:41+0200 [-] [caldav-0]    return _inlineCallbacks(None, gen, Deferred())
    2014-10-09 13:52:41+0200 [-] [caldav-0]  File "/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/Extras/lib/python/twi sted/internet/", line 1045, in _inlineCallbacks
    2014-10-09 13:52:41+0200 [-] [caldav-0]    result = g.send(result)
    2014-10-09 13:52:41+0200 [-] [caldav-0]  File "/Applications/ v/caldav/datastore/scheduling/", line 287, in checkImplicitState
    2014-10-09 13:52:41+0200 [-] [caldav-0]    yield self.extractCalendarData()
    2014-10-09 13:52:41+0200 [-] [caldav-0]  File "/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/Extras/lib/python/twi sted/internet/", line 1187, in unwindGenerator
    2014-10-09 13:52:41+0200 [-] [caldav-0]    return _inlineCallbacks(None, gen, Deferred())
    2014-10-09 13:52:41+0200 [-] [caldav-0] --- <exception caught here> ---
    2014-10-09 13:52:41+0200 [-] [caldav-0]  File "/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/Extras/lib/python/twi sted/internet/", line 1045, in _inlineCallbacks
    2014-10-09 13:52:41+0200 [-] [caldav-0]    result = g.send(result)
    2014-10-09 13:52:41+0200 [-] [caldav-0]  File "/Applications/ v/caldav/datastore/scheduling/", line 423, in extractCalendarData
    2014-10-09 13:52:41+0200 [-] [caldav-0]    self.originator = self.originatorPrincipal.canonicalCalendarUserAddress()
    2014-10-09 13:52:41+0200 [-] [caldav-0] exceptions.AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'canonicalCalendarUserAddress'
    2014-10-09 13:52:41+0200 [-] [caldav-0]
    and so on...
    I am a bit lost with these messages.
    The parameter (email adress) in calendarserver_config Scheduling.iMIP.Sending is not existing. Am i able to change it in some way?
    I would be very grateful for some help or hints!!

    I notice this error you pasted above:
    Invalid sharee detected: E144DCCF-68EC-4D13-AD59-E2205496AD96
    Do you get anything back if you run this in Terminal:
    dscl /Search search /Users GeneratedUID E144DCCF-68EC-4D13-AD59-E2205496AD96
    Just trying to see if that is a user that exists.

  • [solved]gcc broken after pacman update -

    After a pacman update my gcc broke. When compiling it gives this error:
    /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/4.6.2/cc1: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
    gcc -v output:
    Using built-in specs.
    Target: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
    Configured with: /build/src/gcc-4.6-20111223/configure --prefix=/usr --libdir=/usr/lib --libexecdir=/usr/lib --mandir=/usr/share/man --infodir=/usr/share/info --with-bugurl= --enable-languages=c,c++,ada,fortran,go,lto,objc,obj-c++ --enable-shared --enable-threads=posix --with-system-zlib --enable-__cxa_atexit --disable-libunwind-exceptions --enable-clocale=gnu --enable-gnu-unique-object --enable-linker-build-id --with-ppl --enable-cloog-backend=isl --enable-lto --enable-gold --enable-ld=default --enable-plugin --enable-multilib --disable-libssp --disable-libstdcxx-pch --enable-checking=release --with-fpmath=sse
    Thread model: posix
    gcc version 4.6.2 20111223 (prerelease) (GCC)
    and ls /usr/lib/*cloog* output:
    /usr/lib/libcloog-isl.a  /usr/lib/  /usr/lib/  /usr/lib/
    uname -a:
    Linux willem-arch 3.2.4-1-ARCH #1 SMP PREEMPT Sat Feb 4 10:53:01 CET 2012 x86_64 Intel(R) Core(TM) i5 CPU 750 @ 2.67GHz GenuineIntel GNU/Linux
    How can I fix this? I already tried installen cloog with pacman but that doesn't help.
    I solved the problem. There was an issue with my pacman.conf. Multilib wasn't properly enabled after the pacman4 transition.
    Last edited by pientertje (2012-02-08 09:47:25)

    I'm using multilib.
    more fully than pacman -Syu? Or is my mirror not up to date?
    I solved the problem. There was an issue with my pacman.conf. Multilib wasn't properly enabled after the pacman4 transition.
    Last edited by pientertje (2012-02-08 09:46:40)

  • DHCP broken after software update 10.6.8

    After doing software update for 10.6.8, my Mac Mini Server is no longer accepting an IP address from external DHCP server. Our configuration is supposed to use DHCP to receive its (static) IP address, and has happily done so for quite some time. But after the recent update, the Mac no longer accepts the IP lease on offer. We are able to work around this by assigning the address manually, but that doesn't fix the problem.
    This is what we're getting now from the DHCP server (MAC address has been X'd out). It shows that an IP address is offered but not accepted. This is an excerpt of a repeated log message:
    Jul 28 19:37:45 srvr7 dhcpd: DHCPDISCOVER from 60:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX via
    Jul 28 19:37:45 srvr7 dhcpd: DHCPOFFER on to 60:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX via
    Jul 28 19:37:45 srvr8 dhcpd: DHCPDISCOVER from 60:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX via
    Jul 28 19:37:45 srvr8 dhcpd: DHCPOFFER on to 60:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX via
    (and repeat...)
    This is what things looked like prior to software update. Notice that the IP is lease is accepted and used correctly:
    Jul 28 19:20:07 srvr7 dhcpd: DHCPDISCOVER from 60:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX via
    Jul 28 19:20:07 srvr7 dhcpd: DHCPOFFER on to 60:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX via
    Jul 28 19:20:14 srvr7 dhcpd: DHCPREQUEST for from 60:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX via
    Jul 28 19:20:14 srvr7 dhcpd: DHCPACK on to 60:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX via
    Any advice on how to get things working again with the external DHCP server? Thanks.

    Hello apo38382
    I wondered if you came across a solution to your issue ?
    I notice many responses to other similar threads that hark back several years related to Snow and DHCP.
    What I would like to know is what is a fairly defacto solutoin to resolving DHCP for Mac Snow clients to an AirPort base station via LAN ?
    My clients are in constant turmoil with DHCP.
    The first thing I noticed about the upgrade was that the firewall settings were changed from "off" to the default "Automatically allow signed software..."
    I went through the clients and changed the firewall to "off", but the DHCP issue remained.
    There are posts that suggest something like:
    1. Trashing the firewall preferences file  "" in /Library/Preferences/
    2. Restart
    3. Change firewall to "off"
    4. Restart
    and if you want to go back to "Automatically allow signed software..." you can but do another restart.
    I've not gone through this process yet, but if there is a more definitive method of resolving this issue I'm all ears.

  • E7 maps went just broken after program update

    Hour ago, I had E7 running firmware 25.007. All features were running fine including Maps application. Under Menu - Apps - Program updates, I found new Nokia Maps application (Nokia Kartat). Selected and let it update.
    After successfull installation, my Maps application does not launch at all. If selecting Maps (Kartat in my Finnish localised phone) or Drive (Aja), the phone just popups an error 'Maps: Device does not support function' (Kartat: Laite ei tue toimintoa). Damn, how can I get my Maps app back?
    Go to Solution.

    Just to put you at ease Nokia knows about the problem and are trying to sort it out. Look at the bottom of the following link that explains how to roll back to 3.06
    Not all people, including myself are able to find all those applications in application manager. This is definitely your best bet at the moment.
    I also think they gave us something that was only supposed to come with Belle.
    @Joppeli- did you just download and install? I ask because when I tried it gave me an update error and refused to install the older version.
    Show your appreciation. Hit that kudos button real hard

  • My MacBook Air is broken after Mavericks update!

    After updating my Air to OSX mavericks, my computer has become a lemon. The screen continues to turn off and on at random and putting in passwords has failed multiple times, to the point where i could not log into it because the login button was not working. It is useless to do anything on it because of these problems, I have even considered doing a hard reset however that is at the most extreme. I have no idea what to do or whether anyone else has had this problem, please help

    What you are describing is odd enough that most of us, I'm sure, are scratching our heads wondering where to start. I hope you have a backup because the second thing I'm going to do is recommend a wipe and reinstall. But before we go there:
    1) restart and as soon as you hear the computer chime press and hold the shift key. This is restarting your computer in safe mode and several (often useful) things will happen. Don't be worried that this startup is longer than normal. Lots of things are happening behind the scenes.
    2) go to this help document from Apple to see how to reset PRAM and the PMU. Perform both resets one after the other.
    If these steps solve your problem, great. I honestly don't know that they will but they are simple, non-descructive, and can fix a lot of problems that crop up. If the computer is still acting up the next step is to log into recovery mode (restart and when you hear the chime press and hold Command R). Once you've booked into recovery mode, run Disk Utility and erase your hard drive. (This is why I hope you have a backup.) Now reinstall your OS and then use Setup Assistant to transfer your applications and data back to the computer.

  • Premiere links to After Effects composition broken after software update

    I have a PP project with a dynamic link to a comp in an AE project. After updating to the latest version of Creative Cloud, I open the Premiere Pro project file. It says I must update/convert the file to be compatible with the new CC. I do so. However, when opening the file, the dynamic links point to the AE project (which also needs to be updated/converted and given a new file name). After converting the AE project, I need PP to link TO the newly converted AE project, but can't seem to figure out how to do this.
    I have several comps in the AE file and it would be quite troublesome to have to re-import (re-link) all the comps and place them in the appropriate timeline sequences in Premiere.
    PS. This isn't the first time this has happened. But a year ago or so when updating the Adobe suite, I had a similar thing happen.
    Trevor F. Ward

    I'm using DSLR footage and am not running into this issue.  However, another workaround you could do is, copy the trimmed/subcliped clip and paste it into AE.  To get a sequence in AE to conform to the durration of the copied clip, use otp+command+v.  I use this in replace of dynamic link, and works quite well.  Hope that helps.

  • Wifi-menu broken after wpa_supplicant update

    Yesterday I updated wpa_supplicant, and everything was fine until I rebooted, after which I can't connect to the Internet through wifi.
    When I try to use wifi-menu, It seems to be scanning, but before I get to the next screen I get "Aborted".
    I've tried to connect manually, but to no avail.
    I can activate it with
    sudo ip link set wlp9s4 up
    And I can scan for nearby networks with
    sudo iw dev wlp9s4 scan | grep SSID
    But when I try to connect to a network with
    sudo wpa_supplicant -D nl80211,wext -i wlp9s4 -c <(wpa_passphrase "your_SSID" "your_key")
    I get the following output:
    Failed to open config file '/dev/fd/63', error: No such file or directory
    Failed to read or parse configuration '/dev/fd/63'.
    I've been trying to look up what would be causing it, or some sort of quick work around for it.  But it seems that my google-fu is not strong enough .
    The only other thread I've seen with a similar problem was here:
    If I can get any help on this, that would be greatly appreciated.
    Thanks in advance!

    try and read the wpa_supplicant-config-files. You probably have "/etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf" and "/etc/dbus-1/system.d/wpa_supplicant.conf".
    Also, try
    grep -R "/dev/fd/63" /etc
    . It gives you all the files in /etc, that reference /dev/fd/63

  • Acrobat 8.0 broken after installing update 8.3.1

    I have Acrobat 8.0 installed on my PC.  I downloaded and installed update 8.3.1.  Now, after I launch Acrobat, it only stays active for about 10 seconds then dies.  I tried the Acrobat repair option but that does not correct the problem.  What else should I try?

    Good day,
    You may also want to try repairing Acrobat via Help > Repair Acrobat Installation.
    Kind regards,

  • Fix Imports broken after latest updates

    Hi, Everything was working fine with creator until I installed the latest updates from update center a few hours ago. Now, whenever I use the Fix Imports feature it seems to remove all of the creator related imports. This happens on both existing projects and new projects. For example, I create a new project and added a button to it. The java file had these imports:
    import com.sun.rave.web.ui.appbase.AbstractPageBean;
    import com.sun.rave.web.ui.component.Body;
    import com.sun.rave.web.ui.component.Form;
    import com.sun.rave.web.ui.component.Head;
    import com.sun.rave.web.ui.component.Html;
    import com.sun.rave.web.ui.component.Link;
    import com.sun.rave.web.ui.component.Page;
    import javax.faces.FacesException;
    import com.sun.rave.web.ui.component.Button;I then ran Fix Imports and it changed to this:
    import com.sun.rave.web.ui.appbase.AbstractPageBean;
    import java.awt.Button;
    import javax.faces.FacesException;Is there any way to fix this or uninstall the latest updates?

    OK, after some trial and error I think I found a little more about the problem and a better solution. It looks like JSC caches all of the library information for quick access and somehow the file(s) that store the info for com.sun.rave.web.ui.component.* are getting messed up. Instead of deleting the whole 2.0 directory, which will reset all of your data sources and settings, you can just delete the .Creator\2.0\var\cache directory and creator will re-scan all of the libraries and rebuild the cache.

  • OWA broken after recent updates.

    Following recent updates to SBS 2011 Standard server OWA is no longer work (and I believe activesync is also broken).
    I have tried using the UpdateCas.ps1 powershell script. And rebuilt owa virtual directory from within the EMC.
    Following that I have updated Exchange to RU5 for Exchange 2010 SP3 using windows update and rebooted ...
    None of the above have made any difference and OWA is still broken and displays as below.
    Microsoft Remote Connectivity Analyzer for Active Sync also fails with a 403 - Forbidden: Access is denied error.
    Can someone please advise ASAP as this is extremely annoying and one of numerous problems since moving to SBS 2011 that has required a great deal of time and searching online to fix.
    Thanks in advance for any responses.
    Phil Ellett

    Hi Phil:
    Afaik there were no updates that caused the behavior you experienced for any greater number of installations.  The thing about updates is they usually call for an restart and it is often the restart that discloses an issue.  The best practice advice
    is to restart before patching and review the event logs then patch.
     The failure of the connectivity analyzer has me puzzled as it tests for a response from the Exchange server using public DNS to find the server.  So the number of links in the chain include Exchange being completely off line, the firewall not
    forwarding port 25 to the SBS IP, and the public DNS MX record not pointing to the correct address.  If you post up the email domain we can check some of this for you.  But a quick check is to use telnet (IP address) 25 where IP address is the SBS
    server from the LAN and the public IP of the firewall from outside the LAN.  The Exchange server should answer.  Note there is a chance port 25 might be blocked by the ISP from where you test outside the LAN so you may have to get someone else to
    Turn up diagnostic logging in ESM for the exchange server and see if you can turn up anything in the Event Viewer.  And as always, run the SBS BPA and fix anything it finds.
    Larry Struckmeyer[MVP] If your question is answered please mark the response as the answer so that others can benefit.

  • E75 - phot share broken after firmware update

    I updated the firmware last weekend (1 August 2009), sorry don't know how to find the numbers.
    After update, I restored settings from backup and then discovered that I could not share a photo to Flickr or OVI from within the camera application. Later I did a"factory restore" and then was able to share photos. Again did a restore from backup and it broke. Then did a second factory restore - but no it will not work. Details follow:
    1. Update firmware.
    2. Restore settings from backup (made with PCSuite).
    3. Take a photo. Button bar changes. Choose the second button - Share. The tool tip for the button says, "Sign in for Share Online". It is supposed to say something like "Upload".
    4. Click the button - nothing happens! The button simply will not respond.
    5. Restore factory settings.
    6. Repaet steps 3 and 4. It works! The button does respond, and I can upload a photo.
    7. Restore settings from backup.
    8. It breaks, same as step 4. Nokia tech support suggests that the phone backup, made with previous firmware, is incompatible with the current firmware. Yes, I guessed that. How pathetic that they released this.
    9. Restore factory settings, as in step 5.
    10. It does NOT work. Why not?
    So now I'm stuck - the camera application button for Share is inoperative. How will I ever get this fixed? Or more to the point, will Nokia be able to fix it?

    Hi Havs, Thanks for your reply.Actually i am intented to suggest you to go to​x?sp4ts.oid=5273948&swLangOid=8&swEnvOid=4063.   Click on "Firmware (2)" and click on the download button for the Firmware Release notes shown in the picture below. Then, try the steps inside the release notes to see if the issue can be recovered, even though your error message is not same as what i have pointed. This is because I suspect the steps might help since the folder is still available is just that the path is somewhat "distorted" Please let me know if the steps in the release note is helpful , appreciated and thanks a lot = )

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