Connect by sub query

Hi All,
I have a query..I have a table employee ..I also have an another table manager
I have two tables. employee and manager tables.
employee columns: emp_key, emp_name,parent_emp_id , level_no
manager columns: man_key,man_name,man_id
I should check the manager key equals emp key . if found i shud check whether emp key has parent emp key, if found i shud take emp name of that row and update in manager name in manager table.
I tried co related sub query but it works only in select statement but not update. can any one help me on this .Also can any one tell me whether we can use CONNECT BY PRIOR statement. any one tell me whether we can use CONNECT BY PRIOR statement.

Sorry, I still don't uderstand the problem well enough to help.
The INSERT statements look okay now. What did you do to make them appear? (It would be good to know, when other people have the same problem.)
Can you do something similar to make the CREATE TABLE statements appear?
You have 4 rows in one table and 1 row in another table. You want to write an UPDATE statement (or something) that changes them. Is that right?
What should be in the changed tble after that UPDATE statement? Use a text editor to show what "SELECT * FROM ..." should produce. Post it on this site, but type these 6 characters:
\(small letters only, inside curly brackets) before and after each the section of formatted text, to preserve spacing.
MERGE is often eaiser than UPDATE, especially if the UPDATE statement would need a complicated WHERE clause.
It might help to see the UPDATE statement you tried, even though it doesn't work.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

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  • Can someone please help me with a sub query question?

    I need to list a 3rd party contract and then a list of students who belong to that contract.
    On the students segment of the listing I need to show students with student id, name, total credit hours,
    total amount spent on tuition, total amount spent on books and total amount spent on misc.
    This code has a query for the contract information and I get that just fine.
    Then it has a query that gives me total credit hours and that works fine
    then it has a query that gives me total amount spent on tuition and that works fine
    when I add the next query to get total amount spent on books I get only the information for the contract, I don't get student stuff anymore.
    I would really appreciate any guidance that you could give.
    Thanks in advance, Bob Hohulski
    l_conn utl_TCP.connection;
    v_filehandle utl_file.file_type;
    v_output varchar2(1000);
    v_contract_id varchar2(9);
    v_contract_addr1 varchar2(30);
    v_contract_addr2 varchar2(30);
    v_contract_city varchar2(20);
    v_contract_stat varchar2(03);
    v_contract_zip varchar2(10);
    v_contract_name varchar2(60);
    v_student_id varchar2(09);
    v_student_first_name varchar2(15);
    v_student_mid_name varchar2(15);
    v_student_last_name varchar2(60);
    v_last_out varchar2(20);
    v_student_detail_code varchar2(04);
    v_student_amount number(12,2);
    v_student_ref_number varchar2(09);
    v_credit_hrs number(7,2);
    v_tuition_amount number(12,2);
    v_books_amount number(12,2);
    v_misc_amount number(12,2);
    v_total_for_student number(12,2);
    v_current_student varchar2(09);
    v_sftregs_pidm varchar2(09);
    v_tbraccd_pidm varchar2(09);
    CURSOR c_sel_contract IS
    SELECT DISTINCT spriden_id, spriden_last_name,
    spraddr_street_line1, spraddr_street_line2,
    spraddr_city, spraddr_stat_code, spraddr_zip
    FROM spriden, spraddr
    -- WHERE spriden_id = '&Enter_Id'
    where spriden_id = 'T10474666'
    AND spriden_pidm = spraddr_pidm
    CURSOR c_sel_student IS
    SELECT DISTINCT spriden_id, spriden_first_name, spriden_mi, spriden_last_name,
    FROM spriden, tbraccd, tbbcstu, sftregs
    WHERE 559220 = tbbcstu_contract_pidm
    AND spriden_pidm = tbraccd_pidm
    AND spriden_pidm = tbbcstu_stu_pidm
    AND spriden_pidm = sftregs_pidm
    AND (sftregs_pidm, sftregs_credit_hr) IN
    (SELECT DISTINCT sftregs_pidm, SUM(sftregs_credit_hr)
    FROM sftregs, tbbcstu, spriden
    WHERE sftregs_term_code = '201010'
    AND sftregs_pidm = tbbcstu_stu_pidm
    AND sftregs_pidm = spriden_pidm
    GROUP BY sftregs_pidm)
    AND (tbraccd_pidm, tbraccd_amount) IN
    (SELECT DISTINCT tbraccd_pidm, SUM(tbraccd_amount)
    -- tuition
    FROM tbraccd, tbbcstu, spriden
    WHERE tbraccd_term_code = '201010'
    AND (tbraccd_detail_code = 'TU01' OR
    tbraccd_detail_code = 'TU02' OR
    tbraccd_detail_code = 'TU03' OR
    tbraccd_detail_code = 'TU04')
    AND tbraccd_pidm = tbbcstu_stu_pidm
    AND tbraccd_pidm = spriden_pidm
    GROUP BY tbraccd_pidm)
    --this code works up to this point
    --when I add the next query I get nothing
    AND (tbraccd_pidm, tbraccd_amount) IN
    (SELECT tbraccd_pidm, SUM(tbraccd_amount)
    FROM tbraccd, tbbcstu
    WHERE tbraccd_term_code = '201010'
    AND (tbraccd_detail_code = 'BKSU' OR
    tbraccd_detail_code = 'BKCH')
    AND tbraccd_pidm = tbbcstu_stu_pidm
    GROUP BY tbraccd_pidm, tbraccd_amount)
    --AND (tbraccd_pidm, tbraccd_amount) IN
    -- (SELECT tbraccd_pidm, SUM(tbraccd_amount)
    -- misc
    -- FROM tbraccd, tbbcstu
    -- WHERE tbraccd_term_code = '201010'
    -- AND tbraccd_pidm = tbbcstu_stu_pidm
    -- AND (tbraccd_detail_code = 'AUNA' OR
    -- tbraccd_detail_code = 'OTPB')
    -- GROUP BY tbraccd_pidm, tbraccd_amount)
    --ORDER BY tbraccd_pidm, spriden_first_name, spriden_mi, spriden_last_name,
    -- tbbcstu_sponsor_ref_number, sftregs_credit_hr;
    ORDER BY tbraccd_pidm;
    v_filehandle := utl_file.fopen(location => 'UTLFILE_MISAP9',
    filename => 'ban_matrix.dat',
    open_mode => 'w',
    max_linesize => 32767);
    OPEN c_sel_contract;
    FETCH c_sel_contract INTO v_contract_id, v_contract_name,
    v_contract_addr1, v_contract_addr2,
    v_contract_city, v_contract_stat,
    EXIT WHEN c_sel_contract%NOTFOUND;
    v_output :=
    nvl(rpad(v_contract_id,9),rpad(' ',9)) ||
    ' ' ||
    nvl(rpad(v_contract_name,60),rpad(' ',60));
    v_output :=
    nvl(rpad(v_contract_addr1, 30),rpad(' ',30)) ||
    ' ' ||
    nvl(rpad(v_contract_addr2, 30),rpad(' ',30));
    v_output :=
    nvl(rpad(v_contract_city, 20), rpad(' ',20)) ||
    ' ' ||
    nvl(rpad(v_contract_stat, 3), rpad(' ',3)) ||
    ' ' ||
    nvl(rpad(v_contract_zip, 10), rpad(' ',10));
    OPEN c_sel_student;
    FETCH c_sel_student into v_student_id, v_student_first_name, v_student_mid_name,
    -- v_books_amount, v_misc_amount;
    EXIT WHEN c_sel_student%NOTFOUND;
    v_last_out := substr(v_student_last_name, 1, 20);
    v_output :=
    nvl(rpad(v_student_id, 09),rpad(' ',09)) ||
    ' ' ||
    nvl(rpad(v_student_first_name, 15),rpad(' ',15)) ||
    nvl(rpad(v_student_mid_name, 15),rpad(' ',15)) ||
    nvl(rpad(v_last_out, 20),rpad(' ',20)) ||
    ' ' ||
    nvl(rpad(v_student_ref_number, 09),rpad(' ',09)) ||
    ' ' ||
    v_credit_hrs ||
    ' ' ||
    v_tuition_amount ||
    -- v_books_amount ||
    -- ' ' ||
    -- v_misc_amount;
    -- DECLARE
    -- err_msg VARCHAR2(100);
    -- BEGIN
    -- err_msg := 'ERR- '||SUBSTR(SQLERRM, 1,100);
    -- - utl_file.put_line(v_filehandle,err_msg);
    CLOSE c_sel_contract;
    CLOSE c_sel_student;

    run this original query
    SELECT DISTINCT spriden_id,
       FROM spriden, tbraccd, tbbcstu, sftregs
    WHERE 559220 = tbbcstu_contract_pidm
       AND spriden_pidm = tbraccd_pidm
       AND spriden_pidm = tbbcstu_stu_pidm
       AND spriden_pidm = sftregs_pidm
       AND (sftregs_pidm, sftregs_credit_hr) IN (SELECT DISTINCT sftregs_pidm, SUM(sftregs_credit_hr)
                                                   FROM sftregs, tbbcstu, spriden
                                                  WHERE sftregs_term_code = '201010'
                                                    AND sftregs_pidm = tbbcstu_stu_pidm
                                                    AND sftregs_pidm = spriden_pidm
                                                 GROUP BY sftregs_pidm)
       AND (tbraccd_pidm, tbraccd_amount) IN (SELECT DISTINCT tbraccd_pidm, SUM(tbraccd_amount)
                                              -- tuition
                                                FROM tbraccd, tbbcstu, spriden
                                               WHERE tbraccd_term_code = '201010'
                                                 AND (tbraccd_detail_code = 'TU01' OR
                                                      tbraccd_detail_code = 'TU02' OR
                                                      tbraccd_detail_code = 'TU03' OR
                                                      tbraccd_detail_code = 'TU04')
                                                 AND tbraccd_pidm = tbbcstu_stu_pidm
                                                 AND tbraccd_pidm = spriden_pidm
                                               GROUP BY tbraccd_pidm)
       AND (tbraccd_pidm, tbraccd_amount) IN (SELECT tbraccd_pidm, SUM(tbraccd_amount) books
                                                FROM tbraccd, tbbcstu
                                               WHERE tbraccd_term_code = '201010'
                                                 AND (tbraccd_detail_code = 'BKSU' OR
                                                      tbraccd_detail_code = 'BKCH')
                                                 AND tbraccd_pidm = tbbcstu_stu_pidm
                                              GROUP BY tbraccd_pidm, tbraccd_amount)
    ORDER BY tbraccd_pidm;then run this sub-query:
    SELECT tbraccd_pidm, SUM(tbraccd_amount) books
       FROM tbraccd, tbbcstu
      WHERE tbraccd_term_code = '201010'
        AND (tbraccd_detail_code = 'BKSU' OR
             tbraccd_detail_code = 'BKCH')
       AND tbraccd_pidm = tbbcstu_stu_pidm
    GROUP BY tbraccd_pidm, tbraccd_amount)see if you have a matching tbraccd_pidm and tbraccd_amount between the two results.

  • Connect by prior query

    Issue with the below query. The query is not getting filtered for the condition hier_typ_c in('BS') with the connect by prior
    query. query is fetching all the hier_type_c in the table like 'BS', 'CO', 'EC' etc....
    Just wondering how do i restrict the query just to fetch the type_c ='BS' alone? why is it giving all the records??
            Level                 as  LEVEL_CODE,
            h.HIER_PRNT_NODE_I    as  PARENT,
            h.HIER_CHLD_NODE_I    as  CHILD,
            h.HIER_CHLD_NODE_X || ' (' || h.HIER_CHLD_NODE_I || ')'   as  ALIAS
            From        (Select  Distinct HIER_CHLD_NODE_I, HIER_PRNT_NODE_I,
                                HIER_CHLD_NODE_X from .HIER_DIMN
                         where hier_typ_c in('BS') and CURR_VER_C = 'Y') h
                         Start with  h.HIER_PRNT_NODE_I = 'ROOT'
            Connect by prior
                   h.HIER_CHLD_NODE_I = h.HIER_PRNT_NODE_I
    Order by    LEVEL_CODE, parent, child

    It loks like you're doing it right.
    By basing the CONNECT BY query on a sub-query that has this WHERE clasue:
    where hier_typ_c in('BS') and CURR_VER_C = 'Y') hyou should exclude not only nodes whose hier_typ_c is not 'BS', but also their descendants.
    Post some sample data (CREATE TABLE and INSERT statements) and the results you want from that data.
    Are you sure the query you posted is what you're actually running?
    I would expect the sub-query FROM clause to cause an error because of the '.'.
    from .HIER_DIMNEdited by: Frank Kulash on Sep 29, 2009 11:16 AM

  • Scoping violation in sub-query

    I created a sql in Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release to query Oracle Purchasing tables. The user wants to know an estimate of the number of business days it takes to approve a release once it is created. I created a subquery as follows:
    Select Papf.Full_Name As Approver
    , Pah.Action_Date As Approved_Date
    , Por.Creation_Date
    , Trunc(Pah.Action_Date) - Trunc(Por.Creation_Date) As Days
    , (Select Count(*)
    From (Select Level, (Pah.Action_Date+1)-Level My_Date From Dual
    Connect By Level < Trunc(Pah.Action_Date+1) - Trunc(por.creation_Date)
    ) Where To_Char(My_Date, 'DY') In ('MON', 'TUE', 'WED', 'THU', 'FRI')) As Days2Approve
    FROM Apps.Po_Headers_All Poh
    , Apps.Po_Releases_All Por
    , Apps.Po_Lines_All Pol
    , Apps.Po_Action_History Pah
    When I run the query I get the following error message:
    ORA-00904: "POR"."CREATION_DATE": invalid identifier
    00904. 00000 - "%s: invalid identifier"
    Error at Line: 193 Column: 54
    I know the sub-query conceptually sound because if I run the sql below with dummy dates I get 17 which is correct.
    Select Count(*)
    From (SELECT level, (to_date('24-JAN-2013')+1)-level my_date From Dual
    Connect By Level < Trunc(To_Date('24-JAN-2013')+1) - Trunc(To_Date('01-JAN-2013'))
    ) Where To_Char(My_Date, 'DY') In ('MON', 'TUE', 'WED', 'THU', 'FRI')
    How do I pass Pah.Action_Date & por.creation_Date to the sub-query without getting what appears to be scoping violation?

    You can avoid the problem by not using a nested sub-query:
        SELECT  COUNT (*)
        FROM    dual
        CONNECT BY   LEVEL  < TRUNC (pah.action_date + 1)
                   - TRUNC (por.creation_date)
        WHERE   TO_CHAR ( pah.action_date + 1 - LEVEL
                          , 'DY'
                  ) NOT IN ('SAT', 'SUN')
    ) AS days2approve 
    I hope this answers your question.
    If not, post a little sample data (CREATE TABLE and INSERT statements, relevant columns only) for all tables involved, and also post the results you want from that data.
    Explain, using specific examples, how you get those results from that data.
    See the forum FAQ {message:id=9360002}

  • See my query problem for sub query

    hi master
    Sir see my query
    select lpad(' ',2*(level-1)) || to_char(chartofacc.child),parent,accid as accounted ,title,
    case when fstatus=1 then
    (select sum(drbal) from accbal where parent = accounted)
    when fstatus is null then
    (select drbal from accbal where accid = accounted)
    end subtotal
    from chartofacc
    start with chartofacc.parent is null
    connect by prior chartofacc.child = chartofacc.parent order by chartofacc.accid
    I try but not success how I pass main query value or code in sub query or inner query
    My requirement is inner query get total from accbal table how have accid that in main query accid or accounted
    How I pass main query value or accid code to inner query and inner query give result as per main query accid
    How I get subtotal and total by one query
    Please give me idea or code
    Thanking you

    You could write your main SELECT statement as inline view or use the WITH clause, like this:
    WITH ctf AS (SELECT LPAD (' ', 2 * (LEVEL - 1)) || TO_CHAR (chartofacc.CHILD), PARENT,
                        accid AS accounted, title,
                   FROM chartofacc
                  START WITH chartofacc.PARENT IS NULL
                  CONNECT BY PRIOR chartofacc.CHILD = chartofacc.PARENT
                  ORDER BY chartofacc.accid
    SELECT ctf.*,
           CASE WHEN fstatus = 1
                THEN (SELECT SUM (drbal)
                        FROM accbal
                       WHERE PARENT = accounted)
                WHEN fstatus IS NULL
                THEN (SELECT drbal
                        FROM accbal
                       WHERE accid = accounted)
           END subtotal
      FROM ctf
    not tested

  • Recursive Sub-query Factoring vs Hierarchical Query

    The below are two queries i am executing by using classical approach hierarchical and newest recursive sub-query.Problem is output was different for recursive sub-query factoring, as this is not showing parent-child approach, while connect by prior is showing parent-child fashion.Query 1, i am using hierarchical as it showing correct output parent-child approach, while Query 2 is displaying all the level 1 nodes and then level 2 nodes.I want query 2 output to be same as query 1.Please modify query 2 as required.
    Note:The output of the both queries won't be in displayed as it was in sqlplus, or toad.Please copy and use in your command prompts.
    QUERY 1:
    with main as(select 1 id,'john' name,null mgrid from dual union all
    select 2 id,'michael' name,null mgrid from dual union all
    select 3 id,'peter' name,null mgrid from dual union all
    select 4 id,'henry' name,1 mgrid from dual union all
    select 5 id,'nick' name,2 mgrid from dual union all
    select 6 id,'pao' name,3 mgrid from dual union all
    select 7 id,'kumar' name,3 mgrid from dual union all
    select 8 id,'parker' name,3 mgrid from dual union all
    select 9 id,'mike' name,5 mgrid from dual),
    select lpad(' ',2*(level-1))||name name,level from main start with mgrid is null connect by prior id=mgrid;
    OUTPUT :
    john 1
    henry 2
    michael 1
    nick 2
    mike 3
    peter 1
    pao 2
    kumar 2
    parker 2
    9 rows selected.
    QUERY 2:
    with main as(select 1 id,'john' name,null mgrid from dual union all
    select 2 id,'michael' name,null mgrid from dual union all
    select 3 id,'peter' name,null mgrid from dual union all
    select 4 id,'henry' name,1 mgrid from dual union all
    select 5 id,'nick' name,2 mgrid from dual union all
    select 6 id,'pao' name,3 mgrid from dual union all
    select 7 id,'kumar' name,3 mgrid from dual union all
    select 8 id,'parker' name,3 mgrid from dual union all
    select 9 id,'mike' name,5 mgrid from dual),
    /*select lpad(' ',2*(level-1))||name name,level from main start with mgrid is null connect by prior id=mgrid;*/
    secmain (id,name,mgrid,hierlevel) as(select id,name,mgrid,1 hierlevel from main where mgrid is null
    union all
    select,,m.mgrid,sm.hierlevel+1 from main m join secmain sm on(
    cycle id set is_cycle to 1 default 0
    select lpad(' ',2*(hierlevel-1))||name name,hierlevel from secmain;
    OUTPUT :
    john 1
    michael 1
    peter 1
    henry 2
    nick 2
    parker 2
    kumar 2
    pao 2
    mike 3
    9 rows selected.

    What's wrong with Query 1? If it's producing the results you want, then why not use it?
    One of the nice features of CONNECT BY is that the output is automatically presented in hierachical order. The only way I know of to get the results of a recursive WITH clause in any kind or order is to do it yourself. Here's one way:
    WITH       secmain (id, name, mgrid, hierlevel, path)     AS
         SELECT  id
         ,     name
         ,     mgrid
         ,     1               AS hierlevel
         ,     RPAD (name, 10)          AS path          -- Assuming name is never longer than 10
         FROM      main
         WHERE      mgrid     IS NULL
        UNION ALL
         ,     m.mgrid
         ,     sm.hierlevel + 1
         ,     sm.path || RPAD (name, 10)
         FROM     main      m
         JOIN     secmain  sm  ON   (m.mgrid     =
         CYCLE     id     -- Why do you need this if CONNECT BY NOCYCLE wasn't needed in Query 1?
         SET      is_cycle     TO 1
         DEFAULT 0
    SELECT        lpad ( ' '
                , 2 * (hierlevel - 1)
                ) || name                 AS name
    ,       hierlevel
    FROM        secmain
    ORDER BY  path
    ;Sorry, I don't have an Oracle 11.2 database right now, so I can't test it.
    Edited by: Frank Kulash on Nov 23, 2011 9:15 AM
    I didn't know about the SEARCH clause, Use Dom's solution, above.

  • Outter-Join with requirement for sub-query

    I am working on a view that needs to return 1 record per payment date within the primary payment table.
    Part of the information that is to be returned in this row comes from a date-controlled table containing superannuation information. This data may or may not be present, requiring an outer-join. The final problem is that there may be multiple rows in this superannuation table requiring me to retrieve the record with the most recent start date, prior to the payment date. This is where I'm breaking down currently as I cannot outer-join to a sub-query.
    I had an idea that I could create an inline view of the superannuation table with 1 row for each of the last 365 days (The reports that will be built off the view are always run within 1-2 months of the payment date), with the date and either the required information or blanks if it did not exist. This would avoid me requiring an outer-join as I could just join on the payment date to the date in the inline query and return whatever data was there.
    I'm pretty sure I should be able to do this with analytics rather than creating a date table, by restricting the rows to 365, then havign a column that is effectively the previous column - 1. Unfortunately I'm fairly new to analytics and find the Oracle documentation hard to decipher.
    Can anyone help with this or perhaps suggest an alternate solution?

    please don't do that. that's the most pathetic way generate rows. all_objects is a very nasty view, and oracle reserves the right to merge the view into the rest of your query, making performance less than you had hoped for. how about this instead:
    select ...
    from (
    select trunc(sysdate-rownum+1) super_date
    from dual
    connect by level < = 365 ) dates,
    where dates.super_date = your_column (+)

  • Urgent - Cannot run sub query from VB 6

    I'm having a problem with my Oracle OLE DB connection in windows using Visual Basic 6.0 SP3.
    I can run normal queries just fine, but a correlated sub query like this:
    select A.col_a, (select col_b from Tab_B where id = from Tab_A A
    returns the following error:
    "ORA-00907: missing right parenthesis"
    But I'm able to run the query witout errors in Toad with the correct result!
    So basically, I cannot run a (correlated?) sub query via OLE DB...
    What am I doing wrong?? Is it a parameter that I need to set on the connection of command?
    I'm not using stored procedures, only plain text SQL.
    Very thankful for a quick answer, this is really urgent. If you have the possibility, please e-mail me at:
    [email protected]
    Thank you in advance.
    Best regards,
    Bnar Baban

    I'm running the latest version of Oracle OLE DB...when checking more in detail, it seems that the provider parses the code in a way, that makes the "(select" part of the sub statement be interpreted as a column name....when it does not find a right parenthesis, but a white space, it complains.
    I switched to Microsoft MSDAORA provider, and now it works perfectly...

  • How to get all rows that are returned in inner sub query of select statemen

    If a sub query in select statement returns more than one row than how to get all those returned rows in the final
    output of the query .It will be all right if all column's value repeat and that multiple output of inner query comes
    in another column .
    How to get that ?

    As Frank said, you likely want a join, and likely an outer join to replicate the select in the projection. Something like:
    SELECT id,stat, section, USER_ID concerned_person
    FROM table_all,
      left join table2
        on room_id = sectoion and
           sur_role = 'r001'
    WHERE section IN (SELECT code
                      FROM t_area
                      WHERE dept= 'p002')An alternative, depending on where and how you are using the statement would be something like:
    SQL> WITH t AS (
      2    select 1 id from dual union all
      3    select 2 id from dual),
      4  t1 as (
      5    select 1 id, 'One' descr from dual union all
      6    select 1, 'Un' from dual union all
      7    select 1, 'Une' from dual)
      8  SELECT, CURSOR(SELECT, t1.descr from t1
      9                      WHERE =
    10  FROM t;
                      ID CURSOR(SELECTT1.ID,T
                       1 CURSOR STATEMENT : 2
                      ID DESCR
                       1 One
                       1 Un
                       1 Une
                       2 CURSOR STATEMENT : 2
    no rows selectedJohn

  • Powershell use Connection String to query Database and write to Excel

    Right now I have a powershell script that uses ODBC to query SQL Server 2008 / 2012 database and write to EXCEL
    $excel = New-Object -Com Excel.Application
    $excel.Visible = $True
    $wb = $Excel.Workbooks.Add()
    $ws = $wb.Worksheets.Item(1)
    $ = "GUP Download Activity"
    $qt = $ws.QueryTables.Add("ODBC;DSN=$DSN;UID=$username;PWD=$password", $ws.Range("A1"), $SQL_Statement)
    if ($qt.Refresh()){
    $excel.Rows.Item(1).HorizontalAlignment = $xlCenter
    $excel.Rows.Item(1).VerticalAlignment = $xlTop
    $excel.Rows.Item("1:1").Font.Name = "Calibri"
    $excel.Rows.Item("1:1").Font.Size = 11
    $excel.Rows.Item("1:1").Font.Bold = $true
    $filename = "D:\Script\Reports\Status_$a.xlsx"
    if (test-path $filename ) { rm $filename }
    $wb.SaveAs($filename, $xlOpenXMLWorkbook) #save as an XML Workbook (xslx)
    $wb.Saved = $True #flag it as being saved
    $wb.Close() #close the document
    $Excel.Quit() #and the instance of Excel
    $wb = $Null #set all variables that point to Excel objects to null
    $ws = $Null #makes sure Excel deflates
    $Excel=$Null #let the air out
    I would like to use connection string to query the database and write results to EXCEL, i.e.
    $SQL_Statement = "SELECT ..."
    $conn = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection
    $conn.ConnectionString = "Server=;Initial Catalog=mydatabase;User Id=$username;Password=$password;"
    $cmd = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand($SQL_Statement,$conn)
    $rdr = $cmd.ExecuteReader()
    while (${
    $sql_output += ,@($rdr.GetValue(0), $rdr.GetValue(1))
    $transactionComplete = $true
    $transactionComplete = $false
    }until ($transactionComplete)
    How would I read the columns and data for $sql_output into an EXCEL worksheet. Where do I find these tutorials?

    Hi Q.P.Waverly,
    If you mean to export the data in $sql_output to excel document, please try to format the output with psobject:
    $rdr = $cmd.ExecuteReader()
    while (${
    $sql_output+=New-Object PSObject -Property @{data1 = $rdr.GetValue(0);data2 =$rdr.GetValue(1)}
    $transactionComplete = $true
    $transactionComplete = $false
    }until ($transactionComplete)
    Then please try to use the cmdlet "Export-Csv" to export the data to excel like:
    $sql_output | Export-Csv d:\data.csv
    Or you can export to worksheet like:
    $excel = New-Object -ComObject Excel.Application
    $excel.Visible = $true
    $workbook = $excel.Workbooks.Add()
    $sheet = $workbook.ActiveSheet
    $counter = 0
    $sql_output | ForEach-Object {
    $sheet.cells.Item($counter,1) = $_.data1$sheet.cells.Item($counter,2) = $_.data2}
    Refer to:
    PowerShell and Excel: Fast, Safe, and Reliable
    If there is anything else regarding this issue, please feel free to post back.
    Best Regards,
    Anna Wang

  • OFFICE 2013 - Word could not re-establish a DDE connection to Microsoft Query

    Hi, I have installed office 2013 on a pc and used excel to run a query on a database and created a .qry query so I can use this data in word mail merge.
    The query runs ok and returns the data.
    However, when I go to take the data in through mail merge it comes up with a message "Confirm data source" ( I enabled this after  reading kb article below) so I select "MS query files via DDE(*.qry, *.dqy)" as this is a .dqy I select
    it. It says at the bottom of the screen word is starting query then comes up with the error  "Word could not re-establish a DDE connection to Microsoft Query to complete the current task".
    I have re-did the query from scratch and no difference I tried the recommend kb article 918594 and it still doesn't work.
    I recreated the odbc link and still no joy.
    Has anyone come across this and have they a solution I would be grateful.

    Try to check whether the methods listed in the following link is helpful. The link applies to previous versions, but we can refer to it.
    Jaynet Zhang
    TechNet Community Support

  • How to find out which sub query returns more than one row

    Hi all,
    Can any one give me clue ,how to find out which sub query returns more than one row in the following query .
    /* Formatted on 2011/05/17 19:22 (Formatter Plus v4.8.8) */
    SELECT a.*, ROWNUM AS rnm
      FROM (SELECT DISTINCT '1' AS "Page View", ou.org_unit_name AS "Org",
                            prxm.mbr_idntfr AS "Beneficiary ID",
                            || ', '
                            || md.first_name AS "Beneficiary Name",
                            pci.idntfr AS "Tracking No.",
                            TO_CHAR (TRUNC (req.pa_rqst_date),
                                    ) AS "Request Date",
                            sts.status_name AS "Status",
                            req.pa_rqst_sid AS "Request #",
                            prxm.mbr_sid AS "Mbr_sid",
                                  (TRUNC (req.pa_revision_date),
                                  ) AS "Last Updated",
                            TO_CHAR (psd.TO_DATE, 'MM/dd/yyyy') AS "TO_DATE",
                            prxpl.prvdr_lctn_iid AS "PRVDR_LCTN_IID",
                            pd.prvdr_sid AS "PRVDR_SID", 'Y' AS "State View",
                               ((SELECT DISTINCT pd.national_prvdr_idntfr
                                            FROM pa_request_x_provider_location prxplo
                                           WHERE prxplo.pa_rqst_sid =
                                             AND prxplo.oprtnl_flag = 'A'
                                             AND prxplo.pa_prvdr_type_lkpcd = 'RR'),
                                0, (SELECT prxplo.prvdr_lctn_idntfr
                                      FROM pa_request_x_provider_location prxplo
                                     WHERE prxplo.pa_rqst_sid = req.pa_rqst_sid
                                       AND prxplo.oprtnl_flag = 'A'
                                       AND prxplo.pa_prvdr_type_lkpcd = 'RR'),
                                NULL, (SELECT prxplo.prvdr_lctn_idntfr
                                         FROM pa_request_x_provider_location prxplo
                                        WHERE prxplo.pa_rqst_sid = req.pa_rqst_sid
                                          AND prxplo.oprtnl_flag = 'A'
                                          AND prxplo.pa_prvdr_type_lkpcd = 'RR'),
                                (SELECT DISTINCT pd.national_prvdr_idntfr
                                            FROM pa_request_x_provider_location prxplo
                                           WHERE prxplo.pa_rqst_sid =
                                             AND prxplo.oprtnl_flag = 'A'
                                             AND prxplo.pa_prvdr_type_lkpcd = 'RR')
                               ) AS "NPI/ID",
                               ((SELECT pd.org_bsns_name
                                   FROM pa_request_x_provider_location prxplo
                                  WHERE prxplo.pa_rqst_sid = req.pa_rqst_sid
                                    AND prxplo.oprtnl_flag = 'A'
                                    AND prxplo.pa_prvdr_type_lkpcd = 'RR'),
                                NULL, (SELECT    pd.last_name
                                              || ', '
                                              || pd.first_name
                                              || ' '
                                              || pd.middle_name
                                         FROM pa_request_x_provider_location prxplo
                                        WHERE prxplo.pa_rqst_sid = req.pa_rqst_sid
                                          AND prxplo.oprtnl_flag = 'A'
                                          AND prxplo.pa_prvdr_type_lkpcd = 'RR'),
                                (SELECT pd.org_bsns_name
                                   FROM pa_request_x_provider_location prxplo
                                  WHERE prxplo.pa_rqst_sid = req.pa_rqst_sid
                                    AND prxplo.oprtnl_flag = 'A'
                                    AND prxplo.pa_prvdr_type_lkpcd = 'RR')
                               ) AS "Prvdr Name",
                            TO_CHAR (psd.from_date,
                                    ) AS "Srvc From Date",
                            TO_CHAR (req.validity_start_date,
                                    ) AS "Due Date",
                            (fn_get_busniess_days (TRUNC (req.validity_start_date))
                            ) AS "Days<br>Left",
                            req.pa_mode_type_lkpcd AS "Source",
                            TO_CHAR (TRUNC (wmdtl.rtng_date),
                                    ) AS "Assigned On",
                            NVL (wmdtl.assigned_to_user_name,
                                 'Not Assigned'
                                ) AS "Assigned To",
                            req.org_unit_sid AS "OrgUnitSid",
                                  'MM/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss'
                                 ) AS "WTRD_MODIFIED_DATE",
                            TO_CHAR (wmdtl.rtng_date,
                                    ) AS "WTRD_RTNG_DATE",
                            req.status_cid AS "PA_STATUS_CID",
                            TO_CHAR (req.modified_date,
                                    ) AS "PA_REQ_MODIFIED_DATE",
                                                     AS "STATE_PA_SRVC_TYPE_CODE",
                                                        AS "WM_TASK_RTNG_DTL_SID",
                                              AS "WTRD_Assigned_to_user_acct_sid",
                            (fn_get_busniess_days (TRUNC (req.validity_start_date))
                            ) AS "Days<br>LeftSort",
                                                  AS "WTRD_Assigned_to_OrgUntSid",
                               ((SELECT COUNT (*)
                                   FROM pa_request_status prs
                                  WHERE prs.pa_rqst_sid = req.pa_rqst_sid
                                    AND prs.status_cid = 5
                                    AND prs.oprtnl_flag = 'I'),
                                0, 'N',
                               ) AS "SHOW_UTILIZATION"
                       FROM   pa_request req,
                             pa_certification_identifier pci,
                             status sts,
                             pa_request_x_member prxm,
                             wm_pa_task_routing_detail wmdtl,
                             pa_service_date psd,
                             org_unit ou,
                             pa_request_service prs,
                             pa_request_x_provider_location prxpl,
                             provider_location pl,
                             provider_detail pd,
                             provider p,
                             mbr_dmgrphc md
                      WHERE req.oprtnl_flag = 'A'
                        AND req.status_cid NOT IN
                                     (20, 30, 70, 25, 80, 96, 85, 5, 97, 98, 101)
                        AND req.org_unit_sid IN
                               (3057, 3142, 3058, 3143, 3059, 3144, 3060, 3145,
                                3061, 3146, 3062, 3147, 3063, 3148, 3064, 3149,
                                3065, 3150, 3066, 3151, 3067, 3152, 3068, 3153,
                                3069, 3154, 3070, 3155, 3071, 3156, 3072, 3157,
                                3073, 3158, 3074, 3159, 3075, 3160, 3076, 3161,
                                3077, 3162, 3078, 3163, 3079, 3164, 3080, 3165,
                                3081, 3166, 3082, 3167, 3083, 3168, 3084, 3169,
                                3085, 3170, 3086, 3171, 3087, 3172, 3088, 3173,
                                3089, 3174, 3090, 3175, 3091, 3176, 3092, 3177,
                                3093, 3178, 3094, 3179, 3095, 3180, 3096, 3181,
                                3097, 3182, 3098, 3183, 3099, 3184, 3100, 3185,
                                3101, 3186, 3102, 3187, 3103, 3003, 75000104,
                                75000108, 2006, 75000103, 75000102, 75000113,
                                75000111, 75000109, 2001, 2009, 75000105,
                                75000107, 2004, 2010, 2013, 2014, 2005, 2011,
                                75000112, 2002, 1001, 2012, 75000106, 2007,
                                75000101, 2003, 75000110, 2008, 3001, 3002, 3019,
                                3104, 3020, 3105, 3021, 3106, 3022, 3107, 3023,
                                3108, 3024, 3109, 3025, 3110, 3026, 3111, 3027,
                                3112, 3028, 3113, 3029, 3114, 3030, 3115, 3031,
                                3116, 3032, 3117, 3033, 3118, 3034, 3119, 3035,
                                3120, 3036, 3121, 3037, 3122, 3038, 3123, 3039,
                                3124, 3040, 3125, 3041, 3126, 3042, 3127, 3043,
                                3128, 3044, 3129, 3045, 3130, 3046, 3131, 3047,
                                3132, 3048, 3133, 3049, 3134, 3050, 3135, 3051,
                                3136, 3052, 3137, 3053, 3138, 3054, 3139, 3055,
                                3140, 3056, 3141)
                        AND req.pa_rqst_sid = prs.pa_rqst_sid
                        AND prs.oprtnl_flag = 'A'
                        AND prs.pa_rqst_srvc_sid = psd.pa_rqst_srvc_sid
                        AND psd.oprtnl_flag = 'A'
                        AND req.pa_rqst_sid = pci.pa_rqst_sid
                        AND pci.oprtnl_flag = 'A'
                        AND req.pa_rqst_sid = prxm.pa_rqst_sid
                        AND prxm.oprtnl_flag = 'A'
                        AND md.oprtnl_flag = 'A'
                        AND md.status_cid = 2
                        AND TRUNC (SYSDATE) BETWEEN md.from_date AND md.TO_DATE
                        AND prxm.mbr_sid = md.mbr_sid
                        AND ou.org_unit_sid = req.org_unit_sid
                        AND ou.oprtnl_flag = 'A'
                        AND req.pa_rqst_sid = prxpl.pa_rqst_sid
                        AND prxm.pa_rqst_sid = prxpl.pa_rqst_sid
                        AND pci.pa_rqst_sid = prxm.pa_rqst_sid
                        AND pci.pa_rqst_sid = wmdtl.subsystem_task_sid
                        AND pci.pa_rqst_sid = prxpl.pa_rqst_sid
                        AND prxpl.pa_prvdr_type_lkpcd = 'RR'
                        AND prxpl.oprtnl_flag = 'A'
                        AND req.status_cid = sts.status_cid
                        AND sts.status_type_cid = 3
                        AND sts.oprtnl_flag = 'A'
                        AND prxpl.prvdr_lctn_iid = pl.prvdr_lctn_iid
                        AND p.prvdr_sid = pd.prvdr_sid
                        AND p.prvdr_sid = pl.prvdr_sid
                        AND pd.oprtnl_flag = 'A'
                        AND pd.status_cid = 2
                        AND TRUNC (SYSDATE) BETWEEN pd.from_date AND pd.TO_DATE
                        AND wmdtl.subsystem_task_sid = req.pa_rqst_sid
                        AND wmdtl.subsystem_lkpcd = 'PA'
                        AND wmdtl.oprtnl_flag = 'A'
                        AND req.pa_rqst_date > (SYSDATE - 365)
                                       ORDER BY TO_DATE ("Request Date", 'MM/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss') DESC,
                            "Beneficiary Name" ASC) a
    WHERE ROWNUM < 102;regards,
    P Prakash
    Edited by: BluShadow on 17-May-2011 15:01
    added {noformat}{noformat} tags around the code                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

    833560 wrote:
    Can any one give me clue ,how to find out which sub query returns more than one row in the following query .This is why smaller, simpler queries are easier to work with than huge ones - when something like this goes wrong smaller queries are much eaiser to debug. Unfortunately using smaller, easier-to-work with queries is not always an option
    Ganesh is right - you will have to dissect the big query bit by bit until you find the offending subquery. If there is another way I would like to find out about it too.
    The easiest way to do this is probably to use block comments to isolate parts of the query bit by bit until you find the offending part. If you carefully examine the subqueries you might be able to figure out which one is returning multiple rows without commenting everything
    Good luck!

  • How to use sub query in CAML in splist

    want to know whether any sub query functionality can be achieved in splist/sp doc lib using  CAML designer 2013/ query builder. also inner joins need to be implemented as pe rmy requirement.
    if caml designer is not supported, whats the allternative way of doing this?
    can LINQ to SP be used? if yes, can anyone pls roivde how to implement  the same
     help is appreciated

    You can use the let keyword to scope a variable containing the result of your subquery.
     However, it depends on the LINQ provider as to whether or not it can understand the command.
    For example, you can create the sample like this
    var result = (from p in productInQuery
          join o in orderInfoQuery on p.refNo equals o.refNo
          join t in productOutQuery on equals t.productInNo into productIn
          from t in productIn.DefaultIfEmpty()
          let dateOut = (from m in orderInfoQuery where m.refNo == t.refNo select m.processData).FirstOrDefault()
          orderby o.processDate descending
          select new
              modelNo = x.modelNo,
              qty = p.qty,
              dateIn = o.processDate,
              dateOut = dateOut
    For more info, check this

  • Case Statement in sub query

    Hi, I have two issues, here is my initial code:
    from cla_case cc, rbn_loss rl
    where cc.name_id_no = rl.customer_no
    and rl.year_of_incident < trunc(cc.discover_date)
    and rl.type_of_loss < 1000
    and rl.timestamp < trunc(cc.discover_date)
    and (cc.question_class = 20
    or cc.question_class = 25)
    and (trunc(cc.discover_date)- (rl.year_of_incident)) < 1095
    --and (trunc(cc.discover_date) <> (rl.year_of_incident))
    group by cc.cla_case_no,name_id_no, cc.discover_date,rl.timestamp
    Now a cla_case_no can map to several year_of_incident. I only want the cla_case_no that maps to the max year_of_incident ie There should only be a single cla_case_no corresponding to the max year_of_incident.
    To get around this I did the following which is not very efficient and I'm hoping it can be improved:
    select distinct z.cla_case_no from (
    from cla_case cc, rbn_loss rl
    where cc.name_id_no = rl.customer_no
    and rl.year_of_incident < trunc(cc.discover_date)
    and rl.type_of_loss < 1000
    and rl.timestamp < trunc(cc.discover_date)
    and (cc.question_class = 20
    or cc.question_class = 25)
    and (trunc(cc.discover_date)- (rl.year_of_incident)) < 1095
    --and (trunc(cc.discover_date) <> (rl.year_of_incident))
    group by cc.cla_case_no,name_id_no, cc.discover_date,rl.timestamp
    ) z
    Now comes the second issue: The above is actually a subquery that will link to a bigger table via cla_case_no ccx
    ie ,(select distinct z.cla_case_no from (
    select cc.name_id_no, cc.discover_date ,cc.cla_case_no, max(rl.year_of_incident)Non_MW_Loss_Past_5, rl.timestamp
    from cla_case cc, rbn_loss rl
    where cc.name_id_no = rl.customer_no
    and rl.year_of_incident < trunc(cc.discover_date)
    and rl.type_of_loss < 1000
    and rl.timestamp < trunc(cc.discover_date)
    and (cc.question_class = 20
    or cc.question_class = 25)
    and (trunc(cc.discover_date)- (rl.year_of_incident)) < 1095
    --and (trunc(cc.discover_date) <> (rl.year_of_incident))
    group by cc.cla_case_no,name_id_no, cc.discover_date,rl.timestamp
    ) z
    where z.cla_case_no = ccx.cla_case_no
    ) Non_MW_Loss_Past_5
    FROM etc
    Now only certain cc.cla_case_no from the subquery will corresp to the ccx_cla_case_no from the main table and the other entries will be null.
    What I require is that if the subquery returns a result that IS NOT NULL to return 'Y' ELSE 'N' instead of the varies cla_case_no's and (null) entries in the Non_MW_Loss_Past_5 column
    Oracle Database 11g Release - 64bit Production
    PL/SQL Release - Production
    "CORE Production"
    TNS for Linux: Version - Production
    NLSRTL Version - Production

    It looks like you have another copy of this question:
    Case Statement and sub query
    That's probably not your fault, but you should mark the other copy as "Answered" right away, and then you'll only have to look for replies in one place.
    885178 wrote:
    ... Now a cla_case_no can map to several year_of_incident. I only want the cla_case_no that maps to the max year_of_incident ie There should only be a single cla_case_no corresponding to the max year_of_incident.If you know there will only be one, then you can use LAST, and you don't need GrOUP BY
    To get around this I did the following which is not very efficient and I'm hoping it can be improved:
    select distinct z.cla_case_no from (
    from cla_case cc, rbn_loss rl
    where cc.name_id_no = rl.customer_no
    and rl.year_of_incident < trunc(cc.discover_date)
    and rl.type_of_loss < 1000
    and rl.timestamp < trunc(cc.discover_date)
    and (cc.question_class = 20
    or cc.question_class = 25)
    and (trunc(cc.discover_date)- (rl.year_of_incident)) < 1095
    --and (trunc(cc.discover_date) <> (rl.year_of_incident))
    group by cc.cla_case_no,name_id_no, cc.discover_date,rl.timestamp
    ) zHere's one way:
    SELECT       MIN (cla_case_no) KEEP (DENSE_RANK LAST ORDER BY r1.year_of_incident)
                         AS latest_cla_case_no
    FROM       cla_case     cc
    ,             rbn_loss      rl
    WHERE     cc.name_id_no          = rl.customer_no
    AND       rl.year_of_incident     > TRUNC (cc.discover_date) - 1095
    AND       rl.year_of_incident      < TRUNC (cc.discover_date)
    AND       rl.type_of_loss     < 1000
    AND       rl.timestamp          < TRUNC (cc.discover_date)
    AND       cc.question_class     IN (20, 25)
    ;If you'd post some sample data (CREATE TABLE and INSERT statements) and the results you want from that data, then I could test this.
    Now comes the second issue: The above is actually a subquery that will link to a bigger table via cla_case_no ccx
    ie ,(select distinct z.cla_case_no from (
    select cc.name_id_no, cc.discover_date ,cc.cla_case_no, max(rl.year_of_incident)Non_MW_Loss_Past_5, rl.timestamp
    from cla_case cc, rbn_loss rl
    where cc.name_id_no = rl.customer_no
    and rl.year_of_incident < trunc(cc.discover_date)
    and rl.type_of_loss < 1000
    and rl.timestamp < trunc(cc.discover_date)
    and (cc.question_class = 20
    or cc.question_class = 25)
    and (trunc(cc.discover_date)- (rl.year_of_incident)) < 1095
    --and (trunc(cc.discover_date) <> (rl.year_of_incident))
    group by cc.cla_case_no,name_id_no, cc.discover_date,rl.timestamp
    ) z
    where z.cla_case_no = ccx.cla_case_no
    ) Non_MW_Loss_Past_5
    FROM etc
    Now only certain cc.cla_case_no from the subquery will corresp to the ccx_cla_case_no from the main table and the other entries will be null.
    What I require is that if the subquery returns a result that IS NOT NULL to return 'Y' ELSE 'N' instead of the varies cla_case_no's and (null) entries in the Non_MW_Loss_Past_5 column
    NVL2 (x, 'Y', 'N')returns 'Y' if x is NULL, and it returns 'N' if x is not NULL. X can be a scalar sub-query:
    NVL2 ((SELECT ...), 'Y', 'N')You could also use an EXISTS sub-query:
        WHEN  EXISTS (SELECT ...)
        THEN  'Y'
        ELSE  'N'

  • Order by clause in Sub query

    Can we use order by clause in Sub query?
    While using the order by clause, I am getting the "missing expression error" . If I remove order by clause query executing fine.
    Here is my query:
    select *
    from emp_mstr
    where emp_no in(select
    from emp_mstr
    order by branch_no);
    Thanks & Regards,

    May be you miss some required spaces also, other than wrong use of ORDER BY
    select *
    from emp_mstr
    where emp_no in
         ( select e2.emp_no
           from emp_mstr e2
    --       order by e2.branch_no
         );Why do you want to ORDER BY in the subquery, which you use with IN clause? That will not make any difference in the result..Means the result you get with ORDER BY will be same as without that.. And in this case, ORDER by is a unncessary overhead.. And Ordering is very costly..
    And why do you want to have the IN clause at all in your query? You are referring the same tables in the main query and sub query..
    The below will give the same result
    select *
    from emp_mstr
    where emp_no is not nullIf you want to use another table in the subquery, always use aliasess...
    select *
    from emp_mstr
    where emp_no in
         ( select e2.emp_no
           from emp_mstr2 e2
    --       order by e2.branch_no

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