Connect two Mac's on oppsite sides of the country with "connect to server"

I work in a recording studio and we have a small network setup which allows us to share hard drives (sound fx libraries, etc...) and transfer files back and forth. This is done with a simple "connect to server" using an IP address. I am moving out of state but will still be working for the same company and I need to setup a similar connection for sharing files. Ive tried to test this off-site several times but it always times out. How can I set this up? Can't find anything on google (probably searching the wrong things)...

First, I want to say you must make sure you know which computer is doing the connecting, and which computer is receiving that connection. The computer you choose "Connect To Server" on is the one sending a connection request. The computer on which you go into SystemPreferences, Sharing and turn on your AFP sharing or FTP will accept the connection and needs to be accessible from the internet-at-large.
Keep in mind it will also be able to accept connections from anyone, and that may pose security risks. Keep passwords secure, and you could also ensure that your firewall accepts connections only from you. That's a highly paranoid move and you should only do it if you know what you're doing, because it's easy to break things.
All of the above posts are assuming that your computers are behind a router on what's called a private network. A quick layman's way to find out if you're on such a network is to open the System Preferences and view Network. Look at the IP address and if it's any of these, you're on a private network.
It's usually the last of these which routers hand out. Any other IP addresses on the machine you're trying to connect to Think of these private networks as not actually being on the internet. Your router handles the task of granting access to all of the computers on the network access to anything that lies outside the network, which is the internet. It fools the internet-at-large into believing there is only one computer at your address, and merging all requests for data into one, then correctly passing all the returned data to whichever computer in your home or office asked for it.
*Your router denies all requests for data at your home or office unless you set up "Port Forwarding* This includes attempting to connect to Personal Web Sharing, File Sharing, Printer Sharing, and, well... everything.
In order to allow anyone connecting into your network to fileshare with a given computer, you must configure the router. This is usually done with a web browser pointed at the router's address from a computer inside the network. You can find that router's address in System Preferences, Network. You will need the login and password, which may still be the default, and will depend entirely on which brand your router is.
Every router brand is different, and will have slightly different terms and instructions on how to configure your port forwarding. It might not even be called Port Forwarding. For example mine calls it "Virtual Server". Google search your router brand and model and you'll easily find some directions on how to do this.
The above posters have given you their opinions on which ports to forward. Keep in mind that you can only do this to one computer. If you want to do it to a second computer, here's how it will go:
The second computer will still listen on the same port. The router will accept connections on a different port, but will pass along the request at the port the second computer is listening on.
public port 6000 send to private server: private port 427
Again these terms can be called something different depending on which brand your router is.
You will "Connect to Server" like this.
If you want to tunnel through SSH that may require you to use different ports, but the procedure is the same.

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    It appears what happened is the installer though it was looking at a empty drive and just went ahead and installed.
    I of course am assuming here you didn't use Disk Utility to format the drive first before installing, that would wipe out your files and programs for sure.
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    So what you will have to do is this:
    Create a data recovery/undelete external boot drive
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    You are making some progress with setup of wireless network. Apparently there is reliability problem with the wireless connection. Perhaps you want to refer to following Apple support documents and start tweaking parameters in the router to improve the reliability. I used to have third-party routers such as Belkin and Netgear but switched to Apple Airport routers (Time Capsule then Airport Extreme for now) because of incompatibility issues whenever Apple upgrade Mac OS X. But since Apple develops Airplay protocol as alternative to Bluetooth for wireless audio/video streaming (with much better bandwidth) and must be deployed in any wireless network, there is no reason third-party routers not working for Airplay protocol.
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    iOS: Recommended settings for Wi-Fi routers and access points:
    Troubleshooting AirPlay and AirPlay Mirroring:
    Good luck in setting up 802.11 wirelesss network.

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    1. Turn off iPad
    2. Turn on computer and launch iTune (make sure you have the latest version of iTune)
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    A Power Mac is incapable of being upgraded to Mavericks. It is a PPC Mac which can only run versions of OS X up to 10.5.8 and no higher. Any version of OS X higher that 10.5.8 requires an Intel processor to run.
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    If you mean that you cannot remember the password for your WiFi network this will work for you - or it should work if you are the administrator on the Mac.
    You will need to be logged in as the administrator on your Mac and you must know the password - Open Keychain Access on your Mac in the utilities folder, click on Passwords. Find the Airport Network Password listed on the right. Double click on it. Click on show password in the the window that pops up. Enter your administrator password when prompted and click allow.
    If Keychain is locked - you must enter the administrator password there as well to unlock it and access the password.
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    Intel HD 3000 graphics card can easily handle HD movies up to 1080p. But if you are looking at higher resolutions possibly 4k or 8k that are being released this summer in new TV's, I would go with the AMD card. The AMD card would be good for video and picture applications and also games. But if this is strictly to power your 1080p home theater setup then the choice is obviously the Intel HD 3000.

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    Look at iOS Troubleshooting Wi-Fi networks and connections
    Additional things to try.
    Turn Off your iPad. Then turn Off the wireless router & then back On. Now boot your iPad. Hopefully it will see the WiFi.
    On your iPad go to Settings > General > Reset > Reset network settings and see if that enables you to connect.
     Cheers, Tom

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