Connected to Internet or not connected? what is wrong with this code?

here is a simple code to check whether Internet is connected to my machine or not----------
class CheckNet
     public static void main(String args[])
               }catch(InterruptedException ie){System.out.println(ie);}
     static void check()
                         String hostAddress ;
                         InetAddress localHost ;
                              localHost = InetAddress.getLocalHost();
                              hostAddress = localHost.getHostAddress();
                              if (hostAddress.equals( "" ))
                              System.out.println("Not connected");
                              System.out.println("Connect to host: " + hostAddress);
                    catch(UnknownHostException ukhe){System.out.println(ukhe);}
this code tells the status of connection at first call of method check() in code, but can not update itself i.e if status of net conn is changed prog continues to output the same result.
CAN ANYBODY HELP ME TO REMOVE THE BUG / or suggest a better way?

I've run into the same issue and found the following:
InetAddress caches successful and unsuccessful host name resolutions (See JavaDocs for InetAddress for more detail on this).
My guess is that InetAddress has cached the unsuccessful attempt and therefore when a network connection is established in your application loop, InetAddress "thinks" its still not connected.
The JavaDocs say something about setting a security property which can control the cache time, but I haven't been able to get InetAddress to recognize the property change. I'm probably not setting it in the right place.

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    Please could someone tell me what is wrong with this code - on(release)
    this is the error that comes up and i have tried changing it but it is not working
    **Error** Scene=Scene 1, layer=Layer 2, frame=1:Line 2: '{' expected
    Total ActionScript Errors: 1 Reported Errors: 1

    If you have a frame labelled "2" then it should be:
    on (release) {
    or other wise just the following to go to frame 2:
    on (release) {
    You just had a missing curly bracket...

  • I can't figure out what's wrong with this code

    First i want this program to allow me to enter a number with the EasyReader class and depending on the number entered it will show that specific line of this peom:
    One two buckle your shoe
    Three four shut the door
    Five six pick up sticks
    Seven eight lay them straight
    Nine ten this is the end.
    The error message i got was an illegal start of expression. I can't figure out why it is giving me this error because i have if (n = 1) || (n = 2) statements. My code is:
    public class PoemSeventeen
    public static void main(String[] args)
    EasyReader console = new EasyReader();
    System.out.println("Enter a number for the poem (0 to quit): ");
    int n = console.readInt();
    if (n = 1) || (n = 2)
    System.out.println("One, two, buckle your shoe");
    else if (n = 3) || (n = 4)
    System.out.println("Three, four, shut the door");
    else if (n = 5) || (n = 6)
    System.out.println("Five, six, pick up sticks");
    else if (n = 7) || (n = 8)
    System.out.println("Seven, eight, lay them straight");
    else if (n = 9) || (n = 10)
    System.out.println("Nine, ten, this is the end");
    else if (n = 0)
    System.out.println("You may exit now");
    System.out.println("Put in a number between 0 and 10");
    I messed around with a few other thing because i had some weird errors before but now i have narrowed it down to just this 1 error.
    The EasyReader class code:
    // package;
    * @author Gary Litvin
    * @version 1.2, 5/30/02
    * Written as part of
    * <i>Java Methods: An Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming</i>
    * (Skylight Publishing 2001, ISBN 0-9654853-7-4)
    * and
    * <i>Java Methods AB: Data Structures</i>
    * (Skylight Publishing 2003, ISBN 0-9654853-1-5)
    * EasyReader provides simple methods for reading the console and
    * for opening and reading text files. All exceptions are handled
    * inside the class and are hidden from the user.
    * <xmp>
    * Example:
    * =======
    * EasyReader console = new EasyReader();
    * System.out.print("Enter input file name: ");
    * String fileName = console.readLine();
    * EasyReader inFile = new EasyReader(fileName);
    * if (inFile.bad())
    * System.err.println("Can't open " + fileName);
    * System.exit(1);
    * String firstLine = inFile.readLine();
    * if (!inFile.eof()) // or: if (firstLine != null)
    * System.out.println("The first line is : " + firstLine);
    * System.out.print("Enter the maximum number of integers to read: ");
    * int maxCount = console.readInt();
    * int k, count = 0;
    * while (count < maxCount && !inFile.eof())
    * k = inFile.readInt();
    * if (!inFile.eof())
    * // process or store this number
    * count++;
    * inFile.close(); // optional
    * System.out.println(count + " numbers read");
    * </xmp>
    public class EasyReader
    protected String myFileName;
    protected BufferedReader myInFile;
    protected int myErrorFlags = 0;
    protected static final int OPENERROR = 0x0001;
    protected static final int CLOSEERROR = 0x0002;
    protected static final int READERROR = 0x0004;
    protected static final int EOF = 0x0100;
    * Constructor. Prepares console ( for reading
    public EasyReader()
    myFileName = null;
    myErrorFlags = 0;
    myInFile = new BufferedReader(
    new InputStreamReader(, 128);
    * Constructor. opens a file for reading
    * @param fileName the name or pathname of the file
    public EasyReader(String fileName)
    myFileName = fileName;
    myErrorFlags = 0;
    myInFile = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(fileName), 1024);
    catch (FileNotFoundException e)
    myErrorFlags |= OPENERROR;
    myFileName = null;
    * Closes the file
    public void close()
    if (myFileName == null)
    catch (IOException e)
    System.err.println("Error closing " + myFileName + "\n");
    myErrorFlags |= CLOSEERROR;
    * Checks the status of the file
    * @return true if en error occurred opening or reading the file,
    * false otherwise
    public boolean bad()
    return myErrorFlags != 0;
    * Checks the EOF status of the file
    * @return true if EOF was encountered in the previous read
    * operation, false otherwise
    public boolean eof()
    return (myErrorFlags & EOF) != 0;
    private boolean ready() throws IOException
    return myFileName == null || myInFile.ready();
    * Reads the next character from a file (any character including
    * a space or a newline character).
    * @return character read or <code>null</code> character
    * (Unicode 0) if trying to read beyond the EOF
    public char readChar()
    char ch = '\u0000';
    if (ready())
    ch = (char);
    catch (IOException e)
    if (myFileName != null)
    System.err.println("Error reading " + myFileName + "\n");
    myErrorFlags |= READERROR;
    if (ch == '\u0000')
    myErrorFlags |= EOF;
    return ch;
    * Reads from the current position in the file up to and including
    * the next newline character. The newline character is thrown away
    * @return the read string (excluding the newline character) or
    * null if trying to read beyond the EOF
    public String readLine()
    String s = null;
    s = myInFile.readLine();
    catch (IOException e)
    if (myFileName != null)
    System.err.println("Error reading " + myFileName + "\n");
    myErrorFlags |= READERROR;
    if (s == null)
    myErrorFlags |= EOF;
    return s;
    * Skips whitespace and reads the next word (a string of consecutive
    * non-whitespace characters (up to but excluding the next space,
    * newline, etc.)
    * @return the read string or null if trying to read beyond the EOF
    public String readWord()
    StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(128);
    char ch = ' ';
    int count = 0;
    String s = null;
    while (ready() && Character.isWhitespace(ch))
    ch = (char);
    while (ready() && !Character.isWhitespace(ch))
    ch = (char);
    if (count > 0)
    s = buffer.toString();
    myErrorFlags |= EOF;
    catch (IOException e)
    if (myFileName != null)
    System.err.println("Error reading " + myFileName + "\n");
    myErrorFlags |= READERROR;
    return s;
    * Reads the next integer (without validating its format)
    * @return the integer read or 0 if trying to read beyond the EOF
    public int readInt()
    String s = readWord();
    if (s != null)
    return Integer.parseInt(s);
    return 0;
    * Reads the next double (without validating its format)
    * @return the number read or 0 if trying to read beyond the EOF
    public double readDouble()
    String s = readWord();
    if (s != null)
    return Double.parseDouble(s);
    // in Java 1, use: return Double.valueOf(s).doubleValue();
    return 0.0;
    Can anybody please tell me what's wrong with this code? Thanks

    String[] message = {
        "One, two, buckle your shoe",
        "One, two, buckle your shoe",
        "Three, four, shut the door",
        "Three, four, shut the door",
        "Five, six, pick up sticks",
        "Five, six, pick up sticks",
        "Seven, eight, lay them straight",
        "Seven, eight, lay them straight",
        "Nine, ten, this is the end",
        "Nine, ten, this is the end"

  • What's wrong with this code (in recursion there may be a problem )

    // there may be a problem in recursion
    import java.util.*;
    class Test
    Vector phy,db;
    public static void main(String adf[])
         Vector pp1=new Vector();
         Vector dp1=new Vector();
         //adding elements to the vector
    public static void printVector(Vector v1)
         System.out.println("Vector size "+v1.size());
         for(int i=0;i<v1.size();i++)
    public static void check2Vectors(Vector p,Vector d)
         System.out.println("p.size() "+p.size()+" d.size() "+d.size());
         for(int i=0;i<p.size();i++)
                   for(int j=0;j<d.size();j++)
                        System.out.println(" i= "+i+" j= "+j);
                        Object s1=p.elementAt(i);
                        Object s2=d.elementAt(j);
              System.out.println("Checking "+s1+" and "+s2);
    System.out.println("Equal and Removing "+s1+" and "+s2);
                   }//inner for
              }//outer for     
    System.out.println("Vector checking finished and both match");
    System.out.println("Vector checking finished and both do not match");

    but the upper limit is changing everytime you call the function recursively
    so there should not be any problem(i suppose)
    my intension is to get the unmatched elements of the two vectors
    suggest me changes and thanks in advancce
    The problems comes from the fact that you remove
    elements for a Vector while iterating in a loop where
    the upper limit as been set to the initial size of the
    You should use so while loops with flexible stop
    conditions that would work when the size of the Vector
    Finally: why don't you use Vector.equals() ?

  • What's wrong with this code (AS3)?

    I want to publish a live stream and, when a button is pressed, publish the same stream for vod.  I haven't been able to get an answer as to whether I can do code is below.  Can someone please tell me if I can do this, or what may be wrong with my code?
    The live stream and playback works fine; but the recording doesn't start.  Also, I want other objects on the client, such as the current camera and audio information, and the aspect ratio being used.  I havent' been able to get these to show up (i.e., the incomingLbl and outgoingLbl do not show up).
    Thank you,
    Phillip A
    My code:
    package {
        import flash.display.MovieClip;
        import fl.controls.Button;
        import fl.controls.Label;
        import fl.controls.TextArea;
        import fl.controls.CheckBox;
        public class vodcast1 extends MovieClip {
            private var nc:NetConnection;
            private var nc2:NetConnection;
            private var ns:NetStream;
            private var ns2:NetStream;
            private var nsPlayer:NetStream;
            private var vid:Video;
            private var vidPlayer:Video;
            private var cam:Camera;
            private var mic:Microphone;
            private var camr:Camera;
            private var micr:Microphone;
            private var clearBtn:Button;
            private var startRecordBtn:Button;
            private var outgoingLbl:Label;
            private var incomingLbl:Label;
            private var myMetadata:Object;
            private var outputWindow:TextArea;
            private var cb1:CheckBox;
            public function vodcast1(){
                nc = new NetConnection();
                nc.addEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS, onNetStatus);
                nc2 = new NetConnection();
                nc2.addEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS, onNetStatus2);
            private function startRecordHandler(event:MouseEvent):void {
            private function onNetStatus(event:NetStatusEvent):void {
                trace( + ": " +;
                switch (
                    case "NetConnection.Connect.Success":
                        trace("Congratulations! you're connected to live");
                    case "NetStream.Publish.Start":
            // NetStatus handler for Record stream       
            private function onNetStatus2(event:NetStatusEvent):void {
                trace( + ": " +;
                switch (
                    case "NetConnection.Connect.Success":
                        trace("Congratulations! you're connected to vod");                   
                    case "NetConnection.Connect.Rejected":
                    case "NetConnection.Connect.Failed":
                    trace ("Oops! the connection was rejected");
                    case "NetStream.Publish.Start":
            private function asyncErrorHandler(event:AsyncErrorEvent):void {
            private function sendMetadata():void {
                trace("sendMetaData() called")
                myMetadata = new Object();
                myMetadata.customProp = "Recording in progress";
                ns.send("@setDataFrame", "onMetaData", myMetadata);
            private function publishRecordStream():void {
                camr = Camera.getCamera();
                micr = Microphone.getMicrophone();
                ns2 = new NetStream(nc2);
                ns2.client = new Object();
                ns2.addEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS, onNetStatus2);
                ns2.addEventListener(AsyncErrorEvent.ASYNC_ERROR, asyncErrorHandler);
                ns2.publish("vodstream", "record");           
            private function publishCamera():void {
                cam = Camera.getCamera();
                mic = Microphone.getMicrophone();
                ns = new NetStream(nc);
                ns.client = this;
                ns.addEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS, onNetStatus);
                ns.addEventListener(AsyncErrorEvent.ASYNC_ERROR, asyncErrorHandler);
                ns.publish("livestream", "live");
            private function displayPublishingVideo():void {
                vid = new Video(cam.width, cam.height);
                vid.x = 10;
                vid.y = 30;
            private function displayPlaybackVideo():void {
                nsPlayer = new NetStream(nc);
                nsPlayer.client = this;
                nsPlayer.addEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS, onNetStatus);
                nsPlayer.addEventListener(AsyncErrorEvent.ASYNC_ERROR, asyncErrorHandler);
                vidPlayer = new Video(cam.width, cam.height);
                vidPlayer.x = cam.width + 100;
                vidPlayer.y = 30;
            private function setupUI():void {
                outputWindow = new TextArea();
                outputWindow.move(250, 175);
                outputWindow.width = 200;
                outputWindow.height = 50;
                outgoingLbl = new Label();
                incomingLbl = new Label();
                outgoingLbl.width = 100;
                incomingLbl.width = 100;
                outgoingLbl.text = "Publishing Stream";
                incomingLbl.text = "Playback Stream";
                outgoingLbl.move(20, 200);
                incomingLbl.move(300, 200);
                outgoingLbl.condenseWhite = true;
                incomingLbl.condenseWhite = true;
                startRecordBtn = new Button();
                startRecordBtn.width = 150;
                startRecordBtn.move(250, 345);
                startRecordBtn.label = "Start Recording";
                startRecordBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, startRecordHandler);
                //cb1 = new CheckBox();
                //cb1.label = "Record";
                //clearBtn = new Button();
    //            clearBtn.width = 100;
    //            clearBtn.move(135,345);
    //            clearBtn.label = "Clear Metadata";
    //            clearBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clearHandler);
    //            addChild(clearBtn);
    //            addChild(cb1);
            public function onMetaData(info:Object):void {

    use event.currentTarget (and you don't need to repeatedly define the same function):
    var c:int;
    var buttonName:String;
    for (c = 1;c < 5;c++) {
         buttonNum = "button"+c;
         this[buttonNum].addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, pressStepButton);
    function pressStepButton(event:MouseEvent) {          trace(event.currentTarget,;     }

  • FileFilter????What's wrong with this code???HELP!!

    I want to limit the JFileChooser to display only txt and java file. But the code I wrote has error and I don't know what's wrong with it. can anyone help me to check it out? Thank you.
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.event.*;
    public class FileFilterTest extends JPanel
         public static void main(String[] args)
              new FileFilterTest();
         public class fFilter implements FileFilter
              public boolean accept(File file)
                   String name = file.getName();
                   if(name.toLowerCase().endsWith(".java") || name.toLowerCase().endsWith(".txt"))
                        return true;
                        return false;
         public FileFilterTest()
              JFileChooser fc = new JFileChooser();
              fc.setFileFilter(new fFilter());
              fc.setCurrentDirectory(new File(System.getProperty("user.dir")));
              int returnVal = fc.showDialog(FileFilterTest.this, "Open File");
              if(returnVal == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION)
                   String file = fc.getSelectedFile().getPath();
                   if(file == null)
              else if(returnVal == JFileChooser.CANCEL_OPTION)
              JFrame f = new JFrame();
              FileFilterTest ff = new FileFilterTest();
              f.getContentPane().add(ff, BorderLayout.CENTER);
              f.setSize(800, 500);

    There are two file filters
    class javax.swing.filechooser.FileFilter
    In Swing you need to make a class which extends the first one and implements the second. Sometimes you may not need to implement the second, but it is more versitle to do so and requires no extra work.

  • Crop Functio... what is wrong with this code???

    Hi all,
    I have created this method to crop my bufferedimage, but when i call it it does not seem to do anything. :(
    Can anyone see what is wrong with it please?
    Thank you for you help!
         public BufferedImage cropImage()
              mBufferedImageCrop = copy(mBufferedImage);
              Graphics grphc = mBufferedImageCrop.getGraphics();
              Rectangle desiredArea = new Rectangle(10,10,10,10);
              BufferedImage sub_bi = mBufferedImageCrop.getSubimage(desiredArea.x, desiredArea.y,
                                                                                 desiredArea.width, desiredArea.height);
              grphc = mBufferedImageCrop.getGraphics();
              grphc.drawImage(sub_bi, desiredArea.x, desiredArea.y, this);
              return sub_bi;
         }I call this method using:

    I worked out the problem!

  • What is wrong with this code; i just dot understand , please help

    <%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html" %>
    <%-- Import the necessary Java classes --%>
    <%@ page import="javax.servlet.*" %>
    <%@ page import="javax.servlet.http.*" %>
    <%@ page import="java.sql.*" %>
    <%@ page import="java.awt.*" %>
    <%@ page import="*" %>
    <%@ page import="*" %>
    <%@ page import="java.util.*" %>
         String queryText = "insert into User values('";
              queryText = queryText.concat((String)request.getParameter("title"));
              queryText = queryText.concat("','");
              queryText = queryText.concat(request.getParameter("firstname"));
              queryText = queryText.concat("','");
              queryText = queryText.concat(request.getParameter("surname"));
              queryText = queryText.concat("','");
              queryText = queryText.concat(request.getParameter("email1"));
              queryText = queryText.concat("','");
              queryText = queryText.concat(request.getParameter("password2"));
              queryText = queryText.concat("','");
              queryText = queryText.concat(request.getParameter("security_question"));
              queryText = queryText.concat("','");
              queryText = queryText.concat(request.getParameter("security_answer"));
              queryText = queryText.concat("')");
         Statement stmt = null;
        ResultSet rs = null;
         try     {
                   //load the ODBC JDBC driver
                   //open a connection to the "gugis" database
                   Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:gugis","","");
                   //create a statement object for sending SQL queries
                   stmt = con.createStatement();
                   // Insert data into table using staement's method
                rs = stmt.executeQuery(queryText);          
                   //clean up all objects
              catch (ClassNotFoundException err)
                   out.println("Data can't be inserted into our database...");
    </html>error msg comes when i try to submit
    HTTP Status 500 -
    type Exception report
    description The server encountered an internal error () that prevented it from fulfilling this request.
    org.apache.jasper.JasperException: An exception occurred processing JSP page / at line 49
    46:                stmt = con.createStatement();
    48:                // Insert data into table using staement's method
    49:             rs = stmt.executeQuery(queryText);          
    51:                //clean up all objects
    52:                stmt.close();
    root cause
    javax.servlet.ServletException: java.sql.SQLException: [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Number of query values and destination fields are not the same.
    root cause
    java.sql.SQLException: [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Number of query values and destination fields are not the same.
    note The full stack trace of the root cause is available in the Apache Tomcat/6.0.16 logs.
    Apache Tomcat/6.0.16i am working on this for the last three hour but no luck
    please help

    String queryText = "insert into User (Title, First_Name, Surname, Email, Password, Security_Question, Security_Answer) values('";
              queryText = queryText.concat((String)request.getParameter("title"));
              queryText = queryText.concat("','");
              queryText = queryText.concat(request.getParameter("firstname"));
              queryText = queryText.concat("','");
              queryText = queryText.concat(request.getParameter("surname"));
              queryText = queryText.concat("','");
              queryText = queryText.concat(request.getParameter("email1"));
              queryText = queryText.concat("','");
              queryText = queryText.concat(request.getParameter("password2"));
              queryText = queryText.concat("','");
              queryText = queryText.concat(request.getParameter("security_question"));
              queryText = queryText.concat("','");
              queryText = queryText.concat(request.getParameter("security_answer"));
              queryText = queryText.concat("')");i m using the above code instead of the other sql
    now i m getting the following
    HTTP Status 500 -
    type Exception report
    description The server encountered an internal error () that prevented it from fulfilling this request.
    org.apache.jasper.JasperException: javax.servlet.ServletException: java.sql.SQLException: No ResultSet was produced
    root cause
    javax.servlet.ServletException: java.sql.SQLException: No ResultSet was produced
    root cause
    java.sql.SQLException: No ResultSet was produced
    note The full stack trace of the root cause is available in the Apache Tomcat/6.0.16 logs.
    Apache Tomcat/6.0.16help plz

  • Can someone tell me what's wrong with this code....

    I apologize in advance for anyone who isn't a Steelers fan...
    import java.awt.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class myJPanel extends JPanel
         public myJPanel()
         JLabel label1 = new JLabel();
         label1.setText("Ben Roethlisberger #7 Age 23");
         JButton jb1;
         ImageIcon imageBen = new ImageIcon("Ben.JPG");
         jb1 = new JButton(imageBen);
         JLabel label3 = new JLabel();
         String whatIsUp()
              int n = 0;
              double nn = 0;
              String b = "......";
              nn = (Math.random() * 6);
              n = (int)nn;
              if (n == 0)
                   b = "Ben Roethlisberger throws a touchdown pass to Hines Ward.";
                   JButton jb2;
              ImageIcon imageHines = new ImageIcon("Hines.jpg");
              jb2 = new JButton(imageHines);
              if (n == 1) b = "Ben Roethlisberger throws a touchdown pass to Antwaan Randle El.";
              if (n == 2) b = "Ben Roethlisberger throws a touchdown pass to Heath Miller.";
              if (n == 3) b = "Ben Roethlisberger throws a touchdown pass to Cedrick Wilson.";
              if (n == 4) b = "Ben Roethlisberger throws a touchdown pass to Jerame Tuman.";
              if (n == 5) b = "Ben Roethlisberger hands off to Jerome Bettis for a touchdown.";
              return b;
    Everything is ok if i take the for loop out, but for some reason everything just gets screwed up if I have that for loop in there. And these are the error messages I'm getting.
    'illegal start of type (line 21)' and '<identifier> expected (line 48)'
    Thanks in advance for your help...

    Hey I'm sorry but this is only my second week doing
    Java. Do you think you could explain that more or
    give me an example??
    Bad Version (like yours but simplified)
    public class Sample{
      public static void main(String args[]){
        for(int i=0;i<20;i++){
          String whatIsUp(){
             return "Doc";
          System.out.println(?);// I am not even sure how to write this voodoo part
    }Good Version
    public class Sample{
      public static void main(String args[]){
        for(int i=0;i<20;i++){
          String aString = whatIsUp();
      String whatIsUp(){
        return "Doc";

  • Help!!! What's wrong with this code. JSP page can't retrieve properties.

    I'v got a piece of code that was created to send some parameters to JSP page via POST method. But in server page I can't retrieve this parameters, please help me and try to find "main" bug in this code.
    try {
    URL url = new URL("http://localhost/index.jsp");
    HttpURLConnection httpCon = (HttpURLConnection)url.openConnection();
    httpCon.setRequestMethod( "POST" );
    httpCon.setDoOutput( true );
    String body = URLEncoder.encode("name=Oleg", "UTF-8");
    httpCon.setRequestProperty( "Content-length", Integer.toString( outBody.length() ));
    httpCon.setRequestProperty( "Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" );
    OutputStream os = httpCon.getOutputStream();
    PrintWriter ow = new PrintWriter( os );
    ow.print( body );
    } catch (....) {

    You must not encode all the body just the values of the parameters.
    You can do as following in order to send a post request with 2 parameters
    String param1 = "Co & sons";
    String param2 = "ltd.";
    String encParam1 = URLEncoder.encode(param1,"UTF-8");
    String encParam2 = URLEncoder.encode(param2,"UTF-8");
    String body = "param1="+encParam1+"&param2="+encParam2;
    OutputStream os = httpCon.getOutputStream();
    PrintWriter ow = new PrintWriter( os );
    ow.print( body );
    //read the response from the jsp
    InputStream inS = httpCon.getInputStream();
    byte[] buff = new byte[5000];
    StringBuffer sbuff = new StringBuffer();
    int nrBytes ;
    while( (nrBytes =, 0, 5000))!=-1) {
      sbuff.append(new String(buff,0,nrBytes));
    ...This is the jsp page which gets the parameters
         String param1 = request.getParameter("param1");
         param1 = new String(param1.getBytes(),"utf-8");
         String param2 = request.getParameter("param2");
         param2 = new String(param2.getBytes(),"utf-8");
    %>I hope I helped you.

  • I do not understand what is wrong with this function

    the error says that I need a ; in fromt of the public void action performed
    because it is an illegal start of an expression, but it is clearly not an expression.
       class EnterSerial implements FocusListener, ActionListener
              public void focusGained(FocusEvent fe)
                    { System.out.println("Focus gained");
              public void focusLost(FocusEvent fe)
                    { System.out.println("Focus Lost");
              public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
                    {  public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
                           SerialRead s;
                           String serialString;
                           int newline1,newline2;
                           String line1,line2,line3,linetmp;
                           String spindle,torque1,torque2,torque3,angle1,angle2,angle3;
                           s=new SerialRead();
                           blank_l1.setText("Waiting for data from Pass #1");
                           blank_l1.setText("Data Received.  Please verify data!");
                              System.out.println(":" + serialBuffer.toString() + ":");
                           linetmp=serialString.substring((serialString.indexOf("ZZZ") + 3));
                           line3=linetmp.substring(linetmp.indexOf("ZZZ") + 3);
                              int tval1 = Integer.parseInt(torque1);
                              int tval2 = Integer.parseInt(torque2);
                              int tval3 = Integer.parseInt(torque3);
                              int aval1 = Integer.parseInt(angle1);
                              int aval2 = Integer.parseInt(angle2);
                              int aval3 = Integer.parseInt(angle3);
                            serialBuffer.delete(0,((int) serialBuffer.length()));
    // beginning of button color changing if statements
                       if ((tval1 <= 45.00) || (tval1 >= 200.00))
                           { accept_1.setBackground(;
                               { accept_1.setBackground(;
    System.out.println("Set output 1");
                       if ((aval1 <= 170.00) || (aval1 >= 270.00))
                           { accept_1.setBackground(;
                               { accept_1.setBackground(;
                       if ((tval2 <= 45.00) || (tval2 >= 200.00))
                         { accept_1.setBackground(;
                             { reject_1.setBackground(;
                        if ((aval2 <= 170.00) || (aval2 >= 270.00))
                         { accept_1.setBackground(;
                               { accept_1.setBackground(;
                      if ((tval3 <= 45.00) || (tval3 >= 200.00))
                        { accept_1.setBackground(;
                             { reject_1.setBackground(;
                       if ((aval3 <= 170.00) || (aval3 >= 270.00))
                         { accept_1.setBackground(;
                               { accept_1.setBackground(;

    what u have written is
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
    {  public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
    it is impossible that method contains a method inside it
    so u r doing a fundamental mistake
    and what do u want by ,making 2 actionPerformed
    I couldnt understand the logic
    Anyway Its not possible

  • What's Wrong With This Code?

    I've been trying to get a test automaton plugin to work.  It builds correctly with no errors or warnings yet when I attempt to use it, I get no results.  No errors either.  All its intended to do is Copy > Make New Layer > Paste.  The code is below.  The sample code used was the MakeSelectFill plugin that I modified from the old 6.0 SDK along with using an older copy of Visual C++ that can open the project.  Any help is much appreciated.
    #include <stdio.h>//defines sprintf
    #include "PIUGet.h"//defines PIUGetInfo, not used in MakeSelectFill
    #include "PIDefines.h"//defines __PIMac__, __PIWin__
    #include "PIGeneral.h"//defines kPSPhotoshopCaller, kPSDoIt
    #include "SPInterf.h"//defines kSPInterfaceCaller, kSPInterfaceAboutSelector,
    #include "SPBasic.h"//defines SPBasicSuite
    #include "SPAccess.h"//defines kSPAccessCaller, kSPAccessReloadSelector,
                                                                                                                   //kSPAccessUnloadSelector, not used in MakeSelectFill
    #include "PIActions.h"//defines PSActionDescriptorProcs, PSActionReferenceProcs,
    #include "ADMBasic.h"//contains cross-platform alert dialogs, about boxes,
                                                                                                                   //file and directory dialogs, string conversions
    #include "PIUSuites.h"//defines PIUSuitesAcquire and PIUSuitesRelease
    //          Function Prototypes.
    DLLExport SPAPI SPErr PluginMain(const char* caller,
                                                                                    const char* selector,
                                                                                    const void* data );
    //          Globals -- Define global variables for plug-in scope.
    SPBasicSuite                              *sSPBasic = NULL;// the Basic Suite
    //create pointers to the suites
    PSActionDescriptorProcs          *sPSActionDescriptor = NULL;
    PSActionReferenceProcs          *sPSActionReference = NULL;
    PSActionControlProcs          *sPSActionControl = NULL;
    PSActionListProcs                    *sPSActionList = NULL;
    ADMBasicSuite                              *sADMBasic = NULL;
    _AcquireList MySuites[] =
              kPSActionDescriptorSuite, kPSActionDescriptorSuiteVersion, (void **)&sPSActionDescriptor,
              kPSActionReferenceSuite, kPSActionReferenceSuiteVersion, (void **)&sPSActionReference,
              //note that the previous version of the Control suite is used for compatibility with 5.5
              kPSActionControlSuite, kPSActionControlSuitePrevVersion, (void **)&sPSActionControl,
              kPSActionListSuite, kPSActionListSuiteVersion, (void **)&sPSActionList,
              kADMBasicSuite, kADMBasicSuiteVersion, (void **)&sADMBasic
    //          PluginMain
    //          All calls to the plug-in module come through this routine.
    //          It must be placed first in the resource. To achieve this,
    //          most development systems require this be the first routine
    //          in the source.
    //          The entrypoint will be "pascal void" for Macintosh,
    //          "void" for Windows.
    DLLExport SPAPI SPErr PluginMain(const char* caller, // who is calling
                                                                                    const char* selector, // what they want
                                                                                    const void* data )// the message
              SPErr error = kSPNoError;
              SPMessageData *basicMessage = NULL;
              // all messages contain a SPMessageData*
              basicMessage = (SPMessageData *) data;
              sSPBasic = basicMessage->basic;
              // acquire all the global suite pointers now
              error = PIUSuitesAcquire(sSPBasic,
                                       sizeof (MySuites) / sizeof (_AcquireList));
              if (error) return error;
              // check for SP interface callers
              if (sSPBasic->IsEqual((char*)caller, kSPInterfaceCaller))
                        if (sSPBasic->IsEqual((char*)selector, kSPInterfaceAboutSelector))
              // Photoshop is calling
              if (sSPBasic->IsEqual((char*)caller, kPSPhotoshopCaller))
                        // the one and only message
                        if (sSPBasic->IsEqual((char*)selector, kPSDoIt))
              // clean up, free memory
                               sizeof (MySuites) / sizeof (_AcquireList));
              return error;
    }/*end PluginMain*/
    //          Test Plugin
    //          This plugin is used as a test.
    //          Its functions are Copy > Make New Layer > Paste
    SPErr Copy(void)
         PIActionDescriptor result = NULL;
         SPErr error = kSPNoError;
         error = sPSActionControl->Play(&result, eventCopy, NULL, plugInDialogSilent);
         if (error) goto returnError;
         if (result != NULL) sPSActionDescriptor->Free(result);
         return error;
    //make new layer here//
    SPErr MakeLayer(void)
              PIActionDescriptor descriptor = NULL;
              PIActionReference reference = NULL;
              PIActionDescriptor result = NULL;
              SPErr error = kSPNoError;
              error = sPSActionDescriptor->Make(&descriptor);
              if (error) goto returnError;
                        // Move this to the top of the routine!
                        error = sPSActionReference->Make(&reference);
                        if (error) goto returnError;
                        error = sPSActionReference->PutClass(reference,classLayer);
                        if (error) goto returnError;
                        error = sPSActionDescriptor->PutReference(descriptor,keyNull,reference);
                        if (error) goto returnError;
                        error = sPSActionControl->Play(&result,eventMake,descriptor,plugInDialogSilent);
                        if (error) goto returnError;
                        if (result != NULL) sPSActionDescriptor->Free(result);
                        if (descriptor != NULL) sPSActionDescriptor->Free(descriptor);
                        if (reference != NULL) sPSActionReference->Free(reference);
                        return error;
    //end make new layer//
    //start paste//
    SPErr Paste(void)
    PIActionDescriptor result = NULL;
    SPErr error = kSPNoError;
    error = sPSActionControl->Play(&result,eventPaste,NULL,plugInDialogSilent);
    if (error) goto returnError;
    if (result != NULL) sPSActionDescriptor->Free(result);
    return error;
    //end paste//
    // all windows plug-ins need a DllMain
    #ifdef __PIWin__
    BOOL APIENTRY DllMain( HANDLE hModule,
                                                              DWORD ul_rearson_for_call,
                                                              LPVOID lpReserved )
              return TRUE;

    You seem to be missing something inside here. Probably Copy();MakeLayer();Paste();
    // Photoshop is calling
              if (sSPBasic->IsEqual((char*)caller, kPSPhotoshopCaller))
                        // the one and only message
                        if (sSPBasic->IsEqual((char*)selector, kPSDoIt))

  • Forward() from a JSP:  what's wrong with this code?

    I have an application that was working. Then I tried to change it so that instead of the index page basically saying "Welcome. Click continue," it now tries to go directly to the Front Controller servlet without the user seeing the index page. Here's what I have in index.jsp:
    String path = request.getContextPath() + "/servlet/FrontController?thePage=\"index\"";
    RequestDispatcher rq = request.getRequestDispatcher(path);
    rq.forward(request, response);I did a print out of the path variable and it looks like this:
    Now, when this was a normal page with a form that said
    <form action="<%= request.getContextPath() %>/servlet/FrontController" method="POST">and passed the page name in as a hidden parameter, the application worked fine. Now when I try to execute it, I get:
    description The requested resource (/mealplan/mealplan/servlet/FrontController) is not availaIt looks like the "mealplan" part of the URL is being repeated (this is for dorm students to choose a meal plan). What am I doing wrong when I set up the URL for forwarding versus using the FORM element? Thanks.

    it appers to me that the jsp or servlet is already inside the mealplan directory through which it is trying to access /mealplan/...Hence it would be searching for /mealplan directory within the current working directory
    Anyways i dont think it should be too much to solve it out.

  • Super Sleuths, What is wrong with this code?  THANKS!

    If you copy and paste this raw file, it registers as having no episodes linked to it:
    This however works if you past it into iTunes:
    Both validate(with a few little exceptions) in feed validator.
    What am I doing wrong?
    And by the way, the raw xml doesn't play in Juice either!

    While reports them as Warnings, the missing GUID errors kill the episode listing. Making up a GUID value for each episode should help.
    I realize the tech specs say it's optional, but you really should add something yourself. I'd also recommend not using the file URL, but instead something based on the episode number and/or date within the podcast (e.g., ep003-20060905). If you don't specify a GUID and later move the episodes to a different server, iTunes reports them as all new episodes to your existing subscribers because the self-generated GUID will change as the file URL changes. That upsets subscribers as they see old episodes reappear in their subscription list. (I see this complaint frequently around here)

  • IMPORTANT What is Wrong with this code

    PROCEDURE Login(table_name varchar2,u_name number,pass varchar2) IS
    pwd varchar2(30);
    user_name varchar2(30);
    select user_name,pwd
    into user_name,pwd
    from table_name
    where user_name=u_name and pwd=pass;
    i tried to pass the table name as a parameter but
    it gives the following error :
    error 201
    " identifier ' table_name ' must be declared"
    sql statement ignored

    Well, in the code given above, you can give any existing table, it will compile because the select columns are from variables declaration of procedure... that's why I ask explanation of what procedur achieve.
    In the following example, emp has no column like pwd and user_name :
    SCOTT@demo102> ed
    Wrote file afiedt.buf
      1  create or replace PROCEDURE Login(p_table_name IN varchar2,u_name IN number,pass IN varchar2)
      2  IS
      3  pwd varchar2(30);       <--|
      4  user_name varchar2(30); <--|
      5  BEGIN                      |
      6  select user_name,pwd ------|
      7  into user_name,pwd
      8  from emp
      9  where user_name=u_name and pwd=pass;
    10* END;
    SCOTT@demo102> /
    Procedure created.
    SCOTT@demo102> desc emp
    Name                                      Null?    Type
    EMPNO                                     NOT NULL NUMBER(4)
    ENAME                                              VARCHAR2(10)
    JOB                                                VARCHAR2(9)
    MGR                                                NUMBER(4)
    HIREDATE                                           DATE
    SAL                                                NUMBER(7,2)
    COMM                                               NUMBER(7,2)
    DEPTNO                                             NUMBER(2)
    SCOTT@demo102> So, in your case, Ben, you need to use dynamic sql, read the link which I gave earlier.

Maybe you are looking for

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