Connection Manager (CMCTL)

Do anyone know where I can download the Oracle "Connection Manager"?
I have a lot of information about the CMCTL.exe, but where do I get is file from?

Connection Manager is not installed by default. You'll need a custom install.
Sybrand Bakker
Senior Oracle DBA

Similar Messages

  • Connection Manager (cmctl) missing on EE9i

    I have some trivial issue but i cannot resolve it. I have Oracle Enterprise Edition instaled on win xp ( but it appears that i don't have connection manager installed. There is no cmctl.exe binary in my $ORACLE_HOME\bin directory.
    Appreciate for any help

    Connection Manager is not installed by default. You'll need a custom install.
    Sybrand Bakker
    Senior Oracle DBA

  • Troubleshooting Connection Manager

    Hey, I try to setup the oracle connection manager.
    I installed the Connection via the universal installer
    Then I created a cman.ora in $TNS_ADMIN with following content:
    cman1 =
    I also edited the tnsnames.ora :
    cman1 =
    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1521))
    Then I start the connection manager:
    CMCTL> administer cman1
    Current instance cman1 is not yet started
    Connections refer to (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=
    The command completed successfully.
    CMCTL:cman1> startup
    TNS-04012: Unable to start Oracle Connection Manager instance.
    Where is the mistake ???

    I may found the answer, might be stupid but anyway
    I don´t have a listener configured. There is NOTHING in the oracle documentation which is saying that a listener is needed.
    I thought cman would cover this listening process as well.
    I will try it now
    Edited by: Christian on 09.07.2010 14:23
    Yeah, is working now. Just installed the Oracle Net Tools and configured the listener
    Thanks for this note. This was frustrating. I didn't find much on this error on the net or support, so pasting it again here:
    (EVENT=Failed to start listener process)(REASON=)(OPN=65)(NS1=12545)(NS2=12560)(NT1=515)(NT2=2)
    The only reference I found to needing the listener was in the CMAN architecture doc. I'm guessing the listener is supposed to be auto-installed with CMAN. Maybe it's an OUI bug? I'm on Solaris SPARC 64bit. Anyway, for anyone else, make sure the Oracle Net Listener is selected as well as Oracle Connection Manager when installing using the client software bundle. In the default install I went through, it wasn't sufficient to have a DB listener installed in a separate ORACLE_HOME on the same host. The listener software had to be in the same ORACLE_HOME as CMAN software. Also, I didn't have to configure the listener installed with CMAN. When CMAN is started, it starts a tnslsnr process, but I didn't have to setup a listener.ora. Port 1521 is already taken on this host by another listener yet the CMAN version still started??
    Side note. Tried modifying an existing EE server installation. There is a CMAN option available that wasn't selected. Observed error: OUI-10150 ... setting s_dlgCfgNamingLabelSIDnull ... That's when I found the note in the docs and on Metalink that CMAN is supposed to be installed from the client software package in 11.2.
    Edited by: user10311101 on Jul 20, 2010 10:16 AM


    제품 : SQL*NET
    작성날짜 : 2003-01-15
    Oracle Connection Manager(v3.0.x)의 설치와 설정 방법을
    알아 보고 시작시켜 봅니다.
    V3.0.x은 Oracle8 Enterprise Edition에 같이 들어 있으며
    Oracle8의 일부는 아닙니다.
    1. 설치 방법
    2. 설정 방법
    3. 시작 하기 (Windows NT)
    1. 설치 방법
    다음 세가지의 실행 파일이 설치 됩니다.
    CMGW80, CMADM80, CMCTL80(desktop Oracle8에서)
    CMGW, CMADMIN, CMCTL(desktop Oracle8i에서)
    이 것은 Connection Manager의 hub와 같은 역할을 하는
    gateway process입니다.
    CMGW의 기능은 다음과 같습니다.
    - CMADMIN를 등록합니다.
    - SQL*Net 2.x와 NET 8.x에서 오는 접속 요청에 대해 대기합니다.
    기본적으로 1610 port를 사용합니다.
    - NET 8.x listeners에 접속 요청을 발생 시킵니다.
    - client와 server사이의 data를 전달합니다.
    - CMCTL/CMCTL80에 의해 발생되는 요청에 응답합니다.
    Connection Manager의 모든 관리적인 문제들을 처리하는 multi-threaded
    SQL*Net 2.x 와 NET 8.x clients들을 위해
    Oracle Names Server에 있는 주소정보를 유지하는 기능을 합니다.
    - CMGW/CMGW80 등록 작업을 합니다.
    - local Oracle Names Server를 찾습니다.
    - 하나이상의 db instance를 서비스하는 모든 listener들을 관리합니다.
    - CMGW/CMGW80 와 listener에 대한 주소 정보를 등록합니다.
    - 네트워크와 Names Server의 수정된 정보를 감시합니다.
    - CMCTL/CMCTL80의 요청에 응답합니다.
    CMGW, CMADMIN/CMGW80, 와 CMADM80 의 서로간의 정보전달은 IPC를 통해
    이루어 집니다.
    CMAN은 주기적으로 Names Server의 바뀐 정보를 cache에 반영합니다.
    CMADM/CMADM80 와 CMGW/CMGW80 를 관리하는 일을 합니다.
    현재 제공되는 명령은 start, stop, status, 그리고 version 입니다.
    이 명령은 Connection Manager 또는 그 구성요소를 시작 시킵니다.
    - 인자가 없는 경우 또는 CMAN을 준 경우는 gateway 와
    administration process를 시작시킵니다.
    - CM 을 주면 gateway process 만 시작됩니다.
    - ADM 을 주면 administration process 만 시작됩니다.
    Connection Manager process들을 중지 시킵니다.
    - 인자가 없는 경우 또는 CM 을 준 경우 gateway 와
    administration process 모두를 중지시킵니다.
    gateway process가 중단될 경우 administration process는 자동으로
    현재 진행중인 접속이 있는 경우 CMAN 는 중지될 수 없습니다.
    이 명령은 Connection Manager의 요소들의 상태를 보여줍니다.
    - 인자가 없거나 CMAN이나 CM일 경우 gateway process의 상태를 보여 줍니다.
    - ADM은 administration process의 상태를 보여 줍니다.
    이 명령은 control utility의 버젼을 보여 줍니다.
    CMGW/CMGW80 와 CMADM/CMADM80의 버젼은 status명령으로 볼 수 있습니다.
    2. 설정 방법
    client들은 tnsnames.ora 이나 Oracle Names Server 가 필요합니다.
    Connection Manager는 cman.ora 가 필요하며 server는 init.ora에 MTS설정이
    tnsnames.ora파일의 예 입니다.
    하나의 protocol로 Connection Manager를 사용하는 tnsnames.ora파일 예입니다.
    ADDRESS_LIST가 path입니다.
    첫번째 주소가 CMAN에 접속하는 정보이고, 두번째 주소가 서버에
    접속할때 CMAN에 의해 사용되는 주소입니다.
    필요하다면 ADDRESS_LIST 안에 여러개의 CMAN 의 주소를 설정할
    수 있습니다. CMAN은 기본적으로 라우터처럼 동작합니다.
    접속 요청을 다음 hop으로 지정합니다.
    여러개의 protocol로 Connection Manager를 사용하는
    tnsnames.ora파일 예입니다.
    위의 예에서 CMAN에 접속하기 위해서 client는 SPX를 사용하고
    server에 접속하기 위해서 CMAN은 TCP/IP를 사용하게 됩니다.
    Oracle7에서 소개된 Oracle Multi-Protocol Interchange (MPI)과
    같은 기능을 합니다.
    만일 서버까지 가는데 한개 이상의 router가 있는 경우
    SQL*Net 2.3에서 소개된 DESCRIPTION_LIST를 사용할 수 있습니다.
    다음은 DESCRIPTION_LIST를 사용한 tnsnames.ora 파일의 예 입니다.
    만일 Oracle Names Server를 사용하면 Connection Manager는 자동으로
    CMAN을 위한 주소를 Names Server에 있는 기존의 주소에 추가하게 됩니다.
    SQLNET.ORA파일에 다음과 같은 parater를 설정할 수 있습니다.
    - TRUE 라고 설정하면 CMAN이 무작위로 뽑은 간접적인 경로를 이용해
    client를 접속시킵니다. ( 적어도 하나의 CMAN address가 있는
    address list)
    - TRUE 그리고 description에 간접 경로가 없는 경우에는 무작위로 뽑은
    경로가 사용됩니다.
    - FALSE 이거나 설정이 안된 경우 무작위로 뽑힌 경로가 사용됩니다.
    Connection Manager 설정
    CMAN 은 한개의 파일(CMAN.ORA)로 설정된다.
    CMAN.ORA 파일은 다음 세개의 부분으로 구성된다.
    1) CMAN - Connection Manager를 위한 listening주소를 포함한다.
    2) CMAN_PROFILE - CMAN 설정 parameter들을 포함한다.
    3) CMAN_RULES - 접속 요청에 대한 필터링에 관련된 규칙을 포함한다.
    이 CMAN의 예에서는 SPX 와 TCP/IP 두개의 주소에서 listening하고 있습니다.
    CMAN 은 CMAN이 실행되는 장비에서 oracle이 지원하는 모든 protocol에 대해
    listen할 수 있습니다.
    각 parameter들에 대한 정의 :
    - 허용되는 최대 동시 접속수
    - 기본값 8
    - 최대값 1024
    LOG_LEVEL = n
    - CMAN에 의해 수행되는 logging의 level설정
    - 기본값 0 ( logging이 안됨 )
    - 0에서부터 4까지의 값을 설정할 수 있음
    TRACING = [YES | NO]
    - YES로 설정하면 CMAN은 파일에 tracing을 한다.
    - 기본값 NO
    주의: trace파일을 읽기위새허는 Oracle Trace를 사용하면 됩니다.
    - YES는 I/O활동에 대한 통계정보를 저장하게 합니다.
    예를 들어 :
         - IN bytes 수
         - OUT bytes 수
         - IN packets 수
         - OUT packets 수
    - 기본값 NO
    - Yes로 설정하면 log 파일에 TNS events를 포함하게 합니다.
    - 기본값 NO
    - YES로 설정하면 CMAN 접속을 실행하고 받아들이고 대답하는 과정에서
    모든 비동기적인 기능을 사용할 수 있게 합니다.
    - 기본값 NO
    주의: CMAN은 out-of-band breaks를 지원합니다.
    CMAN은 그것을 서버로 전달합니다.
    - 1로 설정하게 되면 CMAN은 Secure Network Services를 사용하지 않은
    접속 요청은 거절하게 됩니다
    Secure Network Services은 Advanced Networking Option의 일부입니다.
    - 기본값은 0 입니다.
    즉 Secure Network Services가 필요없다는 뜻입니다.
    (SRC = shost)
    (DST = dhost)
    (SRV = services)
    (ACT = accept | reject)
    CMAN_RULES에 정의된 parameter들:
    - shost 는 client에서 session을 요청한 source hostname 이거나
    IP address입니다.
    - dhost 는 서버쪽의 hostname 이거나 IP address 입니다.
    - services 는 SID 이름입니다.
    - ACT: 위 세개의 parameter들의 값을 근거로한 들어오는 접속요청에
    대한 승인이나 거절입니다.
    주의: wild-card는 'x'입니다. IP address (d.d.d.d)인 경우에
    각 'd'는 wild-card character인 'x'로 교체될 수 있습니다.
    RULE_LIST내에 여러 RULE들이 정의될 수 있습니다.
    여러 rule들 중에 처음에 맞는 rule이 그 요청에 적용됩니다.
    CMAN_RULES이 존재하는 경우 Connection Manager는 규칙에 허용되지 않은
    것들은 모두 허락되지 않게 합니다.
    만일 CMAN_RULES이 정의되지 않았다면 모든것이 허용됩니다.
    Connection Manager의 제한
    만일 connection path에 사용된 Connection Manager가 한개 이상이라면 (1개
    이상의 hop이라면), tnsnames.ora를 직접 설정해야 하며 Oracle Names Server
    를 사용할 수 없습니다.
    TCP/IP network에서만 Connection Manager는 접근 통제(CMAN_RULES)를 할 수
    Oracle Multi-Protocol Interchange (MPI) 과의 호환성
    client와 server사이에 단 하나의 MPI만 있다면, MPI를
    Connection Manager로 교체하십시요.
    client와 server사이에 여러개의 MPI가 있다면,
    tnsnames.ora를 수정해서 MPI들을 Connection Manager들로
    SQL*Net V2.x client와의 호환성
    Connection Manager를 SQL*Net 2.x clients과 Oracle 8사이의
    중심이나 접속 필터로 사용하기 위해서는 다음과 같은 일을
    해야 합니다.
    1) Connection Manager를 설치하고 설정합니다..
    2) SQL*Net v2.x client들을 Connection Manager를 MPI처럼 사용
    하도록 설정 합니다.
    Server 설정
    NET8의 새로운 기능을 이용하기 위해서는 Connection Manager를 설정
    해야 하며 서버를 Multi-Threaded Server (MTS)로 설정해야 합니다.
    MTS parameter들은 각 instance의 INIT.ORA파일에 설정합니다.
    NET8 MTS를 위한 parameter들은 SQL*Net 2과 다르지 않습니다.
    다음 Connection Pooling 과 Multiplexing 기능을 사용할때
    MTS_DISPATCHERS parameter의 경우만 제외하면 말입니다.
    MTS_DISPATCHERS parameter:
    이 예에서 TCP/IP를 위해 dispatcher들을 설정하고 Connection Pooling
    기능을 사용하지 못하게 하고, Multiplexing를 가능하게 합니다.
    만일 Connection Pooling 과 Multiplexing 를 사용하지 않을 거라면
    SQL*Net 2.x용으로 정의된 MTS parameter들을 사용하실 수 있습니다.
    좀더 자세한 내용은 MTS관련 문서를 참조 하시기 바랍니다.
    Connection Manager를 사용하는 경우, INIT.ORA에 새로운 parameter를
    설정해야 합니다. Connection Manager는 한개 이상의 physical connection
    을 만들기 때문에 instance의 dispatcher가 허용할 client sessions의 최대값을
    알아야 합니다. SESSIONS라는 parameter가 이 값을 설정합니다.
    이 값은 'LSNRCTL SERVICES' 명령으로 볼 수 있습니다.
    3. 시작 하기 (Windows NT)
    Oracle Names server 환경에서 :
    - command line utility 사용하기
    1. 작업 표시줄에서 시작->실행
    열기: x:\CMCTL80.exe (8i에서는 CMCTL.exe)
    2. CMCTL> start CMAN <enter>
    - Windows NT 제어판 사용하기
    1. 제어판>SERVICES <double click>
    2. 다음을 찾아 시작 시킵니다.
    (주의: 순서대로 시작시켜야 합니다.)
    OracleCMAdminService80 <click start>
    OracleCMANService80 <click start>
    NON-Oracle Names server 환경에서 :
    - command line utility 사용하기
    1. 작업 표시줄에서 시작->실행
    열기: x:\CMCTL80.exe (8i에서는 CMCTL.exe)
    2. CMCTL> start CM <enter>
    - Windows NT 제어판 사용하기
    1. 제어판>SERVICES <double click>
    2. 다음을 찾아 시작 시킵니다.
    (주의: 순서대로 시작시켜야 합니다.)
    OracleCMANService80 <click start>
    Reference Ducumment

    You must install the Connection Manager, available on the Oracle8 distribution media, onto the Web server host. You can find the installation instructions in the Net8 Administrator's Guide.
    On the Web server host, create a CMAN.ORA file in the [ORACLE_HOME]/NET8/ADMIN directory. The options you can declare in a CMAN.ORA file include firewall and connection pooling support
    Here is an example of a very simple CMAN.ORA file. Replace <web-server-host> with the name of your Web server host. The fourth line in the file indicates that the connection manager is listening on port 1610. You must use this port number in your connect string for JDBC.
    cman = (ADDRESS_LIST =
    cman_profile = (parameter_list =
    Ariel G.

  • Oracle Connection Manager

    i'm having a problem configuring Oracle Connection Manager. It does start the instance of connection manager
    Summary of my environment is
    10g Application server and infrastructure machine OS: Windows 2003
    9i Database Server: Windows 2003
    Client : Java Applet
    JDBC driver type : THIN
    Installed: 10g Infra first and then 10g midiier(portal and wireless) in seperate oracle homes on the same machine. Eveything is up and running as i was able to login seperately in infra and midtier enterprise managers.
    Final Goal : Trying to connect to an Oracle 9i database on a differnt machine than the appserver using an applet, thin drivers and Oracle Connection Manager
    Problem : Connection manager instance not started however cmanADMIn service started.
    CMCTL:CMAN_oracle9-app> administer cmanOracleAS
    Current instance cmanOracleAS is not yet started
    Connections refer to (address=(protocol=tcp)(host=
    The command completed successfully.
    CMCTL:cmanOracleAS> startup
    Service Oracleoracle_infraCMAdmincmanOracleAS already running.
    TNS-04012: Unable to start Oracle Connection Manager instance.
    Steps done to configure Oracle Connection manager
    1. Copied 4 .exe (CMADMIN, CMCTL,CMGW,CMMIGR) files to bin folder of Appserver or midtier's main ORACLE_HOME/BIN folder.
    2) created a cman.ora file and copied in appservers /NETWORK/ADMIN directory
    3) On cammand prompt type CMCTL...ADMINISTER cman_OracleAS where cman_OracleAS is the name of cman instance used in cman.ora file.
    My cman.ora file is as follows
    # Copyright (c) 2001,2002, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
    # NAME
    # cman.ora
    # Sample CMAN configuration file that the user can modify for their
    # own use.
    # NOTES
    # 1. Change <fqhost> to your fully qualified hostname
    # 2. Change <lsnport> to the listening port number
    # 3. Change <logdir> and <trcdir> to your log and trace directories
    # asankrut 10/05/2002 - Added Rule List Specifications
    # asankrut 06/11/2002 - Modified to add new parameters; added comments.
    # asankrut 12/31/2001 - Creation.
    # CMAN Alias
    cmanOracleAS =
    # Listening address of the cman
    # Configuration parameters of this CMAN
    (parameter_list =
    # Need authentication for connection?
    # Valid values: boolean values for on/off
    # Connection statistics need to be collected?
    # Valid values: boolean values for on/off
    # Log files would be created in the directory specified here
    # Logging would be in done at this level
    # Valid values: OFF | USER | ADMIN | SUPPORT
    # Maximum number of connections per gateway
    # Valid values: Any positive number (Practically limited by few 1000s)
    # Idle timeout value in seconds
    # Valid values: Any positive number
    # Inbound connect timeout in seconds
    # Valid values: Any positive number
    # Session timout in seconds
    # Valid values: Any positive number
    # Outbound connect timeout in seconds
    # Valid values: Any positive number
    # Maximum number of gateways that can be started
    # Valid values: Any positive number (Practically limited by
    # system resources)
    # Minimum number of gateways that must be present at any time
    # Valid values: Any positive number (Practically limited by
    # system resources)
    # max_gateway_processes > min_gateway_processes
    # Remote administration allowed?
    # Valid Values: Boolean values for on/off
    # Trace files would be created in the directory specified here
    # Trace done at this level
    # Valid values: OFF | USER | ADMIN | SUPPORT
    # Is timestamp needed with tracing?
    # Valid values: Boolean values for on/off
    # Length of the trace file in kB
    # Valid values: Any positive number (Limited practically)
    # No. of trace files to be created when using cyclic tracing
    # Valid values: Any positive number
    # Maximum number of CMCTL sessions that can exist simultaneously
    # Valid values: Any positive number
    # Event logging: event groups that need to be logged
    # Rule list
    # Rule Specification:
    # src = Source of connection; '*' for 'ANY'
    # dst = Destination of connection; '*' for 'ANY'
    # srv = Service of connection; '*' for 'ANY'
    # act = Action: 'accept', 'reject' or 'drop'
    # Action List Specification:
    # aut = aso_authentication_filter
    # moct = outbound_connect_timeout
    # mct = session_timeout
    # mit = idle_timeout
    # conn_stats = connect_statistics
    Please help
    Atul Jain
    [email protected]

    Forgot to mention that
    cmanOracleAS.log file i.e connection manger log file is as follows.
    It says does not currently know of service 'cmon' but i have the rule which
    allows cmctl to conect locally with .
    TNSLSNR for 32-bit Windows: Version - Production on 17-MAR-2005
    Copyright (c) 1991, 2004, Oracle. All rights reserved.
    System parameter file is D:\GAV\oracle_infra\network\admin\sqlnet.ora
    Command-line specified parameter file is D:\GAV\oracle_infra\network\admin\
    Log messages written to D:\GAV\OracleAS10\NETWORK\log\cmanoracleas1_924.log
    Trace information written to D:\GAV\OracleAS10\NETWORK\trace\
    Trace level is currently 6
    Started with pid=332
    Running in PROXY mode
    17-MAR-2005 12:22:07 * (connect_data=(service_name=cmon)(pid=ctl)) *
    (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST= * establish * cmon *
    TNS-12514: TNS:listener does not currently know of service requested in
    connect descriptor
    17-MAR-2005 12:22:10 * (connect_data=(service_name=cmon)(pid=ctl)) *
    (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST= * establish * cmon *
    TNS-12514: TNS:listener does not currently know of service requested in
    connect descriptor
    17-MAR-2005 12:23:31 * (connect_data=(service_name=cmon)(pid=ctl)) *
    (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST= * establish * cmon *
    Atul jain

  • Help !! I can't connect to server using connection manager

    Hello :
    i hava three machine,i use connection manager on Oracle 8.1.7
    i can't connect to server using connection manager
    1.lsnrctl start (Server)
    2.svmrgrl (Server)
    start (Server)
    3.cmctl start (Middle tier)
    4.sqlplus scott/tiger@test (client)
    Please help my!
    ---- CLIENT (sqlnet.ora)
    ---- CLIENT (tnsname.ora)
    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = orcl-middler)(PORT = 1610))
    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = orcl-db)(PORT = 1521))
    (SID = bigbear)
    ---- MIDDLE TIER(cman.ora)
    (ADDRESS =
    (HOST = orcl-middler)
    (PORT = 1610)
    ---- SERVER (listener.ora)
    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = orcl-db)(PORT = 1521))
    (SID_LIST =
    (SID_DESC =
    (ORACLE_HOME = /u01/app/oracle/product/8.1.7)
    (SID_NAME = bigbear)
    ---- SERVER (init.ora)
    MTS_SERVERS = 10
    MTS_SERVICE = bigbear
    db_name = "bigbear"
    db_domain =
    instance_name = bigbear
    service_names =

    midder tier must config hosts
    because dispatcher have listener information
    midder tier must know ipaddress
    Ex. on midder tier
    /etc/hosts orcl-middler
    from client to server it's ok

  • Connection manager

    I'm trying to set a test envirinment to learn Oracle Connection Manager. I've read appropriate chapters in Net documentation and a forum thread:
    Re: Configuration of Connection Manager
    But there are still things that I can't work on.
    I have two machines, database on one of them and client on the other. It's database 10g, client on WinXP, database on Linux.
    Where should I install connection manager? on Linux or Windows, maybe any?
    If it was a production environment, what would be the best solution?
    Thanks in advance,

    Hello again,
    thank you both for help. Unfortunately it still doesn't work :/
    Since I couldn't get the install files for Windows (I didn't have cman installed there) I decided to change:
    database on WinXP, so listener there too (listening on 1521, database is called "test" and it's open). Hostname = hostB
    client and cman on Linux. Hostname = hostA
    My cman.ora looks like this:
    Then I do (on Linux -> client/cman)
    cmctl> administer
    Current instance CMAN_ora is not yet started
    Connections refer to
    The command completed successfully.
    TNS-04012: Unable to start Oracle Connection Manager instance
    Message was edited by:
    Message was edited by:

  • TNS-04012: Unable to start Oracle Connection Manager instance.

    I've tried to configure Connection Manager but i fails on:
    TNS-04012: Unable to start Oracle Connection Manager instance
    This is my configuration (I've removed as much as possible to remove possible errors):
    CMCTL> administer CMAN1
    Current instance CMAN1 is not yet started
    Connections refer to (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=<hostname>)(PORT=1522)).
    The command completed successfully.
    CMCTL:CMAN1> startup
    TNS-04012: Unable to start Oracle Connection Manager instance.I've reviewed following notes without getting any closer (298916.1 and 733421.1)
    I can't see any errors in any of the following possible issues:
    * The max_connections value must not exceed 1024. Maximum acceptable value is 1024
    * The max_gateway_processes value must not exceed 64. Maximum acceptable value is 64
    * The trace_directory and log_directory values must be valid
    * The trace_level and log_level values do not support numeric values 6,10 and 16
    * Duplicate sections
    * Misspelled parameter names or parameter values
    * Host values that are not resolvable
    * Rule list must allow the local address of the machine where cman is installed
    * A specfic address in SRC or DST for a rule in the rule list must be resolvable(Try ip address range as a workaround and see the enhancement request 6125025)
    * Windows: Ensure the ORA_DBA group is present and O/S user starting CMAN is in the group
    * Windows: Ensure any firewall is not blocking Oracle from using Network
    All help are appreciated!

    933746 wrote:
    Osama_mustafa wrote:
    Refer to
    Troubleshooting Guide: TNS-04012: Unable to Start Oracle Connection Manager Instance [ID 733421.1]Hi,
    As I've stated in my post I've reviewed this post without any help.I would suggest you read the provided doc [ 733421.1] more thoroughly.... the answer is there.

  • Remote Desktop Connection Manager can only open 6 sessions at a time on Server 2012

    I am only able to open, and view thumbnails, for a maximum of 6 RDP sessions on my Server 2012 box at a time in Remote Desktop Connection Manager (RDCM). If I add more sessions I just get a variety of connection errors for the additional sessions. If I activate
    a 7th session one of the existing 6 sessions goes off-line with a connection error message. Sometimes the error says 3334, sometimes the error says 0x8345000E, and sometimes it just says there is a connection error.
    I have checked Group Policy on the server to ensure I don't have any settings restricting the number of RDP sessions.
    In fact, I will often have 30 or 40 RDP simultaneous sessions opened, I am just not able to view them all in RDCM. I have seen reviews of RDCM with screenshots showing dozens of thumbnails so it seems to be something that's possible to do.
    Are there any settings I should make on the server to allow RDCM to connect to more than 6 simultaneous RDP sessions?
    Just to be clear, all these RDP sessions are running on the same server. Also, I am just using the trial license for Server 2012 and Remote Desktop Services right now. I don't think that should have an impact, but I wanted to be thorough.

    Thanks Jakub for "corflags" info.
    Unfortunatelly it doesn't work because running mRemoteNG.exe process in 64bit can't load MSTSC ActiveX component (referenced assemblies) because original files were assembled from 32bit dll [mstscax.dll]?
    Error message when making RDP connection:
    Could not load file or assembly 'Interop.MSTSCLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' or one of its dependencies. An attempt was made to load a program with an incorrect format.
    I was able to create new AxInterop.MSTSCLib.dll and Interop.MSTSCLib.dll assemblies from 64bit dll version and now it works with "AnyCPU":-)
    Using AxImp.exe and TlbImp.exe didn't worked for me because it creates assemblies in wrong namespace "MSTSCLib" instead of "Interop.MSTSCLib" (AxImp.exe) and TlbImp.exe for changing namespace generated many "marshaled errors"
    so final .dll wasn't working.
    Adding MSTSCAX.dll reference in Visual Studio directly created correct and functional assemblies. Who don't know how to create 64bit compatible assemblies or don't have Visual Studio, feel free to check linked file.
    Hope it helps
    P.S. Sorry for possible technical misinterpretation, I am not programmer so creating new assemblies was trial-error process...

  • Excel Connection Manager suddenly can no longer connect to Excel from SSIS package

    <p>During the last 3 months, I used 32 bit SSIS 2008 (v 10.50.2500.0) on an WinXp machine (v 5.1.2600 SP3 Build 2600) to create a package that writes multiple query results (reports) to an excel spreadsheet. Each report is written to a different
    tabbed sheet in the same spreadsheet. </p><p>The package was&nbsp;working just fine until May 9 2013, when suddenly every single&nbsp;Data Flow task with an Excel Destination&nbsp;displayed error icons and raised the&nbsp;following
    error message when opening the Advanced Editor:</p><p>SSIS Error Code DTS_E_OLEDBERROR. An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80004005 Description: "Unspecified error". <br />Error at &lt;DataFlow task name&gt;: SSIS
    error Code DTS_E_CANNOTACQUIRECONNECTIONFROMCONNECTIONMANAGER. The AcquireConnection method call to the connection manager &lt;Excel connection Manager&gt; failed with error code 0xC0202009. There may be error messages posted before this with more
    information on why the Acquire Connection method call failed. Exception from HRESULT: 0Xc020801c (Microsoft.SQlServer.DTSPipelineWrap)</p><p>Originally the error message reported that the Error Code was "0x8000FFFF", but I can't seem
    to reproduce that error code since. Now I am only getting the above error message.</p><p>From the time I created the original package (when it worked fine) until now, I have been using the same computer, writing to a (32 bit) 2010 Excel file in
    a local folder. The filename and location have not changed. The ConnectionString has not changed. The Connnection String I am using is Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=C:\Conversion\Conversion Results_dt01.xlsx;Extended Properties="EXCEL
    12.0 XML;HDR=YES;". </p><p>Now an attempt to create and test a NEW Connection Manager yields me this error. "Test connection failed because of an error in initializing provider. Unspecified error.",&nbsp; whereas before I had
    no problems creating a new connection manager.</p><p>I checked a second SSIS package, which I also built during the past 3 months, which loads multiple sheets from multiple Excel files to a SQL Server 2008 database holding table. It uses the same
    ACE OLE DB 12.0 connection to load the Excel speadsheets and this package continues to work fine on the same workstation.</p><p>In desparation, wondering if the Microsoft ACE OLE DB 12.0 driver had become corrupt (even though the second package
    was raising no errors), I did download and install the Microsoft ACE OLE DB 12.0 driver.&nbsp; That did not solve my problems with the first package.</p><p>I need to get this package running again ASAP as it is targeted for UAT testing in a
    matter of days. Any help with this issue would be greatly appreciated!</p>

    I submitted this issue above and now I am having the same problem again. I am using the same local computer, the same operating system (WinXp v 5.1.2600 SP3 Build 2600) as originally described. I am working with the same SSIS package that
    writes multiple query results (reports) to an excel spreadsheet. This package has been successfully executed multiple times, but now I am suddenly getting the same error as follows:
    Error at 1ConversionContacts [Connection manager "Excel Connection Manager"]: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_OLEDBERROR.  An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80004005.
    An OLE DB record is available.  Source: "Microsoft Access Database Engine"  Hresult: 0x80004005  Description: "Unspecified error".
    Error at DFlow Write soft deleted duplicate claims to Excel sheet [Excel Destination - write duplicate claim nbrs that have been removed to Excel [61]]: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_CANNOTACQUIRECONNECTIONFROMCONNECTIONMANAGER.  The AcquireConnection method
    call to the connection manager "Excel Connection Manager" failed with error code 0xC0202009.  There may be error messages posted before this with more information on why the AcquireConnection method call failed.
    The package will not run because of these multiple errors (multiple because it occurs on every single excel destination in the package).
    I have Run64BitRuntime set to false on the project. I have triple checked that the excel file name (which I created and can access) exists with the correct name in the correct path, which is local on my machine. The file is the same file in the same
    location as when the package worked.  I am running the SSIS service under my own network login, as I was when the package worked. I have been consistently getting this same error whenever I change my network password without updating the password
    in the SSIS service, but I have triple verified that the service is using my latest password. If I try to open and edit the Excel Destination in any DataFlow task I get the same error. I can successfully create a new Excel Connection Manager pointing
    to the same excel file. However if I try to assign the newly created Excel Connection Manager in the data flow, I cannot activate the drop down to choose the Excel sheet without getting an 'Unspecified error' message. I then swapped out
    the file with its template version, and ensured the name was updated as correct. I still get the same errors.
    Oh, and the SSIS package is extracting data from a SQL Server 2008 database with an Connection Manager using Windows authentication. I have no problems with the SQL Server connection, it has always worked and still does.  It is only
    the connection to excel output file which is locally stored on my machine.
    Has anyone got any suggestions for me?

  • USB no longer available in Connection Manager afte...

    Hi! I had the Init MediaControl2 problem, which I managed to fix after running through numerous reinstallations and cleaning (with the Nokia registry cleaner 3.3)
    However I found that even though the PC suite is now installed, the USB is no longer shown as one of the options under Connection Manager. Also I found that there is no 'Nokia Connectivity Cable Driver' installed (checking the Add/Remove Program). I have only
    Nokia PC Suite
    Nokia Connectivity Solution
    Tried to reinstall many times but never get Nokia Connectivity Cable Driver back. Here's what I've done so far
    - Repair
    - Used all options under Nokia Cleaner 3.3 - Deleted all registry entries that contain the word "PCSuite" or "Nokia" by using some registry management tools
    - Reinstalled PCS 6.7, and updated to 6.8
    - Used the regsrv32 on the dll that manages the USB connection - C:\Program Files\Common Files\PCSuite\Transports\NCLUSBMM.dll, but returned error 0x8040020
    - Tried to install older version of USB cable driver 1.59 but the installer said there's new version
    - Tried to reinstall the current "Nokia Connectivity Cable Driver" by taking the installer from other good PC, but it said PC configuration corrupted, contact nokia support
    I'm very frustrated with this problem.. it took me 5 hours yesterday to work till 3am and it has still no cure! What I need is simple, a way to remove EVERYTHING by PC Suite, and have a clean installation which I can use the USB connection. I know I could use Bluetooth, but I just don't want to give in to this problem.
    My PC Specs
    Operating system:
    Microsoft Windows XP Build 2600 Service Pack 2
    Language: English (United States)
    Nokia PC Suite: Version 6.80.20
    Language: English
    Connectivity Cable Drivers: Unable to install!

    Apple has never fully committed support of the Time Machine/Airport Extreme combination.  I have a Airport Extreme 6th gen that supposedly supports the Time Machine, (page 13 of the installation manual).  After a year of experience I have concluded that it does not work - period.  If you have any critical data on your system(s) I would recommend that you use a dedicated backup/recovery product like Carbon Copy Cloner.

  • Connecting managed server to cluster's administration server

    I have a problem when trying to connect managed server to cluster's
    administration server.
    When starting the managed server I get a security exception:
    [javax.naming.AuthenticationException [Root exception is
    java.lang.SecurityException: Administrators must log in over admin port with
    admin protocol.]] admin URL:
    t3:// - with nested exception:
    [javax.naming.AuthenticationException [Root exception is
    java.lang.SecurityException: Administrators must log in over admin port with
    admin protocol.]]
    at weblogic.t3.srvr.T3Srvr.initialize(
    at weblogic.Server.main(
    I get the same result when testing the connection setup with
    java weblogic.Admin -url -username system -password xyz
    Background for this problem:
    I'm trying to evaluate WLS6.0 clustering for my RMI services. I have two
    machines setup with my test domain (DEdomain) and one cluster (DECluster)
    within it.
    In administration server (machine A) I defined two servers to be run in
    machine A and machine B:
    DEserver2 in machine B (to be started as managed server) and DEserver3
    in machine A
    I'm going to bind a same service into these above servers of my DECluster.
    In machine B's I have:
    java -ms64m -mx64m -classpath
    $CLASSPATH -Dweblogic.Domain=DEdomain -Dweblogic.Name=$SERVER_NAME -Dweblogi$ADMIN_URL$WL_HOME/lib/weblogic
    =$WLS_PW weblogic.Server
    In machine A I have administration server DEserver1 listening port 7001.
    And for the domain and cluster building I followed all relevant e-docs
    manual pages. It's still somewhat blurry what kind of preparations I have to
    make in managed server side to join the domain; for example do I have to
    have identical domain directory structure within machine B and do I have to
    configure something with admin console or is everything handled by
    connecting to the administation server and reading the domain's config.xml
    from machine A.
    I'm sure I have missed some fundamental idea for building clustered services
    and would greatly appreciate if someone had any good tips or ideas.
    Best regards,

    Hi Kumar,
    and thank you. That fixed my problem
    Best regards,
    "Kumar Allamraju" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    It appears you had set the administration port & listen port on the admin
    Logging onto admin server via admin port is broken currently. I wouldsuggest
    you to set only listen port
    and see how that goes.
    "Harri Töhönen" wrote:
    I have a problem when trying to connect managed server to cluster's
    administration server.
    When starting the managed server I get a security exception:
    [javax.naming.AuthenticationException [Root exception is
    java.lang.SecurityException: Administrators must log in over admin portwith> > admin protocol.] admin URL:
    t3:// - with nested exception:
    [javax.naming.AuthenticationException [Root exception is
    java.lang.SecurityException: Administrators must log in over admin portwith> > admin protocol.]
    at weblogic.t3.srvr.T3Srvr.initialize(
    at weblogic.Server.main(
    I get the same result when testing the connection setup with
    java weblogic.Admin -url -username system -password
    Background for this problem:
    I'm trying to evaluate WLS6.0 clustering for my RMI services. I have two
    machines setup with my test domain (DEdomain) and one cluster(DECluster)
    within it.
    In administration server (machine A) I defined two servers to be run in
    machine A and machine B:
    DEserver2 in machine B (to be started as managed server) andDEserver3
    in machine A
    I'm going to bind a same service into these above servers of myDECluster.
    In machine B's I have:
    java -ms64m -mx64m -classpath
    $CLASSPATH -Dweblogic.Domain=DEdomain -Dweblogic.Name=$SERVER_NAME -Dweblogi
    =$WLS_PW weblogic.Server
    In machine A I have administration server DEserver1 listening port 7001.
    And for the domain and cluster building I followed all relevant e-docs
    manual pages. It's still somewhat blurry what kind of preparations Ihave to
    make in managed server side to join the domain; for example do I have to
    have identical domain directory structure within machine B and do I haveto
    configure something with admin console or is everything handled by
    connecting to the administation server and reading the domain'sconfig.xml
    from machine A.
    I'm sure I have missed some fundamental idea for building clusteredservices
    and would greatly appreciate if someone had any good tips or ideas.
    Best regards,

  • How to connect to lined server in SSMS in SSIS connection manager

    In SSMS (Server name is sqlssisdw1), I have one (SQL Server)linked server name sql4. in that linked server there is DB called rptdb
    Now using SSIS I want to use tables in that DB rptdb.
    So for this I want to create Connection manager, but for this when I select 'New OLEDB connection' and in that in 'Server Name' when I wrote 'sql4' it is not giving me list of DB. I also tried giving sqlssisdw1 in server name and see if I can see this
    rptdb but I can't.
    Can you please tell me how can I connect to lined server in SSMS in SSIS connection manager? Thank you.

    Hi ,
      if you are already having access and login credentials to the remote server which is configured in sql4 , you pretty much directly connect to that server from the connection manager instead of going through a linked server. If you still want to connect
    through the linked server , you need to establish the connection for SQL Server sqlssisdw1 and then
    use a 4 part name query to access the rptdb tables as like below
    SELECT * FROM SQL4.rptdb.<schemaname>.Tablename
    Best Regards Sorna

  • My Firefox icon will not connect to the internet without manually opening my connection manager first. Why? How do I fix this issue?

    I installed Firefox on our home computer this weekend (Dell). This is the browser that I use at work and I'm very happy with it.
    Since installing I always have to manually open our connection manager to go online. I can't just click on the Firefox icon and have the connection manager automatically come up.
    I have already checked the "no proxy" box as suggested. Firefox is set as our default browser.
    Internet Explorer was our previous browser and it was so slow, but at least it automatically brought up my connection manager.

    Used iTunes to download 6.1.2 to the iPad Mini.  It then worked for (app store and all) for 3 hours.  Then wifi stopped working at all.  Hurray!

  • How can I find out the server port for a secured FTP site and creating a FTP Connection Manager

    I have to create a FTP Task to go out and get the files that our 3rd party vendor will be dropping on a secured FTP site. I have all the credentials to access that Secured FTP Site and have successfully done so through FileZilla.
    Now I need to set-up a FTP Task to go out and get their files and in so doing create a FTP Connection Manager. Is there any way I can determine the
    Server Port number from the Secured FTP site? I let it default to 21 and tried the Test Connect and it failed.
    Thanks for your review and am hopeful for a reply.

    Hi ITBobbyP,
    SSIS has a built in FTP task, while this only works for the FTP protocol, it doesn’t support SFTP. But there are some free clients like WinSCP and
    SSIS SFTP Task Control Flow Component
    available in the CodePlex which can invoked from SSIS.
    SSIS SFTP Task Control Flow Component approach
    WinSCP approach
    Katherine Xiong
    Katherine Xiong
    TechNet Community Support

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