Connection problems on 3G - please help us

We've recently received more and more reports of Skype on iOS unable to connect via 3G connection. As we did not change anything on our end we suspect that certain mobile providers in certain countries are trying to block Skype.
Please help us identifying possible candidates by reporting here if you encounter the same issue. BUT: Please check first if it's indeed this problem and not another one by testing if Skype still connects when connected via WiFi.
Please report "Country, Provider name" and I'll update the table below:

Hi Further to my update today regarding the sign on solution I have some more news. It appears that clearing your network setting does allow you to sign onto Skype from a 3G network, but this must be done at each sign on otherwise you continue to get the network settings error message. Clearing down your network settings which wipes all your WIFI passwords once is tolerable if it fixes the problem, but its not reasonable to be expected to do it everytime. As I can sign on, its fair to say that access is not blocked via the Network provider, so it must be the iPhone Skype App itself, or its compatibilty with the latest operating system that is at fault.

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    Hi Danny,
    Per my understanding that you can't get the expect result by using the expression "=Count(Fields!TICKET_STATUS.Value=4) " to count the the TICKET_STATUS which value is 4, the result will returns the count of all the TICKET_STATUS values(206)
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    If you still have any problem, please feel free to ask.
    Vicky Liu
    Vicky Liu
    TechNet Community Support

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    Wow that was really quick, thank you so much.  Im not sure at all which version it was because i said it was around 4 years ago he bought it.  I know it isn't under his username, since he's a PC person (ugh) so i know its probably registered to one of our actual names.  isn't there some way to look it up since we did register it, because I'm not even sure where the disks are from when we bought it (we've moved a lot and also have two storage lockers, i know i would have kept it with other disks) but my cd rom drive is actually broken on my computer as well ( i think it got stepped on and is now squished and won't eject or run disks.)
    So is there anyway they can look up that its registered to one of our names since we did register it when we bought and installed it, or do i really have to find the disk with some sort of proof of purchase (i know there would be no receipt after all this time)
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