Controller won't stop vibrating

Ps4 controller will NOT stop vibrating.... Tried reseting but no joy, cannot connect to the ps4 at all. Please help!!

Have you tried holding down the Playstation button on the controller for a few seconds, that should turn off the controller bit like a hard reset on a computer ... then try reconnecting the controller to the PS4 ... that MIGHT work.

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    If this problem still persists, I suggest contacting your Network Service Provider to arrange repair or replacement
    Craig Ashcroft Elite UK
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    I suspect some apps that were acting up and draining the battery.Could you try safe mode?
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    Have you tried reseting the phone? Hold down power and Home buttons together until the Apple logo is displayed.  No data is harmed.

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    GPU heatsink 33
    HD Bay 38
    Mem Controller  29
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    settings - general - usuage - music - delete.   Then do a reset, hold down the home/sleep button together until you see the apple logo and then release, then wait for the phone to boot back up.
    Then sync the music back via iTunes.

  • Text won't stop deleting, delete key appears to get "stuck"

    Sorry if this is in the wrong topic, I have never used the support forums for any of the multitude of problems I have had with my Mac, but this one is severe and odd enough that I couldn't even find anyone else discussing it (although I'm sure someone is, but I tried many search key combinations on Google and only found unrelated things), so I decided to at least get it documented.
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    Every single time it has happened when I was typing something that couldn't be saved, like a message on a forum, a private message on a site or an IM chat window. Sometimes I lost a half hour's worth of work or more.
    The first time it happened, I honestly thought someone had managed to hack into my computer, but another time I was using a physical modem and Airport was turned off, and when I ripped out the cord, it didn't stop.
    I have a MacBook Pro from 2007, running the most recent version of Tiger. I haven't had the money to upgrade. All security updates are up-to-date, with one exception: I have not upgraded to the most recent version of iTunes.
    Honestly, I currently am having and have been having a bunch of other severe issues with my Mac, so troubleshooting will be quite difficult as it's not at all impossible it's a result of one of my other problems. I also currently am dealing with some health problems that make me unable to try to find the root of the problem, specifically I have a problem with my hand and wrist that makes typing very difficult.
    If someone does recognize this issue and already knows why it might be happening, I'd appreciate the help. I'd also appreciate anyone letting me know how I can prevent it OR what to do when it begins and how to stop it. But I probably will be unable to go through a typical troubleshooting rundown.
    As I said, I just wanted this documented, and I also would like to know if anyone else has had this problem. I have never experienced an issue like this with any of my past computers, including Macs and PCs. I do know however that the key is NOT physically getting stuck - as in getting lodged down and continuing to be pressed. There is at least 1 time I can verify I never even hit the key (I wasn't typing anything at the time). I am fairly sure the problem is entirely unrelated to the actual delete key itself.
    I'll describe the symptoms one more time:
    At a random time, with no discernible warning, text contained in whatever text box I have open begins deleting itself. Several paragraphs disappear in a matter of seconds.
    Pressing escape or any other key on the keyboard does nothing. If I click to another area in the text, it will immediately begin deleting wherever I have placed the cursor. If I go to another window with text that can be edited, it begins deleting there. It does not delete in more than one place simultaneously.
    If I bring another window without any kind of "deletable" text to the front, one of the general Mac error sounds (I'm not sure which one it is) starts happening and repeats without stopping at a rate that could induce a seizure. To stop it all, the only thing I have found can be done is a hard shut-down. Another time it continued to end in a kernal panic. I wish I had the details of the error, but it was so long ago and I have no idea which panic is the right one in the logs.
    I have no way of knowing what programs were running at the time, as obviously that's not something I'm able to pay attention to when it happens, and it has happened so randomly and infrequently it's nothing I've been able to document. Since I have to restart to make it stop, I've then lost that info and I have no time to try to write it down or something beforehand.
    I have not had any similar issues that I know of (for instance, for the "g" key keeps repeating and won't stop typing "g's") and I've never experienced this on any past computer.
    Thanks for anyone who can help!
    If you aren't able to offer advice but have had this issue yourself, PLEASE let me know. I can't seem to find anyone who has experienced this particular problem.

    "Cleaning the keyboard is the first step in troubleshooting sticky/stuck keys."
    Okay, I guess I misunderstood, although I am still confused. You're saying that since the other user did an extensive clean of their keyboard and this did not solve the problem, it is "most likely" a hardware problem, correct? Wouldn't a thorough cleaning without any results show that it's probably not physically related to the keyboard?
    "The "delete" key may be defective or the cover you are using somehow is making the key stick. If you have ruled out the latter and everything else, your only other alternative is to take the MBP to your local Apple Store or AASP. The staff will check out your keyboard (free) to confirm if you are having a hardware problem. If you have AppleCare or ProCare, the repairs will be free. If not.................."
    Well, I had just said in my most recent post that it has now happened with other keys, and in my initial post that it happened at times when my hands were nowhere near the keyboard. It is not a defective delete key and the cover is not making the keys stick - it doesn't adhere to them and does not have any sticky substance on it of any kind. I am an experienced computer user, and I know my computer very well. While I am not a psychic that can always know what is causing a problem, I am able to discern with much accuracy what is NOT causing it.
    Also, I have significant health issues so getting to an Apple store would be a huge challenge for me. And although I have AppleCare any repairs won't be free. Due to some small physical damage my laptop obtained a few years ago, I have been completely refused almost all service that I paid over $300 for, even though the damage is completely superficial. After fighting this, I was told they WOULD repair my computer, however, they would also repair the physical damage despite my insisting NOT to; I had no choice in the matter and the cost would be a minimum of $1,500 (I also would not be informed the exact price until after and my credit card would be charged without my knowledge - I had to give them my credit card number and sign away their right to make any charges and when I requested being contacted before they charged me for the repairs I didn't want done, I was told they did not do that). My family is struggling to pay for my $5 medications.
    When my logic board died (that same issue that affected thousands of computer users), I had to print out Apple's report from their site, which stated that they would replace and repair them free of charge to ANY Mac owner with a computer that met certain qualifications (which mine did). When it happened, completely out of nowhere, I knew immediately that was the problem, yet still had to go through the insulting and idiotic "Is your computer plugged in?" list of things and a customer WITH AppleCare was being refused a service they'd offered to people WITHOUT AppleCare, for a known manufacturing defect that has occurred widely in nearly every brand of computer made.

  • Animated Gif won't stop looping!

    I'll try to format my question as best I can.
    I have created a Java chat applet, and for the Java chat, I have created a "ChatPane" class for displaying the chat. ChatPane is an extension of Canvas, and every time the paint() method is called, the program loops through visible lines of text drawing them on a buffer image, then draws the buffer on the screen.
    My problem lies in animated gifs. In my chatroom, chatters can type textual symbols that will be replaced with an image (or emoticon). I have created my animated icons in a popular animated gif editing program, and I have set particular icons to loop 3 times. The problem is that when the animated icon is displayed in my applet, the animation -doesn't stop- after 3 loops, it loops forever! I can't for the life of me figure out why! Can anyone provide any insight as to why the animations won't stop after 3 loops? The animations work just fine if displayed in a browser by themselves (they stop looping after 3 times)
    Thank you for any help!
    [email protected]
    Tony N.

    From what I understand of your problem;
    - You have made your own animated gifs
    - With the software to make these gifs you have set them to loop their animations 3 times
    - They loop continuously
    I don't see how java can be expected to interpret the animated gif software instructions to loop only 3 times and would assume that there are various proprietry ways of setting this (an assumption based on applets /javascript etc, that rely on the client-side browser interpreter). So, if you loop your animated gif or have any form of animated gif that you import into your program with getDocumentBase /getCodeBase as a (pre-animated) gif, then this is exactly what I would assume would happen.
    The answer is to seperate your images with eg;-
    run a seperate thread, cycle through them as you wish and stop.
    I'm fairly sure that there is nothing in either the swing libraries or the jmf libraries that can resolve this any other way, so your choices are write extra code and have a pool of threads to control this, or leave it as is.

  • LED won't stop flashing, even when there are no new notifications

    The LED on my BlackBerry won't stop flashing, and I can't work out why. I have no new emails, messages, Facebook notifications, Twitter mentions, appointments/calendar events, and the LED didn't flash for new articles in the TIME magazine app any way. None of the other apps have anything to notify me of either.
    I updated the OS some time ago, so I can't see that being the cause for the problem, which means I can not work out why the LED is still flashing, unless my BlackBerry is broken.
    Has anybody else had this problem?
    Running OS v4.6.1.310 (Platform
    Go to Solution.

    Hi danphynes,
    Are you still experiencing this issue? If so, what color is the LED? Can you verify that the LED coverage indicator is disabled in Options -> Screen/Keyboard? Is the LED flashing red continually or does it stop for periods of time?
    Come follow your BlackBerry Technical Team on Twitter! @BlackBerryHelp
    Be sure to click Kudos! for those who have helped you.
    Click Solution? for posts that have solved your issue(s)!

  • My iphone 4 was on ios 5.0.1, then a few days ago I upgraded it to ios 6.1.4, then the apple logo won't stop flashing. Can anyone help to resolve my problem? Thanks in advance

    My iphone 4 was on ios 5.0.1, then a few days ago I upgraded it to ios 6.1.4, then the apple logo won't stop flashing. Can anyone help to resolve my problem? Thanks in advance

    I'm trying to restore my iphone by using the recovery mode. But it always seems to run out of time, any idea why is that? Thank you again

  • Streaming audio data won't stop unless I turn off the phone for 5 minutes.

    I have been testing the Curve 8330 regarding streaming audio from an icecast server. The address of the station is, click on "listen". (I have already run this by the icecast experts and they say it is a Blackberry "bug")
    BLACKBERRY USERS! PLEASE BE AWARE THAT THE STREAM (dataflow) DOES NOT STOP WHEN YOU CLICK "STOP" ON THE MEDIA PLAYER! (and will continue for as long as you leave it on, and even if you turn off your BB for less than 5 Minutes.) I'm not sure if you are charged for these streams, but it seems that the battery is depleted rapidly if this continues without aborting it. See details of my testing below:
    > Access icecast stream by clicking on the link on the website:
    > Stream consists of mp3 at 32kbps / 22050 Hz.
    > Stock media player launches, stops at "Do you want to open or save the item."
        > No connections started yet (viewing "List Clients" page of icecast admin interface).
    > Click "open", stream begins playing.
    > Two connections are started instead of just one, always offset by 2 seconds.
        -- but sometimes only one connection starts.
    > FYI, Icecast config: <client-timeout>30</client-timeout>
    Here is the output from the "List Clients" page of Icecast2 Admin
    Seconds Connected
    User Agent
    WinampMPEG/5.62, Ultravox/2.1
    Mozilla/4.8 [en] (Windows NT 5.0; U)
    Mozilla/4.8 [en] (Windows NT 5.0; U)
    Note the last two entries with the same IP address. This is the Blackberry. Top entry is winamp player on PC for reference. Don't know why two listener connections are generated.
    > Stream is "Stopped" (i.e. click stop)
    > Stream is restarted (i.e. click Play)
    > A new connection is started, this time with a new +1 IP address.
    Seconds Connected
    User Agent
    WinampMPEG/5.62, Ultravox/2.1
    Mozilla/4.8 [en] (Windows NT 5.0; U)
    Mozilla/4.8 [en] (Windows NT 5.0; U)
    Mozilla/4.8 [en] (Windows NT 5.0; U)
    I can understand that the player may continue to communicate when "stopped" to fill the lookahead buffer, but when it is restarted, it should use the same connection and not start a new one.
    > Click Stop.
    > Click Play.
    Seconds Connected
    User Agent
    WinampMPEG/5.62, Ultravox/2.1
    Mozilla/4.8 [en] (Windows NT 5.0; U)
    Mozilla/4.8 [en] (Windows NT 5.0; U)
    Mozilla/4.8 [en] (Windows NT 5.0; U)
    Mozilla/4.8 [en] (Windows NT 5.0; U)
    > Yet another connection is started with a new "listener".
    > Click "back" to exit from browser in Blackberry.
    > All threads continue.
        --> I have tested this many times and the threads continue without being cleaned up indefinitely, even though the player is stopped and the stream is not "playing" on the handset.
    > Turn off mobile network. Handset not communicating.
    > Threads continue
    > Handheld turned off.
    Seconds Connected
    User Agent
    WinampMPEG/5.62, Ultravox/2.1
    Mozilla/4.8 [en] (Windows NT 5.0; U)
    Mozilla/4.8 [en] (Windows NT 5.0; U)
    Mozilla/4.8 [en] (Windows NT 5.0; U)
    Mozilla/4.8 [en] (Windows NT 5.0; U)
    Finally, after over 300 seconds, the threads are finally cleaned up.
    Seconds Connected
    User Agent
    WinampMPEG/5.62, Ultravox/2.1
    So, to stop the streaming server from communicating with the Blackberry handset, you must either turn it off or disable mobile network for at least 5 minutes.
    It appears that the handset continues to transfer data (and therefore incur charges, if the user does not have an unlimited data plan) if the handset is not turned off or mobile network disabled for at least five minutes. It also runs down the battery much faster because the radio transmitter is actively being used, even if the user is not listening to the stream.
    The Blackberry network has intervening servers that continue to receive data from the streaming server even if the handset is off. This behavior likely has utility to deal with the realities of the cellphone network, to allow the stream to be transferred from one cell to another, and deal with the possibility that the handset may be out of range for up to 5 minutes without "interruption." However, it is hard to turn off the stream.
    1. Is there a way to stop this sort of behavior using a configuration setting or something? It seems particularly stupid to start a new stream connection each time a STOP/START cycle is completed, allowing the old connections to continue streaming data (even if the data does not make it to the handset).
    2. IS IT TRUE that the user will be "charged" for the data streams that are not disconnected?
    3. Is there a way for a developer to send a signal to the intervening cellphone network to discontinue the orphan streams?

    No, I'm using something like this :
    to start...
                       channel = new SoundChannel();
                                            soundPlay = new Sound();
                                            urlReq=new URLRequest;
                                            urlReq.url=mylUrl;  // url of radio mp3
                       channel =;
    to stop it...
                          try{soundPlay.close();} catch (e:Error) {} // error or not, the sream won't stop.
    Any idea ? Did you try with a NetStream object ?

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    Hi .. My phone has stopped vibrating.I have read the solution given by some users on this forum and have tried all the tricks. But nothing seems to be working. My phone still does not vibrate.please suggest.

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