Convert varchar to sdo_geometry

I have a table of linestrings - all coordinates have precision, which I want to remove.
I am trying to do it in PL/SQL as below, but since the new geometry with the rounded coordinates is a varchar, I keep getting the error:
PL/SQL: ORA-00932: inconsistent datatypes: expected UDT got CHAR
Has anyone got any ideas how I can round the coordinates within the varray, without having to take them out and put them back in?
SET SERVEROUT ON size 200000
     i          number := 1;
     k          mdsys.sdo_geometry;
     geom          varchar2(32767);
     into     k
     FROM     TABLE
     WHERE     id = &id;
          while i < k.sdo_ordinates.count LOOP
               geom := geom || round(k.sdo_ordinates(i)) || ',';
               i := i + 1;
          end loop;
          geom := geom || round(k.sdo_ordinates(i)) || ')' ;
          UPDATE     TABLE
          SET     GEOMETRY = geom
          WHERE     id = &id;

Got it working after the original post. Just didn't realise that sdo_ordinates behaves the same as any other varray collection.
In the end I used it as a trigger.
create or replace trigger tr_ins_geom
before insert on <table> for each row
     i          number := 0;
     geom          mdsys.sdo_geometry := :new.geometry;
     point_x          number := round(:new.geometry.sdo_point.x);     
     point_y          number := round(:new.geometry.sdo_point.y);     
     new_point     mdsys.sdo_geometry;
     if (point_x is null and point_y is null) then     
          for i in 1..geom.sdo_ordinates.count LOOP
               geom.sdo_ordinates(i) := round(geom.sdo_ordinates(i));
          end loop;
          :new.GEOMETRY := geom;
          new_point := MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY(2001, NULL, MDSYS.SDO_POINT_TYPE(point_x, point_y, NULL), NULL, NULL);
          :new.GEOMETRY := new_point;
     end if;

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    You didn't show any example of your date or time values, butyou might need to add a space between them, like
    To_date(Date || ' ' || time,'dd-mon-yyyy hh24mi')

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    The sample uses a table variable. You can program it the same way for a table:
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    ELSE cast(dt AS DATE)
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    Starting with SQL Server 2012 you can use TRY_CONVERT().
    You can start studying datetime functions here:
    Kalman Toth Database & OLAP Architect
    T-SQL Scripts at
    New Book / Kindle: Exam 70-461 Bootcamp: Querying Microsoft SQL Server 2012

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    FROM [dbo].[stagingtable]

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    On any version you can use somple convert with replace:
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    SELECT CONVERT(decimal(10,2), REPLACE(REPLACE(@MyStr, ',','.'),' ',''))
    but if there is a different format and the convert will not work, then you will get error. Therefore it is best (as mentioned) to use TRY_CONVERT on newer server or use Try block on old servers
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    As suggested above, this is string date format to string date format conversion, purely string operations.
    If you convert to DATE / DATETIME first (universal internal binary representation), then it may fail if invalid date. 
    You can use the ISDATE or TRY_CONVERT functions to check if the string date is valid.
    DATETIME functions:
    Kalman Toth Database & OLAP Architect
    SQL Server 2014 Design & Programming
    New Book / Kindle: Exam 70-461 Bootcamp: Querying Microsoft SQL Server 2012

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    1 ---------10
    2 ---------10a
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    "10a" wouldn't normally be considered a number. So what sort of number do you expect it to be?
    Other than that you can look at the substring and convert/cast functions.

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    Well, there is no time span in T-SQL, so you need either to store it in the smallest necessary unit (seconds, milliseconds) or to convert ít on the fly.
    DECLARE @CPUTM VARCHAR(255) = '335:55:20.97';
    DECLARE @CPUZIPTM VARCHAR(255) = '00:00:01.96';
    PARSENAME(REPLACE(@CPUTM, ':', '.'), 2) * 100 +
    PARSENAME(REPLACE(@CPUTM, ':', '.'), 3) * 6000 +
    PARSENAME(REPLACE(@CPUTM, ':', '.'), 4) * 360000 +
    PARSENAME(REPLACE(@CPUZIPTM, ':', '.'), 1) +
    PARSENAME(REPLACE(@CPUZIPTM, ':', '.'), 2) * 100 +
    PARSENAME(REPLACE(@CPUZIPTM, ':', '.'), 3) * 6000 +
    PARSENAME(REPLACE(@CPUZIPTM, ':', '.'), 4) * 360000;
    SELECT @T / 360000,
    (@T % 360000) / 6000,
    (@T % 6000) / 100,
    (@T % 100);

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    [TimeIndex] [varchar](100) NULL,
    [Cluster] [varchar](100) NULL,
    [AvgMem] [varchar](100) NULL,
    [AvgCPU] [varchar](100) NULL,
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    ) ON [PRIMARY]
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    [ClusterID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
    [ClusterName] [varchar](25) NULL,
    [DatacenterName] [varchar](25) NULL,
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    [TotalCPU] [decimal](8, 2) NULL,
    [TotalMem] [decimal](8, 2) NULL,
    [vCenterID] [int] NULL,
    [ClusterID] ASC
    ) ON [PRIMARY]
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    SELECT SUBSTRING(Cluster,1,25) AS ClusterName,
    SUBSTRING(Datacenter,1,25) AS DatacenterName,
    CONVERT(datetime,TimeIndex,103) AS TimeIndex,
    CONVERT(decimal(5,2),AvgCPU) AS AvgCPU,
    CONVERT(decimal(5,2),AvgMem) AS AvgMem,
    CONVERT(decimal(8,2),TotalCPU) AS TotalCPU,
    CONVERT(decimal(8,2),TotalMemory) AS TotalMem,
    '3' FROM [dbo].[staging_table]
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    I assume it's something I've overlooked with the syntax but any ideas would help.

    The problem is your precision and scale you are assigning to your decimals.
    decimal(5,2) = this is a total of 5 digits, 3 digits for the whole number and 2 for the fractional.
    decimal(8,2) = this is a total of 8 digits, 6 digits for the whole number and 2 for the fractional. 
    So converting a varchar of 7 or 8 digits for TotalCPU or TotalMem will give you an error because your definition will actually only allow for 6 digits of storage. You could test this by doing decimal(8,0) or decimal(10,2) both which will allow for up to
    8 whole numbers.
    If you are worried about space Sql Server will allocate a set number of bytes for ranges based on the precision (first number in the parenthesis). See this page which explains in detail how much space each range takes up and also further details on
    decimal and numerics.

  • Convert Varchar to Date

    im trying to convert varchar to date.
    So, i used To_date ( cilumn, 'DD-MM-YYYY') , Since i have to order the out put in Decending Order i used the same convertion function with Order by clause.
    The problem is ... the out put is not ordered,
    select date_created
    select distinct
    to_date(created_date,'DD-MM-YYYY') as date_created
    from schedule_backup
    order by date_created desc
    out put is

    Hi, Raj,
    When you store dates in a VARCHAR2 column, you're asking for touble, so it seems that everything is working according to plan.
    Even aside from that, your query works perfectly for me.
    In the output you posted, the order is correct within each year, and you're only showing 2 digits of the year. Are you sure the centuries are right in the schedule_backup table? Perhaps everything that was supposed to be '2010' got enetereed as '1910' or '0010'.
    Post some sample data (CREATE TABLE and INSERT statements) that gets the wrong results with your query.
    For example:
    CREATE TABLE     schedule_backup
    (     created_date     VARCHAR2 (10)
    INSERT INTO schedule_backup (created_date) VALUES ('11-11-2009');
    INSERT INTO schedule_backup (created_date) VALUES ('04-11-2009');
    INSERT INTO schedule_backup (created_date) VALUES ('30-10-2009');
    INSERT INTO schedule_backup (created_date) VALUES ('11-09-2009');
    INSERT INTO schedule_backup (created_date) VALUES ('04-03-2010');

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    Many thanks

    You'll have to define a hierarchy of date formats to try. There are some strings that map to many different valid dates depending on the format. The string '01/02/03' might translate to January 2, 2003, January 2, 1903, February 1, 2003, February 1, 1903, February 3, 2001, February 3, 1901, etc.
    Assuming you define a hierarchy of formats, you can write a function that tries each format in turn, i.e.
    CREATE FUNCTION my_to_date( p_string IN VARCHAR2 )
      l_date_variable DATE;
      l_date_variable := to_date( p_string, <<format 1>> );
      return l_date_variable;
          l_date_variable := to_date( p_string, <<format 2>> );
          return l_date_variable;
    END;You'll need to define the N date formats to try and the order in which to try them.

  • Convert varchar to date in OBIEE-sql server database

    Hi we have SQL server database,
    and we need to convert varchar to to_date .
    In OBIEE we use evaluate,cast etc on Oracle......Not sure about sql server..please help

    i am usiing below formula in my reports-answer side:
    Cast((case when "Job CV Fact"."Total Cv Sent" is not null then "DATE DIM".Date end)as Date)
    below error is coming:
    A general error has occurred. [nQSError: 46046] Datetime value 01/01/08 does not match the specified format. (HY000)
    cast("DATE DIM".Date as date) the above error comes :)

  • In OBIEE rpd convert varchar to datetime

    Can anyone help one how can we convert a column that is set to varchar to datetime in obiee;
    Suppose COLUMN_A is varchar and keeps value like '2008-12-30 10:11:22'
    and we want to convert it DATETIME.
    Thanks and Regards

    use cast(column as TIMESTAMP)

  • Crystal reports converting varchar 254 to memo data type

    Hi All,
    We are still using Seagate Crystal Reports 7.5 for some of our reporting. I have a problem that hopefully someone can help with. One of our connections is to ODBC- AR System ODBC Data Source.
    In that data source there are fields defined as varchar 254 (confirmed by DBA),
    But Seagate is calling them memo fields- which is causing problems since you canu2019t use memos in selection criteria or formulas.
    This happened after the field names were renamed. I noticed when the newly named fields were not showing as an option to map the old name fields to- because by default it looks for same data type, after unchecking same data type option the fields showed for mapping but wrong data type makes them useless. I canu2019t even convert them to string with formula field.
    Any input would be greatly appreciated.

    Yup, this was a problem with versions prior to 10.  If a field was longer than 254 characters, Crystal handled them like Memos and you cannot use them in formulas.
    The only suggestion I can offer would be to upgrade.  Crystal can now use memos in formulas and no longer has a 254 character limit on strings.  So your charcter fields will remain as charater and not changed to Memos.
    Good luck,

  • Converting Varchar into Clob in Oracle 8i

    Hi All,
    Kindly tell me how can we convert a varchar variable into a Clob in Oracle 8i inside a stored procedure. I searched alot on the net, we have a To_Clob function available from 9i but doesn't exist in 8i. There was also talk about using dbms_lob, but i dont know how to use that to convert it.
    Kindly provide me with the details of how to do this as I am just starting out with Oracle.
    Thanks in Advance,

    You can use the dbms_lob.to_clob() function(In oracle8i).
    In oracle 9i it is not required.
    Thanks & Regards

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