Converting ArrayList to String

Hi ,
I have ArrayList of String of size three. I want to make one string out of these three and also want to skip coma. I appreciate if any one can guide me.

So you have a list with "abc" "def" and "ghi" in it?
And you want to get a single String "abcdefghi"?
Then iterate over the list, append()ing each element to a StringBuffer.

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    cudIf you run the code you posted you will observe that the string form of the list does not contain all the information of the list: in particular the array elements are missing. It follows that the "vice versa" conversion you seek is simply not possible.
    A variation on this theme is the following:import java.util.ArrayList;
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    Peter Loo

    You are using the wrong method to convert it to a String array.
    Try replacing this line:
    String[] tabStr = (String[])strList.toArray();
    With this line:
    String[] tabStr = (String[])strList.toArray( new String[ 0 ] );
    That should work for you.

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    Thank you.
    Go to Solution.

    Try something like this:
    (If you can guarantee that the string length is an integer multiple of 8, you an drop the two triangular modes in the upper left. )
    Message Edited by altenbach on 03-14-2010 06:40 PM
    LabVIEW Champion . Do more with less code and in less time .
    ChopString.png ‏9 KB

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    Moderator message: please (re)search yourself first.
    Edited by: Thomas Zloch on Nov 17, 2010 5:31 PM

    Check the following link:
    FM to convert XString to String

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    Hello all,
    I am reciving a message from a system A, in which I am receiving field DOB as datetime and I am sending same message to system B , problem is that system B not able to handle DOB at there end as datetime - I have checked at BizTalk side that DOB
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    Thanks and Regards, Nitin.

    Hi Nitin,
    First find out how the destination system consumes the datatime value. Some system would consume the value in the datetime field as string. It could be the problem in the format of the datetime. Ask them about their expected datetime format. For example
    "2004-09-23T10:20:00.000-05:00" is the standard datetime format produced when you set a field as xssd:datetime. May be the destination system not able to handle this format.
    If the issue is in the datatype i.e. in the way client consume, the datatype of the destination schema matter:
    Then update the destination schema's to have string datetype. And simply map the value from the soruce's datetime field to destination schema's update string field. You don't need any scripting fuctiond to convert the data type. BizTalk's mapper would handle
    If the issue is in the date format  i.e. in the way client consume, the datatype of the destination schema doesn't matter, and if the actual problem is in the format:
    Then update the destination schema's to have string datetype. Use a scripting fuctiond as suggested by others and do the conversion in the script.
    If this answers your question please mark it accordingly. If this post is helpful, please vote as helpful by clicking the upward arrow mark next to my reply.

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    Well, if you have a schema defined in the form, then the hierarchy of your data must match what is described in the schema. So, can't really tell you what it would look like, but just follow your schema.
    Adobe Enterprise Developer Support

  • CIN: Converting a C String to a LabVIEW String

    Hi all,
    I have been developing CINs in Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0 for LabVIEW as
    project needs. However, I am having a problem with converting a C String
    to a LabVIEW String in CIN.
    I used two ways to try to make the conversion work that were LStrPrintf
    and MoveBlock as stated as following:
    1. LStrPrintf
    #include "extcode.h"
    #include "hosttype.h"
    #include "windows.h"
    struct teststrct{
    const char* test;
    struct teststrct testinstance;
    typedef struct {
    LStrHandle test
    } TD1;
    CIN MgErr CINRun(TD1 *testcluster, LVBoolean *Error) {
    char *tempCStr = NULL;
    strcpy(tempCStr, testinstance.test); // this would cause LabVIEW crash!
    LStrPrintf(testcluster->test, (CStr) "%s", tempCSt
    // but if I assigned tempCStr as tempCStr = "test", the string value
    "test" could be passed to LabVIEW without any problems.
    2. MoveBlock
    #include "extcode.h"
    #include "hosttype.h"
    #include "windows.h"
    struct teststrct{
    const char* test;
    struct teststrct testinstance;
    typedef struct {
    LStrHandle test
    } TD1;
    CIN MgErr CINRun(TD1 *testcluster, LVBoolean *Error) {
    char *tempCStr = NULL;
    int32 len;
    tempCStr = (char *)&testinstance.test; //since strcpy didn't work, I
    used this way to try to copy the const char* to char*.
    len = StrLen(tempCStr);
    if (err = NumericArrayResize(uB, 1L, (UHandle*)&testcluster->test,
    *Error = LVFALSE;
    goto out;
    MoveBlock(&tempCStr, LStrBuf(*testcluster->test), len); // the string
    was able to passed to LabVIEE, but it was unreadable.
    Did I do anything wrong? Any thougths or suggestions would be very

    Thank you so much for your response, Greg. However, I still have problem after making
    corresponding modification for LStrPrintf approach:
    int32 len;
    char tempCStr[255] = "";
    strcpy(temCStr, testinstance.test);
    len = StrLen(tempCStr);
    LStrPrintf(testcluster->test, (CStr) "%s", tempCStr);
    LStrLen(*testcluster->test) = len;
    LabVIEW crashes. Any ideas?
    Greg McKaskle wrote:
    > The LStrPrintf example works correctly with the "test" string literal because
    > tempCStr= "test"; assigns the pointer tempCStr to point to the buffer containing
    > "text". Calling strcpy to move any string to tempStr will cause
    > problems because it is copying the string to an uninitialized pointer,
    > not to a string buffer. There isn't anything wrong with the LStrPrintf
    > call, the damage is already done.
    > In the moveblock case, the code:
    > tempCStr = (char *)&testinstance.test; //since strcpy didn't work, I
    > used this way to try to copy the const char* to char*.
    > doesn't copy the buffer, it just changes a pointer, tempCStr to point to
    > the testinstance string buffer. This is not completely necessary, but
    > does no harm and is very different from a call to strcpy.
    > I believe the reason that LV cannot see the returned string is that the
    > string size hasn't been set.
    > Again, I'm not looking at any documentation, but I believe that you may
    > want to look at LStrLen(*testcluster->test). I think it will be size of
    > the string passed into the CIN, and it should be set to len before returning.
    > Greg McKaskle
    > > struct teststrct{
    > > ...
    > > const char* test;
    > > ...
    > > };
    > >
    > > struct teststrct testinstance;
    > >
    > > typedef struct {
    > > ...
    > > LStrHandle test
    > > ...
    > > } TD1;
    > >
    > > CIN MgErr CINRun(TD1 *testcluster, LVBoolean *Error) {
    > >
    > > char *tempCStr = NULL;
    > >
    > > ...
    > >
    > > strcpy(tempCStr, testinstance.test); // this would cause LabVIEW crash!
    > > LStrPrintf(testcluster->test, (CStr) "%s", tempCStr);
    > > // but if I assigned tempCStr as tempCStr = "test", the string value
    > > "test" could be passed to LabVIEW without any problems.
    > >
    > > ...
    > > }
    > >
    > > 2. MoveBlock
    > >
    > > #include "extcode.h"
    > > #include "hosttype.h"
    > > #include "windows.h"
    > >
    > > struct teststrct{
    > > ...
    > > const char* test;
    > > ...
    > > };
    > >
    > > struct teststrct testinstance;
    > >
    > > typedef struct {
    > > ...
    > > LStrHandle test
    > > ...
    > > } TD1;
    > >
    > > CIN MgErr CINRun(TD1 *testcluster, LVBoolean *Error) {
    > >
    > > char *tempCStr = NULL;
    > > int32 len;
    > > ...
    > >
    > > tempCStr = (char *)&testinstance.test; //since strcpy didn't work, I
    > > used this way to try to copy the const char* to char*.
    > > len = StrLen(tempCStr);
    > >
    > > if (err = NumericArrayResize(uB, 1L, (UHandle*)&testcluster->test,
    > > len))
    > > {
    > > *Error = LVFALSE;
    > > goto out;
    > > }
    > >
    > > MoveBlock(&tempCStr, LStrBuf(*testcluster->test), len); // the string
    > > was able to passed to LabVIEE, but it was unreadable.
    > > ...
    > >
    > > out:
    > > ...
    > >
    > > }
    > >
    > > Did I do anything wrong? Any thougths or suggestions would be very
    > > appreciated!

  • Converting a given string to non-english language

    {color:#0000ff}Hi can anybody help me how to convert an entered string in textfield to french or spanish or to anyother non-english language?{color}

    I don't think you get a language translator package.
    What you can do is store the fraises, words in a database.
    //SQL Code
    CREATE TABLE [Language_Data]
      [Lang]  VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL,                             //Lang English/French.....
      [Type]  CHAR(1) NOT NULL,                                 //is Fraise or Word
      [Words] VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL                             //Fraise or Word data
    CREATE TABLE [Translate]
      [FK_Orig]  INT NOT NULL REFERENCES [Language_Data]([ID]), //ID of the original language
      [FK_Trans] INT NOT NULL REFERENCES [Language_Data]([ID])  //ID's for all known translations
    GO Create Stored procedures to add a new word/fraise to the [Language_Data] table,
    Create a Stored Procedure to add a translation to the [Translate] table
    Please note that to add a translation you will first insert into the [Language_Data] table then
    insert the original's ID and the translation ID to the [Translate] table Also make prevision for backwards translation

  • Converting a binary string to a number...

    Hi guys,
    I'm trying to convert a binary string into a decimal integer. I'm not sure if LabVIEW has a VI that does that. I haven't found one yet. Basically, say I have the string '0101'. I want to convert that to the value '5'. Or say I'm using hex, I want '10101111' to be converted to 'AF'. So that's my dilemma. I'm hoping I'm not going to have to make my own VI. Thanks a lot!

    LabVIEW has exactly what you want even if it can be hard to find it.
    To convert a binary text string like "0101" to a decimal value can easily be done using the Scan Value function found under the String/Number conversion section. If you provide the format %b to it (not mentioned in the manual) you will get the decimal value of your binary string.
    Also, on your front panel you can change the format of your numerical indicators by right clicking on it and selecting Format & Precision. If you have a numerical indicator you can set it do display the numbers in e.g. hexadecimal form.
    However, if you want to convert a number to a hexadecimal text string you can use the Number to Hexadecimal String function also found under the String/Number conversion section.
    attached a simple example,, that shows how it works. I hope this helps. /Mikael
    Attachments: ‏14 KB

  • Is there an easy way to convert from a String with a comma, ie. 1,000.00 to

    Is there an easy way to convert from a String with a comma, ie. 1,000.00 to a float or a double?

    Like DrClap said: DecimalFormat. However, make sure you understand the Locale things, as explained at (which refers to NumberFormat as well) and use them explicitly. Like
    public class FormatTest
      public static void main(String args[])
          // see NumberFormat.getInstance()
          DecimalFormat fmt = new DecimalFormat();
          Number num = fmt.parse("1,000.01");
        catch(ParseException pe)
    }most likely seems OK on your system, but may print "1.0" (or even fail) on some non-English platforms!
    When performing calculations, also see

  • Converting double to strings

    I'm having a problem in getting my double to convert to a string, here's my code so far.
         public void calculatePayments()
              double paymentAmount;
              double monthlyInterestRate = (Double.parseDouble(interestBox.getText())/12)/100;
              double amountOfLoan = Double.parseDouble(balanceBox.getText());
              double numberOfPayments = Double.parseDouble(yearsBox.getText()) * 12;
              paymentAmount = (amountOfLoan * monthlyInterestRate) / (1 - Math.pow(1/(1 + monthlyInterestRate),numberOfPayments));
    And here's the error message I get: append(java.lang.String) in javax.swing.JTextArea cannot be applied to (double)
    As always, help is appreciated.

    This line returns a String but has no affect on paymentAmount.
    Double.toString(paymentAmount);To covert the double to String you can save the return in a variable
    String s = Double.toString(paymentAmount);
    tableBox.append(s);or combine them

  • Converting double to String

    I am looking for a way to convert double to String.
    I think that I have to use wrapper like Double class and use toString(double d), but I am not sure how to do it.
    Since toString() is static method, I do not have to have an instance of the Double class, so I was wondering what's the correct way to do it.
    I need something like this:
    String MyString = new String (String1.concat ( My_doubleNumber.Double.toString() ) );
    Any Suggestions?

    WOW thanks a lot. These are definately better than what I thought of doing originally.
    In case I need to use the wrapper class somewhere else, I am just wondering what would be a proper use of Double and String?

  • Converting LRAW to STRING

    Dear All
    I am trying to convert LRAW to STRING, but all the FMs available are for RAW to STRING.
    Is there any FM that can convert LRAW to RAW keeping in mind that the LRAW field has length about 32000
    <moderator: please use meaningfull subject!>
    Edited by: Jan Stallkamp on Aug 6, 2008 2:39 PM

    Hi Vaibhav
    I had solved this problem with a different work around where I used the ABAP program for sxmb_moni and used its features to get the output.

  • Converting Double to String without exponent

    Hi all,
    I am reading some values from Excelsheet using apache POI library. I have large numbers that need to stored into database as string and not numbers. hence, while reading the excelsheet values, i convert these number.. and the are received as double. While converting double into string I noticed that some values are represented in exponential form.. I would like to avoid this and have pure number values in the form of string,,..
    Can anybody tell me how to do it?
    Thanks in advance,
    Abdel Olakara


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