Converting mpeg1 to mpeg4

I was trying to convert my mpeg1 to mpeg 4 and Dv format using quicktime pro 7, but when I uploaded them to iMovie, the DV format one didnt show up at all, and the mpeg 4 one didn't have sound on it. I probably didn't convert them right. I was wondering how I could convert my mpg1 to a format that would let me edit it in iMovie and then burn them to DVDs. Thanks!

Hi Magic,
I see two possibilities:
* it is NOT mpeg1 but mpeg2.... you need for 20$ the mpeg2-playback-compound, sold at that makes SC able to to convert it.-
* how do you know it is mpeg1? do you own QTpro, what says the info about that file...? or is it an .avi container, some PC friind told you it is an mpeg1...? then, we are in serious danger, because in the PC world exist zillions of "mpeg" flavors, nobody is able to playback besides the inventor and his blindfolded followers....
SC is normally very able to convert allmost anything... very robust & stable app.... should be sold.....

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    Kind regards,

    Never heard of RIFF, so I did research and found these sources:
    Good luck.

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    Hi Mark
    Was just looking for the answer to this exact question and I just found something that worked for me so don't know if it might be of use to you or you might have already solved your problem!  Basically when I was in iMovie and I clicked to import movies from the computer into iMovie and I found the clip I wanted to import, there are a few options.  I think it asked which Event I wanted to add it to but most importantly it asked me what file size I wanted...I had originally been clicking Large because it advised me to because it reduces the file size...but just on a chance there I selected 'Full - Original' for size and it imported perfectly into iMovie in it's original vertical form!
    Hope this helps!

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    If you can't do that, just run your DVD player through your computer through the RCA cables (if you have inputs on your computer), and use some program to convert it into MPEG-4.
    ROB C

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    I'm guessing your Sony Handycam is actually MPEG-2, since I would have thought that Sony equipment will produce full TV frame sized pics. MPEG-1 is usually for half-sized video.
    Download VLC, which should run the MPEG-2 video, and get info to see what it says it is. If it is MPEG-2 then you will need to download the QT component. I know it costs but it is worth it for its QuickTime integration.

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    Never heard of RIFF, so I did research and found these sources:
    Good luck.

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    I have Windows Vista and had the same problem. Went onto Apple site and downloaded from there. It installed fine.

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    More info about the MPEG-2 Playback Component. Please read the FAQ page before you buy.
    More info about MPEG Streamclip.
    Muxed file formats (MPEG 1 and 2 and Flash) have all the audio and video "tracks" inside a single file. QuickTime (and Apple's "i" apps) can't extract the audio portion of these formats. MPEG Streamclip can extract all the tracks and convert them to DV Stream (.dv) which is the format used by iMovie.

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                 before export                                        after export
    Thanks for any help!

    Try increasing the bitrate in your .mp4 encoding.
    Increasing bitrate will proportionately increase the resulting file size.

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    I know I'm in the wrong forum, but I wasnt too sure where to post!
    Could someone help me?
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    Can you open it in iMovie? If so, try this (taken from iMovie help):
    Saving your movie as a QuickTime movie
    When you save your movie in QuickTime format, you can play it on computers or publish it on a webpage, a CD, or your iDisk. When you export your movie to QuickTime, you can choose one of these settings:
    Email: Best for sending over email.
    Web: Best for playing on the web.
    Web Streaming: Best for posting on a QuickTime streaming
    web server.
    CD-ROM: Best for playback from CD-ROM drives.
    Full Quality: Creates a movie with original quality, preserving the most data possible. Use for movies you want to import into other applications, such as iDVD, DVD Studio Pro, or Final Cut Pro, for further editing.
    Expert Settings: Use when you want to customize your export or use other formats and codecs.
    Important: The viewer needs QuickTime 7 or later to watch your QuickTime movie.
    To save your movie as a QuickTime movie:
    Choose Share > QuickTime.
    Choose a movie format from the pop-up menu.
    Click the "Share selected clips only" checkbox if you only want to share clips you selected.
    Click Share.
    Name your movie, select a location for the file, and click Save.
    The time it takes to save the movie depends on the movie's length and the format you choose.

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    Which tool should I use.
    Thanks for your help.

    Which tool should I use.
    Donwload MPEG Streamclip and convert MPEG-1 to DV stream. For more info consult

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