Converting wav to mp3 during sync

I would like to sync my music from itunes to my iphone however my file formats are large wav. I do not want to store such large files on my device, are there settings that you can set to convert files to mp3 during sync.

You can leave them in the same directory if you want.
iTunes prefs -> Advanced - Importing.
Set it to import in the fomrat you want.
Then selct the songs you want to convert, go to menu Advanced -> Convert selection to what you set in prefs].
This will create a new copy in the new format.

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    make sure you have the exact path written correctly. If you can, show what the filename is in itunes, and the filename when you are looking at the song files (i.e. through my comuter). Make sure these are the same, and that they are all usable itunes formats.

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    You'll need to adjust your import settings to mp3 first. For instructions, see the following document:
    iTunes: About the Add to Library, Import, and Convert functions
    EDIT: sorry, this document is better:
    iTunes: How to convert a song to a different file format
    Message was edited by: b noir

  • Converting wav to mp3 (mpeglayer3)?

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    Processor p = new MediaProcessor();
    MediaLocator source = new MediaLocator ("file://E:/workspace2/Test/ALSNDMGR.wav");
    DataSource d = Manager.createDataSource(source);
    TrackControl[] tc = p.getTrackControls();
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    p.setContentDescriptor(new ContentDescriptor (FileTypeDescriptor.MPEG_AUDIO));
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    DataSink sink = Manager.createDataSink(ds, destination);;
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    I'll just add that your iPod supports WAV already, so you don't need to convert them to MP3. That said, if you convert them you can fit more on the iPod. Also, the battery will probably last longer with MP3s.

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    select the files in iTunes and, from the advanced menu, choose +create MP3 version+.
    edit: just noticed you're on iTunes 8 so it might be different in that version. see this KB article:
    alternatively, use one of these free apps to convert the wav's before adding to your library.
    edited by the Jolly Green Giant (where Green stands for environmentally friendly)

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    Neuro wrote:
    Well, I've done a similar script myself for my personal use: Audioconvert.
    Type ./ --help for help. To convert a wma file to mp3 do
    ./ --format mp3 file.wma
    I hope this one helps you.
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    $ ./ --format mp3 Intro.wma
    And got:
    -bash: ./ Permission denied
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    If music quality is important to you dont convert wav to mp3, you lose a great deal of audio quality! You should be able to save your itunes library file and move all your songs over to your mac and then when you open itunes hold down the option key before you click the itunes icon. It will ask you to chose an itunes library. Then just locate the itunes library file you put on your mac and so long as all your music is in the same folder structure as it was on the previous computer it should all sync up.

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    I recently spent over 14 hours converting all my CD songs to WAV. WAV conversion was the only one of two options available with my older Nero software, and MP3 conversion was not an option. I intended to make mixed CD's. By the time I was done, I had over 300 songs that take up over 17 GB in this WAV format.
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    Carl2444 wrote:
    will converting solve the issue?
    iTunes help has what seems to be a simple way to convert wav to mp3, but I couldn't get it to work.
    i was just running into this in another thread. here's what Zevoneer suggested:
    +If the tracks are in your iTunes library (and there is no DRM copy protection on them) go to Edit>Preferences>General (or iTunes>Preferences>General on a Mac) and choose the Import Settings button. Pick the format you want to convert your files to (MP3 for example). in your iTunes library or playlist highlight the song or songs you want to convert and go to the Advanced menu on the top bar of iTunes and choose, again for example "Create MP3 version":How to convert a song to a different file format. You can't use iTunes to convert tracks that are not in your iTunes library.+
    does that fix your issue ?

  • Software to convert Cd audio + WAV to MP3

    I have problems with MP3 files import in Director, what
    software i can use to converter from cd audio or wav to mp3?
    Heelli :)

    pheelli wrote:
    > I have problems with MP3 files import in Director, what
    software i can use to converter from cd audio or wav to mp3?
    Hi Heeli.
    To convert CD Audio to WAV/MP3 search 'cd audio ripper' in
    Google. First one that came up when I searched now is
    Audiograbber which I've used and is quite good.
    You can also sear WAV to MP3 to convert. Since Director is
    now part of Adobe, I'll mention Adobe Audition (Windows Only)
    which can do this. It's a powerful audio editing program that
    can work with WAVs and MP3s. It's much more than just a
    If you have WAV files, you may try convert them to SWA in
    Director. Xtras menu - Convert WAV to SWA (Windows only).
    Director Lecturer / Consultant

  • Will anybody kindly recommend a high end wav to MP3 converter software

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    [email protected] wrote:
    > There are so many WAV to MP3 converter software on the market. I
    > tried some of them and was not very happy with them. Will anybody
    > kindly recommend a high end wav to MP3 converter software that they
    > have had a good experience with. I need this software to convert WAV
    > speech recording into MP3 in batch processing. Thank you
    Audition comes to mind .... O;-)
    Kind regards
    Peter Larsen

  • Converting WAV files to mp3 upon import

    I have changed my import settings in itunes preferences to encode incoming wav files to mp3, restarted my computer, but when I import the wav file, it stays a wav file, no matter how I set my preferences. Why can't I make mp3's, or that is how the F**K can I get my computer to do what I'm asking it???
    P.S. I still love my mac, but jesus, come on!!!

    I have changed my import settings in itunes preferences to encode incoming wav files to mp3, restarted my computer, but when I import the wav file, it stays a wav file, no matter how I set my preferences.
    Import will only convert to the selected format when your RIP from CD or select a file already in iTunes then menu Advanced -> Create {import settings} version.
    Make sure your Import settings are MP3.
    Hold Option, go to iTunes menu Advanced -> Convert selection to MP3, then select the WAV files you want to add to yoru library
    This will convert them to MP3 and add them at the same time.

  • Urgent How to convert wav files into mp3?

    Can anyone plz tell me how can i convert wav file into mp3 using JMF? tell me any sample programme, any method in JMF........ help me plz

    Examples could be found on the JMF Solutions page.
    Only I can say about mp3 through network - it's hardly possible. I recommend GSM for compression2transmit. It could be used via GSM content descriptor. I'm not sure, but I suppose MP3 is supported only for files, there's no MP3.RTP or such (if you want to transmit files, it should not cause any problems).
    About JavaSound - it does not matter... You still need JMF to be installed on Client, and AppletCapture to be enabled. Futrher - would it be DirectSound, JavaSound, or anything else - just the deal of JMF.
    I tried to use JavaSound capture with proceeding AudioInputStream to JMF, but failed to do this.
    About your problem - best solution seems like that:
    capture sound
    put it into processor
    set format to GSM
    so then, server receives it and formats it as it likes.
    If you want to transmit exactly files, you should use just some of pure java after capturing., or such thing.

  • Converting WAV files to MP3 files

    I have a USB turntable for converting my vinyl records to digital. When the files are imported to itunes they are large WAV files. I there a way to set up itunes to automatically convert the WAV files to MP3 files?

    Old thread, but still very useful. I too looked for a converter for Mac
    for ages and stumbled across your forum. Now you can use an app called audio converter for mac,  It costs a bit, but u can try it out free first to see if it works for what ,you need it for. Plz click the link below to get more info:

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