Cookie Cutter and removing transparent pixels

Unlike crop, when I used the cookie cutter, the transparent pixels remained after I accepted the cut.  Doing a Ctrl-click in the Layers panel > Image menu > Crop, only did a crop rectangle delimited by the x/y max of the shape.
Is there an easy way to remove all of them, that is following the outline of the shape?

Every digital image ever is rectangular (or square). That's the whole point of transparency: it lets your rectangular image look like it's shaped like a star or a sailboat or a german shepherd, even though it isn't.

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    You can download the set from here:
    Just unzip the and copy the Bowties.csh to
    windows operating system:
    C:\Users\YourName\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Photoshop Elements\11.0\Presets\Custom Shapes
    mac operating system:
    /Users/yourname/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Adobe Photoshop Elements 11/Presets/Custom Shapes
    Start or restart pse 11 and they should be listed in the Cookie Cutter and Custom Shapes lists

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    You'll need to post the image for us to give advice.
    In general, the glare cannot be removed.  You can clone over the glare, but the cloned areas will not be the original underlying painting.  Depending on your image, acceptable solutions might be possible, as long as you are aware of what is actually being done.

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    Thank you.

    Apparently there's no way to just repaint that portion of graphics without repainting everything.
    I now understand more on how transparent pixels are treated.
    So, when I overwrite one of the pixels in the background in a way or another I have lost it forever. and it's my function that has to take care of repainting it.(usually repainting everything).
    I hoped to improve performance with this method but, well, have to turn back on the old one.
    Thanks again.

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    This is a very frequent topic. It is one of the classic limitations (classic, because the limitation is over two decades old) of Illustrator's pathetic base functionality.
    Note the expectation:
    I know this is something simple... what am I missing?
    Then note the ridiculous array of convoluted, multi-step, caveat-riddled workarounds that are invariably suggested in thread like this:
    There's always the suggestions to resort to Pathfinders, with all their ridiculous artwork-wrecking gotchas: Depending upon the specific paths involved, Pathfinders variously remove strokes, remove open paths, outline strokes and/or fills. So there always follows a lengthy discourse on "clever" sequences, one of which sometimes "gets lucky" and satisfies the specific instance of the thread originator--just because the originator's artwork just happens to have the "correct" kinds of paths/fills/strokes for the Pathfinder "solution."
    There's always the suggestions revolving around Expansion of live Effects (Flattening transparency, making and expanding LivePaint groups, etc.). These all present similar caveats, plus all the complications of nested clipping paths, groupings, etc.
    Almost never is mentioned the closest thing to a straightforward cutting feature that Illustrator offers: The Eraser tool that was trotted out in CS3. This tool would be the correct answer to such situations, were it not so poorly implemented. For the first time ever, it finally gave Illustrator the literally decades-overdue ability to cut across multiple open unfilled paths. But it unpredictably alters the shapes of the paths (!), so I consider it unreliable and unacceptable; a reflection of the increasingly poor quality of this program.
    This is something simple, though--in any decent drawing program other than Illustrator. Examples:
    Corel Draw, Xara Xtreme (others): Draw a path of any shape. Use it to cut (that's cut, not merely mask) any other path or any other group of paths.
    Adobe FreeHand: Use the Knife tool to cut across any number of paths in one stroke. So using guides or grid snaps, you can trim artwork down to a rectangular area with four moves.
    Typically, in the basic art cutting features of other programs, all selected paths are cut. The resulting portions of each cut path retain their existing fill/stroke attributes (unlike the absurd Pathfinder workarounds in Illustrator). Strokes remain strokes (don't get "outlined" to closed paths, as they do in Illustrator's awkward workarounds).
    Note that FreeHand's treatment is basic compared to that of the others mentioned. Illustrator's brand-new Eraser should at least match it's basic utility. But as explained above, it fails to do so, because of its poor quality.
    Illustrator now has no less than four cutting tools (Knife, Scissor, Eraser, Slice) in its over-stuffed but under-powered main toolbox. NONE of them satisfy this most basic functional need. This is just one of several similar examples of how Illustrator's convoluted interface fakes "sophistication" and "power" by presenting a silly array of multiple tools--none of which actually measure up to the job of much more elegant single tools in other drawing programs.

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    I can't find any instructions for using custom shapes as a work around.
    Any ideas?

    No, it's just grouped with the crop tool. Click the crop tool and look in the Tool Options.

  • Cookie cutter image in new layer disappears

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    Click NEW LAYER
    Cookie Cutter
    Select the arrow type
    Drag it into the right shape
    Click the green checkmark to ok.
    Whamo, it disappears, both from the page and the layer palette.

    Here are the tools showing up on my screen:
    Move tool
    Rectangular Marquee
    Magic Wand
    Quick Selection
    Horizontal Type
    Cookie Cutter
    Red Eye Removal
    Spot Healing Brush
    Clone Stamp
    Smart Brush
    Paint Bucket
    I don't see either a Line Tool or Custom Shape Tool in that location. It must be elsewhere, or perhaps inside one of those listed?

  • Newbie needs help! Checkerboard pops up when using cookie cutter?

    When I'm using the cookie cutter why does my image disappear and shows a white & gray checkerboard grid instead? Am I missing a step or something?

    The checkerboard pattern denotes transparency.
    When you drag out a shape with the cookie cutter tool, the shape embracing what you wish to retain should be there after you commit.
    Try this:
    Open picture file, drag out the heart shape (it is the first one, solid black, in the default library) and commit.
    Now try this:
    Open picture file, duplicate background layer, work on background copy layer. Shut off the visibility of the background layer by clicking on its eye icon on the left in the layers palette.
    Drag out the heart shape and commit.
    Place a blank layer between the background and background copy layers, and fill the blank layer with a color (use Paintbucket tool or go to Edit>fill layer>foreground color.) The color should show through the area of transparency (checkerboard).
    Please post back with your progress.

  • Script to open a file and zoom to pixel

    Hi, I work for a mapping company and one of our digital camera has a fault with the lens resulting in a small black mark appearing in exactly he same location of every image we capture what I would like is a script that can be used to open a file set the zoom say to 100% and move to pixel 3324x5493 so I user can repair it.
    I thought this would be simple but I've been looking all evening without finding anything

    I have something started but it isn't quite finished. It will center on the pixel and zoom in, but the only holdback is it increases the canvas size which will need to be cropped later. If you first set the Background layer to a non-Background layer your extra canvas will be transparent which will allow for a simple trim to return to the normal image later.
    function centerON (x,y) {
        var startRulerUnits = app.preferences.rulerUnits;
        var startTypeUnits = app.preferences.typeUnits ;
        var startDisplayDialogs = app.displayDialogs;
        app.preferences.rulerUnits = Units.PIXELS;
        app.preferences.typeUnits = TypeUnits.PIXELS;
        app.displayDialogs = DialogModes.NO;
        var centerDoc=app.activeDocument;
        if (x>w/2) {var hor="LEFT";}
        else if (x<w/2) {var hor ="RIGHT";}
        else {var hor="CENTER";}
        if (y>h/2) {var ver="TOP"; }
        else if (y<h/2) {var ver="BOTTOM"; }
        else {var ver="MIDDLE"; }
        switch (ver) {
            case "TOP":
            switch (hor) {
                case "LEFT": anchor=AnchorPosition.TOPLEFT; original=[0,0,w,h]; break;
                case "RIGHT": anchor=AnchorPosition.TOPRIGHT; original=[hdiff,0,hdiff+w,h]; break;
                case "CENTER": anchor=AnchorPosition.TOPCENTER; original=[0,0,w,h]; break;
            }; break;
            case "BOTTOM":
            switch (hor) {
                case "LEFT": anchor=AnchorPosition.BOTTOMLEFT; original=[0,vdiff,w,vdiff+h]; break;
                case "RIGHT": anchor=AnchorPosition.BOTTOMRIGHT; original=[hdiff,vdiff,hdiff+w,vdiff+h]; break;
                case "CENTER": anchor=AnchorPosition.BOTTOMCENTER; original=[0,vdiff,w,vdiff+h]; break;
            }; break;
            case "MIDDLE":
            switch (hor) {
                case "LEFT": anchor=AnchorPosition.MIDDLELEFT; original=[0,0,w,h]; break;
                case "RIGHT": anchor=AnchorPosition.MIDDLERIGHT; original=[vdiff,0,vdiff+w,h]; break;
                case "CENTER": anchor=AnchorPosition.MIDDLECENTER;original=[0,0,w,h]; break;
            }; break;
    //    centerDoc.trim();
    //    centerDoc.crop(original);
        app.preferences.rulerUnits = startRulerUnits;
        app.preferences.typeUnits = startTypeUnits;
        app.displayDialogs = startDisplayDialogs;
    For centerON(234,3500); you would of course input your own x,y coordinates where you want to center the image.
    The issue I'm having is that if I trim or crop the image, it will sometimes re-center the image elsewhere. I've tried using a crop with hide to center on the pixel then Reveal All to show the whole image again, but that also re-centers the image. Though, that may actually be a better way for you to do it afterall. Instead of increasing the canvas size, you could crop with hide to put the center on the pixel you want, then when finished just Reveal All.
    It would just be easier if Photshop kept focus centered during a crop.

  • I want to delete all transparent pixels, how can I? CS6

    I would like to delete all transparent pixels surrounding my irregularly (non-square) image.  The TRIM function only trims to a square surrounding my image and not to the edge of the image itself.  Is there a work around for this?  I have looked around and haven't found one. 

    Image have rectangular area they have a width and height boundaries as do layer.  Not all of the rectangular area need to have content or be fully opaque,  However the image boundary is a rectangle.  Some file formats are like a Photoshop Background layer do not support empty area or even transparency so those file formats only contain image that are rectangles and have no transparency. Some file formats support transparency and empty areas so those images can be any shape and contain transparency still the image boundary is rectangular. Then there is the GIF file format an oddball format. It only supports 256 Colors. Pixels are mapped to one of the 256 colors selected for the image.  If you want Transparency in a gif  the number of colors is reduced by 1 to 255  the 256 color now indicate no content its not real transparency it just a no color pixel in other words off or no content.
    So if you have areas that are 100% transparent there is nothing to delete the area is empty.  If you have pixels that contain some transparency and you delete those pixels you delete details are you sure you want to delete all pixels that contain transparency? You will loose things like drop shadows

  • How to edit transparency pixels in a FilterPlugin?

    I want develop a fiter plugin of photoshop. while i am not clearly about some issues:
    (1) how does the photoshop provide the transparency data ( blank data ) to me ?
    in other words, i want obtain the "alpha" channel data, is this provided by the "inData" together with other channels?
    (2) I want to change the pixel's transparency, means i want change totally transparent pixels into
    opaque. how to do it ?
    (3) in the pluginName.r file,there are 7 entries in FilterCaseInfo like following. is there anything i must pay special attention to?
        /* Flat data, no selection */
        inWhiteMat, outWhiteMat,
    By the way, When i invoke a filter (i develop it 2 yeas ago) on the transparency document , photoshop gives a messagebox said it canot invoke the fiter because the selection area is totally empty.
    if the area has both transparency and opaque pixels, then the plugin cause write access faled and made the photoshop crash ,  why does this happen, how to avoid it.
    Thanks a lot.!

    First off, don't confuse "alpha" with "transparency" they are different.
    If I create a RGB document with one layer and call the Dissolve example I get the following bits of information in the FilterRecord:
    planes = 4
    imageMode = 3 // plugInModeRGBColor
    filterCase = 4 // filterCaseEditableTransparencyNoSelection
    inLayerPlanes = 3
    inTransparencyMask = 1
    plane 0 = red, 1 = green, 2 = blue, 3 = transparency
    See DoFilter, the loop on the planes, and DissolveRectangle, the changing of the data on each plane, in the Dissolve.cpp example file.
    Now flatten the document and create an alpha channel and select all channels via the channels panel. Selecing just the alpha channel or any one channel will have different results.
    planes = 4
    imageMode = 3 // plugInModeRGBColor
    filterCase = 2 // filterCaseFlatImageWithSelection
    inLayerPlanes = 0
    inTransparencyMask = 0
    inNonLayerPlanes = 4
    There is some documentation about FilterCaseInfo in the Plug-in Resource Guide.pdf found in the documentation folder.

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