Copy/Paste in Snow Leopard

Before Snow Leopard, I liked to print, or Copy/Paste then print out in Text Edit or Apple Works, the Help (up in the menu or on Apple’s web site) of some programs, like iPhoto, iCal etc. That way, if I wanted to look something up, I had the answers (I hope) in my own printed manual. Now when I try to do this, I can’t. WHY!! Is there something I am overlooking? Is there a new way in Snow Leopard that I don’t know about? No one seems to be able to give me an answer and it is VERY frustrating. I’m OLD and like to have a manual in my hands, not try to remember everything on a screen. Any help will be appreciated.
Grandpa’s wife

Common copy/paste pitfalls some have, some may be related to your issue:
1. Not seeing the text highlighted you wish to copy, before you select copy.
2. Not realizing on the Mac the keyboard key has changed from Apple logo, to Cloverleaf logo like a 4 leaf clover, to the word Command on various keyboards. If you use a non-Apple keyboard, the substitute key has the Windows Start logo, or Windows menu icon. Combined with the C key is Copy, X key is Cut, Z key is undo (when available), V key is paste, unless otherwise indicated in the Edit menu of the said application. No shortcut in the menu usually means a non Apple keyboard shortcut application addon is needed for keyboard shortcuts of the said command.
3. Accidently cutting or copying a different selected text, before pasting what you copied. Remembering previous cuts and copies is generally not an option.
4. Clipboard is no longer visible in Mac OS X as its own window.
A really good book author for Mac OS X is Robin Williams (not the actor). She makes easy explanations of the most difficult concepts.

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    OK, then since this isn't related to the OP's issue, I'd suggest you start a new topic in the Quicktime for Mac forum (use the "Post a new topic" link at the top of each main topic page). It's generally better to ask a question as a new topic rather than as a reply in someone else's thread. It's more courteous to the original poster, and is more likely to get your question the attention it deserves.

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    The PC cannot read the HFS file system, so it only "sees" the
    boot camp (joliet) file system (SL DVD's contain a hybrid file system).
    I windows program such as isobuster can make a perfect iso file copy
    (provided the DVD is okay) of the SL hybrid install disk that can be
    used to burn a backup copy of your SL DVD, either in windows
    or Mac (with a good DVD Burner). SL DVD's are Dual Layer 8.3 GB
    DVD's, so you will need the equivalent blanks. 
    I suspect your  Mac's optical drive is either dirty or failing, causing the
    read problems on the Mac.
    You can get isobuster here:

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    curious r wrote:
    So far I have looked at "Carbon Copy Clone" which does not seem to work for me as it seems to need a partitioned HD to copy it to.
    Wrong. CCC will allow cloning to a single partition. See this if you wish to preserve the files currently on the ext HD.
    With Disk Utility, you can dynamically create and delete partitions.
    I realize that CCC is uncomplicated and free software
    Not any longer. CCC 3.5+ is now a commercial product. See product information for details.
    I suggest that you start over with Disk Utility by wiping the ext HD, reformatting it with the GUID scheme, and creating the required partitions. I suggest one for Lion, one for ML, and one for your Music, Pictures, and important file folder. Make the OS partitions about 50% larger than what they are now. BTW, if those include your Music, Pictures, and important file folder, that might be overdoing things and all you'll need is two, one for each OS. Then, use CCC or other cloning app to make bootable clones of Lion to the partitions and then upgrade one of them to ML. I have partitioned my int HD and have bootable OSs and their clones, two each for SL, Lion, and ML. That's duplicated on two ext FWHDs.

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    OOPS!  I just noticed you actually have Lion, and want to go back to Snow Leopard.  That may or may not work.  The first test would be to see if you can boot your new MacBook 13" from a Snow Leopard installation DVD, or from another Mac in Firewire Target mode, or a bootable external Snow Leopard disk (SuperDuper or Carbon Copy Cloner created).
    If that works, then Yes, but before trying anything make sure you have full backups (SuperDuper or Carbon Copy Cloner, or even TimeMachine).  2 copies would be even better.
    Bootcamp is not needed.  Bootcamp is an aid to installing and running the Windows OS
    You can install Lion on an exteernal disk, and boot from that by holding down the Option key during boot.
    You can repartition your internal disk so you have 2 partitions.  You restore your Snow Leopard backup to one partition, and install Lion on the other.  You can choose to boot into either partition by holding own the Option key during boot.  You could also use System Preferences -> Startup Disk to switch between Snow Leopard and Lion.
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    You could buy one of those kits that replaces your DVD drive with a Solid State Disk (SSD), and instlal Lion on the SSD, and again boot holding the Option key or use Startup Disk system pref to switch between the OS versions.
    Message was edited by: BobHarris

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    Keith Montreal wrote:
    It was origionally a local folder for things like receipts from the Apple Store, etc
    I'm still not sure what you mean . . . is it listed in the "On My Mac" section in Mail's sidebar, like these?
    Mountain Lion appears to have given it an icon very much like an Archive box and put the "on My Mac" folder within that "Box" on both the back ups and the new Mail program - in fact it did it 6 times, which was the origional problem.
    Can you post a screenshot?
    I could restore inbox messages although they came in as a new mail box called Time Machine rather than into their origional mailboxes (there are 7 different addresses)
    Yes, that's how Time Machine restores Mail messages, so it doesn't erase the current contents of an existing mailbox.  You can then move them into the desired location.

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    Have you purchased a retail copy of the Snow Leopard DVD?

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    Try booting directly from the Snow Leopard installer disk (insert the disk, restart, and hold down the "c" key).
    This presumes you have a retail copy of the Snow Leopard installer (the white disk with the picture on it) rather than the system disk from another Mac (grey label).

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    I hear it rev up at the beginning and then, it just stops.
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    Please help!
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    How do I get the "start-up" disk to completely start up?
    I even bought a fresh copy of the Snow Leopard DVD and it didn't help.
    Any ideas?

    First, if your Mac came with SL preinstalled, you can't boot from a retail disc. You have to use the disc that came with the machine. You can order a replacement from Apple customer service.
    You don't say what your underlying problem is, but it's unlikely to solved by repairing permissions, which is almost always a waste of time. If you really do need to repair permissions, do it while booted from the system you want to repair, if possible, not from an installation disc.

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