hi all
I have to develop a CORBA server connected to a database.Could you please suggest me how to develop this server using JDBC.What should be the components of the IDL.How to include ResultSet and Connection in IDL? What other things to be included in IDL?

I assume you want to implement a very generic JDBC on CORBA and not any specific application that uses JDBC. First of all ResultSet,Connection and other JDBC interfaces are Java objects and there is no direct support for these objects in CORBA. RMI maybe a better option if u want to pass java objects around( Iam not sure if u can pass ResultSet directly even with RMI). You may have to wrap all JDBC interfaces in your own interfaces and invoke the actual jdbc methods on the server side. If you want to use CORBA and not RMI,then you have to provide custom methods to fetch results of a SQL query such as getNext(),you have to be very careful as to how atomic you want each method to be. If every method makes a netwrok call then it will be very slow. There is atleast one such implementation of JDBC on CORBA. Try doing a search in google

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    Hi Don!
    Thank for Your advice!
    did you use an oci jdbc driver in your code and then deploy it to the jvm in 8.1.6 ?
    you need to use the "server side" jdbc driver documented in the jdbc manuals ...
    Please review the "Oracle8i JDBC Developer's Guide and Reference Release 2 (8.1.6)
    A81354-01" at :
    Especially the section called "JDBC in the Server: the Server-Side Internal Driver"
    located in Chapter 14 at :
    But... I have used the "server side" jdbc driver from the beginning in according to specification.
    Moreover, I have applied all variants offered in Chapter 15.
    But I have got, however, the same mistake: "No suitable driver".
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    import oracle.jdbc.driver.*;
    public java.lang.String PetroDeleteRow() {
    // IMPLEMENT: Operation
    String res="GOOD";
    Connection conn=null;
    try {
    // 1th-variant
    OracleDriver ora = new OracleDriver();
    catch (SQLException e) {res=e.toString();}
    return res;
    What did i wrong? ;-((
    Thanks in advance!

    Hi Don!
    are you running the code inside jdeveloper or inside the 816 jvm ?Yes, of course. I have deployed my CORBA object on the 816 server and then I
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    System.out.println("Calling pressurecorba.PrognosisInterface methods...\n");
    catch (Exception e) {
    Furthermore, when I use SQLJ in CORBA object all is correct.
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    Thanks in advance!

  • Accessing and retreiving ResultSets through CORBA via JDBC

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    Thanks in advance

    You won't be able to send actual instances of the Java class ResultSet via CORBA. All interfaces and data structures you use must be defined in CORBA IDL. You should be able to find a lot of tutorials about general CORBA, including the ones at the bottom of
    You should define an interface in CORBA IDL for your server that the client applet will call. Probably you'll have a method which takes the query parameters and returns some sort of data structure that you also define in IDL.
    The only problem I really see is whether or not the JVM your browser uses does CORBA very well.
    - Everett

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    Help on RFC to JDBC and JDBC to RFC
    Hi Gurus
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    is there any new issue to consider in PI 7.0 regarding JDBC

    The requirement looks standard,
    SEARCH IN SDN FOR JDBC scenarios,you will find many docs for sender as well as Receiver.
    > is there any new issue to consider in PI 7.0 regarding JDBC
    no issue with PI7.0.

  • Creating a service ; What needs to be added to tnsnames.ora and JDBC url?

    DB version:
    OS platform : Solaris 10
    We have a 2 node RAC.
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    Instance2  = mbsprd2I want Instance 1 (mbsprd1) to be used for our OLTP application and Instance 2 (mbsprd2) to be used for another application of DSS nature.
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    -- SCAN based TNS entry
    mbsprd =
        (ADDRESS_LIST =
          (ADDRESS = (COMMUNITY =
            (PROTOCOL = TCP)(Host = (Port = 36964))
        (CONNECT_DATA =
          (SERVER       = DEDICATED)
          (SERVICE_NAME = mbsprd)
    -- TNS entry based on local listener
    -- Instance 1
    mbsprd1 =
       (ADDRESS_LIST =
       (ADDRESS =(PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = hsolarp148-vip)(PORT = 36973))
       (CONNECT_DATA =
             (SERVICE_NAME = mbsprd)
             (INSTANCE_NAME = mbsprd1)
    -- Instance 2
    -- TNS entry based on local listener
    mbsprd2 =
       (ADDRESS_LIST =
       (ADDRESS =(PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = hsolarp149-vip)(PORT = 36973))
       (CONNECT_DATA =
             (SERVICE_NAME = mbsprd)
             (INSTANCE_NAME = mbsprd2)
    )JDBC entry for RAC -- Alternative version used by some clients because the above had 'some issues'

    OLTP =
        (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = your_port_number))
        (CONNECT_DATA =
          (SERVER = DEDICATED)
          (SERVICE_NAME = OLTP)
    DSS =
        (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = your_port_number))
        (CONNECT_DATA =
          (SERVER = DEDICATED)
          (SERVICE_NAME = DSS)
      )JDBC entry for RAC
    jdbc:oracle:thin:@new_tns_entry_description(if you would like to connect the database with particular service)
    try this and let us know any issues,

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    How can i test the whole integration?
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    "Error during last refresh to cache"LCR_GET_OWN_BUSINESS_SYSTEM - NO_BUSINESS_SYSTEM"
    Please solve all the above problems i will reward u points

    While we working on IDOC to JDBC interface..
    We have to deploy JDBC Drivers?
    Go through this links,
    To install JDBC driver follow the how to guide.
    Configuration of JDBC Adapter for SQL Server
    JDBC Driver =
    Connection = jdbc:microsoft:sqlserver://hostname:<port>;DatabaseName=<DBName>
    UserID and Password.
    If the connection is not working find the correct port number.
    JDBC- X I -  R/3 Scenario
    Please check the driver path as mentioned below.
    JDBC Driver : sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver
    Connection:jdbc:odbc:Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ=//location of DB table.mdb;
    No JDBC driver required.
    Receiver JDBC scenario MS access - /people/sameer.shadab/blog/2005/10/24/connecting-to-ms-access-using-receiver-jdbc-adapter-without-dsn
    follow this thread
    Re: Problem when connecting to MS Access through JDBC Adapter.
    SAP Note 850116 has details
    Configuring the Sender JDBC Adapter
    Configuring the Receiver JDBC Adapter
    Idoc Reveiver adapter..
    Satya Kumar
    Edited by: SATYA KUMAR AKKARABOYANA on May 8, 2008 5:51 PM

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    waiting for ur inputs....

    For RFC lookup you might be doing hardcoding for Business system and RFC channel name.
    Options are
    1) Create value mapping for Business system. So you can maintain it in Directory part.
    2) Keep the RFC channel name same for all system (Development, Quality, Production)
        The details of channel can be changed in the Directory part of the respective system

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  • Problem between SOAP Sender and JDBC Receiver

    I have a asynchronous scenary between SOAP Sender and JDBC Receiver.
    The idea is sending an ID for updating one register.
    Table structure is:
        (P_RUT                         VARCHAR2(10) NOT NULL,
        P_NOMBRE                       VARCHAR2(50),
        P_APELLIDO                     VARCHAR2(50))
    The ID is the P_RUT field.
    The structure of message that I send by SOAP, is the following:
    <SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:SOAP-ENC="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
              <m:MT_CONS_SOAP xmlns:m="urn:prueba:voliva">
    The JDBC receiver structure is:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <ns0:MT_CONS_PERSONA xmlns:ns0="urn:prueba:voliva">
              <AS_PERSONA action="UPDATE">
    When I do a call to SOAP by XMLspy, it returns a message without data, that means succesfull reply.
    I see message monitor and see the succesfull flag. But in the database it doesn't update the register.
    This scenario was proved using the File Sender and same JDBC Receiver, then result was succesfull.
    I proved SOAP Sender with a File Receiver, storing information from SOAP sender in an archive, and works well.
    Then I imagine that exist some problem between SOAP and JDBC. what could be happening ?

    Looks like the problem is with the JDBC receiver...try updating the value in the table by using a File-JDBC scenario..does it work..check the adapter monitor in RWB..

  • Need information about Mail  and JDBC Adapter

    Hi Guys,
    I am just started learning XI. Can any you provide any document how to use Mail and JDBC adapters in step-by-step way.
    Thanks & Regards
    Surendra M

    Check these links
    Mail Adapter
    JDBC Adapter
    Receiving Mail attachments using additional files of file adapter [original link is broken] [original link is broken] [original link is broken]
    FILE to JDBC Adapter using SAP XI 3.0
    Tips and Tutorial for Sender JDBC Adapter
    Message was edited by:

  • File to Idoc and Jdbc

    Hi Guys,
                 Can I implement a scenario wherein the data is sent to Idoc and JDBC parallelly without using BPM?

    ><i>If i add multiple recievers in receiver determination step without any condition, then how do i add multiple interface determinations in the area below?</i>
    Once you add multiple Receivers and save the same, the Receivers will be available in the Window Below and you would need to create an Interface Determination for each of these Receivers.
    As you do not have any condition, no need to add conditions.
    ><i>created seperate Receiver determinations</i>
    You would need only ONE RECEIVER DETERMINATION and this receiver determination would in turn have multiple Interface Determinations.
    Like mentioned, add multiple receivers save the Receiver Determination and in the window below, you will nopw be able to add an Interface determination for each of the receiver.

  • JMS and JDBC Adapter in PI7.1

    Hi All,
    Kindly tell me about the blogs for JMS and JDBC adapter.
    Please tell me about the Message Types in JMS adapter.
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Shwetambari,
    Thanks for the reply.
    We need to mention the Adapter Modules while configuring the communiucation channels in JMS
    e.g. Adapter/ConvertJMSMessageToBinary,Adapter/ConvertBinaryToXMBMessage etc.
    So please tell me whether we need to write the cide for the same in JAVA or it is already there ?If it is there then whre can we get it?Do we need to decompile the archeve ?If so, then how to do it?
    Can you give me the Adaqpter Modules for which the code is already there?
    The JMS adapter (Java Message Service) enables you to connect messaging systems to the Integration Engine or the PCK.
    What are the different types of Messaging Systems?Or what is meant by the Messaging System in JMS?
    What are the different types of Messages used?
    Thanks in advance.
    Edited by: Shweta Kullkarni on Sep 4, 2009 5:22 AM

  • How to upload an html file using jsp and jdbc

    im trying to upload an html page using JSP and jdbc. but of no success.
    my aim is to keep some important html pages in the database.the file size can vary.the file has to be selected from a local machine (through the browser) and uploaded to a remote machine(where the databse resides).
    any help/sample code or pointer to any helpful link is appreciated.
    thanks in advance

    When uploading a file, I use a byte array as a temporary buffer..
    So, you should then be able to store the byte array in the
    database as binary data.
    //Temporary Buffer To Store File
    byte[] tmpbuffer = new byte[860];
    //Some Code To Upload File...
    //File Should Now Be In Byte Array
    //Get DB Connection and execute Prepared Statement
    Connection con=//GET DB CONNECTION;
    String sql=insert into TABLE(page) values(?);
    PreparedStatement ps=con.prepareStatement(sql);
    //Close PS and Free DB Connection
    ..... and this method looks like you dont even have
    to store the file in a byte array, you can just give
    it the input stream.
    ps.setBinaryStream(int, inputStream, int);
    You may have to make several attempts at this. I have
    uploaded a file and temporarily stored it in a byte array,
    but have never from there stored it in the DB as binary
    data.. but this looks like it'll work.
    Good Luck!

  • TableView - support for datasource (on-demand loading and JDBC)

    I'm new to JavaFX and I was wondering if anybody knows any good practices for TableView with large datasets. Any API extension that supports datasources for on-demand loading and JDBC. Or any good tutorial, example or ideas. I was looking at DataFX but I don't see any datasource for JDBC in the javadocs even when it's mention their website.
    Thanks in advance, any help or ideas are appreciated.

    here is some pseudocode for your requirement.
    max pagesize is 100 per query request

  • JSF and JDBC

    Hi, I am new to JSF, can anybody direct me to a good tutorial on JSF and JDBC (Oracle)?

    From here you will find links for JDBC (via Distributed computing) & the Web Services Tutorial (JSF is included)
    If you specifically want Oracle then you can sign up to OTN - try

Maybe you are looking for