CORBA (Parlay) socket or channel connection exception

We've been encountering the following exception in our parlay framework gateway application:
Oct 17, 2006 7:23:20 AM readGIOPHeader
FINE: "IOP00410211: (COMM_FAILURE) IOException when reading connection"
org.omg.CORBA.COMM_FAILURE:   vmcid: SUN  minor code: 211  completed: No
Caused by: End-of-stream
        ... 4 more
Oct 17, 2006 7:23:20 AM readBits
FINE: "IOP00410208: (COMM_FAILURE) Connection abort"
org.omg.CORBA.COMM_FAILURE:   vmcid: SUN  minor code: 208  completed: No
Caused by: org.omg.CORBA.COMM_FAILURE:   vmcid: SUN  minor code: 211  completed: No
        ... 2 more
Caused by: End-of-stream
        ... 4 moreThe weird thing is that this only occurs when client applications are connected to the framework, but not for service instances.
I've found this item in the bug database:
It shows almost the same stacktrace, except for the cause of the IOException, and this was in Vista.
We're running our parlay framework gateway on Solaris 10 1/06 s10x_u1wos_19a X86.
Does anyone have any experience with this?

hi EJP,
I almost find that why i am getting error infact my client is behind natted network, when i access the IOR i got the non-natted host IP. So what you suggest how i compell server to give me IOR with natted IP
Below is my error
Nov 1, 2007 1:01:44 PM <init>
WARNING: "IOP00410201: (COMM_FAILURE) Connection failure: socketType: IIOP_CLEAR_TEXT; hostname:; port:
org.omg.CORBA.COMM_FAILURE: vmcid: SUN minor code: 201 completed: No
at Source)
at Source)
at<init>(Unknown Source)
at<init>(Unknown Source)
at Source)
at Source)
at Source)
at org.omg.CORBA.portable.ObjectImpl._request(Unknown Source)
at org.csapi.cs._IpChargingManagerStub.createChargingSession(
Caused by: Connection timed out: connect
at Method)
at Source)
at Source)
at Source)
... 8 more
org.omg.CORBA.COMM_FAILURE: vmcid: SUN minor code: 201 completed: No
at Source)
at Source)
at<init>(Unknown Source)
at<init>(Unknown Source)
at Source)
at Source)
at Source)
at org.omg.CORBA.portable.ObjectImpl._request(Unknown Source)
at org.csapi.cs._IpChargingManagerStub.createChargingSession(
Caused by: Connection timed out: connect
at Method)
at Source)
at Source)
at Source)
... 8 more

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    Presumably something is working.
    Thus the problem is not with your code. At least not the database part that you have control over.
    That error occurs when the other side closes the socket. Presumably you are catching lost connection exceptions and trying to restore it.

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         "<Test.Users>" +
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         "</Test.Users>" ;
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    Can you please try tracing the FaultEvent.fault.rootCause
    object and see if there is any error message. Usually exceptions
    thrown from the server is available in this rootCause object.
    Hope this helps.

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    public class SocketTest {
    private serverSocket;
    public static void main(String[] str) {
    int port = 12034;
    InetAddress dst = null;
    try {
    dst = InetAddress.getByName("localhost");
    } catch (UnknownHostException e) {
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    Do you have a server on your localhost awaiting connections on port 12034?

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    send failed
    channel.connect.failed.error url:
    I have upload my ZendFramewrok folder into my server and amf_config.ini has been configured. (webroot =http://mydomain)
    I am not sure what's going on here. Please help. Thanks.
    Update: my gateway.php
    ini_set("display_errors", 1);
    $dir = dirname(__FILE__);
    $webroot = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'];
    $configfile = "$dir/amf_config.ini";
    //default zend install directory
    $zenddir = $webroot. '/ZendFramework/library'; //I did upload the ZendFramwork folder
    //Load ini file and locate zend directory
    if(file_exists($configfile)) {
      $webroot = $arr['zend']['webroot'];
      $zenddir = $webroot. '/ZendFramework/library';
      $zenddir = $arr['zend']['zend_path'];
    // Setup include path
    //add zend directory to include path
    // Initialize Zend Framework loader
    require_once 'Zend/Loader/Autoloader.php';
    // Load configuration
    $default_config = new Zend_Config(array("production" => false), true);
    $default_config->merge(new Zend_Config_Ini($configfile, 'zendamf'));
    $amf = $default_config->amf;
    // Store configuration in the registry
    Zend_Registry::set("amf-config", $amf);
    // Initialize AMF Server
    $server = new Zend_Amf_Server();
    if(isset($amf->directories)) {
    $dirs = $amf->directories->toArray();
    foreach($dirs as $dir) {
         // get the first character of the path.
         // If it does not start with slash then it implies that the path is relative to webroot. Else it will be treated as absolute path
         $length = strlen($dir);
         $firstChar = $dir;
         if($length >= 1)
          $firstChar = $dir[0];
         if($firstChar != "/"){
          // if the directory is ./ path then we add the webroot only.
          if($dir == "./"){      
           $tempPath = $webroot . "/" . $dir;
    // Initialize introspector for non-production
    if(!$amf->production) {
    $server->setClass('Zend_Amf_Adobe_Introspector', '', array("config" => $default_config, "server" => $server));
    $server->setClass('Zend_Amf_Adobe_DbInspector', '', array("config" => $default_config, "server" => $server));
    // Handle request
    echo $server->handle();
    Error from gateway.php if I call it directly.
    Warning: require_once(Zend/Loader/Autoloader.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/content/79/4687979/html/parkerList/gateway.php on line 27
    Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required 'Zend/Loader/Autoloader.php' (include_path='.:/usr/local/php5/lib/php:') in /home/content/79/4687979/html/parkerList/gateway.php on line 27
    gateway.php is the rat. but I still can't figure out what's wrong. Zend/Loader/Autoloader.php is under the server root "ZendFramework/library" folder. I don't understand why my application can't find it. Thanks again!

    You will get a better response if you repost your question on the Flex forums. This forum is for the Livecycle Data Services product.

  • JDBC Receiver Channel Connection Reset:

    Dear Team,
    I am facing Problem in JDBC Synchronous Receiver Channel.
    when ever the JDBC Channel (Synchronous Receiver) is executing i am getting JDBC Conenction reset error in the Channel monitoring.
    Why this problem is coming and how to rectify the problem?
    In production also we are facing same kind of issue. Please help us find a work around for this Problem.
    I have checked the link
    [Re: JDBC Channel : Connection reset;
    but the link which Siv Marani has mentioned in the above forum doesn't exist any more i guess.
    Please Advice.
    Edited by: senthilprakash selvaraj on Jan 28, 2009 4:34 AM

    Check below links.
    U need to add the parameter SelectMethod=cursor in your connection parameter,

  • Flood of "TLS connection exception: handshake incomplete"

    Good day every body!
    I am using 4215 IPS-K9-6.0-4a-E1 image. Recently our sensor started to generate a lot of errors like that (when connected by IDM):
    evError: eventId=1208572151825393108 severity=error vendor=Cisco
    hostId: sens-1
    appName: cidwebserver
    appInstanceId: 384
    time: 2008/06/03 16:00:26 2008/06/03 16:00:26 UTC
    errorMessage: name=errTransport WebSession::sessionTask TLS connection exception: handshake incomplete.
    I do understand that there is something wrong with tls certificates. So here are the things that I've tried:
    -Regenerate HTTPS certificate and reconnect. Nope, doesn't work.
    -Reset sensor to defaults, set IP anew, regenerate certificates. Nope, doesn't work.
    -I've also searched this forum, found some topics having the same problem... But there weren't any solution stated.
    I do not want to use simple HTTP, so this is not an option.
    Could this be a client problem? My client host is MS Windows Server 2003, Sun JRE 1.5, IE 6.
    I'd be very thankful if anyone could point me a solution to this issue!
    Thanks in advance!

    That message is common when something is connecting to the sensor through HTTPS but is using the wrong TLS certificate.
    However, this message does not let you know which box is having this connection problem.
    If you are able to connect in from IDM and IDM is working fine, then it is likely that it is not IDM that is causing the errors.
    More than likely there is another box (or application) on your network that is trying to connect and still has the old SSL certificate of the sensor.
    That Other box needs to be updated with the sensor's newest SSL certificate.
    To figure out the IP address of the Other box you could try and use the "packet display" command on the sensor's command and control IP Address to look for HTTPS sessions to the sensor that are short lived.
    My best guess is that you may have an old installation of IEV or some other monitoring tool that is trying to connect to the sensor using an old SSL certificate, and that application needs to be updated to use the sensor's newest SSL certificate.
    If you can't connect in from IDM, and during those attempts you keep getting that error. Then your web browser has the old certificate cached, and you need to get your browser to accept the newest SSL certificate from your sensor. IDM should then start working and the error would go away.

  • TS2570 I tried a safe reboot and my computer still shows a grey screen and the spinning gear when turned on. The last message on the reboot said "Launch_msg(): socket is not connected" have no idea what that means.

    I tried a safe reboot my computer had a grey screen and a spinning gear. Safe boot did not fix the problem.
    The last writing on the safe boot said " Launch_msg(): Socket is not connected.
    Tried re starting and same grey screen and spinning gear

    Can you boot to the Snow Leopard DVD?

  • Lauch_msg() socket is not connected

    I installed Lion Server in my Macmini early 2009 and after a while of use when I boot the system it stays stuck at the gray boot screen.
    If I boot verbose the system last message is lauch_msg() socket is not connected and it remains at it.
    That's the second time this happens. At first time I reinstalled the system using the recover partition and it worked till I rebooted it.
    Is there a solution to this problem ? Is it a known problem of Lion Server ? I would like to found a different solution than reinstall the system again.

    I am having the same issue on a 2009 Unibody MacBook.  Attempts to boot 10.7 Lion Server hang after
    net.inet6.ip6.fw.enable: 1 -> 0
    BootCacheControl: Unable to open /var/db/BootCache.playlist: 2 No such file or directory
    launch_msg(): Socket is not connected
    DNSServiceRegister("afpovertcp"): -65563
    DNSServiceRegister("afpovertcp"): -65563
    DNSServiceRegister("odproxy"): -65563
    DNSServiceRegister("odproxy"): -65563
    DNSServiceRegister("rfb"): -65563
    DNSServiceRegister("rfb"): -65563
    DNSServiceRegister("smb"): -65563
    DNSServiceRegister("smb"): -65563
    DNSServiceRegister("ssh"): -65563
    DNSServiceRegister("sftp-ssh"): -65563
    DNSServiceRegister("ssh"): -65563
    DNSServiceRegister("sftp-ssh"): -65563
    launch_msg(): Socket is not connected
    This is the second time I've reinstalled.  These are normal App Store clean installs on newly formatted hard drives with no additional software or drivers running.
    I have another partition that has 10.7 Lion without Server on the same hard drive in the same computer and it without problems.  I appreciate any feedback.

  • What does 'Socket is not connected' when slow booting mean?

    I updated software and restarted my mac, It didn't move from the grey screen so I powered off and on while pressing Shift + Cmd +V. It now will not not move from 'launch_msg(): Socket is not connected'. What does this mean?

    Try reset iPad
    Hold down the Sleep/Wake button and the Home button at the same time for at least ten seconds, until the Apple logo appears
    Note: Data will not be affected.

  • HT3964 socket is not connected

    My Macbook pro would not boot,
    the Launch Msg says (Socket is not Connected).
    Pls anyone, do help out with steps to get it back on track.

    Wild guess. Is there an ssh-agent running under the username you are logging into?
    I know that in Leopard when you interactively login, you get an ssh-agent created and most likely a socket is used to communicate with it.
    So I'm wondering launchd (which I think starts up the sshd) is having problems creating an ssh-agent for the login session.
    Again, this is a wild guess.

  • Java.lang.IllegalStateException: Already Connected  Exception

    I get java.lang.IllegalStateException: Already Connected Exception while executing
    HttpURLConnection conn = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
    (Exception here) conn.setDoOutput(true); // we want to send things
    // the Content-type should be default, but we set it anyway
    conn.setRequestProperty( "Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" );
    // the content-length should not be necessary, but we're cautious
    conn.setRequestProperty( "Content-length", Integer.toString(body.length()));
    Can any one please let me know how to get this thing fixed

    Remove either the line setRequestMethod("POST") or the setDoOutput(true). How did you came on the idea to set them both?
    You may find those snippets useful as well:

  • Channel.Connect.Failed error NetConnection.Call.Failed: HTTP: Status 500

    I get the following error when trying to connect to my BlazeDS Java server from Flex application. Flex application is on localhost:80, blazeDS on tomcat localhost:8080. Please help!
      body = (Object)#1
      clientId = (null)
      correlationId = "9FFDEBE8-EAD0-F3D9-8E9B-E3D7D7F5AE79"
      destination = ""
      extendedData = (null)
      faultCode = "Client.Error.MessageSend"
      faultDetail = "Channel.Connect.Failed error NetConnection.Call.Failed: HTTP: Status 500: url: ''"
      faultString = "Send failed"
      headers = (Object)#2
      messageId = "98F54E19-7B0D-DCB9-4B86-E3D7D84E484F"
      rootCause = (
        bubbles = false
        cancelable = false
        channel = (mx.messaging.channels::AMFChannel)#4
          authenticated = false
          channelSets = (Array)#5
          connected = false
          connectTimeout = -1
          enableSmallMessages = true
          endpoint = ""
          failoverURIs = (Array)#6
          id = (null)
          mpiEnabled = false
          netConnection = (
            client = (mx.messaging.channels::AMFChannel)#4
            connected = false
            maxPeerConnections = 8
            objectEncoding = 3
            proxyType = "none"
            uri = ""
          piggybackingEnabled = false
          polling = false
          pollingEnabled = true
          pollingInterval = 3000
          protocol = "http"
          reconnecting = false
          recordMessageSizes = false
          recordMessageTimes = false
          requestTimeout = -1
          uri = ""
          url = ""
          useSmallMessages = false
        channelId = (null)
        connected = false
        currentTarget = (mx.messaging.channels::AMFChannel)#4
        eventPhase = 2
        faultCode = "Channel.Connect.Failed"
        faultDetail = "NetConnection.Call.Failed: HTTP: Status 500: url: ''"
        faultString = "error"
        reconnecting = false
        rejected = false
        rootCause = (Object)#8
          code = "NetConnection.Call.Failed"
          description = "HTTP: Status 500"
          details = ""
          level = "error"
        target = (mx.messaging.channels::AMFChannel)#4
        type = "channelFault"
      timestamp = 0
      timeToLive = 0

    I made a CF/Flex site based on the Flexstore sample app,
    using a database instead of XML as the data source; in case you
    want to see it:
    At first I had troubles similar to what you describe;
    initially, part of the problem was that my hosting company had not
    yet upgraded to CF 7.02. One other thing I had to correct: when you
    upload to your server, upload the entire ‘bin’ (or
    whatever your output folder is) minus the debug SWF.
    If it would help with other issues, contact me and I will be
    glad to make my project code available to you. Good luck.
    [email protected]

  • Remoting Connection Issue: Channel.Connect.Failed

    Solution: Turns out my client had installed a new
    firewall/web management system without telling me. My app was being
    blocked. :(
    Hi there,
    I have a Flex app using remoting and ColdFusion. My client
    has suddenly experienced the following error:
    NetConnection.Call.BadVersion: url: '
    The weird thing is the app works when you access it from
    outside of my client's office. I'm wondering if it is some sort of
    firewall issue on their end. Any thoughts?

    The issue is probably do to a problem with your configuration.  There is probably a destination or endpoint issue.  A nice and short tutorial on this can be found at

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