Core Java Questions?

Please let me know answers of following Questions.
1. Why Interface methods are not protected?
2. Why Overridden method cannot change return type ?
3. Why Overridden method cannot be more restrictive (access specifier) than superclass method?
4. Why Overridden method cannot through broder exception than exception defined in superclass method?
5. Why abstract classes are fast that interfaces?

1. Why Interface methods are not protected?Because that's what it says in the Java Language Specification.
2. Why Overridden method cannot change return type ?They can.
3. Why Overridden method cannot be more restrictive (access specifier) than superclass method?See (1).
4. Why Overridden method cannot through broader exception than exception defined in superclass method?See (1).
5. Why abstract classes are fast that interfaces?Please restate the question in standard English.

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    How do you mean "control"?
    o) For simple stuff telnet works
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    o) For teh cool there's BO2K - - be warned, bo2k is so powerful that most virus detecters will alert you about it, becuase script kiddies tend to use it in bad ways :( It's NOT a trojan - it claims to be ultimate control of windows based PCs, and it is!
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    tamizh88 wrote:
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    Is Networking Using Java is comes under Core JAVARight from the horses mouth, as it were:

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    I'm surprised by statement in the OP:
    as S/w Quality Engineer, I am working on JUnit Tests in Spring FrameworkBut even more by this answer:
    if you can push yourself to a professional level in the department of testing (creating and executing test plans, writing proper unit tests, doing test driven development, ...).I'm not disagreeing, just wondering: I have never met a professional "tester" that used jUnit. The testers I've met in organizations, even when they were were technical (usually graduated from programming to testing), had a mostly functional concern: check that a functionality works as expected. Creating and executing test plans, while an invaluable skill, is rarely matching the same job description as "writing unit tests".
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    I seem to understand the OP means in-container automated tests. I understand how they can be referred to as integration tests (*not* unit-tests).
    I have met (and been) developers who test their software, including at an integration or functional level, using jUnit or not, but they were "developers" who had acknowledged the importance of testing (conscientious developers, that is), not "testers" using jUnit as one of their tools.
    One thing I can understand to justify a specific team writing in-container testing as those described, is an integration team integrating modules developed by several teams. Even then, I would call people in such a team developers, not testers.
    Again I'm not disagreeing, just surprised: could you both comment on your experience as to how unit-testing can be a tester's concern as opposed to a developer's concern?
    Are you working in organizations where full-time people in a QA team are devoted to write unit-tests or jUnit tests over code produced by other full-time people?
    Edited by: jduprez on Dec 10, 2010 7:03 PM
    Yeah, "+invaluable+ skill", not unvaluable, thanks Andrew :o)

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