Correlated query

I donnot much about about sql .I have a some questions please any one
1)what is correlated query ?what is the difference between correlated and subquery
example i have a table it contains 100 rows how the correlated and subquery works
2)In which situation use "LIKE,EXIST,IN,ANY" functions use in subquery

It's because you have no WHERE clause on your update, so that means all rows will be updated.
I don't know what your requirements are, but it's common to cut and paste your subquery into a WHERE EXISTS clause:
update TableA x
set (desta, destb, destc, destd) =
        (select a.fielda, a.fieldb, b.fieldc, b.fieldd
         from   pro.sty_defs a, pro.loc_defs b
         where  a.con_num = b.loc_num
         and    a.season = x.season
         and    a.sty_num = x.sty_num
         and    a.sty_qual = x.sty_qual
where exists
        (select a.fielda, a.fieldb, b.fieldc, b.fieldd
         from   pro.sty_defs a, pro.loc_defs b
         where  a.con_num = b.loc_num
         and    a.season = x.season
         and    a.sty_num = x.sty_num
         and    a.sty_qual = x.sty_qual

Similar Messages

  • Error in evaluating correlation query

    I am using MLR#14 Patch (upgrade from I have created a process where in I've created correlation sets. Basically, I am placing an Order XML on JMS queue (invoking JMS adapter) and the next activity is 'Receive' activity which is polling similar JMS queue for Order response. I have set up correlation between these two activities with the Order Id as the key. The process works fine sometimes and many a times it gets stuck while polling the JMS queue for response messages. I checked the log file and got the following error
    <2008-11-28 11:38:32,467> <ERROR> <default.collaxa.cube> <BaseCubeSessionBean::logError> Error while invoking bean "delivery": [ Failed to evaluate correlation query.
    Failed to evaluate the correlationAlias query "/ns2:ServiceBusinessMessage/ns2:Info/ns2:Attribute[ns2:Name='OrderId']/ns2:Value" on the element "oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLElement@84f299"
    Please check your BPEL/WSDL source to make sure that property alias is defined correctly.
    Failed to evaluate correlation query.
    Failed to evaluate the correlationAlias query "/ns2:ServiceBusinessMessage/ns2:Info/ns2:Attribute[ns2:Name='OrderId']/ns2:Value" on the element "oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLElement@84f299"
    Please check your BPEL/WSDL source to make sure that property alias is defined correctly.
    I am getting the above error each time my process stucks while polling for the response messages. Also, this scenario I cannot re-produce at will as the process works fine in some cases while gets stuck for the remaining. Has anybody faced similar error? Is there any resolution as I could not find any help related to this error.
    Thanks in advance.
    Edited by: user2023115 on 28-Nov-2008 07:52

    There should be. Try putting the table name in quotes - some DBMS use single quotes, some use double quotes. For example say the table name has a space in it. Try something like:
    select * from 'a funny table';
    select * from "a funny table";   (Actually, I think I'd try this one first...)
    Failing this, you have two choices: change the name of the table, or dump Access and go with a real DBMS - which you will probibly want to do anyway because it will only be a matter of time before you start hitting a performance wall. Access is particularly bad if you have more than one process making a connection to it at a time. Interms of alternatives, there are a couple really good open-source products out there, as well as no-cost versions of Oracle and SQL-Server.
    Certified Professional Instructor
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    Be thinking ahead and mark your dance card for NI Week 2015 now: TS 6139 - Object Oriented First Steps

  • CorrelationSet with JMS: "Failed to evaluate correlation query"

    i want to send a message over JMS to another service and then receive the correlated message back in my BPEL process.
    The only documentation i found was
    Here the error message:
    callbackClient (faulted)
    [2007/01/31 10:16:41] "{}selectionFailure" has been thrown.less
    - <selectionFailure xmlns="">
    - <part name="summary">
    Failed to evaluate correlation query.
    Failed to evaluate the correlationAlias query "/ns2:Request/ns2:Header/@Nummer" on the element "oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLElement@b0abcb"
    Please check your BPEL/WSDL source to make sure that property alias is defined correctly.
    Here the source of invoke and receive:
    <invoke name="callbackClient" partnerLink="ControlEntrance"
    portType="ns1:Produce_Message_ptt" operation="Produce_Message"
    <correlation initiate="yes" set="myCorrelationSet"
    <receive name="Receive_1" partnerLink="ControlExit"
    portType="ns3:Consume_Message_ptt" operation="Consume_Message"
    <correlation initiate="no" set="myCorrelationSet"/>
    If i change the pattern="out" to "in" (invoke-node), then the instance never completes in the BPELConsole (stops before invoke in AUDIT) but my JMS-webservice is executed....
    If pattern="in" i see in the logfile:
    Failed to evaluate correlation query.
    Failed to evaluate the correlationAlias query "/ns2:Request/ns2:Header/@Nummer" on the element "oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLElement@ccef02"
    Please check your BPEL/WSDL source to make sure that property alias is defined correctly.
    So it is the same error but my webservice is invoked and i can provide a ORABPEL-number...
    Message was edited by:

    "The property alias was not defined correctly in the BPEL/WSDL source, or the payload is not as expected"...
    I bet on the latter... the payload is not as expected... Have you checked the payload?

  • Failed to evaluate correlation query

    can anyone help me in resolving this error even after giving all the correlation properly. i am getting the following error message
    Failed to evaluate correlation query.
    Failed to evaluate the correlationAlias Query /esa:processServiceOrder/esa:ServiceOrder/esa:id" on the element "oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLElement@29b829b8"
    Please check your BPEL/WSDL source to make sure that property alias is defined correctly.

    "The property alias was not defined correctly in the BPEL/WSDL source, or the payload is not as expected"...
    I bet on the latter... the payload is not as expected... Have you checked the payload?

  • Correlated and non correlated Query

    I am confuse in correlated and non-correlated query? below query is correlated or non correlated ? why?

      WHERE D.DEPARTMENT_ID=E.DEPARTMENT_ID)is a correlated subquery. There is a correlation between this query and a table in the outer query (in this case the join condition between EMPLOYEES and DEPARTMENTS).

  • Correlated query to find cheapest manufacturer for a product

    I have a SQL Query that returns me:
    - the "product code" i must purchase,
    - the "quantity" to purchase for this product
    - and if it's in "promotion or not".
    Based on this result, i must to look at "manufacturer" table and find the cheapest "price" for each product to purchase and the quantity available at the manufacturer.
    If "quantity to order" (e.g. 20) is higher than "quantity available" (e.g. 12) at "cheapest manufacturer", i must order the missing quantity (8) to the next cheapest manufacturer.
    How can i do that ?

    >>correlated query to find cheapest manufacturer for a product
    I have created two table [ProdTable] , [Product Code] to get the cheapeast manufacturer  for a product  which you can refer to .
    [Product Table]
    [Prod Table]
    select [ProdTable].[S_Prod_Code],Min([ProdTable].[Prod_Cost]) as MiniCost
    from [ProdTable] inner join [Product Table] on [ProdTable].[S_Prod_Code]=[Product Table].[Product Code]
    Where [Product Table].[Promotion]<>"YES"
    group by [ProdTable].[S_Prod_Code]
    Using the above query ,you can get the cheapest  cheapeast manufacturer  for a product , which the promotion is not YES
    >>for promotional products, i must firstly check if the cheapest manufacturer has enough prod in stock. If not, i order all the prod in stock the manufacturer has, and i must order to missing ones to the next cheapest manufacturer
    Are you looking for a select query or an update to the table or form design ?Can you separate your business rules with the technolege ?  So more people could understand your issues well to give you more help.
    Thanks for your understanding
    Best Regards
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  • VPD - How to make the where clause a correlated query

    My VPD function has the following where clause:
    where_clause:= ' project_id in (select object_id from pa_project_classes p'||
    ' where p.class_category='||''''||l_cat||''''||
    ' and p.CLASS_CODE='||''''||l_class||''''||
    ' and p.OBJECT_TYPE=''PA_PROJECTS'''||
    The problem is that the subquery is not using the unique key defined on the table pa_project_classes. What I need is something as follows:
    where_clause:= ' project_id in (select object_id from pa_project_classes p'||
    ' where p.class_category='||''''||l_cat||''''||
    ' and p.CLASS_CODE='||''''||l_class||''''||
    ' and p.OBJECT_TYPE=''PA_PROJECTS'''||
    ' and p.object_id=mainquery.project_id ||
    The problem is that since the table pa_project_classes also has a column project_id, I have to prefix the column name by the alias of the main query like 'mainquery.project_id'. However this seems impossible as main query is not unknown .
    I would be grateful if you could suggest any workaround or solution.

    Just have a look over these two statements if it solves your problem
    one time where clause
    Set_Block_Property('BLOCK_NAME',ONETIME_WHERE,your form item);
    dynamic where clause
    set_block_property('BLOCK_NAME'default_where, your form itme)
    you can where clause at run time from any procedure or some triggers

  • How to preset the order of rows in the outer query of a correlated query ?

    Good morning,
    I have the following simple query:
    select empno,
                 when rn = 1 then sal
                 else -sal
               end) over (order by sal, empno) as running_diff
       from (
             select empno,
                    row_number() over (order by sal, empno) as rn
               from emp
              where deptno = 10
             );That calculates a running difference and uses "row_number() over (...)" which is an Oracle specific feature to do so. It yields the following result (which we will consider correct):
         EMPNO ENAME             SAL RUNNING_DIFF
          7934 MILLER           1300         1300
          7782 CLARK            2450        -1150
          7839 KING             5000        -6150I wanted to come up with a solution that was not Oracle specific different solution. I tried the following code:
    (EDIT: after additional thought, that code is totally different in meaning and will never come close, to the above result. Consider it wrong and ignore this attempt altogether.)
    select a.empno,
           (select case
                     when a.empno = min(b.empno) then sum(b.sal)
                     else sum(-b.sal)
              from emp b
             where b.empno <= a.empno
               and b.deptno = a.deptno) as running_diff
      from emp a
    where a.deptno = 10;but the result is
         EMPNO ENAME             SAL RUNNING_DIFF
          7782 CLARK            2450         2450
          7839 KING             5000        -7450
          7934 MILLER           1300        -8750which is a long way from the original result. I've tried everything I could think of to order the rows before the running difference is calculated but, have been unsuccessful.
    Is there a way to change this second query --(without using Oracle specific features)-- without using windowing features that would yield the same result as the first query ?
    Rephrase of the above question:
    Is there a way, using plain vanilla SQL (that is aggregate functions and set operations such as joins and unions) to create a query that yields the same result as the first one ?
    Also, this is not for production code. This is simply an exercise in set manipulation that I'd like to see a solution for.
    Thank you for your help,
    Edited by: 440bx - 11gR2 on Jul 18, 2010 12:50 AM - correct "ho w" to "How"
    Edited by: 440bx - 11gR2 on Jul 18, 2010 1:42 AM - struck out all references to row_number and windowing features being Oracle specific features.
    Edited by: 440bx - 11gR2 on Jul 18, 2010 3:51 AM - Noted that my try is woefully wrong and restated the objective to make it clearer.

    Hi, John,
    One way to get a running total (which is basically what you want) is to do a self-join. Join each row (let's call it the current row, or c) to itself and everything that came before it (let's call this the previous row, or p), and do a regular aggregate SUM, like this:
    WITH     got_base_sal     AS
         SELECT       deptno
         ,       2 * MIN (sal)     AS base_sal
         FROM       scott.emp
         GROUP BY  deptno
    SELECT       c.deptno
    ,       c.empno
    ,       c.ename
    ,       c.sal
    ,       b.base_sal - SUM (p.sal)     AS running_diff
    FROM       scott.emp     c
    JOIN       scott.emp     p     ON     c.deptno     = p.deptno
                        AND     (     c.sal     > p.sal
                             OR     (     c.sal     =  p.sal
                                  AND     c.empno     >= p.empno
    JOIN       got_base_sal     b     ON     c.deptno     = b.deptno
    WHERE       c.deptno     IN (10)
    GROUP BY  c.deptno
    ,       c.empno
    ,       c.ename
    ,       c.sal
    ,       b.base_sal
    ORDER BY  c.deptno
    ,       running_diff     DESC
        DEPTNO      EMPNO ENAME             SAL RUNNING_DIFF
            10       7934 MILLER           1300         1300
            10       7782 CLARK            2450        -1150
            10       7839 KING             5000        -6150I said you basically want a runninng total. There are two differences between a running total and your requirements
    (1) You want to have a total of the negative of what's in the table. That's trivial: use a minus sign.
    (2) You want the first item to count as positive instead of negative. That's not so trivial. The query above counts all sals as negative, but adds an offset so that it appears as if the first item had been counted as positive, not negative.
    You didn't say what you want to do in case of a tie (two or more rows having the same sal). The query above uses empno as a tie-breaker, so that all sals are calculated as if they were distinct. This is similar to what analytic functions do when the windowing is based on rows. If you want something similar to windowing by range, that might actually be simpler.
    The query above calculates a separate running_diff for each deptno, similar to "PARTITION BY deptno" in analytic functions. You happen to be interested in only one deptno right now, but you can change the main query's WHERE clause, or omit it, and the query will still work. If you don't want this feature (analagoud to not having any PARTITION BY), it's easy to modify the query.
    You could also get these results using a recursive WITH clause. That meets the criteria of avoiding analytic functions and Oracle-specific features, but not the one about using only plain, simple SQL features.

  • Issue in correlated query..

    I have two tables customer and customerdetails . Customer table contain Cust_id, customer_number and Purchase_date and customerdetails table contain cust_id and purchase_item.
    I am trying to get current purchase item with purchase date and cust_number.
    I wrote the below query and did not get out put. Please explain where it went wrong. Thanks for your time.
    My query;
    select a.cust_number, a.purchase_date, b.purchase_item from customer a, customerdetails b where a.cust_id = b.cust_id (+)
    and purchase_date = ( select max( c.purchase_date) as purchase_date from customer c where a.cust_id = c.cust_id )
    and cust_id in (--
    Edited by: 1004909 on 08-May-2013 23:32

    Welcome to the forum!
    Whenever you post provide your 4 digit Oracle version.
    I have two tables customer and customerdetails . Customer table contain Cust_id, customer_number and Purchase_date and customerdetails table contain cust_id and purchase_item.
    I am trying to get current purchase item with purchase date and cust_number.
    I wrote the below query and did not get out put. Please explain where it went wrong. Thanks for your time.
    My query;
    select a.cust_number, a.purchase_date, b.purchase_item from customer a, customerdetails b where a.cust_id = b.cust_id
    and purchase_date = ( select max( c.purchase_date) as purchase_date from customer c where a.custo_id = c.cust_id )
    and cust_id in (-------------)
    When people post information that simply can NOT work it makes us question everything that they post. You say your table has 'customer_number' but then your query uses 'cust_number'. Those aren't the same. You also have 'where a.custo_id = c.cust_id' where 'cust_id' is mispelled as 'custo_id'.
    That may seem minor but what it tells us is that you did NOT cut & paste what you are really using but instead just typed things in that don't go together.
    Please edit your post and correct the information to provide the DDL for the tables you are using and an actual sample query (not a mock-up). It would help if you provided some sample data in the form of INSERT statements.
    Then we can actually try to reproduce your problem.

  • BPM - correlation query.

    Hi All,
    I have a BPM scenario involving 3 messages types - A, B, C. Messages A and B are actually 2 files to be received from two different sources with the condition that A is received before B. Further, there is a N:1 mapping where source messages are A and B, and the target message is C.
    The BPM looks like this -
    Receive A --> Receive B --> Transformation (A & B are mapped to C) --> Send C.
    Now I assigned message A container to first Recieve step. However, when I assigned message B container to second receive step, the 'Use Correlations' field in that step is shown up as mandatory. In this scneario, there is essentially no correlation between messages A and B. So I want to know what's to be done here and how I can avoid correlation.

    Thanks everyone for your responses. Let me explain the scenario in more detail.
    We have an asynchronous scenario involving a source system thats daily sends one XML file containing multiple records. It is then converted into a flat file and sent to receiver system. In the source message there is one field which says whether the record belongs to SAP or JDE. Thus it can have any one of these two values. However the flat file does not contain any field to have these values mapped, because the receiver system doesn't care whether the record is for SAP or JDE.
    Now, later on, the receiver system returns an error file in case there is an error in processing the records sent earlier. This file of course contains some fields which are common with the source file. This will be a file sender channel to pick up the error file.
    I want to segregate the records from the error file depending on whether they belong to SAP or JDE. For this I am taking help of the original source file which has this information.
    Going back to the terminology,
    Message A - Error File sent by receiver
    Message B - Source file sent by sender
    Message C - Error File with additional field populated with SAP / JDE.
    Hence I designed the BPM as given above. If message A doesn't arrive, then there is no need of executing the BPM.
    Raj - your trick worked. I put dummy correlation and it is not giving error.
    However, I am now getting a different (may be unrelated) error. When I specified the containers (from abstract interfaces) in the transformation step, the error is shown that "the expression must return an interface of type <interface name>". Why it is so even if I have defined and activated all the abstract interfaces and all ?

  • Error in a correlated query

    I have the following two tables:
    create table t1 (c1 number, c2 number);
    create table t2 (c1 number, c2 number);
    I would like to run the following query:
    explain plan for
    select a.c1, b.c1
    from t1 a, t2 b
    where b.rowid in (select *
    from (select b2.rowid
    from t2 b2
    where b2.c2 = a.c2
    order by b2.c1)
    where rownum < 2);
    But it raises ORA-00904: "A"."C2": invalid identifier.
    Is this a known limitation?
    Thanks and Regards

    Beijing wrote:
    WITH t AS
    (SELECT  a.c1 a_c1,
    b.c1 b_c1,
    FROM     t1 a, t2 b
    WHERE    a.c2 = b.c2)
    SELECT a_c1, b_c1
    FROM   t
    WHERE  rn < 2
    Not equivalent to original - it does not account for duplicate C2 values in t1:
    SQL> with t1 as (
      2              select 'C1-1' c1,'C2' c2 from dual union all
      3              select 'C1-2' c1,'C2' c2 from dual
      4             ),
      5       t2 as (
      6              select 'C1' c1,'C2' c2 from dual
      7             )
      8  select  a.c1,
      9          b.c1
    10    from  t1 a,
    11          t2 b
    12    where b.rowid in (
    13                      select  first_value(b2.rowid) over(order by b2.c1)
    14                        from  t2 b2
    15                        where b2.c2 = a.c2
    16                     );
    C1   C1
    C1-1 C1
    C1-2 C1
    SQL> with t1 as (
      2              select 'C1-1' c1,'C2' c2 from dual union all
      3              select 'C1-2' c1,'C2' c2 from dual
      4             ),
      5       t2 as (
      6              select 'C1' c1,'C2' c2 from dual
      7             ),
      8       t AS
      9  (SELECT  a.c1 a_c1,
    10           b.c1 b_c1,
    11           ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY b.c2 ORDER BY b.c1) rn
    12  FROM     t1 a, t2 b
    13  WHERE    a.c2 = b.c2)
    14  SELECT a_c1, b_c1
    15  FROM   t
    16  WHERE  rn < 2
    17  /
    A_C1 B_
    C1-1 C1
    SQL>  SY.

  • Correlated query.  how is this not properly ended. (fixed)

    Never mind, I've got it. Thx. :)
    I can't quite find the problem with the query and need to borrow another pair of sharp eyes.
    select , y.max_datekey
    from (
    select max(datekey) as max_datekey, id from myTbl
    group by id
    ) x inner join myTbl y
    ORA-00933: SQL command not properly ended
    00933. 00000 - "SQL command not properly ended"
    Edited by: user1035690 on May 31, 2010 3:00 AM
    Edited by: user1035690 on May 31, 2010 3:13 AM

    i see prob only with y.max_datekey...
    it should be y.datekey

  • Possible correlated query problem

    Hi All
    Please help.
    This is my column headings with data from tbal tab1:
    col001                                            col002                           col003
    27799973183 655019930058642 NULL
    27799973183 655019930058642 35784900545378
    My end results must consists of one one record like:
    col001                         col002                           col003
    27799973183 655019930058642 35784900545378
    PL SQL
    Please help
    Chris Beukes

    This forum is for issues with the SQL Developer tool. You'd get more response in the SQL And PL/SQL forum.
    In any case, be more detailed to explain what you want to achieve.
    Have fun,

  • Query help with round up of dates

    I have a problem with my query.
    I am calculating the difference between two dates and I want to get the hours.
    The problem is that I want the following to happen:
    if the difference is x such that x > 0 it should round it up to 1 (example: x = 0.1 it should be rounded up to 1)
    if the difference is y such that y >1 it should be rounded to 1 (example y = 1.05 it should be rounded up to 2)
    i have the following query at the momet:
    select to_char(arrivaldate,'DD/MM/YYYY hh24:mi:ss') as "ARRIVAL", to_char(departuredate,'DD/MM/YYYY hh24:mi:ss') as "DEPARTURE", round(trunc(mod((departuredate-arrivaldate)*24,24),2)) as duration from stay_log;

    Format your code so that the physical appearance of the code gives some hint as to what you're doing, as I did below.
    When posting code on this forum, always type &#123;code&#125; tags at the beginning and end of formatted sections.
    Do you mean that, instead of 21, you want to use the flightid from the main query?
    If so, that's called a "correllated query". The tables in the main query (and their columns) can be reference in the sub-query, like this:
    select     flightid                         as "FLIGHT",
              select     destairport_id
              from     journey,
              where     flight.flightid  = stay_log.flight_id   -- correlated to main query
              and     flight.journeyid = journey.journeyid
         )                              AS "AIRPORT",
         to_char(arrivaldate,'DD/MM/YYYY hh24:mi:ss')     as "ARRIVAL",
         to_char(departuredate,'DD/MM/YYYY hh24:mi:ss')     as "DEPARTURE",
         ceil((departuredate-arrivaldate)*24)          as "DURATION",
         cost                              as "COST"
    from     stay_log;Often, people give a table alias to the main query table that is being referenced in the sub-query, as shown below.
    That's only required when the table name appears in both FROM-clauses.
    select     flightid                         as "FLIGHT",
              select     destairport_id
              from     journey,
              where     flight.flightid  = s.flight_id     -- table alias s used here
              and     flight.journeyid = journey.journeyid
         )                              AS "AIRPORT",
         to_char(arrivaldate,'DD/MM/YYYY hh24:mi:ss')     as "ARRIVAL",
         to_char(departuredate,'DD/MM/YYYY hh24:mi:ss')     as "DEPARTURE",
         ceil((departuredate-arrivaldate)*24)          as "DURATION",
         cost                              as "COST"
    from     stay_log   s     -- table alias s defined here

  • Correlation set problem with different messages

    I have process with two receive activity correlated by correlation set. But second receive wait for different message as initiation receive.
    I created correlation set
    <correlationSet name="OrderCorrelationSet"
    with property
    <bpws:property name="orderId_property" type="xsd:long"/>
    and two aliases
    <bpws:propertyAlias propertyName="pns1:orderId_property" messageType="client:activationRequestMessage"
    part="payload" query="/ns5:orderElement/orderRecord/ns2:orderId/ns2:orderId" xmlns:ns5=""
    <bpws:propertyAlias propertyName="pns1:orderId_property" messageType="client:activationPushRequestMessage"
    part="payload" query="/ns5:activationPushRequest/processid"/>
    now when I send correlated message to second receive I get get error
    Failed to evaluate correlation query.
    Failed to evaluate the correlationAlias query "/ns5:activationPostpaidPushRequest/processid" on the element "oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLElement@1e44d8f"
    Please check your BPEL/WSDL source to make sure that property alias is defined correctly.
    what is wrong (I know failed evaluate query "/ns5:activationPostpaidPushRequest/processid" but why, I create it with property wizard) where I have to start?

    Solution is:
    JDeveloper using Create property alias wizard doesn't add namespace for query.
    I had to add it manually
    <bpws:propertyAlias propertyName="pns1:orderId_property" messageType="client:activationPushRequestMessage"
    part="payload" query="/ns5:activationPushRequest/processid" xmlns:ns5=""/>
    now it works

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