CQ5.5 and ldap integration/synchronization

I have been trying to integrate ldap with CQ5.5 on Win7 machine. Following are the steps I have taken:
1. Installed cq-service-pack-
2. Installed cq-update-pkg-5.5.10.zip
1. Created F:/installed/cq5/author/crx-quickstart/conf/ldap_login.conf file with following content:
com.day.crx {
   com.day.crx.core.CRXLoginModule optional
   com.day.crx.security.ldap.LDAPLoginModule required
2. Updated F:\installed\cq5\author\crx-quickstart\repository\repository.xml with:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<!-- ======================================================================= -->
<!-- $Id: repository-template.xml 78567 2011-06-16 04:27:03Z tripod $ -->
<!-- ======================================================================= -->
<!-- Copyright (c) 1997-2008 Day Management AG                               -->
<!-- Barfuesserplatz 6, 4001 Basel, Switzerland                              -->
<!-- All Rights Reserved.                                                    -->
<!--                                                                         -->
<!-- This software is the confidential and proprietary information of        -->
<!-- Day Management AG, ("Confidential Information"). You shall not          -->
<!-- disclose such Confidential Information and shall use it only in         -->
<!-- accordance with the terms of the license agreement you entered into     -->
<!-- with Day.                                                               -->
<!-- ======================================================================= -->
<!DOCTYPE Repository PUBLIC "-//Day Management AG//DTD CRX 2.4//EN"
    virtual file system where the repository stores global state
    (e.g. registered namespaces, custom node types, etc.)
    <FileSystem class="com.day.jackrabbit.fs.cq.CQFileSystem">
        <param name="path" value="${rep.home}/repStore.dat"/>
        <param name="autoRepair" value="false"/>
    <FileSystem class="org.apache.jackrabbit.core.fs.local.LocalFileSystem">
        <param name="path" value="${rep.home}/repository"/>
    large binary objects are stored in the data store.
    <DataStore class="com.day.crx.core.data.ClusterDataStore"/>
    security configuration
    <Security appName="com.day.crx">
            security manager:
            class: FQN of class implementing the JackrabbitSecurityManager interface
        <!--SecurityManager class="com.day.crx.core.CRXSecurityManager" workspaceName="" -->
        <SecurityManager class="com.day.crx.core.CRXSecurityManager">
        <!-- LDAP related configuration -->
                        <WorkspaceAccessManager class="org.apache.jackrabbit.core.security.simple.SimpleWorkspaceAccessManager"/>
                        <UserManager class="com.day.crx.core.CRXUserManagerImpl">
                        <param name="usersPath" value="/home/users"/>
                        <param name="groupsPath" value="/home/groups"/>
                        <param name="defaultDepth" value="1"/>
            optional user manager configuration
            <UserManager class="org.apache.jackrabbit.core.security.user.UserPerWorkspaceUserManager">
                <param name="usersPath" value="/home/users"/>
                <param name="groupsPath" value="/home/groups"/>
                <param name="defaultDepth" value="1"/>
                <param name="autoExpandTree" value="true"/>
                <AuthorizableAction class="org.apache.jackrabbit.core.security.user.action.AccessControlAction">
                  <param name="groupPrivilegeNames" value="jcr:read"/>
                  <param name="userPrivilegeNames" value="jcr:all"/>
                AuthorizableAction class="com.day.crx.core.ntlm.NTLMAuthorizableAction"/>
            </UserManager> -->
            optional workspace access manager configuration
        access manager:
        class: FQN of class implementing the AccessManager interface
        <AccessManager class="org.apache.jackrabbit.core.security.DefaultAccessManager"></AccessManager>
        Use LoginModule authenticating against repository itself
        <LoginModule class="com.day.crx.core.CRXLoginModule">
            <param name="anonymousId" value="anonymous"/>
            <param name="adminId" value="admin"/>
            <param name="disableNTLMAuth" value="true"/>
            <param name="tokenExpiration" value="43200000"/>
            <!-- param name="trust_credentials_attribute" value="d5b9167e95dad6e7d3b5d6fa8df48af8"/ -->
    location of workspaces root directory and name of default workspace
    <Workspaces rootPath="${rep.home}/workspaces" defaultWorkspace="crx.default" maxIdleTime="5"/>
    workspace configuration template:
    used to create the initial workspace if there's no workspace yet
    <Workspace name="${wsp.name}" simpleLocking="true">
        virtual file system of the workspace:
        class: FQN of class implementing FileSystem interface
        <FileSystem class="org.apache.jackrabbit.core.fs.local.LocalFileSystem">
            <param name="path" value="${wsp.home}"/>
        persistence manager of the workspace:
        class: FQN of class implementing PersistenceManager interface
        <PersistenceManager class="com.day.crx.persistence.tar.TarPersistenceManager"/>
        Search index and the file system it uses.
        <SearchIndex class="com.day.crx.query.lucene.LuceneHandler">
            <param name="path" value="${wsp.home}/index"/>
            <param name="resultFetchSize" value="50"/>
        Workspace security configuration
            <AccessControlProvider class="org.apache.jackrabbit.core.security.authorization.acl.ACLProvider">
                <param name="omit-default-permission" value="true"/>
        XML Import configuration of the workspace
            <ProtectedItemImporter class="org.apache.jackrabbit.core.xml.AccessControlImporter"/>
            <ProtectedItemImporter class="org.apache.jackrabbit.core.security.user.UserImporter">
                <param name="importBehavior" value="besteffort"/>
        Configures the versioning
    <Versioning rootPath="${rep.home}/version">
            Configures the filesystem to use for versioning of the respective
            persistence manager
        <FileSystem class="org.apache.jackrabbit.core.fs.local.LocalFileSystem">
            <param name="path" value="${rep.home}/version"/>
            Configures the persistence manager to use for the versioning.
            Please note, that the current versioning implementation is based on
            a 'normal' persistence manager, but this could change in future
        <PersistenceManager class="com.day.crx.persistence.tar.TarPersistenceManager"/>
        Enable searching the /jcr:system subtree
    <SearchIndex class="com.day.crx.query.lucene.LuceneHandler">
        <param name="path" value="${rep.home}/repository/index"/>
        Cluster configuration.
        <Journal class="com.day.crx.persistence.tar.TarJournal"/>
        Configures extension modules
           Sample configuration of an EventLoggerModule requiring configuration
           <Module class="com.day.crx.eventlogger.EventLoggerModule">
               <param name="workspaces" value="crx.default"/>
               <param name="logWorkspace" value="crx.logger"/>
               <param name="logPath" value="/logger"/>
3. Updated F:\installed\cq5\author\crx-quickstart\bin\quickstart.bat with:
@echo off
:: This script configures the start information for this server.
:: The following variables may be used to override the defaults.
:: For one-time overrides the variable can be set as part of the command-line; e.g.,
::     SET CQ_PORT=1234 & ./start.bat
::* TCP port used for stop and status scripts
set CQ_PORT=4502
::* http host name
:: set CQ_HOST=
::* interface that this server should listen to
:: set CQ_INTERFACE=eth0
::* show gui
set CQ_GUI=true
::* do not show browser on startup
::* do not redirect stdout/stderr (logs to console)
set CQ_VERBOSE=true
::* do not fork the JVM
:: set CQ_NOFORK=true
::* force forking the VM using recommended default memory settings
:: set CQ_FORK=true
::* additional arguments for the forked JVM
::* runmode(s)
set CQ_RUNMODE=author,dev
::* defines the path under which the quickstart work folder is located
::* low memory action
::* name of the jarfile
:: set CQ_JARFILE=
::* use jaas.config
:: set CQ_USE_JAAS=true
::* config for jaas
set CQ_JAAS_CONFIG=F:/installed/cq5/author/crx-quickstart/conf/ldap_login.conf
::* default JVM options
set CQ_JVM_OPTS=-Djava.security.auth.login.config=F:/installed/cq5/author/crx-quickstart/conf/ldap_login.conf -Xms1024m -Xmx1024m  -XX:PermSize=256M -XX:MaxPermSize=256M -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:NewRatio=1 -XX:CMSInitiatingOccupancyFraction=85 -XX:ParallelGCThreads=4 -XX:GCTimeRatio=3 -XX:+UseParNewGC -XX:-UseGCOverheadLimit -XX:SurvivorRatio=6 -Xloggc:F:/installed/cq5/author/crx-quickstart/gc.log -verbose:gc -XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps  -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.port=9998 -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.authenticate=false -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.ssl=false -Djava.awt.headless=true
::* do not configure below this point
chdir /D %~dp0
cd ..\..
set START_OPTS=-use-control-port
if defined CQ_PORT            set START_OPTS=%START_OPTS% -p %CQ_PORT%
if defined CQ_GUI             set START_OPTS=%START_OPTS% -gui
if defined CQ_NOBROWSER       set START_OPTS=%START_OPTS% -nobrowser
if defined CQ_VERBOSE         set START_OPTS=%START_OPTS% -verbose
if defined CQ_NOFORK          set START_OPTS=%START_OPTS% -nofork
if defined CQ_FORK            set START_OPTS=%START_OPTS% -fork
if defined CQ_FORKARGS        set START_OPTS=%START_OPTS% -forkargs %CQ_FORKARGS%
if defined CQ_RUNMODE         set START_OPTS=%START_OPTS% -r %CQ_RUNMODE%
if defined CQ_HOST            set START_OPTS=%START_OPTS% -Dorg.apache.felix.http.host=%CQ_HOST%
if defined CQ_USE_JAAS        set START_OPTS=%START_OPTS% -Djava.security.auth.login.config=%CQ_JAAS_CONFIG%
if not defined CQ_JARFILE     for %%X in (*.jar) do set CQ_JARFILE=%%X
tasklist > oldTaskList.txt
start "CQ" cmd.exe /K java %CQ_JVM_OPTS% -jar %CQ_JARFILE% %START_OPTS%
tasklist > newTaskList.txt
java -cp %~dp0 GetProcessID oldTaskList.txt newTaskList.txt java.exe > crx-quickstart\conf\cq.pid
del newTaskList.txt
del oldTaskList.txt
4. Started CQ5 by double-clicking F:\installed\cq5\author\crx-quickstart\bin\quickstart.bat
Issue: I am not able to see the domain "com.adobe.granite.ldap" in http://localhost:4502/system/console/jmx
I am not sure what have I done wrong. Please let me know how can I synchronize all the users from LDAP into CRX.
Thanks in advance,

Please refer my post:
CQ5 as Windows Service with LDAP Authentication

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    I found a cisco doc that provides resolution of Key Features of Integration of Cisco ISE and LDAP .I hope this helps!
    This section contains the following:
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    •Multiple  LDAP Instances
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    •Binding  Errors
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    •MAC  Address Lookup
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    •Attributes  Retrieval
    •Certificate  Retrieval

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                    User1 (User master record)
                     User2 (User master record)
                     User3 (User master record)
                 OU= Groups
                          SAP_Portal (Group Object and users are member of this group object as a link from all different OUs -user1,user2,user3)
                  OU= Users
    EP6 LDAP config:
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    (We also tried Deep hierarchy didn't work)
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    Group Path :
    The issues:
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    a. (Portal internal user, [email protected], has
    only read access on MsAD)
    Note: We use 3268 as an AD port and 389 is also active I tried both of them but no chance.
    Thanks for your help in advance.

    Usually before you switch UME to AD, you would read it with an LDAP web compliant browser, to check if you could access your OU, Group, and Users. Are you sure you can read the complete LDAP structure on AD?
    Kindly re-check the process, to see if you missed out on any steps.
    Check note 772620 - UME 4.0: Create Groups on Microsoft Active Directory Server

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    Problem description:
    Currently, Client has implemented the LDAP and CUA integration and when a new user is added in LDAP, it is automatically getting copied in all SAP systems and at real time, when the useru2019s u201CLASTNAMEu201D field is updated in LDAP, it is automatically getting synchronized in all SAP systems.
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    Our Findings:
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    Hi Deb,
    It would be really nice if you can elaborate on the configurations that need to be done as part of this integration. I hope, you have been successfull by now.
    Actually, I too need to perform the same as part of a project.
    Thanks in advance.

  • UCCX 7.0.1SR5 to 8.0 upgrade while also adding LDAP integration for CUCM - what happens to agents and Historical Reporting data?

    Current State:
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    •    The local user accounts in CUCM currently match the naming format in active directory (John Smith in CUCM is jsmith and John Smith is jsmith in AD)
    •    Upgrade software versions and migrate to new hardware for UCCX
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    Desired Future State and Proposed Upgrade Method
    Using the UCCX Pre Upgrade Tool (PUT), backup the current UCCX 7.01 server. 
    Then during a weekend maintenance window……
    •    Upgrade the CUCM cluster from 6.1 to 8.0 in 2 step process
    •    Integrate the CUCM cluster to corporate active directory (LDAP) - sync the same users that were present before, associate with physical phones, select the same ACD/UCCX line under the users settings as before
    •    Then build UCCX 8.0 server on new hardware and stop at the initial setup stage
    •    Restore the data from the UCCX PUT tool
    •    Continue setup per documentation
    At this point does UCCX see these agents as the same as they were before?
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    We can simplify this question along these lines
    Starting at the beginning with CUCM 6.1 (local users) and UCCX 7.01.  Let's say the customer decided to LDAP integrate the CUCM users and not upgrade any software. 
    If I follow the same steps with re-associating the users to devices and selecting the ACD/UCCX extension, what happens? 
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    What would historical reporting show in this case?  A set of old agents and a set of new agents treated differently?
    Has anyone run into this before?
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    Would it be possible (with TAC's help most likely) to edit this field back to the previous values so that AQM and historical reporting would think the user accounts are the same?
    Database table name: Resource
    The Unified CCX system creates a new record in the Resource table when the Unified CCX system retrieves agent information from the Unified CM.
    A Resource record contains information about the resource (agent). One such record exists for each active and inactive resource. When a resource is deleted, the old record is flagged as inactive; when a resource is updated, a new record is created and the old one is flagged as inactive.

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    Hi ben,
    If you are just importing from and not authenticating against LDAP, then the PIN comes
    from the Connection Template you used to build the users;
    Note that no passwords or PINs are copied from the LDAP directory to the Connection database. If
    you want Connection users to authenticate against the LDAP directory, see the “LDAP
    Authentication” section on page 9-7.
    "Show a little faith, there's magic in the night" - Springsteen

  • Problem with Afaria and LDAP user authentication in Android device

    Hi all,
    I have a server with Afaria 7 (SP4, hotfix3) installed. In this Afaria there is a tenant (system) without LDAP/AD integration working correctly. I need to have other tenant with LDAP integration in which the users must be authenticated.
    I know that for iOS devices is necessary reinstall the iphoneserver selecting "Afaria Server managed authentication" but at first I want to make run the Android devices. For this reason I don't do this yet.
    I follow the next steps:
    1-Create a new tenant
    2- Configure LDAP integration
    3-Create a inventory policy with authentication required
    4-Create a static group associated to the inventory policy
    5-Create a enrolment policy associated to the static group.
    When I launch the Afaria agent on the device, the user/password parameters are required. After fill the user/password parameters, the device connect to the server and then is show the message "user or password incorrects".
    I have seen the log and seem the problem is that Afaria can't authenticate this user.
    I validate that Afaria can "see" the LDAP users creating a user group that contains this user(JimenM99)
    The problem is autentication, because if I remove "autentication required" of the inventory policy, the device enrol correctly.
    Could you please help to solve this problem?
    Thanks in advance.  

    Hi all,
    I have a server with Afaria 7 (SP4, hotfix3) installed. In this Afaria there is a tenant (system) without LDAP/AD integration working correctly. I need to have other tenant with LDAP integration in which the users must be authenticated.
    I know that for iOS devices is necessary reinstall the iphoneserver selecting "Afaria Server managed authentication" but at first I want to make run the Android devices. For this reason I don't do this yet.
    I follow the next steps:
    1-Create a new tenant
    2- Configure LDAP integration
    3-Create a inventory policy with authentication required
    4-Create a static group associated to the inventory policy
    5-Create a enrolment policy associated to the static group.
    When I launch the Afaria agent on the device, the user/password parameters are required. After fill the user/password parameters, the device connect to the server and then is show the message "user or password incorrects".
    I have seen the log and seem the problem is that Afaria can't authenticate this user.
    I validate that Afaria can "see" the LDAP users creating a user group that contains this user(JimenM99)
    The problem is autentication, because if I remove "autentication required" of the inventory policy, the device enrol correctly.
    Could you please help to solve this problem?
    Thanks in advance.  

  • LDAP User Synchronization : Password

    Hi All,
    I have a question about LDAP User Synchronization to SU01 in ABAP. Does it create an initial password for the users being Synced? or It stores the LDAP Password in SU01 password field?
    I have doubt about the second, as LDAP will never return the password in plain text, and Password Hashing schemes can be different between LDAP and ABAP.
    If it doesn't store the password at all in SU01 for Synced users, then how does user login into SAP GUI?
    Please let me know.
    Thanks in Advance,

    Hi Tim,
    it's not possible to unhash cryptographic hash function. One of the main properties of each cryptographic hash function is preimage resistance which means that it's not feasible for a given hash h to find a message m that hash(m) = h. Even in case that it is possible to find this message you can't be sure that that was the original message because as we know a hash function maps message of arbitrary length to fixed size string. Obviously, there is more messages with variable length than messages with one fixed sized so there has to be at least one hash where there are two messages m1 and m2 and hash(m1) = hash(m2) (pigeon hole principle). So it could happen that user would choose password m1 but your unhasing algorithm would get m2. Obviously, it's highly improbable that second hash function hash m1 and m2 into same hash. Therefore such a solution will not be never available and the only solution is to get password in clear text and distribute it to each system in clear text form. As Julius mentioned this is supported but it has some disadvantages.

  • Enterprise Portal - MDM - LDAP integration

    We are succesfully able to integrate Portal to MDM with a trusted connection and with portal users existing in LDAP and mdm users existing in MDM console.
    We also successfully integrated MDM with LDAP so that we dont have to store users in console, but manage them in LDAP. But once we did the LDAP integration, portal to MDM connection was lost saying mdm user details could not be retrieved.
    Has anybody faced this issue? what key steps to taken care during MDM-LDAP integration.

    Hi goerge,
    When ever we integrate MDM with LDAP, we need to make a setting in MDS.ini file.
    Please check the "User Identifier" setting in MDS.ini file.
    Typically this should be The name of the LDAP id field which will match the value the user provides as the Username at logon.
    Make the entry in MDS.ini like User Identifier = cn or SamAccountName.
    If that is done, please verify other parameters corresponding to LDAP in MDS.ini as per the table 91 in Page no 291 in MDM Console referece guide.
    Or refer to the SAP note 1635338 for reference which is pointing to same issue.
    This should solve your problem.

  • LDAP Integration with CUCM 9.0

    We would like to use LDAP to sync all of our users from Active Directory.  All of our current CM Users are local, the problem is that they have the same user names as our Active Directory users.  From what I understand this is going to be a problem because:
    "If accounts from LDAP match an existing Unified CM account that is not marked as an LDAP synchronized account, then these accounts are ignored."
    Does that mean we will have to delete all our existing CM users in order to sync the LDAP users correctly?  Is there a best practice for this?  Once we syncronize the LDAP users how to I ensure that the user gets associated with the proper phone?  Or do I have to visit each user individually? 

    I just did a quick test for this, my lab CUCM 9 is already LDAP integrated, but I created a local user, then I created that same local user in my LDAP OU, and performed a full sync.
    The user is no longer showing as a local active user, but as an active LDAP synchronized user.
    Which was my thought, there's only one conversion, from LDAP to local.
    The behavior is just as with any previous release, local users who match an LDAP user after you enable it, are just updated, and kept with all their configurations.
    I checked the option to turn it back again into a local user, did a full sync, and it's again an active LDAP user.
    if this helps, please rate

  • CC&B and MDM Integration

    Dear Friends,
    Currently we are using ccb 2.3.0 and MDM 1.6.0 versions
    1.How we can integrate CC&B and MDM ,
    2. what are various possible ways of integration and components required for the same
    pls recommend the latest versions if integration becomes easier
    thanks and regards

    The new MDM 2.0.1 version has some integration functionalities build in.
    MDM 2.0 has introduced a concept called "Seeder" this is more or less an XAI Integration.
    Since version 2.0.1 you have a Seeder for IMD import and master data synchronization.
    You can review the documentation (Framework_Administration_Guide_v4_1_0) if you are interested in details.
    Check chapter "External Application Integration".
    The suggested way is to setup OSB for message routing and transformation and XAI to publish/subscribe the integration

  • MDM LDAP Integration

    We have integrated MDM with LDAP, by creating LDAP Roles & mapping them with MDM Roles. We are having log entries for Admin user for all repositories after every 10 milli-seconds. Any idea why these entries, how to stop this?
    2010-03-03T22:56:22.978,1096    ,23,"Log-on failure: LDAP Error, userName = Admin  User not found",MDSPublicServer@AuthorizeSessionForRepository,CatMgrDatabase.cpp,1866,,,1155,Admin,REPO 1<dbserver\DEV [SQL_Server]>,,,
    2010-03-03T22:56:22.994,1096    ,14,"GetUserInfo: Unspecified Exit Point",Horizontal@LDAP,<file not specified>,,GetUserInfo,,1155,Admin,REPO1 <dbserver\DEV [SQL_Server]>,End,,

    Please refer this document for MDM LDAP Integration Process Step by Step,
    Also refer SAP Notes, Note 1279785 - LDAP users connect to MDM with Fallback setting
                                        Note 1096642 - Check-in/out does not work with LDAP user authentication
    Hope it helps...
    Thanks and Regards,
    Mandeep Saini

  • CM 7.1 LDAP integration not updating

    I have an LDAP integration that worked at 1 time to import all the users but now when I make a change to a user in AD, it never gets to CM.  The sync process seems to just sit there and the only option is to "Cancel Sync".  I can update the LDAP fields without error so the user/pass and search space all appear t obe correct.  I have looked for issues online but cant find anything to matches this issue, they are usually a search base issue.

    I'm facing the same problem.
    I have set up a lab for  LDAP integration and after setting up for the first time worked but one  user that exists on CUCM and do not exists on AD was flaged as active i  decided to remake ldap settings after that nothing works anymore, it  sayd that users are active even if they do not exist on AD.
    If i add a new ldap directory does not sync and users are not added.
    Any idea?
    already restarted server...no joy

  • OAS and LDAP or OAS and OID ???

    1) Is OAS and LDAP a good combination or OAS and OID ???
    how do we connect and make use of LDAP from OAS?
    please let me know
    thanks in advance

    Get hold of Whitepaper 774783.1 LDAP Integration for Oracle Utilities Application Framework based products from My Support

  • Custom LDAP Integration

    We are creating a custom LDAP integration to replace the deprecated one in the application. We have all of our remote container services on a separate server from the slave server(s). Do we have to install the custom assemblies on the remote container server and if so what directories? The documentation in the EP says to only install into the bin directories of the web applications. Thanks.

    Yes, put it in the same directory as the RemotingContainer.exe file.

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