Crawler Help: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

I'm trying to write a custom crawler and having some difficulties.  I'm getting the document information from a database.  I'm trying to have the ClickThroughURL be a web URL and the IndexingURL be a UNC path to the file on a back-end file share.  Also, I'm not using DocFetch.  The problem I'm having is that when the crawler runs I get the following error for every card:
"4/19/05 13:43:30- (940) Aborted Card creation for document: TestDoc1.  Import error: IDispatch error #19876 (0x80044fa4): [Error Importing Card.
Error writing Indexing File.
SOAP fault: faultcode='soap:Server' faultstring='Server was unable to process request. --> Object reference not set to an instance of an object.']"
Has anyone seen this before?  Any help you can provide would be greatly appreciated.  I have included the code from my document.vb in case that helps.
Imports System
Imports Plumtree.Remote.Util
Imports Plumtree.Remote.Crawler
Imports System.Resources
Imports System.Globalization
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Imports System.Text
Namespace Plumtree.Remote.CWS.MoFoDocsOpen
    Public Class Document
        Implements IDocument
        Private m_logger As ICrawlerLog
        Private DocumentLocation As String
        Private d_DocumentNumber As Integer
        Private d_Library As String
        Private d_Name As String
        Private d_Author As String
        Private d_AuthorID As String
        Private d_Category As String
        Private d_ClientName As String
        Private d_ClientNumber As String
        Private d_DateCreated As DateTime
        Private d_DocumentName As String
        Private d_DocumentType As String
        Private d_EnteredBy As String
        Private d_EnteredByID As String
        Private d_FolderID As String
        Private d_KEFlag As String
        Private d_LastEdit As DateTime
        Private d_LastEditBy As String
        Private d_LastEditByID As String
        Private d_Maintainer As String
        Private d_MaintainerID As String
        Private d_MatterName As String
        Private d_MatterNumber As String
        Private d_Practice As String
        Private d_Description As String
        Private d_Version As Integer
        Private d_Path As String
        Private d_FileName As String
        Public Sub New(ByVal provider As DocumentProvider, ByVal documentLocation As String, ByVal signature As String)
            Dim location() As String = DocumentLocation.Split("||")
            Me.DocumentLocation = DocumentLocation
            Me.d_DocumentNumber = location(0)
            Me.d_Library = location(2)
            Dim objConn As New SqlConnection
            Dim objCmd As New SqlCommand
            Dim objRec As SqlDataReader
            objConn.ConnectionString = "Server=sad2525;Database=PortalDocs;Uid=sa;Pwd=;"
            objCmd.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM DocsOpenAggregate WHERE Library = '" & Me.d_Library & "' AND DocumentNumber = " & Me.d_DocumentNumber
            objCmd.Connection = objConn
            objRec = objCmd.ExecuteReader()
            Do While objRec.Read() = True
                Me.d_Name = objRec("Name")
                Me.d_Author = objRec("Author")
                Me.d_AuthorID = objRec("AuthorID")
                Me.d_Category = objRec("Category")
                Me.d_ClientName = objRec("ClientName")
                Me.d_ClientNumber = objRec("ClientNumber")
                Me.d_DateCreated = objRec("DateCreated")
                Me.d_DocumentName = objRec("DocumentName")
                Me.d_DocumentType = objRec("DocumentType")
                Me.d_EnteredBy = objRec("EnteredBy")
                Me.d_EnteredByID = objRec("EnteredByID")
                Me.d_FolderID = objRec("FolderID")
                Me.d_KEFlag = objRec("KEFlag")
                Me.d_LastEdit = objRec("LastEdit")
                Me.d_LastEditBy = objRec("LastEditBy")
                Me.d_LastEditByID = objRec("LastEditByID")
                Me.d_Maintainer = objRec("Maintainer")
                Me.d_MaintainerID = objRec("MaintainerID")
                Me.d_MatterName = objRec("MatterName")
                Me.d_MatterNumber = objRec("MatterNumber")
                Me.d_Practice = objRec("Practice")
                Me.d_Description = objRec("Description")
                Me.d_Version = objRec("Version")
                Me.d_Path = objRec("Path")
                Me.d_FileName = objRec("FileName")
            objCmd = Nothing
            If objRec.IsClosed = False Then objRec.Close()
            objRec = Nothing
            If objConn.State <> ConnectionState.Closed Then objConn.Close()
            objConn = Nothing
        End Sub
        'If using DocFetch, this method returns a file path to the document in the backend repository.
        Public Function GetDocument() As String Implements IDocument.GetDocument
            m_logger.Log(&#034;Document.GetDocument called for &#034; & Me.DocumentLocation)
            Return Me.d_Path
        End Function
        'Returns the metadata information about this document.
        Public Function GetMetaData(ByVal aFilter() As String) As DocumentMetaData Implements IDocument.GetMetaData
            m_logger.Log(&#034;Document.GetMetaData called for &#034; & DocumentLocation)
            Dim DOnvp(23) As NamedValue
            DOnvp(0) = New NamedValue(&#034;Author&#034;, Me.d_Author)
            DOnvp(1) = New NamedValue(&#034;AuthorID&#034;, Me.d_AuthorID)
            DOnvp(2) = New NamedValue(&#034;Category&#034;, Me.d_Category)
            DOnvp(3) = New NamedValue(&#034;ClientName&#034;, Me.d_ClientName)
            DOnvp(4) = New NamedValue(&#034;ClientNumber&#034;, Me.d_ClientNumber)
            DOnvp(5) = New NamedValue(&#034;DateCreated&#034;, Me.d_DateCreated)
            DOnvp(6) = New NamedValue(&#034;DocumentName&#034;, Me.d_DocumentName)
            DOnvp(7) = New NamedValue(&#034;DocumentType&#034;, Me.d_DocumentType)
            DOnvp(8) = New NamedValue(&#034;EnteredBy&#034;, Me.d_EnteredBy)
            DOnvp(9) = New NamedValue(&#034;EnteredByID&#034;, Me.d_EnteredByID)
            DOnvp(10) = New NamedValue(&#034;FolderID&#034;, Me.d_FolderID)
            DOnvp(11) = New NamedValue(&#034;KEFlag&#034;, Me.d_KEFlag)
            DOnvp(12) = New NamedValue(&#034;LastEdit&#034;, Me.d_LastEdit)
            DOnvp(13) = New NamedValue(&#034;LastEditBy&#034;, Me.d_LastEditBy)
            DOnvp(14) = New NamedValue(&#034;LastEditByID&#034;, Me.d_LastEditByID)
            DOnvp(15) = New NamedValue(&#034;Maintainer&#034;, Me.d_Maintainer)
            DOnvp(16) = New NamedValue(&#034;MaintainerID&#034;, Me.d_MaintainerID)
            DOnvp(17) = New NamedValue(&#034;MatterName&#034;, Me.d_MatterName)
            DOnvp(18) = New NamedValue(&#034;MatterNumber&#034;, Me.d_MatterNumber)
            DOnvp(19) = New NamedValue(&#034;Practice&#034;, Me.d_Practice)
            DOnvp(20) = New NamedValue(&#034;Description&#034;, Me.d_Description)
            DOnvp(21) = New NamedValue(&#034;Version&#034;, Me.d_Version)
            DOnvp(22) = New NamedValue(&#034;Path&#034;, Me.d_Path)
            DOnvp(23) = New NamedValue(&#034;FileName&#034;, Me.d_FileName)
            Dim metaData As New DocumentMetaData(DOnvp)
            Dim strExt As String = Right(Me.d_FileName, Len(Me.d_FileName) - InStrRev(Me.d_FileName, &#034;.&#034;))
            Select Case LCase(strExt)
                Case &#034;xml&#034;
                    metaData.ContentType = &#034;text/xml&#034;
                    metaData.ImageUUID = &#034;{F8F6B82F-53C6-11D2-88B7-006008168DE5}&#034;
                Case &#034;vsd&#034;
                    metaData.ContentType = &#034;application/vnd.visio&#034;
                    metaData.ImageUUID = &#034;{2CEEC472-7CF0-11d3-BB3A-00105ACE365C}&#034;
                Case &#034;mpp&#034;
                    metaData.ContentType = &#034;application/;
                    metaData.ImageUUID = &#034;{8D6D9F50-D512-11d3-8DB0-00C04FF44474}&#034;
                Case &#034;pdf&#034;
                    metaData.ContentType = &#034;application/pdf&#034;
                    metaData.ImageUUID = &#034;{64FED895-D031-11D2-8909-006008168DE5}&#034;
                Case &#034;doc&#034;
                    metaData.ContentType = &#034;application/msword&#034;
                    metaData.ImageUUID = &#034;{0C35DD71-6453-11D2-88C3-006008168DE5}&#034;
                Case &#034;dot&#034;
                    metaData.ContentType = &#034;application/msword&#034;
                    metaData.ImageUUID = &#034;{0C35DD71-6453-11D2-88C3-006008168DE5}&#034;
                Case &#034;rtf&#034;
                    metaData.ContentType = &#034;text/richtext&#034;
                    metaData.ImageUUID = &#034;{F8F6B82F-53C6-11D2-88B7-006008168DE5}&#034;
                Case &#034;xls&#034;
                    metaData.ContentType = &#034;application/;
                    metaData.ImageUUID = &#034;{0C35DD72-6453-11D2-88C3-006008168DE5}&#034;
                Case &#034;xlt&#034;
                    metaData.ContentType = &#034;application/;
                    metaData.ImageUUID = &#034;{0C35DD72-6453-11D2-88C3-006008168DE5}&#034;
                Case &#034;pps&#034;
                    metaData.ContentType = &#034;application/;
                    metaData.ImageUUID = &#034;{0C35DD73-6453-11D2-88C3-006008168DE5}&#034;
                Case &#034;ppt&#034;
                    metaData.ContentType = &#034;application/;
                    metaData.ImageUUID = &#034;{0C35DD73-6453-11D2-88C3-006008168DE5}&#034;
                Case &#034;htm&#034;
                    metaData.ContentType = &#034;text/html&#034;
                    metaData.ImageUUID = &#034;{D2E2D5E0-84C9-11D2-A0C5-0060979C42D8}&#034;
                Case &#034;html&#034;
                    metaData.ContentType = &#034;text/html&#034;
                    metaData.ImageUUID = &#034;{D2E2D5E0-84C9-11D2-A0C5-0060979C42D8}&#034;
                Case &#034;asp&#034;
                    metaData.ContentType = &#034;text/plain&#034;
                    metaData.ImageUUID = &#034;{F8F6B82F-53C6-11D2-88B7-006008168DE5}&#034;
                Case &#034;idq&#034;
                    metaData.ContentType = &#034;text/plain&#034;
                    metaData.ImageUUID = &#034;{F8F6B82F-53C6-11D2-88B7-006008168DE5}&#034;
                Case &#034;txt&#034;
                    metaData.ContentType = &#034;text/plain&#034;
                    metaData.ImageUUID = &#034;{F8F6B82F-53C6-11D2-88B7-006008168DE5}&#034;
                Case &#034;log&#034;
                    metaData.ContentType = &#034;text/plain&#034;
                    metaData.ImageUUID = &#034;{F8F6B82F-53C6-11D2-88B7-006008168DE5}&#034;
                Case &#034;sql&#034;
                    metaData.ContentType = &#034;text/plain&#034;
                    metaData.ImageUUID = &#034;{F8F6B82F-53C6-11D2-88B7-006008168DE5}&#034;
                Case Else
                    metaData.ContentType = &#034;application/octet-stream&#034;
                    metaData.ImageUUID = &#034;{F8F6B82F-53C6-11D2-88B7-006008168DE5}&#034;
            End Select
            metaData.Name = Me.d_Name
            metaData.Description = Me.d_Description
            metaData.FileName = Me.d_FileName ' This is a file name - for example &#034;2jd005_.DOC&#034;
            metaData.IndexingURL = Me.d_Path ' This is a file path - for example &#034;\\fileserver01\docsd$\SF01\DOCS\MLS1\NONE\2jd005_.DOC&#034;
            metaData.ClickThroughURL = &#034;http://mofoweb/docsopen.asp?Unique=&#034; & HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(Me.DocumentLocation)
            metaData.UseDocFetch = False
            Return metaData
        End Function
        'Returns the signature or last-modified-date of this document that indicates to the portal whether the document needs refreshing.
        Public Function GetDocumentSignature() As String Implements IDocument.GetDocumentSignature
            Dim SigString As New StringBuilder
            Dim SigEncode As String
            SigString.Append(Me.d_DocumentNumber & &#034;||&#034;)
            SigString.Append(Me.d_Library & &#034;||&#034;)
            SigString.Append(Me.d_Name & &#034;||&#034;)
            SigString.Append(Me.d_Author & &#034;||&#034;)
            SigString.Append(Me.d_AuthorID & &#034;||&#034;)
            SigString.Append(Me.d_Category & &#034;||&#034;)
            SigString.Append(Me.d_ClientName & &#034;||&#034;)
            SigString.Append(Me.d_ClientNumber & &#034;||&#034;)
            SigString.Append(Me.d_DateCreated & &#034;||&#034;)
            SigString.Append(Me.d_DocumentName & &#034;||&#034;)
            SigString.Append(Me.d_DocumentType & &#034;||&#034;)
            SigString.Append(Me.d_EnteredBy & &#034;||&#034;)
            SigString.Append(Me.d_EnteredByID & &#034;||&#034;)
            SigString.Append(Me.d_FolderID & &#034;||&#034;)
            SigString.Append(Me.d_KEFlag & &#034;||&#034;)
            SigString.Append(Me.d_LastEdit & &#034;||&#034;)
            SigString.Append(Me.d_LastEditBy & &#034;||&#034;)
            SigString.Append(Me.d_LastEditByID & &#034;||&#034;)
            SigString.Append(Me.d_Maintainer & &#034;||&#034;)
            SigString.Append(Me.d_MaintainerID & &#034;||&#034;)
            SigString.Append(Me.d_MatterName & &#034;||&#034;)
            SigString.Append(Me.d_MatterNumber & &#034;||&#034;)
            SigString.Append(Me.d_Practice & &#034;||&#034;)
            SigString.Append(Me.d_Description & &#034;||&#034;)
            SigString.Append(Me.d_Version & &#034;||&#034;)
            SigString.Append(Me.d_Path & &#034;||&#034;)
            SigString.Append(Me.d_FileName & &#034;||&#034;)
            Dim encoding As New UTF8Encoding
            Dim byteArray As Byte() = encoding.GetBytes(SigString.ToString())
            SigEncode = System.Convert.ToBase64String(byteArray, 0, byteArray.Length)
            Return SigEncode
        End Function
        'Returns an array of the users with access to this document.
        Public Function GetUsers() As ACLEntry() Implements IDocument.GetUsers
            'no acl info retrieved
            Dim aclArray(-1) As ACLEntry
            Return aclArray
        End Function
        'Returns an array of the groups with access to this document.
        Public Function GetGroups() As ACLEntry() Implements IDocument.GetGroups
            'no acl info retrieved
            Dim aclArray(-1) As ACLEntry
            Return aclArray
        End Function
    End Class
End Namespace

1. I don't think you can just set the index url to a unc path.
2. Try creating an index aspx page. In your MetaData.IndexURL set it to the index aspx page, and include query string params for the encoded unc path as well as the content type.
3. In the index servlet, get the content type and path from the query string
4. Get the filename from the file path
5. Set the headers for content-type and Content-Disposition, e.g.
Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "inline; filename'" + filename)
6. Stream out the file:
FileStream fs = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open)
byte[] buffer = new byte[40000]
int result
System.IO.Stream output = Response.OutputStream
result = fs.Read(buffer, 0, 40000)
output.Write(buffer, 0, result)
while (result == 40000)
put the above in a try-catch, and then delete the temp file in the finally block.
If this does not help, set a breakpoint in the code to find the error. Also use Log4Net to log any errors.

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    If you have any other concern regarding this issue, please feel free to let me know.
    Best regards,
    Youjun Tang
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

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    This is a general error message. I would ask the following questions to verify the issue:
    1. Are these charts  inside the table?
    2. Does the table display fine? What’s the size of the report and charts?
    Please try download the latest cumulative update package for SQL Server 2008 R2 Service Pack 2 from the following link and see if it address the issue:
    You can also capture the screenshots regarding the issue so that I can understand
    problem in more details.
    Tracy Cai
    TechNet Community Support

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    Result facility Code: 0
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    My question is: What instance of an object is not properly initialize in the Setup instructions

    Please note that SQL Server requires at least 1 GB of RAM. The operating system (Windows Server) requires 2 GB of RAM (recommended) or 512 MB (minimum). This means any virtual machine that will receive the installation of a SQL Server instance requires 1.5
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  • Object Reference Not Set To An Instance Of An Object - Outlook Add-In - Add-In Express

    My Add-In has been developed in VS2010 using the Add-In Express pack.
    Its a very simple add-in that shows an IT support ticket email detailing PC information. To use it, following installing the add-in, the user must select the tab in outlook and click on the Send IT Support Email button which will generate an Outlook Email
    Template with specific information about the PC that I pull using VB.
    It works fine in Windows 7 & 8, but throws an 'Object Reference Not Set To An Instance Of An Object' exception in Windows XP. Screenshot is shown below:
    The code is below
    Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
    Imports System.ComponentModel
    Imports System.Drawing
    Imports System.Windows.Forms
    Imports AddinExpress.MSO
    Imports System.Object
    Imports System.Net
    Imports System.Environment
    Imports System.Net.NetworkInformation
    Imports System.Windows.Forms.Application
    Imports Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook
    Imports outlook = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook
    'Add-in Express Add-in Module
    <GuidAttribute("735B7BC8-DD2F-44D8-BC37-30D86769C065"), ProgIdAttribute("$safeprojectname$.AddinModule")> _
    Public Class AddinModule
    Inherits AddinExpress.MSO.ADXAddinModule
    #Region " Add-in Express automatic code "
    'Required by Add-in Express - do not modify
    'the methods within this region
    Public Overrides Function GetContainer() As System.ComponentModel.IContainer
    If components Is Nothing Then
    components = New System.ComponentModel.Container
    End If
    GetContainer = components
    End Function
    <ComRegisterFunctionAttribute()> _
    Public Shared Sub AddinRegister(ByVal t As Type)
    End Sub
    <ComUnregisterFunctionAttribute()> _
    Public Shared Sub AddinUnregister(ByVal t As Type)
    End Sub
    Public Overrides Sub UninstallControls()
    End Sub
    #End Region
    Public Shared Shadows ReadOnly Property CurrentInstance() As AddinModule
    Return CType(AddinExpress.MSO.ADXAddinModule.CurrentInstance, AddinModule)
    End Get
    End Property
    Private Sub AddInModule_AddInInitiatize(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) _
    Handles MyBase.AddinInitialize
    'Outlook 2010 = 14
    If Me.HostMajorVersion >= 14 Then
    AdxOlExplorerCommandBar1.UseForRibbon = False
    End If
    End Sub
    Public ReadOnly Property OutlookApp() As Outlook._Application
    Return CType(HostApplication, Outlook._Application)
    End Get
    End Property
    'Gets the MAC Address from the NIC Information
    Function getMacAddress()
    Dim nics() As NetworkInterface = _
    Return nics(0).GetPhysicalAddress.ToString
    End Function
    Sub CreateTemplate()
    Dim sHostName As String
    Dim sDomain As String
    Dim sUserName As String
    Dim sOS As String
    Dim s64 As String
    Dim sMAC As String
    Dim host As String = System.Net.Dns.GetHostName()
    Dim LocalHostaddress As String = System.Net.Dns.GetHostEntry(host).AddressList(1).ToString()
    Dim MyItem As Outlook.MailItem
    'Finds the PC Number
    sHostName = Environ$("computername")
    'Finds the Domain
    sDomain = Environ$("userdomain")
    'Finds the Username logged into the PC
    sUserName = (Environment.UserDomainName & "\" & Environment.UserName)
    'Finds the Operating System
    sOS = (My.Computer.Info.OSFullName)
    'Shows the results collected from the getMacAddress Function in the sMac variable
    sMAC = getMacAddress()
    'Finds the Architecture of the Operating System - x86 or x64
    If (Environment.Is64BitOperatingSystem) Then
    s64 = ("64bit")
    s64 = ("32bit")
    End If
    'Creates a Template Email
    MyItem = OutlookApp.CreateItem(Outlook.OlItemType.olMailItem)
    'Configures the Sender as [email protected]
    MyItem.To = "[email protected]"
    'Shows the template
    'Shows all of the string in the Email Body
    MyItem.HTMLBody = String.Concat("<b><u>IT SUPPORT TICKET</u></b>", "<br/><br/>", "<tr><b>PC Number: </b></tr>", sDomain, "\", sHostName, "<b></b>", "<br/><br/>", "<b>Username: </b>", sUserName, "<b></b>", "<br/><br/>", "<b>OS Version: </b>", sOS, s64, "<b></b>", "<br/><br/>", "<b>IP Address: </b>", LocalHostaddress, "<b></b>", "<br/><br/>", "<b>MAC Address: </b>", sMAC, "<b></b>", "<br/><br/>", "<b>Comment:</b>", "<br/>", "<i>Please give a brief description of your problem attaching a screen shot if possible</i>", "<br/><br/>") & MyItem.HTMLBody
    End Sub
    Private Sub AdxRibbonButton1_OnClick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal control As IRibbonControl, ByVal pressed As Boolean) Handles AdxRibbonButton1.OnClick
    'Runs CreateTemplate
    End Sub
    Private Sub AdxCommandBarButton1_Click(ByVal sender As Object) Handles AdxCommandBarButton1.Click
    'Runs CreateTemplate
    End Sub
    End Class
    I would appreciate any help with this whatsoever as I am pulling my hair out!!
    Many Thanks!!

    Welcome to MSDN forum.
    I am afraid that the issue is out of support range of VS General Question forum which mainly discusses
    the usage of Visual Studio IDE such as WPF & SL designer, Visual Studio Guidance Automation Toolkit, Developer Documentation and Help System
    and Visual Studio Editor.
    Because your Add-in is developed using Add-in Express which is third-party, I suggest consulting Add-in Express forum: for better support.
    Best regards,
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

  • "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" when using Sheel Shah's example

    I am attempting to use a custom add dialog as in and
    I get the error "Object reference not set to an instance of an object." when clicking my button to AddEntity().  My code to call the control is:
    User u = new User();
    Any ideas as to why I'm getting this error?  I "think" that I've set up the class properly?

    I may be a couple of years late to the party here (using VS2013) but I also had some issues adapting to Yann's improvements over Sheel's code.
    Sheel's screen code as provided has the word "Old in the InitializeDataWorkspace and the created methods. this does not work when copy/pasted. ALso removed the "UI" from "InitialiseUI()"
    Following code can be used with Yann's Helper Class.
    Namespace LightSwitchApplication
    Public Class EditableCustomersGrid
    Private customersDialogHelper As ModalWindow
    Private Sub EditableCustomersGrid_InitializeDataWorkspace(saveChangesTo As System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Microsoft.LightSwitch.IDataService))
    customersDialogHelper = New ModalWindow(Me.Customers, "CustomerViewDialog")
    End Sub
    Private Sub EditableCustomersGrid_Created()
    End Sub
    Private Sub gridAddAndEditNew_CanExecute(ByRef result As Boolean)
    End Sub
    Private Sub gridAddAndEditNew_Execute()
    End Sub
    Private Sub gridEditSelected_CanExecute(ByRef result As Boolean)
    End Sub
    Private Sub gridEditSelected_Execute()
    End Sub
    Private Sub EditDialogOk_Execute()
    End Sub
    Private Sub EditDialogCancel_Execute()
    End Sub
    End Class
    End Namespace

  • "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" error in SAPBO 9.0 PL08

    Hi Experts,
    I developed Customized Addon and  created.ard file using B1 DE 2.2 version. But when we installed in the client place,Addon is connecting and status is showing "Connected" at the same time we are getting an error "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" . Please find the enclosed screen shot for your reference.
    In the debug mode, am not getting any error and addon is working perfectly.
    I need clarification --->PL08 SDK is required to create .ard file (OR)  PL05 SDK is sufficient ??
    Before this am getting error "You are not connected to the company" while connecting addon,that is resolved.
    Now am  facing this problem, Please help me  out to resolve this issue.
    Thanks & Regards

    Hi Maik Delly,
    I created the addons for SAPB1 8.81/8.82 SQL Server 2008 R2 environment  from the same source code which is working fine till now without any error.
    But why all of sudden we are getting this error for SAP B1 9.0 PL08 and SQL Server 2012 R2 environment.
    In my system i have .net framework 3.5 SP1  and .Net Compact framework 1.0 and 2.0 installed. Addon is connecting and working also without any error for the same environment.
    Some Clarification needed
    1)  SAP B1 9 PL05 SDK sufficient to create .ard file for SAP B1 9 PL08 environment ?
    Awaiting for suggestions and advices to resolve this issue.
    Thanks & Regards

  • Error: System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. --- System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

    (1) I am trying to get the data from a database table and import into a text file.
    (2) If the record set have the data then it runs ok
    (3) when the record set not having any data it is giving the below error
    Error: System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. ---> System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
    Could you please let me know why this is happening?
    Any help would be appriciated

    You might ask them over here.
    Regards, Dave Patrick ....
    Microsoft Certified Professional
    Microsoft MVP [Windows]
    Disclaimer: This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties or guarantees , and confers no rights.

  • Object reference not set to an instance of an object error when generating a schema using flat file schema wizard.

    I have a csv file that I need to generate a schema for. I am trying to generate a schema using flat file schema wizard but I keep getting "Object reference not set to an instance of an object." error when I am clicking on the Next button after
    specifying properties of the child elements on the wizard. At the end I get schema file generated but it contains an empty root record with no child elements.
    I thought may be this is because I didn't have my project checked out from the Visual SourceSafe db first but I tried again with the project checked out and got the same error.
    I also tried creating a brand new project and generating a schema for it but got the same error.
    I am not sure what is causing Null Reference exception to be thrown and there is nothing in the Windows event log that would tell me more about the problem.
    I am using Visual Studio 2008 for my BizTalk development.
    I would appreciate if some has any insides on this issue.

    To test your environment, create a new BizTalk project outside of source control.
    Create a simple csv file on the file system.
    Bob,New York,NY
    Use the Flat file schema Wizard to create the flat file schema from your simple csv instance.
    Validate the schema.
    Test the schema using your csv instance.
    This will help you determine if everything is ok with you environment.

  • Error occurred in deployment step 'Activate Features': Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

    I am trying to create a custom timer job and while deploying it getting the error as:
    Error occurred in deployment step 'Activate Features': Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
    where am i going wrong?please suggest...

    I am not able to get the errors.So attaching the error log files here.Please help
    08/21/2012 17:35:03  1  INF  Entering function PsconfigUserInterfaceMain.Main
    08/21/2012 17:35:03  1  INF    Entering function Common.SetCurrentThreadCultureToInstalledCulture
    08/21/2012 17:35:03  1  INF      Entering function Common.SetThreadCultureToInstalledCulture
    08/21/2012 17:35:03  1  INF        Current thread culture is English (United States), current thread ui culture is English (United States), installed culture is English (United States)
    08/21/2012 17:35:03  1  INF      Leaving function Common.SetThreadCultureToInstalledCulture
    08/21/2012 17:35:03  1  INF      The current ui culture English (United States) is NOT right to left
    08/21/2012 17:35:03  1  INF    Leaving function Common.SetCurrentThreadCultureToInstalledCulture
    08/21/2012 17:35:03  1  INF    Creating the psconfig application context
    08/21/2012 17:35:03  1  INF    Entering function PsconfigApplicationContext.PsconfigApplicationContext
    08/21/2012 17:35:03  1  INF      Entering function UserInterface.UserInterface
    08/21/2012 17:35:03  1  INF      Leaving function UserInterface.UserInterface
    08/21/2012 17:35:03  1  INF      Entering function TaskDriver.TaskDriver
    08/21/2012 17:35:03  1  INF        Entering function TaskDriver.BuildCommandCollection
    08/21/2012 17:35:03  1  INF          Entering function CommandCollectionBase.CommandCollectionBase
    08/21/2012 17:35:03  1  INF          Leaving function CommandCollectionBase.CommandCollectionBase
    08/21/2012 17:35:03  1  INF          Entering function CommandCollection.CommandCollection
    08/21/2012 17:35:03  1  INF          Leaving function CommandCollection.CommandCollection
    08/21/2012 17:35:03  1  INF          Entering function CommandCollectionBase.CommandCollectionBase
    08/21/2012 17:35:03  1  INF          Leaving function CommandCollectionBase.CommandCollectionBase
    08/21/2012 17:35:03  1  INF            Creating the APPLICATION bool exposed parameter
    08/21/2012 17:35:03  1  INF          Leaving function BoolExposedParameter.BoolExposedParameter
    08/21/2012 17:35:03  1  INF          Entering function BoolInternalParameter.BoolInternalParameter
    08/21/2012 17:35:03  1  INF            Creating the APPLICATION bool internal parameter
    08/21/2012 17:35:03  1  INF          Leaving function BoolInternalParameter.BoolInternalParameter
    08/21/2012 17:35:03  1  INF          Entering function Parameter.Parameter
    08/21/2012 17:35:03  1  INF            Entering function Parameter.Initialze
    08/21/2012 17:35:03  1  INF            Leaving function Parameter.Initialze
    08/21/2012 17:35:03  1  INF            Creating the SINGLESERVER bool exposed parameter
    08/21/2012 17:35:03  1  INF          Leaving function BoolExposedParameter.BoolExposedParameter
    08/21/2012 17:35:03  1  INF          Entering function BoolInternalParameter.BoolInternalParameter
    08/21/2012 17:35:03  1  INF            Creating the SINGLESERVER bool internal parameter
    08/21/2012 17:35:03  1  INF          Leaving function BoolInternalParameter.BoolInternalParameter
    08/21/2012 17:35:03  1  INF          Entering function Parameter.Parameter
    08/21/2012 17:35:03  1  INF            Entering function Parameter.Initialze
    08/21/2012 17:35:03  1  INF            Leaving function Parameter.Initialze
    08/21/2012 17:35:03  1  INF          Leaving function Parameter.Parameter
    08/21/2012 17:35:03  1  INF          Entering function BoolExposedParameter.BoolExposedParameter
    08/21/2012 17:35:03  1  INF            Creating the V2V_INPLACE_UPGRADE bool exposed parameter
    08/21/2012 17:35:03  1  INF          Leaving function BoolExposedParameter.BoolExposedParameter
    08/21/2012 17:35:03  1  INF          Entering function BoolInternalParameter.BoolInternalParameter
    08/21/2012 17:35:03  1  INF            Creating the V2V_INPLACE_UPGRADE bool internal parameter
    08/21/2012 17:35:03  1  INF          Leaving function BoolInternalParameter.BoolInternalParameter
    08/21/2012 17:35:03  1  INF          Entering function Parameter.Parameter
    08/21/2012 17:35:03  1  INF            Entering function Parameter.Initialze
    08/21/2012 17:35:03  1  INF            Leaving function Parameter.Initialze
    08/21/2012 17:35:03  1  INF          Leaving function Parameter.Parameter
    08/21/2012 17:35:03  1  INF          Entering function BoolExposedParameter.BoolExposedParameter
    08/21/2012 17:35:03  1  INF            Creating the CLEAN_INSTALL bool exposed parameter
    08/21/2012 17:35:03  1  INF          Leaving function BoolExposedParameter.BoolExposedParameter
    08/21/2012 17:35:03  1  INF          Entering function BoolInternalParameter.BoolInternalParameter
    08/21/2012 17:35:03  1  INF            Creating the CLEAN_INSTALL bool internal parameter
    08/21/2012 17:35:03  1  INF          Leaving function BoolInternalParameter.BoolInternalParameter
    08/21/2012 17:35:03  1  INF          Entering function Parameter.Parameter
    08/21/2012 17:35:03  1  INF            Entering function Parameter.Initialze
    08/21/2012 17:35:03  1  INF            Leaving function Parameter.Initialze
    08/21/2012 17:35:03  1  INF          Leaving function Parameter.Parameter
    08/21/2012 17:35:03  1  INF          Entering function BoolExposedParameter.BoolExposedParameter
    08/21/2012 17:35:03  1  INF            Creating the B2B_UPGRADE bool exposed parameter
    08/21/2012 17:35:03  1  INF          Leaving function BoolExposedParameter.BoolExposedParameter
    08/21/2012 17:35:03  1  INF          Entering function BoolInternalParameter.BoolInternalParameter
    08/21/2012 17:35:03  1  INF            Creating the B2B_UPGRADE bool internal parameter
    08/21/2012 17:35:03  1  INF          Leaving function BoolInternalParameter.BoolInternalParameter
    08/21/2012 17:35:03  1  INF          Entering function Parameter.Parameter
    08/21/2012 17:35:03  1  INF            Entering function Parameter.Initialze
    08/21/2012 17:35:03  1  INF            Leaving function Parameter.Initialze
    08/21/2012 17:35:03  1  INF          Leaving function Parameter.Parameter
    08/21/2012 17:35:03  1  INF          Entering function BoolExposedParameter.BoolExposedParameter
    08/21/2012 17:35:03  1  INF            Creating the SKU2SKU_UPGRADE bool exposed parameter
    08/21/2012 17:35:03  1  INF          Leaving function BoolExposedParameter.BoolExposedParameter
    08/21/2012 17:35:03  1  INF          Entering function BoolInternalParameter.BoolInternalParameter
    08/21/2012 17:35:03  1  INF            Creating the SKU2SKU_UPGRADE bool internal parameter
    08/21/2012 17:35:03  1  INF          Leaving function BoolInternalParameter.BoolInternalParameter
    08/21/2012 17:35:03  1  INF          Entering function Parameter.Parameter
    08/21/2012 17:35:03  1  INF            Entering function Parameter.Initialze
    08/21/2012 17:35:03  1  INF            Leaving function Parameter.Initialze
    08/21/2012 17:35:03  1  INF          Leaving function Parameter.Parameter
    08/21/2012 17:35:03  1  INF          Entering function BoolExposedParameter.BoolExposedParameter
    08/21/2012 17:35:03  1  INF            Creating the runningupgrade bool exposed parameter
    08/21/2012 17:35:03  1  INF          Leaving function BoolExposedParameter.BoolExposedParameter
    08/21/2012 17:35:03  1  INF          Entering function BoolInternalParameter.BoolInternalParameter
    08/21/2012 17:35:03  1  INF            Creating the runningupgrade bool internal parameter
    08/21/2012 17:35:03  1  INF          Leaving function BoolInternalParameter.BoolInternalParameter
    08/21/2012 17:35:03  1  INF          Entering function Parameter.Parameter
    08/21/2012 17:35:03  1  INF            Entering function Parameter.Initialze
    08/21/2012 17:35:03  1  INF            Leaving function Parameter.Initialze
    08/21/2012 17:35:03  1  INF          Leaving function Parameter.Parameter
    08/21/2012 17:35:03  1  INF          Entering function BoolExposedParameter.BoolExposedParameter
    08/21/2012 17:35:03  1  INF            Creating the LanguagePackInstalled bool exposed parameter
    08/21/2012 17:35:03  1  INF          Leaving function BoolExposedParameter.BoolExposedParameter
    08/21/2012 17:35:03  1  INF          Entering function BoolInternalParameter.BoolInternalParameter
    08/21/2012 17:35:03  1  INF            Creating the LanguagePackInstalled bool internal parameter
    08/21/2012 17:35:03  1  INF          Leaving function BoolInternalParameter.BoolInternalParameter
    08/21/2012 17:35:03  1  INF          Entering function Parameter.Parameter

  • GPM Custom GPO-Settings: An error occurred while generating report: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

    As you can tell from the title of this question, I am no expert with GPO's.  Before I begin, I spent a few minutes to an hour searching and reading in hopes of finding the solution and avoid putting myself out there as a "GPO Newb".  While
    I found several posts and answers that were similar and were related, the questions and answers were more advanced and did present the solutions providing the person had initial knowledge already.  That is not necessarily my case and I would ask for a
    little patience and a bit of 'hand-holding' for what I need.
    I run SBS 2011, and in Group Policy Management I have a custom GPO.  In this GPO I define all my settings.  I understand this may not be the best or most practical method of applying policies, but I am not very strict and have few settings.  This
    policy existed prior to my joining the company, and was migrated in to this SBS '11 from SBS '03.  That may be the issue, but before making any changes I am seeking expert advice.
    When I select that GPO, named "Main GPO", and click on the tab at the top "Settings" I see the error: "An error occurred while generating report: Object reference not set to an instance of an object."
    I saw that when I right click the GPO > View > Options and select the tab "Reporting" that it states that for reporting to work the location of the .adm files must be specified.  I see that my option for the location is set to "Default"
    which by my guessing would be located in the C:\Windows\sysvol directory.  Below is what I see there:
    C:\Windows\sysvol\staging areas
    I think the problem is that my custom GPO are not inside the default location, which I speculate is: C:\Windows\sysvol\domain\policies (which I do see some objects there).
    But instead I also see items in this folder: C:\Windows\sysvol\sysvol\JOHN.LOCAL\policies (while where I just typed 'JOHN.LOCAL' is my actual local domain).
    To further this, when I edit that custom GPO, then at the very top of the tree I right click on it and select Properties, I see a Unique Name listed there as a long string of numbers and letters, similar to a registry entry.  I searched my server for
    that same Unique Name and found it listed inside the folder: C:\Windows\sysvol\domain\policies
    If I am correct with my assumption and basic knowledge, I should move all objects as follows:
    -Move FROM: C:\Windows\sysvol\domain\policies
    -Move TO: C:\Windows\sysvol\sysvol\JOHN.LOCAL\policies
    My concerns are that I am not correct at all, that I will break something, that there may be an easier fix than moving anything, or that I am overlooking something causing this error altogether. 
    Thank you for anyone's help and time with assisting me with this request.
    John Fester

    > top "Settings" I see the error: "An error occurred while generating
    > report: Object reference not set to an instance of an object."
    That's due to a security setting (most possibly) your current OS does
    not understand. Hard to find out wich exact setting it is... To resolve
    this issue, we need the gtpptmpl.inf file residing in the policiy's
    sysvol folder. To open this folder, edit the policy, move to computer
    settings - policies - windows settings - scripts - startup, press "show
    files". Then move two folders upwards and back down to
    .\microsoft\windows nt\secedit. There you'll see the gpttmpl.inf - post
    its contents and we'll have a look at it.
    > location, which I speculate is: C:\Windows\sysvol\domain\policies (which
    > folder: C:\Windows\sysvol\sysvol\JOHN.LOCAL\policies (while where I just
    That's perfectly ok - JOHN.LOCAL in fact is a symlink pointing to "domain".
    > all objects as follows:
    > -Move FROM: C:\Windows\sysvol\domain\policies
    > -Move TO: C:\Windows\sysvol\sysvol\JOHN.LOCAL\policies
    Mal ein
    GUTES Buch über GPOs lesen?
    NO THEY ARE NOT EVIL, if you know what you are doing:
    Good or bad GPOs?
    And if IT bothers me - coke bottle design refreshment :))

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