Crazy page turn margin - image issue!

Hello everybody!
I am experiencing a really strange - funny issue. (Although it should not be funny since there is a dead-line for this project )
When I add an image to a particular page this page's tap-to-turn-page-margin gets wider.
Now I am trying to identify this potential bug by resizing the image / changing settings on this widget.
Any suggestions? Maybe its something obvious to you and not to me...

Maybe, but if the software was consistent then I would not need to compromise. Now l have to find a way to make these pages beautiful again.
Thanks for the interest - really appreciated!

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    event.preventDefault() should do the trick on your own controls. If you are using one of the built-in iBooks shortcuts (read-aloud start/stop button comes to mind) then you may not have full control.

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    The page flipping is an SWF effect, so essentially you now have an entire SWF embedded inside a PDF.
    If you forget about this garish effect (which, I can guarantee you, by next year will be "so 2012") you can send out a standard PDF which can be easily viewed on otherwise sub-standard computers, and using very straightforward PDF readers, such as the ones currently available for the iPad and its clones.

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    A curving page turn effect is beyond the scope of Motion's capabilities. However, there are plug-ins available that do this effect in FCP.

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    Thank you PB.
    As an FYI to anyone else needing help.
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    Everytime you change the page Acrobat needs to redraw all of the page elements. The dealy is probably a reflection of the amount off video memory available, as much as anything.

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    I understand that finding a root cause is ideal, and I would be happy to further investigate this with you.
    Since it is still happening in Safe Mode [ please try to troubleshoot the plugins and extensions]
    The other route is to troubleshoot the downloads folder and antivirus to make sure the downloading of the image is not having an issue either. []
    In the meantime there is an add on that enables this [ Save Images]
    Please post back with your results, there have been other reports, but no issue filed yet.

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    Hi publicduck, I'm not sure if you meant you embedded swfs or if you exported from indesign to swf with an html file. But your suggestion helped, because after being unable to find any audio format that didn't stop playing on page turn (without the use of a playback controller), I tried exporting to swf instead of pdf, and for some reason, in swf, opened as an html file in firefox, I was able to click on the button to start the mp3, and turn the page, while the mp3 continued. So thanks!

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    Any help will be greatly apreciated!
    best, Jacob

    Did you ever figure this out? I would love to know.

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    On pages you do not want to show-up delselect "include page in navigation menu" in the page inspector:

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    First time poster here. I created a childrens book, full color ePub from the Apple 3.1 ePub template. Everything sems to work great in general.  But I wanted the book to be in portrait mode only to get the most out of the graphics. I have the package.opf file set for portrait mode, which shows just one page (correctly), but when turning pages the cool page turn animation does not work when testing on my iPhone5 and an iPad2.  Pages just slide left or right.  But when I change the opf to allow landscape mode, when testing on iDevices, it shows two pages at a time in any mode and the page turn effect works perfectly.  Any way to get the page turn animation to work on just a single page in Portrait mode? To add to it I have an ePub example book from a non-Apple publisher that defaults to single page portrait, and is mostly text (so I'm not sure if its fixed layout or not), and the single page portrait mode allows the page turn animation to work perfectly.
    Thanks all!

    The small caps are wrong in Source Sans Regular. This are not correct small caps . This seams to be missing in the font.
    But in italic style you will find correct small caps. They only work in InDesign not in ePub.
    And if you look in my images (first from InDesign, second from Radium - iBooks looks the same) you can see many difference between InDesign and ePub.
    Note the word "pfiffig", the I at the beginning of "Igor" in second paragraph and the "a" in the italic paragraph.
    This is very frustrating! 

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    I don't think anybody has found a way to do what you want with iBA.  Join the rest in letting Apple know how much you want it via

  • Gallery files included on a page without gallery images/thumbnails

    I included the .js files for the gallery on a page without
    gallery images/thumbnails.
    The effect is, that the first image with a link on that page
    gets a yellow border (as normally the first thumbnail does).
    To correct the problem, I changed the code in line 44 of
    this.tnImageSelector = "a[href] > img";
    this.tnImageSelector = "div.thumbnail a[href] > img";
    (of course, you have to put a <div
    class="thumbnail">...</div> around an image on real
    gallery pages, so that they work there)
    Do you see any problems with the changed code? Could it be
    changed in the official release?

    Live View, Code View or Design View?
    Have you validated your code to check for errors?
    CSS -
    HTML -
    You could comment out your links to external scripts and CSS Files.
    <!--this is an html comment
    To turn off styles in Design View only, go to View > Style Rendering > untick Display Styles.  Or consider using a Design-Time Style Sheet.
    Dreamweaver Help | Use Design-Time style sheets
    To speed things up a bit, try these tips:
    1. Edit -> Preferences -> Code Hints -> Disable description tooltips
    2. Edit -> Preferences -> Highlighting -> Untick both Live Data Untranslated and Translated
    3. Edit -> Preferences -> Sync Settings -> Untick all in sync settings
    Nancy O.

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