Create a GUI component

I want to create a component including an image and three buttons, and put five instances of this component on a JPanel. How should I create the component? Should I draw the image and buttons on a JPanel and put five of these JPanels on a bigger JPanel?
Thanks for your help.

Thanks for your reply.
I'm looking for the other solutions. Users of my application will be able to define the number of these components on the main JPanel (five or more), and will be able to change the size of each component. When it comes to changing sizes, JPanels are really tricky (at least I think they are). So I am looking for another way of creating my component without using JPanels.
Thank you.

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    I'm trying to create a GUI component from the following code. The main idea is to create a component consisting of a checkbox and a panel. The panel can contain several other swing components. By checking or unchecking the checkbox I want all by components in the panel to be enabled or disabled.
    The important thing is that this component should work in the Netbeans GUI designer. I'm using Netbeans 5.5.
    My problem is the following:
    When adding my swing component to the Netbeans swing component palette and dragging onto a new form, I cannot assign other components to the main panel of my component. Even if I use the Inspector tree to drag components to be children of my component, the mouse icon shows a denying icon.
    If I add swing components programmatically, it works.
    Can somebody give me an advice what I should change in my code to make it work with the Netbeans GUI designer?
    Below you can find the current code of my standalone component. It includes a main() method so one can give it a try.
    Many thanks in advance!
    package test.swing;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class JEnabler extends JPanel {
        private JCheckBox checkEnabler = new JCheckBox();
        private JPanel contentPane = new JPanel();
        public JEnabler() {
            super.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
            checkEnabler.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(5, 5, 5, 5));
            checkEnabler.setMargin(new Insets(0, 0, 0, 0));
            checkEnabler.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
                public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {
            super.addImpl(checkEnabler, BorderLayout.WEST, -1);
            super.addImpl(contentPane, BorderLayout.CENTER, -1);
        private void checkEnablerActionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {
            Component[] list = contentPane.getComponents();
            for (int i=0; i<list.length; i++)
    protected void addImpl(Component comp, Object constraints, int index) {
    contentPane.add(comp, constraints, index);
    public LayoutManager getLayout() {
    return contentPane.getLayout();
    public void setLayout(LayoutManager mgr) {
    if (contentPane!=null)
    public void remove(Component comp) {
    public void remove(int index) {
    public void removeAll() {
    public static void main(String args[]) {
    SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
    public void run() {
    JFrame frame = new JFrame();
    JEnabler enabler = new JEnabler();
    JTextField tf = new JTextField("Test");
    JButton test = new JButton("Click");

    Can anyone tell me what I am missing?
    public void paintComponents(Graphics g)you're not 'missing' anything, in fact you've gained an 's'

  • Calling a GUI component form jbase program

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  • Using my new GUI component in an applet :Help!!!

    I am seeking help for the following
    Define class MyColorChooser as a new component so it can be reused in other applications or applets. We want to use the new GUI component as part of an applet that displays the current Color value.
    The following is the code of MyColorChooser class
    * a) We define a class called MyColorChooser that provides three JSlider
    * objects and three JTextField objects. Each JSlider represents the values
    * from 0 to 255 for the red, green and blue parts of a color.
    * We use wred, green and blue values as the arguments to the Color contructeur
    * to create a new Color object.
    * We display the current value of each JSlider in the corresponding JTextField.
    * When the user changes the value of the JSlider, the JTextField(s) should be changed
    * accordingly as weel as the current color.
    * b)Define class MyColorChooser so it can be reused in other applications or applets.
    * Use your new GUI component as part of an applet that displays the current
    * Color value.
    import java.awt.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.event.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.text.DecimalFormat;
    public class MyChooserColor extends JFrame{
         private int red, green, blue;  // color shade for red, green and blue
         private static Color myColor;  // color resultant from red, green and blue shades
         private JSlider mySlider [];      
         private JTextField textField [];
    // Panels for sliders, textfields and button components
         private JPanel mySliderPanel, textFieldPanel, buttonPanel;
    // sublcass objet of JPanel for drawing purposes
         private CustomPanel myPanel;
         private JButton okButton, exitButton;
         public MyChooserColor ()     
              super( "HOME MADE COLOR COMPONENT; composition of RGB values " );
    //       setting properties of the mySlider array and registering the events
              mySlider = new JSlider [3];
              ChangeHandler handler = new ChangeHandler();
              for (int i = 0; i < mySlider.length; i++)
              {     mySlider[i] = new JSlider( SwingConstants.HORIZONTAL,
                               0, 255, 255 );
                   mySlider.setMajorTickSpacing( 10 );
                   mySlider[i].setPaintTicks( true );
    //      register events for mySlider[i]
                   mySlider[i].addChangeListener( handler);                     
    //      setting properties of the textField array           
              textField = new JTextField [3];          
              for (int i = 0; i < textField.length; i++)
              {     textField[i] = new JTextField("100.00%", 5 );
    // initial Background color of each slider and foreground for each textfield
    // accordingly to its current color shade
                        new Color ( mySlider[0].getValue(), 0, 0 ) );
                        new Color ( mySlider[0].getValue(), 0, 0 ) );           
                        new Color ( 0, mySlider[1].getValue(), 0 ) );
                        new Color ( 0, mySlider[1].getValue(), 0 ) );
                        new Color ( 0, 0, mySlider[2].getValue() ) );
                        new Color ( 0, 0, mySlider[2].getValue() ) );
    // initialize myColor to white
              myColor = Color.WHITE;
    // instanciate myPanel for drawing purposes          
              myPanel = new CustomPanel();
    // instanciate okButton with its inanymous class
    // to handle its related events
              okButton = new JButton ("OK");
              okButton.setToolTipText("To confirm the current color");
                   new ActionListener(){
                        public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent e)
                        {     // code permetting to transfer
                             // the current color to the parent
                             // component backgroung color
                             //System.exit( 0 );     
    //      instanciate exitButton with its inanymous class
    //      to handle its related events           
              exitButton = new JButton("Exit");
              exitButton.setToolTipText("Exit the application");
                        new ActionListener(){
                             public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent e)
                             {     System.exit( 0 );     
    // define the contentPane
              Container c = getContentPane();
              c.setLayout( new BorderLayout() );
    //     panel as container for sliders
              mySliderPanel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout());
    //      panel as container for textFields           
              textFieldPanel = new JPanel(new FlowLayout());
    //      panel as container for Jbuttons components           
              buttonPanel = new JPanel ();
              buttonPanel.setLayout( new BoxLayout( buttonPanel, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS ) );
    //add the Jbutton components to buttonPanel           
    //     add the mySlider components to mySliderPanel
              mySliderPanel.add(mySlider[0], BorderLayout.NORTH);
              mySliderPanel.add(mySlider[1], BorderLayout.CENTER);
              mySliderPanel.add(mySlider[2], BorderLayout.SOUTH);
    //add the textField components to textFieldPanel     
              for (int i = 0; i < textField.length; i++){
    // add the panels to the container c          
              c.add( mySliderPanel, BorderLayout.NORTH );
              c.add( buttonPanel, BorderLayout.WEST);
              c.add( textFieldPanel, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
              c.add( myPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER );
              setSize(500, 300);          
    //     inner class for mySlider events handling
         private class ChangeHandler implements ChangeListener {          
              public void stateChanged( ChangeEvent e )
    // start by collecting the current color shade
    // for red , forgreen and for blue               
    //The textcolor in myPanel (subclass of JPanel for drawing purposes)
                   myPanel.setMyTextColor( ( 255 - getRedColor() ),
                             ( 255 - getGreenColor() ), ( 255 - getBlueColor() ) );
    //call to repaint() occurs here
                   myPanel.setThumbSlider1( getRedColor() );
                   myPanel.setThumbSlider2( getGreenColor() );
                   myPanel.setThumbSlider3( getBlueColor() );
    // display color value in the textFields (%)
                   DecimalFormat twoDigits = new DecimalFormat ("0.00");
                   for (int i = 0; i < textField.length; i++){
                        textField[i].setText("" + twoDigits.format(
                                  100.0* mySlider[i].getValue()/255) + " %") ;
    // seting the textcolor for each textField
    // and the background color for each slider               
                             new Color ( getRedColor(), 0, 0 ) );
                             new Color ( getRedColor(), 0, 0) );
                             new Color ( 0, getGreenColor() , 0 ) );
                             new Color ( 0, getGreenColor(), 0) );
                             new Color ( 0, 0, getBlueColor() ) );
                             new Color ( 0, 0, getBlueColor() ) );
    // color of myPanel background
                   myColor = new Color (getRedColor(),
                             getGreenColor(), getBlueColor());
    // set methods to set the basic color shade
         private void setRedColor (int r){
              red = ( (r >= 0 && r <= 255) ? r : 255 );
         private void setGreenColor (int g){
              green = ( (g >= 0 && g <= 255) ? g : 255 );
         private void setBlueColor (int b){
              blue = ( (b >= 0 && b <= 255) ? b : 255 );
    // get methods (return the basic color shade)
         private int getRedColor (){
              return red ;
         private int getGreenColor (){
              return green;
         private int getBlueColor (){
              return blue;
         public static Color getMyColor (){
              return myColor;
    // main method                
         public static void main (String args []){
              MyChooserColor app = new MyChooserColor();
                        new WindowAdapter() {
                             public void windowClosing( WindowEvent e )
                             {     System.exit( 0 );
    // inner class CustomPanel for drawing purposes
         private class CustomPanel extends JPanel {
              private int thumbSlider1 = 255;
              private int thumbSlider2 = 255;
              private int thumbSlider3 = 255;
              private Color myTextColor;
              public void paintComponent( Graphics g )
                   super.paintComponent( g );
                   g.setFont( new Font( "Serif", Font.TRUETYPE_FONT, 12 ) );
                   DecimalFormat twoDigits = new DecimalFormat ("0.00");
                   g.drawString( "The RGB values of the current color are : "
                             + "( "     + thumbSlider1 + " , " + thumbSlider2 + " , "
                             + thumbSlider3 + " )", 10, 40);
                   g.drawString( "The current background color is composed by " +
                             "the folllowing RGB colors " , 10, 60);
                   g.drawString( "Percentage of RED from slider1 : "
                        + twoDigits.format(thumbSlider1*100.0/255), 10, 80 );
                   g.drawString( "Percentage of GREEN from slider2 : "
                        + twoDigits.format(thumbSlider2*100.0/255), 10, 100 );
                   g.drawString( "Percentage of BLUE from slider3 : "
                        + twoDigits.format(thumbSlider3*100.0/255), 10, 120 );
    // call to repaint occurs here     
              public void setThumbSlider1(int th){
                   thumbSlider1 = (th >= 0 ? th: 255 );
              public void setThumbSlider2(int th){
                   thumbSlider2 = (th >= 0 ? th: 255 );
              public void setThumbSlider3(int th){
                   thumbSlider3 = (th >= 0 ? th: 255 );
              public void setMyTextColor(int r, int g, int b){
                   myTextColor = new Color(r, g, b);
    //The following method is used by layout managers
              public Dimension getPreferredSize()
              {     return new Dimension( 150, 100 );
    The following is the code of application that tests the component
    //Application used to demonstrating
    // the homemade GUI MyChooserColor component
    import java.awt.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    public class ShowMyColor extends JFrame {
         private JButton changeColor;
         private Color color = Color.lightGray;
         private Container c;
         MyChooserColor colorComponent;
         public ShowMyColor()
         {     super( "Using MyChooserColor" );
              c = getContentPane();
              c.setLayout( new FlowLayout() );
              changeColor = new JButton( "Change Color" );
                        new ActionListener() {
                             public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e )
                             {     colorComponent = new MyChooserColor ();
                                  color = MyChooserColor.getMyColor();
                                  if ( color == null )
                                       color = Color.lightGray;
                                  c.setBackground( color );
              c.add( changeColor );
              setSize( 400, 130 );
         public static void main( String args[] )
         {     ShowMyColor app = new ShowMyColor();
                        new WindowAdapter() {
                             public void windowClosing( WindowEvent e )
                             {  System.exit( 0 );

    Yes, I want help for the missing code to add in actionPerformed method below. As a result, when you confirm the selected color (clicking the OK button), it will be transferred to a variable color of class ShowMyColor.
    // instanciate okButton with its inanymous class
    // to handle its related events
              okButton = new JButton ("OK");
              okButton.setToolTipText("To confirm the current color");
                   new ActionListener(){
                        public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent e)
                        {     // code permetting to transfer
                             // the current color to the parent
                             // component backgroung color
                             //System.exit( 0 );     

  • Updating a GUI component from a runnable class that doesn't know that GUI

    Hi. I have a problem that I think isn't solvable in an elegant way, but I'd like to get confirmation before I do it the dirty way.
    My application allows the user to save (and load) his work in sessions files. I implemented this by a serializable class "Session" that basically stores all the information that the user created or the settings he made in its member variables.
    Now, I obviously want the session files created by this to be as small as possible and therefore I made sure that no GUI components are stored in this class.
    When the user has made all his settings, he can basically "run" his project, which may last for a long time (minutes, hours or days, depending on what the user wants to do....). Therefore I need to update the GUI with information on the progress/outcome of the running project. This is not just a matter of updating one single GUI component, but of a dynamic number of different internal frames and panels. So I'd need a reference to a GUI component that knows all these subcomponents to run a method that does the update work.
    How do I do that? I cannot pass the reference to that component through the method's argument that "runs" the project, because that needs to be a seperate thread, meaning that the method is just the run() method of that thread which has no arguments (which I cannot modify if I'm not mistaken).
    So the only thing I can think of is passing the reference through the constructor of the runnable class (which in turn must be stored in the session because it contains critical information on the user's work). As a result, all components that need to be incorporated in that updating process would be part of the session and go into the exported file, which is exactly what I wanted to avoid.
    I hope this description makes sense...
    Thanks in advance!

    Thanks for the quick answer! Though to be honest I am not sure how it relates to my question. Which is probably my fault rather than yours :-)
    But sometimes all it takes me to solve my problem is posting it to a forum and reading it through again :)
    Now I wrote a seperate class "Runner" that extends thread and has the gui components as members (passed through its constructor). I create and start() that object in the run method of the original runnable class (which isn't runnable anymore) so I can pass the gui component reference through that run method's argument.
    Not sure if this is elegant, but at least it allows me to avoid saving gui components to the session file :-)
    I am realizing that probably this post shouldn't have gone into the swing forum...

  • Please Help : GUI component

    My plan is to create a GUI based page-editor(html) for text(bold,italic,underline etc..), images(not creation of image, just insert) and some more basic component with limited functionalities. This contains drag&drop option also.
    Hope Swing will be the best solution for this.
    Can anybody please help by providing any useful information for this. No problem even if the information you have is very basic level.
    Thanks in advance

    Yes swing is a better idea than AWT, build a class for each type of object you want to put on the page(JLabels will be a good solution for text and images).
    If you just want to move the object around the page you don't need to use DAD, implementing mousedrag will do the job.

  • Create New Awt Component

    Is it possible, and if it is, how can I create completely new gui component using awt?

    Sure. Just extend Component and override the paint method to draw it the way you want. Add a mouse listener to capture clicks or drags and do whatever you want with those, etc. I create new Swing components with special behavior all the time. (I don't think I've ever done one in pure AWT, but the principle is the same.) My variations tend to be trivial, like labels with text that wraps to the available space instead of a single line, not stuff that is going to set the computer world on fire. Depening on how complex the new component you want to invent is, this might be far from a trivial task. But it's certainly do-able.

  • What is this gui component?

    HI all, I'm writing a program and I wish to use a gui component but I don't know what it is called and I was wondering if any of you could help.
    Its kind of like a text area but the text is separated into columns and each of the columns have headings. Each of the headings can be extended to show more of the text. It's like in microsoft windows when you view files showing all their detail and you get the headings name, size, date created etc.
    Any help on this matter would be greatly appreciated.

    It's not a jTable as that is more like a spreadsheet, it's similar but the edges of the cells aren't visible in what i'm talking about. and also what i'm after has 'tabs' at the top with headings in. If anyone uses a peer to peer file sharing application, its like what the results of a search are displayed in.
    Thanks for the help but if anyone has any more ideas they are very welcome

  • 'Failed to Create the SOA Component'

    Hi All,
    I have installed the Jdeveloper in my windows 7 machine.
    Versions are as below,
    ADF Business Components
    BPMN Editor
    Java (TM) Platform 1.6.0_18
    Oracle IDE
    SOA Composite Editor
    Versioning Support
    machine RAM - 2GB
    Have enough hard disk spaces (more than 50 G)
    Im getting a error *'Failed to create the SOA component'* when i trying to create a BPMN project.
    It works properly for BPEL projects.
    I have reinstalled the jdeveloper several times, but didn't work.
    What should i do???
    Thank You.......
    Edited by: Nir on Apr 8, 2012 10:01 PM

    Yes ..
    version is ----> BPMN Editor
    when i try to include a *'BPMN Process'* to Composite.xml it gives below error,
         at oracle.bpm.fusion.soa.SCAComponentBPMN.createImplementation(
    Thank You
    Edited by: Nir on Apr 8, 2012 11:27 PM
    Edited by: Nir on Apr 9, 2012 3:12 AM
    When i create the project in a different folder it got created.
    But i cant create BPMN projects in new folders
    Edited by: Nir on Apr 10, 2012 1:58 AM

  • Creating a GUI on a remote device.

    I would like to create a GUI on a simple CCD touchscreen.The screen is effectively a dumb terminal that is connected to a pc using a proprietary data interface. The GUI needs to be created and rendered in an off screen buffer on the server with the data that constitutes repaint regions being sent to the LCD display.
    I have thought about overriding the RepaintManagerI but that doesn't work when the display on the sever is not visible. I have thought about creating a custom GraphicsDevice and GraphicsConfiguration but I haven't had any success with this approach.
    Has anyone done anything similar? Could anyone suggest a solution to this problem? I would be grateful for any help.

    Hi -
    I have a similar problem.
    I have a small LCD controlled via the serial port. I have written a simple Java class to set or clear individual pixels on the display (it makes use of Java COMM to communicate with the hardware).
    How would I go about turning this simple class into something that Java could use to render graphics on?
    Obviously I could start writing a whole set of graphics routines for drawing lines, boxes, glyphs etc myself, but this is clearly wasted effort. How can I make use of the existing code to render graphics on a non-standard display?
    Thanks for any suggestions!

  • How to Create a Table Component Dynamically based on the Need

    Hello all,
    I have a problem i need to create dynamically tables based on the no of records in the database. How can i create the table object using java code.
    Please help.

    Winston's blog will probably be helpful:
    How to create a table component dynamically:
    Adding components to a dynamically created table
    Creator Team

  • How to Create a Gui on Pocket PC

    Greetings ALL,
    I have been using the IBM J9 on my Pocket Pc recently. And I am able to run simple java programs BUT without a GUI. SO I am looking forward to build a Gui on a Pocket PC using J9
    I searched through the forum and found no clue regarding this issue.
    I'll be thankful in advance to have information about:
    - any tool to create such a Gui on PDA
    - Steps for creating simple Gui (including button or check box)
    - which libraries I must use on my PDA to run GUIs
    - And for any code samples online
    I'll be grateful and thankful for any idea and assist,

    The PP includes a decent subset of AWT, so you can use that without installing any libraries. There's a tutorial at
    Just remember to close and dispose() your windows before you call System.exit(), or J9 will around and you leak memory.

  • A sort of KeyListener without a GUI Component?

    a sort of KeyListener without a GUI Component? ( or any trick that will do)?
    please be patient with my question
    I can't express myself very well but it's very important.
    Please help me I need an example how to implement
    a way to detect some combination of keystrokes in java without
    any GUI ( without AWT or Swing frames ...)
    just the console (DOS or Linux shell window) or with a minimzed
    java frame (awt or swing...) you know, MINIMIZED= not in focus.
    in other words if the user press ctrl + alt +shift ...or some
    other combination... ANYTIME ,and the java program is running in the
    background, is there a way to detect that,
    ... my problem if I use a frame (AWT or SWING) the windows must
    be in focus and NOT MINIMIZED..
    if I use
    then the "someComponent" must be in focus, am I right?
    What I'm coding is a program that if you highlight ANY text in
    ANY OS window, a java window (frame) should pop up and match the
    selected text in a dictionary file and brings me the meaning
    ( or a person's phone number , or
    a book author ...etc.)
    MY CHALLENGE IS WITHOUT PRESSING (Ctrl+C) to copy and paste
    ...etc. and WITHOUT MONITORING THE OS's CLIPBOARD ...I just want to
    have the feature that the user simply highlight a text in ANY
    window anywhere then press Ctrl+shift or some other combination,
    KEYSTROKES OF Ctrl+C and then paste the clipboard
    somewhere in my program...with all that AUTOMATION BEING in the background.
    remember that my whole program ALL THE TIME MUST BE MINIMIZED AND
    or just running in the background (using javaw)..
    is there any trick ? pleeeeeeze!!!
    i'm not trying to write a sort of the spying so-called "key-logger"
    purely in java but it's a very similar challenge.
    please reply if you have questions
    I you could please answer me , then guys this would be very
    valuable technique that I need urgently. Thanks!

    DO NOT CROSS POST especially since this has nothing to do with game development at all. I can understand if it was in Java programming and New to Java but even then pick a forum and post it to that one and that one only.

  • Creating a GUI for use on an Ethernet Network

    I'm designing a data logger to log voltage, current and temperature data on a reserve battery string while it's being charged. The logger will have the capability to be viewed remotely via Ethernet. With that said, I'd like some advice regarding the GUI for the remote PC which will be used to view the logger. Will it be easier to create the GUI using LabView or another high-level language  (Java, C++ etc)? (Note: I have some programming experience in C (though I've never written/created a GUI) and I've never used LabView).
    Go to Solution.

    Hi Joe1373.  In general, for a small one-off project, I would suggest you go with a language you know.
    In this case it sounds like whatever you choose you will have a learning curve, so I would recommend
    LabVIEW if that is a possibility cost-wise.  LV has a lot of built-in support for GUI development so
    you can make realtively sophisticated GUIs without a whole lot of work/learning.
    There are time-limited evaluation versions of LV available for download.  I would take a look there, especially
    the examples.  Find something a little similar to what you want to do, then change the GUI on the 
    example to more closely match your ultimate objective to get a feel for the GUI development in LV.
    This forum is a great resource with some very helpful developers, so come back with questions.
    There are also many professional developers available to assist if you have a budget or inclination
    towards that direction.

  • Creating a custom component in multisim using *.lib and *.olb files

    i have  *.lib and *.olb files for a pspice model. which file i have to you while creating a custom component in multisim.

    Thanks for your question. In order to create simulatable custom components in Multisim you need a SPICE model (Multisim can also understand PSpice Models). The file format for SPICE model can be different according to the manufacturer, for instance: *.cir, *.lib, *.llb. At the end of the day these files are text files that you can open with a text editor, therefore, you can simply copy and paste the model in Multisim.
    Here are two good resources on component creation:
    Component Creation 101
    Creating a Custom Component in NI Multisim
    When you reach the step where you need to enter the SPICE model, simply open the *.lib or *.olb file with a text editor, and copy and paste the model.
    Hope this helps.
    Fernando D.
    National Instruments

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