Create custom NSObject through NSData

Hello experts,
I am a Java developer, now putting my steps into IPhone Development too.
In my IPhone Application, I have a Album class which is a direct subclass of NSObject class(having properties like albumID, albumName, numberOfPhotos, createdOnDate). i am retrieving data from a Java Servlet then setting the properties of Album Class one by one. It is all working fine.
Now i am thinking of getting direct Album Object from the java servlet through Object Serialization. I think i will be able to get the NSdata Object from NSMutableUrlResponse.
Then how to make Album Object from that NSData object ??
Can i implement a method like [[Album alloc] initWithData:NSData];
Please help me to implement this. Or tell me if this is just not feasible and the current approach (Get the NSdata from NSMutableURLResponse and Set the Album properties one by one) is better.
Thanks in advance.

hi, take a look a look at NSKeyerArchiver and especially it's classmethod archivedDataWithRootObject. You need to implement the NSCoding protocoll.
You also may take a look at ml

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    Hi Rahim,
    in general extension fields for Business Partner are only supported for the header fields (Table BUT000). Therefore the AET does not offer this.
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    Regards Matthias

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    Thank you for the help. Now i am able to create both attributes and object classes in OID through Ldif files.
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    t_but0cc = t_but0cc
    t_but0is = t_but0is
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    hi karthik,
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    You can add a button using custom javascript. but this could potentially have performance issues. please test the performance and functionality if you implement a lot javascript
    see this link :

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    Be well...

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    Hi Sourav,
    In table T588M create two entries for MP000700 with different variable key say according to the molga of the country one aus(xx) and other bagladesh(yy).
    Now make the field visible/invisible depending on the country req.
    Now go inside the entry, click on feature and give feature name as P0007. Now change the feature according and return the variable key what you assigned to the module pool.
    Take the help of functional people to change the feature.

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    Hi All,
    I am working on SRM 4.0. I had a requirement where in Sourcing I need to add a custom field in the standard SRM shopping cart. The best approach is BADI as far as my know ledge is concerned.
    Can anybody help me out the procedure, which BADI to use or any other suggestion so that my issue will get resolved.
    Await your response.

    Hi Vishal,
    To bring customer fields to the sourcing cockpit , you need to add those custom fields to shopping cart first and these fields will automatically show up in the sourcing cockpit.
    To add fields in the shopping cart you need to follow the steps given in the following blog:
    How to create custom fields in SRM
    To find out in which structures the field is to be included you can go through the following notes:
    Note 672960 - User-defined fields 2
    Note 458591 - User-defined fields: Preparation and use
    And after adding the fields in shopping cart you need to regenarate the sourcing screens so that the custom fields are dispalyed in the sourcing cockpit. For doing that the below given note:
    Note 632982 - Generation of the screens for the sourcing.

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    Hi Pravin,
    let me correct you.
    As the employee codeand you can maintain sales related data  T-Code
      and through info type 900 sales org.,sales office,sales group.
    You can use sales employee code as a partner means who has taken order or during return who is responsible for return delivery.
    You can create emloyee no. as vendor (FI & CO intgrtaion) e.g. for salary,travel advence,etc.
    Hope this will help you the role of employee id and integrtaion.
    Best Regards

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    Essentially, can any one guide me to a better resource or option? I appreciate the help. Thank you.
    - Jose

    there's a number of solutions available, you may wish to browse the Solutions Catalog.
    Alternatively, you can build your own - there's a number of free and commercial solutions available. Personally, I prefer BIRT.

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    What is the best way of doing this?
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    Thanks a lot for your help.

    Time saving and simplest way would be to develop the transaction/report in SE38 and then jst provide a link in Web for the report/transaction so that users can execute that through web.
    If you are more concerned with the look and feel,then BSP would be best option .You may need to take help of BSP experts to find a way as to how to provide a ink in SRM web portal.I tried creating custom internet service in SRM 4,however couldnt execute it through the web.

  • MDM Business Partner 5.5 Not Creating Customer Master in SAP ECC

      I am importing Business Partner into ECC from MDM using XI with BP Business Content. This is done using proxy.
      The business partner is created sucessfully but the customer master table KNA1, KNB1 is not being populated.
       Does anyone experienced this before? Or has a solution for this?

    I am not creating customer in ECC. I am creating Business Partner,  this is because we are using IS-U which uses the BP instead of the Customer Master.
    So we are using the MDM BuPa to ABAP BuPa mapping.
    The thing about this is, when we run the transaction BP to create Business Partner, it automatically creates a mirror KNA1 record to match the business partner. But through MDM-XI proxy, it is not creating the record.

  • Create customer master in Web dynpro abap

    Hi Gurus,
    i'm new to web dynpro abap...
    My requirements is given below... which is the standard BAPI for create customer master data... then how to call workflow in web dynpro application without using portal server (uwl)... please reply as soon as possible
    1) Create customer master
    2) Change Customer master
    3) Display customer master
    4) When the customer master record is created it should trigger a workflow to another user for approval. Once approved, the customer master should be created in the system
    5)The customer master record creation should be through a bapi call.
    6) When the system master record is being created, duplication check should be performed for name, city, postal code,email I'd etc.

    Dear Vijay,
    Please do reply with your answer.
    Sujit K karn

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