Create gallery with images in Excel

I am trying to make smth like this: 
For now I use the imageMso attribute
just for testing purposes. Even though, nothing really happens.
That's the XML for the gallery:
<customUI xmlns="" onLoad="Ribbon_Load">
<tab idMso="TabAddIns" label="Gallery">
<group id="grpGallery" label="Example Gallery">
<gallery id="galleryID" label="My Gallery" columns="3" rows="2" size="large"
itemHeight="100" itemWidth="100"
<item id="galImg1" imageMso="PictureBrightnessGallery"/>
<item id="galImg2" imageMso="ZoomPrintPreviewExcel"/>
And the VB code to it:
Public idCounter As Integer
Public Sub New()
idCounter = 0
End Sub
Public Function GetCustomUI(ByVal ribbonID As String) As String Implements Office.IRibbonExtensibility.GetCustomUI
Return GetResourceText("GalleryTest.Gallery.xml")
End Function
#Region "Ribbon Callbacks"
Public Sub Ribbon_Load(ByVal ribbonUI As Office.IRibbonUI)
Me.galleryRibbon = ribbonUI
End Sub
Public Sub CallbackGetItemID(control As Microsoft.Office.Core.IRibbonControl, _
index As Integer, ByRef itemID As Integer)
itemID = idCounter
idCounter += 1
End Sub
Public Sub CallbackGetItemsCount(control As Microsoft.Office.Core.IRibbonControl, _
ByRef count As Integer)
count = 6
End Sub
Public Sub CallbackGetItemScreentip(control As Microsoft.Office.Core.IRibbonControl, _
Index As Integer, ByRef screentip As String)
screentip = "Screentip"
End Sub
Public Sub CallbackGetItemSupertip(control As Microsoft.Office.Core.IRibbonControl, _
Index As Integer, ByRef supertip As String)
End Sub
As you see, it's nothing fancy. I am just getting into the + excel world. What happens is that I get the "My Gallery" button for the dropdown, in the excel tab, but it is empty. No elements. Not even the dummy items.
Any suggestions?
P.S. I followed this documentation.

Try to return actual values in the callbacks. For example, I see non-existing IDs in the callback.
There is no need to add the CallbackGetItemsCount callback for the gallery control if you specified items explicitly.
You can read more about the Ribbon UI in the following series of articles in MSDN:
Customizing the 2007 Office Fluent Ribbon for Developers (Part 1 of 3)
Customizing the 2007 Office Fluent Ribbon for Developers (Part 2 of 3)
Customizing the 2007 Office Fluent Ribbon for Developers (Part 3 of 3)

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    Here is my code which i used:
    private void btnexportexcel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    SaveFileDialog savefile = new SaveFileDialog();
    savefile.Filter = "Excel (*.xls)|*.xls";
    if (savefile.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
    if (!savefile.FileName.Equals(string.Empty))
    FileInfo finfo = new FileInfo(savefile.FileName);
    if (finfo.Extension.Equals(".xls"))
    Excel.Application xlApp;
    Excel.Workbook xlWorkBook;
    Excel.Worksheet xlWorkSheet;
    object misValue = System.Reflection.Missing.Value;
    xlApp = new Excel.Application();
    xlWorkBook = xlApp.Workbooks.Add(misValue);
    xlWorkSheet = (Excel.Worksheet)xlWorkBook.Worksheets.get_Item(2) ;
    int i = 0;
    int j = 0;
    for (i = 0; i <= dataGridView1.RowCount - 1; i++)
    for (j = 0; j <= dataGridView1.ColumnCount - 1; j++)
    DataGridViewCell cell = dataGridView1[j, i];
    xlWorkSheet.Cells.Borders.LineStyle = Excel.XlLineStyle.xlContinuous;
    if (cell.Value.GetType() == typeof(Bitmap))
    string image =Convert.ToString(dataGridView1.CurrentRow.Cells[i].Value); 
    Excel.Range oRange = (Excel.Range)xlWorkSheet.Cells[i + 1, j + 1];
    float Left = (float)((double)oRange.Left);
    float Top = (float)((double)oRange.Top);
    const float ImageSize = 32;
    xlWorkSheet.Shapes.AddPicture(image, Microsoft.Office.Core.MsoTriState.msoFalse, Microsoft.Office.Core.MsoTriState.msoCTrue, Left, Top, ImageSize, ImageSize);
    oRange.RowHeight = ImageSize + 2; 
    xlWorkSheet.Cells[i + 1, j + 1] = cell.Value;
    xlWorkBook.SaveAs(savefile.FileName, Excel.XlFileFormat.xlWorkbookNormal, misValue, misValue, misValue, misValue,
    Excel.XlSaveAsAccessMode.xlExclusive, misValue, misValue, misValue, misValue, misValue);
    xlWorkBook.Close(true, misValue, misValue);
    MessageBox.Show("Excel file created , you can find the file " + savefile.FileName);
    MessageBox.Show("Invalid file type");
    MessageBox.Show("You did pick a location " + "to save file to");
    catch (Exception ex)
    MessageBox.Show("Exception Occured", ex.Message);
    Thanks & Regards RAJENDRAN M

    Hi Everyone,
    I have datagridview in that 17 columns are text columns and 5 columns are Image columns,when I'm trying to export whole gridview data's along with images to EXCEL,getting "HRESULT:
    0x800A03EC" Error..While debugging the code I'm getting the error on image column not able to export..
    Can anybody help us to resolve this issue..
    Here is my code which i used:
    private void btnexportexcel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    SaveFileDialog savefile = new SaveFileDialog();
    savefile.Filter = "Excel (*.xls)|*.xls";
    if (savefile.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
    if (!savefile.FileName.Equals(string.Empty))
    FileInfo finfo = new FileInfo(savefile.FileName);
    if (finfo.Extension.Equals(".xls"))
    Excel.Application xlApp;
    Excel.Workbook xlWorkBook;
    Excel.Worksheet xlWorkSheet;
    object misValue = System.Reflection.Missing.Value;
    xlApp = new Excel.Application();
    xlWorkBook = xlApp.Workbooks.Add(misValue);
    xlWorkSheet = (Excel.Worksheet)xlWorkBook.Worksheets.get_Item(2) ;
    int i = 0;
    int j = 0;
    for (i = 0; i <= dataGridView1.RowCount - 1; i++)
    for (j = 0; j <= dataGridView1.ColumnCount - 1; j++)
    DataGridViewCell cell = dataGridView1[j, i];
    xlWorkSheet.Cells.Borders.LineStyle = Excel.XlLineStyle.xlContinuous;
    if (cell.Value.GetType() == typeof(Bitmap))
    string image =Convert.ToString(dataGridView1.CurrentRow.Cells[i].Value); 
    Excel.Range oRange = (Excel.Range)xlWorkSheet.Cells[i + 1, j + 1];
    float Left = (float)((double)oRange.Left);
    float Top = (float)((double)oRange.Top);
    const float ImageSize = 32;
    xlWorkSheet.Shapes.AddPicture(image, Microsoft.Office.Core.MsoTriState.msoFalse, Microsoft.Office.Core.MsoTriState.msoCTrue, Left, Top, ImageSize, ImageSize);
    oRange.RowHeight = ImageSize + 2; 
    xlWorkSheet.Cells[i + 1, j + 1] = cell.Value;
    xlWorkBook.SaveAs(savefile.FileName, Excel.XlFileFormat.xlWorkbookNormal, misValue, misValue, misValue, misValue,
    Excel.XlSaveAsAccessMode.xlExclusive, misValue, misValue, misValue, misValue, misValue);
    xlWorkBook.Close(true, misValue, misValue);
    MessageBox.Show("Excel file created , you can find the file " + savefile.FileName);
    MessageBox.Show("Invalid file type");
    MessageBox.Show("You did pick a location " + "to save file to");
    catch (Exception ex)
    MessageBox.Show("Exception Occured", ex.Message);
    Thanks & Regards RAJENDRAN M

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    Text Paragraph1 (Image1 )
    Text Paragraph1 (               )
    Text Paragraph1 (               )
    Text Paragraph1 (               )
    (Image2) Text Paragraph2
    (               ) Text Paragraph2
    (               ) Text Paragraph2
    (               ) Text Paragraph2
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    That worked pnoypie
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    Edited by: Dav1d on Jul 10, 2009 6:11 AM
    Edited by: Dav1d on Jul 10, 2009 6:12 AM

    I explain better:
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              SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
                   public void run() {
                        InterfazFactoriaPaneles application = new InterfazFactoriaPaneles();
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    public void paintComponent(Graphics g){
              Dimension tamanio = getSize();                    
              ImageIcon     imagenFondo = new ImageIcon("./src/com/constructor/imagenes/patronConstructor.jpg");     
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    Mark Radermacher

    The reply could be a bit delayed and you might have got it working also.
    All your requirtements are easily achieveable, you might want to look into the building reports samples and publishing reports documenation at
    The Oracle Reports Team

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    i tested this and there is no image attribute type. so to render an additional image with your item you need to use a workaround. one solution i can think of is to add an additional custom file attribute to your item type. then use an attached pl/sql procedure that get executed for your item type and render this attribute as icon. i think you should be able to use the content management view wwsbr_all_items to query the name of the icon in the document table. you can pass itemid, pageid and pagegroup id to your procedure. on the region level you need to enable the associated functions attribute to display the result of the procedure.
    find more information here:

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         for (int i = 0; i < wdContext.nodeGlob_Struc().size(); i++){
              IWDLinkToAction linkToAction = (IWDLinkToAction)
                   view.createElement(IWDLinkToAction.class, "linkToAction"+i);
              IPrivateDocPreAppView.ILinkToActionElement nodeLink =
                           getUrl_Thumbnail() );
              linkToAction.bindImageSource( wdContext.nodeGlob_Struc().
                       getNodeInfo().getAttribute(IGlob_StrucElement.URL__THUMBNAIL) );     

    Hallo Sharam,
    The Web Dynro binding model does not support "index binding". This means binding multiple image UI elments to the same attribute in a multiple context node (cardinaltiy 1..n) means, that all images are bound to the node's lead selection. That's what you implement with
    linkToAction.bindImageSource( wdContext.nodeGlob_Struc(). getNodeInfo().getAttribute(IGlob_StrucElement.URL__THUMBNAIL) );
    Armin's solution is based on the fact, that he breaks the data binding principle by directly setting the imageSource property values.
    Sharam, when reviewing your code I find several "problems":
    1. Never ever store UI elements in the context. I assume you do this in order to access UI elements outside wdDoModifyView() as it is static. There is no need to do this.
    2. Then you break databinding by setting the imageSource property in the linkToAction object (stored in the context) directly, breaking databinding.
    3.)  Finally you "un-do" this hard property setting by binding it to the context again. This has the effect you described.
    Breaking the data binding principle for UI elements has an important drawback. It also breaks the generic Web Dynpro caching mechanisms. Read my article on
    <a href="">Best Practices for Building Client-Independent Web Dynpro UIs</a>, section Coding Rules, rule <i>Implement Fine-Grain UI Manipulations on Context but Not on UI Element Level</i>:
    To maximize the rendering performance of your Web Dynpro application, implement all fine-grain UI manipulations on context instead of UI element level. This means do not call the setter-methods of UI element objects inside wdDoModifyView()directly but bind the related properties to the context and call the corresponding setter methods outside wdDoModifyView():
    <b>Not:</b> wdDoModifyView(){ … theField.setEnabled(true) … }
    <b>But:</b> wdDoInit(){ … wdContext.currentFieldNode.setEnabled(true) … }.
    Otherwise Web Dynpro’s caching mechanisms cannot speed up the rendering of view layouts.
    The view controller’s wdDoModifyView() method is designed for a special purpose: the creation of a UI tree or UI sub-tree at runtime in case it is not possible to declare the UI at design time. The method is neither intended for fine-grain UI manipulations nor for context manipulations. Fine-grain UI manipulations are achieved via means of data binding. Context manipulations are done in wdDoInit(), action event handlers or event handlers.
    Unfortunately, the name wdDoModifyView() is somewhat misleading since the purpose of it is to create (and not to modify) a UI tree dynamically. While the usage of wdDoModifyView() in order to create a UI tree initially (firstTime == true) is not performance critical, modifying an existing UI tree (firstTime == false) is: Changing only one single attribute of a single UI element within wdDoModifyView() flags the complete view containing the control as dirty and the complete view must be completely re-rendered again – depending on the size and complexity of the view this can result in significant performance hits.
    But in your case databinding cannot be applied, as index binding is not supported. The only databinding solution must use multiple/n nodes of cardinatliy 1..1 instead of 1 node of cardinality 1..n with no node elements. And this would require further coding for dynamic context node creation, copy logic based on value semantic.
    Best Regards, Bertram

  • Creating PDF with IMAGE using CFDOCUMENT TAG

    Hi Guys,
    I m facing problem while creating the PDF using CFDOCUMENT
    Actually my clients want the IMAGEs in PDF document.
    Problem is most of the images in JPG format and while I am
    going to attach images in PDF document it takes lots of time for
    creating PDF. In most of time it cause timeout.
    I have try to convert images JPG to PNG, yes I some what
    better performance than JPG format but still it is work for 20 - 25
    images. In my case I want to attach normally 50-100 images in PDF
    (sometimes it is more 200).
    PLZ, Help me.. F1...F1...F1
    thanks in advance
    Coldfusion Programmer

    I am having a similar and more serious problem. It takes a
    long time to execute, but even attaching a small image balloons the
    pdf to 6MB plus. After a few images it gets up to 20MB. These are
    100k jpeg files being attached. The resulting PDF is too large to
    email or process effectively. Does anyone know how to reduce

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    There's a mathematical limit due to the architecture of PDF object references but it's way beyond anything you could create in practice. Because the Acrobat Family are 32-bit applications you'll find there are performance issues if the file count gets too high - exactly when that becomes a problem depends on both the files and the hardware opening them, but given an XLSX file isn't displayed within the Portfolio (other than as an icon) it'll be less of an issue then if the files were PDFs, videos, etc.

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    Do you know any?

    What is the definition of image quality in this context?

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    you have to create a custom selectoechoice for this.. to have an image next to the seelct items..
    as mentioned above..

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    Woo is not a gallery. It's just a slider - a panel widget, which should
    be adaptive/responsive by default. The problem is that for years, the
    typical jQuery plugin writer simply copies stuff done by others so
    someone finally realized you don't have to fix a width and a height if
    you know how to write a stub script
    Galleries are totally different. To do a responsive gallery is not so
    easy and the only ones that come remotely close - using open source
    scripts - do require an initial width. They will not scale both up and down.
    I gusess it depends on what the original poster wants and/or cares about
    in terms of efficiencies and functionality.
    [External commercial link removed]
    Message was edited by: Sudarshan Thiagarajan. Please refrain from posting external links advertising/ promoting products & services.

  • I want to create an image gallery with forward back nav, master image with a click to pop out zoom

    Hi Musers,
    I'm currently building a photography website and need some help building a specific type of gallery.
    Below is a description of the gallery I want to build:
    On the gallery page the gallery appears as a single 'Master Image' with forward and back 'Navs.' and a 'Counter' underneath this single 'Master Image'. Lets say that there are 10 images in this gallery. When the viewer clicks on the forward 'Nav.' the 'Master Image' changes to the next image in the sequence of 10 and the 'Counter' below confirms this progression, in this example the 'Counter' changes from 1 of 10 to read 2 of 10, the 'Master Image' displayed is the second image in the sequence.
    Simple so far.. This above I can do as this is just a basic gallery. What follows is what I cannot find a solution for.
    I want the gallery viewer to be able to click on the 'Master Image' and launch an enlargement of that image overlaying the gallery page, very much like the way the 'Lightbox' widget displays an enlarged image. When the viewer clicks off the 'Ligtbox' or enlarged image it dissapears, reverting the page view back to the standard gallery view with 'Master Image', 'Navs.' and 'Counter'. I do not want the expanded / Enlarged 'Lightbox' image accompanied by a thumbnail gallery, 'Navs.' / Navigation arrows or a 'Counter'. What I want is to be able to launch an enlarged version of the 'Master Image' as an overlay on the gallery page, something like a pop out.
    Can anyone explain how I can do this? Is it possible?
    The solution I want seems to be a highbrid between the standard gallery with navigation arrows kept but minus thumbnails and captions with some of the functionality of the lightbox gallery widget.
    I very much appreciate any help anyone can give.
    Thank you

    Hi Harriet,
    Thanks for the message. I'm sure as time goes on new features will be introduced but it's a bit of a shame that the widget library is a little basic, oh, and at times it's just that little bit buggy. So far I'm really impressed by Muse despite being ever so slightly disappointed by some of it's limitations. I'd like to see more image gallery options, the ability to set up a client login area or a client ftp within a site, I also tried embedding video but as I'm no programmer the result looked clumsy so some focus on this would be a help. Considering that a good number of people benefiting from a Muse site will be online retailers a zoom function should have been there from the start.
    Best regards

  • Problem with images in XML with excel output

    I made an XML concurrent program, with excel output, but i am having a problem:
    The rtf template has a logo (bmp image), but it is not showing in the excel (if i execute the concurrent in the oracle applications). However, if i create the xml in Oracle Reports in my computer, and then load that xml in the rdf template in word, i can see the logo in the excel preview. I don't know why is it not showing when i execute the program in applications.
    If someone can help me with this, i will be very grateful.
    Message was edited by:

    xml cP, will not give you a image in excel output,..
    In RDF there is a placeholder for image, and the image is located in certain location, at runtime it picks and render the output with logo.
    but xml CP, will get the data in xml type and merge with rtf to get the output you wanted..
    if you have the rtf with logo embedded in it, if output is of pdf or rtf output , then it will display the logo ,.
    in excel currently it is not possible to show the logo,..
    excel you see could be xml-excel or csv-excel not the true binary excel.
    to get the logo embedded ,for that you have to wait on tim for the excel template, which will be release in near future i guess..

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