Creating a 100ns pulse with FPGA

I was wondering if I can output 100ns pulses with my PXI- 7833R. I need to output a pulse upoon the rising edge of another signal and the pulse width need to be about 100 ~150ns. Do anyone know how can it be done?

Here is one way to generate a pulse.  This will generate an edge, delay 100nS, generate the opposite edge.
Visualize the Solution
Pulse.JPG ‏23 KB

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    The value of the second counter could be compared to...
    The concept is ok, but in real life your comparisons and decisions must happen up in the software level.  Unless you were running a real-time OS, you couldn't get regular deterministic timing of your software execution.  And even in RT, it'd be difficult if not impossible to achieve the micro-second timing you're after.
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    You don't need to use a digital line to create a TTL pulse. The PCI-6025E has two onboard general purpose counters. You can use one of these counters to create a single pulse of the desired pulse width. For an example of how to program the counters on your board, refer to LabVIEW's Search Examples>>I/O Interfaces>>Counters>>Pulse Generation>>DAQ-STC based.
    The advantage of using a counter over the digital line is that it allows you to control the timing of the pulse through hardware and not software. Thus, it is inherently faster, and the timing resolution is more accurate. The counter will count down an internal 20 MHz timebase to create the pulse delay and the pulse width.
    For more information on the hardware capabilities of your board, you can refe
    r to the User Manual online at
    Hope this helps.

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    picture with my program

    I hope to understand exactly what you want to do. If you need a long delay with your E series board check the following link
    Let me know if it's ok.
    Omar S. NI

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    Christopher Farmer
    Certified LabVIEW Architect
    Certified TestStand Developer
    Go to Solution.

    I can answer this question myself!
    The answer is in the *OLD* version (July 2000) of the operator's manual for the FP-CTR-502. For some reason, this has been removed from the latest version (June 2003).
    See page 11 of this link for more information:
    Christopher Farmer
    Certified LabVIEW Architect
    Certified TestStand Developer

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    which can only be done on a desktop i think!! 

    Hello Rob W,
    Yes I only use a Firewire to connect the camera.
    And also i am sure that the device shows up in MAX under NI-DAQmx devices and not under Traditional DAQ. and it works under max.
    I am sure the problem is as shown in the image. because i have not connected to the NI board on the laptop and the program is designed to work with the board.
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    Deploying niFpgaNodeNameForErrorReporting.ctl(already deployed)
    Deploying deployed)
    Deploying nirviWhatTheDeviceIsDoing.ctl(already deployed)
    Deploying niFpgaHostInterfaceSession.ctl(already deployed)
    Deploying nirio_resource_hc.ctl(already deployed)
    Deploying nirio_resource_hc.ctl(already deployed)
    Deploying deployed)
    Deploying deployed)
    Deploying deployed)
    Deploying niFpgaNodeNameForErrorReporting.ctl(already deployed)
    Deploying niLvFpgaWhatHappensToTopLevelVI.ctl(already deployed)
    Deploying deployed)
    Deploying deployed)
    Deploying deployed)
    Deploying niFpgaNodeNameForErrorReporting.ctl(already deployed)
    Deploying deployed)
    Deploying niLvFpgaWhatHappensToTopLevelVI.ctl(already deployed)
    Deploying deployed)
    Deploying deployed)
    Deploying deployed)
    Deploying deployed)
    Deploying deployed)
    Deploying deployed)
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    Hi Robert,
    After doing a bit of research, it looks like this exact issue - down to the 1003 error code and behavior with vi.lib - was reported earlier this year.  Apparently it only occurs on Pharlap OS (which corresponds to your PXI RT target).  R&D has been notified, and the current target version for fix is LV 2015.  The listed workaround is simply to FTP the files to the RT target as you are doing.  Let us know if you have any further questions!
    David R
    Applications Engineer
    National Instruments

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    CLA, LabVIEW Versions 2010-2013

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    Maybe a forum search on "Windows registry" would turn up some useful things. You're not the first to ask this. You might save yourself and everyone else some time if you'd simply do that.

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    I know I can increase the duration of all pics in the screensaver to display for longer but the goal is to have the pics display at 3 secs and the info slides to display at 15 secs.

    Welcome to the Apple Community.
    No that's not possible.
    If you have any suggestions that you think might enhance the Apple TV you can send Apple your feedback here 

  • Pointbase : How can I create a stored procedure with Pointbase database?

    Excuse me for my english, I'm not anglophone. I try to create a stored procedure.
    This is my file :
      import java.sql.*;    //import com.pointbase.jdbc.jdbcInOutDoubleWrapper;          public class SampleExternalMethods    {      // A connection object to allow database callback      static Connection conn = null;      static Statement l_stmt;      static Statement m_stmt;      static CallableStatement m_callStmt = null;      static ResultSet l_rs = null;          public static void main(String[] args)      {        try        {          String url = "jdbc:pointbase:server://localhost/pointbaseDB";          String username = "PBPUBLIC";          String password = "PBPUBLIC";          conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url, username, password);          doCreateProcedure();          doInvokeProcedure();        } catch (SQLException e) {          e.printStackTrace();        } finally {          if (m_stmt != null) {            try {              m_stmt.close();            } catch (Exception e) {              e.printStackTrace();            }          }          if (m_callStmt != null) {            try {              m_callStmt.close();            } catch (Exception e) {              e.printStackTrace();            }          }          if (conn != null) {            try {              conn.close();            } catch (Exception e) {              e.printStackTrace();            }          }        }      }                  public static void getCountry(String Iso_Code)      {        try        {          // Query the database for the country iso code          l_stmt = conn.createStatement();          l_rs = l_stmt.executeQuery( "SELECT * FROM countries"          + " WHERE country_iso_code ='" + Iso_Code + "'");          //Affichage du résultat de la requête;          System.out.print(l_rs.getString(1) + " - ");          System.out.print(l_rs.getString(2) + " - ");          System.out.println(l_rs.getString(3));          // Close the result set          l_rs.close();        } catch (SQLException e) {          e.printStackTrace();        } finally {          if (l_rs != null) {            try {              l_rs.close();            } catch (Exception e) {              e.printStackTrace();            }          }          if (l_stmt != null) {            try {              l_stmt.close();            } catch (Exception e) {              e.printStackTrace();            }          }        }      }            public static void doCreateProcedure() throws SQLException {        // SQL statement to create a stored procedure        String SQL_CREATE_PROC = "CREATE PROCEDURE getCountry(IN P1 VARCHAR(30))"        + " LANGUAGE JAVA"        + " SPECIFIC getCountry"        + " NO SQL"        + " EXTERNAL NAME \"SampleExternalMethods::getCountry\""        + " PARAMETER STYLE SQL";        // Create a SQL statement        m_stmt = conn.createStatement();        // Execute the SQL        m_stmt.executeUpdate(SQL_CREATE_PROC);        // Close the statement        //m_stmt.close();      }          public static void doInvokeProcedure() throws SQLException {        // Create SQL to invoke stored procedures        String SQL_USE_PROC = "{ call getCountry(?) }";        // Create a callable statement with three binding parameters        m_callStmt = conn.prepareCall(SQL_USE_PROC);        m_callStmt.setString(1, "CA");        m_callStmt.executeQuery();        // Close the callable statement        //m_callStmt.close();      }    } 
    Afterwards, I have read this note in a Pointbase document:
    To invoke the dateConvert external Java method from a stored function, you must use the
    CREATE FUNCTION statement. The dateConvert external Java method is called from the
    class, SampleExternalMethods.
    In order for the database to access this external Java method, the class SampleExternalMethods
    must be included in the database CLASSPATH. For PointBase Embedded - Server Option, it
    must be in the Server CLASSPATH, but not in the Client CLASSPATH.
    If PointBase Server is run with the Java Security Manager, in the java policy file grant
    ’com.pointbase.sp.spPermission’ to the class that implements the external Java method.
    An "spPermission" consists of a class name with no action. The class name is a name of a class
    that could be used in creating a Stored Procedure in PointBase. The naming convention follows
    the hierarchical property naming convention and that is supported by
    "". An asterisk may appear by itself, or if immediately preceded
    by ".", may appear at the end of the name, to signify a wildcard match. The name cannot
    contain any white spaces.
    I'm not sure, but I suppose that I must include the class SampleExternalMethods in a .jar file.
    The database CLASSPATH could be : C:\Sun\AppServer\pointbase\lib\
    These my files in this database CLASSPATH:
    I have tryed to include the class SampleExternalMethods in pbclient.jar and pbembedded.jar with this command:
    jar -uf pbembedded.jar SampleExternalMethods
    Afterwards I do that,
    1) Start Pointbase
    2) Configuration of classpath
    set classpath=C:\Sun\AppServer\pointbase\lib\pbclient.jar
    set classpath=%classpath%;D:\J2EE\Ch07Code\Ch07_06
    I precise that my file SampleExternalMethods is into D:\J2EE\Ch07Code\Ch07_06\Ch07.
    Then, I run the program:
    D:\J2EE\Ch07Code\Ch07_06>java -Djdbc.drivers=com.pointbase.jdbc.jdbcUniversalDriver Ch07.SampleExternalMethods
    But I have an error message:
    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Ch07.SampleExternalMethods (wrong name: SampleExternalMethods)
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass0(Native Method)
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.DefineClass(
    The problem, I suppose, comes from that the class SampleExternalMethods
    must be included in the database CLASSPATH, but there is a pbserver.jar with pointbase normally, but I didn't find it. That's why I use pbembedded.jar or pbclient.jar in order to include the class SampleExternalMethods. May be I must start from C:\Sun\AppServer\pointbase\lib\ instead of D:\J2EE\Ch07Code\Ch07_06\Ch07?
    Please, can somebody helps me?
    Thank you in advance.

    jschell wrote:
    And I doubt you can recurse like that for embedded java. You must have a class that does the functionality and another class that creates the proc.
    >And I doubt you can recurse like that for embedded java. You must have a class that does the functionality and another class that creates the proc.
    And I doubt you can recurse like that for embedded java. You must have a class that does the functionality and another class that creates the proc.
    Thank you for your response, I have done two classes:
    package Ch07;
    import java.sql.*;*
    *public class SampleExternalMethods*
    *public static void getCountry(String Iso_Code)*
    *// A connection object to allow database callback*
    *Connection l_conn = null;*
    *Statement l_stmt = null;*
    *ResultSet l_rs = null;*
    *String url = "jdbc:pointbase:server://localhost/pointbaseDB";*
    *String username = "PBPUBLIC";*
    *String password = "PBPUBLIC";*
    *l_conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url, username, password);*
    *// Query the database for the country iso code*
    *l_stmt = l_conn.createStatement();*
    *l_rs = l_stmt.executeQuery( "SELECT* FROM PBPUBLIC.COUNTRIES"
    +" WHERE country_iso_code ='"+ Iso_Code +"'");+
    +//Affichage du résultat de la requête+;+
    +System.out.print(l_rs.getString(1)+ " - ");
    System.out.print(l_rs.getString(2) +" - ");+
    +// Close the result set+
    +} catch (SQLException e) {+
    +} finally {+
    +if (l_rs != null) {+
    +try {+
    +} catch (Exception e) {+
    +if (l_stmt != null) {+
    +try {+
    +} catch (Exception e) {+
    +if (l_conn != null) {+
    +try {+
    +} catch (Exception e) {+
    +package Ch07;+
    +import java.sql.*;+
    +public class CreateMethods+
    +// A connection object to allow database callback+
    +static Connection m_conn = null;+
    +static Statement m_stmt;+
    +static CallableStatement m_callStmt = null;+
    +public static void main(String[] args)+
    +String url = "jdbc:pointbase:server://localhost/pointbaseDB";+
    +String username = "PBPUBLIC";+
    +String password = "PBPUBLIC";+
    +m_conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url, username, password);+
    +} catch (SQLException e) {+
    +} finally {+
    +if (m_stmt != null) {+
    +try {+
    +} catch (Exception e) {+
    +if (m_callStmt != null) {+
    +try {+
    +} catch (Exception e) {+
    +if (m_conn != null) {+
    +try {+
    +} catch (Exception e) {+
    +public static void doCreateProcedure() throws SQLException {+
    +// SQL statement to create a stored procedure+
    +" SPECIFIC getCountry"+
    " NO SQL"
    +" EXTERNAL NAME \"SampleExternalMethods::getCountry\""+
    // Create a SQL statement
    m_stmt = m_conn.createStatement();
    // Execute the SQL
    // Close the statement
    public static void doInvokeProcedure() throws SQLException {
    // Create SQL to invoke stored procedures
    String SQL_USE_PROC = "{ call getCountry(?) }";
    // Create a callable statement with three binding parameters
    m_callStmt = m_conn.prepareCall(SQL_USE_PROC);
    m_callStmt.setString(2, "CA");
    // Close the callable statement
    }But I have the same error message that previously.
    I have read this note and I suppose that the problem is linked:
    If PointBase Server is run with the Java Security Manager, in the java policy file grant
    *’com.pointbase.sp.spPermission’ to the class that implements the external Java method.*
    An "spPermission" consists of a class name with no action. The class name is a name of a class
    that could be used in creating a Stored Procedure in PointBase. The naming convention follows
    the hierarchical property naming convention and that is supported by
    *"". An asterisk may appear by itself, or if immediately preceded*
    by ".", may appear at the end of the name, to signify a wildcard match. The name cannot
    contain any white spaces.
    Can you explain me what I must to do in order to solve this problem of spPermission.

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    I'm fairly new to this, but I think it has to do with the way you have the drop downs named. Did you copy one then keep pasting it in each field? If so, that is the problem. You should rename each one with a different number: Dropdown1, Dropdown2, etc. I think that might solve the issue.

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    In trying to create an ABAP query with parameters. So it will select data where fields are equal to the parameters entered. The default logical expression is SELECT.. WHERE... AND.. However I want to have an OR logical expression instead of AND.. how can I attain this??
    Please help me on this.. Points will be rewarded.
    Thanks a lot.
    Question Man

    Hi Bhupal, Shanthi, and Saipriya,
    Thanks for your replies. But that didn't answer my question.
    You cannot just replace AND with OR in an ABAP QUERY. ABAP QUERY is a self generated SAP code. You'll just declare the tables, input parameters and output fields to be displayed and it will create a SAP standard code. If you'll try to change the code and replace the AND with OR in the SAP standard code, the system will require you to enter access key/object key for that particular query.
    Yes, that is exactly what need to have. I need to retireve DATA whenever one of the conditions was satisfied.
    Like what I have said, this is a standard SAP code so we can't do your suggestion.
    I have already tried to insert a code in the ABAP query (there's a part there wherein you can have extra code) but that didn't work. Can anybody help me on this.
    Thanks a lot.
    Points will be rewarded.
    Question Man

Maybe you are looking for