Creating a transition (exploding text?)

A novice here. I am working on my first banner ad, and I've hit a snag. What I want to achieve is an exploding text effect, though I may have bitten off more than I can chew the way I have done it so far.
I started the first frame with a bit of text, the second frame had two bits, third frame 4 bits, and then I loaded the spray tool and kept adding each frame until the stage was almost full. This was the effect I wanted to achieve, so far so good. But then I want to make all those words explode off the stage again. I tried breaking apart the text and dragging them off one by one, but because I used the spray tool, there was so many of them, it took ages, and in the end I didn't get the desired effect. I've played around with shape tweening, doing a similar thing, but only one word was animated to bounce off the stage. Please dont' tell me I need to do it for each and every word in it's own layer--there's a hundred or so of them. (Courteousy of the massive dump of the spray tool-great effect, but now I want it gone!)
So, I wonder is there a way I can do it so that I animate only a few of them to explode, but then copy and paste this on several layers so that it gives the effect of a whole lot of words exploding off the page?
I am not married to the explosion idea, I just thought it would be effective for my next key frame which is also a word (not sure yet how I am going to bring that in). If there are other ways I can effectively move the text pile on so that the next phrase can enter the stage. I don't particularly want to use a fade out effect, it's not dramatic enough--the text that's piled up is a dollar amount, (I mention this to trigger ideas ), and fading won't work. Crumbling from top to bottom might be okay, but I don't know how to do this. If anyone has ideas on how I can make the text explode (even if it means going back and creating the text pile again without using the spray tool, if that's the problem). Or, another way I can transition to the next frame. Sorry that this is so long.

Waah! I'm too new, I don't know AS.

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    Group {
       content: [
          TextBox {
             text: "This is a multi-line textbox"
             lines: 10  // <-- this may/may not be necessary depending on your situation. Default is 5.
             multiline: true
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        t, i = tfs.length;
    while( i-- ) (t=tfs[i]).overflows && ( t.locked || );
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    #targetengine "session"
              Automating anchored object creation
              Version: 2
        Script by Thomas Silkjær
    Модификация Б. Кащеев,
    Скрипт предназначен для создания привязанных фреймов из текста, отформатированного
    каким-либо абзацным или символьным стилем. Эти стили задаются пользователем в диалоговом
    окне скрита. Там же необходимо задать объектный стиль для привязанного фрейма, в котором
    пользователь должен заранее задать оформление и параметры привязки. Далее необходимо
    указать ширину привязанного фрейма, а его высота будет рассчитана автоматически исходя из
    объема текста. При вводе дробных значений ширины привязанного фрейма в качестве
    разделителя целой и дробной части следует использовать не запятую, а точку, следуя западным
    стандартам разработчиков программы  Adobe InDesign. Первоначально идея и скрипт по созданию
    привязанных фреймов принадлежит Thomas Silkjær для версии ID CS4. C появлением версий CS5
    и CS5.5 скрипт перестал в них выполняться, да и в версии CS4 не всегда корректно работал.
    Анализируя недочеты скрипта в данной его версии были исправлены ошибки и внесены
    функциональные дополнения исходя из понимания задачи автором модификации. Добавлена
    возможность выбора стилей, если они они находятся в группах (папках), возможность выбора
    единиц измерения из выпадающего списка, изменены GREP-выражения для поиска текста,
    область действия скрипта ограничена материалом (Story), а не документом.
    var myMeasureUnits = ["Milimeters","Centimeters","Points","Inches", "Picas", "Ciceros"];
    var selectUnits;
    var pStyleIndex = null;
    var cStyleIndex = null;
    var oStyleIndex = null;
    var myH, myW;
    function main()
        app.scriptPreferences.userInteractionLevel = UserInteractionLevels.interactWithAll;
              if (app.documents.length == 0)
                        alert ("Document is not open. Open document first");
        var myParaStyleList = myGetParagraphStyleNames();
        var myCharStyleList = myGetCharacterStyleNames();
        var myObjStyleList = myGetObjStyleNames();
        if(app.selection.length && app.selection[0].hasOwnProperty("baseline"))
            var myStory = app.selection[0].parentStory;
            var myWin = myDialog(myParaStyleList, myCharStyleList, myObjStyleList);
            if (  == 1 )
                var myDocument = app.activeDocument
                with (myDocument.viewPreferences){
                    // Сохраняем старые единицы измерения в переменных myOldXUnits, myOldYUnits
                    var myOldXUnits = horizontalMeasurementUnits;
                    var myOldYUnits = verticalMeasurementUnits;
                    // Устанавливаем новые единицы измерения
                        case 0:                   
                            horizontalMeasurementUnits = MeasurementUnits.millimeters;
                            verticalMeasurementUnits = MeasurementUnits.millimeters;
                        case 1:
                            horizontalMeasurementUnits = MeasurementUnits.centimeters;
                            verticalMeasurementUnits = MeasurementUnits.centimeters;
                        case 2:
                            horizontalMeasurementUnits = MeasurementUnits.points;
                            verticalMeasurementUnits = MeasurementUnits.points;
                        case 3:
                            horizontalMeasurementUnits = MeasurementUnits.inches;
                            verticalMeasurementUnits = MeasurementUnits.inches;
                        case 4:
                            horizontalMeasurementUnits = MeasurementUnits.picas;
                            verticalMeasurementUnits = MeasurementUnits.picas;
                        case 5:
                            horizontalMeasurementUnits = MeasurementUnits.ciceros;
                            verticalMeasurementUnits = MeasurementUnits.ciceros;
                        default: break;
                    } // switch
                if(cStyleIndex == null)
                {/*поиск по стилю абзаца*/
                    var pStyle = getParagraphStyleByName(myParaStyleList[pStyleIndex]);
                    app.findGrepPreferences.appliedParagraphStyle = pStyle;
                    app.findGrepPreferences.findWhat = NothingEnum.nothing;
                else //
                    // поиск по стилю символов
                    var cStyle = getCharacterStyleByName(myCharStyleList[cStyleIndex]);
                    app.findGrepPreferences.appliedCharacterStyle = cStyle;
                    //app.findGrepPreferences.findWhat = ".+";
                    app.findGrepPreferences.findWhat = NothingEnum.nothing;
                var foundItems = myStory.findGrep();
                if(!foundItems.length) {
                    alert("Found the text to be placed in a linked frames"); exit();
                //alert (foundItems[0].contents)
                //alert (foundItems[1].contents)
                var oStyle = getObjectStyleByName(myObjStyleList[oStyleIndex]);
                for(var i = foundItems.length-1; i >=0; i--)
                    //alert (foundItems[i].contents)
                    createAnchoredFrame(foundItems[i], oStyle);
                with (myDocument.viewPreferences){
                        horizontalMeasurementUnits = myOldXUnits;
                        verticalMeasurementUnits = myOldYUnits;
                        alert("Unable to return to the original unit");
            } //if (
        } //if(app.selection.length && app.selection[0].hasOwnProperty("baseline"))
            alert("Place the cursor in the text and run the script again")
    } // main
    function myGetParagraphStyleNames()
    // Получаем список стилей абзацев
              var curGroup;
              var curGroupName;
              var curNameInGroup;
              var myParagraphStyleNames = app.activeDocument.paragraphStyles.everyItem().name;
              myParagraphStyleNames.shift(); // удаление стиля No Paragraph Style
              var paraGroups = app.activeDocument.paragraphStyleGroups;
              var paraGroupsLen = paraGroups.length;
              for(var i = 0; i < paraGroupsLen; i++) {
                        curGroup = paraGroups[i];
                        curGroupName = paraGroups[i].name;
                        curGroupStyleNames = curGroup.paragraphStyles.everyItem().name
                        for (j=0; j< curGroupStyleNames.length; j++)
                                  curNameInGroup = curGroupName +":"+ curGroupStyleNames[j];
              return myParagraphStyleNames;
    function myGetCharacterStyleNames()
    // Получаем список символьных стилей
              var curGroup;
              var curGroupName;
              var curNameInGroup;
              var myCharacterStyleNames = app.activeDocument.characterStyles.everyItem().name;
              myCharacterStyleNames.shift(); // удаление стиля None
              var charGroups = app.activeDocument.characterStyleGroups;
              var charStyleGroupLen = charGroups.length;
              for(var i=0; i < charStyleGroupLen; i++)
                        curGroup = charGroups[i];
                        curGroupName = charGroups[i].name;
                        curGroupStyleNames = curGroup.characterStyles.everyItem().name;
                        for (j=0; j< curGroupStyleNames.length; j++)
                                  curNameInGroup = curGroupName +":"+ curGroupStyleNames[j];
              } //for
              return myCharacterStyleNames;
    } // fnc
    function myGetObjStyleNames()
        var curGroup;
              var curGroupName;
              var curNameInGroup;
              var myObjStyleNames = app.activeDocument.objectStyles.everyItem().name;
        var objGroups = app.activeDocument.objectStyleGroups;
        var objStyleGroupLen = objGroups.length;
        for(var i=0; i < objStyleGroupLen; i++)
                        curGroup = objGroups[i];
                        curGroupName = objGroups[i].name;
                        curGroupStyleNames = curGroup.objectStyles.everyItem().name;
                        for (var j=0; j< curGroupStyleNames.length; j++)
                                  curNameInGroup = curGroupName +":"+ curGroupStyleNames[j];
              } //for
        return myObjStyleNames;
    } // fnc
    function myDialog(myParaStyleList, myCharStyleList, myObjStyleList)
        var myDialog = new Window('dialog', 'Create anchored text frames');
        this.windowRef = myDialog;
              myDialog.orientation = "column";
        myDialog.alignChildren = ['fill', 'fill'];
        // добавляем панель 1 с элементами управления
        myDialog.Pnl1 = myDialog.add("panel", undefined, "Move the text in linked frames");
              myDialog.Pnl1.orientation = "column";
        myDialog.Pnl1.alignChildren = "left";
        myDialog.Pnl1.pstyle = myDialog.Pnl1.add('checkbox', undefined, "Text with the paragraph style");
        myDialog.Pnl1.pstyle.value = false;
        myDialog.Pnl1.dropdownParaStyle = myDialog.Pnl1.add("dropdownlist", undefined, myParaStyleList);
        myDialog.Pnl1.dropdownParaStyle.title = "Select the paragraph style ";
        myDialog.Pnl1.dropdownParaStyle.minimumSize = [250,20];
        myDialog.Pnl1.dropdownParaStyle.enabled = false;
        myDialog.Pnl1.dropdownParaStyle.selection = 0;
            myDialog.Pnl1.сstyle = myDialog.Pnl1.add('checkbox', undefined, "Text with character style");
            myDialog.Pnl1.сstyle.value = false;
            myDialog.Pnl1.dropdownCharStyle = myDialog.Pnl1.add("dropdownlist", undefined, myCharStyleList );
            myDialog.Pnl1.dropdownCharStyle.title = "Select the character style ";
            myDialog.Pnl1.dropdownCharStyle.minimumSize = [250,20];
            myDialog.Pnl1.dropdownCharStyle.enabled = false;
            myDialog.Pnl1.dropdownCharStyle.selection = 0;
            myDialog.Pnl1.pstyle.onClick = function()
                if(this.value) {
                    myDialog.Pnl1.dropdownParaStyle.enabled = true;
                    myDialog.Pnl1.dropdownCharStyle.enabled = false;
                    myDialog.Pnl1.сstyle.value = false;
                    myDialog.Pnl1.dropdownParaStyle.enabled = false;
                    myDialog.Pnl1.dropdownCharStyle.enabled = true ;
                    myDialog.Pnl1.сstyle.value = true;
            }// fnc
            myDialog.Pnl1.сstyle.onClick = function()
                    myDialog.Pnl1.dropdownCharStyle.enabled = true;
                    myDialog.Pnl1.dropdownParaStyle.enabled = false;
                    myDialog.Pnl1.pstyle.value = false;
                    myDialog.Pnl1.dropdownCharStyle.enabled = false;
                    myDialog.Pnl1.dropdownParaStyle.enabled = true ;
                    myDialog.Pnl1.pstyle.value = true;
            }// fnc
        }//  if(myCharStyleList.length)
            myDialog.Pnl1.pstyle.onClick = function()
                    myDialog.Pnl1.dropdownParaStyle.enabled = true;
                    myDialog.Pnl1.dropdownParaStyle.enabled = false;
    //  Вторая панель
        myDialog.Pnl2 = myDialog.add("panel", undefined, "Parameters of the text frame");
              myDialog.Pnl2.orientation = "column";
        myDialog.Pnl2.alignChildren = "left"; 
        myDialog.Pnl2.dropdownObjStyle = myDialog.Pnl2.add("dropdownlist", undefined, myObjStyleList );
        myDialog.Pnl2.dropdownObjStyle.title = "Select an object style ";
        myDialog.Pnl2.dropdownObjStyle.minimumSize = [250,20];
        myDialog.Pnl2.dropdownObjStyle.enabled = true;
        myDialog.Pnl2.dropdownObjStyle.selection = 0;
        myDialog.Pnl2.Group1 = myDialog.Pnl2.add( "group" );
        myDialog.Pnl2.Group1.stxt1 = myDialog.Pnl2.Group1.add("statictext", undefined, "The width of the text frame");
        myDialog.Pnl2.Group1.etxt = myDialog.Pnl2.Group1.add("edittext", undefined, "40");
        myDialog.Pnl2.Group1.etxt.characters = 10;
        myDialog.Pnl2.Group1.dropdownMeasurementUnits = myDialog.Pnl2.Group1.add("dropdownlist", undefined, myMeasureUnits );
        myDialog.Pnl2.Group1.dropdownMeasurementUnits.maximumSize = [80,20];
        myDialog.Pnl2.Group1.dropdownMeasurementUnits.selection = 0;
        //myDialog.Pnl2.Group1.stxt2 = myDialog.Pnl2.Group1.add("statictext", undefined, "mm ");
        /*myDialog.Pnl2.Group2 = myDialog.Pnl2.add( "group" );
        myDialog.Pnl2.Group2.stxt1 = myDialog.Pnl2.Group2.add("statictext", undefined, "Высота привязанного фрейма  ");
        myDialog.Pnl2.Group2.etxt = myDialog.Pnl2.Group2.add("edittext", undefined, "30");
        myDialog.Pnl2.Group2.etxt.characters = 10;
        //myDialog.Pnl2.Group2.stxt2 = myDialog.Pnl2.Group2.add("statictext", undefined, "mm ");*/
        myDialog.Pnl2.stxt1 = myDialog.Pnl2.add("statictext", undefined, "Attention! When you enter fractional values as");
        myDialog.Pnl2.stxt2 = myDialog.Pnl2.add("statictext", undefined, "the decimal part, should be used");
        myDialog.Pnl2.stxt3 = myDialog.Pnl2.add("statictext", undefined, "point, not comma."); = (, [1, 0, 0, 1], 1); = (, [1, 0, 0, 1], 1); = (, [1, 0, 0, 1], 1);
        // --------- кнопки --------------
        var myGroup = myDialog.add( "group" );
        myGroup.orientation = 'row';
        myGroup.alignChildren = ['fill', 'fill']; 
        myGroup.okButton = myGroup.add( "button", undefined, "OK" );
        myGroup.okButton.onClick = function()
            if(myCharStyleList.length) // есть символьные стили в документе
                if(!myDialog.Pnl1.pstyle.value && !myDialog.Pnl1.сstyle.value)
                    alert("You must select a paragraph style or character style");
                    return ;
                if(myDialog.Pnl1.pstyle.value) { pStyleIndex= myDialog.Pnl1.dropdownParaStyle.selection.index; cStyleIndex = null;}
                else {cStyleIndex = myDialog.Pnl1.dropdownCharStyle.selection.index; pStyleIndex=null; }
            else // нет символьных стилей
                    alert("You must select a paragraph style");
                pStyleIndex = myDialog.Pnl1.dropdownParaStyle.selection.index;
                cStyleIndex = null;
            } //  else // нет символьных стилей
           oStyleIndex = myDialog.Pnl2.dropdownObjStyle.selection.index;
           if(myDialog.Pnl2.Group1.etxt.text =="")
               alert("Enter the width of the text frame");
                myW = myDialog.Pnl2.Group1.etxt.text;
                myH = myW;
            /*if(myDialog.Pnl2.Group2.etxt.text == "")
                alert("Введите высоту привязанного фрейма");
                myH = myDialog.Pnl2.Group2.etxt.text;
           selectUnits = myDialog.Pnl2.Group1.dropdownMeasurementUnits.selection.index;
            myDialog= this.window.close( 1 );
        myGroup.cancelButton = myGroup.add( "button", undefined, "Cancel" );
        myGroup.cancelButton.onClick = function() { myDialog = this.window.close( 0 ); }
        myDialog.Pnl3 = myDialog.add("panel", undefined, "");
        myDialog.Pnl2.alignChildren = "left";
        myDialog.Pnl3.stxt = myDialog.Pnl3.add("statictext", undefined, "(с) Thomas Silkjær        (с) Борис Кащеев, ");
        return myDialog;   
    } // fnc
    function getParagraphStyleByName(myStyleName)
              var DocParaStyles = app.activeDocument.paragraphStyles;
              var DocParaGroups = app.activeDocument.paragraphStyleGroups;
              myStyleName = ""+myStyleName;
              var pos = myStyleName.indexOf(":")
              if(pos == -1)
              // стиль не в группе
              var myStyle = DocParaStyles.item(myStyleName);
                        return myStyle;
              } //if
                        var myGroupAndStyleNames = myStyleName.split(":")
                        var myGroupName = myGroupAndStyleNames[0];
                        var myStyleName = myGroupAndStyleNames[1];
                        var myGroup =DocParaGroups.item(myGroupName);
                        return myGroup.paragraphStyles.item(myStyleName);
    } // fnc
    function getCharacterStyleByName(myStyleName)
              var DocChStyles = app.activeDocument.characterStyles;
              var DocCharGroups = app.activeDocument.characterStyleGroups;
              // Есть ли в имени полученного символьного стиля двоеточие? (двоеточие разделяет название группы стилей и название стиля)
              myStyleName = String (myStyleName);
              var pos = myStyleName.indexOf(":");
              if(pos == -1)
              // стиль не в группе
                        return DocChStyles.item(myStyleName)
              } //if...
              {// Стиль в какой-то группе
                        var myGroupAndStyleNames = myStyleName.split(":")
                        var myGroupName = myGroupAndStyleNames[0];
                        var myStyleName = myGroupAndStyleNames[1];
                        var myGroup = DocCharGroups.item(myGroupName);
                        return myGroup.characterStyles.itemByName(myStyleName);
              } // else
    } // fnc()+
    function getObjectStyleByName(myStyleName)
        var DocObjStyles = app.activeDocument.objectStyles;
        var DocCObjGroups = app.activeDocument.objectStyleGroups;
        myStyleName = String (myStyleName);
        var pos = myStyleName.indexOf(":");
        if(pos == -1)
              // стиль не в группе
                        return DocObjStyles.item(myStyleName);
              } //if...
        var myGroupAndStyleNames = myStyleName.split(":");
        var myGroupName = myGroupAndStyleNames[0];
        var myStyleName = myGroupAndStyleNames[1];
        var myGroup = DocObjGroups.item(myGroupName);
                        return myGroup.objectStyles.itemByName(myStyleName);
    } //fnc
    function resetGREPfindChange()
        app.changeGrepPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing;
        app.findGrepPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing;
        app.findChangeGrepOptions.includeFootnotes = false;
        app.findChangeGrepOptions.includeHiddenLayers = false;
        app.findChangeGrepOptions.includeLockedLayersForFind = false;
        app.findChangeGrepOptions.includeLockedStoriesForFind = false;
        app.findChangeGrepOptions.includeMasterPages = false;
    function createAnchoredFrame(myText, myObjStyle)
        var myGeometricBounds = [];
        var myInsertionPoint = myText.insertionPoints[0];;
        var AnchoredTextFrame = myInsertionPoint.textFrames.add();
        myGeometricBounds = AnchoredTextFrame.geometricBounds;
        //alert(parseFloat(myH) + " " + parseFloat(myW))
        myGeometricBounds[2] = myGeometricBounds[0] + parseFloat(myH);
        myGeometricBounds[3] = myGeometricBounds[1] + parseFloat(myW);
        AnchoredTextFrame.geometricBounds = myGeometricBounds;
        AnchoredTextFrame.anchoredObjectSettings.anchoredPosition = AnchorPosition.anchored;
        myText.move(LocationOptions.before, AnchoredTextFrame.texts[0]);
        AnchoredTextFrame.appliedObjectStyle = myObjStyle;;
        var FO = FitOptions.FRAME_TO_CONTENT,
        tfs = ([]).concat.apply([], app.activeDocument.stories.everyItem().textContainers),
        t, i = tfs.length;
    while( i-- ) (t=tfs[i]).overflows && ( t.locked || );
    } //fnc

    Hi Cari,
    I did create a new user account (admin level) and InDesign works like a charm.
    When I went back to the other account, plug-ins gone, I deleted the prefs and caches, restarted and still everything is crashing as before.
    At least I am working on one account and I will contiue to troubleshoot on the other account. And at some point either the new account will crash or the old account will work and I will go from there.
    Thanks for the info about Mac remembering info. Always trying to be helpful these Macs.
    And thanks for getting at least into a workable space!!! I am supremely grateful!

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    I have now found out how to make text boxes editable (control-command-option-T, that was carefully hidden!) and am now struggling with creating and editing 'auto text' boxes (not sure what their real name is in Keynote-speak)
    1) Creating new text boxes:
    Let's take a simple theme like White. One of the Masters is Title + Bullets Left. Now let's assume I want to create two text boxes with bulllets - the existing on the left and another on the right. In PowerPoint it's pretty simple: highly text box; copy; paste; move & resize as needed. Well Keynote won't let me Copy so that's out. If I create a fresh Text box, I can mimick the indent levels, bullets, font attributes, etc. (long and painful) but it still won't work because it is not a placeholder text box (fixed size) but a regular text box (size depends on content).
    I'm sure I'm missing a trick!
    2) Edit auto-text boxes
    Again, take any theme, say White again; If I choose a Master with a set text placement, say Photo Vertical, there is very little I can do with it: I can change text attributes and box size, but I can't touch the number of indentation levels for example. Then again what defines a text box as been 'double click here to edit' from a regular placeholder?
    Overall I think I'm missing a whole editing 'avenue' regarding masters - Anyone care to guide me?
    Message was edited by: Moscool - typos!

    You can set a text field to be multi-line and tick off the option to scroll
    long text to have it automatically wrap, but you'll have a problem with the
    first partial line, since form fields can only be rectangular. Another
    problem might be the lines themselves, since you'll have to use a font size
    that will fit them exactly, or it will look odd. I would suggest getting
    rid of those lines altogether. They are not needed when filling in the form
    electronically. It's a relic from printed out forms where people had to
    hand-write their answers.

  • How do I create an outline around text please

    hi all, How do I create an outline around text please

    You can see here that you can simply apply a stroke to live text by double clicking the stroke icon in the bottom left of the toolbar and selecting a color. I chose red.
    If you select the text, then go to Type > Create Outlines, you get more options in the stroke palette, like whether the stroke is aligned to the outside or inside of the text object's boundary. The text below is outlined with the stroke aligned to the outside.

  • How to include std text(Created in So10) in text node?

    How to include the Standard Text( created in So10 ) into Text Node.
    I had typed the Standard text name in the TEXT NAME : ZXXX
          Text Object : TEXT
           TEXT ID : ST
    But, I am unable to look at that particular text in the smart form. I am receiving an error message : "UNable to load the data into front end. ....etc"
    It is taking me away to the initial screen.
    PLz help!
    ANy suggestion will be appreciated.

    I need to include the Standard text created in so10 into a text node in the Smart form.
    In samrt form, I had created a Text Node.
    In General attributes from the Drop Down menu
    --> I had selected INClude Text
    --> It has asked me TExt name : ZXXX (Name of the STD text create din so10)
                         Text Obje : TExt
                         Text ID   : ST
                         Language  : &CONtrol_Parameters-LANGU&
               It is even activated without any errors. But, it does not display the Text written in the Standard Text. Is there any way that I can include the Standard text into the  Text node.......
    ANy suggestions will be appreciated...

  • How to create a table using Text Layout Framework?

    How to create a table using Text Layout Framework? I meen real tables - like in HTML.

    Cell as indipendant TLF should work, I have created my table using same approach and works fine for me ... this is where it is

  • Is there any way to use embedded commands in text to create pauses when using text to speech in iOS 5? You can do it in OS X by typing [[slnc 2000]] to get a two-second pause.

    Is there any way to use embedded commands in text to create pauses when using text to speech in iOS 5? You can do it in OS X by typing [[slnc 2000]] to get a two-second pause.

    Thanks for the reply Russ.
    Yes, I've considered adding titles and/or generators in the FCPX storyline, but this creates a need to render the entire timeline. As I'm juggling library locations and hard drive spaces I just didn't want to add a new render that will occupy a lot of space. It's also a bit of visual clultter for me, so my goal is to find the best workflow for adding this stuff on or after export.

  • How to create a "Command Line"/"Text Validation"

    I want to create a command line like the picture. I'm using "Input Text" method for text. Variable name is "myText", Instance Name is "line".
    How can I use "if" in input text like this:
    Command name is: exit, if user wrote "exit" command, exit the flash app.

    This is a pretty old thread (I know I came across this while searching for something similar recently), but I figured I'd throw this out there in case other people might find this useful. As I write this, JavaFX's latest version is 1.3... which may have added the needed functionality since the last post.
    You can now create a multi-line text area using a TextBox and by specifying the nubmer of lines and setting the "multiline" value to true. It may not offer all of the same functionality as JTextArea, but it did the job for what I needed... newlines by pressing enter, scrollbar if text surpasses height, etc.
    Here's a simple example:
    Group {
       content: [
          TextBox {
             text: "This is a multi-line textbox"
             lines: 10  // <-- this may/may not be necessary depending on your situation. Default is 5.
             multiline: true
    }Edited by: loeschg on Jul 29, 2010 2:59 PM

  • How to create fxplug transition for xcode and quatrz composer

    how to create fxplug transition for xcode and quatrz composer?

    Hi Mohan,
    You have to create and configure your system in the system administration tab in the portal.
    Usually, it looks like the following:
    System from template: JDBC System
    Connector properties
       Connection URL: jdbc:sap:sqlserver://<serverlocation>;DatabaseName=<database name>
       Driver class name:
    User management properties
       User mapping type: admin, user
    Set the system with an alias.
    Go to user administration tab and map the user with VCRole to the configured system
    (the default for MSSQL is usauly user: sa and pw: admin)
    Save your changes and logon to VC with this user.
    The alias name should appear in your list of systems.
    Hope I helped,

  • How to create a transition where a certain area stays the same?

    For example, let's say I have 2 pictures of me. They're different, but my face expression is the same in both. I want to create a transition between them (cross dissolve or something) so that my face doesn't get blurred during that transition. Like, it's a different size than in the other photo, so I want it to kind of morph into the second one, without a sudden change in position.

    Kraut Cutter wrote:
    I Build an Animation in Motion which i will use in Future Sessions As a transition. I Know how to Export a Template, but that don't fits my Needs.
    My Animation is a fullsize hd Movie Zooms out half a Size, goes Left, from the right Comes the Next Clip After a Second it grows to the Middle of screen in full Size again.
    That Works perfect in Motion.
    How can i bring it into fcp ?
    So how's this going for you?

  • How to Create the Engraved/Carved Text Effect.

    Hello everyone,
    First I have search the forum for this topic but did  not find it.
    I am looking to create a Carved/Engraved  Text Effect.
    Something like this:
    There are other better examples but basically the text appeared to  be  engraved or carved in the background.
    I have been  struggling to learn this.
    Any ideas?
    Thanks for  the help.

    The short answer is to use layer styles which will do a pretty good fake of this effect. If you are looking to actually distort a texture, check out this tutorial: (you may substitute KPT3.0 with Photoshops shape burst gradient effect).

  • Create colum headings using text elements

    Hi Experts,
    I want to create column heading of a report using text element, how can i create create column headings using text elements and how can i use in the top-of-page event.

    1 For Creating Text Element,
    go to Se38 -
    > Write Name of the Program - > Click Change button - > Then go to GoTo on Menu Bar--> text Elements
    > Select Text Symbol
    In First Column( Sym)  Write any Number which is not used  like 001, 002.....
    In Second Column (Text) write in text or description .... like Sales Order....
    U can use this text Symbol in code -
    >  text-001, text-002.....
    2 In order to insert a report heading in to the ALV grid you need to perform the following steps:
                        1. Update 'REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY' FM call to include 'top-of-page' FORM
                    2. Create 'top-of-page' FORM
    3 In order to add event functionality such as 'END_OF_PAGE' to the ALV grid you need to setup the
      IT_EVENTS option of the ALV function module. Also depending on which event you are using you
       may also need to setup the print parameters by activating the IS_PRINT option. Please note for events
      such as end_of_page, end_of_list etc they will not be displayed on screen but only in the printed
            Step 1. Add data declaration for events and print parameters
            Step 2. Update 'REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY' FM call to include parameter 'it_events' and 'is_print'
            Step 3. Add code to setup events table and print parameters
            Step 4. Create event FORM(s), which are executed when event is triggered
    Thanks & Regards,

  • Can't get transitions and text in 16:9

    Hi all you helpful!
    I've edited a project shot in 16:9 and all video looks perfect. However as soon as I try to impose a title, a transition or text iMovie changes the aspect ratio to 4:3 for that particular clip. The same happens when I use still photos imported from iPhoto.
    Is this a limitation in iMovie? Can't it produce transitions and text in wide format? The video is shot in PAL using a Sony DCR PC100E.
    Many thanks in advance for your kind assistance.
    Yours confused
    Imac G5 20"   Mac OS X (10.4.6)  
    Imac G5 20"   Mac OS X (10.4.6)   iMovie 6.0.2

    Thanks dj_paige, for the reply.
    Just managed to work that out. I was (well I am) using  RDP from a Netbook, to my main computer (which is connected to a 42" TV in the lounge). Looks like I'll have to use the big screen for any serious editing, or get a laptop with a bigger screen.
    Would be good if Adobe provided an actual error message though!

  • How to create a tab-delimited text file?

    I need to create a tab-delimited text file at presentation server getting content from an internal table. My file should also have a header - also tab-delimited. Data for a header is stored in some work area.
    Any ideas how to add tab-delimiter into a text file? Or should I go for a HEX file and use
    CONSTANTS: c_tab TYPE x VALUE '09'.
    and separate my data with this constant instead?
    Any thoughts whould be appreciated.
    Ivaylo Mutafchiev

    Hi Ivaylo,
    Refer sample code:
        IF i_final_head[] IS NOT INITIAL.
              filename                = lcl_filename
              filetype                = 'ASC'
              write_field_separator   = 'X'
              data_tab                = i_final_head
              file_open_error         = 1
              file_read_error         = 2
              no_batch                = 3
              gui_refuse_filetransfer = 4
              invalid_type            = 5
              no_authority            = 6
              unknown_error           = 7
              bad_data_format         = 8
              header_not_allowed      = 9
              separator_not_allowed   = 10
              header_too_long         = 11
              unknown_dp_error        = 12
              access_denied           = 13
              dp_out_of_memory        = 14
              disk_full               = 15
              dp_timeout              = 16
              OTHERS                  = 17.
          IF sy-subrc <> 0.
            MESSAGE s000 WITH text-031.
    Reward points if this helps.
    Message was edited by: Manish Kumar

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