Creating a Vault versus copying the

Could someone tell me if there is a difference between using Aperture to create a vault, and simply copying the Aperture Library file from the pictures directory?

Bill, I'm not sure what the confusion is. It Does NOT replace the entire vault. It only replaces the things that have changed.
ie: You update some keywords on an image. That image has been tagged as having its keywords changed and only the keywords are updated ( replaced ) inside the vault the next time you update. If you import 5 new images, then those images are new and will be sent over the next time you update.
In the first example, it sees the keywords have changed on that photo and replaces the content stored for that single photo with updated information, but it does not send the entire vault over in order to do this.
I hope that helps,

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    Edited by: user10833531 on Dec 2, 2009 7:52 AM

    When you mention "Before posting on forum I have tried this option. I tried again but no luck." do you mean you tried pack/unpack or template approach and this did not work. Or did you just copied domain folder and renamed and start the new domain and you got errors. Copying domain may not work 100% (not in the long run). But pack/unpack or template approach should work pretty much without any errors.
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    There's a bit to learn.  It will slowly make sense.
    Aperture is an empty field.  You're given a tractor and a whole bunch of attachments. What you grow, how, and where, is entirely up to you.
    Vaults are for back-up and only for back-up.  They have nothing to do with storing your working files.
    When your Library outgrows your system drive (and for good performance, you should leave c. 20% of every drive empty), it's time to convert some of your image's Masters from Managed to Referenced.  ("Managed" and "Referenced" refer to Masters, not to Libraries.)
    There are hundreds of posts in the forum, and several pages in the User Manual on using Masters.
    Many people run Aperture with the Library on their system disk, and most (or all) of their images' Masters on external FW drives.  This is a good set-up.  Note that you will likely have to take steps to back-up the data on your external drives.
    If you do the above, there should be no reason to delete any Projects.
    The choice of RAW or RAW+JPEG or JPEG depends on the kind of work you are doing.  I capture RAW only -- but I don't do any commercial shoots.  Pros on deadlines report that the RAW+JPEG works well for them.  Capture JPEG if it saves you time.  IMHO, there is not a good reason to shoot JPEG to save space (space is cheap; time expensive).
    Short-term solution: buy and use a FW800 external 1 TB drive, formatted "Mac OS Extended (Journaled)", and using Aperture relocate the Masters of all images older than 30 days to that drive.  (Be sure to change your back-up strategy to include this new drive; you may need a second new drive.)
    This general post of mine might help you understand more about Aperture.

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    View Menu -> Sort Photos is a good way to start.
    Some organising possibilities in iPhoto:
    I use Events simply as big buckets of Photos: Spring 08, July - Nov 06 are typical Events in my Library. I use keywords and Smart Albums extensively. I title the pics broadly.
    I keyword on a
    Where basis (The When is in the photos's Exif metadata). I also rate the pics on a 1 - 5 star basis.
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    So, for example, I have a batch of pics titled 'Seattle 08' and a  typical keywording might include: John, Anne, Landscape, mountain, trees, snow. With a rating included it's so very easy to find the best pics we took at Mount Rainier.
    File -> New Smart Album
    set it to 'All"
    title contains Seattle
    keyword is mountain
    keyword is snow
    rating is 5 stars
    Or, want a chronological album of John from birth to today?
    New Smart Album
    Keyword is John
    Set the View options to Sort By Date Ascending
    Want only the best pics?
    add Rating is greater than 4 stars
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    As I said before I am reluctanct to delete and reinstall the iPhoto as I only have the one copy of the file i am using stored in iphoto file and I caint loose them.
    All storage hardware and all computers will fail.  Volumes will get corrupted.  Mistakes will happen.
    Please learn from our past mistakes and from our past data losses: please have and keep regular backups.
    Either via Time Machine (which is marvelously transparent, and very easy), or backups created via some other mechanisms and tools.  Old Toad recommends an external disk, and that's very effective.  If this is a portable Mac, then Time Capsule devices are also very handy, as you don't have to remember to connect the backup device; so long as the Mac is within wireless range of the Time Capsule, backups will happen.
    Time Machine backups can also be used to replace your files or even to upgrade to a new Mac, should your computer be lost or stolen, or should your computer or your storage fail.
    If you have not already seen these, Mac Basics and Find Out How could be interesting.
    As for your photos...   I wouldn't expect this to be iPhoto and wouldn't go for an iPhoto reinstall as the first step, I'd tend to wonder if this is a bug or feature in Microsoft Word, or possibly a format incompatibility with what Office supports.  iPhoto organizes and edits the photos that are stored in your ~/Pictures media directory.  Try using iWork (if you have that) or some other tool (Apple Mail) that accepts and processes photos, and see if you can localize the problem.  Depending on the image formats used, also see if exporting the picture from iWork into a jpeg-format picture — something other than the image format you're currently using with the Microsoft Office imports — works.  (FWIW, I use iWork for reading and writing Microsoft Office documents as well as Pages and Keynote files, and have been using iPhoto with those and other tools for many years, and haven't encountered these blacked-out images.)

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    peter_hp wrote:
    Or... Can I create a set of Recovery CDs from another Pavilion Notebook (different model but same Vista OS) and use those to format/recover the dv9408ca system?
    This is only option which might work for you provided the product number of other laptop matches with your existing system Else you can order a set of recovery disk for your Notebook(dv9408ca) from here for a nominal charge. 
    //Click on Kudos and Accept as Solution if my reply was helpful and answered your question//
    I am an HP employee!!

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    Hi Sreenivas,
    Can you please let me know the BAPI name or else the solution for the above.
    Thanks in Advance,
    Abhishek Ranjan.
    Edited by: abhishek ranjan on Oct 11, 2011 2:07 PM

Maybe you are looking for